movies stir emotions they can movies stir emotions they canmake us laugh or cry they make make us laugh or cry they make make us laugh or cry they makeus cheer for the hero and hate us cheer for the hero and hate us cheer for the hero and hatethe villain but within the big the villain but within the big the villain but within the bigpicture of a movie's story it's picture of a movie's story it's
picture of a movie's story it'sthe spoken lines of narration the spoken lines of narration the spoken lines of narrationand dialogue that we really and dialogue that we really and dialogue that we reallyremember me remember me remember mebueller bueller these phrases bueller bueller these phrases bueller bueller these phrasesand memorable quotes reflect
and memorable quotes reflect and memorable quotes reflectculture and give examples we use culture and give examples we use culture and give examples we usein our own conversations a in our own conversations a in our own conversations asingle quote on a piece of paper single quote on a piece of paper single quote on a piece of paperis often difficult to remember is often difficult to remember
is often difficult to rememberbecause it lacks context and because it lacks context and because it lacks context andemotion for example shit just emotion for example shit just emotion for example shit justgot real this means there's some got real this means there's some got real this means there's somesituation just became very situation just became very situation just became veryserious but in a native
serious but in a native serious but in a nativeconversation away when you hear conversation away when you hear conversation away when you hearthese same words spoken on the these same words spoken on the these same words spoken on thesilver screen though they come silver screen though they come silver screen though they comealive and invite you to alive and invite you to
alive and invite you toexperience then in a new way will be quotes like this are will be quotes like this arememorable because we connect memorable because we connect memorable because we connectwith the characters and the with the characters and the with the characters and thesituation but there are also situation but there are also situation but there are alsotimes when we remember words
times when we remember words times when we remember wordsthat aren't spoken or when a that aren't spoken or when a that aren't spoken or when acharacter is asked or told to character is asked or told to character is asked or told tosay nothing at all and as will say nothing at all and as will say nothing at all and as willsee the ways of expressing a see the ways of expressing a
see the ways of expressing arequest for silence or request for silence or request for silence orcommanding one in a dialogue or commanding one in a dialogue or commanding one in a dialogue orspeech lie along a colorful speech lie along a colorful speech lie along a colorfulcontinuum between polite and continuum between polite and continuum between polite andprofane
profane profanewill begin with will begin with will begin withwill begin with the most polite will begin with the most polite will begin with the most politerequest for silence used by request for silence used by request for silence used bylibrarians teachers and parents librarians teachers and parents
librarians teachers and parentswhen people are being too noisy when people are being too noisy when people are being too noisybe quiet quiet please please be be quiet quiet please please be be quiet quiet please please bequiet or be quiet please quiet or be quiet please quiet or be quiet pleaseare all soft and gentle one are all soft and gentle one are all soft and gentle onecharacter is respectfully asking
character is respectfully asking character is respectfully askinganother to refrain from speaking another to refrain from speaking another to refrain from speakingif the character requesting the if the character requesting the if the character requesting thesilence is a bit annoyed though silence is a bit annoyed though silence is a bit annoyed thoughusually just say quiet a quick usually just say quiet a quick
usually just say quiet a quickshe is less respectful and it's she is less respectful and it's she is less respectful and it'sused when others are either used when others are either used when others are eitherspeaking too loudly or when you speaking too loudly or when you speaking too loudly or when youquickly want to tell them to quickly want to tell them to quickly want to tell them tostop talking completely you're
also hear this in movie theaters also hear this in movie theatersif someone's talking when they if someone's talking when they if someone's talking when theyshouldn't be when rulers or shouldn't be when rulers or shouldn't be when rulers orother people in authority want other people in authority want other people in authority wantno one speaking or they're about no one speaking or they're about
no one speaking or they're aboutto say something important they to say something important they to say something important theycome and others to be quiet with come and others to be quiet with come and others to be quiet withsilence silence when you hear silence silence when you hear silence silence when you hearthis in a movie you know shits this in a movie you know shits this in a movie you know shitsabout to get real
about to get real about to get realsilence mall galleria moving on silence mall galleria moving on silence mall galleria moving onto something a bit more impolite to something a bit more impolite to something a bit more impoliteused between friends or people used between friends or people used between friends or peopleat an equal or lower social rank at an equal or lower social rank
