condemned to deathby his peers for rebellion, horus from hierakonopolis,the god of heavens, has seven days to see theearth of mankind once more... the earth he helped create. seven days... time forone beat of the divine heart, not a second more, before being deprivedof his immortality. but even the gods fear death. - heru.- meru.
make the most ofyour last moments. seven days, horus! seven hourglasses.not a second more. trust me. i know you're there. hey! look over there! i'll zoom in on it! what the hell? iã¹s a nakedguy with a birã”s head! unbelievable!hey, whaã¹s going on?
pull up! pull up! children... my human children. i'm back. i'm also in charge ofthe nano implants department but we concentrate moreon synthetic skin. no hard feelings, then? thank you for reminding me. can i take two?
no.only one this time. no hard feelings, butyou're still tight-fisted. fuck you, elma. you should beso lucky. that girl'sdangerous. she must be onpretty powerful stuff. she damaged her carrierwhen they selected them. when they roundedthem up, you mean. thaã¹s why i'minterested in her.
you're involved in illegalmedicine more than ever. resistance medicine.there's a difference. you really like her,don't you? i'm taking her with me. i'll need antibiotics,even old ones. and micro-needles. not so fast, darling. i want a detailed report of all the analysesyou perform on her.
and don't try to pretendyou've "lost" the file. you can have her,but i want the file. professor lubitschto operating theater 212. his mother's beingtreated at eugenics. he's waiting for herto be returned to him. how old are you? leã¹s go. but to openly accusesenator allgood of manipulatingpublic opinion.
did he organize the pyramidaffair to get elected? no, his influencedoesn't run that deep. iã¹s obvious that the pyramidis extraterrestrial, like the intrusion zonein central park. i don't agree withthe view that intrusion is a matrixof dangerous mutants. that rumor was spreadby allgood to serve the interestsof eugenics. scientists have proved
that intrusionis a gateway to parallelor extraterrestrial worlds. we'll have to accept we'renot alone in the universe. but in practical terms your program doesn'tseem very satisfactory. you put all the blameon senator allgood. i'm also talking aboutthe medical dictatorship that allgood has imposedon new york city with the active participationof eugenics.
i'm talking about raids,illegal experiments, unauthorized blood tests,and organ removal. people going missing. i'm talking about globus i. you know what that is,don' t you? iã¹s the freezer usedby the mad scientists that work for eugenics. don't you agree there'sa real security problem? that series of murderson level 2.
thaã¹s police business. i have full confidencein the federal police. what a bitch!what a bitch! a bitch... but a fastlearner about politics. thaã¹s what i mean... a whore. thaã¹s enough. about those murders... how many have beenreported so far?
four. who's in chargeof the case? inspector froebe, a specialistin the abnormal. he thinks iã¹s the workof a serial killer. froebe is no specialist. hunting is allhe lives for, ever since he had his facechewed on by the dayak. he's a real psychopath.he's a liability. i don't agree,miss liang.
froebe is a good cop.anyway he's politically neutral. neutral?neutral doesn't exist. there's only men and women,humans and aliens. the integratedand the rejected. the whole fucking universeis split in two. that makes fivein less than 48 hours. thaã¹s got to be a record. exactly the same m.o. iã¹s just as if the bodyhad exploded from the inside.
i was toldthere was a witness. he's right over there,waiting for you. back at my officein an hour. i'll see you at froebe's, ok? are you all right? yeah. all right.i'll see you there. are you sureyou're all right? unit 1-7,are you receiving this? unit 1-7, will you respond?unit 1-7?
hi. what can i get you? he wants to knowif they're diseased. he asked you a question. i'm fine, thanks. all your organs? i changed my lungs.they're a chinese model. not bad.pretty attractive. and i have a new bladder, too.no problem there.
still don't want a drink? huh? six? no, seven. outside the bar.the witness. the one i nevergot to see. the giant.he's the seventh. the agent who was supposed tobring him to you was the sixth. reminds you of the dayaks,doesn't it?
cold-blooded carnage.right up their alley. the dayaks are extinct. they were exterminated afterthe riots, 30 years ago. except the onethat got you. thank you, sandy. iã¹s not going to hold, but i can't doanything anymore. i did warn you. only 35% of your originalmetabolism remains.
