hello.. can't you see theno smoking board..? this is public place. nocigerette smoking.. is it..? even there is a boardsign..use condoms.. can i use condoms..ya..? mind you i want to see you... give me your number.. my sweet heart... bye sweetie..
fire, water and bet.. don't play withthese three even if you play withthose three... never think of playingwith me. don't think me that way.. be careful ! hey listen, i'llteach you... you can see if i showyou right...? get lost..these idiotstries to...
what madam..you used to yellup me when i come late but today you yourselfcame late... you know why..?i started ontime from home .. but when i came out andtry to start my vehicle.. ..tyre is punctured by the time to get an autoi got delayed... hmm ..whatever it may be.. vehcile got punctured..yourbody got punctured you have to come tooffice on time...
you understand...? hey stop it..let's go... hey mallika..our boss ismore interested in you.. what's the matter..? ya..whenever he sees me ..hekeeps smiling at me... such a flirt..i just want put himon ground and grind him up that upset i'mwith him two plates ofpani puri ok madam..
tw tea alsook...ok ma'am hold it sorry.. ya.i'll call you later hello ..excuse meyes.. you pushed my plate and youjust keep walking with that..? ya..that's why iapologised.. if you apologize,whatever myeatables come back..? is it..?
you better pay for myplate and leave. why should i..?i don't.. if you don't.. do you know what we doto the animals yaar..? brother..take money for the 2 plates before.. and one plate weneed now.. take money for3 plates.. i just pushedone plate.. but have to payfor 3 plates...
i know i'm beingcheated your cooking is reallyvery tasty.. simply superb if owner of taj or ownerof park pastry of food.. they might appoint youas a chef. that's fine..but you wantyou still staying that pg..? come and stay withme know..? i don't mind stayingwith you..but.... what about the society..?will they keep quite..?
they might call uslesbians this is ok..? what if your ex-husband comesand files a complaint on me..? raji..how many times i've told younot to mention about him once your property and prosperitywas enjoyed by him and he might come backto seek and enjoyed again do you know why i'mstaying this..? he has tastedthe habits i don't know
where that idiot is enjoyinghis life now..? but if he comes backsearching for me... i'll shoot andfinish him ok..rather than gettingupset and finishing him.. you better finish whatis in your plate sorry..really sorry oh,,this is the snackpaid case..i got you.. i wil show you now what you mean by sorry..?
if you say just a sorry,will iget my record note back ? see this..see this.. one full weak i workedhard and wrote this... and you spoil within amiunute i said sorry right..please leave me.. i'm getting late for worknow ...i want to go why these girls areso selfish..? whatever happens to othersyou don't care.. only you shouldbe happy
you will go to office..its ok for you.. if i don't go to college are you not getting it andtelling you,it was happened move away and don'twaste my time you will keep talkinglike this... i'll shout and complaint yourharrassment what madam..are you tryingto blackmailing me..? i don't get scared ofall these things.. because of girls like youbehaving like this....
boys like us are not allsecured in the society if we sit in the lady'sseat in the bus... and you will makes us and getup saying that it is yours... if you sit in the gent's seat,we nevermake you get up from there... in a bus or a crowededplace unknowingly.. we touch you..you say stupid have we guys are everrebuke you girls like that..? if husband says somethingwith anger... immediately the wife will go to thepolice and file a complaint
the same way if wifehits the husband.., have you heard of the husbandcomplaining to the police? women has differentjustice and and men has different,is it...? i don't want todo all that... i want my record backbecause of you... it got drenched inwater completely or else i'm going todo a strike here i'll call my leader andraise a problem
i want justice...i want justice...i want justice... do you want nuts..? i just asked you if you wantto have some nuts..? oh god... everynight and my dreams i'm think of you hello...?where are you..? i'm sitting in a park completing a fool'srecord...
i'll be late to office ok.. hey, boss is waitingfor you.. every five minuteshe is asking... has mallika came..?has mallika came..? and he is torturing..within halfan hour the meeting is yet tostart...come fast.. ok fine..i'll comebefore that was the call fromyour office..? no..from my uncle'shouse
is said so..?why are you keepingyour face like this? ok let it go.. you go to office.. don't write rubbish in your urgent schedule thanks ..i'll seeyou then... hello..i said go to office, neversaid stop writing notes finish all your work finish writing this andbring it tomorrow.. be careful whenyou are putting
what..? i was talking about nuts hello madam... what is your problem..? where will you hand overmy notes? that same place whereyou fell down only ..ok..? oh my god..what a beauty !what a beauty ! instead being ahuman being.. if i born as a seatof the bike
how could it wouldhave been? dear friends..nowi'm going to ... give you a surprisingnews.. one of the main pillarof our company.... ...is sitting among you and she is going to bepromoted as..... assistant mangerfrom today till now... she is been a great support ofthe growth of our company..
so as to honour her i'm going topromoted her and give her moreresponsibilities.. as sitting as an ordinaryperson.... sitting with a beautifulsmile among you.. bold and beautiful girlmallika..... thank you hello...what managermadam.... after you promotedas manager...
