

Zookeeper movie

Saturday, February 10, 2018

♪ ♪ - ♪ i'm goin'down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ - ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folkswithout temptation ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night,people spouting howdy neighbor ♪ - ♪ headin' on up to south park,gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled] ♪

- ♪ come on down to south parkand meet some friends of mine ♪ [rooster crows] [laughter,metallic clanging on radio] - that's funny.i like that! big harry and mikein the morning talking about the newhit movie [flatulence]. it's a great comedy.it's starring [flatulence]and [flatulence]. - i saw the movie last night,big harry,

and it made me laughso hard! this movie isabout a [flatulence] who's suddenly all like[flatulence]. - oh, that's funny.that's real funny. big harry and mikein the morning. we'll talk more about it,but let's get to some music. the new tween wave band[flatulence] with their song [flatulence]. [hip-hop music]

[electronic flatulence] [music stops] [grease sizzling,utensils clanking] - coming this fallto fox/cbs/fx, jurassic park and lost in same tv show! [flatulence]dinosaurs. [flatulence]lost humans. future, yeah,[flatulence]. - stanley, eat your waffles.

- oh, shut up, cartman. you don't knowwhat you're talking about. - oh, yeah?i saw it on the news, kyle. the school is going tomake us all get shots again, but this time it's so that wedon't get warts in our vaginas. - [mumbling] are you serious?- yep. - that's only a vaccinationfor girls, stupid. - then why are they saying thatgetting vaccinated at school is gonna make usall retarded?

- because some people thinkvaccinations can give you autism or asperger's.- wait. what? - that's what they'retalking about on the news. - wait, there's a diseasecalled ass burgers? - yes!- you are so lying! there is no diseasecalled fucking ass burgers. - you want to bet?let's go ask my dad right now. - okay, you're on, jew! [bus approaching]

[children chattering] - and so, children,at noon today, all the girls will goto the gymnasium for their vaccinations and boys will head on outto recess. - do the girls get their shotsright in the vagina? - no, butters,that's not how it works. - mr. garrison,these three boys were caught playing hooky.

- did you guys know there's actually a diseasecalled ass burgers? - sit down, boys.we'll talk about this later. right now we're talking aboutvaginal warts. - this isn't fair! how can the school make usget vaccinated? - you mean little hamburgersgrow in your butthole? - that's right.it's a butt fungus. - i don't want burgerscoming out of my butt.

- god, shut up! everyone,just shut the fuck up! - okay, stan,you gotta try and pull yourselfout of this, mkay? i know that your parentsrecently got divorced, mkay. that's gotta be hard. i know that--that's bad. but when you walk aroundall mopey, mkay, and sayingeverything is just shitty,

well that's called beinga debby downer, stan. and nobody likesa debby downer, mkay? i mean, you gotta-- you gotta snapout of it, debby. come on, deb, you're evenbumming me out now, mkay? your attitude just--just sucks. - i just want everythingto go back to the way it was. - okay, well, that'snot gonna to happen, debby. okay, you know lifehas to change, mkay?

- how? when all the things that madeyou laugh just make you sick, how do you go on when nothingmakes you happy? - huh. excuse me a minute,stan, mkay? uh, hi, miss bronski? did we vaccinate stan marshfor the flu last year? we did? uh-oh. [whispering]i think he's got asperger's.

- this is breaking newsfrom cnn. or fox. or whatever.fuck you. - the first documentedcase of a child developingasperger's syndrome from school vaccinations has put the governmentin a tight spot. as press conference today,the media heard from the young boy's father,steamy ray vaughn. - it's pretty shitty

when you work so hardto be a great parent, and then the governmentcomes along and with one shotturns your child into a mentallyincapacitated freak! i mean, look at him! he's disinterested,depressed, self loathing. it's most likely the reason his mother and igot divorced. - in responseto the embarrassment,

the presidentof the united states has passed stan's bill, putting an end to mandatedschool vaccinations. - mr. president,the bill ready. - [quacks] - just sign right here,mr. president. - [quacking] - and if you could justsign this one as well, mr. president.

[camera shutter clicks] - it is yet unknownif any other children have contracted asperger'sfrom the vaccinations, but if so,multimillion dollar lawsuits are probablynot far behind. - ♪ turn onyour heart light ♪ ♪ let it shinewherever you go ♪ ♪ let it make a happy-- ♪ ahem.

ugh! ah! ohhh! - eric,what is it this time? - fever, light--light headedness. i don't knowwhat's wrong with me. - you don't feel warm. - oh, that's a relief. i thought maybe i had a feverbut i--oh, oh, my buns! there's a sharp painin my buns! - can you layon your stomach?

- i'll try, i'll try. - what the-- what is this?a hamburger? - a what? - why are their hamburgersin your underwear? - are you serious?how could there be-- oh, my god! you're sayingi have ass burgers? - this doesn't make sense. are you trying to sneak foodinto the school or something?

- what are you talking about? i got vaccinatedfrom the school, and now clearlyi have ass burgers. - very funny. - well, i'm glad you thinkass burgers is funny. just note my conditionon your records there. - get out of my office. - hey, kyle, have you heardanything at all from stan? - i've tried, wendy.

i've called him.i've been to his house. but since his diagnosis, all he's doneis gotten worse. - i don't know what to do. it's like he'scompletely turned off. - those two should just screwand get it over with. - yeah. - i can't keep doing it,wendy. i know he hasan illness, but goddamn.

it's like being arounda black hole that just sucks the lifeout of everything. - look,maybe what we should do is all go overto his house together. that way we could--- no, i can't, wendy. all his negativity is startingto make me depressed. i have to let him go. and whatever happens next,i'm going to embrace with a totally positiveattitude.

- goddamn stupid school nurse!heartless bitch! - what's the matter, dude? - i spent all morning makinghamburgers for nothing! that's what's the matter! - you made hamburgers?that's awesome. i'd love one. - mmm! wow! this is really good,cartman. - really?- yeah.

hey, riley,try this hamburger, cartman made them himself. - wow!what is that? - seriously, cartman, you couldmake money with these. - gee, thanks, kyle. - the truth iswe still know very little about asperger's syndrome,mrs. marsh. all the patients hereshow the same social awkwardnessthat your son exhibits.

good morning,mr. mathers. - good-bye...doctor.[farts] - [exhales] it's as ifthey all have an inability to distinguish fromwhat is socially acceptable and what is not. we've got a new patient,martin. i want to you meet stan. - nice to meet you. - here at the treatment center,our focus is on awareness.

asperger's is serious, but unfortunately,because of its name, people think it's a diseaseto be made fun of. [patients laughing] all right, everyone,let's have a seat. oh, we'll be done atabout 5:00 p.m., mrs. marsh. i'll callif it's any earlier. - oh, right. good-bye, stan.i love you.

- all right, are we clear? - we're clear. [guns cocking] - watch that window, puck. everyone make surethis room isn't bugged. all right, stan, listen up.we don't have a lot of time. you've been toldasperger's is real. it isn't. it's just a frontthat we use to stay hidden.

- wait, it's nota real illness? - of course not! if there was a socialdevelopment disease you wouldn'tcall it "ass burgers". that's just--that's just mean. there's a big wargoing on out there, stan, and we want to youjoin our fight to bring it all down. - oh, no, no, no.

we're not doing this. - you have broken throughtheir reality and they don't like it. others deserve to knowthe truth. you see everything as shit,don't you? where other people see funmovies and hear cool music, all you see and hearis shit. am i right? - so do we.all of us here.

we know the truth, too. - we found wayto make it stop, stan. now are you interestedor not? - next order, please. get your cartman burgershere, fresh and flavorful. - i just can't believehow yummy these are. - there you go, molly.and a bag of chips. - thanks. - how we doingon those patties, jew?

- about three minutes, fat ass.- nice. - jeez, we're out offinished burgers again, eric. we need more.- it's all right. i think another batchis just finishing off in our top secretflavor enhancer. - dude, come on, cartman. as employees, don't you thinkwe should get to see what the final secretflavor enhancer is? - i'm sorry, kyle,but if we compromise

our final cooking process, then our patented flavorwill be everywhere, and we'll have to go backto school. now let me getthose hamburgers. - all right,these are good to go. [children clamoring] [machines beeping] - all right, is he readyto be sent in? - he's ready.

beta levels are normal. - who are you people? - we're the secret societyof cynics. [exhales] everything lookslike shit to you, right? what if i were to tell you that you are seeing the worldthe way it actually is? - huh? - the world around us hasall completely turned to shit, but aliens are putting outa brain wave

that keeps most people seeinga false reality. - aliens? - or robots from the future.whatever. the point is,they need to keep everyone in a blissful state ofignorance. - yeah, everything used to beawesome and cool, but now everything'sgone to shit, and nobody knows except us. - because of aliens?

- or genetically alteredhumans. whatever, fuck you. all that matters is thatyou are the key to bringingthis whole thing down. they know who we are,but they won't be expecting you. are you ready to go back intothe illusionary world you once lived in? - yeah, i'm ready.- let's send him in. drink this.

[harp music] - ahh! oh, cool! - jill, you got a datewith al pacino? - i think al pacino wants toplay twister with your sister. - [laughing]adam sandler's funny! [children shouting] - hey, kyle,you have a visitor. - stan?

- kyle!- hey, stan. - dude, i'm sorry. i've been a shitty friend.i miss my buddy. you were right. adam sandler isfucking hysterical. - stan, are you all right? - yeah, dude,i totally get it now. i can see how lame i was saying everything was--was shit.

- really?stan, that's great. - but, kyle,it's all shit. for reals! everything's shitbecause of aliens with a.i. and you and me are gonnafuck it all up. come on! - dude,have with you drinking? - you're not listeningto me, kyle. dude, we have to go dothis one thing and then everythingcan go back to normal. - it's too late for that.

things just can'tgo back, stan. i'm with cartman burger now. - dude, cartman burger?seriously? how shitty is thatfucking concept? - see, there you go again.look at you, dude. look at what you've become. - everythingall right here, kyle? - yeah, it's fine. - we're gonna need moresome more patties pretty soon.

- yeah, yeah.i'll be right there. - come on, kyle, this is aboutyou and me, remember? - look, dude, things aroundhere have changed. sometimesthe only way to keep going is to make a left turn. - fuck you, kyle!you're a piece of shit. - [sighs] - kyle, i love you. you're a piece of shit, though.fuck you!

i love you. [laughter and metal clanging] - big harry and mikein the morning, and in case you didn't catchlast night's episode of [flatulence],we're breaking it down. - oh, big harry,when the [flatulence] ran into the [flatulence]. - oh, no, no, how aboutwhen [flatulence]-- - oh. ugh.

- he's back. did you seethe illusionary world again? - how did it feel to be backin the matrix? - i feel like total shit.- it's okay. that's just your brain levels adjusting back tothe real world. - try and focus, stan.we've found them. we know wherethe rock creatures are now. - the rock creatures?

- or aliens or a.i. things. - dude, i can't--i can't do any-- - he's gonna pop! - come on, kid, wake up.there's not a lot of time left. - you're pushing himtoo hard! - oh, god. - stan, you have toconvince people they're livingin a world of illusion. we're sending you back in.

