[ phone ringing ] [ continues ringing ] drat. hello? [ man on phone ]hello, sweetie. daddy.it's early. yeah, i know. i justwanted to let you knowi'm sending you something. - mmm. does it smell nice?- no. but it's sparkly. does it have a receipt?
[ chuckles ]i'm sending it to youfrom the store. why don't you just come by, andwe'll have some breakfast, huh? well, it'd be a long trip.i'm in venice. - with your parole officer's approval, of course?- well, i like the guy, stella, but we never really connected,so i think i've paid my p.o.his last visit. what are you into, dad?don't break my heart. - you told me you were through.- after this, i am. i swear to you. - [ sighs ] is charlie there?- i'm on a cell phone, darling. i'll call you tomorrowfrom a landline.
i love you.go back to sleep. bye. [ dial tone ] da-- dad? [ phone beeps off ] [ sighs ]i love you too. - i sent it.- you're supposed to do your shopping after the job. i feel so optimistic. oh? how do you feel?
fine. fine? you know what "fine"stands for, don't you? yeah. unfortunately. freaked out. insecure. neurotic. and emotional. see those columnsbehind you? what about 'em?
that's where they usedto string up thieveswho felt "fine." well, after you. [ chuckles ] [ boat horn tooting ] for after the haul. [ sniffs ]hope i get to fire it up. still no wordfrom the garbagemen? no. if they're no-shows, three months of prep downthe tubes, and i dragged you outof retirement for nothin'.
now, this is fun.i like this. you takin'over the reins, all the worries. - me, loosey-goosey, just along for the ride.- glad you're enjoying yourself. just remember. a police boatcan get from the stationto our position in seven. that means you got four minutesto work your magic. you told me ten and five. when? do not be messin'with me right now, okay?i will kick your ass. oh, yeah? come on.take your best shot.come on. what? [ grunting ]
come on. [ chuckling ] [ bells tolling ] [ chattering ] come on. let's go.what is it this time? da vinci. architect.engineer. painter. yeah. fascinating. hey, look. check this out."learn the language of poetry, art, romance, sex." unlike you, my friend,i don't need a guidebook.can we go, please?
[ british accent ]right, gov'nor. come along.make yourself useful.untie that line. today. yeah. yeah, gilligan.if you don't mind. we set? yeah. i've enhancedthe viewing matrix... to track boththe cartesian coordinatesand three altitude angles-- the yaw, pitch and roll-- to give us the exact position and orientation of our baby.
- we're in italy. speak english.- steve, how we lookin'? papa took the boatto work at 8:15,so the garage is empty. mama left with daughterat 8:30 for preschoolas usual, so for the next 45 minutes,we own this place, gentlemen. - no word from the garbagemen?- who got you the beekeepers in budapest? they'll be there.you can trust these guys. [ man over headphones ] steve, how many times do i have to tell you? i trust everyone.i just don't trustthe devil inside them. [ charlie ]we're in.
just tell mewhere to paint. - your men are still not in position?- they will be. - you don't know that, steve. we should abort.- i'm sorry, john, but i thinkthat's charlie's call now. our baby's being taken out of here tonight. this is our only shot at it. - charlie?- keep going? - it's up to you, kid.- let's go. okay, steve. [ over headphones ]from the west wall,measure 14 feet, eight inches.
- got it.- now measure eight feet, five inches... from the north wall-- that's the northwest corner of our baby. - got it.- well, it's right above you. [ heavy footfalls ] [ radio: announcer speaking excitedly in italian ] [ man speaking in italian ] [ man continues speaking in italian ] [ man over headphones ]now paint two feet,nine inches wide, two feet, five inches deep.
okay, left ear.you're up. fourteen feet, four inchesfrom that west wall. [ device beeps ] [ announcer speaking in italian ] [ man continues in italian ] [ phone ringing ] - yeah?- [ man speaking italian ] bã¨ne. [ man responds in italian ]
the garbagemenare in position, john. [ man continues in italian, laughs ] [ men scream ] - [ exclaiming in italian ]- [ all shouting ] [ shouting in italian ] [ onlooker shouting in italian ] [ italian ] [ policeman shouting over loudspeaker ] [ siren wailing ]
[ headphone: police chatter ] all right, charlie. someone just called it in. the police boat's headin' your way. seven minutes and countin'. let's go. [ man shouting in italian ] - [ gasps ]- [ gasps, screams ] we got four minutesto load and leave.let's go! [ chattering ]
ahh![ shouts in italian ] [ men shouting, groaning ] [ police radio chatter continues ] [ boat motor chugging ] ♪ [ man scatting ] ♪ [ vocalizing ] ♪ [ vocalizing, scatting fade ] [ men laughing, chattering ] [ john ]hey, you guys.come here.
i wannapropose a toast. to us. [ all ]yeah! and i wanna propose a toast tocharlie, because we just stole$35 million worth of gold... without even holding a gunbecause he planned thisdown to a "t." nobody else could've done that, nobody. charlie! [ all ]charlie! thank you. so come on, gentlemen.shopping list.who's doin' what?
spare no dirty details. come on, you guys. take a lessonfrom an old man.don't spend it. invest. in what? in gold. let's figure out how to get out of here first, all right? - [ left ear ] what are you gettin', rob?- there's a lot you can buy. - i'm just thinkin' about naked girls and leather seats.- [ left ear ] obviously. see? i suppose i'dget the aston martin vanquish.
