(mellow pop songplaying on walkman) peter. your momma wantsto speak with you. come on, pete.take these fool things off. (turns off walkman) (bell dings) (man talking indistinctlyover pa) (clears throat) (heart monitorbeeping steadily)
(woman sobbing softly) (shallow breathing) why have you beenfighting with the otherboys again, baby? peter? they killed a little frogthat ain't done nothing. smushed it with a stick. you're so like your daddy. you even look like him. and he was an angel.
composed out of pure light. mer? you got a presentthere for peter,don't you? of course. (softly) there. i've got you covered, pete. you open it upwhen i'm gone, okay? your grandpa... (sniffles)
...is gonna takesuch good care of you. at least until your daddycomes back to get you. take my hand. pete, come on. (heart monitor flatlining) peter: mom? no! no! no! no! mom! no! come with me.
no! (screaming) no! you've got to stay here.please. no... okay? (sobbing) no. (loud whirring) mom!
(thunder rumbling) (beeping) (clicks) (upbeat pop music playing) (chittering) drop it! uh, hey. (speaking in native language)drop it, now! hey, cool, man. no problem.
no problem at all. how do you know about this? peter: i don't evenknow what that is. i'm just a junker, man.i was just checkingstuff out. you don't look like a junker.you're wearing ravager garb. this is just an outfit, man. ninja turtle,you better stop poking me. what is your name? my name is peter quill,okay? dude, chill out.
move! why? ronan may havequestions for you. peter: hey, you know what? there's another nameyou might know me by. star-lord. who? star-lord, man.legendary outlaw. guys?
ah, forget this. (korath groans) (groaning) (korath screaming) (groans) (shouting in native language) (laughing) (loud thud) (grunting)
(panting) woman: peter? what happened? hey, uh... uh... i... bereet. bereet! look,i'm gonna be totally honest with you.i forgot you're here.
(rock music playing) reporter on tv: scattered riots broke out across the kree empire today protesting the recent peace treaty signed by the kree emperor and xandar's nova prime. peter, you have call. no, wait, don't! quill? hey, yondu.
i'm here on morag. ain't no orb, ain't no you. well,i was in the neighborhood. i thought i'dsave you the hassle. well, where are you at now, boy? i feel really bad aboutthis, but i'm notgonna tell you that. i slaved putting this deal together. slaved? making a few calls is"slaved"? i mean, really?
and now you're gonna rip me off! we do not do that to each other. we're ravagers. we got a code. yeah, and that code is"steal from everybody." when i picked you up on terra... "picked me up." ...these boys of mine wanted to eat you. yeah? they ain't never tasted any terran before. i stopped them. you're alive because of me!
i will find you, i will... (grunts)put a bounty on him! forty k. but i want him back alive. yeah, cap. alive? that's what i said. i told you when youpicked that kid up, you should have delivered himlike we was hired to do!
he was cargo! you have alwaysbeen soft on him. you're the only onei'm being soft on! now, don't you worryabout mr. quill. as soon aswe get him back here, i'm gonna kill him myself. what we do needto worry about, is who else outthere wants that orb! ronan: they call me "terrorist,"
"radical," "zealot," because i obey the ancient laws of my people, the kree, and punish those who do not. because i do not forgive your people for taking the life of my father, and his father, and his father before him. a thousand years of war between us will not be forgotten! xandarian: you can't do this!our governmentsigned a peace treaty. ronan: my governmentknows no shame.
you xandariansand your cultureare a disease. you will never rule xandar. i will cure it! ronan, korath has returned. korath: master, he is a thief, an outlaw who callshimself star-lord. but we have discoveredhe has an agreement
to retrieve the orbfor an intermediary known as the broker. i promised thanosi would retrievethe orb for him. only then will hedestroy xandar for me. nebula, go to xandarand get me the orb. it will be my honor. it will be your doom. if this happens again,you'll be facing our father without his prize.
i'm a daughter of thanos. just like you. but i know xandar. ronan has alreadydecreed that i... do not speak for me. you will not fail. have i ever? rocket: xandarians. what a bunch of losers.
all of them in a big hurryto get from something stupid, to nothing at all. pathetic. look at this guy! can you believethey call us criminals, when he's assaulting uswith that haircut? what is this thing?look how itthinks it's so cool. it's not cool to get help!walk by yourself,you little gargoyle. look at mr. smiles over here. (inaudible)
where's your wife, old man?what a class-a prevert. (laughing) right, groot? groot? don't drinkfountain water, you idiot. that's disgusting! mmm. yes, you did.i just saw you doing it. why are you lying? (electronic beeping)
whoop. looks like we got one. okay, humie, how baddoes someone wanna find you? 40,000 units?groot, we're gonna be rich. (gurgling) (sighs) (door opens) mr. quill. broker.
