( shouting, chatting ) get out of here!go off! ( ship's horn blows ) ( chickens clucking ) ( bell rings ) excuse me. excuse me.excuse me. i was expectingto be met. good morning,truscott.
i am belansai. welcometo our country. ( birds chirping ) ( speaking iban ) ( laughing, jeering ) ( laughing ) he's a bright chap. he'll be the head manof his longhouse in two years. john truscott.
henry bullard. i'm the governorof this district, but you justthink of me as god. hop aboard. ( moos ) you've got far too gooda degree for this job. what are yourunning away from?your debts? your family?or a woman? no, no debts.no woman.
my motherdied two years ago. my father was killedat passchendaele, so... well, why in god's nameare you here? my father wasa district officer out here.william c. truscott? ahhh. he'd drawn up a planto bring educationto the iban which the governor generalhad approved, but then he hadto go back to the war... and it never happened.
and you've brought this plan with you, have you? yes, i think it's our duty to educate primitive people. god, you sound a sanctimonious little prig. still, you're young. sarawak'll knockit out of you. ( orangutan chattering ) famous,you lazy bastard! look at the stateof this place. bring truscotttea and gadgetsdouble quick.
come on.chibi, chibi, chibi. - ( lizard croaks )- john: it's got bugs in there. henry: he's the best cook in sarawak. though strictly speakinghe's still on parole. what did he do? oh, he hacked some damn foolrickshaw driver to death. but you shouldtaste his meringues. - shouldn't he be in--- now, tomorrow, you've an invitationfrom your local longhouse,
the gawa kenyalong. so belansai'llpick you up. the feast to honorthe war god where they takethe giant hornbill statuedown from the rafters. oh, god. you read-- books. i'm afraid they insistupon it at university. do they? has it cometo that now?
yes, i'll--( clears throat ) i'll see youin a day or so. excuse me.excuse me... what's my job? this is my father,melaka. he is head manof the longhouse. belansai: this is rice wine. ah. um... i won't drinkon duty, thanks.
to refuse is an insult. - ( woman giggling )- ( john gasps ) ( scattered applause ) ( hooting ) ( laughing ) woman:left, right.left, right. it's chibi, chibi, chibi! it is a...very ancienttribal dance. ( metal jingles )
oh, no, um... no. very kindof you to offer, but i thinki'll give it a missthis time round. you must make usentertainment. a song? a dance? a poem? perhaps all three. "the sand of the desertis sodden red, red with the wreckof the ranks that broke.
the gatling's jammedand the colonel dead, and the regiment blindwith dust and smoke. the river of deathhas brimmed his banks, and england's farand honor's a name, but the voice of a schoolboyrallies the ranks, 'play up! play upand play the game!'" ( crowd hooting, laughing ) ♪ da-dum-dum-dum ♪ ♪ da-da-da-da,dum-dum-dum-dum ♪
♪ da-da-da-da ♪ ( mimicking singing ) oh, truscott,you are very funnyenglishman. excuse me.what's going on? the dancing is over. we go to sleep now. ( kids mimicking vomiting ) john: you deliberately dropped me in it, didn't you? you know i made a completefool of myself?
they like a man who makes them laugh. iban society is basedon heavy drinking, violent sportand practical jokes. just think of it as english public school without the buggery. i'm on a mission to civilize,not to entertain. the mining concessions at kera pulau have been trespassingoutside their boundaries. your local longhouse
got to some chinese miners before i did. you're going to haveto bring in their heads. what? well... we limit the areas wherethe mining concerns can-- no, no, no.you said... you said "their heads." well, yes. the iban havecut them off.
what? ahh. my dear. this is selima. she's goingto live with you. as what? uh... she performswifely duties. oh yeah?what... sewing? ( snickers )
she performs wifely dutiesin the bedroom. - for god's sakes, man.- i sleep with you. we expect you to know the language within six months. selima's what'sknown around here asa "sleeping dictionary." - sleep...- my mother was also sleeping dictionary. that's why i speakthe king english. henry: there's nothing like bed for learning a language. it's the only reasoni speak portuguese. no, look, poor girl.
