kathy h. age 31. she's a carer. been one for almost eleven years. kathy doesn’t think being a carer for that long is an achievement. there are a ton of other carers who are much better and served for a shorter time than her. the only advantage she has is the fact that she was a student at hailsham, a prestigious boarding school. after her sixth year, she was able to choose the donors she cared for. so, kathy tried to choose people that have the same background as her, a hailsham student.
although, over the years, she has been trying to forget her memories of hailsham, of what happened all those years ago. at one point, she just stopped and decided to embrace it. it was when she met her 3rd donor… my name is kathy and i’ll be your carer from now on. the donor just went through his 3rd donation and it didn’t go very well. kathy knew he knew that he probably wasn’t going to make it. his breathing was ragged and his heart beat out of rhythm. (cough)
patient: hey kathy, what was it like for you as a kid? kathy: oh. well, back then it was... interesting to say the least. um...growing up in hailsham wasn’t all that bad, though. patient: hailsham, huh? i heard that's a (cough) i heard that was a better place than where i grew up. kathy: is that so? where'd you grow up? patient: oh…um, i grew up in dorset. i don’t really wanna talk about it, but… you can tell me more about hailsham!
from how he spoke and his facial expressions, it was obvious that he wasn’t ecstatic about his childhood. however, he seemed to be very interested in what hailsham was like, so kathy told him all kinds of stories. kathy reminisced about her childhood, remembering hailsham like she was just there yesterday. one of the memories being of her long lasting relationship with her friend, ruth. ruth: do you want to use my horse? kathy: um… what’s its name?
ruth: my best horse, is thunder, but he’s too dangerous. you can use bramble but you can’t use your crop on him. if you like you can use boxer, clover, daisy, aria, harambe... you have any horses of your own? kathy: nooo. ruth: not even one? kathy: no. ruth: okay, fine. you can use bramble then, but you mustn’t use your whip on him.
here, come on! ruth: okay, we’ll ride here. you can take bramble. squirtle! (chicken cluck) ruth: you can meet clover. she’s really sweet and she’ll react to the slightest pull on the reins. kathy: oh ok. ruth: ok, let’s go! ruth wasn’t kathy’s only lasting friend, there was also tommy, who had a bit of an issue when she met him.
a memory of one day in particular, when ruth and kathy were watching some boys. ruth: look at him! he doesn’t suspect a thing. what an idiot! kathy: he’s even got his favorite polo on. he’s going to be heartbroken if he ruins it. boy 1: ok, let’s start the scrimmage! boys: yeah! boy 2: pick first? boy 1: yeah. uh... pablo! boy 2: jake!
boy 1: umm, juan! boy 2: harambe! boy 1: uhh, camera! boy 3: okay, let's play. boy 2: yeah, let's go. ruth: hold it... it's coming. in seven seconds. six, five, fo- tommy: how could you guys do this to me?! i'm one of the best players on the team, and you leave me behind as the last person on the scrimmage?! girl: it's like he's rehearsing shakespeare.
(tommy screaming while people laugh) ruth: i mean i suppose it is a bit cruel that they left him out like that... but... it's his own fault. if he learned to keep his cool they'd leave him alone. (tommy raging) kathy, come back! (tommy still raging) (worried) kathy, come back! (tommy acting like a gorilla)
kathy: tommy, your shirt, you're going to get mud all over it. (rage, rage and more rage) (lame accidental smack) kathy: your nice shirt. you were going to ruin it. tommy: so what? (tommy pouts) kathy: you know, you can always wash it off yourself and if you can't you can always bring it to ms. jody. sassmaster tommy: it's got nothing to do with you, anyways. tommy: oh, kath! i've been looking all over for you!
kathy: hi. tommy: so i really want to tell you that i'm really sorry about what happened yesterday. tommy: i really didn't mean to hit you. kathy: it's ok, it's ok. tommy: um, i wouldn't hit a girl, especially a girl like you. so... uh, the shirt's nice... it's fine, now. and um... no hard feelings right? kathy: no, no, no, not at all. tommy: no concussion, nothing?
kathy: no, no just a fractured skull, no big deal. tommy: alright, okay, okay. no hard feelings? no hard feelings? kathy: no, no, no, not at all. one hundred percent forgiven! tommy: ok! kathy: alright? ok, ok, bye. tommy: ah okay, bye kath! and that was the start of their friendship. they had a thing called the exchanges back in hailsham,
where they would put their best work out in exchange for tokens, which they could then use to get other students' works. these would go into a wooden chest, what they called their collections. each piece gave you a number of tokens in relation to its value. so your best work would give you more tokens than your not so great work. they also had a thing called the sales, where a van would come down to the valley from the outside world and bring them items they could not make themselves. this was a huge deal for the students, since they were able to buy personal clothes and other objects from the sales.
one time at the sales, kathy had bought a cassette tape that she kept as her little secret and was dancing in her room… as kathy called out to her, she realized she was gone. kathy never really understood why she was crying... at least not until she was older. a few days later, that cassette tape disappeared. in hailsham, art was a large part of the students’ curriculum. some of their best work went to the gallery, which madame, herself, would choose personally.