[device whirring] - we all knowwhy we are here. there is a rebellionin our midst, and it must be squashed out. we have to put an endto cartman burgers. all: yes! - at kfc, we've seena 50% drop in sales. - it's worse at pizza hut. cartman burgerschoked out the market.

- what makes them so good? for whatever reason,these cartman burgers satisfy the taste cravingsfor all of our restaurants. - there lies the secret. - it's the chemical compoundsof all our flavors. pizza hut, burger king,kfc, all somehow infused into one burger. - it's as ifhe's somehow taking all the ingredientsof our food,

breaking them downinto some kind of gas, and then somehow infusingthat gas in to his hamburger. what kind of instrumentcould he be using to do this? - it would have to be some kindof super dutch oven. - but a dutch ovenwith greater technology than we've ever seen. - ah! ugh! yeah! blargh!

- hey! wake up!come on, wake up! use the smelling salts. - [sniffing] enchirito? - you know the secret? - what?you guys are aliens? - stop playing with us! what's the secret behindcartman burger's amazing taste?

- dude, i don't know. - he's lying. you see this kidin the picture? this guy's his best friend.- ah-ha! - i'm not friends with him. - they have been througheverything together. inseparable. - no, no,we don't hang out anymore. like someonewould just walk away

from a friendship like that. - dude, i didn't walk away! i turned ten, and everythinghe wanted to do seemed shitty to me,so i-- - oh, sure! anyone wouldditch out on their best friend because they weren'tfeeling good. now stop playing games and tell us why cartman burgersare so delicious! - i don't know.

- all right. i guess we're gonna have todo this the hard way. - there's ten mediumsand five medium rares. - all right, i'll take theseto the flavor enhancer. - next, please.oh, hey. - kyle, you gotta tell methe secret to cartman burger. - what are you doing? - how do you guys make themso yummy? - you better get himto tell you

or you're getting shotin the back of the head. [through earpiece]you got that? - dude, just tell methe secret to cartman burger. - why? so that we can loseour business and everything can go backto old times? - no, because there's alienswith a sniper chicken on me. look, i know you gotasperger's from the school, and i'm sorry, but your negativityis poison to me.

- oh, right! like a friendwould walk out on somebody who was diagnosedwith a serious illness. - dude, i'm sorry thati've been bumming you out, but it's not my fault. - you said "fuck you"to my face, stan. - dude, i didn't realizewhat i was saying. - oh, yeah, right. like any friend would saysomething that severe then try to take it back.

- all right, look, i honestly don't knowthe secret, dude. only cartman does, and that'show it's gonna work for us. - goddamn it,this is getting us nowhere! everyone get back! you want to play hardball?that's fine. [children scream]all right. let's see this mighty machineonce and for all. [gunfire]

- you vampiresons of bitches! - aah! - ha ha!unh! - all right,nice work, stan. now comes the final step. you have to take outduck president. - just stop it! you peopleare so full of shit! - uh-oh. looks like the serumis wearing off.

here, you better takesome more. - no, i'm done with that! - but, stan, you have totake down the bad guys and go througha personal transformation so that everything can go backto the way it was. - i don't want everythingto go back to the way it was! i--i don't. you were right, kyle. sometimes the only wayto go forward

is to takea big left turn. i've been resisting it,but i'm ready now. i want you to staywith cartman burger, dude. it's okay. you're gonna do this,and i'm gonna do my thing, and...my mom and dad aren'tgetting back together. but you know what?it's okay. in fact, it's better. this change is gonna bringnew things for all of us.

where will cartman burgergo from here? that'll be cool to see. and it opens me up towhole new adventures, exploring new relationships with all new peoplein town. maybe this kid will becomemy new best friend. or maybe this kid will.- wow. - maybe it won't belike before, but at leastit'll all be new.

and that's what'sgonna make it so that i can keep going. for the first timein a long time, i'm really excited. [horn honking] - stan! stan! get in the car, stan. your mom and i aremoving back in together. - what?

- we worked it out, pal.surprise! - no, dad.no, no, please. - we talked a lot and we knowit's what's best for you kids. and, i don't know. - no, mom, sometimesyou gotta--left turn. - people get older,stanley. and as you get olderyou realize the best thing to do is juststick with what you know. [landslide playing]

- ♪ i took my love ♪ ♪ took it down ♪ ♪ i climbed a mountainand i turned around ♪ ♪ and i saw my reflection ♪ ♪ in the snow-covered hills ♪ ♪ till the landslide... ♪ - you were sticking thesein your ass, cartman? all: ugh! - ♪ and if you seemy reflection ♪

♪ well, the landslidewill bring it down ♪ ♪ oh ♪ ♪ the landslidewill bring it down ♪ [laughter and metal clanging]- oh, that's good. i like that![slide whistle ascending] talking about two and a half men. i think ashton kutcher makes itthe show to be seen, mike. - yeah, but what aboutthat movie dolphin tale? i am psyched for that!- dolphin tale!

let's hear from the bandsledgejammer and their song-- [knock on door] - dude, we're gonna go seethe new zookeeper movie. - zookeeper 2: zookeepier! - 'kay. coming. captioning by captionmax www.captionmax.com - big harry and mikein the morning oh, man, it's great.

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Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara

Friday, February 9, 2018

you know. miles away from here. beyond good and evil. there's a ground. i will meet you there. often i've wondered you, me, we are all mirrors we catch our reflection ineveryone it's not me, yet i am

right... wrong... i'm yours to find me is to find yourself all that i wish to say is ruined by my words

lovely. often i feel that this whole world is magic which is and yet is not seasons, clouds, wind, blossoms they send signals to me how do i narrate their tales oh yeah yeah

you want to be a hero, huh? this looks like a theater toyou? what's the matter, sir? sir? - let go of it! be careful... the strings... i told you to let go of it! take care of the strings. come... i'll make you perform at the police station. sir... the strings... jim morrison.

who? he was a great singer. the chicks would tear their clothes at the mere sight ofhim. he stood before the crowd... on the stage... and raised his middle finger. just like this! and the crowd went wild... they cheered and whistled... as if he had done somethingincredible.

while here i was, respectfully singing... so that the people waiting for the bus would have a good time. and these no-good-cops began hitting me. very sad. i mean, as if i were nothing. are you getting the samosas? right, continue to rip him off! there are a thousand criminals in delhi... the cops should go after them.

exactly! why this poor guy? jim morrison... janardan jakhar. jm... jj. guys, he's a dead item! and is this the latest low class fashion? to be with you...

lead break. keep some style, dude! man, you're on stage! you should have some stage presence, right? attitude! like this... like this! as if you are going to blow everyone away! what happened?

jj? my days aren't going well... right now it's just a few bad days, son. if you don't stop your strumming and singing... then just see how your whole life goes bad. this guy is very negative! you loser! as if he will strike it rich with his father's business. i will never join the transport business.

well then, get your degree and.. ..become an advocate at the district court. trust me, that's the best youcan do. so he shouldn't even try? that rules out any chance he might have. he doesn't stand a chanceanyway. you don't become big, just by striking a pose with a guitar. but he has been playing the guitar since he was a kid! then why hasn't he tasted success yet?

tell me. you mean... - because he doesn't have it inhim. he doesn't have that quality. and what kind of friends areyou? just to eat the samosas he paysfor? hey! - why don't you explain it tohim? the sooner he understands, the better it is. take down my number... call me if i am selected. - number?

take it down... i have your visiting card... hindu college canteen... i'll call you. what if i work really hard? even a donkey works hard. well then... what do i lack? tell me! see... an artiste has a particular type of heart...

a particular personality. and i don't? you can't have it. your life hasn't been like that. it's a different type of life... that makes a person an artiste. what type? take a look at anyone's life. all these musicians, singers...

artists, painters, writers. take a look. they all have one thing incommon. what? which they all definitely have in some form or the other. what is it, khatana bhai? pain. sorrow, misery, tears... oh... is that right?

until a person doesn't suffer... he can never make it big. and change your friend circle! if you hang around with theselosers, you're going nowhere. they've all gone through a lot of pain, bittu. they got hurt... suffered, winced in pain. problems... tragedies...

and me? i haven't gone through anything. i don't have even a singleproblem. never starved for food... never struggled for anything... even my parents are still alive. wasn't beaten as a child... nor molested. i'm not even adopted, i'm my parent's biological child.

never met with any bigaccident... nor had a life-threateningdisease. oh no! music can only come from a broken heart. when you're heart's broken... shattered into tiny pieces... that's when the music flows. what have you ever been through? has your heart ever been broken?

have you even been in love? if you have to think about it, then obviously not, you idiot! true love. passion. so then? where will the music come from? you tell me. where will it come from? hey jj!

you could've come along with us. i'm heading to the law fac. i can't sit through a dance performance. who's going for the dance? we're going there for the girl! go ahead, - come on! what's to see? as long as she is in stephen's, she will always be number one. come on! - let's sit right in the front!

sit here. - sit! ladies and gentlemen. welcome to 'shut up and dance'. presenting the first performance led by.. heer kaul. it's true, what they say about kashmir. heer from kashmir? if there's any heaven onearth... it is right here...

within her clothes! over there, look! how? i mean... what material did god use to make that. dude, the material is thesame... but the engineering is mindblowing! the car or the girl? both! watch carefully...

it's her last performance. why is she in such a hurry to get married? you have a problem? take it easy, buddy. that's heer. watch her from a distance and be satisfied. no way... i should try my luck. a lot of guys have tried...

and every one of them hasfailed. she is a heart-breaker. is it? yes. wow! okay jj... jai bajrang bali! heer... hi.

janardan... jj for short. we need to talk. about what? actually... you... i think you are pretty cool. i had to tell you this. and you are quite hot too. amazing combination, isn't it? hot and cool at the same time.

anything else? yes... i love you. be my girlfriend. can you see everyone is laughing at you? all i can see is you. you can see me, right? then listen carefully to what i'm saying. bugger off!

you and i will rock it, i'm telling you. think about it. hey... are you stupid? no, only crazy for you baby. okay, enough. just get lost now! sure? am i sure? one second, let me think...

yes, i'm sure, you idiot! get lost! you are breaking my heart, heer. listen... - jj... i don't want to see your face again, do you hear me? are you sure? bugger off! - okay. okay. what's he on, man? - who is he?

is he from hindu? do you want me to eat two samosas in this much chutney? get me more. you think this is a joke? khatana bhai... i love her really. you can't imagine how it felt when she said... 'burger off!' i don't even know what thatmeans.

you are such a shallow person. sheesh! if your heart were reallybroken you wouldn't be gorging onsamosas! or fighting for chutney! you can't eat a morsel for weeks on end. there should be intensity inlove... there should be pain... this isn't love, or heartbreak... this is a cheap act, drama.

what should i do then? what's the trick? how do i... couldn't you wait at thestation? there was a lot to do? he probably forgot... really? i don't forget anything. where are you lost? look at him...

he doesn't give a damn about what you're saying! i have a lot of stress, okay? don't scold me now. so tell me when! give me an appointment. tuesday at eleven? or wednesday at half past six? let me know when i can scoldyou, i'll adjust my life accordingly. odysseus'... - yes?

