- do you think thatthe avengers' standards have slipped a bit? what i can't understand is those z-list characterswho make it, like starfox. what was his power again?as vague as it was, wasn't it to givepleasure to people? - yeah, he could tap intoyour pleasure center. - oh, it's a guy?- yeah. - oh.well, still...
- what about us becoming honorary avengers, like rick jones? he had no powers. - i'd like to hang outwith the avengers. - what do you bringto the table that ming chen is allowedto pal around with the avengers? - i don't know, i mean... [laughter]- hummina-hummina-hummina.
there's just...nothing, i guess. [laughter]- well, no, you put it that way, it's like, i mean,yeah, you gotta be-- - i am pretty useless.- i guess starfox looks more deservingthan you. - he could be likestarfox's apprentice. walking around,knocking on doors-- "you guys need any pleasure?no? you're good? all right." [laughter]
[heroic music] - [evil laugh] ♪ ♪ - [roars] - hello, and welcome backto another episode of comic book men, the only show that gigglesand blushes whenever somebody says,"the dark knight rises." i'm your host kevin smith.
- bryan johnson.- walt flannagan. - mike zapcic.- ming chen. - okay, man,somebody had to have come through the doors this week. - the stashes had beenvisited by some pretty famousvehicles in the past. - yeah. we've seenthe batmobile come through, the general lee came through. another vehicle came inthis time,
but not with four wheels,though. - how you doing today?- how are ya? - you guys need any help?- we have a batman item that you may beinterested in. - got it on you?- we actually have it outside. - wanna go bring it in?- uh, we can't bring it in. we'd have to take yououtside to show you. - you're piquing my interest.it's something large, huh? - won't fit through the door.- wanna go outside,
check it out?- how can i not? - come on. you may wannasee this, ming. they got something bigoutside. oh, my god! the batcycle!- that is so cool. - holy [bleep]!holy crap, it's gorgeous! it's even gotthe side cycle! robin's little go-kart. [chatter, laughter]
they had this, uh,this batcycle pimped out to look exactly likethe '66 version. - oh, with the side car?- yeah! - get outta here!- the exact replica of the batman tv showbatcycle. - which you didn't seetoo often in the actual show, but the batcycle capturedyour imagination as a kid because you're sitting therewatching the tv show, you're like, "i'm too littleto ride the bike,
"but i could sit in the side carright next to batman and go fight crime with him."[laughter] - oh, my god, this is,i think... the most badass motorcyclein all of tv history. - it's one of the mostbadass vehicles on tv, in my opinion. - i'm impressedwith how liberal the definition of badassis for you guys. - it's absolutely gorgeous,man.
i'm falling in love with it. and you brought it here today'cause you wanna sell it? - yes. - well, how much you lookingto get for it? - we're looking to get7 grand for it. - i know there's no waymy wife's gonna let me buy a motorcycle.- don't tell her. - what?- i like that logic. - i don't have a motorcyclelicense--do you?
- i don't.- do you? - yeah, actually, i do.- you do? - yeah.- i know you do. - but i don't wannatool around as robin whenever i wanna go out in it.- could you imagine your wife hearing that?not only does she not know you have a stakein a motorcycle, but you're playing robinto his batman? - you just summed it all upright there, man.
i'm gonna have to say we probably would not beinterested in it, but... i mean, since you brought itall the way down here, i mean, i'd love to say i at leastrode in the batcycle. you think we couldtake a ride in it? - absolutely.- absolutely. - you guys are awesome. [chattering]- aw! - now, you're a motorcyclefiend yourself.
you've had variousbikes and hogs. when you see this,is this impressive, or is this like nerd bait? - uh, it's kinda nerd bait because the, uh, the bikeitself is small, the engine. - i always thought it wasn'tthe size of the engine, it was the size of the guy'sheart who's riding. - yeah, you thought wrong. - how's it feel? are you gonnabe able to handle this?
- yeah. yeah, i got this.you ready, old chum? - ready, batman. [engine doesn't turn] [engine turns] [cheers and applause] - you look likethe great gazoo. - yeah![laughter] - hey, dumb-dumb, let's go! - here we go.whoo!
[batman-like music plays] - this is cool!i never seen red bank from, like, a side car. - ha ha ha! - do you feel ashamedsitting in the robin seat? - naw, i feel good. - you gonna go homeand tell your family? - absolutely not. - you know, now i knowwhat robin felt like, man,
the wind in your face--[clattering] oh!- oh ho ho ho! - whoo! - hold on tight, all right?i'm gonna pop a wheelie. - don't even screw aroundlike that, man--come on, man. - i think my niece'smotorized scooter has more juicethan this thing. - we built some speed here. - no, no, not over 20.keep it under 20!