you've modifiedor replaced the rest. i have a contractwith eugenics. i had guessed that much. tell my colleaguei sent you. he's a specialist innano-surgical repairs. don't leave it too long. thank you, doctor. i'm so sorry, jill. new yorkers all seemto have gone insane.
where was i? ah, yes,the lapse in your memory. i was wondering what you don'twant to remember so badly that you're this blocked. to put it another way...what are you trying to forget? i can't remember anything.there's a subtle difference. but it seems thatyou remembered to take strong doses of potentiallydangerous substances as yet unidentified.
do you have any on you? is your supplieron level 3? in little paris?amongst the non-humans? what have you gotagainst non-humans? some of them arevery decent beings. you, for example. i have to tell you that,in 20 years of medicine, i've never seen a guinea pigquite like you. i've never seen such a heart,
lungs, or a womb like that. never. you're built like someone bornless than three months ago. maybe thaã¹s whatyou want to forget. or what you'renot sure about. when did you getto new york? and how? some vertebrate animalson this planet shed their skin.
you are going throughthe same process. listen to my offer.work for me. let me conduct a thoroughmedical examination. take some samples,test some medication. if you trust me, you won'thave anything to worry about. you'll be covered and legal. more importantly,i'll get you a card. i have a contract withthe western hysteria. you can live there.
you're the greatest mysteryof nature i've ever come across. danger for humans. don't step on level 3.danger for humans. john... i got picked up in a eugenicsraid. we shot a carrier. it could have gone very badly. a human woman doctor saved me. she offered me a joband legal housing. accept it.
as a guinea pig. apparently, my bodyis only three months old, and my organs aren'tin the right place. not in the right place? according towhose criteria? you see thatpyramid monument? do you thinkiã¹s in the right place? and me?do you think i am? there's something importantyou should know.
this planet isrejecting me, jill. this atmosphere,this oxygen... iã¹s burning me up. i have to take care of youbefore iã¹s too late. i'm getting old, jill. i've been aroundfor centuries. i'm confused. ok, leã¹s go. oh, my god!
jesus! hey, this one's empty. keep back!restricted area. a flying pyramid,a serial killer on the loose, and now, a chunk ofprison falling from the sky. is someone out to sabotagemy political career? iã¹s almost likea greek tragedy, senator. all the elementswill fall into place. what are you doing here,inspector froebe?
i'm looking for three of my menwho have disappeared. your serial killer, again? i don't think so. here, a gift for you. what is it? you should knowbetter than me. give me that! this isout of your league. i haven't found the manwho goes with this. "remember..."
"remember the sightwe saw, my soul, that beautiful softsummer morning..." "round a turningin the path..." thank you. "a disgusting carcasson a bed scattered with stones, its legs in the air,like a woman in heat." "remember the sightwe saw, my soul, that beautiful,soft summer morning.
round a turningin the path, a disgusting carcass on a bedscattered with stones, its legs in the airlike a woman in heat, burning and sweating poisons, like a fountain withits rhythmical sobs. i can hear it clearly flowingwith a long murmuring sound. but i touch my body in vainto find the wound. i am the vampireof my own heart, one of the great outcasts
condemned to eternal laughter, who can no longer smile." am i dead? i must be dead. and you... i know you. horus from hierakonopolis,the god of the heavens. i'm flattered, nikopol,wretched human. anubis can't be far away.
the guardian of the tombs,the god of the dead. don't ever speakthat jackal's name again. you understand? only my name.only me. ok, ok. my leg!where is my leg? you can seeyou're not dead. the dead don't feel pain. the dead don't bleed either.
yeah, i'm alive...and i'm bleeding like a pig. listen carefully.i won't say it twice. for two of your days,i have been looking for a host body, for reasonsthat go far beyond any human concerns. i need a body to welcome me and serve me. you... you seem to be suitable. i've tested seven humansand rejected them all.
but you...your body is clean. you come from the past.30 years of hibernation. your body won't reject me. we are compatible. what year is it? who set me free? 2,095 afteryour jesus christ. your releaseis an accidental escape. i was supposed to be outin 2,096.
i was released a yearahead of schedule. i've gained a year,but i've lost a leg. fuck! forget the old one. here's a new one. yeah... thank you for calling. that was the forensicscientist from globus. and?