heer. if it's not criticallyimportant, i suggest you wait till afterthe... i want to propose to heer. critically important. okay, i think you should leave. this is true love, madam. she has no right to dump me and marry some other guy... just because he is rich! what the hell?

what's your bloody problem? give me one chance, heer. i'll work really hard and... i'll also become rich one day. listen, you jerk... if i ever see you again... you just see what i'll do toyou. what... what will you do? i'll get your legs broken.

i'll have you banned from entering campus... i'll ruin you! is her anger for real? i don't think you've ever been in love. it's different. driver, throw him out! - yes, madam. but you will realise it sooner or later... i know. - throw him out! we just need to spend some quality time together.

enough! now see how i set youright. you can take any action. file a police compliant. he's after her. you know true love... the intense kind... ...it doesn't fear the world. not even the police! the poet ghalib has explained it very well.

now i don't remember it, but i will ask and tell you. how will you ever know, if you don't give me a chance? talking is important, try to understand. okay, let's talk right now.come on. yes... tell me. you wanted to talk, right? i'm listening. go on. well... i... we should give it a chance...

okay, let's give it a chance. come on... give it a chance, come on! what are you thinking? give it a chance. the thing is... - yes, what is the thing? tell me... i really want to know what is the thing. you see... yes? i... - you... come on! - sorry...

sorry. i'm really... i didn't think... i'm sorry. he'll get hurt. i'll be right back. - what's wrong? yes, old man... what can i do for you? i'll join you.

excuse me? can i talk to you for a minute? i'll be back... okay? come here. you don't have to be sonervous, every time you see me. okay? it's fine. i'm not angry with you anymore. so relax.

thanks a lot. thank you very much. and i'm really sorry. - okay, bye. and i don't love you oranything... not even a little. okay. - everyone on campus saysthat... heer is gorgeous, she is hot. even my friends say that but... personally i don't think you are all that hot.

or even cool. like i said? i mean... i don't mean you're ugly oranything. you are beautiful... it's not that... but i... i am... then why were you chasing me? i can't tell you, it's reallycrazy.

well, everybody does crazythings. for you, bunking classes might be crazy... or having pani puri. i guess you do that and think... 'oh my god, today was one crazyday!' it's a little different for me. so... okay, bye! hey!

what do you think i am? oh no, i didn't mean it in any wrong way. then what did you mean? i mean you are... i mean... - what?! you are... - what?! neat and clean! totally! nice.

sophisticated... from an elegant family. neat and clean? and hi-fi! hi-fi! there's this cinema theatre... amar talkies in old delhi. there's a film playing there... junglee jawani [wild youth] i'm going to see it.

what?! yeah. do you even know what kind of a film it is? i've seen the posters. you still want to watch it? i've figured out the way... i've also made the excuses. you can't go there, by the way. of course, i am.

with whom? - on my own! you are wicked! by god! sir, this cd has it all, take it sir. hey brother, come on! run run run... happy? we should've stayed longer. you would've been raped if the lights had come on.

wild youth, part two. let's do another thing today. by god, i'm scared to hear it. where can we get some cheapliquor? you're heer, right? let me look at you. - i want to drink, where can we get it? are you the heer kaul from stephen's college? that's enough! i want to drink! cheers!

is it good? - it's very bad! why aren't you drinking? i am. let me see... drink! yuck! it's so bitter! how do people drink it? don't you drink? i sprinkle some on my faceand...

a little around my collar. i throw the rest away and act as if i'm sloshed. you're the first one who has caught me. then you can't pretend with me. with me, you have to drink. go for it, cheers! one more... - you are so... cheers! - jai bajrang bali! i'm getting married.

the entire university knows. really? you are drunk! just two months to go. i've heard you've hit it big! paris? prague. and once i'm married... no 'wild youth' and...

no cheap liquor. then, i'll be a lady. lady... neat and clean. oh... so that's why you want to doall these cheap things beforemarriage. you are not as stupid as youlook! even you don't look as wicked as you are. you want to go back home or get some more cheap thrills? lots!

i want to do a lot of cheapthings. i have to perform huge feats! but where's the time, my friend? where is the time? so what if we don't have timetoday... we have time tomorrow! you are a genius! how did you fail in b.a. pass? and day after!

and the day after that... and time demands that... you make your list! make a list of all the little worms inside you... i swear, before you getmarried, we'll kill each one of them. promise? - i swear! anyway, my image is ruined before you. right, you're completely exposed now! in that case i'll get the list ready.

you better! - okay. hello sir... everything okay? how are you? see you. i spin a yarn of you, i spin a yarn of you all night i spin a yarn

spin a yarn all day i pass in thinking it's for you that i live and die ting ling ling ling this friend of yours is quite unique. at least you shouldn't complain. should i change it? switch it on. two minutes!

i'll go on my bike and get the disprin. poor guy! why 'poor guy'? he enjoys ittoo! why are you cheating? why are you using the shortcuts? now you're dead, mandy! no way! it's you who will die! you should invite him for the wedding. he comes shopping for thewedding...

of course he'll come for the wedding. wear this for your husband. his tongue will touch the floor! let me see... move your hand. a little lower, show a littlemore. lower it some more, what's the matter? fine? - firecracker! his body will catch fire.

his 'wild youth' will arise. listen... i can't make it rightnow. but khatana bhai has kept the platinum music guys waiting... in his canteen. tell khatana bhai that you couldn't find me. what? - and listen... don't come looking for me for the next few days. i'm going away for a while and i've made excuses at home. where are you going?

kashmir. - kashmir? thank god! i was getting so bored here. there's nothing to do at your own wedding. come on. let it be, he'll take it. come... everything is set. not right now, i'm the bride!

sunrise? done! think you can make it? who has the guts to dare stopme? nobody here knows the real you. only you know it! don't tell anyone. okay! - okay. keep dancing around, keep skipping around

i keep roaming around i cross limits gust of breeze, i plunder myself i plunder myself hold this. come on jj. hi. - hi. welcome... guys, remember him?

he's also here? he's jordan. - jordan? great combination, isn't it? short and cool at the same time? hi jordan... aman. jordan. hi, i'm mahi. this face like the bright moon this golden hew of hair

these eyes like the blue lake there is a deep mystery in them what praise should i give to he who has created you? put this up. that side too. jordan... can you hug me? now?

are you in a hurry? no. give me a proper hug... tightly. is this okay? i should leave. they're probably looking for me. very nice. why are you getting sosentimental?

if it's bothering you so much, don't get married. and then? the back door is open... run away. come. tell me something... - don't ask me anything... or else i'll tell the truth. so say it, what's stopping you? yes, what?

how do i look? the college guys were right. you look hot. the bride matches the standard of the wedding, right? do you know... the guests at the wedding... fantasize about the bride atnight. will you also fantasize aboutme? listen...

you haven't fallen in love with me or anything, right? when are you coming to visit me? prague? i've never even been to nepal. but you'll have to come toprague. okay, done. i'll go first. then, you comelater. together we'll do a lot of cheap things in prague, okay? is this plan okay?

or should we run away now? i've taken flight again i've let go of the world below and i submit myself to you, owind now people are far away miles away are these valleys slowly each cloud comes to touch my body but no cloud is able to drenchme never stopped at any place

never even met myself i may complain but upset i'm not cities and villages appear thesame people and their names all seem the same dreams, like dust, reappear in my eyes no matter how much i brush them away so many dreams i have broken and left behind yet why do they return and take me away on their wings

over branches and leaves by my side they travel door todoor sometimes desert, sometimes rain like a demon, i die a thousand times sometimes day is night, sometimes day is day what is real, what is illusion almighty - almighty here and there and scattered, who knows maybe the breeze will take me in your direction

your thoughts pull me towards you i keep flying about in these colourful illusions keep flying... tell me... has the media stooped so lowthat just about anything makes thenews? you pick any loser and make him a star? who is this jordan? what's his claim to fame?

sir, he is an artiste with your platinum music. he is not an artiste of platinum music. he sang some songs in the 'sheher' album. and you guys are trying to make him a star. trust me... i'm not his fan. it's just my job... but it's not my job to sing his false praises. take it off!

the packaging for the episode is ready. so get your hands on anythingyou can about him and put ittogether. he doesn't live here anymore. it's been two years... but can i at least talk to his family? he has no family here. please don't call again. i can't do it, mohit. sheena get real.

we need four such interviews every month for the rising star. let go of your ego. be shameless and get the material ready. no, actually he is not in touch with any of us. after college what happened to him... no one really knows. any other lead? any one special from those days? please think... jordan always had a keen interest in music. and i often tried to encourage the musician in him.

he was a fountain of talent. apart from being very talented, he was also a good human being. the kids want to know when this interview will go on air. it won't come on tv. why not? because i don't have any material on this jordan. but i just said so much. but all lies? correct?

why? my questions are simple. you knew jordan well, right? so, why don't you just tell me the truth? you are getting very angry. no, i really want to know. now the camera isn't rolling, so tell me. who is this jordan, after all? you know...

there are these people... who are always lost. you understand, right? i don't understand at all. for example, platinum music,okay? there was a time when he would've given his life.. ..even to talk to the clerksthere. that was his craze. then one day i told him...

hey... prince of music! where have you been? i was... the platinum music guys were looking for you. dilip menon, remember him? i'll call you, khatana bhai. i'll see you tomorrow. what's got into you?

don't you want to be jimmorrison? i'll be him, khatana bhai. i'll be him tomorrow. two weeks later the platinummusic agents came here looking forhim. i offered them four samosas and made them wait. i even sent someone to hisplace... tell khatana bhai that youcouldn't find me. - what? - and listen... don't come here looking for me. kashmir.

why kashmir? i don't know. but when he returned he wascaught. his brothers yelled at him... mother cried her eyes out, you know, full social drama. i told you a million times... we sweat it out like dogs... while he plays the guitar! just a minute... gurmeet!

who is heer? what's your scene with her? - nothing. you're lying. another lie. get his guitar... where's the bloody guitar? if there's nothing, why did you attend her wedding? get his guitar... why did you go there? - where's the guitar? what's up, khatana bhai? how are things?

where the hell have you been? you've stopped coming tocollege. you know, it's not that bad after all. there's an ac and i don't have a lot of work. i have installed video games on the tv. khatana bhai ... there's a whole world inside these video games. didn't he say he would never get into the family business? what about music?

he gave it up. and one day it was the same thing all over again. same brothers, same mother... the same social drama. tell me... now! - let go of my collar! confess you stole the money and i'll let go. five hundred thousand rupees? just vanished into thin air? why would he steal his ownmoney? you won't confess?

i've been telling you i didn't steal it! all you want to do is beat meup! probably someone else stole it. shut up! but he is in charge of that place. the key is always in the drawer. everybody knows that... ask your staff. and bhabhi, you don't have to touch me to console me. i've told you a thousand timesthat i can hear you even from adistance.

there's no need to stick like chewing-gum all the time. this has happened even beforeme. i've always heard that the warehouse was... can i stay here for a few days? so he stayed at your place? he still lives at my place. relax... have some tea-coffee... so the night he was thrown out, he came to your house? not that night... two monthslater.

two months later? more or less. so then where were you for two months? bloody idiot, where were you? at a shrine... the shrine of hazrat nizamuddin. two months? i tried to go home... three times.

but they refused to take meback. so what did you do at theshrine? nothing... what do you mean 'nothing'? you must've done something for two months! nizamuddin aulia -nizamuddinmaster lift your foot cross over move into emptiness

your beloved's home is empty without you painter "be" and there was when even nothingness was not he alone existed who dwells in me, who dwells inyou he is the lord, he is theillusion was painter paint my body, mymind

take as payment my body, mymind painter paint my body, my mind take as payment my body, my mind bright morning rains on my body in the dark night your lampburns the drop that i got from your doorstep, o lord lord do this favour to me, o lord i request you, set me free from myself let me see myself

set me these doubts of my mind these weak actions of mine are taking me where i don't even know you dwell in me where have you've brought me i dwell in you i have followed you

i'm just your shadow you created me the world pushed me away you embraced me you are the truth, o lord you are the truth work faster. here. distribute these as well. here.