..more than working inoffice...you're bringing file here and working..ya..nice question.. i'll take my pillow and bedgo there and sleep.. i can't be with him 24hours in the office.. that's why i broughtthe files.. then what are theserecord books..? oh.i completely forgotabout that.. i told you about the guyin the moring right. i hit that guy and hisnotes got drenched
poor fellow.he is acollege student even if gets too late.. i'll have to sit and write thecomplete the whole thing. hmm... ok.. today notes is drenched andyou're writing for him. tomorrow he wouldfall in drainage then.. bring him home andgive him bath.. you don't haveto worry i'll right to giveyou that job
now go to your hostelbefore the gate closed else you sleep here.. please stopharassing me oh good ..that youreminded me oh know.. he is standing therejust like i told him yesterday my bad luck..i forgotthe notes i better escape from herebefore he sees me god save me nothing worry
he thinks he is arnoldshowing pose.. let me escape from herewearing my helmet before he seeing me hello..hello.. hello..wait..stop the bike what madam..? you ask me to wait andnow you are just leaving where are my notes..? oh..that..i fnished writing
but i forgot to bringthe notes today i'm really sorry.. i'll definitely bring ittomorrow what..you'll bring mynotes only tomorrow..? is it my job comingand standing here? i'm a rank holder studentin my college.. if i don't takemy notes... what would happenedto my prestige..? as if you have abig scholar
look here..i forgot you bringyour notes today.. i'm really getting latefor work now allow me to go i'll somehow get it foryou in the evening always you would beplaying or what.. why are you harrassingus like people..? the same way if you forgot to bringit in the evening then..? ok..ok..give me yourmobile number.. i'll call you andremind you
9845241530 ok you may go now happy journey.. what are you lookingat my face for ? its already leaking.. i was taking aboutyour pen.. your call is on wait..please hold your call is on wait..please hold.. what is this..?
ya..its her.. hello....hello who is this..? its me only.. its me meaning..?you don'thave a name? that day in thedirty water.... what dirty water..? no..no..i didn't say dirt..i said notes.. oh my holy soul are you a humanor devil?
you just keep following meacting were like as a devil come on..what isthis madam.. if i don't have thenotes for the day.. how can i study and how cani pass in the exam..? hey great scholar..don'tharass me like this.. now listen to me.. i'll give your notes inthe evening ok..? ok..ok.. then we'll meet in the restaurantat silver line in the evening
i will wait for you there no..no..i said i'll waitfor my notes ok now..hang up mallika, if he calling you tothe restaurant as if he calling as loverthen he is brilliant if he is brilliant,i'am a genius you know that too.. in front of me,he is no a babe he can't keep acting smartlike that with me
once we go there.. let me see whether he isbrilliant or you are genius oh good..you cameat last how long have been i'mwaiting for you... if you want your work to bedone you've to wait like that if you know thatreal way... you don't mind making uswait for long time... its your favourite thing tomake men wait till death.. if we want to go formorning show...
you will reach only atsecond show if you want to meet at coffeeday in the evening... you will join onlyfor dinner if you want to take yourfriend's wedding by the time you finishyour make up his first night wouldbe over by them if you try to marrying you..you willshow it in the first night itself i don't want all thesethings now... i want to achieve that..i want to achieve this..
and make us wait forone year full waiting and waiting are becomehards will become hard.. and then you willbe blaming us.. you say you don'thave heart... your heart ishardened brother..i don't have thathabit anything .. that you have totell me rightnow be clear on that..?ok.. here are your notes..
we're leaving now no..no..wait madam normally takes oneweeks without sleep and putting lot of effortsto write these notes.. but you have writtenin 2 days.. for that at least have togive you a cup of coffee.. else my heart willfeel bad.. no..no..my notes willfeel bad its duty to offer
if you say no..it isup to you.. i don't want to have anyguilty feeling in miy mind ok..you may go no..we're going to havecoffee and then leave.. sit raji.. barer ..two coffee please i don't take coffee one minute please.. madam bill
two coffees are worth400 rupees..? that sir was eating ice creamand juice madam.. i knew that guy wasa fraud god...! why are you giving..?i'll pay the bill what is this man..? can't you wait untili come back what are yousaying sir..? i was waiting from3 to 4 pm he is always like this...
very humourous guy.shall we go there ? you said you wantedto give the bill give please..we aretaking leave now.. bye... hey..you..you should have takenmoney before i came back what sir..? your good for nothing hello.. what are you doing sittingalone at home..?
if you sit alone like this.. you will remember all wholestuff and get a headache watching tv, holding clothes..cleaning the floor... which already is cleaned how many time you willrepeat the same thing..? leave everything andcome out i'll wait for you in the parkcome fast.. we will just roam aroundsomewhere outside.. your mind willbe relaxed..
ya..i forgot to tell yousomething.. when you buy the chocolateand other things.... don't bring your friendalong with you.. you come alone..do you get it..? see that.. no..no let's don'ttalk now we will meet andtalk everything bye shit..he cut the line
how do he see know thati'm alone... and he also knows thatmy details in everywhere.. and i don't know what areyou knows about me let me wait andsee that.. oh..hey lakshmi..you are staredbecoming very lazy on sundays why are you late today..? oh..what to tell madam.. i have the husband whois useless.. whole night he was drinkingand came in the morning..
we had a big fight and managinghim to took so long he really doesn't deservewife and children.. ok fine ..you finish yourwork and leave for home i'll be very late ok ma'am ok..if he is calling me,why should i go..? no..i'm not going i first thought notto come.. even i keep getting boared
everyday hanging out with rajiis also very boring i just came for achange you know you look very beautifulin this sari... oh..you already startedflirting with me.. except pant that every ladywill look pretty in sari whatever i say you..you'll havean opposit answer for that that is what impressme a lot ya..and one more thing you will look more beautifulif you let your hair loose
and the small red dot inbetween your eye brows if you make it bigger..itlooking nice and then.. you give the same reactionfor compliments too.. ..even the story is bad the coverpage shouldbe good know.. is it wrong..? if you chase the coverpage alone... ..the story is not goingto change
you are talkingso well.. ok..what is your name..is it.. i never said that.. you are very sharp ok..tell me now ..what isyour name ..? mallika mallika..nice name.. you are so beautiful..your name is mallika.. your name is also beautifulyou're also beautiful mallika
my native is mysore oh..you are from mysore so you are actuallymysore mallika so sweet mysore mallika hoi mallika..la..la... la..la...la..mallika.. till now you never told meanything about yourself my name is surya..my dad'sname is chandrasekhar business man
mother is house wife my brothers studyingin high school they are all staying inour native place and i'm doing my final yearin a college here i'm staying in the hosteland study not bad.. this interest is it only in talkingor also you show it in study? however you take it andyou keep it today morning i think you'relistening to the old songs
is that true..? how do you knowabout that? whenever i talking toyou over phone.... i over heard it this guy is very smart.. if he gets a chance..he might sellthe moon by putting a plot mom...if you keeptalking like this.. ..don't you understandwhat i am saying no..
