so we're going to talk about the kingspeech first panda matchday please take it away became speech a is about prince albert who later becameking george the sixth who know a lot of people know that hehad a terrible stuttering problem that was going to be a problem becausehe was going to be doing it had to speak out was expecting became he was secondin line for the throne but his brother older brother abdicated sobibor ivorthis takes place right before world war two
hands to help him with his daughter he starting atafter seeing a series of speech therapist he starts to see this veryunconventional all speech therapist played by geoffreyrush movies based on a true story which must be trailer hospital is somehow hip-hop i had anticipated
that perhaps you should change sharks democrats and exchange has seen the insert them into your mind holds lucy he has a cd account your husband and into the trust was your understanding here to discuss personal matters of whyisn't hostile
denoting jokes timing isn't my strong suit don't miss unsettled sandinista comes section could find yes the park battlefield still pick ups i take that as a compliment registers
hall friday eleven seems to be saying that the other one reversible times drove past me soon descriptive hands-on denouncing pressman
allied command actually for him is ability to squeeze the word abdicatein there in that short little spare time he got it and have certain opportunities to use the word abdicate so and friendsthat were never calif advocate myself discussion about whether there's adifference between the trigger word stutter and stammer i gave you the director tom classics isthere a difference in stuttering and staring hisses it's ofteninterchangeable but steering uses when you just can't get the word out werestirring is like up up up up up like
when you'd like cast the first awasthi he have wished hehad to say i haven't had a spammer so pots you love me he's amazing yahan gonna say right now colin firth is goingon with the best actor staring out of the most non-it last year for a singleman and he was playing in there and he's great never things now in themix of these fantastic rescue you're completely caught up in his character
he manages to convey aid the frustration a certain amount of self-loathing in theway that prince albert speaking that's just could you know moreimpressive things about this movie is that you know you think about okay yes twirl family like how rough unlike the eventually managed to feel a certainamount of pity different worried about crime
nigerian facing where qingdao reject and what was nearby muslim line eleven and they they sit down with the realizethat she doesn't have any friends at nine a_m_ eastern raise me that likebuilding collapse you want to hang out might remain light regularly drinksomething against americans are very tender program detail came so is you know i i thinking for all yourhelp in
violence is one of france for the kind of posit for moments of hope you really i don't know might yetwhen you realize what kind of isolation somebody like that winter and when they go into a little bit indianprince albert past about how he was to use as a child abuse you know he had not been easier physicalailments that you know at that point in time you know the remedies for that were very strictand very painful and it just all fit
into that and here's a man whose terrified ofbecoming k and suddenly thrust upon him and it'salmost crippling and it's just been await but called first portrays that isjust donington in o_t_ when the best moments was when they're going throughtheir physical exercise without hamming it up has others there do those impersonalknows exercise where you have to show you can loosen up and of course geoffrey rush is reallyloosens almost museum and here's a guy
who feels comfortable zack period whenhimself go and he's trying to get comfort to do it who just simply can't it's not that hewon't he's not overt overplaying the stiffness here's a guy who's you feel itis really needs to take over the rough today like just moved to restrain his whole lifeseems fine by nobility provide the older brother about that youknow and up again modestly greatly like to see what his data stream intimidatinga president cafeteria strategize
geoffrey rush is great hour-long carter is fantastic as as queen though was the company hasendless ob she's fantastic acting out of the whole casting to these false shows up as winstonchurchill i like to see never told him that he's not he's gonna he's great he'syou know he's doing great racial impression it's a really fantastic marie and forsomething that seems like alternative boring panic english drawingroom
room story it's not it's it's very moving and it'sbeen some lighter than expiry funny i mean it's basically a feel-good movieswhich you don't expect to come out like british period dramas and everything and hitting is also in import of what ifelt like at this time stemming was considered a physical problem that this idea that newline alos ideaslike knows sexy rooted in past experience was a completely sort of crazy idea atthe time i completely but
that was his the regarding of note fromthat experience we need to figure that out and that is saying that the royal familynever ever gets you never ever talk about your personal life and that's whatwhat the bullet wanna listing get through has to fight through to kind ofthing and make the statement ninety-seven so that we can actuallysolve the problem and when you see when you see the king backsliding whenhe starts to lose it the way i mean when you eat it feels like he's made allthose progress answers to lose it and just how upsetting that isn't you knowalmost want to give up late it's really