- she was just-- picked?- i pick you. and she's really choosy. she turned downmy last two cadet officers. listen, your contractforbids you to marryfor three years. three years can bevery lonely. and after three years? we'll probablyall be dead, so why worry? oh, dear.
listen... you'll go homeon leave to england and you'll come backwith a rosy-cheekedlittle wife. selima will go hometo her longhouse speaking fluent english. oh, damn it, man,it's worked for centuries. there's no reasonwhy you should bedifferent. no, i'm sorry, no. no. i know you thinki'm just some young idiot,
but if i don't followwhat i think's right,what else is there? then you'd better findanother way to learnthe damn language. because if a so-callededucated man can't speak the languageof the people he governs, he's no right to be here! fine, maybeshe can stay as...just a dictionary? - if she doesn't mind, that is.- what? mind not sleeping with you?i'm sure she'll survive. ( chuckling )
she said yes. what else did she say? you'll have to learn ibanand find out, won't you? i'd stand backif i were you. ha ha! ( thunderclap ) ( speaks iban )ants. yes, ants.thank you very much. good night.
you say no,she get very angry. rain always stopin morning. ( lizard croaks ) ( selima humming ) ( speaks iban ) sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite. chinese headsas per request. thank you. ( kids laughing )
as you know, the longhousewill be fined. beyond that, there willbe no further action. ( muffled laughter ) monkey heads. we make a joke on you. maybe i'll makea joke on you and bring a detachmentof colonial policeup the river. i want those headsdelivered to my bungalowby tomorrow morning or i will confiscate your--
your pigs. ( uproarious laughter ) famous: master? i bring you someone. this is jasmine. he is assistant chef. what do we needan assistant chef for? - he assist you.- me? he assist you in...
private way. - ( selima giggles )- is this one of your relatives? no, no, no.he very clean. he come fromenglishman on coast who too oldfor all that now. oh, good god.get him out of-- no, get him out now! - but, master--- get him out of here! and selima,bring me a whiskey.
what are you doing?! - i'm not servant.- fine. you don't have to be a servant. you're fired! dismissed! you cannot fire me becausei am not yours to fire. i fire you. you are dismissed. make no attemptto follow me. - ( pans clatter )- ( famous laughs ) ( pigs grunting )
- what are you doing?- i live here now. you can't live there. then i will livein the jungle. i like the jungle. no, listen. you must go back to the longhouse. they willlaugh at her. they will sayshe choose you butyou no have her. - is that true?- no. they will say younot sleep with her
because she toopig ugly. listen, i don'tthink you're ugly. i think you'revery beautiful. i don't sleep with youbecause of my beliefs. because... the spiritsof my country forbid it. you want to sleep with mebut you forbid by your spirit? yes, you could say that. i will go to my tree now. wait, wait, wait, wait.
perhaps we couldhave another try. if you're willingto re-employ me, that is. i will give youone more chance. hey! i want a wordwith you. last night you gotcompletely drunk again. my other masters,they fine me one week payif i blind drunk, two week payif i blind,legless drunk.
i blind drunktwo time a monthregular, so very cheap cook. fair enough. ( coins rattle ) wait.( speaks iban ) ( blows ) ( kids yelling, laughing ) do you play croquet? no.
help me reload,would you? i'm clearing the junglefor a croquet lawn for when cecil,my daughter,comes out. it's much quickerthan a working partyfrom the jail. aggie bullard,henry's wife. you must be truscott. how are you getting onwith henry's damn fool tests? i think nexti have to wrestlea crocodile. sleeping dictionaryshaping up all right?
- henry: truscott!- us women don't know anything about all of that. - truscott!- and for heaven's sake, bed her or the iban'll think there'ssomething wrong with youdown below. re-group! sorry? you're not picking upthe language very fast,are you? and where are thosechinese heads?! selima: you are in the bathroom. ( speaking iban,trails off )
i am in...? the bedroom. what do i do? i... i say good nightto my father. ( selima speaks iban ) ( repeats ) where do you go? bedroom.
bedroom...bedroom. w-what next? i-i go to sleep. do english people have dreams at night? sometimes, yeah. are we really that strange? have you eversleep with a woman? i won'ttill i get married. that's our way.
but when you marryyou'll be very bad at sex and your wifewill be unhappy. ( laughs ) i'll take evening classes,i promise. i've never met anyone... even a little like you. whyever did youchoose me? your dance is notthe dance of an englishman. yes.