the leghas been identified. well, it belongs to...nikopol. perfect! there's no way! this thing... weighs a ton. i'll never be able to move. thaã¹s right. without me, you won'tbe able to move. and, by the way,from now on,
you won't be able to domuch of anything without me. i accept thati'm not dead now, but i hope i'm dreaming this.god, let this be a nightmare. let this all be a nightmare. you believe in god? i don't even have thatto fall back on. i suggest youbelieve in me, nikopol. do i have a choice? i'm afraid not.
now, rise... and walk. i've relinquishedcontrol, nikopol. you can have a bitof autonomy now. i want you to know everythingis going perfectly well. your body is comfortableand tolerates me beautifully. and, above all,you're most elegant. are you fucking kidding me? elegant, famous,and subversive. just what i like.
it seemsyou're the instigator of all this fighting thaã¹sbeen going on without you. not bad, for a human. would it be too much to askfor a bit more autonomy? i'd like to choose my clotheswith the free will i have. your happinessis my priority... mr. free spirit. how is dr. elma turner? never been better.
welcome tothe western hysteria hotel. 39th floor, room 12. any friend of dr. turner'sis welcome. por ti ketro. thaã¹s for me? thanks. whaã¹s your name? willy-katarakado-willy... willy? ok.
i'll call you willy. and you can call me jill. temperature 44.2. number of teeth: 37.all incisors. no mammal dental plates.profile unknown. thank you, jill. nowyou can make the food test. with the list gettinglonger, 8 victims, all male, in less than 72 hours,a macabre new record. this just in, senatorallgood has announced
he will be on the zeppelinwhen the delegation and leading egyptologistsmake another attempt to contact the inhabitantsof the pyramid. the hydrometer rateis down in brooklyn again. on intrusion, however,no change. snow, ice... temperature23 below freezing. 12 attempted break-inshave been recorded. there are no survivors. do not approachthe central park area.
stop! down! everybody down! watch out!move! move! are we cheatingor not, bastet? we're cheating,anubis, we're cheating. you don't understand.nikopol is alive. maybe not.it was reported he was shot bya security guard
and fell 100 meters. but they couldn'tfind the body... you're telling methe man can fly? huxley is froebe'sright-hand man... thanks, jonas. youcan leave us now. right. get the hellout of here. beat it! he knows everything! i knowhe knows everything. his phenomenal memory isstuffed with enough evidence
concerning your late father'sfinancial dealings and his illegal experimentson alien populations to cause eugenicssome very serious problems. i'm aware of that. until now, we've had the spiritof nikopol to deal with. but now we have him,flesh and blood. no one's ever come backfrom globus. well, he has. why wasn't he executed30 years ago anyway?
are you crazy? make him a hero? a martyrto the lousy revolution? what do you want?riots? assassinations? this is the last prototypeof the "hunter" version. fast, ferocious,and totally illegal. he'll be quickerthan froebe and his men. are you sure? no. but iã¹sthe only solution... apart from your protege.
no, not him. leã¹s trythis way first. come in. you're early. we have no time to lose. is he ready? have youreactivated him yet? no. i'll need about an hour. i wanted to make sureyou really wanted him. we do.
ok. whaã¹s this? what happened? nothing of anyimportance, really. nothing. do you like women? women? women. my most beautiful
and most importantcreation on this planet. your story doesn'tmake much sense. you're looking for a blue-hairedgirl with white skin. how do you knowshe comes here? in the same waythat i knew i'd find her on planet earthin new york city. intuition, nikopol.the intuition of the gods. so, whaã¹s so specialabout her that warrantssuch a display of talent?
is she miss universe...or what? you don't thinki've come all this way for a mere human being,do you? now i'll knowmore about you. why are you doingall this for me? iã¹s a politicaland social fight. my spirit of nikopolcoming out. besides, your caseinterests me. i think you like me.
isn't that whatyou were thinking? you could say that.how did you guess? do you read minds, too? you could say that. i do like you,and i feel close to you. whoever you are...mutant or whatever, although you are beginningto scare me. leã¹s try an experimentto test your talent. i'll think of a question,and you'll answer,
ready? ready. i've asked the question. you want to know if i've started testing the foodsyou prescribed for me, if i took a blood test,and if i took notes. answer: yes. i did everythingi was supposed to do, and i found everythingabsolutely delicious.
i'm a professionalguinea pig. you tasted everything? for dinner, yes.i ate it all. everything at once?in the prescribed quantities? i weighed everything. i just changed a coupleof the recipes. i didn't haveanything to cook with, so i ate the monkfish raw. and the lamb, too.
