(male announcer)previously on bionic woman... what is going on, jaime? just tell me, okay?i need to know. i can't. what's this? a student id. you're going to college. transfer studentfrom oxford. my school t.a.
tom gilchrist. can i interest youin a tasty beverage? [laughing] be right back. who are you? i asked you first. you're frickin' f.b.i.,aren't you? you supposedto leave this to us. what, are you, like,a cia agent?
well, what the hellare you? i'm with the berkut group. (jaime) they're making the drop. all right, i'll go down. you stay up hereand cover me. don't underestimate me. [beeping] you all right? yeah.
not a good idea. what about you? what's your story? it's my last nightat college. can we just hang out? $250,000 cash. walking around money. five millionin bearer bonds. as requested.
i've done my part. where's the list? right, the list. move move move! [gunshots] this one's still alive. get the chopper down. i want him aliveand brought to berkut. bring it in.
(male pilot over radio) copy that. [hard rock music] ♪ ♪ (becca) he is? okay, excellent. um, wait,did you mention me? well, what did he say? really? shut up.
yeah, tonight at 8:00. okay, all right,see you then. guess who's coming overtonight for tarantino movie night? brennan. actually, i thinki'm gonna call him. no, you are not calling him. rule number one, let him call you.
rule number one? mm-hmm. come on. there are a list of rules,and they are ironclad. oh, the list of rules. okay, i cannot believeyou read that book. it is seriously anti-feminist. i'm just sayingcalling a guy is the kiss of death.
even if you thoughtyou spent an incredible,meaningful night with somebody, and they follow that upwith eight days of stone cold silence. what are you talking about? the rules.let him take the lead. rule five. be mysterious. rule six.
and don't eversplit the check. rule ten. wow. i mean, am i allowed to voteor own property? ha ha. i'm trusting youand your friends to have a good night, okay? no smoking, no drinking, no driving.
and more importantly,no calling brennan. okay, you are seriouslyway behind the times you shouldhave a word with him. i understandyou worked for victor booth. i also understandyou have a wife. children. the last thingyou would want is for somethingto happen to them. [beeping speeds up]
what'd you find out? the sale is set up at the sahrawi embassyin paris. put a team together. this isthe last known photograph of victor booth. who's victor booth? he's an arms dealer, among other things. doesn't seem to haveany permanent address.
multiple reconstructivesurgeries. uses decoys. doesn't get photographed, so nobody knowswhat he looks like. that imageis eight years old. the onlygood thing about it is we can see the eyes. what does berkutwant with him? killed one of my menlast night.
our operative was set up as a buyer for a list we really need. somehow victor got windof the fact that he was berkut. he killed him and left the cash. which was smart, 'cause the billswere traceable. we've since learnedhe's set up another buyer. learned from who? [inhales deeply]
the cia. i thought cia and berkuthated each other. we do, but in this case, we're forcedto work together. we both need victor's list. what's on the list? the identities of ciaand berkut operatives. now, intel says victor'son his way to paris. given the natureof the situation,
cia's gonna insistthat we send somebody in there with you. so i'm going to pariswith a cia agent. that's right. can i pick who? this isn'ta kickball game, jaime. well, i just thought that,you know, since time is of the essence,it'd be good to skipthe getting to know you part
and just hit the groundrunning. tom gilchrist and i seemed to get the job donelast week. okay, you wanna call him? no, you go ahead. i don't call guys. [grunting] you're missingthe point, jaime. really? 'cause i thinki just kicked your ass.
discretion. you have to be ableto neutralize the enemy in publicwithout anyone ever seeing. once you're exposedto the world, you'll lose all valueas a weapon. you knowwhat i love most? being referred to as a weapon. [grunts] hi.
tom. jae. good luck. [laughs] long time. nine days. so you ready for paris? yep. by the way, thanksfor calling me out in this.
oh, i didn't call you.jonas called you. okay, so here's the plan. when we land in de gaulle,we gotta move fast. oh, de gaulle,ha ha. i hate paris. if i'm being honest, i just--i don'tget the allure. i've never been. you haven't?
oh, it's the mostromantic place in the world. you're gonna love it. really. yeah, romantic. yeah, my parents took me therewhen i was 12. 15 churchesand five museums in one day. gun, mouth. the louvre, don't do it to yourself. nathan, can we concentrateon the case?
