[grunting] [groaning] you seem as eager to meet meon the battlefield as you once didin the bedroom, hippolyta. i only hope you prove moreskilled in this arena, ares. ares:you need not worry for me. this carnage feeds my soul. every arrow shotand life wasted strengthens me so that not even a woman scornedwill save mankind from my wrath.
for you may bethe queen of the amazons, but i am the god of war. you are most greedyon the battlefield, artemis. my sword is thirsty,persephone. i intendshe gets her fill. [yelling] [roaring] as a rock on the seashorehe standeth firm. the dashing of the wavesdisturbeth him not.
in danger, the courageof his heart sustaineth him. and the steadiness of his mindbeareth him out. i assure you, alexa, a sharp blade and a strong armwill do more good than a quote fromsome dead philosopher. i do not belongon this killing field, sister. i am no warrior. that you are not. but if you cannot fightlike an amazon,
you will at leastdie like one. [whimpers] you truly are hopeless,aren't you, little one? [screaming] persephone. she now wearsher courage. where is yours,alexa? ares:listen to the song of deaththrax plays. is he not a virtuoso?
i will foreverbe grateful to you for this childyou gave me. i gave you nothing. you forced him uponme like a curse. [whistles] stay away from him, hippolyta.stay away. he is your fleshand blood too. [grunts] allow me to reunite youwith your son in tartarus.
zeus:yield, hippolyta. stay out of this,zeus. zeus:you will spare my son's life. how dare you asksuch a thing? look on thisbattlefield stained red with the bloodof my sisters whom he enslavedfor decades. women who have longbeen loyal servants to you. i am only carrying outthe death sentence he signed
the day he betrayed me. zeus:do not challenge me, child. hera:my dear hippolyta. do not let my husbandanger you. he can be a stubborn foolsometimes. even so, we must respecthis wishes. ares will beallowed to live yet shall not gounpunished. you will keep himas your prisoner.
these bands will prevent himfrom drawing upon the psychicenergies of war that give him his power, rendering him, in effect,mortal. they can only be removedby another god. but my people, hera,they have lost so much. our men, our homes and nowour chance for retribution. hera: yes, but asi gave you the strength to deliver yourselvesfrom slavery,
i shall now give youa new beginning. a new homeon an island paradise where your people will be shielded from the chaotic world of man. there, you will be protected from the ravages of time and allowed to create a utopia that you might reclaim your purity of spirit. and then the time will come when your ancient prayer for a child,
one not created through unholy union, will finally be answered. [crying] you know, artemis,i found myself saying a little prayerfor you last night. did you, diana? how kind. yes, i prayed that apollowould inspire you with a strategy that might endyour rather long string
of defeats at my hand. praise apollo. obviously i'm notpraying hard enough. if you were notthe queen's daughter. well done, diana. but be kind to artemis. believe it or not,there was a time when she was the fiercestwarrior among us. and still would be giventhe chance in a real battle.
then forgive me, artemis,if i am grateful that you will never beafforded that chance. if that is indeed true,mother, then what is the pointof all this training? that is, other than to humbleartemis from time to time. we train because we must alwaysremain vigilant, diana. i once let my guard downand paid a terrible price. alexa:but, my queen, letting down our guardis precisely what we must do.
and now, before yetanother century passes, is the timeto reengage ourselves with the old world. even if only to add somenew material to our library. perhaps alexa's right. is it not possible man's worldhas changed for the better? follow me, child. it is only withinthis prison, diana, that you can glimpsethe true darkness
that lurks in the heartsof all men. ares, the god of war. do not fear. ares:she is right to be scared,hippolyta. you are a fool if you thinkyou can hold me forever. i am more than a god. i am a force of nature. you are but breathand shadow. this, diana, is whywe can never reunite
with the outside world. it is better if you can acceptthe nature of man as it is. wicked, disloyaland above all, untrustworthy. so we ever decide what thismission's pucker factor was? slick [over radio]: we're in the airspace of an unfriendly who'd love the press that would come with shooting yankees. i'd say we're dealing witha pucker factor of eight. maybe eight and a half.
pucker factor? pf measures the severity of sphincter constriction in times of peril. charming. now, any further schoolingyou might need, i'm happy to take youunder my wing. don't fall for it,rook. zipper is the kindof guy mothers warn their daughters about.
