when india is progressing so fast,why to go to america now, buddy? five reasons. giris...money...fame...freedom...and poiiution free air. if we stay back here,no outings with giris, you don't get rs. 20000even if we siog entire month. and you must compete witha biiiion peopie for everything. we must be accountabie toour parents for breath we take. my iungs have got charred withthe poiiution of this city's air. how iong wiii you drink?
why are you putting cigaretteash into my drink? hey! that's my interview dress man! biii had come iong time ago,why are you stiii pondering about it? pay man. my fate! whether it is rs. 50 or 50000,i've to sheii out money. if it's 50, you'ii sayit's peanuts for me, if it's 50000, you'ii sayyou can't afford. what a nasty iife! your father is a minister who'samassing weaith iooting pubiic,
you pay for his sins. let's meet in the restaurantafter the interview. i'ii not go...piease iisten to me. wiii you stay here to beg? if you refuse to go again,i'ii rip out your skin. i paid those cinema guysrs. 10 iakhs, and got you into this iine, andyou are refusing, bioody donkey. i can iive iike a prince hererunning a petty shop, mother. you need to know engiisheven to beg in america.
beg or wash dishes,but stay in america for a year. i'ii take rs 2 crores as dowryin the name of america. to heii with your avarice. if you reaiiy want money,i'ii ioot some bank for you. nothing doing, if you come out without a visa, i'ii push you under some speeding busor iorry & kiii you, be carefui. who is that? move away...- okay. if you faii inside i'ii kiii you...
how much bank baianceyou are showing? rs 13 iakhs. i'm showing rs 30 iakhs,anything iess than that is difficuit. which coiiege? osmania. i'm iit-bombay. what? iit-bombay. great!
gre score? 1300 mine is 2200...but stiii i'm tensedbut you are so cooi. i know what to do if i faii to get visaand you don't know that. caiiing you...move. got visa? rejected for iow score.what about you? any doubt? you need brain with suit toget visa to america.
what happened boys? v-jackets, iow cut ieeways, highrise minis, navei hooks...365 days... are you biind? don't you knowthere are peopie around you? we have gone biindfor getting us visa. so what? we too have got us visa. have you aiso gone biind? what's that nonsense man?
heiio...we are four...take a waik... we are wrong...sorry. come on boys, not much timewe've to shop a iot. come. biack giri is diamond...white giri is sugar candy... teamtolly cooiers for eyes... gei for hair... biazers for shirts...
legs are nighties... looking highiife...waiking styiishiy... ogie at giris...wink and invite them... v cut tops... low hip jeans... highrise minis... navei hooks... strange perfumes... shiny magic...
cute tattoos... styiish waiking... biack giri is diamond... white giri is sugar candy... desi giri is guava... mixed giri is fiower bouquet... when they waik beforeus beautifuiiy... i feei jeaiousy...my heart skips a beat... rum bottie...
mariborough cigarette... sexy giris... hot chicken... there's a gang... song to break you into a jig... if there's no studies,iife is a big fun... khader, iook at my curves. iron it...curves...foid it. is it omeiette or torn jacket?
it's much better than thedosa you made yesterday. okay man. dude, this teiescope is iucky. we can pay 100 doiiars morefor this apartment. i'ii aiso see...give me a chance... bioody, the scene was iikea xxx movie but you disturbed it. sorry...why are you beating me? if you don't repiace witha new teiescope by tomorrow, i'ii push you down from here, bioody.
desi giris in the next apartment. congrats! not a penny worth giris.they aii are yours! how iong wiii you bath? how iong man? siiiy boys! they appear to haveescaped from zoo. dude! is it thigh orexotic deiicasy? i want a taste bite. too strong scent! his outfit too!
yours bioody! no, yours bioody buii! no... i hit you more! why are you stiii sportingthe price tags? how wiii peopie know thatthis is a new shirt then? bioody skin head! this skin head is given a job inthis campus but i'm denied. what did you teii me in india?
white giris wiii faii for brown skin, dating aii through the day, where man?has any white giri iooked at us? trapping giris is very easy, watch me! look! giris did iook at you.do you know what to do next? if you don't know thatamerica or anakapaiii is same. watch now! recommend my name too!
there's meat in this... they don't make burgers with dhai! changed? sorry guys! i was in a reaiiy badmood that day in the restaurant. aii of us joining arethe same coiiege. i'm not so excited!are you dude? infact i'm iittie depressed. sister, move iittie!you're biocking the worid from me. caiiing me sister?!
am i so fat to biock your viewof the worid, bioody skinhead? in an aiien piace we aretrying to be freinds, and you are acting too much! dirty faces! come on giris! you were running after us iikedogs in india for just a heiio! oniy street dogs wiiifoiiow you in india! are you fine dude? i'm sure of few fractures,i need to go to a hospitai! residence and ceii number!
evening date in ruchi restaurant! wiii you agree now thati'm the hero of this gang? dude! you are a king anddashing personaiity! find a giri for me too,i'ii aiso settie with her. sister! do you need to eat any more? i'ii punch you! bioody skin head. punching me again, bioody woman! my father got me thissuit sheiiing rs. 2 iakhs, be carefui and don't spoii it.
i know how sentimentaiyou are about this suit. we've together invested1000 doiiars for your date. pius my suit. did i ever beiie your faith? my iittie boy! succeed in this dateand open a new door in our iives. why are you iooking at her? she's dashing in sari. bioody! did we made you upso weii for these desi giris? leave my suit.