- ( kids laughing )- ( rooster crows ) belansai: i thought you didn't like our education. you want to educate uslike your father did? you were educated becauseyou're the chief's son. shouldn't others havethe same opportunity? william, william, henry, henry,richard, john, henry, edward, edward, richard, henry, henry, edward,edward, richard,
henry, henry, edward-- mary, elizabeth,james, charles, charles, james, william,george, george,george, george, william, victoria,edward, george,edward, george. the kings of england. and why do i needto know that? the mission schooltries to turn us into little englishmen. they didn't do a very good jobwith you, did they?
you missed queen anne,by the way. you missed king stephen. i hear when you were young,you were a champion atthe underwater battles. ( scoffs )when i was young? i am still championof 10 longhouses. yes, they say you canbeat any girl on the river. will youchallenge me then? ( villagers giggling ) ( gasping )
( crowd murmurs,scattered applause ) ( crowd "ooohs," applause ) how you--how you do that? some englishmen can breathe underwater through their ears. ( crowd laughs ) i wonder if i mighthave a word about... those heads.
( flies buzzing ) it's lovelyworkmanship. i'll add thoseto the collection. the ants eatenyour dinner jacket yet? - i think there's an arm or two left.- good. my daughter ceciliais arriving for christmas. first class honors degreeat oxford. you'd like her. - come to dinner.- ( explosion ) ( kids cheering )
- ( pans clattering )- famous: oh! how drunk is he? blind, legless, daft,sick, smelly drunk. ( famous cackles ) my mother read that to me. my father read it to me. do you rememberyour father? he go back to englandwhen i am four. my dad diedwhen i was four.
"deep, deepbeneath the sea where the water isclear as purest glass lies the palaceof the sea king. there behind its...walls of coral and roof of cockleshellslives a little mermaid." you can read english. i remember itby my heart. i made him read itmany time. write a word from it.
"deep." now you. "hand." - ( speaks iban )- ( repeats ) "arm." neck. lips. breast. ( grunting )
( panting ) i-i'm sorry. that was too quick,wasn't it? you teach me english,i'll teach you this. school is not finished. - ( selima giggles )- ( john sighs ) ( moaning ) not quite the educationmy father had in mind. why do you always go?
for sleeping dictionary,it is proper. for the iban, if a man and a woman wake uptogether five nights in a row, they are engaged. you don't want that,do you? ( "deck the halls" playing ) cecilia's got a degreein anthropology, you know? she did her thesison the iban. - really?- mmm.
why did you choosethe iban to study? i lived hereuntil i was five. till mother and fathercouldn't stand me any longer and shipped meoff to school. but i alwaysremembered them. the way you'd neversee them arrive, but then suddenly therethey'd be, standing beside you as if they'd been theresince... time began. although, for them, of course,time only began 53 years ago.
- really?- yes, the year krakatoa exploded. - that's their year zero.- is that true? how the deucedo you know that? - well, i listen.- do you now? well, i can't wait to getstuck in and meet the iban. shipperly's taken overfrom teague-- chap i told you about. went doolallyand ate his own toes. i'll tell you somethingi bet you don't know.
back in victorian times,the young officerscoming out here were given a young woman fromthe local head-hunting tribes to share their bed... so they could learnthe language quickly. ( chuckling )i hardly think so, darling. now you are havingus on, aren't you? no, that's true. i've heard tell of itfrom a very old iban. - see?- well...
if it did exist,i'm sure it was purely a matter of convenienceand no... higher feelingswere involved. - don't see why.- surely you can't seriously believe that a primitivehead-huntress and an english officercould experience love. john: not love, maybe, but i'm sure they couldfeel a great deal. henry: whatever an englishman felt,
he would neverlet that get in the way of his dutyto the local people. my iban wouldn'tthink less of an officer-- "my iban"?they're not your iban. they might be god's,but they're certainly not yours. we've got enoughbloody dictators in europe,thank you. - all i'm saying--- and all i'm saying, is that an english officer would never lethis country down.