[console beeping] bandit, 6 o'clock. you sure picked a hell of afirst mission, rook. fangs up. [rapid gunfire] artemis: there appearsto be some activity in the skies above us. it's strange, artemis. this silver mirrorforged by hephaestus has kept us hidden awayfrom the outside world
for centuries now. and yet it's onlywhen i gaze through its frame that i feel any connectionto our past lives as if once again that worldis close enough to touch. for gaea's sake, my queen,have you lost your mind? steve: hey rook, it would be appreciated if you could help me pick this tail. rook, you copy? do you copy?
damn it. slick: pf just hit 10. [neighing] perhaps you'd bebetter served by a less restless mare,princess. she'll be fineonce i run it out of her. she's just been cooped upin the stable too long. i know justhow you feel. we comb you. we feed youtill you're full.
give you everythingyou could possibly need, and yet all you wantis to run free, isn't it? off to explore? i doubt there's an inch of thisisland left for me to explore. care to join me? thank you but you knowi prefer the excitement of a good book. steve: two bandits on your tail, slick. i'll intercept him. slick: negative on the intercept, trooper.
you got your own plane pal to deal with. [beeping] steve: slick! you're dead gone. radio command, this is zipper,do you read? i'm experiencing catastrophicengine failure, punching out. not good. what the--? where didthe landing strip come from? [engine roaring]
whew. [women chattering] [women laughing] oh, man. this is too goodto be true. and it is. is it true, artemis?a man on the island? go home, princess.that is an order. i'll take itunder advisement.
an angel. surrender. you cannot escape. oh, i don't knowabout that, angel. i've made a hobby out offleeing chasing women. wow. i think i like you. wow, haven't hadthis dream since i was 13. aah. you will speak onlywhen spoken to.
hippolyta:that's enough, artemis. welcome to themyscira. we are the amazons. we live simple lives,and we wish to keep it that way. there are a few questionswe'd like to ask you. sorry, ma'am,soldiers don't talk. hey, i'm into the kinky stufftoo, but if you think that's gonna make memore cooperative-- identify yourself.
united states air force.colonel steven rockwell trevor. this lasso was designedto bypass the untrustworthynature of man. you cannot resistits powers. what interest doesyour government have in our island? my government is unawareof the existence of your island. i'm only here becausemy plane was damaged. i don't have to putup with this crap!
we are unfamiliarwith this particular idiom. what does crap mean? no, forgeti even said it. it's another wordfor excrement. you happy now, lady? what did he say? woman 1: my goodness.woman 2: can't believe this. woman 3:what did he say? see, my child?is it not as i've always said?
here the true nature of manis laid bare. what other depraved thoughtsmust you be thinking? god, your daughter'sgot a nice rack. shall i kill him now,my queen? this pilot posesno threat to our people. therefore, it is our dutyto see him safely returned to the outside world. i wanna be the oneto take him back, mother. seconded.
you do not havethe experience necessary to leadsuch an expedition. as in ancient times, a contest will determine ouremissary to the outside world. artemis,make the arrangements. diana:this is not fair, mother.i will always lack necessary experience unlessgiven the opportunity. diana, you may resentmy decisions but there are evilsin this world
that i, as a mother,am compelled to protect you against. i am a woman now. i no longer needyour protection. if the princess will not beparticipating in the contest perhaps she can join meon guard duty. it appears you aregoing to be busy. what? alexa, are you coveringpersephone's guard duty?
i am covering yours. now, go, the contestwill begin shortly. i appreciatethe gesture but you knowthat's the last place my mother will allow meto show my face. then perhaps you shouldhide it under a combat helmet. you are my heart,sister. persephone:where is the princess? why does shenot understand
her mother knowswhat is best for her? the heart wantswhat the heart wants, even thatwhich is worst for it. [cheering] this contest will determinethe most capable among you to be our emissaryto the outside world. fight with honor. [playing fanfare] [shouting indistinctly]
so the queen's kid,you know, the hot chick? princess diana. yeah, her.so, what's her deal? her deal is that i willpersonally castrate you, if you come withinfive yards of her. perhaps the arrivalof this man will bring fortha new era for the amazons. and perhaps it will only bringa return to darker times. that is fear talking,sister.