the orb. as commissioned. where's yondu? wanted to be here.sends his love. and told me to tell you, that you got the best eyebrowsin the business. (scoffs) what is it? it's my policynever to discussmy clients, or their needs.
yeah, well, i almost diedgetting it for you. an occupational hazard,i'm sure,in your line of work. some machine-headed freak,working fora dude named ronan. ronan? i'm sorry, mr. quill. i truly am. but i want no partof this transaction if ronan is involved. whoa, whoa, whoa! who's ronan?
a kree fanatic, outragedby the peace treaty, who will not restuntil xandarian culture,my culture, is wiped from existence! whoa, whoa! come on. he's someone whose bad sidei'd rather not be on. what? what aboutmy bad side? farewell, mr. quill.
hey, we had a deal, bro! ah, this guy justbacked out of a dealon me. if there's one thing i hate,it's a man without integrity. peter quill.people call me star-lord. you have the bearingof a man of honor. well, you know,i wouldn't say that. people say itabout me, all the time, but it's not somethingi would ever sayabout myself. (grunts)
ooh! this wasn't the plan. ah! rocket: put him in the bag.put him in the bag! no! not her, him! learn genders, man. (screaming) ow! biting? that's not fair!
rocket: take it easy! (both groaning) fool. you shouldhave learned. i don't learn.one of my issues. (crowd gasping) peter: what the...(muffled yelling) quit smiling, you idiot.you're supposed tobe a professional. (gasps) you gotta be kidding me.
ooh. hey! i live forthe simple things. like how muchthis is gonna hurt. (yelling in pain) (electricity crackling) (rocket laughing) yeah. writhe, little man. (groot whimpering) it'll grow back,you d'ast idiot.
quit whining. (rumbling) subject 89p13, drop your weapon. aw, crap. by the authorityof the nova corps, you are under arrest... all right. come on up. ...for endangerment to life and the destruction of property. hey! if itisn't star-prince.
oh, sorry. "lord." i picked thisguy up a while backfor petty theft. he's got a code name. officer: yeah.stay out of the way. come on, man. it's a...it's an outlaw name. just relax, pal. it's cool to havea code name.it's not that weird. rocket: fascists. nova prime:ronan is destroying
xandarian outposts throughout the galaxy. i should think thatwould call for some slight response onthe part of the kree. we signed your peace treaty, nova prime. what more do you want? at least a statementfrom the kree empire saying that theycondemn his actions. he is slaughtering children. families.
that is your business. now, i have other matters to attend to. prick. (beeps) well, some good news. it looks likewe've apprehendedone of ronan's compatriots. dey: gamora. surgically modifiedand trained asa living weapon. the adopted daughterof the mad titan, thanos.
recently, thanos lent herand her sister nebulaout to ronan, which leads us tobelieve that thanos and ronan areworking together. subject 89p13.calls itself "rocket." the result ofillegal genetic and cyberneticexperiments on a lower life form. (spits) what the hell?
dey: they call it "groot." a humanoid plantthat's beentravelling recently as 89p13'spersonal houseplant/muscle. peter jason quill,from terra. raised from youth bya band of mercenariescalled the ravagers, led by yondu udonta. oh, i'm sorry. i didn't know howthis machine worked. what a bunch of a-holes.
(chuckles) saal: transportall four to the kyln. rocket: i guessmost of nova corpswanna uphold the laws, but these ones here,they're corrupt and cruel. (chuckling) but,hey, that's not my problem. i ain't gonna be here long. i've escaped 22 prisons.this one's no different. you're luckythe broad showed up, because otherwise,me and groot
would be collectingthat bounty right now, and you'd be gettingdrawn and quartered by yondu andthose ravagers. i've had a lot of folkstry to kill meover the years. i ain't about tobe brought down by a tree anda talking raccoon. hold. what's a raccoon? peter: "what's a raccoon?"
it's what you are, stupid. ain't no thinglike me, except me. so, this orb hasa real shiny blue suitcase, ark of the covenant,maltese falcon sort of vibe. i am groot. so what? what's the orb? i have no words foran honorless thief. pretty high and mightycoming from the lackey of a genocidal maniac.