there's not a lot a girlwon't do on the passenger seatof one of those things. i'm gonna get a nad-t 770 digital decoder with 70-watt amps and burr-brown dacs. - yeah.- a big stereo. speakers so loud they blow women's clothes off. - now you're talkin'.- thirty-five million dollars. you can't get more creativethan that, man? i'm goin'to andalusia, south of spain. get me a big house. get me a library full of first editions, get a room for my shoes. - how 'bout you, steve?- i don't know. i haven't decided yet. you haven't decided yet?come on. is it the mountain air,or just--
i liked what you said.i'll take one of eachof yours. well, two of everythingfor steve. two of those. oi! loved the toast. but youcould've pulled this offwith your eyes closed. nah. you were incredible,just incredible. you saw the whole picture.you covered all the angles. you know, charlie,there are two kindsof thieves in this world: the ones who stealto enrich their lives...
and the ones who stealto define their lives. don't be the latter.makes you miss out on what'sreally important in this life. what are youtalkin' about, john?you've been a good father. sitting in prisons doesn'tmake you a good father. i spent half my kid's lifein prison. don't get to be my agewith nothin' but this,charlie. find somebody you wanna spendthe rest of your life with, then hold onto her forever. okay?
[ steve ] hey! - let's go! i'm freezin' my ass off!- yeah. steve's gettin' cold.you too? i'm all right. i love you, kid.you did really great. thanks, john. ♪ money ♪ ♪ it's a gas ♪ ♪ grab that cash with both hands and make a stash ♪
[ chattering continues ] ♪ new car, caviar four-star daydream ♪ you should've seen robbehind the wheel of that boat.he was like don johnson. - oh, yeah. from brixton.- [ rob ] what do you know about brixton, mate? look at this idiot.right in the middleof the road. who's that? what's this?what's this? who the hellare these guys? - [ gun cocks ]- hey! - take your hands off the wheel.- steve!
don't even think about it.just do it. [ man ] andiamo! andiamo! - no, no, no, no, john.- steve, what the hell are you doin'? i made a few plansof my own. there's nowhere you can gowhere we won't find you, steve.you know that. i thinkthat's probably right, john. [ grunting ] [ charlie ]go! go! [ all gasping ]
[ bullets penetrating water ] [ muffled grunting ] [ muffled speech ] [ charlie panting ] charlie. we've gotta go,charlie. - you always work in the dark?- it makes me feel like i'm alone. [ chuckles ]not bad. not bad, stella. damn. perely couldn'tcrack that safe.
neither could spears. now you knowwho to call first. you're expensive, stella. those guys cut us a breakon subpoena jobs, good will,community service. i do it for the money,paul. i'll besending you a bill. - don't you wanna see what's inside?- i never look inside. have a good day.hey, george. hey, stella. ♪ i came, i saw i kicked some ass ♪
♪ the pain i cause it makes me laugh ♪ ♪ i feel strange to have time for the little things ♪ ♪ damn, if i thought that you would change and my life wouldn't stay the same ♪ ♪ a thing will come and a thing will fall and one thing i know fo' "sho" ♪ ♪ is there a "wreckoning" a "wreckoning" ♪ ♪ a "wreckoning" before you die ♪ ♪ a "wreckoning," a "wreckoning" a "wreckoning" before you die ♪ [ woman ] how long to crack it? four minutes and 43 seconds.
ohh! you're the man. what's on the lineup? todd milliken called. he hasa prototype combination lockhe wants you to test out. he says he addedtwo false contact pointson the tumbler. i'll pretend to be stumpedfor a couple of seconds,give him a thrill. and there's a charlie crokerin your office. saysyou two know each other. charlie croker. didn't i tell youi never wanna see you again? i think it was when you told me how my father died right in front of your eyes...
after you pulled him infor one last job. [ drill whirs ] [ sighs ]we found him, stella. he's in los angeles. the gold bricks he stolefrom us had a balinese dancerstamped on them. i just got word from a contact called skinny pete that a dealer out in l.a.'s been buyin' those. yeah?how do you know it's him? skinny petesent me this. steve changed his last nameto frezelli.
- why are you telling me this?- i've been checking databases of high-end safe companies. found out stevehad a worthington 1000 deliveredto his home office. you don't install a worthington unless you've got something really big to guard. - no, you don't.- problem is no one on my crew can handle steve's safe. - i need somebody i can trust.- i'm a professional safe and vault technician, not a thief. hey, it's not about the gold,stella, okay? johnwas like a father to me too. look. i'm sorry, all right?i just can't move on untili've set things right. i've moved on. [ door closes ]
[ sniffles ] [ phone beeps on ] [ rob ]come on, charlie. come on. i wanna see the lookon that man's facewhen his gold is gone. he took my father from me.i'm taking this. - [ phone beeps off ]- [ phone beeps off ] - she's in.- that's a good thing. it's a very good thing. shecan crack the worthington 1000without even flinching. i'm not surehaving a civilian on the crew'sa good idea, charlie.
she's got the skills. she's got the motivation. exactly. she's emotional.you know what happenswhen emotion gets into it. look. don't kid yourself,all right? we're all emotionalon this one. let's go.[ panting ]are you ready? course i am. [ laughs maniacally ] you're not ready. that was quick.
where are they? we're a little early.i didn't expect us toget here quite that fast. [ motorcycle revving ] there. that's lyle.he's my computer genius. you know, he's who reallyinvented napster? at leastthat's how lyle tells it. he said shawn fanning was his roommate in college and stole his idea. ♪ [ hard rock playing on computer ] i think it's his first timeriding that bike, though. hey.
oop. oh-- ooh! - you okay?- yeah. mm-hmm. that's left ear.demolition and explosives. when he was 10,he put one too many m-80sin the toilet bowl. ♪ rise up ♪ whoa! that was cool.how did you do that? what? - [ faint ] how did you do that?- what?