please mom..don't keepsaying these thing.. to whom you were figtingover the phone..? it was my mom she wants to know how iam able to stay alone and.. now she wants me toget married again i gave a good on that i already been cheatedonce in my life should i againbe cheated? these men..they are alllike dogs..
if one man cheated you.. why do you think everymanare like that? even if not for you...forthis useless society who talks good and badjust for them atleast you have toget married. if a girl lives alone people around hertalk bad about her a woman have tolive with a man this is the culture whichwas not returning law
all men are the same ok.. if they see a land postthey live their legs but i expects someone wantsunderstands me i won't get that person ya..buddy what yousaying is right every men are the same there is no bigdifference in them so as women we have tolearn to balance and live we have to select
someone who is averageonce he become our own we have to tie abelt around him and we should takecare of him ok..have your food boss is waiting there come on..have it fast what buddy..what isthe matter? nothing to say buddy who..me..? i'm here incollege and
i'm studying right now ok..ya..ya..i'll come ok....i'll come are you a human being? she didn't evencome here you are just getting scaredof her phone call we just had one cigarette you spoiled and standthat too i don't have even moneyto buy one..idiot..
sorry buddy..i don't knowwhat i'm doing in tension don't mistake meplease i have a small work.i'll be back soon hey..hey bro.. hey mister.. you guys..have tea andwalking off come back and pay yourmoney and leave look at this fellow.. he just a size of a match boxand see how is talking
hey mister..whatare you talking? i might be like matchbox in size... but first pay the money andleave this place hey..write it in myaccount i'll come tomorrowand pay as if you are a billgate.. ..you have currentaccount here? come here tomorrow..i'llshow you who i am.. come..sit
if you do like this..i'll nevercoming in your bike come and sit..all thisis very common hello gentle man.. if someone gets anumber of a girl... ..and makes friendswith her.. everyday they will get around50 messages and ten calls.. but you never call me ortext me once a week also that doesn't mean youare a great man or.. good-hearted person ok..?
you also call me and tookme for outing that day.. it was really boringthat day.. you would always talkinglike a chatter box if a beautiful girlrebuke you.. take that it as a complimentright..? no..not with every girl only with you.. he is trying toplease me i'm not like theother girls
i'm not get please withthese kinds of words... eventhough iron isvery strong.. if you heat and beat till benthowever you want oh..you are built yourbody very well.. for you guys that doesn't matter will be like six pack..8 pack but we can only have2 packs if you maintain those twopacks..that's enough you will have the wholethe world under you...
in front of that, the 6 packand 8 pack is nothing did you see that..? its so hard to workover there. but some person is built achapel in that place ya..that's right.. hey surya..wheneveri come here... i always wish to go tothat placw over there till now , i never gonethere.. today i here right..can weplease go there and sit..?
hey.. is that only one..come let's go there if you want to go there..i'll take you.. mallika.. careful.. hey..surya coming.. hey what is this..? without switching onthe lights.. what are you doing sittingin this dark room..? this is something ibrought for you
what is it..? open and see..youknow what it is oh..sari..bangle jasmineflowers also where is that weddingqueen is missing..? hey..see you making funof me again.. sorry..sorry..sorry.. tell me why did youbring all these? wish you many many happyreturns of the day how did you know that it's mybirthday today...?
its not very hard to find outour loved one's birthday. how many times i askedyou where are you taking me? i told you that asurprise is it..?taking on this dirtyroad is surprise for you? if you want a deliver a babyyou've to bear that pain.. whose house is this..? romeo juliet's house is it..? its ok.. but why did you haveto bring me here?
..to rape meor what..? hey ..what is this..? you are directly movingto the climax..? you idiot..pleasedon't over act tell me whose houseis this..? ok..this isour house just for 2 hours alone i'm going to stay here anytime you mayalso come and go
i brought this house formy mallika new house where did you getthe money from..? my dad told me he will get a newvehicle for me the semester just 2 days back hedeposited the money more than the pleasuregoing in the vehicle... playing with this bodygives me pleasure... that's why i brought thishouse.how's this..? good right..? hey idiot..why did you haveto get this house now..?
my house is notenough for you..? no mallika.. i don't like coming toyour house very often.. the neighbours might talkbad about us.. i don't care the peopletalking bad about me.. bu then i cannot bare someonetalking bad about you that is the reason ibrought this house.. you can come here atany time and no one will think badabout you
you have got mighthaven't you.. i'm very proudabout that i 'm really getting a badfeel about all this i'm leaving now..bye hello... tell me aunty.. ok..i will come now right now aunty..bye. look here mallika..she isnot listening to me at all
do you know what myrelatives are saying.. you are not gettingyour daughter married.. but eating herearnings.. last year we werediscussing to get.. ..married with mybrother's son after she agreed..wesent her to job now she is saying that shedoesn't want to get married mamma..i'm not saying thati don't want to get married first thing i want tofulfil my dream..