there's a quote in which i findthe courage to face the unknown. "as a rock on the seashore,he standeth firm. and the dashing of the wavesdisturbeth him not. in the instant--" persephone:yes, i know the quote well. it has aided me muchin recent days. shall i finish it? "in the instant of danger,the courage of his heart sustaineth him andthe steadiness of his mind
beareth him out." forgive me. it's as you said. even that which isworst for it. a centuries-long courtship,finally culminated in a kiss. i find my joy is only temperedby the fact that diana lives. still, our destructionhas worked. come. artemis:we have a tiewhich must be broken. she who is left standingafter this final event
will be the victor. left standing? [crowd cheering] you fought with honorand intelligence. the godsgo with you with the giftsi'm about to bestow. as is the custom, our emissary will don the colorsof the foreign nation as a sign of respectand peace.
amazon bracelets, formed from shards of zeus'shield by hephaestus himself. finally,the lasso of truth, bequeathed to usby the goddess hestia, sent here by erosfrom mount olympus. now reveal yourself,warrior, so that we mayfully honor you. i have no doubtyou will serve us well, my daughter.
alexa's dead. ares has escaped. my sister has failed in herduties to the amazons. it is persephonewho has failed us. it seems, daughter, your journeywill have a second purpose. [wolf-whistles] i am ready, mother. then go now. follow the path of misery,of death and destruction
and you will find ares. may gaea be with you,diana. all of themyscira, all of the worlddepends on you. we should not havelet her go. i don't see howwe could've stopped her. i could have shot herin the leg. not near an artery,of course. you are the soul ofthoughtfulness, artemis.
steve:welcome to new york, angel. i think you're gonnalike it. man:hey, wait a minute. what is going--? look atthat lady. what is it--? [children laughing] boy 1: you can't catch me. diana: children. steve, i've never seenchildren before. i'm-- what's wrong,little one?
they won't let meplay pirates with them. and why not? because i'm the girl,and they need someone to save. it's okay. i don't even knowhow to sword fight. boy 2:take that. neither do they. in battle, they'd beslaughtered instantly. would you like me to teach youhow to sword fight?
they're usingthe horizontal cut, but in closelike they are, the thrust is a better moveas it's more likely to cause real injury and less likely to beblocked by your opponent. do you understand? uh-huh. now go. unleash hell. [girl yelling]
that was sweet. teaching her to disembowelher playmates like that. now we part ways,steve trevor. i have work to do. hold on,maybe i can help. my job allows meaccess to sophisticatedsurveillance technology. it might helpyour search. i will see what yourtechnology has to offer.
woman: what is she wearing? man: wow. first, let's get youinto something that won't get mearrested for solicitation. stevie. everyone saidyou were dead. i even tooka long lunch to buy this cute littlenumber for your funeral. now, when am i gonnaget to wear it?
i hear general cookmeyer'shealth is failing. etta candy,this is diana. she's part of the teamthat, uh, rescued me. pleasure. i'm so glad you're here,stevie. would you mind moving thisheavy table for little old me? it's holdingmy favorite pen hostage. i'm sorry, etta candy,but what's wrong with you? excuse me?
you appear to be strongand in good health, yet you can't movethat table by yourself. i was wondering if there wassomething wrong with you. well, no one'scomplained yet. is this whatyou were looking for? we have some work to doon the computers. i'll see you later,etta. hmph. diana:remarkable.
the advancedbrainwashing that has been perpetuated uponthe females of your culture. raised from birth to believethey're not strong enough to competewith the boys. and then as adults,taught to trade on theirvery femininity. how about we stay focused onthat other social evil for now? god of war, remember? tell me, what exactly are weup against with this guy?
imagine a god whose sole missionis to propagate terror to incite eternal warand fan the flames of hate. a god who won't stopuntil the earth's populous amazonand outsider alike, lies murderedin a battlefield grave. you smell good. must you flirt? it's only natural. suppress it.
now, thisis interesting. right around the timeof his escape, the numberof violent incidents increased dramaticallyin the area. a car bomb in turkey,a workplace shooting in greece, a farmer killshis family in crete. proximity to ares literallyinspires acts of rage in those grippedby fear and anger. this might bethe break we need.
eventually a pattern will formthat will allow us to pinpointhis exact location. so for now,we wait. you know, since thiscould be the last time you get to seethe outside world, maybe you shouldtake in sights before you returnto chastity belt island. themyscira. what did you have in mind?