let's get down to it. all right, jae,you and i will take nathan to the safe houseand we'll set up shop with the rest of the cia team. meanwhile, tom and jaime,you're gonna assume your cover and check into the hotel. how did berkut find victor? last week,one of our top operatives made contact.
he was killedtrying to buy the list. victor means business. he's sold names before. the three operatives on the last list were all dead48 hours after it was sold. and if our intel is correct, there's over 100 nameson this list. which meanswe're talking about not only american security,but the immediate safety
of over 100 men and womenand their families. so if we can get those names,we can protect those people. so is the saledefinitely going down tonight? the one thing that we know for sure is it's happening tonight. and we need to geta positive id on victor from among 200 to 300 guests. so you two have to eye make contact as many eurotrash toolbagsas you can.
and we'll take careof the rest at the safehouse. all right, we bring victorinto custody and we keep the listfrom getting into enemy hands. let's go do it. sounds good. hey, let's keep it professional,you two, huh? [clears throat] [upbeat music]
you ever seen breathless? jean-luc goddard? no. i bet you haven't seena single movie made before 1983. the breakfast club? [buzzer]thanks for playing. we havesome lovely parting gifts. [speaking french]
we need two rooms. [muzak] [sighs] i was in turkmenistan... i didn't know you spoke french. no, no, you go ahead. that's why i didn't call. bad service?who's your carrier? i know--it sounds lame,doesn't it?
no, no,it sounds really important. well, it was important. but you understand that,right? saving lives, national security,that kind of thing. i mean, you'rein the game too, right? sure. c'est la vie. i gatheri'm madame lodato. does that make me your wifeor your mom?
uh, my very chic wife.i'm a lucky man. oh, i almost forgot. wow!look at the view! yeah, it's great, right? well, since we'rea married couple, we should just watch tvand not have sex. that's a great idea. i wonder if they havedeal or no deal. say it in french.
um, you know... you don't have to worry. i'll...i'll just... i'll sleep on the couch. i thinkthat's a better idea. ah!bonjour, mi ami. what's up, jae! hey. comment c'est va,everybody?
nathan. wow, they're notvery friendly. this the french cia? wait till you meettheir handler. all right, i installedthe iris recognition softwarei got from my friend at... oh, wait, i can't tell youwhere i got it, 'cause then... no, don't say... i have to kill you.
...because thenyou have to kill me. all i need to know is whetherthis will effectively identify victor. jaime needs to lock onto peoples' eyes. once she does, the programconverts the details of the iris stromal patterninto a bit pattern, and i can cross-reference. once i affirm the match, i apprise agent summersso that she can determine
the means to extricate the markto the jimjam. you realize that spiesdon't really talk that way. i know.it blows. i'm just trying to bring backthe cool. anyway, if jaimemeets victor's eyes, we'll find him. victor's altered his appearancenumerous times. even if victorhas gone victoria,
the program is airtight. okay, this biometrictechnology makes photoshoplook like pong. unprecedented false rate match. like, never. even these geniusescan't change their eyes. wouldn't be so sureabout that. alexis. ruth.
nice work in dubai. where'd you findyour floater? high school sweetheart. jaime summers,that's a new name. how long has she been... what is she, 12? how did you find her? happy accident. iris recognition.
i doubt your operative can get 200 captures during the cocktail party. i don't know, our girl is pretty good. dude, don't...don't touch my stuff. there's a lot of security,but we knew that. yeah, packing semiautomaticsoutside the embassy is a pretty big deal. if they're doing that.
are they? they are. so what'sthe embassy party for, anyway? environmentalists. i didn't know environmentalistsliked to party. hey, if we i.d. victorbefore 8:00, croissants on me. it's gonna be more complicatedthan that. i know.
just tryingto lighten the mood. jeez. jaime... i have to go out in the fieldwith a clear head. if i lose focus for a second,i'm dead. now, i can handlethat responsibility if it's just about me. but i can't evenbegin to think about screwing up and,as a result, you...
personal relationshipscan compromise a mission... yeah, i get it.i do. i like you.i really do. look, i thinkwe should just be friends. good.good. we haven't even hada second date. exactly. it's gonna be fine. just partnersexecuting a job.
i thought you guys saidthat brennan was gonna call. 'cause he didn't.that's a bad sign, right? calm down.he's coming over. you guys'll hang out,we'll watch reservoir dogs, and you two'll hook up. the end. no, no, i don'treally wanna hook up during reservoir dogs. okay, i guessi can make that work.