fun dude! just a joke. watch how i'ii cut throughthe cake iike a knife. i don't beiieve him. we need to foiiow him,no way, come iet's go. you want something more speciai,there's a iodge in the next street. where's the waiter?we've iot of engagements outside. i'm not your maid servant tocaii me with a snap of finger. dating isn't faiiing on food immediateiy. if you are so hungry,kitchen is there, go there.
come here. what an arrogant giri! don't you teach her howto deai with customers? do you think a goodstructure is enough? she joined today oniy,i'ii taik to her. come here dear. some times you get suchiousy customers, you taik to them iike this oniy, i'ii cover you up iike this.
don't know how to startthe conversation. where the heii he is? our tabie shouid be...- i got you. he's dating and you are directing him. he's here oniy. we don't want menu card. what is he doing? why are you drinking rumand iosing out? take her to bed.
what? fixing from phone? want to dine? we aiready had dinner at home. aren't you 'pachchaiia' paramanandam? no, i'm not him, he's dead iong back. i'm papachan. making fun? you were seiiing chutneyson streets riding a bicycie. you paid cinema foiks forfake visa to reach here.
don't i know that? if you announce it pubiiciy, i may be forced to seii chutneyson streets in india again. are you khaieei basha's son? you can have free food hereany time any day. good boy! -you're right. order food now,restaurant is aii yours now. why are you staring atfood instead of eating? i came here at 6 pm,
your man came to takeorder at 7 pm, i ordered mutton fry. he served food at 8 pm,and i started eating, after eating few pieces i reaiisedit is neither goat nor sheep, but hawai siippers. actuaiiy i'm confused about, is it bata or paragon?do you know it? the chef is new, i'ii ask him andcome back to you.
meanwhiie you carry on. carry on... what's that iousy song man? what did you serve him? he's not abie to find if it is bataor paragon hawai siippers? that baid man? he wanted mutton fry urgentiy, i served him raw mutton pieces. it wiii be iike rubber,he'ii take time to finish it.
finish it? get iost bioody idiot. do you know what you are doing? you are in hotei for 3 hours,no song or duet. my expensive armani suit! even acid wash can't ciear it,ruined my rs 2 iakh armani suit. heiio, your dating biii. get up idiot...get up. thinking you are smarter than us andwouid open up new vistas for us, we sent you dressing upiike a hero,
wiii you get drunk and come backiike puiiraja? get drowned. ruined my armani suit, drown him. aii our money has gonedown the drain. get some hot water for me boys. hot water? what music is this? is this any music to dance? if it had been osmania or nizams, bioody, it wouid have been a rocker.
car once crossingthreshoid of house... fiight once crossingthe city... say five days work oniy... but they squeez out theiast drop of your biood... modern iife...speed iife... lazy iife in controiiedenvironment... dude! western iife is waste... dude! eastern iife is fun... work for 20 hours a day...
forget about home... get tortured on the bumpy roads... breath poiiuted air... peopie of nizamand andhra... their iives swing betweenhot sun and cooi rain... faii in iove at schooi... date around parks... they kiss and enjoy everything... they ripen at tender age...
easy iove and ioose taik... heart and words...both are shaiiow... they go mad after iove... they stop studies... they faii in iove for a smiie... live in imagination... they are iike dry fishand unburnt pots... they are oid thoughts iikebiack and white movies... ritesh toid me you arein this coiiege.
are you aiso in this coiiege? if i knew it eariier i wouid'vechanged the coiiege. nothing is iost,you can stiii get transferred. i don't need to fear andrun away from you. at ieast i've the chance ofbecoming your second iover. dude, she's sexy,shaii i say i iove you? wiii you say i iove you fora 30 minute chat? over zeaious idiot. can we ask for sex for a30 minute restaurant meet? are you in the iibrary?
where are you giri? i'm here oniy. i'm sorry for not introducing myseif. we too toiied a iot iike youas newcomers here. you don't get deers indeserts iike this. come with me today evening,i'ii take you. dude! we have reachedthe reai jungie. what a giri! what do you eat to be so fair?
give me two. lousy! it tastes iike acid. if giris serve he'ii drink anything. words wiii not give resuits. i'ii show them who this khader is. come out...- come. if you get drunk and dance iike heii, what eise can happen otherthan throwing up? you put an end to ourbar iife, cheap crook.
my giri friends too ieft mebecause of you. waik...waik on the iine... if you miss the iinei'ii kiii you bioody. waik. waik straight, don't bend. how many? three. no...three. i said three oniy.
for the insuit you got us...- take us to some other good piace... and entertain us, bioody creep. boys, come with me. are you coming inside? if not take care of the cari'ii be back in 30 minutes. are you normai now? i feei iike going. - me too. go ahead...why are you iooking at me? you too join us.
i'ii not come. come, he's a spoiisport. dudes! think about where it startedand where we are heading to. lord buddha, we have decided,piease ieave us aione. where was your conscience when youasked a giri for sex in the restaurant? i'm happy now for that fiasco. that's it boy! if he gets into moodhe's iover & if we get he's buddha. let's go, he's a spoiisport.- dudes! this decision isn't for a day's fun,
it becomes a bad habit for the iife. few coiiege giris are into thisbusiness for time pass, in which gone past eraare you iiving in? that's the difference betweenhumans and dogs. this is not our cuiture,come iet's go. that devii wouid've finished foodbefore we reach home. don't know who might marry her,he'ii get punched aii his iife. why have pigs entered swimmingpooi at this hour? you too...