- [ faint ] i said, how did you do that?- what? [ charlie ] lost the hearing in his right ear. he's been blowin' stuff up ever since. handsome rob.premier wheelman.once drove all the way... from los angeles just sohe could set the recordfor longest freeway chase. [ sirens wailing ] ♪ you're a heartbreaker dream maker, love taker ♪ he got 110 love letters... sent to his jail cell from women who saw him on the news. ♪ don't mess around with me ♪
♪ you're a heartbreaker dream maker ♪ ♪ love taker don't you mess around no, no, no ♪ and you? i never heardhow you got your start. me? well, i've been a thiefsince i had baby teeth. [ bell ringing ] okay. you both knowwhat to do. cough it up now. ♪ come on, now ♪ ♪ shake it, shake it, baby ♪ ♪ one, two, three, baby ♪ [ continues, indistinct ]
ooh! watch it, spaz! - ♪ doe, ray, me, baby ♪- what's your problem, man? ♪ "a," "b," "c," it's easy it's like counting up to three ♪ guys. hey, charlie. good to see you, man. good to see you. hello, charlie. rob, what's up?you good?
guys,stella bridger. hi. how you doin'?nice to meet you. phones? yeah. they'reall fresh and clean.i got internal chips in 'em. please change 'em twicea day or we will get heaton the line. i.d.s? "james hymen"?come on, man. one time,give me a cool name. [ left ear ] 140 pounds? try 165.
[ rob ] try lifting weights. try lifting up these. guys, enough. come on. we leave tomorrow, all right? [ lyle ]hey, charlie? handsome, will youhelp him with the bike? [ left ear ]yeah. help knievelset up for his next jump. ♪ like a sound you hear that lingers in your ear ♪ ♪ but you can't forget from sundown to sunset no, no ♪ ♪ it puts a brand-new kind of thinkin' in your mind ♪
♪ and you can't go wrong 'cause you're groovin' all day long ♪ [ laughs ] ♪ california soul ♪ ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh ♪ ♪ california soul ♪ [ left ear ] man, out of all the places for a thief to hide, this joker picked hollywood. he's a punk, man.he's stupid. [ charlie ] all right. we need to figure a way to getinto steve's house and make avideo blueprint of the interior.
i want audio surveillanceon his phone. i've been wanting to crack... into the phone company's remotemonitoring system and fool it... into thinking there's a legal tap on the line. just reroute digital copies of the calls to our own listening post. been doing it to my ex. how long? no. how long willit take, not how long have youbeen doin' it to your ex. i'll burn through the night.i'll have it runnin'by morning. - sorry i'm late.- we gotta work on gettin' steve out of the house. - stella, how much time do you need with the worthington?- five minutes flat.
don't be cocky, young lady.it's not the same asopening a safe for the police. perspiration on your fingertips.your heart's pounding in yourears. whole different ball game. i appreciate your concern.i'll be fine. just remember. this is allthe easy part, okay? it's thegetaway that can get us caught. - so what's the schedule?- we drive to union station. the getaway car goes rightonto the train with us. we needto know exactly how long... it's gonna take to getfrom steve's houseto union station. [ ticking ]
[ exhales forcefully ] [ horns honking ] [ lyle ] oh, great. carson security system. how good is it? carson's held an annual contest.$50,000 to anybody thatcan bypass the system. a who's who of ex-cons alwaysshow up. five years running,no one's been paid. [ left ear ] okay, party people. here's the status. it's an anti-scaling fence. it's hardened, electroplated steel. yeah. i'm gonna haveto paint that upwith some nitramine.
- security on the property?- got an armed guard here, little rent-a-cop... with a nine-millimeter on his hip. but that booth-- security booth look prime for a chemical grenade. nitramine? chemical grenades?that stuff's pretty hardto come by. yeah, lyle.it's a bear market. shit. this dude got dogs. i don't do dogs.i had a real bad experience,man. - what happened?- i had a bad experience. damn it. i'm deaf.
[ man ] you turn in your badge and your weapon. oh, shit. [ different inflections ]you turn in your badgeand your weapon. crush. i don't wannasee you anywhere nearthis investigation! - [ groans ]- and turn in your badge... and your weapon. i don't wanna see you anywhere near this investigation. - oi! it's a green!- [ british accent ] turn in your badge and weapon. - green!- i don't wanna see you anywhere near this-- oh. - [ horn honking ]- turn in your badge and your weapon. unbelievable.
there he is. let's get to work. [ horns honking, distant ] it's either bad traffic, peak trafficor slit-your-wrist traffic. you know, five people diedfrom smoking in betweentraffic lights today. [ left ear ] well, you know,they do have a good metro rail,rob. you could always use that. that'd be idealfor carrying a ton of gold,wouldn't it, genius? what's your "guesstimate"?
the last 20 timesi've done the journey, you got an averageof 32 minutesand a top time of 50. but, if we had green lightsall the way, we could do itin 14 minutes. wait. you couldn'tget through traffic? oh. we could do anythingwith green lightsall the way. - lyle?- lyle? [ scoffs ]i'll see what i can do. [ man ]you're right on time.
all these poor bastardsout there, puttingtheir life's savings in banks... and s&ls and mutual funds. how do they think?when the collapse comes, theycan depend on the government? i don't think so. are you taping me? of course not.i never tape you.come look. see for yourself. governmentsare nothing more thanpuppets and strings. in the world where nafta canoverrule the supreme court-- like my cousin mashkovalways says, "thisis our only refuge, baby.
gold." every time i lookat these engravings--she's so beautiful. - where'd you say you got these?- i didn't. [ grunting ]a little "walking around" money. i guess i'm not walkin'as far as i thought. i'm sorry. - i can only buy two bricks from you today.- that wasn't the agreement. what can i say?i'm just middleman. i'll buythe other two on wednesday. don't waste my time,yevhen.