[rock music playingover speakers] steve:i hope this is okay. so tell me, what do you think about manin the outside world so far? i mean,i'm not so bad, am i? so now it's my turnto be interrogated? well, i'll never tell. you will, becausewhile the amazons have the truth lasso,
i've got tequila. a toast to different culturesfinding common ground. a most noble endeavor. that's me, angel.noble. your mother and ares?really? the whole god of war thingdidn't raise any red flags? i guess it's not surprising. women always gofor the bad boy.
if the god of dependabilitywas trying to get her she'd be like,"you're really sweet, but i just thinkof you as a friend." god of war hits on her,it's all, "whoo. you're cute." you think that's bad? zeus seduced oneof my mom's friends by turning into a swan. a swan.true story.
diana:as long as i can remember, i've had dreamsof being the one who reunited themyscirawith the outside world. of being that bridge. it just feels like so muchdepends on me right now. uh-huh. right,i get that. totally. how are you feeling? fine. yeah?
which is why the conceptof hubris is such a stapleof the greek tragedies. ever read oedipus rex? pretty messed up, huh? god, you're pretty. ow. men. hey, hey,what did i do? it's all true,isn't it, steve?
everything my mother warned meabout man's world is true. she even told meyou'd try to seduce me and i, like a fool,told her, "for now, let us only expectthe best from the pilot." you triedto get me drunk. as if you could outdrinkan amazon, you lightweight. oh, crap. yes, i knew exactlywhat you were trying to do. and don't usethat language around me.
man:evening, folks. sorry to bother you, but we'recollecting stupidity fines. well, bring your dateinto a neighborhood this dangerousthis late? prettyfricking stupid. is this man robbing us,steve? here, there's a gift certificateto the blue crab in there too. enjoy. give him nothing.
the wallet. no, we're goingto hold on to that. but there is something i wantfrom you. an apology. for contributing tomy present disillusionment with men in general. can you believethis crazy chick? i'm not gonna ask again.the wallet. diana,he's got a gun. someonecould get hurt.
maybe i want someoneto get hurt. [bone cracks] well? uh, uh.... i'm sorry. apology accepted. that was kind of hot. [footsteps] i got it this time.
buddy, go home-- an agent of ares,i presume. i don't think he'sfrom the lower east side. i am deimos. i was sent to kill the amazonwho returned the pilot. ares will be most pleasedwhen i bring back your remains. save your energy. you're notgoing to break the lasso. so wanna tell mewhere ares is? no, no, i will notbetray my master.
trust me, buddy,you don't have a choice. might as wellanswer the question. i answer only to ares. aah! no. what's this? the symbol of tartarus. the greek underworld. man 1: oh, man. she was justlike a gift from the god.
[men laughing] all the right reasons. diana:the cult of ares. they existedin ancient times and it seems they've beenwaiting patiently for his return. man 2: all right, see you later. man 3: so long. so, what happensafter this?
after you take downares? i return to themyscira for good, i suppose. [bones cracking and grunting] what aboutall that stuff about bringingour two worlds together? dreams of a naive girl. [snarling] [barking]
soon, my love, these bandswill be but a memory and you will be free againto summon the dark army that will allow us to ruleover this world together. you must thankyour uncle for agreeing to make this all possible. my uncle has agreedto nothing. in fact, i'd bequite surprised if that miserable foolhelps us at all. but there is no one elseto turn to.
what if he does notremove the bands? i can be very persuasivewhen i need to be. i convinced you to turnyour back on your people, didn't i? holy crap. get over it.what's he waiting for? the gatesare sealed. diana:he planned his escape tocoincide with the blood moon the one night of the yearthe gates can be opened.
but to do that, a sacrificemust be made to hades. now, persephone, i must callupon your aid once again. how is iti can serve you? your dagger, please. of course, my king. hey, wait. it is time. no, no, please, no. [speaking in latin]
it's over, ares. i'm taking you backto themyscira. on the bright side, you'll havethe company of a new cellmate. surelyyou don't think a god can be so easilydefeated, do you? it's already done. [rumbling] [screams] whatever happens, stop aresfrom opening the gates.