yeah, i know who you are. anyone who's anyoneknows who you are. yeah, we know who you are. who is she? yeah, you said that. i wasn't retrievingthe orb for ronan. i was betraying him. i had an agreementto sell it to a third party. well, that'sjust as fascinating
as the first 89 timesyou told me that. what is wrong withgiving tree, here? well, he don't knowtalking good like me and you. so his vocabulisticsis limited to "i" and"am" and "groot." exclusively in that order. i tell you what,that's gonna wearreal thin, real fast. (pop music playingon walkman) hey. put that away.
hey! listen to me,you big blue bastard.take those headphones off. that's mine.those belong to impound. that tape andthat player is mine! (static crackling) hooked on a feeling, blue swede, 1973. that song belongs to me! (song continues playing) (all shouting)
you first! you first! murderer! coming for you first, gamora!you're dead! you're scum! you're scum! (shouting continues) it's like i said, she's got a rep. a lot of prisoners herehave lost their families to ronan and his goons.
she'll last a day, tops. the guards willprotect her, right? they're here to stop usfrom getting out. they don't carewhat we do toeach other inside. whatever nightmaresthe future holds, are dreams comparedto what's behind me. check out the new meat. i'm gonna slather you upin gunavian jelly, and go to town...
let's make something clear. this one here is our booty! you wanna get to him, you go through us! or, more accurately, we go through you. (bones cracking) i'm with them. inmate: i hate you.
no cell's gonnaprotect you for long. (indistinct shouting) you're dead! dead! (all snoring) guard: take herdown to the showers. it'll be easier to clean upthe blood down there. quill, where you going? quill.
quill! gamora, considerthis a death sentence for your crimesagainst the galaxy. drax: you dare? you know who i am, yes? prisoner: you're drax. the destroyer. drax: and you knowwhy they call me this. you slayed dozensof ronan's minions.
ronan murderedmy wife, ovette, and my daughter, camaria. he slaughtered themwhere they stood. and he laughed! rocket: quill? drax: her life is not yours to take. he killed my family. i shall kill oneof his in return.
of course, drax. here, i... (chuckling nervously) (whispering) quill!what are you doing? i'm no family toronan or thanos. (clatters) i'm your only hopeat stopping him. woman, your wordsmean nothing to me! hey! hey, hey, hey! hey! oh, crap.
you know, if killing ronanis truly your sole purpose, i don't think this isthe best way to go about it. are you not the manthis wench attemptedto kill? well, i mean, she'shardly the first woman to try and do that to me.(chuckles) look, this is froma smoking-hot rajak girl. stabbed me with a fork. didn't like meskipping out on herat sunrise. i got, right here, a kree girltried to rip out my thorax.
she caught me withthis skinnylittle a'askavariian who worked in nova records. i was trying toget information. you ever see an a'askavariian? they have tentacles,and needles for teeth. if you think i'mseriously interestedin that, then... you don't care.but here's the point. (breathing heavily) she betrayed ronan.he's coming back for her.
and when he does, that's when you... why would i putmy finger on his throat? what? oh, no, it's a symbol. this is a symbolfor you slicing his throat. i would notslice his throat. i would cut his headclean off. it's a general expressionfor you killing somebody.
you've heard of this.you've seen this, right? you know what that is. yeah. yeah. everyone knows. no, no. what i'm saying is,you want to keep her alive. don't do his work for him. (coughs) i like your knife.i'm keeping it.
that was my favorite knife. peter: listen! i could care lesswhether you liveor whether you die. then why stop the big guy? simple. you know whereto sell my orb. how are we gonna sell itwhen we and it are still here? my friend rocket, here, has escaped 22 prisons.
oh, we're getting out. and then we're headedstraight to yondu toretrieve your bounty. how much was your buyerwilling to pay youfor my orb? four billion units. holy shit. that orb is my opportunityto get away fromthanos and ronan. if you free us, i'll lead you tothe buyer directly and i'll split the profitbetween the three of us.
rocket: four of us. asleep for the danger,awake for the money, as per frickin' usual. you have been betrayed, ronan. we know only thatshe has been captured. gamora may yetrecover the orb. no! our sources within the kyln say gamora has her own plans for the orb. look, your partnership with thanos
is at risk. thanos requires your presence. now! ronan: with all due respect,thanos, your daughtermade this mess, and yet you summon me. i would lowermy voice, accuser. first, she lost a battlewith some primitive. thanos put gamoraunder your charge. ronan:then she was apprehendedby the nova corps. you are the one herewith nothing to show for it.