they're not bad together. how many mealsdo you have a day? two a week. she's not bad. not surprising,you idiot. she's the one. john? come, jill, come. you'll be my last andmost beautiful intrusion.
listen carefully. for thousands of earth years, i've been introducing people into the four cornersof the galaxy... people misplaced bythe vagaries of the universe. you're a misplaced person, jill. and i'll never knowyour origins. you appeared deepin the heart of intrusion. thaã¹s wherei took charge of you.
the blue pills stop your pastfrom emerging and let the present invade you. your metamorphosis ison the verge of completion. from now on, your placeis on this planet. what about you?aren't you staying? i'm a passerat the end of his cycle. i'm already dreamingof a void. i'm afraid. afraid of what?
of becoming human. tell me about your jobwith dr. elma turner. can i buy you a drink? don't you thinki have enough already? i don't see any cognacor sake, tequila... slivovitsa... i'm working.do you mind? a vodka. make ita tarkovskaia, please. i like your hair.iã¹s very nice.
it goes very well with... white skin. is it a new thing in make-up? kabuki style, maybe? you must be an actress. you're expectingsomething from me. the answer is no. you're going to need someoneto take you home. what makes you think that?
you have no other choice. one for the road. i like... this one. how about you,young lady? we are goingto get along fine. iã¹s very importantto have the same tastes. no. we've got more important thingsto do than fight each other. address?
western hysteria hotel. you are inspectorjohn emerson huxley, and you have a black boxin your brain. give it to me, please, or i'll have togo in and take it. it goes very wellwith... white skin. d iã¹s june in january d d because i'm in love d d i'm really in love d
d but only becausei'm in love with you d d so in love, so in love d d so in love,so in love d d and i can feelthe scent of roses d d in the air d d iã¹s june in january dd i don't have a room. which levelare you from? i'm above levels.
this is level two,and the hotel's full. the hotel, maybe. but your bed is not. ladies first. control, miss.your papers. my papers? your card, if you prefer? thank you. miss. do you have any weapons?explosives?
any history ofviolent conduct? i hate violence. are youcomfortable here? yes, fine. yes, i hate violence, but i do like to caressmyself with bird feathers. preferably,black ones. iã¹s a bit small,isn't it? don't you havea bathroom?
no. no bathroom. i've decidednever to wash again. ever. who are you?this is my bathroom! what are you doingin my bathroom? who are you? we had a drinktogether last night. you had several. iã¹s notsurprising you can't remember. alcohol has no effect on me.
whaã¹s happening here?what about the door? that door wasn't therea moment ago. did you do that? i'm no carpenter. be careful. those thingscan go off by themselves. shut up, human! what happened last night? what did you do to my body? so?
what did i do to your body? we had sexual intercourse,you and i. well, maybe not justthe two of us alone. what do you mean by"sexual intercourse"? at times last night,you gave the impression you knew perfectly well. i wi... i could tell you the truth. what truth?
bloody fucking god!what did you make me do?! fuck you. what are wewaiting for? the answers to the questionsi asked him. he can hardly talk anymore, but we may be able topiece together recent eventsfrom his subconscious. can he be... repaired? he can be treated.
a dayak? a fake. a replicaof a dayak, humanized. we found some syntheticred epidermis... signed eugenics...under his fingernails. leave us now. rape. rape? you made mecommit rape.
she consented. we gods have physicalappetites, you know, which we haveaptly demonstrated for thousands of years. you really are a piece of shit! you think everythingis yours for the taking. my body...that girl's body. all thoseyou murdered. we'll do it your waynext time, if you wish.
next time?do what my way? next timewe make love to her. we must make love againwith that young lady. no way! don't you like her? i'm not sharing my bodyanymore. is that clear? not for fuckingor anything else. thaã¹s the endof the line. you go your way.i'll go mine.
nikopol, nikopol... you're talking as ifyou had the choice. you can walk perfectlynormally, if i want you to. but if i don't... don't forget this either. fuck you! right. but leã¹s fuck heragain first. can you describe him? rather average.
from what i can remember.human looking. what about his... penis?human looking, too? have you had relationsof this nature before? relations? mm-hmm. human... social? sexual. intercourse... i think you've experienced it,but you don't remember.
the drugs, the pills.whoever's treating you, it shows.even your organs are positioningthemselves correctly. thank you for trusting me. i trust john. only john. are you testing me?is that it? thaã¹s him.i recognize him. and thaã¹s the girl.