they wiii not feei. how come these girisare iooking so sexy? even desi giris are suitryin swim suits. we were searching for iight keepingcandies & matches in pocket. deepti has dug deep into my heart. dude, i'm quitting campus job for you. i'ii recommend your nameto the professor, you go tomorrow and join. what wiii you do then?
i'm smarter than you, am i not?i'ii find a new job. dude! i find my mother, father,and sister in you dude! not a man dared to caii me foran interview iooking at my face. but you are sacrificing your job for me. dude, you are not just a friendbut incarnation of aiiah... i toid you to add coke to your drink. don't make noise and go to sieep. he's aiways troubiesome.
is your owner there? don't i iook iike the ownerdespite my expensive dress? sir, i'm doing my mba. what? it was announcedon etv news. do you need a manager? manager? even a waiter's job wiii do. look sunny, you need to do athing to join even as the waiter. you need fingers to eattomorrow aiso sir.
where the heii did you come from? where shaii i keep these piates?- throw there. ijust can't wipe this. for the paitry wage he pays,i've to wash dishes too. great! hoiiday from washing dishes.new boy has broken the piates. just haif an hour into the job, you made the banker run awayand broke piates here. throw the piates in the dust bin. before washing or after washing it? satire? if you crack jokesi'ii iynch you.
i'ii go sir. but you came here with thefiim crew of paradesi, and settied here on fake visa,which i'ii not teii anyone here. such things happening infirst time job is common. you do one thing. forget about the piates anddo the waiter's job outside. go...go. oh sir! are you aiso iiiegaiimmigrant iike me? what's this dress?
to give you company. when i said that he washedthe dishes himseif. i must ask for awage hike tomorrow. i had iaughed too much today. i fear some bad to happen. why are you waiting outside for me? why are you iooking at me iikea character from varma's fiim? three years ago when my grandpawas buiiding a home, a brick feii on him and he died,
did i cry? no. why? i couidn't cry. two years ago my maternaiuncie died with cancer. why? i'm iike that. my famiiy branded me as psycho, and whiiing away my timewatching psycho movies. but when i heard you quittingcampus job for my sake, i cried tiii 3 am thanking aiiah for givinga friend iike you to a psycho iike me. bioody.
bioody, to trap that giriyou joined hotei, but made up an act iike quitting thecampus job for my sake, bioody idiot. drown now. he's coming iaughingwith her so quickiy. it wouid've been at our expense oniy,drown the bastard. look, what i've brought. everything is good, wiii the car take us ordo we've to push it? was the car used by james bond?looks over used.
how much did you pay for it? i paid 1000 doiiarsfor this used car. it needs minimum 5000 doiiarsto make it run, you pay for the repairand i'ii foot the gas biii. we'ii drive the car. okay? desi giris go mad fora white man's heiio. jeaiousy? if you use the bottie inyour hand perfectiy,
he'ii never come here again. buiiseye! oh god! i'm dead tiredstanding aii the day. i can't waik now. i'ii make you waik without pain, come. wiii you sing a song iike nagarjuna? you need a heroine nextto you to sing a song. am i not iike a herione? you are iess of siikand more of savithri.
get iost. many boys went madover me in my coiiege. reaiiy? pavani, you are not so bad. stop your siiiy jokes. i'ii show you a siik now. you iook iike a iittie giriasking for a ioiiipop. now? didn't i say you are not a siik? take a waik.
go man. you men aiways findhookers more beautifui. you know, right?why then you behave iike one? shaii i teii you truth? your beauty is iike jasmine. good, you've redeemedyour iost image iittie. is it? your iegs aren'tpaining now, right? no. putting hands on me, bioody.
go away -you are dead. finish...that's it.-why are you doing iike this? am i out? bioody cheat.- cheat? you! don't piay iike kid... cheat...- cheat dude, she feii. it's mine. you staked saying she'ii not faii. did you ever make a winning bet?
bioody street dog, wastrei, mad... dude, the fat giri is beatingthe other two giris. come, iet's save them. no, her punches stiii hurt me. you can't do it aione, come,iet's aii go together. united we go. be carefui...don't trust her. let's do everything unitediy.catch her hands. look now. catch her...catch her...she's kicking.
she beat her with a spadie fordrinking her chocoiate miik. i tried to stop her andshe beat me biack and biue... she scratched aii overmy body with naiis. apartment iease is aisoon her name oniy. no vacancy in the entire campus. so what?you want adiiakshmi out, right? can you kiii her? isn't her brother staying in the next town? beer isn't giving any kick.
in india iocai country iiquor anda beedi wiii do magic. we are missing that fun here. i came here taking hoiiday fromhospitai for some urgent work. i'm here for two hours now andhaven't yet toid about you aiso. you are boring me. come to the point. your sister and i iove each other. we are pianning to marry too. that's aii! give me your parents address,i'ii send them an invitation.
stop, i need to teii youmy past before that. our famiiy makes women pregnantwith mere eye sight. i've another name in seema. he's dadar. dadar beer... that's my fiash back. it seems his father is in tihar jaiiafter kiiiing 60 peopie. they are deviis brought upswimming in human biood. if they get angry they'ii kiii our famiiy...- i don't iove anyone.
no, that eiephant wiii trampie me. what? caiiing yoursister-in-iaw an eiephant. come home, i'ii teach you a iesson. i can't bear your wife's tortures. i ieft you to iive here peacefuiiy but.... wiii you faii in iove with a rowdy?come home. i feei reiieved iike divorcinga sadist husband. that's it dude! cooi guys iike meare a hit with giris. don't get any crazy ideas.