your sources saythat she meant tobetray us the whole time! lower your tone! i may be your... i only ask that you takethis matter seriously. the only matteri do not takeseriously, boy, is you. your politics bore me. your demeanor isthat of a pouty child. and, apparently, you alienatedmy favorite daughter, gamora.
i shall honorour agreement, kree, if you bring me the orb. but return to meagain empty-handed, and i will bathe the starwaysin your blood. thanks, dad. sounds fair. this is one fightyou won't win. let's head to the kyln. rocket: if we'regonna get out of here, we're gonna need toget into that watchtower.
and to do that,i'm gonna need a few things. the guards wearsecurity bands to control their insand outs. i need one. leave it to me. rocket: that dude, there.i need his prosthetic leg. peter: his leg? rocket: yeah. god knows i don'tneed the rest of him.look at him, he's useless. all right.
and finally,on the wall back there is a black panel.blinky yellow light. do you see it? yeah. there's a quarnyxbattery behind it.purplish box, green wires. to get into that watchtower,i definitely need it. how are we supposedto do that? well, supposably,these bald-bodiesfind you attractive. so, maybe you can work outsome sort of trade.
you must be joking. no, i really heardthey find you attractive. look, it's 20 feetup in the air, and it's inthe middle of the most heavily-guardedpart of the prison. it's impossibleto get up therewithout being seen. i got one plan, and that plan requiresa frickin' quarnyx battery, so figure it out!
oh! can i get backto it? thanks. now, this is important. once the battery is removed, everything is gonna slaminto emergency mode. once we have it,we gotta move quickly, so you definitelyneed to get that last. (alarm blaring) or we could just get itfirst and improvise.
i'll get the armband. leg. guard: prisoner, drop the device immediatelyand retreat to your cell, or we will open fire. (alarm continues) i am groot! fire!
all prisoners returnto your sleeping areas. you idiot! how am i supposedto fight these thingswithout my stuff? the animal is in control. fire on my command! creepy little beast! (gun cocks) oh, yeah. (both yelling)
you need my what? i'll need this. good luck. it's internally wired. i'll figure something out.(grunts) (guard groans) drop the leg! drop the leg andmove back to your cell! gamora: rocket!
move to the watchtower! (prisoners grunting) (humming) you! man who has lainwith an a'askavariian! it was one time, man. we need all available guardsin full combat gear... (alarm beeping) whoa!
(guard yelling) (thuds) spare me yourfoul gaze, woman. why is this one here? we promised him he couldstay by your side untilhe kills your boss. i always keep my promises, when they're tomuscle-bound whack-jobs who will kill me if i don't.here you go. oh, i was justkidding about the leg.
i just needthese two things. no, i thought it'd be funny. was it funny? oh, wait, whatdid he look likehopping around? i had to transfer him30,000 units! (chuckling) drax: how arewe going to leave? well, he's got a plan. right? or is thatanother thing you made up?
i have a plan!i have a plan! cease your yammering and relieve usfrom this irksomeconfinement. yeah, i'll have to agreewith the walking thesaurus on that one. do not ever call mea thesaurus. it's just a metaphor, dude. his people arecompletely literal. metaphors aregonna go over his head.
nothing goesover my head. my reflexes are too fast.i would catch it. i'm gonna die surroundedby the biggest idiotsin the galaxy. those are some big guns. on my command! number one! rodent, we areready for your plan. hold on! number two!
i recognize this animal. we'd roast themover a flame pitas children. their flesh wasquite delicious. not helping! number three! (cracking) all fire on my command! three! two!
one! (powering down) gamora: he turned offthe artificial gravity, everywhere but in here. (machine powers up) i told you i had a plan. that was a pretty good plan. huh? yeah! there it is.get my ship.
it's the milano,the orange and blue oneover in the corner. they crumpled mypants up into a ball. that's rude!they folded yours. the orb's there.let's go. wait, wait, wait. that bastarddidn't put it back. put what back? here. get them to the ship.i will be right back.
how are you gonna possibly... just keepthe milano close by. go. go! ah, my neck! rocket: well,how's he gonna get to us? gamora: he declined to sharethat information with me. well, screw this, then! i ain't waiting aroundfor some humiewith a death wish.
you got the orb, right? yes. (pop songplaying over walkman) if we don't leave now,we will be blown to bits. we're not leavingwithout the orb. behold. this one shows spirit. he shall make a keen allyin the battle against ronan. companion,what were you retrieving?