[ lyle ] so what does a man with $35 million worth of gold do at night? he watches his big-ass tv. that's our in. stella. jesus! charlie! how did you get in here? well, i knocked,but you didn't answer. - so you just let yourself in?- i was just making sure you were okay. i apologize. i just-- i--
don't look. okay. you have a lot of stuff here.you know, your dadwas old school. - he did the whole thing by touch.- that worked for him. this works for me.technology guarantees speedand accuracy, you know? yeah, butthere's no guaranteesin this business, stella. why the headphones? just training myself. ambient noises,you know. just in case.
what do you want,charlie? we're gonna knockout steve's cable, and we needto send in a repairman. to get your video blueprintof the interior. yep. only problem is,steve thinks we're all dead. except me. i'll do it, charlie.i'm in... all the way.whatever it takes. all right.i'll set it up. um, you, um, maybe wannaget a drink downstairs with mebefore i go back to my room?
i should finishthis stuff up, you know?just get it all done tonight. yeah. sorryi scared you. it's okay. - good night.- bye. [ lyle ] and then he'sthe media darling, on the coverof all the magazines. i should've beenon the cover of wired magazine.you know what he said? he said he named it napsterbecause it was his nickname'cause of the nappy hair. but he--it's 'cause i was nappingwhen he stole it from me. he didn'teven graduate.
[ sighs ] i think it's time to move on,don't you? they shut him down. iwish they'd do the same to you. here. here we go.cable chick. - [ chattering ]- [ shuttering ] huh. "becky." nice name.i wonder whatshe calls the other one. and it's such a mystery whyyou don't have a girlfriend,lyle. [ lyle ] so all we need is a service truck like that one, a work shirt like hers. you think stellacan pull it off?
i have my doubts. mmm. but there's no talkin'to charlie, though. [ french accent ]you think he's mixing businesswith pleasure? yeah. he shouldknow better. only i'mallowed to do that. right. where you goin'? to get a work shirtand a service truck. are you kiddin' me?[ scoffs ] how does he do that?how do you do that?what are you sayin'?
[ lyle as rob ] hey, how are you? [ lyle as girl ] oh, i'm good. i'm good.[ as rob ] nice to meet you.i'm handsome rob. and you are? [ as girl ] oh, my name's becky, but it's written on my shirt. [ as rob ] listen.i'm gonna need your shirtand your truck. [ as girl ] perfect.i'll give 'em both to you. wouldyou like my virginity as well? [ as rob ]if it's on the menu.[ giggles girlishly ] [ as girl ]you're so witty. whydon't you take advantage of me? [ as rob ] yeah. you're nottoo bright, are you?[ as girl ] no. [ rob ] perfect. [ lock breaks ]
[ computer beeps ] [ beeps ] [ remote clicks ] [ number pad beeping ] what can i do for you,mr. frezelli? the cable's out. the tv, the modem, everything.now, get somebody up here,and tell 'em to hurry up. [ line ringing ] [ woman on phone ] netcom cable. how can i help you?
[ guard on phone ] hi. i'm up here at 3320 east skyway, and the cable's just gone out. [ over headphone ]our modem. everything. [ woman ] let's see, sir. - i have thursday between 9:00 and 3:00.- [ guard ] that's gonna work. thank you. [ lyle ] guard just called the cable company. [ dial tone ] what time'sthe appointment? thursday between 9:00 and 3:00.
[ number pad beeping ] i'm calling from netcom cable. iunderstand your service is out,and there's an appointment set. yes. we have a technicianin your area... who's finishedwith an appointmentearlier than expected. - will somebody be there for the next hour?- sure. that'd be great. all right. our technician will see you then. have a nice day. [ phone beeps off ] here's all the paperworkyou need.
just get himto sign and dateat the bottom. let's check out the camera. stella, you'llbe going patriotic today. make sure you walk slowly,or the image'll streak. ow. ooh. i'm sorry. sorry. couldn'tpin the corsageon my prom date either. - oh, you had a prom date?- yeah. it was his cousin. there's cable linesin the kitchen, living room,bedroom,
and a cable modemon the computerin the office. you needto locate the safein the office. - okay.- i think you're very brave going in there. - i know it won't be easy.- i second that. it's gonna be fine. you know what "fine" stands for? freaked out, insecure,neurotic and emotional. neurotic and emotional. you'll be great.
good morning.can i see some i.d.? thanks forcoming so soon. it's part of the job. all right. - [ stella gasps ]- aston martin vanquish. looks likethat bastard took my car. - [ barking fiercely ]- [ gasps ] nasty-ass dogs. hey! hey! [ whistles ]
[ speaks german command ] relax. jesus christ. come on. they won'tbother you now. [ over headphone ]come on. house. go on.get out of here. [ dog whines ] it's okay. i'm usedto running into all sortsof animals on my job. steve frezelli. becky.
