>>adam - for andy dufresne, life is like abox of dicks, you never know what you're gonna get. >>falen - that's how you are introducing thisepisode? life is like a box of dicks? >>adam - i'm nothing without a penis jokefalen and since you jumped in early i guess i'll introduce you. radio personalityfalen from kdwb is on the show today and it's a pretty big deal because a. she'sfrom my stomping grounds minnesota and b. she's a woman willing totalk with me. >>falen - aren't you married? >>my point remains, but enough banter. thisshow is about movies so let's get
this party started pink, with the shawshankredemption vs forrest gump! >>adam - there is a bangladesh of golden globenominees and winners in both camps but for my money it's tim robbins and morganfreeman all day every day. movie feuds fun fact: tom hanks was originally supposedto play the lead but turned down the role for forrest gump.robbins character andy dufresne is a tall drink of water that keeps his witsabout him from beginning to end. he's resourceful and patient. after all, youdon't tunnel thru a wall and crawl through 500 yards of shit smelling foulnessovernight. in fact, i used to think it would take six-hundred years to tunnel under thewall. old andy did it in less than twenty.
>>falen - do i get a turn or are you goingto spend the entire episode quoting lines from shawshank? >>adam - he crawled thru a river of shit andcame out clean on the other side. how can i not talk about that? as good asrobbins is, the winner here is morgan freeman's character red. freeman was put onthis earth to narrate. to explain to us what we can clearly see because it justsounds that much cooler coming from him. >>falen - i'm done waiting. tom hanks givesthe performance of a lifetime in forrest gump. he's the little engine that could. aninspiration for us all. his child-like wonder and appreciation for the smallest actsof kindness truly make you
see the good in others around you. >>adam - just wait until the comments startrolling in on this episode. youtube is full of the most despicable, self-entitledlittle -bleep- heads the world has ever known. [smiles at the camera] subscribe! >>falen - moving on. i could go on for daysabout some of these actors in gump but we've all seen the film or at least ihope we have. sally field is an incredible actress and she once more delivers as forrest'smother. then there is the always underappreciated gary sinise as lieutenantdan. mykelti williamson as bubba gets funnier every time i hear him list off thenever-ending types of shrimp meals.
let's also not forget an adorable young haleyjoel osment as forrest's son. >>adam - i see you are intentionally forgettingsomeone...jenny. is it possibly because she is terrible and every scene sheis in kills the mood? >>falen - bite your tongue! she was a largepart of forrest's life whether you like it or not. >>adam - i don't. she was a selfish, misguided,ignorant flusy who seeks out forrest in his later years only to dump akid on him when she's on her way out the door. there, there i said it. i said what everyoneelse was thinking. >>falen - she represents a lot of young womenand just people in general who
are lost in the world. doesn't help that shehad a terrible upbringing but i can speak further to that in round 2 which startsnow! >>adam - no no no no no no no no no no no.that's not how this works. i introduce the next round since it's my..[gets cut offby the round 2 bumper] [round 2 : story] >>adam - well since i was cut off mid-sentencei guess i'll continue mentioning cast members in passing. shawshank redemptionwas written by the last person i would have ever considered, steven king. the screenplaywas also co-written by the director, frank darabont whose other notable films includethe mist remake and the green mile.
nothing beats shawshank though. >>falen - nothing except forrest gump thatis. a tale journaling the life of a very unusual and extraordinary man fromchildhood to the adult years. the impact of his simple actions is intertwined seamlesslywith events that took place from the 1950's â and on. he teaches elvis oneof his famous dance moves, meets jfk, fights in the vietnam war, competes in professionalping-pong tournaments and becomes owner of the bubba gump shrimp company.blending forrest in with actual footage from some of these historical eventswas the icing on the cake. then there is jenny’s story that is almost a polar opposite of forrest’s.it’s a great and harsh example of how one’s
upbringing can change the course of theirentire life. >>adam - did you get that out of your systemnow? can i finish a thought? >>falen - unlikely. >>adam - well i'm going to try dammit! andydufresne was a successful banker who was sentenced to life imprisonment when hewas wrongfully accused of killing his wife. a wonderful bro-mance forms betweenhim and red over his 20 year stint and we get â probably the best ending in filmhistory. that final shot of him on the beach working on his boat gives me chillsevery time. falen brought up some of the characters gump came across but theyhave nothing over bob gunton as the
asshole warden or clancy brown's charactercaptain hadley. james whitmore gets a mini-story of his own as brooks, a man whohas spent more life in prison than outside of one. if you don't tear up everytime his story ends then you mam', don't have a soul. >>falen - i weep like a child who's just losta puppy. >>adam - not good enough. >>falen - i cry harder than rose did whenthe titanic sank and she had to let leo slip away whilst listening to celine dion'smasterpiece my heart will go on playing the background.
