netflix, amazon, hulu, a theater near you—themodern film fan has more choices than ever. to help you sort through them all, we've takena hard look at this year's most critically acclaimed features and assembled a list ofbest bets. here are some standouts of what hollywood had to offer in the first half of2016. captain america: civil war captain america: civil war rounded up a heftyassortment of marvel cinematic universe favorites—and some highly anticipated new faces. the resultis a thrilling, action-packed adventure of superhero spectacle that even the most anti-comicbook film fan might enjoy. the witch
"boo! there you are… boo!" it's hard to find a horror movie with enoughfaith in its audience to take things slow and get weird. the witch, which unspools ina spooky thicket of woods in 17th-century new england, follows a familiar path. butit's director robert eggers' flair for imagery that makes the witch so creepily compelling. 10 cloverfield lane 10 cloverfield lane uses 2008's cloverfieldas the launchpad for the story of a woman, played by mary elizabeth winstead, who fleesa busted engagement only to run into disaster. she ends up locked in an underground shelterby a man, played by an unhinged john goodman,
who insists the earth is under attack. ishe a hero, or a psycho killer? the nice guys writer-director shane black is the king ofthe action comedy, getting his start by writing the original lethal weapon back in 1987. "do you really wanna jump? do you wanna?" the nice guys, a lower-key buddy cop comedystarring ryan gosling and russell crowe as partners in '70s l.a., proves that black isback, and he hasn’t lost his gifts. green room viewers are plunged into the hellish ordealexperienced by a punk band who attract the
bloodthirsty ire of some murderous neo-naziskinheads. did we mention that patrick stewart is the homicidal owner of the club where theband is trapped? starring the late anton yelchin, green roomis equal parts smart and nasty—and one of the more sinfully enjoyable indie effortsof 2016. hail, caesar! hail, caesar!, which stars josh brolin asa studio fixer in hollywood’s golden age on a mission to solve the disappearance ofa dopey movie star, played by george clooney, who's been drugged and abducted from the set.assembled with the typical coen brothers quirk, it’s some of the most fun we’ve had atthe movies this year.
everybody wants some!! "you cool, man?" with his 1993 cult classic dazed and confused,richard linklater assembled an insightful look at high school in the ‘70s. he pickedthat thread back up with everybody wants some!! it offers a look at college life and packsin a killer, era-appropriate soundtrack featuring classic hits from cheap trick and van halen. deadpool how do you make a deadpool movie that embracesthe character's filthy comics persona while still being broad enough money to prop upa franchise? we still can't quite believe
they pulled it off, but fox made it work.the anti-hero, played by ryan reynolds, slashes up bad guys and breaks the fourth wall withequal abandon. midnight special director jeff nichols and actor michael shannonperfectly captured modern-day, middle-class dread in 2011's take shelter. the pair reunitedin 2016 for midnight special, a movie about a father racing to protect his son from outsideforces bent on taking advantage of his seemingly superhuman abilities. thanks for watching! subscribe to our youtubechannel to watch more videos like the one you just saw. and leave us a comment to letus know what 2016 movie was your favorite
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