"glory to mother goddess." "glory to thee." "i come seeking refuge." "i don't know what to ask for." "you get rid of everyone'ssorrows." "so i know." "everyone say." okay, cut! you're missing a beat.

can you hear the pilot track? - yes. increase the volume in the cans. okay, take. cut it cut it cut it ! hear it once again. take... cut... once again... cut! cut...

cut cut cut... take a break. sir, would you like some tea? let's record his voice first. i'm in your city please come and meet me don't give me anything but come and take my heart darling what is it?

are you playing the song or are you playing with the song? it's very simple. posted a letter telling you i am coming to your home i even sent you an e-mail onyour id - cut it. you're not listening. i can't do this, okay? i don't know why you were looking for me. i can't sing... i don't have it in me.

you are right. were you singing out of tune purposely? why would i do that? even i could figure out thetune... and you couldn't? and then somehow... a miracle happened. ustad ji... is that him?

come in. sit here. i've seen you before. do you know where? at the shrine of hazratnizamuddin. that was nothing... i've also seen you before. on tv. you play that... that thing...

this is ustad jameel khan. padma bhushan. [indian civilian award] do you know what padma bhushan means? shehnai. i know you are a well known... legend. but classical music... you see, i don't understand it too much. i get bored.

why do they play the same tune over and over... everybody's heard it... move on, play something else. he is a big animal... he won't fit into your smallcage. he will create his own music. ustadji, you can't beserious... this guy... he is something else. god has blessed him.

he has his grace. take a chance on him. you will make a fortune. hello... khatana bhai said you want to interview me. tell me something. why does mr. dhingra have a problem with you? come on, i know there'ssomething. come in...

press harder. happy birthday. today you've been born again. starting today you are a platinum music artiste. i heard... your songs in the 'sheher' album... i liked them... now you will have your ownalbum... full solo. full solo.

congratulations. now you need to learn to... be a star. the music doesn't really matter. lot's of people play music. but everything is image. image is everything. everything is image. bloody idiot! i'll beat you. leave my hand. do you want to kill me.

these days nobody buys music. people buy an image... a brand. just remember that... from today you're not amusician. what are you? stop it! sorry, sir. the massage is over.

so that's why you are not going to prague! ready! your name didn't feature in the eurojam list... i was really surprised. don't you know about eurojam? it's a tie-up between platinummusic and the czech republicgovernment. dhingra is taking five indian musicians to europe. ready? ready, ready...

just a second, i need to make a call. sure. switch off the microphone. go see where he is gone. stars! what are you looking at, let's pack up. mr. dhingra... take me to europe. how did you get inside?

i'll sign your contract... i'll do anything you ask me to. take me to europe. don't feel like laughing today? no, sir. not even a little bit? come here... i want to go, sir. why do you want to go?

what's the real reason? sir... i'm willing to sign anythingtoday. just take me to europe! you will sign a specialcontract. as you wish. the clauses will be severe, everyone here is a witness. they are also witness to what i've said, sir. anything you say.

like anything? heer! all done? are you buying something? why don't you ever buy something for yourself? i should like something. so why don't you ever likeanything? come here... the scarves here are lovely. i have an appointment. you enjoy going to the doctor, don't you?

why are you going now? all your tests are negative. psychiatrist. i can be your psychiatrist. you need something to keep youbusy. like a job. the doctor says the same thing. you were a superhot bombshell in delhi... super busy.

here you've got nothing to do, that's why you feel down. i'm sorry... i don't know why... you don't have to be sorry. god, heer! i've troubled everyone... i know... you know what? you should go see apsychiatrist.

here you are. - bye. - bye. hey 'wild youth'! here i am... in prague. let's get some cheap thrills. come on! i have an appointment... with the psychiatrist. so you've finally gone mad?

i can't come right now. i need to go. i'm not keeping too well. but we'll meet soon. tomorrow,okay? i'll take you for lunch. at some fancy restaurant. where are you staying... when did you arrive and what are you doing here? come let's go.

please take the car home. i can't believe you are here! welcome to prague! i shouldn't be drinking... says the drunkard! - cheers! - cheers! that burns! when did you start drinking? just now! let's have another one!

really? - yes! - okay. - cheers! let's make a list. strip show! female or male? next. red light district. those cheap pubs. those cheap discotheques with the tacky lights... and shady people.

you'll dance for them? yes! naughty girl! next! feet are decked with wheels have spun the skies round andround this tale i've heard that the queen roams around on her pretty fair feet

one blink of an eye and the queen was gone then would return with 12 pairs of shoes worn out in a day the king's temper flew a spy he called what is this mystery? find out where does she go?

the spy followed the queen and saw her at night going into hell ho... flames blaze ho... queen mesmerized ho... wild dancing ho... everyone poisonous ho... spy shocked ho... sneaked out

ho... he told the king the queen vanished into thin air she vanished into thin air danced like a dervish left beloved and guard swirled and twirled pretty feet never stopped had no shame she vanished, her pretty feet never stopped

the king fumed this is how everyday the queen wears out 12 pairs of shoes that's how the tale goes yet again she vanished there is no stopping her feet they will walk, they will dance here and there merrily enraged the king said queen

why do you insult me? my pride's gone up in smoke i'm the laughing stock of every joke from today, i forbid you from stepping out! smiling at his words, the queen said king these walls of gold give me no joy give me freedom lord

take the wealth and set me free then in gusto everyday in abandon what she had never done she did with the lowlife a flower child bright and wild roamed, skipped, danced those pretty fair feet

those feet here there here, there, god knows where i think we should kiss now. - really? - yes. why do you think so? it's always the next step. it happens in every movie. - logic! - then? it's good that we are talking about it. these matters should bediscussed...

you can't just get swayed by emotions and... you've kissed! a little precaution goes a longway. so let's discuss this indetail... and arrive at a suitableconclusion. see it's important to weigh each option thoroughly... there are a 1000 issues! my marriage and all... we should plan this right...

how do we kiss? and which type of kiss? and what if we can't stop at akiss? correct! if we keep going at it, at which point do we stop? and in that frenzy, how will we know we've arrived.. ..at that point... to stop? we are items, both of us! imagine if someone heard us...

okay... we should stop. jordan! what do you think you're doing?! get away! but why? - why? you don't know why? because this is wrong! then why doesn't it feel wrong? what do you think, huh? what even gave you the idea you could try this with me?

that was a lot of fun though. it's not a joke. okay? it's serious. i've kissed before. even had sex. but what was this? from this point on... we could ruin everything...

but we shouldn't, right? so we won't. now you drop me home and... we won't meet again after this. it's too late, heer. it's going to be difficult. but that's what will happen. come on... start the motorbike.

start the bike. let's go... come. hi... so you are the friend! i'm the sister-in-law. meena. so dinner tomorrow, right? you haven't told him? he is really busy.

but i'm sure he has dinner. or you don't eat? no, no, you have to make ittomorrow. we're all very excited to meetyou. meena! - alright. wonderful. and we will take good care of you, don't worry. bye. bye. - bye.

i hope you're not in a hurry, are you? no, its nothing like that. there she is. hi... welcome. jay... i've heard a lot about you. like what? good things... from heer. you know something, jordan.

some of my friends are in the organising committee of yourprogram. and they asked me to volunteer as well... and i really wanted to... it would have been a lot offun... but i was busy the wholemonth... so i had to give it up. and jordan, let me tell you... ever since you've come toprague and heer has been meeting you... her health has improvedconsiderably.

in fact, dr. cermac was very happy and surprised. you really seem to have the magic touch... you know heer... you should join this program. brilliant! - oh no! why not? you should. think about it, you will really enjoy it. i want to hug you. shut up!

heer, i want to hug you. i'll wait behind the house. have you lost your mind? just shut up and leave. i'll wait even if you don'tcome... what do you want? stop, stop... magic touch! but how? - i don't know...

i don't know how... it's a statement of myhelplessness can't control this moment squeeze out all desire break you in my arms what i want, i don't know snatch you, let you go what do i do at this moment what do i do to become calm,

at peace let there be more this noise of breathing passion burn brighter fever rise higher let us meet more and burn more i meet you for the first time each time

should i snatch you or let yougo should i ask for you or turn you away i'm knotted up in desire untie me i'm a knock you're the closed door open up restlessness deep in my mind come let us live this dream

it just doesn't stop does not tire this storm of breath don't even come to know what burns where with fear with body and mind all trembling

with the scorch of desire blazes more fire burns and smoke rises there is smoke everywhere ustad jameel khan was right. you are a star. son, i'll pay you three times more than your contract! look at that, a miser like me is willing to give more! he is a craze in india too.

every day there's something new about him. he's busy. i'll say bye on the phone. you've kept my reputation among these people. now do the same in barcelona and paris. artiste... creative... always in their own world... that's why he is an artiste. just a minute... excuse me. let me just check if jordan isfree. i'll just be back.

bye... bye jordan. say bye and let mego. they are waiting for me. it will be a problem. let it be a problem. it won't be for you. you're going away. after that don't you want me to be happy in my home? i don't want you to be happy in your home.

don't you have any feelings atall? really, what do you feel aboutme? i feel that you should be here with me. right now. that's all i feel. then get lost! you only care about yourself. it's always about what you want. you are uncouth and rude!

we wouldn't have lasted sixmonths! thank god you're going away. are you deliberately fighting with me? i can't stand you any longer. you are deliberately fighting with me! then what did you think? that we would part on a happynote? so that when we meet again, you could have fun with meagain? are you mad? - i was then!

but not anymore! come here... i want to say bye properly. heer, you come here right now! go to hell! heer, i'm telling you... never again! so jordan... all of you... stay away from me! i'll get your boarding pass, come quick.

but make it quick, tiger! else i'll have a nervous breakdown. jordan? what the hell? what are youdoing? what have you done? have you gone mad? - heer... stay there... don't move! jay... he won't do anything. don't shoot! don't shoot, don't shoot. don't do anything.

don't touch him! it's okay! it's fine! heer? what's going on? there! your plan's worked. now i can never be happy in myhome. i only wanted to say goodbye. don't show me your face as long as i live! i don't want to see you again! get out!