mm-hmm. [doorbell] hey, becca. this is my friend annie. hi, rebecca. it's becca. oh. annie didn't even knowwho quentin tarantino was. oh, shut up.
hey!sorry, excuse me. hopefully the receiving line's still happening. that way we can split upand cover more ground. victor could look like anyone,so we have... [upbeat seductive music] could you zip me up? the drop needs to happenby 9:45. we've got to id victorbefore then. security at 3:00 and 9:00.
surveillance cameras in the grandfather clock and ugly flower arrangements. okay, how are yougetting that? oh, come on. what did those guys teach youat langley, anyway? [scoffs] possible target id,northwest corner. funny, i would have saidby the buffet. (indian woman) well, perhaps we can debate lithuanian tariffs
another time. mrs. varnas isin basle tonight. (jaime)not our guy. he's about to leave with herand it's not even 9:00 yet. okay. god. what do these euro douches haveover me? wealth, power, dignity. eh.
uh, no match. plenty of targets, let's look around. him? no. no way, what's this guy,shaolin monks here. this is a great party.why am i not there? by the bar. nope. no, look at his hands. they're in the broken zipper position.
low and in front of the waist. the sign of defensiveness. everything we have on our guysays he's a sociopath. cool and confident. fernando! is that you? may i help you, senorita? that's so good. he looks like a fernando. not him, let's go.no match.
sorry, i mistook youfor somebody else. and it's senora. now... he could be our man. he's not a diplomat, his shoes aren't shined, he's not wearing a cummerbund, and his jacket'sone size too big. ooh. tom, you're an ana--you psychoanalyze people.
neurosurgeon,and you're a therapist. we're running out of time. drinking, why not?let's drink now. this is what we do at work. do you knowyou're at work? what about him? yeah, how about--yeah,colonel sanders over here? he looks good. that's a rare vintagein this town.
only thing i orderwhen i'm in paris. drives the french nuts. so i take ityou're not from paris. no, i just couriered a packageover here this morning. got ropedinto this little get-together. it's a rental. catch his eye,catch his eye. catch his eye. come on, look herin the eye, come on.
i'm based in d.c.uh, you? i'm a professor at stanford,and my husband is an art historiandoing research at the picasso museum. oh, cool. no, i'm herefor the van gogh retrospectives, actually. she's a beautiful lady. come on!
what are you doing? he's looking at everything but your eyes. come on, casino royale. i'm shakenand i'm stirred, okay? uh, what's yourfavorite picasso? my favorite? well, no, i'm focusedmainly on the impressionists. right, but as an art historian, you must have at leasta passing interest
in picasso. i like the blue period. yeah, blue period rocks. favorite, dora maar au chat. you know it? no, i don't. you'd know itif you saw it. look, when i was dropping offthis package this morning, there was this piecein the secretary's office.
a picasso. but i can't tellif it's an original. maybe you could, uh... take a look at it for me? well, maybe later. we just got here. honey, let's see it. maybe it's one you don't know. attagirl.
that's whati'm talking about, okay. it's close,just one flight down. right up your alley. thank you. thanks. i've got a hunch. what are you doing? just go with it. all right,there we go.
come on, we gotta geta clear shot of his eyes. let's do this. right through here. first door on the left. (nathan) yes, finally. we have a match.that's him. that's victor. see ya. oh, come on!
[yelling] i know it's him.we lost him. how? he locked usin a wine vault. getting locked in a wine vaultis a cliche. and do i need to remind youthat you're bionic? yeah, i know, i'm on it. i'll call you back. let me help.
oh, you've beensuch a great help so far. pardon me? honey, let's go seethat picasso. maybe it's oneyou don't know. um, everyone knows that'spicasso's most famous painting. everyone. hey, you're the one whowent down picasso road. i was briefed in van gogh. and then you're like,"oh, let's just do down
into this dark basementwith a strange man." anybody can be surprised. it's embarrassingis what it is. ass! you know,the buy is happening now. can we justtry this together? what do you weigh,a buck ten? yeah, that'll makea huge difference. yeah, we'll see.
whatever. but i loosened it. whatever.come on. excuse me. did you see that? (tom) see what? uh-oh. work with me. hey! yes.
the only place we couldfind a little privacy. okay, i need you nowto turn around and go up the stairs, okay? merci. uh, how much am igonna have to pay you to look the other way? sorry. you know,i was gonna do that. that's all right.nice technique.
okay... let's go. [dance music] i'm just gonna go, okay? what? gonna go. becca... look, i'm fine, okay?it's fine. jerk!