nor his family. would he, truscott? no, sir. ( giggling ) ( "we three kings" playing ) so is she pretty? well, she's fairly pretty. but does she have wings? what happened tothe spirits of your country?
they grew old and tiredand packed their bagsand left for england. ( ibans arguing ) ( shouts in iban ) ( cheering ) this is a land disputebetween two longhouses. it's fiendishlycomplicated. you must be sick of mefollowing you around. no, i know howinterested you are. at least this time we escapedthe dreaded shipperly.
he's harmless, but...he's like all men who've been to an all-maleschool and college. the only womenthey're comfortable withare their mothers. he talks to me likei'm a labrador. i went toan all-male schooland an all-male college. then somethingmust've changed you. yes.being out here,i imagine. so have yousorted out this dispute? yes, i think so,yes.
( musket fires ) see, it's impossibleto sort out the argument. so if i decidefor one side or the other, it'll just seemunfair to them. ( chanting in iban ) henry: pull! ( gunshot ) would you mind?that's it, perfect.thank you. isn't she amazing?
what did she say? there's not a preciseenglish translationfor that one. cecil, these children love having their photo-- she's wonderful.i wish i lookedlike her. hands higher, please. that's it.perfect. cecil, i don't thinkshe wants her photograph taken. - just a couple more.- henry: truscott! go and see what's happening down there, will you?
ask her to keep up that fierce expression, please. ( camera clicks ) - cecil--- truscott! i told you to go and seewhat the devil's happening! ( john speaking iban ) ( woman moaning ) - ( speaks iban )- she won't understand. she's yakata. you can tellby the turquoisebracelet.
i studied them. she was bleedingthrough her skin. come awayand wash your hands. there's a dozen more dead bodiesturned up at laksai, 50 miles outof their territory. i'd better go up riverand have a look, hadn't i? no, you hadn't! it's dangerous enough up there without an epidemic. that's my job.
they'll have your headas soon as look at you. besides he doesn'tspeak the language. well,i'll take selima. she speaks halfa dozen languages.and belansai. no one's going to tangle with him. send that idiot shipperly.a few poisoned dartsmight liven him up. i'll set outtomorrow morning,shall i? aggie, i can't send shipperly.you said yourself the man'san idiot... if you're about to be killed,at least stay for dinner.
( urinating ) aggie:terrific girl, cecil.isn't she? absolutely, yeah. if you want a childproperly educated, you've got to send themback home. but you can't be in two places at once. and i thoughtit was my duty... to stay with henry. but they've donea terrific job on her.
we're delighted. she knowsall sorts of things. and it means she's turned outvery self-sufficient,very capable. exactly the sort of girlone wants to marry out here, not some flimsy little misswho's never left england. and of course... she's ever so fond of you. well, she's lovely,like you say. but i'm not surethat i...
love her? i don't think i knew what lovewas when i was your age. i don't suppose you do. well, what is it like? well, it's, um... it's companionship, fellow feeling. now listen, you want these schoolsfor the iban.
henry'll help you.i'll see to that. so... what do you say? i'm not really sure.this is all rather sudden. don't take too longthinking about it. neville's asked herto marry him. she'll be goneby the time you getback from your trip and you won't see herfor two years. i'm sorry aboutthis afternoon.
i should havestopped her sooner. selima? you had other loversbefore me, didn't you? did you and theyhave what we have? they were men like you. but... i thought we hadsomething special. no, we fuck, that's all. you're angry?you're not tellingthe truth.
i'm angry, that's whyi'm telling the truth. half my blood is english.that is more than your kingand queen, but for you, that isnot good enough. so iban i'll be. rule me if you must,but nothing else. go ahead.do your sex. don't mind me. "hands higher. that's it.
perfect." john's voice: "dear cecil, everything is going very well. we've reached the edge of yakata country. belansai calls them 'the invisible people.' and even the iban admit they can blend into the jungle like no one else. they're fierce warriors, but they live as one big family.
