

The Dark Knight Movies

Wednesday, March 22, 2017
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are you recording? well, here i am. with a light that is destroying my eye and a microphone pointing at me. i remember that i was in the usa one day and i was starting to be inside the world of movies. everybody knows this but i love batman, and one day iocked myself and i watched a bunch of movies. the last one i saw was the third one of the dark knight trilogy. and i remember being in front of the computer when it ended and thinking "oh my god", what an amazing end, what an incredible feeling that i'm having right now. i realized then that that was what i would like people to feel when they watch what i create. and not only amazement but also sadness, happiness...

the possibility of making people feel that with something created out of nothing that appears on screen... that's an incredible thing for me i had that feeling that day and since then i've had that objective, that obsession of making people feel that with everything i do. it's very exciting when i don't have any idea and all of a sudden, when i'm about to go to sleep or whatever, and idea that i didn't think about before comes to my head. sometimes you think you will never be able to make a story about something and then one day that idea comes and you just have to work on it. it's a special project for the three of us, i would say. it was the first time i made a short-film, the first time i wrote a screenplay, "the dejavu" has a pretty simple screenplay, but it was the first time so it was very special for me. that's why "the dejavu" is the first project we released with aâ·land.

it was the first time i was directing actors that were performing a role as well all of that was very special for me. i was taking my first steps to show that i'm able to do this and also i worked with my two cousins, who i've known my whole life, and that made the communication between us a lot easier. and we had a lot of fun which is also positive. well... let's see. the actress that i liked the most without any doubt, and i think everybody on earth who knows me know this, is jennifer lawrence. but jennifer lawrence would be like my best friend because she is a little crazy

i like her a lot and i see all her films but she would be my best friend. but if i had to choose one as a girlfriend, that would be emma watson, no doubt. apart from being beautiful, not supermodel attractive, but beautiful, she is incredible sweet. every man on earth likes that combination. jennifer lawrence as a friend and emma watson as a girlfriend. that would be an awesome life. [friend with benefits?] jennifer lawrence? yeah, there could be a benefit, why not. mister christopher nolan.

he is the one who created the dark knight trilogy and that trilogy is the reason why i do all this, so it's very special for me. he is able to tell really complex stories and he does it with amazing results. he has done the dark knight movies, interstellar, inception... those are not only big hollywood blockbusters but they also have an incredible story underneath. i need to watch his films multiple times and the more i watch them the more i like them. "the dark knight" is by far my favorite movie and i've seen it hundreds of times. the more i watch it the more i discover new things inside the film. that's something really difficult to find. you watch another movies and you may like them but maybe they don't have that effect of keep watching them and then you like them more.

nolan films have that effect for me. and he is also a writer with his brother! he comes up with an idea on paper and he puts it on screen. for me that's amazing. he is an example, the person i'm most influenced by, the person i admire the most and i'm always looking forward to his projects. i remember that one day i watch a video that i have tweeted a few times from an american youtuber i like a lot named casey neistat. and in that video he basically said that life is this mega fragile thing in which you only get a limited time. think about it. it's limited, every second we live is less time to do the things we are passionate about and we like. do not use that time in things that you do "just because". one of the things i always try, both in work and with friends, is to do the things now.

the time is now, the right time is always now. don't think about doing something another day, no, do it now. that's a very important message that has helped me understand that you have to enjoy every moment. don't think about what is going to happen, about what other people would think or say, and just do what you want, what you like. i think that's the way you are going to be proud of what you have lived in that limited time. that's the most important thing for me.

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