this is all we'vekept of her. her lachrymosesecretions. that should be enough. this kind of dayak hasolfactory capabilities 500 timessuperior to ours. my favoritemoving molecular lab. he's a real hunter. you taste good. i'm proud of myselffor having found you.
tell me where i can findthe one who's with you. who are you talking about? you'd better knowwho i'm talking about. shhh... jill has been throughsome difficult moments. i've had to erasethem from her memory. we must protect herand love her. we must impregnate her. so thaã¹s it?
can i count on you,nikopol? i knew i could. "ceaselessly by my sidemoves the demon. he swims around melike impalpable air. i swallow and feel itburn my lungs and fill them witheternal desire and guilt." already here? you really don't haveanywhere else to go. i reallydon't have the choice.
i only have you. are you feeling all right? shouldn't i be? been in a fight? there's a blankin my memory. maybe you're the onewho hit me. why did you spend30 years in hibernation? afraid of growing older? how do you know that?
i can mind-read a bit,but i don't understand yours. i know youraped me last night. but i can't findthe memory in your mind. to be honest, iã¹s notclear for me either. we should do it againand try to understand. you owe me that. i was sentencedto hibernation for trying to protectpeople like you. no one is like me.
i'll go along with that. what do you readin my mind now? ok, i'll buy you a drink. i'd love a bottle ofbordeaux. iã¹s been ages. never heard of it. ...space and time... ...who are you? ...i think you like me... ...what are youdoing to me?
...i'm confused... ...can't remember anything... ...i'm a guinea pig......a human woman... ...you can call me jill... ...you're expectingsomething from me... ...the answer is no... iã¹s cold! iã¹s my leg.i should have warned you. iã¹s a bit icy.not much blood circulation.
it would be a shame to leta few degrees of temp... ...temperatureinterrupt us. sorry, jill. sorry. calm down, jill.calm down. something in the air'schanged since last time. don't you find? central park,intrusion zone. risk of death. central park, intrusion zone.risk of death. john, i'm scared.
john, please... i'm here, jill. iã¹s too dangerousto cross over now. iã¹s not ready yet.neither are you. tomorrow, i hope. intrusion is a gatewaywhich will close behind me and disappear with me. it will reappearsomewhere else. other passers will come,
but you'll be the lastcreature to use it. yes? i've met someone. good. your life asan earth dweller has begun. meeting humans,feeling desire, being in love. one of the mostbeautiful feelings you'll experience here. but i love you.you first.
iove is a verydifferent thing here. what should i do? cry. whenever you feelthe need, just cry. where is she? where the fuck is she? i told you...she went for a walk. you're right towant to hurt me. even if i don't feela thing, hit me!
harder! you piece of shit! your objectives are shit! your filthy rapistgod ambitions are shit! you're full of shit! coming from you, remarkslike that don't mean much. you're damagingthat girl. you're damaging jill. you're destroyingsomething beautiful.
you don't destroywhat you love. you shouldn't havelet her go. she'll be back. we have to make loveto her again. it isn't over yet. oh, right...the impregnation. i nearly forgotthe minor detail. what is thisobsession of yours? an obsession abouthow little time i have.
i really feel for you. i'm dr. elma turner. i'm looking forone of my patients. few people come herelooking to be cured. jill told me she wasa regular here. you must know her.white skin, blue hair. i don't know any humans.personally, that is. jill isn't really human. how much do you know?
you must be john. you must beelma turner. i've something importantto tell her. i'm pleased to meet you. i need to see her. that won't be necessary. everything is happeningon a different level now. what do you mean? at least tell me she's ok.
white skin?blue hair? interesting. let me introduce myself. inspector froebe. you powdered your facefor the occasion? iã¹s none of yourbusiness, lily. my friend...my dear, dear friend. kyle, iã¹s been a long time. too long... i know.
i still feelthe tension inside you. the hubris. like five years ago, when you sneaked outwithout my permission and took a biteout of inspector froebe. remember? do you needsomething from me, kyle? yes. have a taste of this.
find him...and finish the rest! still alive? i knowthis split personality is not an easy thingto deal with. but i'm the one responsibleuntil proven otherwise. are you alone? so he's gone? the rapist who livesinside your body and forces me to havesexual intercourse?