- wanna show me that problem?- yeah. of course. this way. you have a really nice house. yeah. 1922.all the original tiles. every stone in that courtyardhauled from some monasteryin seville. [ left ear chuckles facetiously ] what a tactic. [ left ear ] monastery. monastery for punk-ass creeps! - [ steve over headphone ] you don't seem impressed.- no. it's just that... i don't think lugging rocksfrom one place to anotheris quite that interesting.
doesn't quite do itfor me. what does do it for you? um... tvs. i have a monster tv. - it's not working right now--- you know, i should probably check out the cable modem. yeah? yeah.right. over here. i paid 30 grandfor some punk kidto put this system in. one day,it just goes out. oughtto have him strung up. [ left ear ] here we go.
[ charlie ] there's our baby. man. we got him. - you got any wiring coming through here?- there's no wiring in here. just right here? - [ steve ] no explanation.- look at that. that's my nad-t 770. that's-- that's my stereo. i bet your customers are surprised when they go to open the door and find you there. - oh, yeah.- he's hitting on her.
there's no problem here.we should maybe justcheck the tvs. know what? i'm gonnaend this shit right now. i'm blowin'this shit off the mountain. hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. - i see you got the a.v.m. processor.- only the best. check the box. [ stella ]i'm just gonnareset your system. [ over computer ] sometimesthese things just getjammed up, you know? that should do it.
it's fixed? - turn her on. let's see.- [ charlie over headphone ] now. - [ tv switches on ]- [ male tv announcer ] japan's nikkei index-- [ announcer continues, indistinct ] perfect. becky, huh?have we met before? no. i don't think so.if you can just sign there. if i was to ask you out todinner, would i be the firstof your customers to do that? you asked your lastcable repair guyout for a date?
no. but the last onewas, like, 300 pounds,had a handlebar mustache. not really my type. i don't thinkit's a good idea. what? is that, like,some cable company rule? no. actually, it's my rule. i don't go outwith strange men.i just met you. so i guess i have to, like,sabotage my cable until weget to know each other well. - have a nice day.- come on. i'll be a perfect gentleman.promise. i won't even ask youfor your phone number.
i'll just--i'll meet you anywhereyou wanna go. come on.break your rule... once. it's just dinner. is that a yes? you okay? he touched my hand. came onto me. hey. at leasti created a windowof opportunity, right? [ both chuckle ]
when he goes out friday night,we go in. by the timehe realizes you've stood him up, we'll be long gonewith our gold. [ rob ] make sure you shuffle them cards this time, left. [ charlie ] hey, lyle. what's the distance between the front door and the vault? [ left ear ] you gotthat loser's paranoia. lyle! - he only answers to the "napster" now, charlie.- no. - i'm not calling you the "napster."- why? you call him "left ear." [ left ear ] well, i am.
and him "handsome rob." - that's because he is handsome rob.- you can call me the "napster." come on. they wereat the same collegeat the same time. - why are you encouraging this?- [ lyle ] it is a fact. he was my roommate. he stole my ideas. i am the napster. all right. all right. what is the distancebetween the front doorand the vault, napster? [ left ear laughs ] farther thanyou wanna carry it.
yeah, but so how do weget the gold from the vaultto the getaway car? how wide is the hallway,napster? - [ beeping ]- six feet. [ engine revving ] okay.you got your gold. [ hoots ] we're going toneed more carsto handle the weight. looks like i'm gonna needsome help with the custom worktoo. i know a man for the job. [ lyle ] so i modified the camera toinclude the lidar technology...
so we can createreally high-resdigital maps. who's that? rob's mechanic friend. [ car doors closing ] charlie,this is wrench. hey, what's up, man? rob tells meyou got real talent.i need some body work done. i need to pack up to 2,700 pounds of cargo in these minis... with enough suspensionand horsepower to outrunanything chasin' us.
2,700 pounds of what? whatever. - so what do i get out of this mystery deal, man?- 10,000. all right. ♪ what comes around ♪ [ beeping ] hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.we didn't get a chanceto meet yet. wrench. ham and cheese.
oh, that's cold.damn, that's cold. mmm. ♪ just comes around ♪ [ beeps ] you want all greens? 'cause, uh-- 'cause you got 'em. what do ya got? welcome to l.a.'s automatedtraffic surveillance andcontrol operation center. see, they use video feeds fromintersections, and specificallydesigned algorithms... to predict traffic conditions, and thereby control traffic lights.
so, all i didwas come up with my own...kick-ass algorithms to sneak in, and now we own the place. wanna do a dry run? i thought you'd never ask! see, red light? [ clicks ] green light. danielson. yeah. what's upwith grid 34? let's check it out.
hey. hey. oh, oops. did i-- oops. wow. but it's awesome. is that not awesome? can you changeit back now? the lights are working fine. just an accident. it's good. what are those? unnecessary engine parts. i lost your smog controlsand 200 pounds of body fat. you got yourselfa sweet ride now, charlie.
♪ put the pedal to the metal i'm off, never getting lost ♪ ♪ which way will i turn when roads cross ♪ ♪ put the pedal to the metal little more when it's scary ♪ ♪ one thing's for sure keep my foot on the floor ♪ ♪ won't stop drivin' till it's over ♪ ♪ still be cruisin' when the sun goes down ♪ [ screams ] [ stella ]you know what i'mthinking about right now? the look on steve's face.
you're early. i'm in a hurry. of course you knowthat the florida vote riggingwas a cia and mob operation. is that so? yeah, which is not so very different... from when john f. kennedywon a rigged electionwith the help of his father. you're uncomfortablewhen i mention j.f.k. no, yevhen.i don't likemaking two trips. you americans.you love your heroes.
