how are you? i am quentin, i'm from montargis what are you looking at? can i have a look? i don't see anything ah, yes! the spider over there? i tried to communicate with it once.to be honest, i failed it was very reluctant
i give it orders, it wouldn't listen even simple orders sit, lie, go back, no action it just stays there, stares at me looks like it does not understand a bit it's difficult to believe. perhapsi have come across the least talented just like that for one whole month...i didn't wait if you like, we can try this one as well but i'm afraid you will be disappointed too
tell you one thing, i really like your hair and your eyes like that of a horse don't think i'm kidding, i mean it you have a pair of eyes like a colt very good! i wanted to be a jockey when i was small but i grew up too big for a jockey i had been a stable boy the horses there have big andbeautiful eyes, just like yours
i love the stable, it smells good there the horses there stare with their large eyes showing a little sadness you see, i'm very happy to stay with you here just like i was in the stable this is the horse gets thirsty you see, if we bring them out for a round... he will crack, i'm sure