[engine starts] [horn honks] [siren] license and registration. um... (man's voice) you're late. (victor) i was detained. all right,i'm going in alone. you're kidding, right?
i knowyou can handle yourself, but this guy'sgonna be armed. you're not ready for this. victor's in that room.that's the mission. we both have to go in there. no, it's too dangerous. we both knew it was dangerousbefore we came to paris. nothing's changed. yes, it has!
oh, so i'm your trophy spy. this is harder thani thought it was gonna be. just hang back. you know what? you don't get to cornerthe market on brave. you may thinkyou're being a gentleman, but it's condescending. get over yourself. i'll take him.
aah! jaime, no! you okay? clear. there's nothing on him.there's no list. it's not victor. it looks like him,but it's not him. (alexis) go, now. [guns engine]
wait, we haveto go back for tom! there's no time. where is victor? hey, we had a lock. it's not my fault she takes outa whole new guy. why hasn't tom called? we're trying to locatehis tracking device. it says he's stillat the embassy, but the gpscould have been knocked loose
and left behind. he's still there. we have to go backand just go in. hello?it's sovereign territory. just going inis not an option. where did she come from? you cost me quite a lotof money tonight. who do you work for? the metropolitanmuseum of art.
the only reasonyou're not dead yet is... i forgot. [cell phone ringing] yeah? can i talk to tom? tom, it's for you. (jaime) tom? i can't believeyou called me. shut up.are you okay?
honey, everything's fine. you know how much i loveto hang out with the guys. don't worry,i'm gonna be fine. let me guess,you want your husband back. this is the wife, right? good for you.you want him back. i'm afraid it's gonna cost you quite a lot. i do want him back.
and i also want the list. the list, really? $6 million. fine. 2 million for your husband. great. one hour. go to the cafe sartre at the clingancourt. three percent in cash,
the rest in bearer bonds. if i see youwith anyone else, i'll cut your fake husbandinto real pieces. does tom have victor? uh, no, reverse that. we can get tom and the listfor 8 million. the drop's in 58 minutes. what makes you thinki can get $8 million in less than an hour?
you can't? i'm not authorizedto release that amount. can you call someone who is? is that a yes? give me a minute. we still have 57 of 'em. can you get the money? i know someone who can. can you get me $8 million in,say, 45 minutes?
okay? it's for the mission, right? no, i found this great pair of shoes. you know, being flipdoesn't engender my trust. it's to buy the list. i'll authorize the wire.nathan knows the account. just get it done. hi, becca. wait, you're jaime's boss?
oh, yeah, sorry,she said i should call you if there was an emergency. driving without a licenseunderage and intoxicated, i'd say that qualifies. well, thanks for your help, but i'm just gonna go callone of my friends... whoa whoa. i'm responsiblefor getting you home. on the way,we can have a little chat.
we can't go in after tom. we're not authorizedto do any more here. my hands are tied. your agent's life'son the line, and that's your response? this is a ghost mission now.tom is solely accountable. he knowsthat's how it works. he wouldn't want usto put other agents lives in jeopardy.
he's compromised, jaime. what would you sayif i told you i'm gonna go inand get him? i'd say good for you. who's gonnahave my back in there? we're gonna be with youevery step of the way, okay? are we good? absolutely. you have a mic and earwig.
we can talk to you,you can talk to us. i don't like youin the market alone. i won't be alone. you and jae'llbe covering me. you just can't be with me. it's too dangerous to tom. jaime, berkut is allowing youto carry $8 million to get the list. not to hang out with your boyfriend.
i have a degree in psychology. quit playingwith that ring. there isn't timeto reinvent the plan. the list is the only reasonwe're here. (jae) she can do it. $240,000 in cash. the rest in bearer bonds.you good? drop me here. so i'm supposed to believe
my sister'sselling time-shares? well, what arethe most popular time-shares? i'd have to say arizona. no.no, it's too hot. old people like that. i mean, what is my sisterdoing selling them? if i had to guess, i'd say she's tryingto earn a decent living so she cantake care of you.
i realize why she wanted meto call you. it's, like, a guilt triponce removed. sorry, i didn't meanto lay a guilt trip on ya. i have a daughter and she'saccused me of that before. and she's probably right, so i apologize. it's okay. i'm not into jaime's listof secrets, you know? it's like some thingsshe just... puts on this repeat loop.
and then othersshe totally clams up about. i mean, we're sisters. like, okay, her fiance? she never talks about him. and he died. i mean,that's weird, right? we're family, we should be ableto talk about that stuff. yeah, you should. are you gonna saymaybe she has her reasons?
maybe she does, you know? (victor) just keep walking to the center of the cafe. fine, but i want you to... damn it. hey, pretty lady. care to join me? here we are, second date. not a cheap one. how much?