i think so,but i'm not sure. above all...i don't know. that wasn't a verysmart thing to do. the blue of my tearsstains human skin for good. i feel blue...for you. i should have shot youthe first time we met. there's still time. thank you, nikopol. thank you.
shhh, she's asleep. young women like herare rare. extremely rare. there are only a fewin the universe. no one knows whythey appear. they don't even understandtheir own power. what power? the greatestpower of all... the power to procreatewith gods.
i got it. i'm justthe empty shell. the vehicle deliveringthe divine seeds. thaã¹s not going to altermy opinion of you, horus. i don't want to go.jonas can represent me. don'tlet me down, kyle. don't prove to mewhat i already know you are. this is your fault. you're the one whodragged me into this. have you just figured that out?
sure, kyle. you're the pawn,and i'm the player. but i've got news for you,you little bitch! you're a pawn, too.eugenics' pawn! and who is eugenics? huh? you're right on that one,but i'm a superior pawn. your superior pawn.you understand? now get upoff your fat ass, move into yourxxxl clothes, say a prayer that your dayakfinds your nikopol
and go and negotiatewith ancient egypt! move it! could you forget meif you had to? what sort ofquestion is that? seriously. if you had no choice,could you forget me? well... i mightforget you... against my will...without wanting to. what are youtrying to say?
things will happen to methat are out of my control. i've already been through that. but i can control the futurefor two... or more. you're pretty sure ofyourself, aren't you? how can you tell? when you say "two,"who do you mean? are you thinkingabout you and me, or you and him? the one inside your body?the rapist?
i'm thinking about us. wouldn't he be jealous? right now, for instance,i know he's here. i can sense him. the rapist says he willnever do that again. when i kiss you,am i kissing him, too? when he raped me,did you enjoy it? jill! john!
what are youwaiting for, inspector? an old friend of mine. suspecã¹s vehiclecrossed 49th and madison. all patrols on alert. repeat, all patrolson alert. we're wastingprecious time, inspector. jill's in danger. careful. the engine's highly tuned.
just like you. report! i'm on their tail. who's shooting? hold your fire. who's mortal in here? who can diea violent death? well, i feelsomewhat mortal. i don't think so...
mister? mister... horus. where's the pyramid?where's the senator? iã¹s here. come on. iã¹s here, jill. iã¹s time. we're in the heartof intrusion. the dead center. your time has come.
this red pill is the finalstage of your treatment. it will make youhuman for good. a human woman. will i forgeteverything? everyone? you'll write yourselfa new story. swallow it. the void, jill.the void. forget me. forget...
john! horus! wherethe fuck are you? i need you.i need you now. you must be anubis.i admire you so... you fucking bastard! you'll never speakthat jackal's name again! be patient, brothers,i'm coming. nikopol! you have been much morethan a body to me.
i wish i could do moreto thank you... but you're running outof time, i know. i sincerely hope your lifeas a human is a happy one. you will no longer feelthe burden of your leg. you'll see,there will always be a little bit of meleft inside you. i don't knowhow i should take that. i will never befar from you, jill. ever again.
do i know you? i'm back. were youbored without me? the sentence is binding. i'm ready to face it. without delay. now, then... nikopol, serial number n-7. you are under arrestfor attempted escape. you have one year lefton your sentence.
sorry, but he wasin there, wasn't he? who? the killer. you mustknow a lot about him. yeah, he's a friend. how does he kill? i'd give a lot to knowthe answer to that. new york officialsannounced the opening of central park's intrusionto public access... today's temperatureis unusually low...
take a break!new orbital holidays! forget archaic politics... say'yes' to liang's new projects! for you who can still read, there's "spirit of nikopol,"by the man from the past, nikopol himself... thanks for your book. i couldn't put it down. what about... her? her?
her. do you like paris? oh! i'm sorry.he's so cheeky. did he hurt you? no, not at all. he's just fine.couldn't be better. i'm terribly sorry.my name is jill. i'm... nikopol. do you like this planet?
it has its charm. "mais tout cela ne vaut pasle poison qui decoule de tes veux,de tes yeux verts. lacs ou mon ame trembleet se voit a i'envers. mes songes vienned en foulepour se desalterer a ces gouffres amers." but all thatis not worth the prodigy ofyour saliva, jill, that bites my souland dizzies it
and swirls it downremorselessly, rolling it, fainting,to the underworld. "mais toutcela ne vaut pas le poison qui decoule detes veux, de tes yeux verts.