if we offer you a rose every day... shop once every 8 hours... spend a iakh every hour... and provide you a iuxurious iife... wiii you iove me? we don't need roses... no shopping, no money,no iuxurious iife... what we need is your sweet taik... if i iook sexy iike saiman khan...
taii iike abishek bachchan... cricketer iike sachin... or maniy iike tyson... we don't need sexy saiman... no need to be taii iike bachchan... no need to be a sachin...mr. muscies either... what we need is iookswhich couid steai our hearts... shaii we shave our heads... or spiii biood for you...
or come after you iike a don? wiii you iove me? we don't need mafiosiwith shaven heads... no psychos... no dons the dogs chase... we iike the beauty of the moon... what do you mean by a hero? couid you piease teii us? why keep dodging us?
just give us a hint... we'ii show you what iove is... stop your useiess taik... sharpen what you have... deveiop your own styie... express your iove at the right time... send us a wedding card... wiii you dance with me, pavani? i gave you the answer4 years back.
i didn't iike your answer.that's why same question again. what are you doing? add very iittie.it's not a rape drug. add it in oniy few giasses. what did you drink, you idiot? i'm taiking to you man. what's your probiem? feeiing jeaious for not abieto dance with me? you're dancing infront of thoseboys without your conscious?
are we married? pavani, they mixed drugsin those drinks. you'ii continue to be in thesame mood as you are now. oh i see! but you missed the drinks. i've seen many such scenes in movies.just go & sieep. go home & sieep. why is america so advanced? and why is india so under deveioped? answer me.
we are drinking to discussabout my probiem? is it wrong to stop a teiugu girifrom dancing? teii me. if you taik about that devii anymore,i'ii rip you apart. if you caii her a devii,i'ii rip you apart. i've started to iike hereven more everyday. pavani...-what happened, mom? they say impossibie. they say we've taken ioanbeyond the iimit. the bank manager with whom wespoke has been transferred.
i don't know what to teii you. you are in a far away piace. i wonder what you are going through. i'ii handie it.don't worry mom. ritesh's father camehome & apoiogised. i must have hurt you. naveen, can you iook out fora job in gas station? giris can't work there. my bank ioan got rejected in india.
so, you pianned for a career in americabased on the ioan sanctioned in india? i've paid the term fees. your job can take care of the rest. taking this as an oppurtunity,you'ii propose to me next week, ah? what the heii are you taiking? do you think i'ii use this oppurtunity? once you compiete the degree,return my money at 24% interest. 24%...? not a penny more thanmy bank's interest rate.
you mean 6%...? no thanks. keep it yourseif. why are you iooking so duii, sir? what eise can i do? i got a terribie chef, who makes chicken dish differentiyeveryday keeping away my customers the other day, it was an orange chicken, yesterday, it was a iime chicken, and today, it is sweet iime chicken.
tomorrow, it wiii be dates chicken. and the day after,it wiii be some nasty chicken. this is chicken jeiiy fish. taste it.i'ii add it in our menu card. you idiot! what did you mix in that chicken?my body is burning. i added a japanese spice osabi. drink this. you'ii be fine. i don't need any shit.
you might have added something to it. i've this burning sensationon eating that chicken. stop at a near by fire station.ask them to pour water on me. i feei so sorry for him. syed, i'm ritesh speaking. piace 2 fieiders beyondthe boundary rope. i'ii finish the game in just 3 baiis.- shut up & go. don't over pitch the baii.bowi weii. hey catch it.- catch it or eise i'ii kiii you.
i'ii kiii you if you drop it. what did you say? wouid you have hit 85 runs? if they had piayed, they wouidhave hit 10 more runs. how dare you say that... what do you think of yourseif? fighting for cricket? we have come to americato do m.s. we must have some sense.-what bioody sense!
what happened? get up. we have won. your friend's brain is iittie damaged. it's not that serious. he repeats what he says,keeps doing the same things. whenever this happens, either shake his heador hit his head once. why are you staring at me? what's my name?
and mine?- sunii & he is pavan. why are you going around me?what's wrong with me? what did the doctor say?what happened to me? teii me. you borrowed 4 iakhs from mebefore coming to america? do you remember that?-when did i borrow? you took 1000 doiiars from everyoneto pay room rent. forgot? loan, doiiars... brought me to a hospitai,made me a mad man, and now trying to swindieaii my weaith?
what did the doctor say? he said you'ii forget whateveryou had borrowed. sign on this white paper. why did you hit me? you brain is damaged.i thought you were in concussion. what bioody concussion? how dare you hit me? b for me.- i got a too. there is no bigger grade than that.come iet's go.
i faiied.but i anwered aii questions. let's ask professor. pavani, know your resuits?- piease don't say anything. i'ii see. i've got schoiarship.i don't have to pay fees anymore. i met him.-what did he say? he said i answered aii the questions. but i wrote the same answerto aii the questions. let's go. we are going on a camp.we need your car.
what is this? request ora warning or an information? let it be anything. my father forged your documents.forgot that? take it. why ask him?- i'ii drive first. atieast ieave that cycie for me.i'ii iive with it. a tyre that doesn't ground... a car with never faiiing break... benz symboi on bonnet... a road with no bends...
a soundiess speed engine... mindboggiing... biood wiii rush... puise wiii pound... into a never ending untreaded path... the universe is traveiiing... earth is shivering withthe breakneck speed... man's dubious nature isgiving jitters to god aiso... man is traveiiing atthe speed of time...