[engine revving] - come on, knock it off! [ming chortling] - hold onto this for a second? - for what?[beeping] - hello? - i'm serious, man,i'm not feeling right. - if you gotta throw up,throw up that way, not this way. - oh, hey, ma.
i'm on the batcycle. the batcycle! - take it slow, take it slow.come on, you can do it. lay in this sucker. - thanks.you were an excellent robin. - thank you. - you got some skills,my friend. you did great.- high five. - got something herethat might pique your interest.
- oh, wow!i had this game as a kid. when i saw it, i told my mom i wanted this gamemore than anything. - why do you thinkso many child stars fell prey to such,like, horrible lives later on down the road? - they don't realizeit's just-- they have a limitedshelf space, so they think,"i'll spend every dime i get,
'cause i'll alwaysbe in demand." - i love how you'rejudging the thought process of four-year-olds. "they brought iton themselves. "what'd they thinkwas gonna happen? people don'treally love them." - were you ever enviousof those kids? - i had my shot.my mother took me to an agencyfor a screen test.
- get out of here.your mom thought she saw somethingin you, huh? she said, "my boy'sgot what it takes." - she said that,but the agency said, "no, no he doesn't." yeah, she gave uppretty quickly. - so you're a never-was? - yeah,i aspire to a has-been. - hey, fellas,how you guys doing?
i have something here thatmight pique your interest. - oh, wow.- amazing spiderman... - i remember this.- fantastic four. - it's a board game, right? - 1977.- 1977. - i had this.- did ya? - i had this gameas a kid, man. yep, when i saw it,i told my mom kinda recall it not beingall that exciting,
as i remember it. - you wanna open it upand take a look? - definitely.- here you go. - look at thatsteve ditko art, man. oh, gorgeous.- so there's not little figures, but you got littletoken pieces over here. - wait, so you don't evenget to be, like, spiderman? - no, you don't evenplay as spiderman. you choose one ofthe fantastic four guys
you wanna play as. - it was the ultimatein disappointment. - well, you wannaplay it now? all the pieces are here.- oh, yeah. i'd love to playa quick game. - awesome.- what's the goal? - when both piecesget in here, the game stops and whoever'sgot the most points wins. - okay.
- i love how there's not evena picture of somebody's face on these cards, a logo. - look at the nameof the villains on some of these.- it's really ghetto. - lion face,not even a real villain. i assumed that the game pieceswould be little icons... - figurines of the characters. - of spiderman, the thing,mr. fantastic, the human torch.
while i'm notplaying the game, ma, i'll be able to playwith the little figures. you know, it'll be great. - it'll haveso many purposes. it'll be the best buythis family's ever made. - i'll be mr. fantastic. would you like to bethe invisible girl? - i mean--- [laughs] again? - again, all right.- i'll be the thing.
- all right.- you can be human torch. - all right.- pick up a card. it says, "move two spaces." go one, two.i landed on the web. and now i have a villain card.that's some of my points. - this is thrilling.- oh, my god. "move three spaces." so, one, two, three,and then there. - sure, you won.
- did i win?- yeah, you won. - oh, nice. - did you have, like,family game night at your house? board game night?- as a child, yeah, i definitely had it. my mom would tryand my sister would play. i tried to bring thatinto the, uh-- when i had children. but as the kids grew older,
they became lessand less interested. - what you find out, man,is, like, all those commercials lied. 'cause they always show dadsinvolved in the game. but even when i was a kid, my dad neverplayed the board games. and even as an adult,as a dad myself, like, i could've corrected it,but i'm, like, "board games?
let's just go to a theme park,"or something like that. "let's go eat,"that's what i would say. - the only timemy dad played was when it was"rock 'em sock 'em bry." - you're wrong again. - what are youlooking to get for it? - i'd like to get 65out of it. - 65, wow.- yeah. - but you'd be happywith it?
i'd be miserable if i haveto give you $65 for this. how about 10 bucks? - [deep breath] that's quite a waysfrom 65. uh, would you go 50? - no, i couldn't do 50. um, how about 25? that's probablythe best i could do. - all right,we can do 25.
- do 25?- yeah, we'll do 25. - all right, sold. all right, thank you.- thank you very much, gentlemen, it's a pleasure.- all right. - see you later.- take care. - thank you very much. - are you interestedin marvel comics history? - it's my favoritetype of history. - then i have something thati think you will like.