today the media isn't here to cover an artiste. it's here to cover a criminal. there are cases of assault and intrusion against jordan inprague. platinum music has also suedhim. in this world of yours at every step man is wrong whatever i think is right and do

you say that it's wrong if i am wrong, then who isright? all i have to say about this is 'no comments'. how can you call the press and say 'no comments'? sir, isn't it a fact that you are releasing jordan's nextalbum? an album of the songs he recorded for you in europe? no comments. the album hits the stores and the artiste is in prison. that is my vision.

the little boy who grew up in this courtyard is now behindbars. negative, negative... the media loves everythingnegative. this is the very house thatjordan was kicked out of two years ago. to live by my wishes should i submit a petition toyou? that means you have more righton me than i do on myself my right

keep it here hey in these queues and these debts why do you strangle my habit of living? i am uncouth i'm from those parts where there is no modesty, noshame heart says that rituals are the fine of living

world is enemy everything is anti set them on fire my heart tells me live by your heart or die many years ago there was a jungle over here. a dense and fearsome jungle. then one day, a city came up in its place. neat and tidy houses, wideroads.

everything became planned and proper. but the day the jungle was torn down... a flock of birds... flew away forever. it never came back. i'm looking for those birds. has anyone seen them? no! anyone seen them?

eco-friendly protector of nature i too am nature with tradition, with society why you cut me up into pieces? why do you scatter me like this? why teach lessons of truth when you can't handle the truth

when someone speaks the truth you inflict rules and regulations on him your fear your love your praise keep to yourself it seems like jordan can't handle his new found success. this crowd here in lucknow can't believe that.. ..he didn't show up for hisconcert.

when its quite clear that... he was seen coming out of the lucknow airport this morning. has he lost it? you want me to lock him upagain? dhingra sir... - khatana... you better get him back to his senses. because i really feel like chopping him into tiny pieces. don't sir me! i'm losing my money, bloodyidiot!

i instructed all of you to watch his every move. sir, he left of his own will. "what did we take from theworld?" "what did the world give us?" "why should we care for theworld?" "did the world care for us?" even this day has come! when i have to drag you out of a brothel. you will be finished even before you start!

mark my words. your reputation is going from bad to worse. and you won't even realise when people start hating you. what's happened to you, jj? what are you becoming? what's your problem? look at yourself! do you want people to run away from you? you're listening to me, right?

what i'm saying is veryimportant. no, you can't! get lost! you can't talk like that! who do you think you are? anyone who meets you... gets put off by you! your popularity is going down... do you know that? all i want to know is that...

you should... yes, khatana bhai? khatana bhai. i understand what you're trying to tell me. i don't know why i act likethis. i can't seem to control myself. i don't like it. i don't even like myself. shouldn't i be happy right now? this is what i wanted.

but happiness is nowhere insight. it doesn't exist. it's like... only... as if bugs are biting me frominside. all the time. and all the time i'm... likethis... i... even i...

stop calling out my name! how long does it take? now do you believe me? this isjj... come, come, let's take apicture. photo... of course, we need some proof! sweety, come on. now it's my turn... talk to me, at least.

smile please. anybody else wants a photo? no more pictures? you guys done? should i leave? a five-album contract? and he can't perform anywhereelse. sir, isn't that too much? fine, don't sign. it's okay.

sir, sir... i've decided... you can stay at home. sir, just take a look... sir, i agree with everything you say except... om "may auspices chase away the darkness" swaha "my life is in your hands" swaha om "agreement can go to hell"swaha "dhingra, you've been thrammed"swaha

such an insult of mr. dhingra! that too of mr. dhingra! "everything is image, image is everything" swaha "you've been humiliated" swaha "do what the hell you can" swaha so, you're finished withdhingra... what's next? nimbus records, london. they want to sign you. and they will take over thelawsuits. why are they asking you?

they are afraid of you. it's this image you have. they thought i'm close to youand... are you? close? you can't forget her, can you? jordan, the casanova. the bad boy of music. secretly burning in someone'slove.

how cute! it will never happen, jordan. i am not heer. it's a story. front page. not in this condition, heer. i have bone marrow aplasia, jay. i'm not getting better. my condition will only worsen.

so, what do you want to do? i've been unfaithful to you,jay. i've crossed the line. i knew all along i was doing something wrong. i knew it every second. i was trying hard to stop myself but... i don't know what came over me. so what do you feel about himnow? this feeling will go away.

with time this will all go away. we'll talk after some time then. mandy... mandy... heer's sister? i need to talk to you. where can i meet you? 'wild youth'! come on wake up, i'm bored. you've slept enough.

this shouldn't have happened... sorry? can you step outside for asecond? shut the door. after what happened in prague... how dare you come in to myhouse? aren't you ashamed at all? you will hear from dad. you'll never come back hereagain.

go. i can't do that. i know myself. i will definitely stay withheer. heer is not in any condition to face any more drama, understand? she can't take even a littletension. she will collapse. precisely! nothing will happen to heer. don't worry.

you don't believe me, right? you think i'm not making anysense? but you will see. mom... she is dying anyway... your family wants to throw me out but don't you worry... i will come back. and before they can come in... let's have a quick kiss.

quick... they'll come in... - stop it... stay right there. but we don't have time. shut up! move away! listen heer, i will kiss you, no matter what you do. jordan, don't... i will killyou. okay, on your cheek... have you lost it? come on... by now we would've done it! jordan, i swear... i will...

how are you standing? she's just the same. but she was on her feet! she didn't get out of bed for three weeks. that's a good thing, right? but how? you want to talk to him? what are you doing, mandy? so, that's a no?

why doesn't he get it? she doesn't want to talk toyou. - give me the phone. listen... - when will you die? hello? hello heer? - yes, what? the doctor said you are dying,right? so when are you dying? even this is a joke? not at all, it's serious.

your factory doesn't produce blood anymore... i want to ask you... if there is a security alarm system in your house? what are you going to do? just asking... the security system in prague was very loud. even the lights came onimmediately. the whole situation changed. i had no idea such security systems existed.

some really hi-tech stuff. you shouldn't have stepped out. now... i will have to come to you. don't do this. i won't be able to bear it. i'm doing this? you said you didn't want to see me again... did i try to meet you?

did i even call you in the last two years? i tried not to even think aboutyou. but what happened? here you are... standing in front of me. don't you get it, heer? this is something else. that's bringing you and metogether. we couldn't stay apart, right?

we couldn't. i'm such a big celebrity, heer. i'm a star! i'm rich and famous... but i'm only burning inside... there's a restlessness... i'm only good with you, it's that simple. and it's the same with you. when i'm not around, you getafflicted with a life threateningillness...

your body stops producing blood. i'm dying, jordan! perhaps a few months or... a year. after that i'll be dead. and what if you don't die? what if nothing happens to you? then will you be mine? he's coming...

hold me closer... tighter! you are like a guitar. and these are your high notes... here... her blood count has improved. and you think this is because of jordan? do you know what kind of a person he is? virath... two weeks ago... heer didn't even have the strength to talk.

despite all our efforts she was sinking. her condition was getting worse by the day. now she goes for a walk... comes down for breakfast... and this blood report! whatever it is and... however it might be happening... you think i'm going tointervene? or stop it?

listen neena, she may lookcheerful from the outside.. ..but internally she is veryweak. even a little blood loss, could prove fatal. you've already said this. we are taking all the necessary precautions, right? neena please. be logical. there have been greater miracles in this world, animesh. we think we know life...

but life always manages to surprise us. wow, jordan! that's what i wondered, such a big star... doesn't he have to work? but every time i ask, he says "i'm free". twelve recordings, six showsand... a product launch have been cancelled. khatana bhai... - we've been served two legalnotices. i'm avoiding everyone.

what do i say? even i don't know where he is? for the past month... his phone has been switched off. and here he's using anotherphone! where is he... is he alive or dead... by god! so much drama! these international companies... they have an army of lawyers...

whose job is to make life miserable for people like us. that's his style... first he scares you and then saves you. but this time you aren't safe. this time you're going toprison. see? he just doesn't listen. i don't understand what to do with him. we'll figure that later.

what do you want him to do right now? the concert at kangra. and there are more concerts allover. kangra in himachal pradesh? mcleodgunj! the tickets for the concert have been sold. khatana bhai, understand this clearly. i'm not going to kangra or any other place. but i'm going there.

i want to go. i want to go to the hills. i want to see the himalayasagain. bike ride... sunrise... burn a bonfire at night... getting wet in the rain... walking through a forest... dense forest. and smoking a hookah! - okay. and you know jordan... that rockstar...

who takes chartered flights for his concerts. oh, that guy? yes, i want to see him performlive. so little time and so much todo! welcome to himachal pradesh. how do you like it here? jordan, we've seen her picture on you tube. what is her name? please introduce her. hold on!

don't report anything abouther, okay? why not? is she your girlfriend? how long have you beentogether? - when did you first meet her? don't click any pictures. it's said that she is married, is this true? really? who is her husband? sir, please tell us something. i'll break the cameras if you click her pictures. this story will definitely comeout. - no it won't!

jordan! come on now... stay right there. they are all gone. say bye and let me go. won't you listen to me? i am listening to you. am i not finishing the tour? thank you. you aren't listening to me.

at this time i should leave. fine... go! i won't get a bye? - bye. smile? finish the concerts and come back to me fast. all night i spin your yarn mandy, call jordan. tell him to come right now... right now! drive towards the back gate... into the emergency.

she can't be pregnant, right? neena, please! tell me that she's not pregnant. mandy... - heer isn't pregnant, is she? tell me! answer! even i know a thing or two about business. jj, what happened? what's the matter?

yes... okay... it's important to go, right? heer is still undergoingtransfusion. sir, i leave everything up toyou. no, sir. please try putting in a word. i'll call you back. jordan ji... i can't come right now... the operation is on...

someone is inside... sir, we also have our orders. not right now. i don't want any of this. i don't want to be big. my heart should not break, khatana bhai... my heart should not break. - yes, my dear... please khatana bhai, please do something... i have nothing else...

this shouldn't happen... please! are you happy now? you are responsible for this. mandy... - you put her into a coma, you b******! 'wild youth' wake up... let's go. you've killed her, jordan... remember that.

and i pray that you pay for it all your life! that you suffer every second. because you are her illness,jordan. you've killed her! innocent bird come home why do you wander strange lands ravaged and tired like a vagabond day and night

innocent bird come home a hundred bruises cover yourbody clothes of all deeds are dirty no matter how much you cut the air with your wings you'll never be able to escape yourself break the skies burn the world you won't be able to hideyourself take any path

you reside in you you'll come back to your ownhome innocent scavenging bird it's my small plea to you gorge on all of my flesh don't eat my eyes i hope to see my beloved you i have finally got

in a way that like i am your feelings close to you i am this is our world... only ours... there's no one else here. no journalists... no photographer...

no rules... no bone marrow aplasia... no hospital... no doctors... no contract... no court case... not your marriage... no stopping... no limits...

in this world... we can let go of everything. do you like our world, jordan? i won't be able to live outside. you don't need to live outside. you have to stay here. now. forever. you are

wherever hold me to your embrace i have given myself to you no barriers remain left between us for you you i have finally got finally got

from wherever to wherever let's wander without reason without asking anyone, we meet you are near me, with me the more i feel you the more i get you

in what way will this world snatch you from me you too are me what's there to fear now you are meant for me meant for me i've lost myself to you

and you i have won

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Your Highness

Thursday, February 8, 2018

a beginning is a very delicate time. know then, that it is the year 10191. the known universe is ruled by thepadisha emperor shaddam iv, my father. in this time, the most precious substance in the universe is the spice melange. the spice extends life. the spice expands consciousness.

the spice is vitalto space travel. the spacing guildand its navigators, who the spice hasmutated over 4,000 years, use the orange spice gas, which gives them the ability to fold space. that is, travel to any part of the universe without moving. oh, yes. i forgot to tell you. the spice exists

on only one planet in the entire universe. a desolate, dry planet with vast deserts. hidden away within the rocks of these deserts are a people known as the fremen, who have long held a prophecy, that a man would come, a messiah, who would lead them to true freedom. the planet is arrakis. also known as dune.