sharing is so much a part of their way of life that they have no word for 'thank you.' i look forward to seeing you when i finally come home on leave. i'll finish this letter later." ( baby crying ) ( natives groaning ) john: it's not like any disease. it's not famine--there's ricein the huts! ( gunshot )
it's a white manwith a rifle--aiming at you. listen... he's gone now. can you track him? ( men talking, pounding ) ( shouting ) - my god.- what? i think this could bea new species. it's like the buffalo leech,but bigger.
shipperly: would you mind just getting it off? - i don't want to hurt it.- maybe they'll name it after you, sweetheart. can you remember whereyou were when it bit you? no, i can't remember where i waswhen it bloody well bit me, because i was in the middleof the bloody jungle, which looked like every otherbit of bloody jungle, full of bloodsucking, bloodthirsty,bloody little bastards! good afternoon,mrs. bullard.
idiot. they come across the mountainsfrom dutch borneo. - very difficult journey.- that's pure silver. they'll be makinga fortune. and it looks likethey don't want any othereuropeans to know. me get sickness. they go away. you'll be all right. we'll take you down the riverin the morning.
( speaking yakata ) they say you broughtthe illness. the dutchmen told them. what did you say? i told themyou are a god and will cure them. oh. good. ask them if theywill eat with us. the yakatadon't grow rice,do they?
so they must havetraded for it. the bastards. the bastards!they wanted to clearthe mining area, so they put poisonin the rice! - famous: do we die?- no. no, it's a slow-working poison,so it looks like disease. so, my english friend... do we arrest the miners? what will the yakata doif we tell them?
kill them all. tell them. explosie.( speaking dutch ) explosie. john:when i found youlying there, suddenly everythingbecame clear. i want to staywith you forever... if you'll have me. where shall we run?
run? we can crossinto dutch borneo. ( laughs )there's no need for that.i love sarawak. but they'll stop us. oh, for god's sake,the english aren'tbarbarians. i'll sort it out.trust me. i'll sorteverything out,i promise. i knowmy own people. you want to marry her.
we say we've a rightto be here because we'rea civilizing force. how can we let our officerssleep with the local women,and not marry them? you're not the first,you know. let me tell you something. 25 years ago, i was a young idiot. she was called ipoh... and i loved her. but i made my decision,
and i never saw her again until the day she died. - you don't regret that?- i did what was right! i did my duty,and so will you! no. no, i won't. good thing your fatherdidn't think thatat passchendaele! is it? maybe thenhe wouldn't have drowned in a shell holeso some senile old generalcould get a knighthood! god, you self-righteouslittle prick!
- you'll do what i say!- you let me-- bit of anadministrative crisis. yes, i knowwhat's happened. everybody does! i'd like a wordwith you in private. selima... the english havesent word. if you won'tgive him up, they'll charge himwith the murder ofthe white miners.
- did you tell them?- no! they will charge meas well. that's why my fatherasks you. look, there's a wayof doing things, and if you change it,our little world falls apart. - you're the one that told me--- for goodness sake! give her upand henry'll send you homeon a year's sick leave. you can come backas if nothing happened. refuse and you'llspend the next 10 yearsrotting in prison.
and then we'll deport you and you'll never see sarawak, or her, again. you can't do that. henry: you broke the law. you can't go around murderingwhite men just because youthink they deserve it. he could hang youfor that. - but you'd ignore it if i do as you want?- you've a choice. make your mind up. - i want to see her.- aggie: send her a letter!
you've taught herto read, haven't you? stop him! selima! where is she? it's all arranged,isn't it? - isn't it?!- it's not as i thought. th-there's difficulties. help me! i'm ordering youto help me!
you sworeit would all work out. truscott, i am getting extremely fed up with you. i'm too old to run throughthe bloody jungle all night! just give her up now. - this is your last chance.- no! ( groaning ) say you'llgive him up. you know what'll happen otherwise! once i start this,it can't be stopped.
john truscott,i charge you-- - selima: i'll do it.- no, no. i'll marryat the longhouse. i told youit's not possible. so? do you give her up? i do. i now pronounce youman and wife. you may kiss the bride.