- oh, yeah, man. - hey, man,we got a guest this week. been working in comicsfor 25 years, and one of the best batman illustratorson the planet-- greg capullo, man.- that'd be me, yeah. - look at the gunson that guy. that's from drawin'. all right, so whenyou're drawing batman,
what's the very first thingyou draw? cowl, symbol, boots, cape,where do you start? - it's all about shape,you know, the silhouette, the monolithic thing. but, uh, my favorite part is--and to me, what makes my batmanis the way it ties in a big fat neckthat goes into the traps. and so, that's alwaysmy starting point, to get that big, wide sweep,that you just go,
"wow, look at thatshock absorber." so that's my move,that's my move. don't copy it,'cause i'll find where you are andi'll kill you or something. - other than batman,who's your favorite supporting cast memberto draw? - well, i really lovethe character-- uh, the character guy,so it'd be a toss-up betweenalfred or gordon.
- right.- i love drawing those guys, the caricatures of people. 'cause you make theman amalgam of people that you knowin your own life. and it's a little more funthan, you know, the mask that you can't seein the face as much, so yeah,i love that stuff. so gordon or big al. - if you guys got invitedto an elegant cocktail party,
across the roomyou notice that bruce wayne hastaken a shine to your wife-- you can tellhe's charismatic. he told a joke,it might be-- it's definitely funnierthan anything you've ever said. she's laughing like crazy.- ohh. - yeah, that's a tough one,right? - yeah.[laughs]
- it's like indecent proposal. i don't thinkthat it goes-- you know, i go overand i join them. how about that? - she introduces youas her friend. - then i'm screwed.- all right. what about you, ming,do you just give up? - no, i wouldn't give up.i would fight back. but, i mean,at some point, like,
how much can you fight?billionaire, charismatic. deck is stacked against mein that case. - how about your wifeleaves you for bruce wayne... - okay.- alfred dies, and they throw youa pity job? you can nowtake alfred's place. - there you go. - except now i goeven lower, and i'm bruce wayne's butler.
- you gottawash their sheets. - oh, man. - i'd probablyjust give up. i wouldn't wanna seeany of that. - but you know what? if tony stark'sat that party... - oh, yeah.- forget about it. forget about it, bro. both: it's over.
- you're not evengetting a job out of it. - 17's your change.thank you. have a great day.- you too. - how you doing?- hey, how are you? - good. - i have somethingkinda cool that i think you mightbe interested in. - all right.- are you interested in marvel comics history?
- that's my favorite typeof history. - excellent. then i havesomething i think you will like. have you ever heardof foom? - i have.- friends of old marvel. - so the cool thing about these is that when you signed up,you'd get 'em in the mail. and, you know, this is pre-web. this is before the internet. - and, walt,was this how you got
your, like, inside scoop?- yep. - yeah. today's kids, you know, they have to run to the internet and the comic book sitesare updated hourly with breaking news,but back then, i mean, news traveleda lot slower. when i was a kidi couldn't find this anywhere, and i thoughtit was sold on the rack,
so i looked for it all the time.i never saw it. i didn't realize it was bya subscription service only. - you had to mail it in.it was $3. it came in this wonderfulhulk envelope and there was all kindsof stuff that came with it: stickers, membership club cards. - the official club card, man.- yep. and it came with a posterby jim steranko. - this is gorgeous, man.
no pinholes. - even when i was 12 years old i decided to keep thingsin pristine condition. i'm a freak collector. - you were oneof those kids, huh? - i am.i was an oddball. - yeah?takes one to know one. - it does. - sometimes a customer walks in
and i can immediately tell that if we grew upon the same street, we probably wouldhave been best friends. [all laugh] - you are the creepiest retaileron the planet, man. the guy's sitting behindthe counter going, "me and this chap, we couldhave been buddies once." - this guy didn't hang up the poster. he didn't put tack marksin the poster.
he didn't write his nameon the membership card. - he had no funwith it whatsoever. [laughter]he bagged it, boarded it, stared at it on a shelf,just like walt would have done. - how thrillingit must have been for him. - there's one thingi wanted to show you in here. it's kinda cool. a nice, long-standing phraseby stan lee. - oh, yeah.this is better than shakespeare.
"stand tall.thou hath reached the peak "and plucked the proudest prize. "hang loose. thou shalt fleefrom fear no longer "nor suffer pangs of doubt. "face front. "thou hath joinedmarveldom assembled. "thy name hath been inscribednow and forevermore in the blessed book of foom." - wow.