[wind howling] (man) a secret report within the guild. four planets have come to our attention regarding a plot which could jeopardize spice production. planet arrakis: source of the spice. planet caladan: home of house atreides. planet giedi prime: home of house harkonnen. planet kaitain: home of the emperor of the known universe.

send a third-stage guild navigator to kaitain to demand details from the emperor. the spice must flow. [rumbling] [people chattering] [alarm buzzing] father? irulan, you must leave. [whirring]

a third-stage guild navigator will be here within minutes. we felt his presence. i shall want telepathy during his visit and a report when we're finished. i am your truthsayer, my lord. [whispering]he's here, my lord. [door opens] [speaking alien language] (translating device) the bene gesserit witch must leave.

leave us. yes, my lord. we are alone. [clanking] we have just folded space from ix. yes? how was your journey? many machines on ix. new machines.

oh? yes. better than those on richese. you are transparent. i see many things. i see plans within plans. i see two great houses, house atreides, house harkonnen feuding. i see you behind it.

yes. you must share with us. the atreides house is building a secret army using a technique unknown to us. a techniqueinvolving sound. the duke is becoming more popular in the landsraad. he could threaten me. i have ordered house atreides to occupy arrakis to mine the spice,

thus replacing their enemies, the harkonnens. house atreides will not refuse because of the tremendous power they think they will gain. then, at an appointed time, baron harkonnen will return to arrakis and launch a sneak attack on house atreides. i have promised the baron five legions ofmy sardaukar terror troops. so the harkonnens will rid you of house atreides.

yes. (guild navigator) one small point. (reverend mother) here it comes. (guild navigator) we, ourselves, foresee a slight problem within house atreides. paul. paul atreides. you mean, of course, duke leto atreides, his father? i mean paul atreides. we want him killed.

i did not say this. i am not here. i understand. (emperor) why would they want the duke's son killed? we must have a look at paul atreides. on caladan. (princess irulan) the powerful bene gesserit sisterhood, for 90 generations, has been manipulating bloodlines

to produce the kwisatz haderach. a super being. on caladan, jessica, a member of the sisterhood and the bound concubine of duke leto atreides had been ordered to bear only daughters. because of her love for the duke, she disobeyed and gave birth to a son. paul. paul atreides.

(paul) here we are now. caladan. and 19 light-years beyond. beyond bene tleilax. (male narrator) the training planet of the mentats, the human computers. know a mentat by his red-stained lips. (paul) there, arrakis. (female narrator) spice mining. carryalls lower the harvester to the sand,

and lift it off to safety when a worm attacks. worms attack all rhythmic vibrations. [computer clicks] weather. see storms'. no precipitation. (paul) never one drop of rain on arrakis. and the harkonnens are near. there. giedi prime and the baron harkonnen. the enemy. (male narrator) the baron harkonnen has sworn to destroy house atreides,

and steal the ducal signet ring for himself. i know, thufir, i'm sitting with my back to the door. i heard you, doctor yueh, and gurney coming down the hall. those sounds could be imitated! i'd know the difference. (thufir) yes. perhaps he would at that. my father sent you to test me.

music, then? no music. i'm packing this for the crossing. shield practice. shield practice? gurney, we hadpractice this morning. i'm not in the mood. not in the mood? mood's a thing for cattle and love play.

not fighting! i'm sorry, gurney. not sorry enough. [buzzing] (paul) what's wrong with gurney? he's not faking this. (gurney) now, guard yourself for true! [paul grunting] [both grunting]

is this what you seek? good. the slow blade penetrates the shield. but, uh, look down. we'd have joined each other in death. you did seem finally to get in the mood. would you really have drawn my blood? if you'd have fought one whit below your abilities, i'd have given you a good scar to remind you.

[sighing] things have beenso serious here lately. soon we'll leave for arrakis. arrakis is real. the harkonnens are real. doctor yueh. do you have any information on the worms of arrakis? i've obtained a filmbook of a small specimen. only 125 meters long.

only? there have been documented sightings of worms as large as 450 meters in the deep desert. that's far from where we'll be in arrakeen. the desert belt and the south polar region are marked forbidden. how do the fremen survive there? we don't know much about the fremen. they live in the deep desert, some of them in the cities.

they have blue-within-blue eyes. the eyes. saturation of the blood by the spice melange. could the spice affect us in other ways? many dangers exist on arrakis. for one, the harkonnens would not have given up their choam company contract so easily. the harkonnens are our enemies, yes.

but behind them, i suspect, is the emperor. you'll make a formidable duke. now, remember, the first step in avoiding a trap is knowing of its existence. i know,but if it is a trap then why are we going? we have our new army. doctor yueh,

put the weirding moduleon him. well. [chuckles] clear and lock the room! (guard) detachment, stand down. activate a fighter. make the range two meters. [bleeping] [buzzing]

[paul grunts] [grunting] [yelling] precise control. duncan! paul, i was just on my way to say goodbye to you. i have to go on ahead, alone, i won't be seeing you for a while. i wish you were coming with us. why?

it's something for your father. he wants to talk to you. i'll see you on arrakis. may the hand of god be with you. may the hand of godbe with us all, duncan. father. thank you for joining me, paul. thufir hawat has servedhouse atreidesthree generations. he swears you are the finest student he has ever taught.

yueh, gurney, and duncan say the same. makes me feel very proud. i want you to be proud of me. i'll miss the sea. but a person needs new experiences. they jar something deep inside allowing him to grow. without change, something sleeps inside us,

and seldom awakens. the sleeper must awaken. [inhaling] arrakis, dune. desert planet. (feyd) i will kill you. [feyd laughing] (paul)the second moon. tell me of yourhome world, usul.

(jessica) i know she has come to test him. no man has ever been tested with the box. tonight, i may lose my son. jessica, you were told to bear only daughters to the atreides. jessica! it meant so much to him. you thought only of a duke's desire for a son? desires don't come into this. an atreides daughter

could have been wed to a harkonnen heir and sealed the breach. we may loseboth bloodlines now. i vowed never to regret my decision. i'll pay for all my own mistakes. and your son will pay with you. arrakis, dune, moving. moving.

[thunder rumbling] (reverend mother) we'll salvage what we can. but i can tell you,dear god, for the father. nothing. for the father, nothing? did you really think you could bear the kwisatz haderach? the universe's super being? how dare you! my greatest student.

and my greatest disappointment. he's awake. he's listening to us. good! ready yourself, young paul atreides. i want to see you in your mother's chambers in one-quarter of an hour. paul. this is very important. (paul) kwisatz haderach? the super being? for the father, nothing?

vas. [explosion] this is the reverend mothergaius helen mohiam. she's goingto observe you. please. jessica, you know it must be done. your reverence. (paul) what does she fear?

what about my father? paul, listen to the reverend mother and do what she tells you. now, you, come here. (paul) she's using the voice. no. (reverend mother) some strength there. surprising.

come here! [reverend mother echoing] here. come here. do you see this? [clanking] put your right handin the box. what's in the box? pain. stop.

put your hand in the box. i hold at your neckthe gom jabbar. this one kills only animals. are you suggesting the duke's son is an animal? let us say, i suggest you may be human. your awareness may be powerful enough to control your instincts. your instinct will be to remove your hand from the box. if you do so,

you die. you will feel an itching there. now, the itching becomes burning. heat upon heat upon heat. it burns. silence! silence! (paul) i must not fear. fear is the mind killer.

fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. i will face my fear. i will permit it to pass over me and through me. i must not fear. you feelthe flesh crisping. fear is the mind killer. i will face my fear. flesh dropping off. fear is the little death. [quavering]

fear is the little death. i'm... the pain! no! enough! [gasping] kull wahad! no woman child ever withstood that much. take your hand out of the box and look at it, young human. do it! pain by nerve induction.

a human can resist any pain. our test iscrisis and observation. i see the truth of it. (reverend mother) could he be the one? maybe. but will he be ours to control? tell me of your home world, usul. do you know of the water of life? the bile from the newborn worms of arrakis?

i have heard of it. it is very dangerous. the bene gesserit sisterhood use it to see within. there is a place terrifying to us, to women. it is said a man will come. the kwisatz haderach.

he will go where we cannot. many men have tried. they tried and failed? they tried and died. jessica. (jessica) my son lives! i sense your teachings in him. ignore the regular order of training. his safetyrequires the voice.

i've heard enough of my safety. i heard your talking. you speak as if he were dead. well, he's not! but he's not. and he won't die. tell me he won't die. what can be done has been done. mother, tell me! (messenger on speaker) mentat piter de vries. message for mentat piter de vries.

the baron is impatient for leto's reply. it is by will alone i set my mind in motion. it is by the juice of sapho that thoughts acquire speed, that lips acquire stains, that stains become a warning. it is by will alonei set my mind in motion. it is by the juice of sapho that thoughts acquire speed, [gurgling] my lord. piter!

the atreides will be leaving caladan soon, baron, and i have hereyour answer from duke leto. what does leto say, piter? he wishes to inform youthat vendetta, as he puts it, using the ancient tongue, the art of kanly, is still alive. he does not wish to meet or speak with you. i've made my peace gesture. the forms of kanly have been obeyed.

bring in feyd and rabban. [ringing] as you instructed me, i have enlightenedyour nephews concerning my plan-- my plan. the plan tocrush the atreides. feyd, rabban,

go quietly. no other great house of the landsraad must ever know of the emperor's aid to the baron. the entire landsraad would turn against the baron and the emperor. put the pick in there, pete, and turn it round real neat. [squishing] [slurping]

[sighing] [laughing] you are so beautiful, my baron. your skin, love to me. your diseases lovingly cared for, for all eternity. [gasps] [grunts] (baron) i will have arrakis back for myself!

he who controls the spice, controls the universe! and what piter did not tell you is we have control of someone who is very close, very close to duke leto. this person, this traitor will be worth more to us than 10 legions of sardaukar. and who is this traitor? i won't tell you who the traitor is, or when we'll attack.

however, the duke will die beforethese eyes and he'll know-- he'll know that it is i, baron vladimir harkonnen, who encompasses his doom! [laughing] [whoops] (baron) this is what i'll do to the duke and his family. oh, i'll miss caladan so much. (paul) caladan.

soon they willbegin to fold space. (paul) far off in the control rooms of spice gas. traveling without moving. [growling] (ramallo) and now, the prophecy. one will come. the voice from the outer world. bringing the holy war,

the jihad, which willcleanse the universe, and bring us out of darkness. [patrollers yelling] (princess irulan) house atreides took control of arrakis 63 standard days into the year 10191. it was known that the harkonnens, the former rulers of arrakis would leave many suicide troops behind.

atreides' patrols were doubled. duncan! what have you discovered about the fremen, duncan? tell me. why haven't we heard from you? my lord, i suspect so much. i think they are the allies we seek. they are strong, fierce.

they do not give their loyalty easily or quickly. as you know, the imperium has never been able to take a census of the fremen. everyone thinks that there are but few wandering here and therein the desert. my lord, i suspect an incredible secret has been kept on this planet. that the fremen exist in vast numbers. vast.

and it is they who control arrakis. [patrollers chattering] (man on pa system) each trooper will be charged with responsibility for preserving water. our existence as an operating army depends on these following water-saving procedures. remember, water is life. why is the shield not yet up? sir, we found and removed another sabotage device.

i think it'll go up now, sir. [announcer chattering on radio] they're finding these sabotage devices too easily. (man on pa system) house shields activated. duke leto is now here. spice mining inspection to start immediately. so you are doctor kynes. the judge of the change. and the imperial ecologist, sire.