>>adam - awfully specific but i full agree.i would have also accepted seal's "kiss from a rose on the gray". would actuallyplay better off titanic since it shares the same name as the lead character...rose. >>falen - where are we in this show rightnow? >>adam - glad you asked. action and effects! [round 3 : action / effects] >>falen - back to the future director robertzemeckis and his team did an incredible job on in the effects department.a lot of things you probably wouldn't think twice about were put into action suchas computer generating all the
ping pong balls during the ping pong sequencesto having forrest wear a blue shirt anytime he progressed in age. lieutenantdan's leg's were digitally removed and i briefly mentioned the impressive useof adding tom hanks into old footage. hanks' daughter and the director's son arealso in the film as kids on the bus early on. finally is the simple yet beautifulshot of the feather that blows this way and that to start and end the movie. thiswas accomplished by using shots of a real feather in front of a blue screenand digitally adding it into the final shots. >>adam - yes, gump certainly has the largeramount of effects at play but
shawshank is not without it's tricks either.the exterior shots of the prison were done in iowa but the interior was doneon a soundstage. let that sink in for a second. alright, so there is nothing crazygoing on for effects but there was also very little reason for them. the storyis more than enough and some of the shots are instantly recognizable the minuteyou see them from andy's freedom in the rain to the classic poster rip in hiscell. >>falen - forrest gump didn't need the actionor effects either but they added another layer to an already great cake. thevietnam section could have been an entire movie by itself but there is alsosome football, fishing, running,
fighting, pretty much a little bit of everything! >>adam - redemption has baseball, librarybook renting, roof tarring and music listening. so there! >>falen - i think those sounded more excitingin your head. >>adam - regardless, it's all about the dialogueand shawshank cannot be topped! round 4 : music >>adam - thomas newman scored shawshanks themesongs and it's no surprise that this music went on to be nominated for a goldenglobe. >>falen - nominated yes, won, no.
>>adam - nevertheless, it's a work of artand comes out in full-force when andy finally escapes that hellish prison. thereare other songs sprinkled throughout but the classic will always be the mozartsong i won't bother trying to pronounce that andy plays over the intercom. >>falen - well once again gump takes the shrimpin this category with a wide net of songs casted out over the film's length. >>adam - lot of fisherman analogies there. >>fallen - try to keep up. elvis, ccr, doobiebrothers, fleetwood mac, the doors, simon & garfunkel, the list goes on and on.on top of that, we have the original
motion picture score from hit famed composeralan silvestri. who in past did scores for who framed roger rabbit, back tothe future and many other hits. >>adam - such as mac & me which was an hourand a half advertisement for mcdonalds. [conclusion] >>falen - let's get down the brass tacks,as the business types say. gump is the better bang for your buck. brilliant acting,directing effects and music. it has every category covered to perfection.it took the best picture over both shawshank and pulp fiction and showcases oncemore why tom hanks is one of the best actors in hollywood.
>>adam - shaw was shanked at the box officewhen it hit. in fact, it flopped. it also got hosed by the academy. forrestgump is a treasure for sure, a national treasure one could say. >>falen - only if that ‘one’ is nicolascage. >>adam - that's fair, and balanced but letme also state this. out of the ashes, the phoenix rises and that phoenix is shawshankredemption. the #1 movie rental in 1995. the #1 movie to watch on imdb's top250 films list. there is a reason this film plays more than any other on tntand it's because it's the best. >>falen - actually, it's because time warnerbought the rights to play it for
dirt cheap. >>adam - nevertheless! >>falen - now that you are all wound up ina tizzy i'm going to take this opportunity to plug my own stuff.. (plug yourstuff here falen!) >>adam - these are both amazing movies andthe reason why movie feuds really exists for me. so which is better? you decidebelow. vote, comment and subscribe. more than just reviews, this is movie feuds! >>falen - (looks off to worker) and i thoughtdave ryan was annoying. let’s get the hell out of here...