..using my degreeand experience i want to start myown company that's why.. i said i don'twant to get married hey..what is the connectionbetween ... ..a marriage and yourbusiness..? you can fulfilled yourdreams at any time but marriage you shouldget done at the right time you should getmarried now and work for3 years
do you understandwhat i'm saying..? agreed..but onone condition will you promisedme that... you will also get marriedas soon as possible..? yes mallika..why don't youchange your mind.. ...and get married..? ok aunty ..i'llthink about it why did be leavethe vehicle there? and i don't know wherewe're going right now?
today..there is a massmarriage happening for 101 couples inhall here be other 101 couples we're going there hey..what are yousaying now..? if you would informme earlier... i would brought coupleof my friends too.. tell me the truth..whereare you taking me? will you please keep quitefor sometime..?
we will get toknow soon why did she bring me tothis bike showroom? wish you a veryhappy birthday this is a smallgift for you take this..thank you god bless you how did you know thatits my birthday today? its not really hard to find thebirthdayof our loved ones you know that..
just for that..why this costlygift for me..?. didn't you buy new housefor me..comparing that.. this is not costlyas that... surya..ya... what's been happeningto you..? sitting as if affectedby cancer.. nothing.. what happened..?have youdonated your blood or what? your face is lookingso pale..
will you let open yourmouth and speak to me even when you are talkingme on phone... your sound isso dull.. atleast tell mewhat happened nothing mallika..itsa small problem.. but now looks verybig for me i haven't paid feesfor the semester today is the last date i called my da..he sayshe is not in station
my mother shouting at meand asking why didn't you tellme before? i was so excited with mynew vehicle... that's why i totallyforget to call them how much is yoursemester fees? 85000 can you dosomething? if possible tonight why don't you go robe abank and come..?
there is a proverbalso.. if a lion sleeps off rats will play on it don't worry about allthese things.. i'm there for youi will pay for you.. no thanks..i ask myfriends for help.. let's see you they canget something hey i'm also yourfriend right..? i'll give it buddy
you already helped mein so many situations.. is it so..okleave it.. i know how to takebag from you too i will come with you anddeposit the money walk now.. hey come fast.. tell me surya.. i am ringing the bellso many times.. what are youdoing inside..?
hey sorry..i didn'thear the bell i was taking bath..i will come now hey..come inside.. what happened..? why are you lookingat me like this..? have i come to your houseand i'm seeing you or.. i'm in heaven andlooking at an angel i'm little bit confused nothing like that..youare in chennai now
you are looking atmysore mallika wow..i just wantto smell and enjoy this mallika..right now oh..is it so..that willforever be a dream i just got a good bathand came out now sit silently andwatch tv i will go dress upand come.. we can go out andhad dinner ok..? hey..why did youcome here?
i told to you sit in the halland watch tv..right? no..don't do this don't come near mego.. what is this madam..? you are not coming home nowadays and not able to seein office also what's happening..?are you very busy..? its not like that when you alone..i thoughtof accompanying you
and i was therefor you.. nowadays..you havea right company... that too a boy..that is thereason i just avoided you anyhow you are reallyhappy now that's enoughfor me... i can stay away and watchand be happy with that oh..is it so.. you are very concern aboutme and really greatful leave that..how are youmarriage preparations going..?
forget about my weddingarrangements.. you see how's your lifeis going on..? do you know what youare doing right now? how long you will roam hereand there with sury like this? do you know what peole aroundyou are talking about you? whoever sees yourrelationship... ..thinking that verybad about that why should i bothered whatothers are talking behind me? when i was goingthrough a problem..
what is this people dofor me? they will talk about meif i stay alone or if i stay withsomeone they will have to knowwho is coming inside my home and who is goingoutside my home who is the ladyis living with.. in case this no onewho is coming and going, then they simplytried they hand on me in between allthese vultures
the only person who caresfor me is my surya... hey..what you knowabout that guy surya..? he is also like it yetanother mean.. remember.. eventhough he knows that you'restaying without your husband and if he iscoming to you it is a concern or witha wrong motive..? look here raji.. you can talkabout me
but don't say a wordagainst surya how do you know abouthow much he loves me..? if there is a bike to rideover here the guys will start thatand ask girls for dating but the money he got tobuy a bike for himself he used that for me tobuy a house for me just a protected mefrom the society he bought a housefor me many scary nights he is madea beautiful for me
he made me throw allmy burdens off he came herereal happiness and he is devotinghis love love..bullshit if want to throwa stone... even it is a pond ora river.. anyone can throwa stone... all it requiresis water if whoever knows that yourhusband has left you..
anyone would come andsay that i love you ..asking him to getmarried with you.. then you know thereal face of him the institue of marriage i don't believein all that i have crossed thatstage in life now my mental situation younever understand that raji please..don't so seal offdoubt in my heart till now i have beenvery happy
let's see what happenstomorrow from morning i've aheadache buddy is it so..?ya..ya.. have one morepeg buddy everything will bealright.. if i have one peg, will i getrelief from headache buddy? if you keep drinkinglike this.. you will get relieved ofrespect, house.property at last you will get relievedof your spirit also
so don't you think that you'llget relieved of your headache yes..you are rightbuddy.. you drink everydaybuddy..? what..everyday.. that's it mallika willkill me..no..no.. after mallika cameinto your life... your life style extremelychanged buddy one in million will havethis kind of bluck.. a body is like a sandal..and full of money..
heart full of happiness.. who will get all these..tell me buddy you are veryvery lucky man lucky buddy it is not like that bro.. if you keep waitingfor luck to come.. then we won't have moneyto buy a cigarette also people will say that stretchyour leg to bed but me..i stretch bed formy legs..that's it
leg..thigh..bed..what areyou trying to say... i don't understand look here buddy.. i'm a bachelor who isgoing to a college not an ordinarybachelor very dried bachelor correct once yougrow big.. every need of ouris good only colourful dresses..