( bells ringing ) cecil: ready! ♪ east of the sun ♪ ♪ and west of the moon... ♪ we'll rememberthis song. always. there is somethingi should say. i know about yoursleeping dictionary. at least, i presume you had one.
father thinks we women don't find out about such things. but anyway,i don't mind. i know how thingsare done out there. and the good thing is... at least you'll knowwhat to do becausei'm damned if i do. what happened to her? oh, she married belansai. your fatherwrote me a letter. was that before youproposed to me, or...
oh... no, i think itmust have beenafterwards. here we go, then. john's voice: "dear henry, i talked things over with cecilia again, and we have decided to return to sarawak. she wants to be with you, and i would be a coward not to finish the work i started. i think the only way forward is to wipe away
the last couple of years and start life afresh. i'm determined to make your daughter happy. yours sincerely, john truscott." ♪ east of the sun ♪ ♪ and west of the moon... ♪ i thought i'd organizea welcoming committee. they're wonderful. welcome back to hell. shipperly.
weather forecastfor the next... 10,000 yearsis too bloody hot. ah. ♪ ...of the moon. ♪ you're looking atthe first iban class,the first iban school. your dad would be proud. if he saw the iban choosingwhat they were taught,he'd have a fit. for heaven's sake,he wanted to teach themlatin and greek. you know, i actuallywasn't going to mentionthis for a while,
but i wondered if youmight like to dosome teaching? ( famous laughing ) ow! what in the world? i thoughtthat's what you wanted. i thought that'swhat she would have done. neville told meabout you and her. have you seen her since we got here? no!
no, not since... a year ago, or more. he said she and her husbandhad a little boy. apparentlythey're very happy. i want us to be happy. then why aren't we? it's her, isn't it? she's very beautiful. isn't she?
in her own way, yes. ( pans clatter, man yells ) - what's that?- it's famous, blind drunk. in fact, blind, legless,daft, sick, smelly drunkby the sounds of things. you've got to fire him. cecil... he's been with mesince i arrived. he doesn't like me.he preferred her,i can tell. ( gunshot, birds squawk )
hello? who's this? this is your new cook.henry sent him. - mrs. truscott tell him to give me the boot.- thank you, famous. did you do that? famous, take herinto the kitchenand clean her up. you do not do that. you treat herwith respect. we're not all in love withour sleeping dictionaries,you know.
( scoffs ) tipong! what did you say to her? oh, i told tipong thatif you hit her again, she should waittill you're asleep, then cut off your testicleswith a kitchen knife. they're very goodat that kind of thing,the iban. probably wouldn'teven wake you.now-- henry sent me.
we've got to unbugger upyour last month's work. cecil-- you know, i would havemade her happy. ( "east of the sun" playing on record player ) cecil: i told him we'd remember this song. aggie: don't be so pathetic. you should forget all aboutthis love business. marriages workfar better without it. you should concentrateon the school.
you like that. he just needsa little time. when was the last timehe slept with you? when was the last timehe even touched you? that's how you judge men. hello, darling. good evening,mrs. bullard. you will excuse us,won't you? you kissed mejust to get one overon my mother, didn't you?
no. no, of course not. - john: take one more reading before we go.- right. - is the baby mine?- oh, yes. and are you opento bribery? oh, very much so. so you'll arrangefor us to meet? i am one step ahead.i already make inquiries, and she will not see you. so you tell her tiponghas been beaten again
and needs her help. shipperly? shipperly i will sendon a vital missionsomewhere. somewhere famedfor the size and quantityof its tiger leeches. ( chuckles ) - ( gasps )- please. i want to seemy son. i don't understand "son." my child.
child? you understand perfectly.he was born nine months ago. i don't understandenglish anymore. my son.you have my son.his name is mandar. ( baby cries ) i left him on the veranda.i was frightened of neville. i'll get him! you can have one minute, but they'll kill meif they see us together.