[gun clicks] no problem, angel.leave it to me. [shrieks] [diana screams] diana! [roars] [man screams] god help us all. [dog barking]
easy, cerberus.you remember me, don't you? i'm here to seeyour master. fine.she can stay here. hades:you're early, nephew. not that i don't cherish yourcompany, my dear uncle, but i'm afraidi'm only visiting today. you are here for a favor. i am. perhaps thenyou can enlighten me
as to why you thinki would remove your bands. is it because i've longedfor a return of your power-crazed ways? or maybe, i wishto see you act again without regard for yourdivine brothers and sisters. or is it simply because i amso easily manipulated and like a dog,will obey any command? it issimplicity itself. once these bandsare removed,
i will wage a waragainst humanity the likes of whichthis world has never seen. its populacewill choke on death. and you will be flooded withmore servants to glorify you than you will possibly knowwhat to do with. very well.i will accommodate your request. but i must confess. upon your escapefrom themyscira, your father came to me.he asked--
nay, begged me not to help you. did he? among his fears was thatyour revitalized presence might threaten the delicatepower balance on olympus. i'm not surprised thathe who sanctioned his own son'sunjust bondage would put politicsabove family. excuse me one moment.slave! that a fatherwould treat his own son
in such a way,fills me with sadness. thrax, my son. is everything all right,dear nephew? the blood seems to haverushed from your face. yes. of course. where are my manners? don't just stand there,you pathetic twit. attend to our guest. no further hospitalityon your part is required.
you've been a mostmagnanimous host. and you've waited too longfor this moment. let's not extend itanother second. i shall never be able to repayyour gesture, dear uncle. and you will neverneed to. like you,i cherish family. so to assist youin this way, well, it brings meunconscionable amounts of joy. [moaning]
easy. you're luckyto be alive, so just conserveyour energy and rest. did you--?did you stop ares? no, i didn't. i couldn't. why not? i had to save you.ow. i didn't need you to save me.i needed you to stop ares.
hey, if it weren't for me,you wouldn't be here right now. i'm an amazon,steve. we're prepared from birthto give our lives in battle. i knew what the consequenceswere going in to this mission. you would have acteddifferently if i were a man. oh, playing the sex card again,are you? you know what?i've had just about enough of listening to you go onabout how terrible men are. does the truth hurt,steve?
news flash: the amazonsain't so perfect either. you act brave, but cutting yourselves offfrom the world was cowardly. not to mention stupid. like less communicationbetween men and women is whatthe world needed. how dare you? no! i'm not done. you met your first man, what,like 15 minutes ago.
and you think you have usall figured out. well, i'm sorry, butnot everything a man does is to furthersome misogynistic agenda. we don't hold doors openor pull out chairs for women because we're tryingto keep you down. i didn't save youbecause i thought you were some damselin distress. i saved you because-- because i care about you,diana.
and i'm not gonna abandona friend in need, man or woman. you should have savedthe world instead of me. maybe i figured the world'snot worth saving if you're not in it. ow! you crazy amazoniandragon lady. diana:there's work to be done. by the way, you're startingto sound like a woman. ares:you've waited patiently,my friends, but the time has come once againto spread my gospel of death.
now, let the natural stateof mistrust and betrayal run through the soulof every man until i may walkacross the earth on the backsof 5 billion corpses. sorry i reacted the way i didat the hospital. i'm sorry too.since we've met, i don't think i've donethe best job of representingthe masculine ideal. the truth is,i'm really not such a pig.