ray-ban glasses.. reboke shoes... a bike to do wheeling having all thesethings with us having a girl for datingshopping.. in the mall and watchinga movie in the multiplex that would nice movie just enjoy your life andalways be happy.. if you want allthose things.. we need a lot ofmoney buddy
whatever i'm gettingfrom my parents are not sufficient tobuy even one cigarette.. for rest of myexpenses i don't want to go for apart time jobs and all. that's why i madeall this master plan one of friend's dadis a lawyer and i happened to visittheir house once.. mallika was there andwas discussing
about her divorcecase with him that was the first timei saw her there one thing i understood.. ..that she is in avery big job and lot of money inher hand. ..and her husbandleft her i followed her.. i made a plan tocreate a situation.. ..to cover her attentiontowards me
one day she was havinga snack plate and i purposely dashed the other day she wascoming in her bike and i puposely jumped infront of her bike and drop my notesin water.. introduction became afriendship and friendship.. i fulfilled my allmy desires the house thatmy dad bought
i said that i boughtit for her and... i got a bike as a gift i took millions of moneysaying that i have to pay formy semesters.. in the name of love.. i enjoyed her bodyinch by inch are you not scared of doingall these things buddy..? scared... why should i be scared..?
did i rape herdeliberately..? or did i give receipt fortaking money from her..? then..? then.. last semesters goingto get over till that time money formy expenses... and body for myenjoyment... and sing some twinkle songand leave from here that's it
what happenedto you..? sunday morning i supposedto be very bright but look at you frowninglike always.. then what to do..? i was quite and you guyscompel me to get married now see whathappened? my dad is compelling me tocome to my native.. native..why..? this still have lot of timein your marriage
tomorrow have to goto sub registrar and sign there itseems. tell me clearly raji my dad is greatphilanthropist please going to registrarour land to the boy who is gettingmarried with me his parents are demandedthe land as a dowry i can't marry him..i'mnot interested in it.. is it so...what's wrongwith that..?
you are the one and onlydaughter to your parents what are they going to dowith such a huge land..? giving the land toyour fiancee is as good as givingit you right..? you too support arjunfor this right..? if a man expects suchkind of things.. how he is going tomake her happy i hate this kindof system surya..you tell me
do you think these kindof greedy person can love his wifewholeheartedly..? yes..you are right excuse me may i get in..? come in.. thank you i'm madhan i just newly joinedthis company.
..as a creative head oh..i see..sit down i knew in that youare going to joine here but..you really don't looklike a creative person to me why madam..? look like you.. you look like a comefor film's audition.. as if a role of a hero.. a creative person means..
you should have abig beard a thick glassesof spectacle i thought they will alllook very different its not likethat madam creativeness is there inyour brain.. it is there in revealingthe product not in our get up just for example.. you look likea heroine
but you manging thiscompany ..like that oh..you are very goodand talking too.. ok..i'll study of file and then i'llintroduced you to staff.. ok oh..sure.. thank you..byebye surya..when didyou come..? 10 minutes before.. i had a work nearthis place on the way i thoughti will visit you
whose that dropping youin the car..? the newly joined creativehead in my office his name is madan.. his looks this same andtalking is also the same when you got a caryou drop your bike and came or what..? no..raji took my twowheeler for some work so i request to madhan to drop me oh.. he dropped you inthe first day itself..?
so you becameso close..? if you drop me someone hasto pick me up right..? that is why.. what happened..?your headis spinning already..? have a just joking my head isreally paining let's have a cup ofcoffee first..ok come will meet tomorrowfor show her ok karan..call you backbye..
madhan..yes.. can you pleasedo me a favour? is it..? what can i dofor you ma'am? actually..every friday i go tonear by temple over here but today my two wheeler that climate is reallynot good can you please getme there..? ya..sure..its my pleasureplease get in.. thank you madan
hey buddy.. if you go inside the templewe can worship god but standing outside like thiswhat is it means..? hey..this is not theage to worship god this is the age to flirtwith girls if you go inside we can seeonly one goddess statue but being here.. we can enjoy seeing a lot ofangels walking around don't you understand whati'm saying you idiot..?
today is friday.. all the aunties and girls ..in around this place willcome to worship here its boring to keep watchingthe girls in the college but in this place we cansee different kinds.. hey madan..keep this onyour forehead on my head..i don'tlike all this i think you are tryingto make a saint.... its looks like it going a raincome ..let's go
what is this buddy..? looks like the train ischanging the track they have fix some other enginein her compartment who is that bleshing.. looks like a itsgoing away.. hey surya..have this you need to have strength today care of our kids what happened to you?
you look like a shipas drowned..? you looking so sad.. mallika..i need 10,000rupees immediately i think it will take time for send money from home money..oh..is this the matter..? do you know onething.. if there is no money on hand everything will fall apart surya..there is somethingvery important .. i want to discusswith you
around six months back one of my friend took loan to constructa house i give surety for that that fraud whether he builta house or not but for 3 months he is notpay the emi bank went for searching and along with him his things are also not there... just for the mistake of signing the surety its me who is paying the emi for 2 months now
my entire salary is going on the emi now if you really don't trust me... ..take this..read it i didn't pay the emi for yourbike for 2 months also that is the notice.. till i find out wherethat fraud is ... you please pay theemi of yourself why did you signedsurety for somebody? you should ask me thatbefore you know
i didn't know youthose days surya and more over he is very good friend of mine who will know who is the rat andwho is snake over here..? easily believing everyone is my biggest weakness..you know.. take yourself as example before 3 months i didn'teven know who you are..? but now i believe youreverything to me same way.. are you comparing me withsomebody else..?
don't even think about itsenseless.. excuse me.. can you do me a favour..? tell me.. nothing.. i want to buy somethingfor my household i'm new to this place i don't know where to get all these things. so if you could help me..
so what..? if you go to the end of the road you will find a wine shop you will get your drinks there. if you cross that road and go there there is a hotel..there you will get hot chicken kabab opposit to that there is a medical shop you get all kinds of condomns.. because you are new to this place right..?