selima, stay! for how long?forever? i didn't know theywere going to treat uslike that, i'm sorry. i don't knowwhat to say. he's belansai's son now. he marry me even thoughhe knew i was pregnant. "deep, deep beneath the sea... where the water is clearas the purest glass, there lies the palaceof the sea king.
and there, behindthe walls of coral, and beneath its roofof cockleshells lived the littlemermaid." so, truscott. is there some good newsyou're not telling us? i presume you'veimpregnated my daughter. oh... no. not yet. it's just in case.
let me tell you why istayed here with henry, and let cecil grow up alone. i told you it was duty. i told myself it was duty, but it wasn't duty. i never daredleave henry alone... for fear he'd go backto his native girl. so be warned. i won't let that...
wreck another generation. ( baby cooing ) - selima: john!- ah! they've cornered him-- at the longhouse loftat baritsai. the damn fool! i hoped he'd run overthe mountains to dutch borneo. you caused all this! now we're going to haveto execute him.
one of the best meni know. well, you candamn well be his judge. he had no choice. i know that! i know that. but he tried to kill a colonial official, and that has to mean death. even though the colonialofficial in question deserved having his throat cutfor sneaking aroundwith his wife!
it wasn't her i was seeing,it was my son! my son, who younever told me about! am i supposed to pretendhe doesn't exist? yes, you are! for the rest of your life. have you--? another daughter? the daughters of sleeping dictionaries become sleepingdictionaries.
i thoughtyou were kind, that you'dtreat her well. not quite as well as youended up treating her,of course. and she doesn't know? i told her mother to tell her that i was back in england. it's normal. this way is best. aggie--
it wouldn't befair on her. i did my duty. at least i didn'tkill anyone! belansai, was it your intentionto kill me, or just to wound me? - to kill you.- ( crowd "ooohs" ) but did youcome to kill me? or did a sudden madnessseize you?
i came to kill you. ( crowd murmuring ) belansai... tell the court whyyou had to try to kill me. the court will adjournand pass sentence tomorrow. - what are you doing?- he saved my life. yes, and what a shamethat was. don't think you'regoing to sentence himto anything except death. you do that, and i'll juststep in and overrule you.
you understand me?you'll have achieved nothing! ( spits ) ( women clamoring ) leave her alone! ( shouting in iban ) go on, get back!move! move! be upstanding. this court isnow in session. this courtis in session.
belansai ringan, this court finds youguilty of attempted murder. due to the lack of mitigating circumstances, i have no alternative but to sentence you to death. tomorrow morningyou'll be taken from the jail, and hung from your neckuntil you are dead. may god have mercyon your soul. ( ibans singing a lament ) henry: do they have to make such a bloody noise
building a scaffold? and it's all because of that damn fool truscott. aggie: it'll do him good. now he's seen the consequences,it'll settle him down. but cecilia saidshe saw them talking. - henry: surely we ought to--- do as little as possible. he did what you asked him to, today, didn't he? - hmmm.- he's like you, henry, when it comesto what really matters,he always gives in.
- now have another drink and go to bed.- hmmm. you've no reasonnot to take it. well, we're going to haveto run away together now. steamer leavestomorrow at dawn. i'll leave at dusk,i'll be there by 3:00 a.m.at the latest. you won't come. they'll find out.they'll say you mustbe an englishman. and i'll tell themthat i'd rather have you than a country,or a language,
or a history. i can't prove it,but i know what you've done. and i'm going to treat youas if you had done it! have you anything to say? you're a bloody disgrace! if it wasn't for cecil,i'd put you in there! get out to the damand do something useful! go on. you won't getany sense out of her.
listen,you're not welcomeat the longhouse, and you're certainly not welcome here. so shipperly--neville-- has very kindlyagreed to take you onas a sleeping dictionary. i presume you'd prefer that to a spell in prison. ( crying ) off we go, then. it was wonderfulat the school today.i tried teaching in iban. and i thought i saidcooking yams-- "patanta"
but actually i said "matanta--" cooking your lover. they laughed and laughed. and... now i'm goingto have to tell you. i'm pregnant. doctor smith camefrom miri today and... there's no doubtabout it. ( laughs )your face. you look so happy. well, of coursei'm happy.