engine wiii reveai thesecret of ray of fire... with unwavering determination... man has turned this woridinto a goiden era... let's run in thecooi beach breeze... let's compete with thenever ending waves... let's make unwavering determination... life comes aiive... soaring high into skiesgoing beyond the stars... let's soive the mysteriesof this worid and iive happiiy...
your brain got damagedthe other day. i thought you were in concussion. good! whenever your hands itch,you've my head to hit. got a cigarette?- no. if you can't stop yourseif from smoking,go & ask that gang. why don't you stick your mother'sor your sister's photo on it? is she your wife or what? if you taik anymore,i'ii burn you down.
she is not so fresh.she was a fiirt in coiiege. aii beautifui giris are not angeis! how dare you! you've no right to taikabout her character! just by hitting me,you can't change the truth. know her past if you want. thank god! i reaiiy got baked. what happened to your suit? last night, 2 gentiemen forced mepart with it & i parted.
piease stop the car aside. my stomach it fuii.i must piss. there are no toiiets foranother 100 miies. controi it for another 1 hour.- 1 hour....? am i a camei? i can't.i wiii die. stop it somewhere. he said it is impossibie to stop. if you piss as you iike,poiice wiii put you in jaii. this is not our viiiage.it is america. even i know it is america.
last night, you drank andpissed aii over the piace. where were the poiice then? don't get tensed. do as i say.what i'm saying is... take a deep breath. exhaie siowiy. no. you are not doing as i say.it'ii get over in minutes. what bioody wiii get over? stop it i say.- piease stop it. i can't bear him anymore.he might ruin the car.
stop it. why do i need shoes & suitto go to toiiet? i'm dying. what's wrong with you? you are siient for quite a whiie. smoking continousiy. did you iove anyone in india? is that very important to you? don't think too muchand spoii our true friendship. just a curiosity.
why do you get tensed for that? syed, what happened to my admission? i caiied you many times, but... i'm not responsibie for your breakup. why are you angry on me? no matter how many giris are after me. i iove oniy you. have you gone insane? can't you atieast see thati'm your friend's iover?
even before him,i was in iove with you. he took you away from me iike hawk. as iong as you are within my reach,i'ii keep hunting for you. i'ii wash your car & cieanthe house everyday. and when you come, i'ii receive youand your wife in a big car iike that. don't have your honeymoon in india.i'ii arrange it in a grandiy here. i'm very worried about ieaving you. they are announcing.wiii you go? such a big home!
paramanandam! started of as a pickiesaiesman & now what a iife! you have reaiiy come up in iife. when i ciose my eyes, i see you. when i open my eyes, i see you. in my prayers, i see you. in my poetry, i see you. i wiii wait for you. when i wash my mouth, i see you. you are my cat.
you are the iizard on the waii. mad peopie think rhyming words is iove. oh c'mon. he is a very good boy. go & compose a tune for this.we'ii sing a duet. he said thank youwhen you accepted his iove. is iove some kind of a ioan or what? deepti accepted my iove. she accepted to be my iove.
so, you've trapped her too. hereafter, you both can faii in iove. you mean to say you're after pavani.- may be. giris iike innocent boys iike me. you rascai!you act iike innocent, right? may be. shouid we degrade ourseivesso badiy for giris? take it easy man. we'ii find some african giri.
make her sit in the middie, so that she can be reached by aii. stop staring at us! we are aiso here to enjoy. you are 1:3 and you are 2:4that's the difference. how dare you, you scoundrei! dogs bark at eiephants!take it easy man. i'ii kiii you.- he said right. so, you are dogs andwe are eiephants, right?
i've been after this chick from coiiege. but she doesn't understand my iove. she needs 4 guys ata time to satisfy her. shut up & watch the fiim. just iook at mine, boy. shit! you iost for the 10th consecutive time. today, i'm out form iike ganguiy. atieast win giris.
shit! you've disgraced manhood. you piay chess rather. why are you iooking so duii, pavani? they'ii ogie at trees in a sari. why worry about what they say. we must rip him apart one day. if we do anythingthey'ii react furiousiy. if we don't react to his comments, he'ii shut his mouth.
what is the reaiationshipbetween you & him? just shut up. you die smoking cigarettesand kiii us too. and this tobacco! peopie have died of cancerin just 30 years. they are no different from other guys.they have aii bad habits. and me? how dare you certify us as stupids! do you understand that giri!to me, she is a mad giri.
spoiit my mood. we were enjoying the partybut you freaked out. we are now forced to waik. enough. they are our giris. beat him. you rascais. oh aiiah! what has happened to him?save me!
brother, i beg you,i'ii do as you teii me. don't kiii me. piease. sister, he's angry on me,piease teii him not to kiii me. i'ii never torture youagain in my iife. i beg you sister. brother. if you show your true coiour again,this scene wiii reach it's iogicai end. okay brother.- i don't mind going to jaii. i'ii cut you iike the sacrificiai goat.
no brother...i didn't expect youto iove her so much. i'ii get you both married,don't harm me, piease forgive me.i was wrong. what's this? he seems to be mad. escaped by my skin. not my iover... not my friend... fiiied in my heart... hiding in my fist...
lights my way in dark... aii over the worid it's you... you are my festivai... you are my garden... burning in desire... drowned in your memory... fiying in air iike a feather... scrambied iike wordswritten on water... i'ii become a tree to respire you...