so take care of that hey..why do yo think so cheap about men..? not everyone is so badas you think oh..is it so..oklet it be.. do onething..take your car and follow my bike ok..? i leave my bike at homeand i join you whatever you want i'llhelp you ..except one it will be good if she get me that too
surya..tomorrow is mybirthday... ..as a gift you willget me a ring..? its ring only know.i'll get you shall i give a ring on your mobile or.. ..on your land line..? you go man..stupidnot always joking we have bought everything you know.. ya..get in..ya.. thank god..your shopping is over
ok..ok..nowadays you're notbuying me anything.. before you used to buyingme lot of things nowadays you are justtaking me out nothing you are buying for me.. now i undersand that why the credit card is not working..? i'll show you the project i just give it you guys ..belongs to mnc the quality level should be very good
we have a week time within that i need a final copy i don't want to know the you guys are eating or sleeping from now on each and every second is important colleges..hightech roads..malls..,cinema theatre go wherever you want to go you have to study the attitude of the young generation and make a very good concept cost your other projectspost it for one week
as post preference finishthis project project should be ultimate we have more trust onyou guys... that trust should grow more..ok you may go...thank you sir from morning i'mroaming with you and you didn't ever bothered to offer me something to drink this is too much yardon't do like this
hey buddy..for the past one week i'm running this bike in the slope just avoid putting petrol ok..ok..you go fast we will go and take money from your friends is it so..ok.. what happened..he is not coming.. how do you know that they'llcome with a bike in this way ? leaving this road where are they going to go..? this road has women's hostel, beauty parlour,..
..girls collegeall that oh is it..?ya.. sir..what is the bike number? hey..tn 09 3849 849...? that is what i said..can't you hear me..? not only my ears..my eyesare also very sharp sir..that is black colourbike ..isn't it.? yes..yes..that is thevehicle..catch it..
stop..stop.. why did you stopmy bike..? whose bike is this..? its mine..why..? you didn't pay the emi for 3months and asking me why..? now we are takingthe bike you come to office pay the money and take your bike shit hey..what happened?
last one week i couldn'tsee you this side..? coming..come brother..recharge for 100 rupees please what...? you used to recharge for500 and 100 rupees.. and you supposed to give me more than 1000 rupees buddy hey whatever the amount is please recharge right now all the big companies are running in loss
where are be then..? and not a person who keeps good movie in dsiplay... and selling all adult sex movie... no..no why you are shouting like this? if somebody hears this that would be the problem for me wait..wait..i'll recharge for you any problem with mallika ? ok..ok..leave thatlet it go
yesterday i saw mallika in theatre but someone else was there with her that's right bro.. most of the times nowadys she is roaming with that guy i think now she is fed up offwith roaming with me i don't know who her father is to do allow this no buddy.. today i want to know the truth..do or die.. please make a note of this
ya..tell me mallika this is regarding regarding the subject that iwas talking about.. ok let's go oh surya..coming.. mr. madhan..he is surya surya..he is mr. madhanmy colleague hi
mallika..i would like to talk to you about something personal ok mallika..i'll wait in the car.come fast tell me surya..what happened? i'll tell you..why is this work urgent? yes surya..i've to really involvedwith madhan now where are you going to the mall is it..? yes..oops..how did you know? why should i know? cat will the drinkthe milk and
think that no one is watching yesterday movie. today mall tomorrow..some resort.. first your husband..yesterday it was me today this man..tomorrowsomeone else.. this is what your lifestyle is... surya.. behave yourself do you realize how you talking to me now?
of course dear mysoremallika are you scared that all your secrets have been revealed..? you idiot..why should i get scared of you..? i thought you are a gentleman and i thought you would understand me very well but i didn't have the fairest idea that you would behave such a cheap way to me yes..i'm very cheap whoever talks a right thing will be treated as cheap
just tell me this.. nowadays you are not giving me any money not even talking to me.. 24 hours you are happy roaming with that guy don't you understandthis is cheap..? hey you fool..he is my collegue we have thousands of thingsto do together and that's what we'r doing now and you overreactlike this
what are you going to understand about my pain? for one month salary we've to sweat out andwork for 30 days this situation... when a girl has to work hard and take care of herslef do you have any idea what else she has to go through? what idea would you have..? you go and earn somemoney yourself then you'll understand its difficulty
just because as spokedmy colleague you doubted me with him right? i can understand whatyou are know and i can believe thati trusted you take this grandpa..thunder mallika.. seeing this even the death snake will get up and dance go and enjoy i have seen this for ten times do you have second part of this movie?
what..?second part..? director of this movieis very busy once his movie is releasedi'll call you and give it you till that watch this movietill it get scratched ok..?ok.. if you have any other cdslet me know what brother..? so many years this movie'smarket has come down..? ya..leave it..
this kind of local cds still have market whatever the technologyis improved that is not down forfor this if you can get this kind of hot videos.. we will get lot of money in your hand is that so..? ma'am.. my work is over today i've to golittle early
may i go ma'am? lakshmi.. yes ma'am... that... you were telling me that... your husband is really troubles you at home right? how's he now..? is he ok now..? what to tell ma'am..
every men are like that.. their mentality is likehere and there... if we get upset with thatcan we live as a woman if he get adjust with themthings would go well... all men will have some bad habits.. that's sure...but if we takeall that serious.. and and always keep fightingwith them... which women can be happy with her husband? every men are the same character
but we cannot desert the husband and live know isn't it..? its true anyway you are happy right now know...? madam..if we've hundredsof reason to grief .. ..there are thousands reasonsto be happy.. my husband is also is a good person.. but drinking is only badhabit in him otherwise my husband loves me so much..
today he promised me thathe'll take me to movie that is why i asked your permission its time to go..i'll come tomorrow ma'am why have you cometo see me..? do i need a reason to cometo see you surya ..? what else to say..? you are always very busy ..a kind of joblessperson like me.. what is that to talk.?