a holiday for columbus? he makes the wrong turnand wipes out an entireindigenous people. and you know what he was looking for? i bet you're gonna tell me. gold. supposedlyfor queen isabella, but don't think that the medicisback in italy didn't want a partof that action. and what did italyneed gold for? for the long distanceslave trade based in venice. venice. that's wherethese bricks--
[ cash box closes ] you were saying something? nothing. no. no, you werereally on a roll there.don't stop. i'm interested. please. i-i'm confused.my english-- you understand fine.now, what do you knowabout my gold? no. i don't-- don't you even thinkabout lying to me. okay. okay. i--i heard a rumor...
about a heistin venice. thirty five millionin bricks, with an imprintof a balinese danceron them. who've you told? no one. who have you told? no one! no one,i swear to god! [ grunts ] you swear to god?
you crazy?i swear to god.i didn't. well then,i guess i believe you. [ shells hit ground ] yevhen? whoa, man! [ woman ]let's putt it this time. putt, not drive. very good. you can get it.i know you can.i know you can do it.
much better. here to see skinny pete. yeah,he's over there. thanks, man. don't stare. huh? don't stare. he doesn'tlike when people stare. stare at what? that was good. that was good.try that one. i know you'regonna get that one.
that was great. [ charlie ] skinny pete. yo, charlie. what's up, man?how's it going? so, was i rightabout the gold bricks,or what? aw, i'm not hereto talk about that.we need, uh, some supplies. baby, go relax. baby? go relax.
hmm. yo. yo. - supplies.- what's wrong? huh? uh-- uh, some, uh--some nitramin. uh, some, uh--some nitramin, primer-- - what's wrong?- huh?- yo. uh, nothing. i-i'm cool.i-i'm great. uh, i just need some, uh--big can, uh-- nitramin, primer,detonating cord,
right. right, right. two triple charger chemicalgrenades and a launcher. right. like i had told you...earlier. [ clears throat ] cost you about five gs. done.call me. thanks, man.sorry. a-a-all right, man. peace.
come on. get out. there. vance has somethingto tell you. go on. a couple weeks back-- [ metal clangs ] i was working counterof your cousin's shop. a guy come in,was asking about gold bricks,with balinese dancers.
what did you tell him? i told himthat i'd seen the bricks. what did this manlook like? he had, uh,long, black hair,big tattoo on his neck. [ metal screams ] - he must have weighed at least 400 pounds.- i know that guy. [ shouting in foreign language ] [ tires squealing ] - do you know who i am?- you're mashkov.
that's right. you wereasking about gold bricks... with a balinese dancer on them. - tell me why.- [ breathes deeply ] steve just called to confirmhis 8:00 reservationat the water grill. okay. let's go over itone more time. gas the guards,doors open 8:15. safe popped by 8:25. loaded by 8:35.out the door by 8:45. straight to union station.
only green lightson your route. the rest of the city's red.cops are stuck in trafficlike everyone else. train leaves at 10:00.cars have to beon the carrier by 9:30. timing's gotta bedead on. let's get ready. let's get it. wow. that is a nice car.sorry, rob.coast is clear, guys. this is it, guys--the moment of truth. what the hell is this?
shit! [ charlie ]steve's neighbor'sthrowing a party. [ laughing, chattering ] are you herefor the baker party, sir? no.[ sighs ] we're not blowingany gates tonight, guys. too many witnesses. stella-- i know. i know. i'm late for my date.
yeah, and you gottabe charming. you need himto ask you out again. sorry. [ horn beeps ] [ steve ] i really can't imagine you doing that. what's that supposed to mean? well, you don't really seemlike the adventurous type,you know? don't let the cable uniform, you know, throw you. i wasn't making assumptions. i've made someassumptions about you.
oh, really? and? mmm. you're just gonnahave to wait and see. why wait?let's get a check. let's go back to my place.no assumptions. not tonight. it's late.i should go home. what, do you havea cable company curfew? no,
but i've madesome bad calls in the past. hey-- we should take this maybea little slower, you know? this lovely dinner,sparkling conversation,you still don't trust me? oh, no.i trust everyone. it's the devilinside themi don't trust. an interesting saying.it's charming.where'd you pick that up? can't remember. really?
i knew a guy who said itexactly like that. he was the only personi've ever heard say that.he said it all the time. his name was john bridger. you're hurting my wrist. he had a daughter.she was your age. let go of my wrist. i knew that there wassomething familiar about you. you're exactly likeyour old man, you know that? i liked him too,right from the start.
i liked him right up untilthe minute i shot him. who are youworking with? she's with us. - gang's all here.- you know the only thing worse than a thief, bandell? a coward. then you should've seenthe way your daddybegged for his life. - it's not worth it.- put a leash on your cat. hey, steve. not bad, charlie.really. not bad.
you have no idea how hard it isfor me not to reach acrossthis table... and kill you with my bare hands. you know better than that,charlie. can't let emotioninto these things. tell me it wasn't about emotionwhen you shot john and left usall for dead. that wasn't about emotion.it was about a lot of gold,and i wanted it. anything you thinkyou deserved, you didn't. hey, don't talk aboutright and wrong with me, man,'cause i just don't give a shit. you got your cards. i gotmy cards. we made our playand i came out on top. now, if you wanna startthe game up again,
that's fine with me. what-- i mean, what isyour play here, really?[ chuckles ] i mean, come on.what do ya think? you'll try to take outmy guards, right? i have five of 'emthat you don't know about. you'll try to have lylehack the system? i'll change itagain tomorrow morning. w-w-what was your final move? i mean, you were gonna havebridger's daughter come inand try to crack my safe? i mean, that's--that's very poetic and all,but i just don't see it.