(cassette tape ejects) you're an imbecile. (rocket humming) peter: whoa, whoa, whoa. yo, ranger rick!what are you doing? you can't take apart my shipwithout asking me! see, what is this? don't touch that! it's a bomb.
a bomb? yup. and you leave itlying around? i was gonna put it in a box. what's a box gonna do? how about this one? no! whoa. hey! leave it alone. why? what is it?
shut up. what is that? that's for if thingsget really hardcore. or if you wannablow up moons. no one'sblowing up moons. you just wanna suck the joyout of everything. so, listen, i'm gonna needyour buyer's coordinates. we're heading inthe right direction.for now. if we're gonna work together,you might trytrusting me a little bit.
and how muchdo you trust me? i'd trust youa lot more if youtold me what this was. because i'm guessingit's some kind of weapon. i don't know what it is. if it's a weapon,we should useit against ronan. put it down, you fool.you'll destroy us all. or just you, murderess! i let you live once,princess! i am not a princess!
peter: hey! nobody is killinganybody on my ship! we're stuck togetheruntil we get the money. i have no interestin money. great. that means more moneyfor the three of us. (groot huffing) mmm? (sighs) for the four of us.
partners. we have an agreement, but i would never be partnerswith the likes of you. i'll tell the buyerwe're on our way. and quill,your ship is filthy. oh, she has no idea. if i had a black light, the place would look likea jackson pollock painting. you got issues, quill.
guard: i swear.i don't know wherethey went! i swear. nebula: if he knewwhere they were headed, he would havealready told us. the nova corps sent a fleetto defend the prison. well, then, send necrocraftto every cornerof the quadrant. find the orb.any means, any price. and this place? the nova can'tknow what we're after.
(guard screaming) cleanse it! do you got any othercute little buggerslike this one? i like to stick'em all in a rowon my control console. i can't tell ifyou're joking or not. he's being fully serious. in that case,i can show you... but first,you gonna tell mewhat this orb is, and why everybody caresso damn much about it.
and then you gonna tell me, who out theremight wanna buy it. sir, the high-endcommunity is a... (talking gibberish) the high-endcommunity is a... it's a tight-knit... tight-knit... the high-end communityis a very tight-knit... i cannot possibly betray
the confidentialityof my buyers! (whistles) now, who again isthis buyer of yours? tivan: carina. yes, master. your peopledo have elbows,do they not? we do, master. then use them. i don't haveto remind you
what happened tothe last attendantwho disappointed me. do i? chop, chop. our guestswill be here soon. rocket: heads up!we're inbound. whoa. gamora: it's called knowhere. the severed head of an ancient celestial being. be wary headed in, rodent. there are no regulationswhatsoever here.
gamora: hundreds of yearsago, the tivan groupsent workers in to mine the organic matterwithin the skull. bone, brain tissue,spinal fluid. all rare resources,highly valued in black marketsacross the galaxy. it's dangerousand illegal work,suitable only for outlaws. well, i come froma planet of outlaws. billy the kid, bonnie and clyde,john stamos.
it sounds like a place,which i would like to visit. yeah, you should. kid: excuse me. watch your wallets. can you spare any units? peter: get out of here. your buyer's in there? we are to wait herefor his representative. bouncer: get out of here!
(man groans) this is norespectable establishment. what do you expect usto do while we wait? (all cheering) yes! yes! (squealing) yahoo! (screeching) my orloni has won,
as i won at all things! now, let's putmore of this liquidinto our bodies. that's the firstthing you said thatwasn't bat-shit crazy! man, you wouldn't believewhat they chargefor fuel out here. i might actuallylose money on this job. gamora:my connection ismaking us wait. it's justa negotiation tactic. trust me,this is my specialty. where yours is more,
"stab, stab.those are my terms." my father didn'tstress diplomacy. thanos? he's not my father. when thanostook my home world, he killed my parentsin front of me. he tortured me, turned me into a weapon. when he said hewas going to destroyan entire planet for ronan,
i couldn't stand by and... why would you riskyour life for this? (walkman clicks) (romantic pop song playing) my mother gave it to me. my mom likedsharing with me all the pop songs thatshe loved growing up. i happenedto have it on me, when i was...
the day that she... you know, when i left earth. gamora: whatdo you do with it? do? nothing.you listen to it.or you can dance. i'm a warriorand an assassin.i do not dance. really? on my planet,there's a legendabout people like you. it's called footloose.
and in it, a great hero named kevin bacon, teaches an entirecity full of people with sticks up their buttsthat dancing, well... it's the greatestthing there is. who putthe sticks up their butts? what? no, that's just a... that is cruel. it's just a phrase
people use. (music playing) (shouting)the melody is pleasant! ow! what the hell? i know who you are,peter quill! and i am notsome starry-eyed waifhere to succumb to your... your pelvic sorcery! that is not whatis happening here. oh, no.