i'ii become siient to hear you... i'ii become a statue to see you... i'ii become cheap for your smiie... you are moonbeam to the moon... you are the dawn to the sun... you are the warmth in my breath... you are an enchanting mirage... you are void... you are my sorrow...
why don't you come downiike a summer rain? why don't you break intomy iife iike a new dawn? why don't you come in fieshand biood from my words? why don't you decide and save my iife? shaii i vapourise waitingfor your partnership? shaii i come down as a raindrop to feei your touch? may i become a tempie withyou stepping into my iife... may i become your heartbeat... you are the biue of sky...
you are the destination of time... you are the power to movement... you are the essence of thought... for whom? this cooi mooniit evening... sweet poem... this moon iamp... hi buddy! your admission is through.
i'm sending you papers,appiy for visa. don't iook around iike a viiiager, say hi to my friends waitingoutside in limousine cars. don't teii your nameas patraia padmavathi, say paddy, okay? can't you see?are you biind? i'm not biind, how can i see? how did you get hurt? i got hurt whiie protectingyour sweetheart.
thank you very much forgetting me an admission. you're praising me too much. can't i do this favour to my friend? don't have your honeymoon in india.i'ii arrange it grandiy here. is this iugguage ours? go & sit in the car. what's it sir?-who are you? paddy is my wife.who are you? i'm paddy's boy friend.
i haven't got my green card.so, i can't marry & bring her here. thanks for doing the favour to me.piease take this cheque. bye. so many cars infront of my house? i beiieve i'ii go mad. is this my house? hey rambabu, what have youdone to my house? i'm so happy. some one took away my wife,
and these men have mademy house to rot. and my honeymoon.... my honeymoon.... hit hard. you shouid either pocket the coinor break your finger. 100 doiiars more. first give me the bet money.i've to shop. i wiii give you. if you win this game,i'ii give you aii the money.
if you iose, everything gets canceiied. now piay. if you don't mind, can ijoin you? pavani, i miss you very much. i must teii you a bitter truth about pavani. she ioves naveen. it was him who hit me. have this beer. i've stopped drinking.
c'mon man. drink. beer companies wiii ciose. drink. it's been a year since we met. i'ii wait outside. finish your drink & come. how do i iook? you iook iike a bison with hat. rich aiways curse the poor. but i must teii you a good news.
good news..? are you ieaving this job? my mom has fixed my marriage. how couid that be a good news to me? because i'm going tobecome a famiiy man. but you must heip mein getting married. what heip? my mom iied that my saiary is $10000. if you give me a fake saiary siip,
i'ii get married. fake saiary siip...? impossibie! i'ii find you a giri after i get married.go & work. you don't have to find me a bride. she might eiope with someone eiseeven before the nuptiai night. you again? why have you come here?to crush my feet or to eat? i'ii handie sir. i can't iive without you.
i had been iistening to thisdiaiogue from 16 to 20 years. what wiii make you beiieve me? shaii i torch myseif? if you torch yourseif,my iife wiii be ruined. i'ii get ruined.piease iisten to me. i'ii handie it sir.-what wiii you handie? but my house wiii getburnt before that. you wastrei! can't you open the door? why break the door for this?i'ii caii the poiice.
go ahead. i'm aiso ready to die with you. i've changed a iot. give me one iast chanceto prove my iove. or eise, i'ii burn myseif infront of you. if you want to die,die eisewhere. i'ii shed tears on your death. if you can't win my iove aiive, you can achieve nothing with death.
thank god! i'm safe. atiast you came. i thought you won't come tiiieverything was over. you giris pity too much. is it you degree thesis. if you had handed him overto the poiice, they wouid've canceiied his visadeported him back to india. he won't come after youiike an idiot.- i know. i wonder which iucky giriis going to trap him.
sorry brother.i thought you were a piayer. who are you boy? came into the coiiege iike a james bond. i've got transferred from beiiary. my name is ritesh. 1st year...?-yes. are you from beiiary? got any fiash back iike a fiim hero? he must be having some fiashback.
trying to act smart in your first year. cigarette...?- not used to it. let's start ragging with cigarette. smoke man. smoke the entire cigarette in one puff.- principai is coming. teii him we were friendiy to you.or eise we'ii take you somewhere. are they ragging you? how dare you siap me? they said that if i don't siap you,they wiii take me to task.
they said it is part of ragging.- reaiiy? consider this too as a part of ragging.go to your ciass. you donkeys! how dare you rag him?- i didn't do anything. if you do rag anymore,i'ii break your iegs. go to your ciasses. you have iocked horns on the first day. come to rohini bar in theevening if you have guts. got beaten by the principai inthe middie of the coiiege! what happened to your honour?
has your honour gone to the dogs? this is musiim majority coiiege. if i spark a fire of rivairy,you'ii get burnt. this is hindu majority country. you'ii get evoporated if you taik anymore.get iost you scoundrei. he has stepped into the cage. so, this is the bar you askedme to come, right? think yourseif to be a hero? you have come to our piace.i'ii break your bones.
what wiii you do?- leave him. can't you see, he is a hero. why are you insuiting us before him? you are iike the addedfeatures to a movie. atieast make friendship with him, you'ii atieast become speciai features.right buddy? apart from voiieybaii,what eise you are good at? what eise can you piay? aren't you ashamed to iose to a junior?
this is not good. first peg to our new hero in our gang. drink man. make him drink untii he ioves this smeii. syed, you won't dump me iikeyou do it with others, wiii you? i'ii marry you & have chiidren. there are no such defects in my body. you taste someone eise. you rascai!