at an equal or lower social rankwe get shut it and shut up shut we get shut it and shut up shut we get shut it and shut up shutup the thing you're being asked to show he is your mouth with to show he is your mouth withyour often being shortened to your often being shortened to your often being shortened tonotice how the pronunciations of notice how the pronunciations of notice how the pronunciations ofshut it and shut up land in
shut it and shut up land in shut it and shut up land inamerican english it's more shut american english it's more shut american english it's more shutit or shut up rather than shut it or shut up rather than shut it or shut up rather than shutit or shut sh shut up in british english you'll hear more of a english you'll hear more of ashot hit or shut up shut up shut shot hit or shut up shut up shut
shot hit or shut up shut up shutup shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shutup up up up now a related and up up up up now a related and up up up up now a related andcommon cliche a phrase or common cliche a phrase or common cliche a phrase oropinion it's overused in movies opinion it's overused in movies opinion it's overused in moviesor conversations is sit down and
or conversations is sit down and or conversations is sit down andshut up and sit down you're here shut up and sit down you're here shut up and sit down you're herethis used when someone says this used when someone says this used when someone sayssomething stupid and they're something stupid and they're something stupid and they'rebeing told to stop talking when being told to stop talking when
being told to stop talking whensomeone is strongly disagree someone is strongly disagree someone is strongly disagreewith someone or when someone at with someone or when someone at with someone or when someone ata lower social rain is being a lower social rain is being a lower social rain is beingscolded did you also hear how scolded did you also hear how scolded did you also hear howsit down with blended to sit
sit down with blended to sit sit down with blended to sitdown down downsit down sit down and shut up sit down sit down and shut up sit down sit down and shut upand leave me alone you also hear and leave me alone you also hear and leave me alone you also hearthe opposite shut up and sit the opposite shut up and sit
the opposite shut up and sitdown as well as other variations down as well as other variations down as well as other variationsshut up shut up and sit down shut up shut up and sit down shut up shut up and sit downshut up sit your ass down here shut up sit your ass down here shut up sit your ass down hereand shut up shut your trap and shut up shut your trap and shut up shut your trapfinally let's look at the most
finally let's look at the most finally let's look at the mostgraphic in route of these graphic in route of these graphic in route of thesephrases it's often used when it phrases it's often used when it phrases it's often used when itcharacter is really angry and i character is really angry and i character is really angry and ibet you can guess what it is if bet you can guess what it is if
bet you can guess what it is ifyour child or don't like strong your child or don't like strong your child or don't like stronglanguage i suggest you stop the language i suggest you stop the language i suggest you stop thevideo now of course i'm video now of course i'm video now of course i'mreferring to shut the fuck up referring to shut the fuck up referring to shut the fuck upshut the fuck up i recommend you
shut the fuck up i recommend you shut the fuck up i recommend youshut the fuck up you got to be shut the fuck up you got to be shut the fuck up you got to begentle gentle gentleshut the fuck fuck or the fuck shut the fuck fuck or the fuck shut the fuck fuck or the fuckraises the seriousness level of raises the seriousness level of
raises the seriousness level ofwhat you're saying but adds what you're saying but adds what you're saying but addsnothing extra to the meaning of nothing extra to the meaning of nothing extra to the meaning ofthe sentence wake the fuck up the sentence wake the fuck up the sentence wake the fuck upsit the fuck down take the fuck sit the fuck down take the fuck sit the fuck down take the fucki just made that last one up but
i just made that last one up but i just made that last one up butyou understand what i'm trying you understand what i'm trying you understand what i'm tryingto say these kinds of phrases to say these kinds of phrases to say these kinds of phraseswill make their way into actual will make their way into actual will make their way into actualconversations but they're mostly conversations but they're mostly
conversations but they're mostlyconfined to movies because confined to movies because confined to movies becausethey're so emotionally charged they're so emotionally charged they're so emotionally chargedshut the fuck up and go sit down shut the fuck up and go sit down shut the fuck up and go sit downshut the fuck shot well that's shut the fuck shot well that's shut the fuck shot well that'sit for this quick look at a part
it for this quick look at a part it for this quick look at a partof the english language in films of the english language in films of the english language in filmshave fun using these in your have fun using these in your have fun using these in yourphone conversations or just phone conversations or just phone conversations or justenjoy them at the movies enjoy them at the movies
enjoy them at the moviesthis video and share it and this video and share it and this video and share it andsubscribe so you hear when the subscribe so you hear when the subscribe so you hear when thenext videos out and i'll see you next videos out and i'll see you next videos out and i'll see younext time next time next timeto continue learning click on
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