the kids weren’t sure what her gallery was for, but when they finally dared to discuss it, the “token controversy†sparked. eventually, roy j. went to talk to ms. emily about it and she agreed to give them some tokens for the pieces that madame took away. but the kids were reminded that it was an honor to get their work chosen for the gallery… there was also another time, in mr. lucy’s class, that the students began discussing tokens… that wasn’t the first incident with mr. lucy. the students were outside enjoying themselves under mr. lucy’s watch
when it began to rain, they ran for cover. student 1: you know, when i grow up i want to go to america and become a great actor! in america that's where all the best are. student 2: really? i wanna grow up and move to hawaii to be a banana. mr. lucy: okay! listen up! it’s time someone makes you students realize the truth about your future. you’ve probably been told but none of you fully understand. no, you won’t become bananas and go to hawaii nor will you become great actors
your lives are already set and decided for you and there’s no way you children can change it. you will grow up and become carers and donate your vital organs. that is what each of you were created to do. i can’t live with you children dreaming up these fantasies only to be disappointed. before you know it you would’ve served your time as a carer and you’ll be on your third donation. if you want to live a decent life, you should know these thoughts will never come true. student 3: has he gone mad? student 4: i think he’s lost his marbles. student 5: so what? we already know that.
during their last years at hailsham, ruth and tommy had a relationship that started and ended there, but later on resumed at the cottages after they left hailsham. that was when ruth started to change the most, trying to fit in with the people in the cottages. ruth: hey kath, did you hear about what chrissie and rodney are planning to do? kathy: i actually didn’t. what are they planning? chrissie: rodney thinks he found ruth’s possible up north in norfolk. rodney: i did! i’m not lying! she works in an office like what ruth always talks about! she even acts like her!
ruth: anyways, so, we’re planning to go up to norfolk and finding out for ourselves. chrissie: you want to go, kath? kathy: um...sure? ruth: we’re visiting carers while we’re at it... are you sure you want to go? kathy: i thought we weren’t allowed to visit them? chrissie: yeah, but you have to live wild sometimes, right? you don’t have to go visit him if you don’t want to, kath. it’s ok. transition into car going to norfolk chrissie: when rodney and i were up in wales,
we heard about this special opportunity for hailsham students in which couples could put back their donations for a couple years. they said that if a couple proved that they were really in love with each other, the people at hailsham could sort it out so you could spend a few years together without worrying about donations. chrissie: i supposed you would know a lot about it and the rules. ruth: yeah, they told us some things, but we don’t really know much... we’ve never talked about it. we should get going. rodney: who is it you had to go to to get the deferral?
ruth: well we never really talked about it… right, tommy? tommy: actually, i don't remember talking about any of this. at all… ruth: anyways, let’s get going. (rodney dangerously whips while driving car) chrissie: okay, rodney, where did you say you saw her? rodney: ...it was around north street! i know the way, follow me! (poses and struts) kathy: rodney, are you sure this is the right way? ruth: this is the third time. are you even sure she exists?
rodney: yes, i’m sure! i’m confident now. follow me. (cue spy music) rodney: guys! it’s her, it’s really her! i found her! chrissie: which one is it, rodney? rodney: the one in the blue, talking to that woman! rodney: let’s follow her! ruth: don’t raise any suspicion. do do dooo do do doooo
do do doooooo doodoo as time went on and they learned more and more about the woman, it started to become clear that, yes, she had some similarities to ruth but… she was nothing like ruth, and soon they all silently agreed to leave. chrissie: well, i think we can all agree she was nothing like ruth. (weird 'heh' chuckle) ruth: of course it wasn’t, we were all modelled from trash. rodney: ruth, let’s forget about it and go see martin. you’ll like him, he’s a real laugh.
kathy: i don’t know… i don’t think i’m going to go. you guys can go, though. ruth: look who’s upset, now? well, there’s no reason for all of us to go around together the whole time. if you don’t want to join us then go by yourself. that’s the best way to leave her when she’s in this mood. rodney: well... just be back at the car by four. kathy: ok. tommy: you know, i’ll stay with kath. if we’re splitting, i’ll stay with kath. that afternoon, they spent their time chatting and laughing while walking around norfolk.
tommy decided that they should look for kathy’s tape, that she had lost in what they called hailsham in their student days, the lost corner of england. they visited the tape shop and managed to find it in the store, songs after dark by judy bridgewater. on their way back to the cottages, ruth didn’t even seem pleased. kathy thought everything was fine, until... ruth: hey! tommy: thanks.
ruth: come on, let's go! tommy: augh, i’m not really feeling it. ruth: come on, it’ll be fun! (snoops seeing ruth and tommy doing the inappropriates [secs*]) (rage) ruth: aw, poor kathy! i know what you're thinking you would've been better suited with tommy rather than me and tommy
it's natural if you've thought about what would happen if me and tommy were no longer together but... it's not going to happen. so.. look tommy sees you as a really, really good friend but not as a proper girlfriend he doesn't like the kind of girl who sleeps around with everybody... so... as a good friend, i'm trying to
not give you any false hope kathy: you're- thanks, ruth. you-you're a go-good friend. (sad sniffle) ruth: i knew you would understand. and after that moment, kathy knew that it was time for her to leave the cottages and become a carer a few years after becoming a carer, kathy was able to choose her own donor.