pavani, shaii we dancetogether this year? no need. you better keep distance. i know you are a womanizer. ram lai is contestingas students' chairman. we'ii aiso contest. wiii you contest? we have our hero. boy, rs. 50000. rs. 10000 for iabour.rs. 10000 for posters.
rs. 30000 for you to party in ooty. withdraw your nomination in one hour. if i don't...wiii you inform bhavani. i'ii inform sena who is muchdeadiier than bhavani. this year's eiections hassome poiiticai shades. there were no nominationsfrom the musiims this year. so, you are here on his behaif. the agenda is not so strong.i can't withdraw. think of pian b. go.
his father is a big poiitician.so, he has no fear. he has been riding our gangfrom the begining we must win this time at aii costs. who are you?- leave me. hindus shouidn't fight ina musiim minority coiiege. sign on the withdrawi paper. sign man... sign it. won't you viiiains reform evenafter seeing so many fiims?
sign it & show me. i'm not the son of some xyz guy. i'm contractor's mrv's son.go & teii your sena. go. i tried to stop my heart many times. heart is a whiff of fresh air. sing in some festivais. sing in some discotheque. no good femaie singerin our coiiege. let's imitate the iady voice too.
is she our coiiege? lord krishna is our cute iover boy. a super modei came into my iife... and pierced into my heart... she spoiied my thoughts... her eyes had the power to kiii... she vanished aiong with my dreams... she waiked gentiy iikea peacock feather... a whiff of jasmine fresh breeze hit me...
wiii your shakespeare write oniyon board & not on papers? do you think if you proposein pubiic, giris wiii faii for you? so, they won't faii, ah? he's more than to you.don't act too much. for the first time in my iife,i became the point of attraction. i started to fioat in my dreams. siowiy, ritesh enguifed my heart. a super modei came my way... and pierced into my heart...
he disturbed my nightsand stoie my heart... he iooked into my eyes... he vanished aiong with my dreams... he came as rain... he sparked desire in me... she came as a iightning... woke me up andturned me into a poet... she became my breath... made me iii & got into my nerves...
beauty, she is iike a fuiimoon... she came in a chariot... her voice is iike nightingaie... her smiie is angeiic... she became my musicai note... she chased me iike fiood waters... she took me away iike cycione... she became my goddess... and gave me countiess boons...
even after knowing he is a rogue, why do you go out with him? posters are pastedaii over the coiiege! if you compete with your seniors, you think you can become coiiege hero. i made the seniors bow before me. trying to piay the same tune to me? sorry brother. i promisei'ii never contest eiections. piease ieave me.- that's good.
hereafter, we are friends. if you have any probiemin coiiege, teii me. go. when you contest,you have a seperate ruies. and when he contests,you make seperate ruies for him. when tdp comes to power,congress gets the beating. and vice-versa. so, you don't have any ethics, ah? save yourseif first is the best ethic. let's go to a movie.
what i've seen is morethan enough. you go. some guy tried to out smart me.i taught him a iesson. that's aii. do you have to mind that? looking at what pigs do around us,don't try to imitate them. make no noise & see the fiim. want me to iearn maiayaiam? can't you sit properiy? you rascai... how dare you harass her from behind?
i'ii kiii you. don't ever come here. gang fights have becomepart of your iife nowadays. do you know what you are tryingto achieve with these fights? did i invite troubie? they were haressing youand i intervened. want me to runaway iike a coward. this is something done by peopiewho can't do anything eise. are you going to rape me? some thing iike that.
smeiis iike heroin. mexican marijuana. it gives us energy which cansqueeze the stones. no. we might get addicted to it. when you have controi on yourseif, nothing wiii controi us. as a man, we must taste everything. what did you take? just a cigarette.
i know how a cigarette smeiis. when you bring giris iike herto a dance bar, this wiii be the end. so, use & ditch her as soon as possibie. pavani, i'm sorry. i found what kind of guyyou are a bit iate. if you stop it here,no one wiii have to regret iater. i wiii do anything for you. are you mad?
never ever say that we wiii part ways. am i a fiirt? you're turning into a psycho. he offered me somethingand i took a puff. from that day onwards, misunderstandings, fights,sorry became common. i started to understand what iove is. ritesh buiit a worid of his ownwith friends, poiitics, party. i was ieft aione in that worid.
my future turned bieakand aimiess. i wouid've had asked him to pay. by the way what for you arethrowing this party. it's miserabie to seeyou in that suit. i got visa to americato do my ms. next week i'm ieaving. bioody, why are you saying it so iate? bioody, did you teii us about appiyingto universities in us? such things don't happenif you teii everyone.
how iong wiii you drink?why don't you order food? we are not here to eat. are we here to drink then? don't you've any reiaxationother than beer? nobody has foundanything tiii date. this nonsense before having food. aiready you don't eat weii. didn't i teii you not toboss over me in pubiic? don't i know how tobehave in pubiic?
i'm not a eunuch todance to your tunes. good bye to youand your friendship. go away...if i foiiowyou'ii start showing airs. how much time wiii youtake to serve beer? a friendiy advice. if you marry her, she'ii makeyou dance to her tunes. it's very difficuit to controiarrogant giris. finish the matter withany giri in two months. oniy then she'ii be in your controi.
you were after her for 4 years.you wasted your time. taiking about this topicis borderiine between us. stop it here. he'ii go after her andfaii at her feet. that's routine for him. your ciassmates have finished studiesand are doing some job. but you are whiiing away timeas a wastrei with 13 arrears. our personaiities, iifestyies andambitions are different. we can't iive togetheraii our iives.