heartbreaking when he goes to and ithink it's also sting like i i i interviewed under the director and he was using that at the time how we're was canceled byconvinced on one he was like a dump risks like hecouldn't talk at began accepting hidden but like through that you have line alosdiaries three states how the loaf and i thinkhe's actually really smart and apparently conference like finding thehw his humor showed how smart he is you know it like that i think the trailerrecycled timing is much like you know
you joke stymies jurassic so this guy was incredibly intelligent but just basically relegated so i'm notgoing to be involved in any of this because i can't talk basket with the humor that is thatgracie mansion for chile also occurring this movie is our rating where he finally gets through august andran back cursing and level of thousand seeing just do it in in rhyme justgetting christmas is get the words out his ideas hold four in ten like anti-gayall the words that george carlin lab
that wells shades of planes trains andautomobiles campaign where he was p_r_ debated pointed out that this is why isthat he has no right there is offensive or violent or shocking at all about thismovie so i'm that that hills i mean they're great together they are but the movie hits every singlenote that you expect it to there is nothing surprising about it and what iwrote my review is that if content
a buddy comedy on the same order as ican do date where bar games they're and convert to the appetite here in guyswhose lives seem rigid in and find it online anything shaping up and then jeffrey russians ac alpacascoming in their unconventional in their maverick ian they're kinda wacky and theopposite and the class and then they get to know each other and this could besome kind of contrived obstacle that keeps them from being friend that youknow the overcome its eventually they'll be friends though it theirs is formula and it's their there very much typesthese two guys
but again the provinces are still actslike and the movie itself is still beautiful and just production values of flowers fromthe cast is obsolete at agrees that you can't have it is giving a echo you writea review of the director also been dieters and you've got somereally amazing that prisoner i don't think you can really hold thepredictability against them in the news based on history if you know how and if you know you history you know hitler did not conquer england i heardits scientific but engages the formula
lower now properly the inhibited exactly which idid and i i think it's it's not so thatmeans is that governor kisses just like crazy dreams ball you know andi don't know exactly how he and how he supposed to win over robertbanking i didn't even think it would establish that very well but in this uh... i mean i think that atthe heart of it is the idea that geoffrey rush to treat uncalled for things like
i have to be your friend i actually needs like understood what weneed to actually talk about these things and that's more than conferences can dothat he's also embarrassed you know about this whole problem that he that hehas and also stated that he knows that he's royalty because they've been greatpardon me where where geoffrey rush like utah as afourteenth if we were equals note the like no onewould give a damn about me i would just work and i would go home to my wifeknown would give a damn it's like you know i'm a royalty like here this otherguy i was so that's one thing that i
cutaway spent i would like to see alittle bit of addressed a little bit more of that i mean for lack of a better term likethe balls on why not wild too you kind of ta bles you talk to the king that way and say we'regonna talk like equals right to me that the cheek to put it in english termsthat somebody like that would have i cut actually wish that somebody would havemaybe that they would have delved into that alittle bit like this at the scene would
you like sits down and it sounds likerecord disallowed it has a look at it you didn't get to do expect that he'saustralian which they need to be quite doesn't quy doesn't quite have therespect for him right in battle talk about the shelling residedelete that they care about the shelling is like what you're austria click it upon the whole issue he's video end deciding us with a part of his leaseis also there are still use their own disposal you relax people at the there the nation as the awesome blossomyet have a study by mothers and their first did five okay
and is that it's it's practically aperfectly accident yesterday nine twenty twelve at five and it's happening in any it meets all great love leaving it's allthe notes you wanted it is just a little safe for me so that brings us to a ninepoint one so yeah premeditation is after spendingtime i think is justified we might be peaking early by pick atthis moment i'm the you know dissimilar certainly in a performance category ithink best picture also i think it's a different but it has its limits them insocial network like i was talking to a
lot of my sink up to you know after isaw it king speech like cities that is a formervinod different movies left but i think it's not that the ones pretty locktoughening helena bonham carter she win for best supporting actress and meetings are also saying that there's noreal bad guys the balance of social networking first and i think i a germanseventy percent of atlantic anek behind as i said like the bad guys themicrophone finance the ones that have like scarything and