look at me and talk directly surya don't talk me to like a talk into someone else ok mysore mallika madam i'm talking to you only what is that you expectingfrom me..? surya..i'm sorry i know that i shouldn't havespoken to you like that my situation was like that on that day.. hey please..don't mind surya..
you want all men to dance according to you.isn't it..? this is a good one from day one till now i'm dancing according toyour instruction some women builttheir family and raise their loved ones some women distroythe family and ... distroy theirloved ones i don't know what is your role in it..
surya..don't keep talkingrubbish to me don't confuse yourself thinking of the incident that day i left everything and i come just for you alone.. please understand me surya... what..you left everything andcame for me..? who are you trying to cheat women? i very well know about your attitude you are all like a flexible plan.. ..according to the wind direction you will bend
what sort of cheap creature you are... you are talking non-sense to me the women are not like what you think for you too really understand what a women is.. 100% birth in this world won't enough to you if i also start talkingjust like you.. many things willcome out leave it..let's not talkabout all that now i need you surya..i need only you..
left out get outthis place surya.. we don't need to stayhere anymore.. let's go to new place and start a new life altogether you know whatever jobyou like ..all i need is four sets of dresses3 times food.. and 24 hours full with your love.. tell me surya..willyou give me all this..? do i really look like a fool to you..?
tomorrow someone will come and offer you.. 8 sets of dresses..and 3 times food and you will immediatlely go behind him i know what you are.. you are nothingbut a bitch look here.. just because i loved youletting you go now if anyone else had used a word on me i would have cut his throat and hand him around..
whenever you needed me.. i give you myselfand whenever you needed moneyi give you that too that..that is mymistake knowing that you are jobless and roaming around with your friendsand then trusting you that is also my mistake.. its ok..you are just like anyother cheap person you just proved it
you showed me yourreal face atleast now from today onwards there is no relationship between you and me good bye.. hey get lost.. till now i was getting everything directly from you henceworth i'll take it indirectly wait and watch hi raji..i'm going outwith madhan tonight
he is giving a treat you know would you like tojoin us..? there is lot of workpending here how can i join you..? you guys carry on you're right.all these works need to be done today itself you do me a favour.. finsh off all of these work and you hand me all the files at home today...
no problem however lateif takes it night will sit awake and check all the bills and finish all the work before morning ok bye.. come madhan..let's go please don't nag me to eat this and that madhan am i nagging youevery time? come.. hello..surya..this is raji here i want to talk to you something important
not today..tomorrow evening 5 ' o clock not in office you just come to the parktomorrow evening 5 'oclock let us meet at there ok..bye buddy..she cheated me buddy who is that..? who else..? that mallika what are you saying? i don't understand .
tell me clearly she said that she won'tgive me anything am i so cheap and useless she embarassed me buddy.. i can't toleratethis feeling.. leave her..are you planning toget married with her or what? she came in the middleleft in the half way.. why are you sittingand crying for that.? its burning insidefor me...
put some ice and drinkbuddy no buddy..i'm notgoing to leave her i'll take revengeon her buddy..i need your help.can you do it or not..? tell me whatever you want.. i will give my life for my friendship take this.. this is an exclusive video of our complete relationship i remember you asking me for an local video..
this is that.. i thought of using this video... ..if she is going to makeany problem for me and now i'm going to use this.. make this as a cd and will black mailwith that cd how will she refused to give money to me.. let me see that she is a wife of lecturergopal right..?
she is sitting with someoneelse...who is that..? that's what i said all women's heart is like tsunami but i never thought his wife will be like this.. come raji.. you said you want to talk to me.. come on tell me surya..that is.. i want to say something importantabout mallika to you
even i thought of it i know you willtalk about that now you would have understoodwhat kind of woman she is you would have seen both of them romancing and clinging to each other.haven't you..? yes..raji they both are in close relationship. i know that long back as if the whole city belongs to them
they are roaming togethereverywhere, right..? if she was a good woman why would her husbandleave her and go..? she needs differnt maneveryday.. bloody bitch.. what are you talkingyou rascal.. raji..what is this..? she is slapping me at homeand you slapping me at park? i'm not a temple bell for anyoneto bang me like this..
just shut up you bastered what do you knowabout her..? what do you know aboutmallika ..you rascal..? wrong eyes can seeonly wrong things.. as if you are verygood and gentle you are blaming her now you are not able to get her comfort and money so you boiling withanger.. have you ever thought of heart of a girl..?
she knows the characterof yours very well.. but stil she left you like that she didn't evenworry about that what.. she knows everything about me what it i do to her i don't know anything raji..please tell mewhat it is i felt whatevershe is doing
was very worse seriously but yesterday's rain clings to me that time mallika was... thank you madhan..hey its raining... let it be..its ok.i love it..you carry on ok good night mallika's life good night and bad night are.. ..all the same.you carry on hey raji...
come out you girl.. its raining heavily..let's play coming..see raji its so much fun over here come and join me come on raji come over here and enjoy are you drunk..? so why are you lookingat me like that..?
as if i did somethingthat others don't do is there a law that onlymen can drink or what? drinking..beating even we can enjoy raji i never knew that you're so cheap alright..what are you thinking about you? as if big marilyn monroe you are keep changing the men.. ..like you are changingthe dress
are you not ashamedof it? what did that innocent surya did to you? he worships you as if you are an angel for him how can you cheathim like this? cheating.. cheating my lover cheating the friendshiptoo.. hey you crazy girl you would never seen areal world till now
do yu know that..? if you would have seen youwould have got scared there are no truepeople here only psychopath killersare there if you just close your eyes.. ..you will be screwed over you don't understandwhat i said right.? the words you spoke to methat day went for joking... it very lightly started working in my brain
and i went to surya's house on that day i findout his real face and lot of money inher hand and her husband left her in the name of love i enjoyed her bodyinch by inch.. when i heard him on that day i decided to kill him there itself.. but i controlledmyself
i like decided thereitself that i'll teach him a lesson what he did to me i want to going his own way and bring him tomy way i stop giving himmoney ..that because he shouldunderstand how hard its to earn that money i told him to pay the emi for his bike to see a girlfriend goingaround with other boys..