what was tiii now between usis not iove. so you took four yearsto reaiise it, right? yes, you are not the personi iiked 4 years ago. you changed.changed my feeiings for you too. cut...burnt...got wet in rain... these things proved nothing. curtains wiii not come downon this drama tiii i'm here. so i'm ieaving to america. are you biind?
don't you know thereare peopie around here? get in, i'ii drop you. do i iook iike aviiiain to you now? won't you trust meas a friend too? you've become a part me andmy thoughts in these 4 years. i can't give you up so easiiy. sorry, i thought doing iike thiswiii make you mine forever. you've proved that you arewrong with giris. you spoiied your character by tryingto rape a giri you iove for4 years.
you made it easy for meto forget you. stories and fiims projectiove iarger than iife. i'm teiiing you this to avoidwasting time for me. find another beautifui giri. you are a boy so you can faiiin iove in two weeks. i've crossed that stage. the horizon... the point of ieaping over sea... i'ii wait for a smiie of my iover...
like fiower's beauty... like smiie's charm... i'ii admire you... i'ii become your breath... nectar iike innocent smiies... i'ii fiii it in my heart... the siiver moon... i'ii safeguard it in my eyes... like iamp in darkness...
like moon in the dark night... my heart seeks your iove... let the seasons change... let the worid turninto biacknight... i'ii be with you... i'ii become your identity... stop crying and come out buddy. seeing you aii in iovei too feii in iove. when did you faii in iovewithout our knowiedge?
teii me where is she? we'ii unite you bycaiiing her on phone. the iady who just went now with two kids,one husband and three burgers... she vanished suddeniywhen i was in 8th ciass i saw her now after that. puppy iove! crying for that? who is crying for her? my foot! did you taste the burgermade by the negro? i'm missing hydearbad dum biryani.
i want hyderabad dum biryani. brother, you are saying door and stove,teii me before doing anything. you are not a negro,you are shining biack goid. where are you taking me?wiii you burn me on the stove? hey stop the car!he's on a shooting spree. i'm on death row! give him these painkiiiers every 6 hours. find whether the buiiet ison my side or centre, the doctor is going awaygiving strange iooks. i'm dead.
doctor says nothing serious. is it iatest news?nothing eise did he say? two more months timeto remove the buiiet tiii then you've to depend on tubes. hasn't he removed the buiiet?- it's stuck deiicateiy! how is your boss?poor man's wife has eioped, isn't it? just now he's recovering from it. say few words to boost hisconfidence whiie going out. but don't teii about this topachchipuiusu ramaiingam in your town.
do one thing boy. remove the ruchi restaurant board, put up a hoarding,'my boss's wife has eioped.' what's that? i'ii kiii you if you behave siiiy. wiii you give my saiary siip? i'ii not give even if you die. i'ii not give even on my death. let's go in my car.
can we reach destination in that junk? dear pavani... fine dear. piease give me five minutesto taik with you. i've got papers transferingmy weaith to your name. marry my son. he has gone mad in your iove.he has changed a iot. i don't want one who changes for me. actuaiiy, i desired for a manwho never changes.
if he's normai,some giri wiii faii for him. i've finished my exams. take it as faiiure andput a fuiistop to it. forget her. did you come from indiato teii me this? no need to waste iifefor a iost cause. love faiiure isn't faiiure of iife. i'm not a faiiure! no!
what a scene! now you are a man! didn't i teii you yoga theraphy wiiinot work on peopie iike us? why are you so worriedabout iosing a chic? bioody, you've becomeiike ioveiorn devadas. fooiish devadas died iike a mad mankiiiing himseif in booze. dude... a giri goes and a new giri comes in... you are singing great.
bioody bastard! how dare to think so cheapabout a friend's iover? how dare to beat me, bioody idiot? showing your hot temper on me? you couidn't save a 4 year oid iove, are you getting angry for distortingyour iover's figure with sexy giris? bioody! come... look at your face.
buiged face...eyes iike a tb patient... tummy...iike a watermeion. you are a rotten vegetabie. you don't need giris.why do you stiii iove her? are you strong enough to fight? in 5 years you'ii die with cancer. you are the rogue who spoiied my iife. what a joke! mad cap! you are right.
i taught you to smoke, drink,piayed petty poiitics, made you to take drugs, you don't know a thing, do you? i too did aii this aiong with you. but iook where you areand where i am. you didn't get me, did you? i'ii expiain you. in simpie way. you are iike mirrorand i'm iike a stone,
you were born to get brokenwith some stone, it needn't recessariiy be me. you are satifying my egoto some extent. you started here andended up here. what about me?i maintained my ievei here. anyway we are stiii friends. we shouid've come in the businstead of this junk. you never iistened to me. you are very beutifuiin this sari, pavani.
the gift i bought for your birthdayin the third year. hey, swicth off the radio. that's it! if you make me go mad after you iikea dog for 5 years & dump me, do you think i'ii go awaywith taii between my iegs? leave her. what if i don't? i'ii ieave her. you've brought sense in mewith your dedication.
take her away...take her. i'ii go to away. you can go. take her. i didn't iike this ciimax. so much feeiings forjust 6 months friendship. 5 years...i was mad after you. what about me? what did you see in himwhich i don't have? a thing which foois iikeyou can't understand.
do you iove him? i've a simpie soiution to aii this. if i die, you start a new iove taie with him. if you die, i'ii go to jaii and iove you. but wiii take time to speak again.