i don't thinkshe'll getanywhere near it. same old steve, huh? alwaysthinking defensively. that's whyyou were always number two. how do you figure that? you got no imagination. couldn't even decide what to dowith all that money. you had tobuy what everybody else wanted. oh, well, try this onin your imagination, okay?that gold is already gone. that's bullshit, steve. no, really.it's over, charlie. i'm tryin' to movethe last two bricks.
you wanna come after meover a couple lousy bricks?i mean, really. be my guest. but you're off to a bad start.you know? you just blew the best thingyou had going for you. you justblew the element of surprise. oh! surprised? it's overwhen i say it's over. are youall right, sir? [ knocking ] how you doin'?
good, considering-- considering the factthat i'm doing all of thisfor a man i barely knew. you know what bothered meall those years, charlie? it was that... whenever he'd call me to tell methat he was on some job, i knew you wereright there with him. you got to know hima lot better than i did. just 'cause he was around memore doesn't mean he wasn'tthinking about you all the time.
be nice if it was true. it is true. he always regretted nothaving been a good enoughfather to you, stella. how do you know that? because he told me. what did you doto your hand? i punched steve. and why do you get to punch himand i don't? those handsare way to valuable.
-there'll be nothing left of that if you keep rubbing it.-[ chuckles ] [ radio chattering, indistinct ] tell mr. frezelliwe'll see him at 8:00. [ lyle ] charlie? he's flying the coop. - when?- his security guard called... for a private helicopter at 4:00 p.m. there's an armored car servicecoming to his house at 5:00. there is a cargo plane, scheduled to depart lax at 8:00 p.m. to mexico city.
what if he's moving the safe as a diversion? we crack it, it's empty,the gold's somewhere else. steve's not about to letthat gold out of his sight. it's gonna be in that truck.he's gonna be watching itfrom the helicopter. so, the gold'sheaded to mexico. who knows where? they couldchange the flight plan in mid-- slow down. slow down. you are lookin'at this the wrong way.this is good news for us. - what do you mean "good news"?- we've been trying to get to the safe.
now the safe is coming to us.we're gonna boost it in transit. he could take a dozen different routes to the airport. we have no idea which one. we can't take out an armored truck during rush hour. we're already set up to do it. napster, gridlock every route except for the one we choose. force that truck to go exactlythe way we want it to go. where do we want it to go?we can't have a shoot-outwithout guns. we'd lose. we'll do itlike the italian job. [ cell phone ringing ]
- hello?- why'd you do it? - do what?- yevhen. you didn't have to clip him. whoa. what are you talkingabout? we didn't clip anybody. yevhen's cousin is underthe distinct impressionthat you did. why does he think that? because you wanted to know... about the goldwith the balinese dancer. you told him that? listen to me, man.
if there's one thingthat i know, it's never to mess withmother nature, mother-in-lawsor mother-freaking-ukrainians. look, i need a favor. [ drill whines ] [ panting ] [ cell phone rings ] - yeah?- i had a hiccup last night. could use some help. more hands-on this time.you interested? could be.
but, i don't like to be keptin the dark. if i'm in, i'm in. okay. you're in. what do ya think,charlie? this'll work. [ charlie ] you're amazing. it's a work of genius. [ left ear ] uh-huh. just give me a moment. now? i'm about to insert this pininto this detonator tube,
and if the brass touchesthe sides, we'll both bethe last people we ever see. take all the time you need. i love you, man. i love you too. okay. okay. [ man ] your attention, please. metrolink train number 774... will arrive in approximately 15 minutes. check positions.napster? i'm in position.
- handsome rob?- we're in position. everything's quiet here. wrench? set. charlie, we've gotan uninvited visitor. there's a motorcycle guardfollowing the truck. we'll deal with it. - who are these cats? - [ charlie ] what's wrong? charlie, you won't believe this. he's brought in three armored trucks. it's a shell game.shell game now.
well, boss, i can't reroutethe truck if i don't knowwhich truck to reroute. [ stella ] go with the one steve follows with the helicopter. remember he said he'd neverlet that gold out of his sight. unless he's playing us,and he is. [ helicopter approaches ] okay, let's move!movin' out! here we go.they're pulling out. napster? pull upthe traffic camerasyou're watching. where's the first camera the trucks go past?
vine and yucca.they're all gonna cross there. see which one's riding low. first one wasn't it. the first twoare the same, so-- houston, we have our truck.it is number 128. we're moving out. [ man ]three kilo fox to two fox mike, we're heading to the airport. hmm. okay, guys. truck 128has turned right, heading west. gridlock time.
we've crashed! it's not a crash. we've got power. i can't log in. they are aboutto hit a major detourand be sent your way. oops. you'll... never... shut down... the real... napster. what's going on?
what's your problem? [ sirens wail ] truck 128, what is your progress? this is truck 128. traffic's outta control here.we gotta look for another route. check the police band. okay, i'm opening upa space on highland. oh, get us outta here. i'm tryin'. and he's takin' it.
police scanners aresaying computers are downin traffic control center. nice, charlie.what are you up to? go back. i now command youto turn left. come on,take the left! yeah, you did. you did. give us the flag. metro just passedthrough the station.you are clear for 90 seconds. [ lyle ] go.
[ screaming ] come on, steve. whoa! whoa! thirty seconds and counting. - [ train horn blows ]- [ no audible dialogue ] fifteen seconds.you're either blocked inor you're paint on the train. go. go. go! go! go! stay right on me.this is gonna be tight! - [ grunts ]- go! go! go!
you're gonna stopright there.[ chuckles ] okay, guys.coming into position. stay cool. ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, - four--- don't lose him. don't lose him! three, two, one.