(duke leto)our intelligence informs us that there's still a strongharkonnen presence. the process ofremoval continues. this is my son, paul. are you a fremen? i've been on arrakis in the service of the emperor long enough for my eyes to change. (paul) in the service of the emperor. (duke leto) we are in your hands, doctor.

your gift of the stillsuits is much appreciated. will you give usan explanation oftheir workings? well, this is a still suit of fremen manufacture, the most efficient type on arrakis. basically... [gurney grunts] (duke leto)it's all right, gurney. [guns cocking] (gurney) yes, sire.

basically, it's a high-efficiency filter, and heat exchange system. perspiration passes through the first layer and is gatheredin the second. the salt is separated. breathing and walking provide the pumping action. the reclaimed water circulates to catch pockets from which you can drink

through this tube around your neck. urine and feces are processed in the thigh pads. should you be in the open desert, remember to breathe in through your mouth and out through this nose tube. with a fremen suit in good working condition, life can be sustained for weeks, even in the deep desert, sire. my thanks.

with your permission. you've worna stillsuit before. your suit is fitted desert fashion. who told you how to do that? no one. it seemedthe proper way. that it is. (doctor kynes) he shall know your ways as if born to them. we're wasting time, sire.

[voice speaking alien language] that language? translate it. very faint. harkonnen! (air controller) air speed, zero-five. ambient temperature, 300 degrees kelvin. air speed, three-zero. thirty-five percent conditions. that's where i told your sandmaster

to concentrate the harvesting today. southeast, over the shield wall. (air controller) ambient temperature, 350 degrees kelvin. air speed, one-three-zero. caution. you've now cleared protective shield wall and entered open desert. will we see a worm? where there is spice and spice mining, there are always worms. always?

always. why do they come? to protect their territory. vibrations attract them. (paul) he must be a fremen or in with them. he's studying us. he's hiding something about the spice. is there a relationshipbetween the wormsand the spice? as i said, they defend the spice sands.

as to their relationship with the spice, who knows? (doctor yueh) my message, it's here. there are more enemy bodies coming in for your inspection, doctor yueh. are you all right? yes, i'm fine. thank you, thufir. dust cloud ahead, sire.

that's it. spice mining. no other cloud quite like it. wormsign? is it wormsign? (doctor kynes) yes. worm. big one. you've got sharp eyes. may i? calling harvester pad nine. wormsign. (man on radio) who calls pad nine? don't mention the duke.

this is an un-coded channel. unlisted flight northeast of you. wormsign on intercept course. estimated contact, 15 minutes. (man on radio) have sighting confirmed. stand by for a fix. contact in 16 minutes minus. very precise estimate. who's on that unlisted flight? what happens now?

the carryall will come and lift off the spice harvester. try to get in close over the harvester. you'll find this interesting, sire. they work until the very last minute. spotter control, there's no sign of the carryall. it isn't answering. the worm is eight minutes away, sire. (miner #1) spotter control, give me a report by the numbers.

report one. (miner #2) no contact. report two. (miner #3) negative. report three. (miner #4) negative, sire. report four. (miner #5) no contact. repeat, no contact. i think they'vegot our carryall.

damn it! harkonnens. we're coming down totake you off the harvester. all spotters are ordered to comply. ordered by whom? duke leto atreides. (miner #1) yes. yes, sire. how many men do you have? full crew, 26 men. but, sire, we can't leave all this spice.

damn the spice! get out of there! two men in each of the spotters! you, over here! run! run! i can't see him yet, but he is very close now. damn sloppy.really damn sloppy. come on, boys. come on. we're going to be heavy, sire.

(paul) spice. pure unrefined spice. here he is!we've got to go! bless the maker and his water. bless the coming and going of him. may his passingcleanse the world. what's that you're saying? nothing. [monster growling]

gods, what a monster. someone is going to pay for this, i promise. (doctor kynes) he's more concerned over his men than the spice. i must admit, against all better judgment, i like this duke. my lady, the local people, the maids and servants,await your inspection. hawat has cleared them. excuse me, my lady.

the harkonnens may have tampered with them medically. [buzzing] when you said harkonnens, i didn't know you had so much reason to hate them. well, my wife... but, of course, you-- you didn't know my wife. the har-- forgive me. they must have killed her.

please excuse me if i can't talk about it. he's holding something back. yet. there's the imperial conditioning. assurance of trust. (shadout mapes) the bene gesserit mother, the legend. where is your son? i must warn you. you are in great danger. [beeping] (woman)safe.

(paul) spice. what is it doing to me? second moon. (duke leto) the sleeper must awaken. (paul) am i the one? a hunter-seeker! it can't get me if i don't move. it's too dark in here for it to see clearly. i've got to try to grab it.

the suspensor field will make it slippery on the bottom. i must grip it tightly. who is operating that thing? it has to be someone in the palace. i could shout for help, but it would kill whoever opened the door. hold still. [panting] it would have killed me.

i was its target. it went to the motion. who are you? i am the shadout mapes, the housekeeper. i must cleansethe way between us. you saved my life, and we fremen pay our debts. a fremen. it is known to us that you've a traitor in your midst.

who it is, we cannot say. but we are certain of it. a traitor. [alarm blaring] [men chattering] set up a sonar probe immediately. (atreides troopsman) harkonnen. they've tried to take the life of my son. sector 6 through 80progress reports, sire.

take it, thufir. sector 680, copy the 6th, the summit, the 8th, quadrant over, the 9th plus 84 circles, weave the 80 and call the 4th. copy. 8. thufir tawat, mentat, master of assassins. uh, the palace is now secure. the city of arrakeen is under martial law. we have troops here headquartered underground on sub-floors 6 through 10. the rest of the troops are stationed in arrakeen,

and we have some on the airfield. our new army is still in training, but everything, everything is shielded. and with this shielding we are impenetrable. sleep well, my son. um, father, drugged. (duke leto) jessica, what is wrong? forgive me, my beloved concubine.

i should have married you. why hold a dream to ascend to the throne through a political marriage? i should have married you. [woman sniffling] [woman panting] [groaning] what happened? yueh!

he sabotaged the house generators. we are wide open! (man on pa system) house shield deactivating. i've destroyed the new army's weirding modules. i've brought house atreides down. why? i wish to kill a man. not you, my dear duke. you were already dead. but you'll get close to the baron before you die.

you'll be tied and drugged,but you can still attack. you can still attack! when you see the baron, you'll have a new poison gas tooth. he'll want you close, so he can gloat over you. one bite on this tooth and a strong exhale... refuse. no! you mustn't! because, in return,

i'll save the lives of your paul and jessica. for paul. ahhh! when you see the baron,remember the tooth. the tooth! the tooth! the shield is down! the shield is down! open the doors! signals! get that shield up!

the shield! the shield! [troops chattering] (thufir) the weirding modules! destroyed! long live duke leto! [troops cheering] the drug was timed. dr. yueh has been very valuable to us. what a pity you must remain gagged. we can't let ourselves be swayed

by your witch's voice, now, can we? leto, where are you? how simple to subdue us. [sobbing] good-bye, jessica. and good-bye to your sweet son. i want to spitonce on your head. just some spittle in your face. what a luxury!

we were ordered to kill them. so kill them! [gasping] i wish this was paul. i knew yueh's wife. i was the one who broke his imperial conditioning. i've thought of many pleasures with you. it is perhaps better that you die in the innardsof a worm. [screaming]

what are your orders, piter? take them to the desert, as the traitor suggested. the worms will destroy the evidence. their bodies must never be found. they're down on this floor somewhere. down there. duncan! get off! you wish nowto join your wife?

is that it, traitor? she lives? you wish to join her? join her, then. [dr. yueh grunting] you think you've defeated me? you think i don't know what i've gained, for my wife! take him away. (jessica) yueh's sign.

he's left us stillsuits. [chuckling] [rasping] don't touch my mother! he's trying the voice. the reverend mother said it could save him. did you hear a noise from the little one, huh? no, i didn't hear anything. [grunting] the little one.

[both laughing] [rasping] remove her gag. excellent! [rasping] there's no need to fight over me. a poisoned blade. [rasping] first cut my son's bonds. that's it. [grunting] oh, my god.

it's under control. duke leto atreides. [sniffling] where is the ducal signet ring? i must have his ring. the ring! he was brought to us as is, my lord baron. you killed the doctor too soon, you fool! (duke leto) the doctor, yueh, what did he say?

paul and jessica safe. yes. the tooth! he's coming around, baron. where's your ring? huh? you do not answer? wait! wait! you must come closer. the water of my life

for paul. he's crying. he's crying! what does that mean, piter? come closer, baron. no! jessica! leto! leto, he's dead! no, he's dead!

i know. am i alive? i'm alive? yes, you're alive, my baron. i'm alive, eh? i'm alive! i'm alive! [guffawing]

(paul) i can't maintain any altitude. we'll never reach the safety of rock! maybe that small rock. where are we, do you think? the south polar regions. the forbidden area. hold on. [screeching] hurry! take the stillsuits!