no, that's not the truth. i am a pig. a womanizer.been one for a long time now. sometimes i think it's allbecause i don't wanna be hurt. well, not again. this macho bravado,it's all a facade. wait, why am itelling you this? god, i hope you amazonscan't mass produce this thing. [laughing]
they're messingwith lincoln. nobody messeswith lincoln. mr. president, we stilldon't know what those things on our front lawn are. every governmentwe have relations with has called to assure usthey aren't behind this. president:well, someone hasto pay for this. shall we? mother tells meyou're a terrific dancer. darn. apparently someonewants to cut in.
you're not goingto conquer man, ares. the amazonswill never let you. now, who saidi was trying to conquer man? war is only the vehiclethat allows my soul to feed on the psychic energyof fear, discord and hate. and already this modern worldhas given me the kind of poweri've never known. power that will allow meto conquer not man but the very godsof olympus.
now, hold still. i wish to repay the kindnessyour mother once showed my son. artemis:i must confess, my queen. it feels like thefirst day of school. and yet you could not finda bigger sword, artemis? sword?this is but my dagger. hippolyta. tear them apart. looks like we'll havethat dance after all.
woman:sir, we have intelligence that an island has appearedout of nowhere in the aegean sea. if we're dealingwith mystical forces, this could bewhere they're from. our military advisersare suggesting we strike, and strike hard before they havea chance to unleash who knowswhat else on us.
do it. how do you expectto defeat zeus, if you can't evenbeat a girl? you're optimistic,if you think i've reached the height of my powers. you see,since i've been gone, man has created a weapon of suchawesome destructive force that their use of onlyone of these weapons feeds me with the psychicenergy of a thousand wars.
[thud then grunting] how will you stop me nowthat my powers rival that of any god? i am as strongas hercules. as fast as hermes. and now, like hades, i wielddominion over the dead which allows me to unleashmy own worst curse upon your people. amazon dead, i command youto come to your lord.
slaughter your sisters. alexa, you bring yet moredisgrace to our family. this time i will ensurethat you stay dead. now you fight without fear. what demon languageare you babbling? [continues speaking in latin] you're trying to tell mesomething, aren't you? an ancient incantationto release one from another'sunnatural control.
only i could notadminister it to myself. and from where did you learnthat little bit of magic? a book of mysticism writtenby some dead philosopher. you always did livein books, didn't you? yes. but in deathi am an amazon. may we meet againin a better place, sister. your army continuesto dwindle. as does yours.
but the difference isi no longer need an army. [thunder crashing] okay, one chanceto shoot this guy down. come on. what's wrong?why isn't anything happening? no. no. no! of course, invisible missiles.hardy flipping har. have you not brought enoughdeath and misery upon us? i'm sorry, my queen.i never meant to fall in love. love?the amazons are warriors.
you turned your backon your sisters. no, it is you who did that whenyou turned your back on mankind. [groans] you were given a lifeof peace and beauty. persephone:and denied oneof families and children. yes, hippolyta,the amazons are warriors but we are women too. did your mother not warn youthis is how it would turn out? that you would sufferat the wicked,
cruel, hands of man? you're no man. not the kindi've come to know. [chuckles] then you've learned nothing,have you? well, i havelearned one thing. it's not politeto hit a lady. [yells]
zeus! zeus! woman:mr. president. mr. president, the threathas been neutralized. how? it seems by a groupof armored supermodels. hades: a tragedy. a terrible, terrible tragedy. how it weighs on my heartto see you like this. when my brother asked menot to remove your bands he said i wasonly dooming you
that he could not save youfrom yourself yet again. perhapsi should have listened. are you reading,dear sister? i am trying, my queen,but it is fiercely boring. so much has changedin recent days. she missesthe outside world. she misses him. her task was completed. she had to return.
what is this? it is your mission. it is why hera delivered youto us in the first place. it is time again to openthe lines of communication between man and woman. something i should have donea long time ago. and you, my daughter,will serve as our ambassador. but there isone condition. yes?
you must visithome often. i lift cars.i can lift car-door handles. we talked about this,angel. i know. sorry. oh, thank you, stevie.you're such a gentleman. [siren wailing] [explosion] [gunshots] i guess i'll see youat your apartment.
call if you'regonna be late. i don't wantdinner getting cold. look,it's wonder woman.