that’s why she was able to become ruth’s carer. she would come visit her every couple days, always around afternoon with mineral water and biscuits. they would sit there and talk about hailsham, or life, or whatever was on their minds, and watch the sun set. one day... ruth: kathy, there are rumors that there’s an abandoned boat near kingsfield in the marshes… i heard a lot of donors go with their carers to go see it.
kathy: in the marshes? how do you think it got there? ruth: i don't know. maybe, there was a flood or someone dumped it there. kathy: do you suppose you want to see this boat? ruth: i suppose so. kathy: and do you suppose that since we are going that way, that you would like to call over tommy since his center is just down the road? ruth: we could think about it that way. honestly, that wasn’t the reason i wanted to go,
i honestly, i genuinely wanted to go see it. it’s hard being cooped up in a hospital all the time. though, i did know tommy was in the kingsfield center. the next day, they headed out to pick up tommy in kingsfield kathy: oh, look. here he comes. ruth: what do we do?? do we get out? no, no, no, let's not get out. tommy: kathy, how you been? haven't seen you in a long time.
kathy: haven't seen you. tommy: sup, ruth! ruth: hi... (conversation ensues) they drove to the marsh through narrow and twisted roads, and got out at the edge of the woods. they walked following directions given to kathy, until they reached a barbed wire fence. and the three climbed under
finally, they arrived. kathy: i wonder how it got there. tommy: maybe this is what hailsham looks like... do you suppose? ruth: why do you think it looks like this? like just because it closed down, doesn't mean it would become a marshland. tommy: i suppose. wasn't thinking. ruth: kathy, i'd like you to forgive me but i don't expect you to i kept you and tommy apart
so i want to make things right. tommy: what do you mean, "make things right"? ruth: kathy, listen, you and tommy have to get a deferral. if-if it's you two there must be a chance. kathy: that's stupid. and it's too late to think about it. ruth: it's not too late! tommy, tell her!
tommy: umm... ruth: see, i wanted to make this trip to say what i had to say and tommy, take this. tommy: thanks, ruth. what is it? ruth: it's madame's address. you've got to at least try. kathy: that's enough. i need to get both of you back. ruth: but you'll think about it, right?
kathy: i just want to get back now. a few days after her second donation, ruth had completed. that day, kathy was by her bedside and promised her they would give it a try before she did. kathy also became tommy's carer and their relationship began. it wasn't long after that, that they had decided to try for the deferral.
tommy: um, excuse me, madame? kathy: uh, hi. we were students from hailsham, and my name is kathy h. and his name is tommy d. and we were wondering if we could talk to you for a little while? madame: oh, of course. i have some time before the movers come. come on. you two can get comfy in the common room. kathy: thank you. madame: i'll be there in a sec.
right through here. you two can take a seat over there. so, what did you kids want to talk to me about? tommy: um, so... kathy and i are truly in love. and we were wondering if the rumors are true? do you give couples deferrals? madame: why come to me about that? tommy: well, we thought that was what your gallery was for, so you could see what we were like, and-
madame: and to see what? you thought the gallery would show that you had souls? is that what you thought it was for? should we continue? kathy: ye-yes, but... madame: oh, you poor. poor creatures. what happened? how did it lead to this? ms. emily: yes.
i think it's time for them to know, marie-claude. kathy: oh, ms-ms. emily. ms. emily: ah, yes. it's nice seeing my former students. kathy, tommy. ask anything you want. i'll try my best to answer it. tommy: so... the deferrals... do you really give them out? can we get a few years to ourselves?
(ms. emily sighs) ms. emily: so many couples come here every year all because of this one rumor i've tried to end it all, but... everytime... couples are always disappointed in the end. kathy: so, the rumors, they're not true? ms. emily: sadly, no. they're not true. kathy: but, what about the gallery? ms. emily: you were partly right.
everyone thought that all the kids from hailsham... they don't have any souls and that they're only thing is that they're donors. so, we created the gallery to show that you kids, you guys do have souls. and you're just like everyone else. yeah, you guys did a really good job with that. (ding dong) ah, oh well, the movers are here. i'm glad we were able to talk.
kathy: alright, thank you ms. emily and madame for giving us some answers. (numerous sighs) madame: oh. well, it was nice seeing you two. kathy: thank you. good bye. after their strange encounter with ms. emily and madame, everything calmed down a bit. tommy and kathy continued to spend time together, despite being disappointed.
then, tommy decided to break the news about his fourth donation. after that day, they started to enjoy each other's company. as their days together were dwindling away before they knew it, tommy had completed. and kathy had lost ruth and tommy. but, she didn't lose her memory of them. nor had kathy forgotten about hailsham. she remembers standing in the fields one evening and closing her eyes
to see a small figure in the distance. slowly getting closer and closer until kathy saw... that it was tommy.