(paul) hurry! this crash might bring a worm. the signet. a million deaths are not enough for yueh! [crying] where are my feelings? i feel for no one. the second moon. (guild navigator) i mean paul atreides.

we want him killed. (paul) why? why do they want me killed? it has to be something to do with the spice. but what? (baron) he who controls the spice, controls the universe! (paul) this moon holds my future. never one drop of rain on arrakis. they will call me,

muad'dib. listen to me. listen! you wanted to know about my dreams. well, i've just hada waking dream. do you know why? the spice! it's in everything here. calm yourself. like the truthsayer drug. it's a poison.

you knew the spice would change me. but thanks to your teachings, it's changing my consciousness. i see it!i can see it! is he the one? you carry my unborn sister in your womb. he knows. father! father, i promise,

one day the sleeper will awaken. and i will avenge your death. i will not stop until i destroy the emperor and the baron. [rabban groaning] go now. take him to his desert to die. go. (paul) yueh's left the plan for the weirding modules.

we have to get to that mountain of rock. we have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. it's further than i thought. a worm is sure to come. i'll plant this thumper. that should divert it. remember, walk without rhythm, and we won'tattract a worm. it will goto the thumper.

i'm ready. faster! it's deafening! [roaring] [roaring] ooh! the spice! do you smell it? yes!

paul! [roaring] a thumper. the worm! spice! is there a relationship? what's happened? why did it leave? someone started another thumper. [panting] we're not alone.

man-carved steps. [thunder clapping] (jessica) such stealth. i didn't hear them. (stilgar) perhaps these are the ones the shadout mapes told us of. i will take the boy-man. he shall have sanctuary in my tribe. [guns firing] get back! she has the weirding way.

great gods! if you can do thisto the strongest of us, you're worth 10 times your weight of water. as the leader of my people,i give you my bond. teach us this weirding way, and you both shall have sanctuary. your water shall mingle with our water. then i will teach you our way of battle. [sighing]

i give you the word bond of a bene gesserit. it is the legend. i am chani, daughter of liet. i would not have permitted you to harm my tribe. from my dreams. so beautiful. come with me. i'll show you an easier way down. you have strength.

you shall be known as usul, which is the strength of the base of the pillar. this is your secret namein our troop. but you must choose the name of manhood, which we willcall you openly. what do you call the mouse shadow in the second moon? we call that one muad'dib. could i be known as paul muad'dib? you are paul muad'dib.

and your mother shall bea sayyadina among us. we welcome you. the dream unfolds. moisture! wind traps. huge ones. water.millions of decaliters. a treasure. greater than treasure, usul.

we have thousandsof such caches, and only a few of us know them all. and when we have enough, we shall change the face of arrakis. tell me of your home world, usul. (paul) tell me of your home world, usul. [baron laughing] (baron)arrakis! rabban! rabban!

we're knee-deep in atreides blood! we've gutted them!we've gutted them! rabban! rabban! i place youin charge of arrakis. it's yours to squeeze,as i promised. i want you to squeeze and squeeze and squeeze! give me spice! drive them! drive them into utter submission! do not show the slightest pity or mercy!

never stop! go! go! show no mercy! yes, baron! feyd. and when we've crushed these people enough, i'll send you. feyd. lovely feyd. where's my doctor? (stilgar) jessica,

our reverend mother is too old. she has been calling through space and time, for you to come and let her rest. she asks that you pass within, and become our reverend mother. (monk) if you be a reverend mother, let shai-hulud judge now! the water of life. but what of my unborn child?

one day, i will have to do this. [screaming] (princess irulan) following the bene gesserit tradition, the old reverend mother surrendered her life as she surrendered her knowledge. jessica had successfully transmuted the poisonous water of life. (paul) every man who has tried has died. am i the one? the sleeper must awaken.

(princess irulan) the tremendous power of the water of life caused the premature birth of jessica's daughter, alia. alia was born with all the knowledge and powers of a reverend mother. (baron) feyd, even though he's aging, thufir is one of the finest mentats in the universe. and he's mine, feyd, all mine. quiet now. i will.

come. [meowing] oh, thufir! i see they've installedyour heart plug already. don't be angry. everyone gets one here. but this is not why we're here. we've brought you a little cat, thufir. you must care for it if you wish to live. [purring]

a poison has been introduced into your body, thufir hawat. by milking this, this smooth, little cat body, you receive your antidote. it must be done each day. all i can see is an atreides that i want to kill. feyd, no, no. thufir's a harkonnen now. aren't you, thufir? my duke, how i've failed you.

chani, i love you. i've always loved you. (paul) the holy warriors. no one ever dreamed there were so many. i am usul. paul muad'dib. our shared enemy, the harkonnens, are once againin control of arrakis, stilgar, your leader, has asked me and my mother to teach you

the weirding way to crush the harkonnens. we must do more than this. we must totally destroyall spice productionon arrakis. the guild and the entire universe depends on spice. he who can destroy a thing, controls a thing. i will take 100 of your warriors and train them. this 100 will train the thousands that remain. when the spice flow stops, all eyeswill turn to arrakis.

the baronand the emperor himself will be forced to deal with us. arrakis will becomethe center of the universe. orato! this obelisk is ofyour hardest stone. kick it. hit it. yell at it. [all chuckling]

break! korba, cut it. move back. [chanting] [all exclaiming] this is partof the weirding way that we will teach you. some thoughts have a certain sound, that being the equivalent to a form.

through sound and motion, you will be able to paralyze nerves, shatter bones, set fires, suffocate an enemy, or burst his organs. we will kill until no harkonnenbreathes arrakeen air. (all) muad'dib! chaaksa. [metal clanging] stilgar.

(fremen warrior)muad'dib. hmm? (voice on weirding module) muad'dib. muad'dib. muad'dib. muad'dib. my name is a killing word. they are ready to fight. yet in order to lead them, i must conquer the worm, conquer shai-hulud. take the kiswa maker hook of our sietch, and ride as a leader of men.

[all droning] shai-hulud. i must not fear. fear is the mind killer. only the very strong ones travel this deep. usul has called a big one! again, it is the legend. (stilgar) usul, these are 15 of our finest warriors to serve you as your guard. the fedaykin.

now. when the spice flow stops, all eyes will turn to arrakis. the baron and the emperor himself will be forced to deal with us. muad'dib. muad'dib. muad'dib.muad'dib. what happened? muad'dib. what happened to you and your men?

muad'dib! what are you saying? what are you saying? muad'dib! muad'dib! he's been repeating that name ever since we found him. who is this muad'dib? (princess irulan) in the two standard years that followed, muad'dib and the fremen brought spice production to a standstill. fearing for his life, rabban did his best

to hide this fact from his uncle, the baron. paul's sister alia matured at a frightening rate. her small body harbored tremendous powers. paul and chani's love grew. we surprised a band of smugglers. too bad. i thought they were harkonnen. gurney! you've no need of your weapons with me, gurney halleek. (gurney) paul!

don't you trustyour own eyes? they said you were dead. they... they said... gurney! gurney! gurney! you young pup! you young pup! (guildsman over translating device) emperor shaddam iv, you have one last chance

to take matters into your own hands, and bring the situation under control on arrakis. what do you mean, one last-- silence. do not speak. listen. you do not have more than this one chance. i represent the entire guild in this matter. our navigators warn you that spice production is in great danger. a new fremen leader, muad'dib,

has stopped spice mining on arrakis. our navigators suggest he is not of arrakis. no one on the outside world has been able to see him. we do not know who he is. the harkonnens cannot stop him. remedy this situation, restore spice production, or you'll live out your life in a pain amplifier. (guildsman) the emperor will stop him. he won't take the water of life.

(paul) that's why they want me killed. they're afraid i'll take the water of life. i want 50 legions of sardaukar on arrakis at once! 50 legions? that's our entire reserves as well. this is genocide, the deliberate and systematic destruction of all life on arrakis! (paul) the emperor is coming! chani! chani!

you were calling my name. it frightened me. oh, chani. all the images of my future are gone. i have to drink the water of life. no, paul, please. i've seen the men who have tried. i've seen how they died. i'm dead to everyone unless i try to become what i may be. only the water of lifewill free what can save us.

[both panting] i must drink the sacred water. (paul) i must go now. hurry. all i seeis darkness. paul. i will love you forever. you are my life. you are my life. (reverend mother) many men have tried. (paul) they tried and failed?

they tried and died. the worm is the spice. the spice is the worm. (paul) the worms. they're not attacking. why? alia. mother. it's paul. he's taken the water of life.

[both sighing] (reverend mother) there is a place, terrifying to us, to women. (paul) this is the place they cannot look. traveling without moving. now i truly control the worm and the spice. and i have the power to destroy the spice forever! father!

the sleeper has awakened! desert planet. your time has come. a storm is coming. our storm. and when it arrives,it will shake the universe. emperor, we come for you! we come for you! long live the fighters!

(all)long live the fighters! (man on radio) suspicion confirmed. the emperor's had rabban seized. gurney, when the storm hits, set off the atomics. i want an opening through the entire shield wall. stilgar, do we have wormsign? usul, we have wormsign, the likes of which even god has never seen. bring in that floating fat man, the baron.

[baron gasping] why have you brought me here? your highness, there must be some mistake. i never requested your presence. ah. but your lack of actiondemanded it. your dreadful mismanagement, your bad judgment in assigning to rabban the governorship. you've forced me to come here

and set things straight, personally. (alia) i am a messenger from muad'dib. poor emperor. i'm afraid my brother won't be very pleased with you. silence! kill this child.she's an abomination. kill her. kill her. get out of my mind! not until you tell them both

who i really am. alia, daughter of duke leto the just, and the royallady jessica. sister of paul muad'dib. paul's sister? paul is muad'dib? [baron screaming] alia keeps pace with the storm.

(paul) with the storm, their air power will be useless. on arrakis, it's desert power. gurney. now! atomics! my brother is coming with many fremen warriors. impossible! not impossible. i told you. he is here now.

father, today i will avenge your death. (sardaukar officer) emperor, an impassable storm has descended. the shield wall has been penetrated by atomics. release the sardaukar. baron, give thislittle abominationto the storm. wait for my brother, baron. [soldiers chatting on radio] chaa! [laser guns firing]

[exclaims] cha. [laser gun firing] wait for my brother. cha! cha! eee-sah! eee-sah! cha!

alia, now. come to me, baron. [chuckling] (paul) feyd rautha. emperor shaddam iv, there are guild heighliners above us, containing many great houses of the landsraad. send them back. how dare you speak to me in--

stop your speaking. you have some idea of what i could do. [growling] don't try your powers on me. try looking into that place where you dare not look. you'll find me there staring back at you. you mustn't speak-- silence! i remember your gom jabbar.

now you'll remember mine. i can kill with a word. [groaning] and his word shall carry death eternal to those who stand against the righteous. the righteous? there isa harkonnen among you. give the harkonnen a blade, and let him stand forth. if feyd wishes,

he can meet you with my blade in his hand. i wish it. this is a harkonnen animal. let me. please, my lord. the emperor's blade. [drums beating rhythmically] why prolong the inevitable? i will kill you. i will kill him!

i will kill him! who is the little one? a pet, perhaps? will she deserve my special attentions? (paul) poisoned. you see your death. my blade will finish you. i will bend like a reed in the wind. [feyd groaning] chaaksa!

muad'dib. usul no longer needs the weirding module. (princess irulan) muad'dib had become the hand of god, fulfilling the fremen prophecy. where there was war, muad'dib would now bring peace. where there was hatred, muad'dib would bring love, to lead the people to true freedom, and to change the face of arrakis.

we fremen have a saying. god created arrakis to train the faithful. one cannot go against the word of god. and how can this be? for he is the kwisatz haderach.

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