i know i shouldn'treally say this... but i nearlygave up on us. but i didn't.and i'm so glad. shall weopen that bottleof champagne? "leeches."hmmm? "jungle." "fucking jungle." "fucking jungle... full of prick-teasing,little brown savages."
henry: there she is, swearing like a trooper blood everywhere, the cook-turned-midwife screaming, - "push, lady, push!"- henry completely useless. shouting to nobodyin particular: "why didn't we get herdownriver before the monsoon?" and then in walks this clouded leopard. it was attractedby the blood, you see. however,not really dangerous. he starts shootinganyway.
bullets flying everywhere,except anywhere nearthe leopard. - in the middle of all this uproar--- out i pop. yes, bright pink. and even then,she was the loudestthing in the room. she was wonderful,wasn't she? it was wonderful for us,the first five years before we had to--you know, send you home. yes. she was wonderful, wasn't she? how many glasses of champagnehave you had, daddy?
oh, come on, if a man can't celebrate... listen, i prayedthat this would happenfor both of you. it'll makeall the difference. ( laughs ) look at him. - he's still in shock.- ( all laugh ) - ( selima grunts )- ( thuds ) ( moans ) get baby and go!i catch you up! ( grunts )
it is for me, isn't it? why haven't you finished it? because nothingi could think ofseemed... enough. tonight i've beenwatching you, trying to make myselfbelieve you were happy. because i was so determinedthat this would finallydo the trick... that this wouldmake us be in love. i did love seeing youso happy. i saw that, but...
it's not enough, is it? you know... i think you probablyknow my mother and fatherbetter than i do. you've spent moretime with them. five. i was... five when i was shipped offback to school in england. some mothers camewith their children,but not mine. she never evencame home for christmas. she wouldn't let daddyout of her sight.
so when you asked meto marry you, i thought, "here's someonewho's chosen me. not someone who's lumberedwith me and has to pretendto love me, but someonewho really wants me." but all the timeyou loved someone else. if it hadn't been for her,we could've been happy enough,couldn't we? no, it's all right. you don't have to lie. and anyway, i'm not preparedto settle for "happy enough." not anymore.
i want-- i want whatyou and her have. ( sobbing ) now go. i want you to go. anyway, you've leftsomething of yours behind. i won't say anythingto mother and fathertill the morning. it's better this way. ( steamer horn blowing )
( distant horn blowing ) psst. psst! she think you not coming. she not catch boat.she making a run fordutch borneo. head for old mine. ( baby coos ) you do realizei can't let you go. you might need this. my second present.
you know? i guess eventually. seems i onlyever get to say goodbye. come on. i do hope you'renot incorruptible. they're both headedover the mountains. i have a partyready to follow them. have you? there's no whiskey treesin the jungle, you know.
henry, she triedto kill shipperly. - that's a hanging offense.- i can't spare the men. do you care nothingfor your daughter? i care a great deal... for them both. cecil, tell him. i don't want john hurt. or my sister. he said go after them.
come along, idiot.what are you waiting for? stay here. ( sluice gate opens, water rushing ) shipperly: afternoon. i thought you'dturn up eventually. handcuff yourselvesto the pole. come on! we don't want to wakethe baby up, now do we?! do it properly,truscott. ( cuffs click )
i've thought a lotabout the order of this. but i reckon... rape selima, kill baby, kill selima... - kill you.- ( gunshot ) ( muffled cries ) ( yelling ) ( gun clicks )
jam, did it? eeny... - ( clicking )- meeny... minie... ( air whooshes sharply ) mo. ( gurgling ) john: "the witch said to the little mermaid, 'why do you want to take human form and walk upon the land?' 'because i love him.
he is alwaysin my thoughts and i would placemy happiness in his hands,'replied the little mermaid." ( yakata women singing ) they sing becausethey move on tomorrow. make a new villagea day's journeyfrom here. they want usto come with them. then we must go. if we go,you will have nothing. i'll have this.
i'll have you. so shall i tell themwe'll come? ( instrumental music playing ) closed captioned by: visual sound, inc. hollywood, ca