$8 million. oh, god. i don't mind sayingi expect you to put out. that's very forward of you. you must be american. that looks nice on you. don't worry about it.it's a cubic zirconia. no, it's not. okay, it's not.
i do have an expense account. so it's a write-off. now you're making me soundlike i'm not romantic. well... jaime, i shouldn't have saidany of that stuff on the roof. no, tom, i wasway out of line. it was complete crap. i didn't mean what i saidat the embassy. you mean about mebeing condescending?
any of it. no, i shouldn't have saidany of that stuff to you. clearly you can kick some ass. i can. you can. god, you're beautiful. you realize that the minutethat you put the money on the table, we're dead,right? right.
and if you didn'tbring any money, we're also dead? you read comic booksas a kid? i did. i loved 'em. my favorite was this onecalled freedom fighters. there was this great character called the human bomb. my god.
uh-huh. whoa.whoa, bombs, no. nobody said bombs. oh, great. you want an espresso? good evening,i've got a list of specials. bingo, we got it.pay dirt. actually,i'm not that hungry. cafe policy,mademoiselle.
you cannot sit at the tablewithout paying. oh, i can pay. good. [gunshot] no, no, no!get away from me! how do i deactivate it? you can't. now let me check the manual. can i look? give me twosecond--two seconds. no.
no. it's a solar fusedetonator. one of the leads is hotand the other two are decoys! you pull the wrong lead... are you sure? [muttering nervously] it's the, uh, black wire. i'm sure.yank that puppy. wait! wait! yank it!
lucky guess. you're welcome. [nervous laughter] oh. holy...oh. all right.stay out of the open. watch out!watch out! watch out! [gun cocks] tom!
wh-- where the helldid you come from? how the hell'dyou get here? i'm a really fast runner. so they recoveredabout $4 million. the rest is working it's wayinto the french economy. well, i was actuallycarrying $8 million. so in a way,i got the list for half price. listen.
don't just call me for money.call for backup. this time we came out ahead.we could've done better. i was thinking about tom. i was thinking about you. what about the cia? what about 'em? you give 'em victor? but they left tom.they abandoned him. frankly, victor's
a lot better offwith the cia. by the way, my sisterdidn't call, did she? i gave her your number. how did you get to victorbefore i did? and...how did you figure outthe explosive device? don't tell meyou guessed, please. i didn't guess, i... i don't knowhow to tell you how i did it. the whole time you wereworking on the wiring,
i should've been scaredfor my life. but actually i wasjust thinking about how niceyour hair smells. okay.you know what? i will not waiteight days again for you to call me. you've got one more shotat this thing, tom. two strikes and you're out.rule 27. hey, how about dinner?
i mean,we're in paris and all. i'd love to, but i haveto get back to my sister. no dinner the same dayyou save a guy's life. is that rule #26? that's not a rule. that's just me needingto see my sister. [earlimart's the little things] ♪ everyone i know ♪ ♪ is runnin' off somewhere ♪
i'll call you. ♪ but stillthe deep blue sea ♪ ♪ it's right in frontof me ♪ becca! hello! you here? i thought you weren'tcoming back till 7:00. what are you doingthat you shouldn't be? if you tell me firstbefore i find out, i might not freak.
i'm not doing anything. becca. come here. sure this isn't a diversion to get your guy brennan out a window? oh, please. brennan is yesterday's drama. it's warm.
i put it in the dryer. i'm so sorry i assumedyou did something bad. you know, i-i worry about you so muchwhen i'm away. and i worry about whetheri'm doing the right thing. and i'm just so tired. look, i know what you'regiving up for me. for us. i am exactly where i wantto be right now, okay?
go take a bath. yeah. i think i will. ♪ and everyone i know ♪ ♪ is runnin' out of love ♪ ♪ oh and it's so sad ♪ ♪ it's the only thingwe have ♪ ♪ love's the only thingwe have ♪ ♪ captioning by captionmax www.captionmax.com