bob bain:from the edge of reality, this is mysterious matters and my name is bob bain. joining usthis evening is kevin d. randle. kevin is a retired u.s. army lt. colonel, he has amaster's degree in psychology and the art of military science... as well as a doctoratein psychology. kevin has interviewed hundreds of witnessesto mysterious crashes, sightings, alien abduction cases, animal mutilations, and alien homeinvasions—as well as humans working with alien beings. kevin's book is titled the ufo dossier: 100years of government secrets, conspiracies, and cover-ups. you can find kevin's book atmysteriousmatters.com/100years.
kevin, welcome to mysterious matters (thecoast to coast alternative) kevin randle: it's about time we made our connection! bob bain: your book is the ufo dossier: 100 years ofgovernment secrets, conspiracies, and cover-ups— what was it that led a retired lieutenantcolonel into researching ufos? kevin d. randle: oh, this started long before i had anythingto do with the u.s. army. it started when i was a kid. i hate to say this because itdates me so badly, but my mother took me to
the movie, earth versus the flying saucers. that was what 1955-1956? bob bain:i don't know, it was beyond my time. hee hee, there you go. and that kind of sparkedmy interest because she was always interested in science fiction and science fictions aboutalien races and interstellar travel, and uh alternative civilizations and of course ufosfit into that category as well. so she kind of sparked my interest and then i used myconnections, i used the areas i was in, stationed in while in the army... to do research inspecific cases that may come from that area. i used the army to get me to locations wherei could look at ufos and then
it worked out that way.