[ screams echoing ] damn. where's my truck? what the fuck happened to my truck? - it just blew right through the street!- well, get under there! - we have another problem, guys.- what? - this isn't the worthington 1,000.- what? - he switched safes on us.- can you do it? it's israeli made. it's gota glass relock system. there's a pane of glassright here behind this door,
and if i don't drillperfectly through that hole, steel rods snap into placeand you can't open the safe. then we're up shit creek. i think i justcracked the glass. i don't think it broke, though. i can't drill it again. i have to do it by touch. i can't get through.the train's blocking the tunnel. - quick, where does the metro rail come above ground?- eleventh and fig. positions two and three,meet at 11th and figueroa.
double back to hollywood and highland. hurry up! [ clicking ] [ alarm buzzes ] [ man ] your attention, please. baggage for train number 22... is now available at carousel number four. baggage for train number 22 isnow available at carousel four. [ whispers ]i can't do this, charlie. i can't do it. i need a drill,a borescope, something.i need to get in there.
- you don't need any of that.- come on, charlie. hey, you can do this. [ louder click ] - slide.- come on. come on. hey! don't you wantto see what's inside? absolutely. [ charlie ] napster. thirteen across,four high, four deep. that's, uh, 208 bricks.
- how much?- oh, uh, 208 times 27-- [ continues, indistinct ] two point seven--two point seven million. - what?- [ gasps ] no, it's 27. it's 27 million.it's $27 million worth of gold! ha ha! [ shouts ]yeah! got the... holy spirit. you should get on it.it's a good train. ha ha ha!
what did you think, john? [ rob ] twenty seven million. [ left ear ] say it again. say it again! twenty seven million. say it again! twenty seven million! say it again! [ laughing ] there are two motorcycleson us, charlie.
i got three minis in a stormdrain heading east towardsthe l.a. river. stop them beforethey get to the street. [ gunshots ] damn it! here we go! whoo! rob, whoa! open your door! come on, guys! we're moving.
there. there, there, there, there, there. hey! come on!come on! look out! [ horn beeping ] come on! where you goin'?where you goin'? i'm gonna take steve. you guysgo straight to union station.i'll meet you there. stay on him.stay on him! okay, charlie. i'm opening upa spot on lower grand. [ steve ] i know it's you, charlie.
take the next left. [ mutters ] nice move, steve. get out!get out! okay! i said, "get out!" [ tires squeal ] [ metal bangs ] they got a bunchof cars in there, right?
mini coopers? look, man. i don't know anything-- hey, hey, hey.don't worry about them. i'll give you five grandif you put meinside that car. buy your girlfriendsomething nice. half now, half when youhelp me unload. i gotta hand it to you,steve. you actually playedthis one pretty smart. decoy trucks, switched safes,helicopter routine-- i mean,that was pretty damn good.
but now i've got the gold,and you? you've got nothing. i got this,so cut the crap, and gimmemy goddamn gold! [ guns clicking ] who the hell are you? i am mashkov,and you killedmy cousin yevhen. gotta havesome insurance, steve. [ doors rattle ] yevhen was already deadwhen i got there.
i'm sorry 'bout that. yevhendealt with unsavory people.this guy's tryin' to play you. you are right-- no imagination. there's a lot of gold in there.we're the only ones with guns.i'll make you a good deal. i've already made my deal. what do you want? you know this wasnever about the gold. whatever helps you sleepat night, sweetheart. son of a bitch! charlie! come on!
wait a minute!wait a minute! i'll double whateverhe's given you.just don't shoot me. don't worry.i'm not going to shoot you. no, i am going to take youto my workplace. i think youwould be very interestedin some of the machinery i use. [ speaking foreign language ] oh, come on. [ chuckling ] guys,i wanna make a toast.
to john bridger,the most brilliantmaster planner of all, father and friend. [ all ]to john. [ all chattering ] [ charlie narrating ] stella was right. it wasn't about the money. course, that didn't stop the guys from having a little bit of fun. ♪ money, get away ♪ handsome rob got his aston martin. [ sirens wailing ] ♪ get a good job with good pay ♪ he took it for a ride to break it in. ♪ and you're okay ♪
♪ grab that cash with both hands and make a stash ♪ he got off with a warning. ♪ new car, caviar ♪ ♪ four-star daydream ♪ left ear got his dream house in the south of spain, ♪ think i'll buy me a football team ♪with a room just for his shoes. - buenos dãas.- buenos dãas. [ on radio ] ♪ get back ♪ lyle finally made the cover of wired magazine. ♪ i'm all right, jack keep your hands off my stack ♪are you really the napster? ♪ money ♪yes, i am. and he got that kick-ass stereo he wanted,
um, would you listento something for me? with speakers so loud, they could blow a woman's clothes off. ♪ i'm in the high-fidelity ♪ if you would. ♪ first-class travelling set ♪ ♪ and i think i need a lear jet ♪ [ music volume increases ] [ woman gasps, screams ][ laughing ] and me? i took john bridger's advice. i found somebody i want to spend the rest of my life with, and i'm gonna hold onto her forever.
♪ it's a crime ♪ ♪ share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie ♪ ♪ so they say ♪ ♪ is the root of all evil today ♪ ♪ but if you ask for a rise ♪ ♪ it's no surprise that they're giving none away ♪ ♪ away, away ♪ ♪ away, away, away, away ♪ [ coins jingle ]