the world is at a stand still right now. our communities are plagued with problems and diseases with no solution at hand. we are losing the fight everyday because people are afraid to call on their greatness. every human being on earth is born with greatness inside of them. if you call on your greatness you can change the game the moment the future medicine technology
science and even your life what are you waiting on? what are you waiting for? if you're scared, then say you're scared! the world is filled with average people because it is easy to be average and it requires little effort. they know that when you call on your greatness it will not be easy, it will cause you some pain some discomfort, some frustration, some friendships and relationships to be lost and challenge you in ways you can't imagine.
the solution to many of the world's problems is locked inside of the human spirit, listening and waiting patiently to be called. and when you call on your greatness it will answer the call. your greatness is untouched, unused, undefeated, and unwilling to give in to your cry and concerns. remember: when you open your mouth you introduce yourself and the greatness locked inside of you to the world. nobody knows about the greatness that is locked inside of you the impact it will make, the lives it will change, the things it will inspire, the problems it will solve the families it will feed, the lives it will save,
he joy and peace it will produce, the technology it will birth, the cancer it will cure. your greatness is seeking your permission to be introduced to the world. now is the time! the world watching you and waiting for you to call on your greatness. we need a new voice a new vision a new approach a new fight a new hope
a new victory and a new idea the world does not need your best, it needs what you have yet to give. you know, the stuff that you have been holding on to for a very long time. the world needs your greatness and we need it now!