none of the men will bareto see that scene... i used that weakness and act as if i'm very close to madhan it hurted him ..i know i thought atleast that would change his mind didn't.. he didn't changea bit.. now you tell me raji..was it wrong i did it..? giving my heart is wrong orgiving my love is wrong..?
falling in love with him is wrong or denying his love is wrong..? you tell me.. what are you goingto understand you still don't knowthis world.. have that surya came toblossom over me.? no..but he came to putme on fire... ..to burn me into ashes... tell me..tell me raji
if one human cannot trust the other human then what it is that trustand live hiere why is everybodyhuritng me like this? whenever i hurt anybody raji..? i had never done anything wrong to anyone.. tell me raji..tell me.... raji..i have never cry till now ..do you know that..? i'm that much stronghearted.. but today..today i'm crying..crying and standing here
no one can see my tearsin this rain that's why..that's why.. my husband left me surya is talkingbad about me this is i too think thati'm a call girl.. are you also one of them..? even you will neverunderstand me.. look here surya.. malllika loved you deep from her heart
but you cheated her if i would have been there in her place i would have put you behind the bars if you got mallika as your lover.. then you are very lucky she never get impressedby someone.. i don't know how shegot impressed by you she loved you morethan anything else do you know something?she still loves to you..
she is not able to hate you and she suffering like the fish without water.. go surya..just go you find a remedyfor your sins just go and apologizeto her raji..i made a bigmistake raji.. i don't even deserveto see her face in case..will she accept meif i apologise to her yes..woman are likesymbol of love
they are like a goddess they will forgive everyone.. mallika looks like a rock but her heart likea butter she is like a child can't even recognize whois good and who's bad.. please you should not hurtthat kind of heart.. go fast surya.. she knows that you'll come and she is waiting for you
she cleared your bike loanand kept in your house you know that..? atleast in rest of your lifeyou better be loyal to her god will bless you both thanks raji..you made merealized my mistake else i would not have knownwhat kind of blunder i have done in my life i will go right now. i'llfall on her feet and i apologize too...
mallika..i'm sorry please forgive memallika i realized my sense i met raji.she explainedme everything.. thank you for yourgreat heart mallika after all for body pleasure and for money.. i was playing a drama with you.. i misuse you malllika .infornt of your lovei became nothing..
mallika..give me a chanceto prove my repentence i'll never trouble youin your life time trust me mallika i need you.. i need your love these problems are because we are in separate placelet's be together we'll get married today... you start now and come to a chapel
were we took ournew bike i will buy everything whateveris needed for marriage mallika ..will you come? mallika..please tell me you will surelycome right..? i'll come sorry mallika i will make sure this kind of things never happens again its getting late.let's go
are you worried that your mom and dad weren't able to attend hey..not like that did they call us fortheir marriage..? mallika... why are you sittinglike this? why is the house so dark..? i was waiting for the chapel.. what happened mallika? why didn't you cometo the chapel
tell me mallika you said that you'll come and why didn't you come? sitting at home and whatare you doing..? i was watching a movie movie..? what movie? mysore mallika.part two in that movie youare the hero
and i'm the heroine mallika..i'm rajesh here i understood..tell me boss mallika..we have terminatedyou from our company and you'll get the settlement within 2 or 3 days rajesh..what are you trying to tell me..? why you terminating me? what wrongdid i do? sorry mallika..i'm not able to tell you all these things
for the past 2 - 3 days everyoneare talking about your video oh..madhan.. hey..are you going somewhere? yes..i was about to leave to the temple oh..then i think i'mtroubling you then i leave nownothing like that.. come sit inside and have a cup of coffee what are you doing..?you rascal i never imagined you such a bad person
me too..i didn't think that you're a that kind of a girl ..till i saw this video till now i was getting everythingdirectly from you henceforth i will takeit indirectly wait and watch.. mallika...open the door mallika please open the door coming..come.. you want to rapeme right..?
come in.. come on madhan.rape me when i lock the door you thought that i'm goingto commit suicide isn't it..?why should i commitsuicide..? when i have a such abeautiful body with me why should i commitsuicide..? i have to live for some more times to sacrifice my body to womanizer like you you bloody rascals
you will never see anything other than sex in a woman..right? don't you understand that she also has a heart and there is no love and affection there it how many generations you need to be understand this? from that day till nowyou guys are looking at women in one way you guys are just the same always tell me... hey..the video which you give it was super buddy
i just published as a trailer very fast its moving buddy... super duper hit movie was watched by whole city the mallika would have seenthat by this time.. this is what you have to take revenge come in the morning to theshop and take your money ok..have a good day you idiot..what you did is tomix poison in drinking water keep the phone you rascal
mallika..listen.. don't you ever touch me again my friend is the one who did all these things i don't have anypart in this.. please mallika..trust me i try to do something and somethingelse happened my god mallika..we'll get awayfrom this city
or else the society will notallow us to live here i can't lilve withoutyou mallika live or die..it should be with you.. trust me mallika.. come we'll go somewhere let's leave this city surya..i want to tellyou something i'm pregnant is it so..that's good news
i don't have to take anothereffort for that we have to build a small house and this kind of beautifulplace you have to take careof the house and all our children i'll come back my homeafter my hard work.. you will have to wait in the lobby till i com back when i come back .. my son should come runningand hug me tight..
all my tiredness will vanished just like that mallika..are you alright..? i'm fine surya... get up mallika... mallika...speak something mallika get up mallika..please please mallika please mallika..please get up
mallika.. please get up