- did you justtremble right there? - that's stan lee for you.- whoo. take that, hemingway.[laughter] - that's who stan leehas always been-- the ambassador of comics. here was an adult that made you,as a kid reading comics, feel like, "this guy,he vouches for it. he's, like, as old as my dad andhe's treating this seriously." he was a huge cheerleader fornot just the marvel characters,
but the idea of comic bookfandom in general. - he was embracing you to a club that not a lot of peoplewere back in in the '70s. i mean,it was a very exclusive club. - 'cause nobody could figure outhow to join it. - why'd you bring 'emin here today? not just to show off, right?- well, you know-- well, that's part of it,but i have got so much stuff and i have to clean out.
i've collectedsince i was a little kid. - what are you lookingto get for it? - uh, 150? - 150? will you take 50 for it? - how about 75? - how about 60? - 65. - i can't argue about that.
- all right.- absolutely. thank you.- excellent. hey-- - it was a pleasure.- real pleasure. thanks a lot.- all right, thank you, man. - i'm a huge, obsessive back to the future fan.- wow. - ming, have you everwondered what the-- i don't wanna say lame, because he is the greatestsuperhero of all time,
but superman has been writtenwith some pretty wacky powers. - how about superman 2? he threw that big plastic "s"onto zod? - yes, the cellophane,handi-wrap "s" was a bit odd. even i was just like, "i don'tremember that from the comics." - even worse was at the endof the movie. you remember the super lips? - super lips?no. what's that? - superman kisses lois laneat the end, wipes her memory.
- oh, the super kiss.- yeah. - what are you talking aboutsuper lips? - yeah, you said sup--- they were super lips. - only you wouldcall it super lips. - but they were.- [laughs] - but, i mean, were thereones in the comic books? - right off the bat,you have super ventriloquism. - he threw his voice?- that's hardly a superpower, i mean, because there arepeople who can do that, right?
- did it show himin the comics like, "wow, he's not moving his lips." like, he's--"wow,look how great he is." - he's not movinghis super lips. [all laugh]- he's not moving his sup-- - how you doing? - hey, guys, how are you?- good. - you guys buy, like,signed movie memorabilia and things like that?- what have you got?
- i, uh, got an "outatime" back to the future license plate signed by christopher lloyd. - christopher lloyd, huh? - such a great movie. - oh, it's my favorite. - your favorite movieof all time? - all time.- yours? - easily top five. - what about itmakes it in your top five?
- the sci-fi,the crazy characters, it got me into time travel. - what about the love story? - maybe not the love storyitself, but, um-- - i mean betweenmarty and his mom. that was hot.- i mean, he is right though. i mean--and when you lookat that movie, marty's mombasically tried to, uh-- - i mean,she was assaulting him.
she was not taking "no"for an answer. like,i feel like i would do it just so i couldcome back to the present and rub it in my dad's face. - i lovethe back to the future movies. it's weird in the second one when all of a sudden his momhas implants and whatnot. [laughter]in the dirty vegas future world dystopian society.
but what's coolabout back to the future 2 for a comic book fan was it'slike days of future past... - oh, yeah.- for back to the future. like, suddenly you'rein this dystopian society where everything's wrong and hehas to kind of solve it all. it's very comic book-like. - you know, i mean, just lookingat you're holding it... - yeah?- you look a little bit like marty mcfly.
he was kind of short in stature. he had the same kind of haircut. you couldbe the new marty mcfly. - i could be biff?[all laugh] mcfly.- hello, mcfly. - you have calvin kleinunderwear on? - actually, yeah, i do. - you're kidding me.- no, i do. - let me see.
- no, i'm not gonnashow you my underwear. - just--just the, uh--- no, i'm not-- - he's your boss! let him see! [ming murmuring] dude, marty mcfly was cool. - he was cool.- so so am i. - do you feel the power of love?- [laughs] - do you hang around with an oldman, get in his car with him?
- "ming, put your hand here!" - "we're goingback to the future!" - [moans][laughter] - why are you selling it? - i'm a huge, obsessive back to the future fan, but i'm kinda segueinginto comic collecting, so i wanna sell itand get some money to beef up that collection. - all right, what are youlooking to get for it?
- well, uh, i want 5 for it. - 500?- yeah. - all right, well, um,i do think it's cool, but i'm afraidi'm gonna have to pass. yeah, that's a little bittoo pricey for us and... - yeah.- it's--it's--unfortunately, um, not the kind of stuff that we--we actuallybring into the stash. - you have no interest in this?
- i mean,i don't wanna insult the guy. i do think it's worth a lot, but i think it'sjust too pricey for us. - all right, guys.- sorry, guys. - sorry we couldn't do it.- thanks. - all right.- take care. - we gotta getout of here, folks. for comic book men, i'm kevin smith. - bryan johnson.- walt flanagan.
- mike zapcic- ming chen. - may the schwartz be with you. good night.