(struggling) stop it! whoa, whoa, whatare you doing? this vermin speaksof affairs he knowsnothing about! that is true! he has no respect! that is also true! hold on! hold on! rocket: keep calling mevermin, tough guy!
you just wanna laugh at melike everyone else! rocket, you're drunk.all right?no one's laughing at you. he thinks i'msome stupid thing!he does! well, i didn'task to get made! i didn't askto be torn apart, and put back together,over and over and turned into some...(inhales) some little monster! rocket, no one'scalling you a monster.
he called me "vermin"! she called me "rodent"! let's see if you can laugh after five or six good shotsto your frickin' face! (stammering)no, no, no, no! four billion units! rocket! come on, man. hey! suck it up forone more lousy night and you're rich.
fine. but i can't promise,when all this is over i'm not gonna killevery last one of you jerks. see? that's exactly whynone of you have any friends! five seconds afteryou meet somebody, you're alreadytrying to kill them! we have travelled,halfway acrossthe quadrant. and ronan is nocloser to being dead. drax!
let him go. we don't need him. carina: milady gamora. i'm here to fetch youfor my master. okay, this isn'tcreepy at all. we house the galaxy'slargest collection of fauna, relics,and species of all manner. (growling) (muffled barking)
i present to you, taneleer tivan,the collector. oh, my dear gamora. how wonderful tomeet in the flesh. let's bypass theformalities, tivan. we have what we discussed. what is that thing there? tivan: i never thoughti'd meet a groot. sir...
you must allow meto pay you now so that i mayown your carcass. at the moment ofyour death, of course. why, so he could turn youinto a frickin' chair? that's your pet? his what? tivan. we have been halfwayaround the galaxy,retrieving this orb. very well, then.
let us see what you brought. dispatcher:three quarnyx batteries,seven cases of cotati seeds. no, cases.last time, you sent me... uh... you shall senda message for me. oh, my new friends. before creation itself, there were six singularities. then the universe explodedinto existence,
and the remnantsof these systems were forged intoconcentrated ingots. (whirring) infinity stones. these stones, it seems, can only be brandished by beings ofextraordinary strength. observe. these carrierscan use the stone
to mow downentire civilizations like wheat in a field. there's a little peecoming out of me right now. once, for a moment, a group was able to sharethe energy amongst themselves, but even they werequickly destroyed by it. beautiful. beyond compare. blah, blah, blah.
we're all very fascinated,whitey. but we'dlike to get paid. tivan: how wouldyou like to get paid? rocket: what do you think,fancy man? units! tivan: very well, then. carina. stand back. i will no longerbe your slave! what the... how could i thinktivan could containwhatever was within the orb?
what do youstill have it for? peter: what are we gonna do,leave it in there? i can't believe you hadthat in your purse! it's not a purse,it's a knapsack! we have to bring thisto the nova corps. there's a chancethey can contain it. rocket: are you kidding me? we're wanted bythe nova corps.just give it to ronan! so he candestroy the galaxy?
what are you,some saint all of a sudden? what has the galaxyever done for you?why would you wanna save it? because i'm oneof the idiotswho lives in it! peter, listen to me. we cannot allow the stoneto fall into ronan's hands. we have to goback to your ship, and deliver it to nova. right, right, okay.i think you're right. or we could give itto somebody who's notgoing to arrest us,
who's really nice for a whole lot of money. i think it'sa really good balance between both ofyour points of view. you're despicable. dishonorable. faithless! drax: at last! i shall meet my foeand destroy him.
you called ronan? yondu: quill!don't you move, boy! don't you move!get out of the way! ronan the accuser! you are the onewho transmitted the message? drax: you killed my wife. you killed my daughter! i told you, you can't fit.now, wait here. i'll be back. it is gamora.she is escapingwith the orb.
(speaking in native language) ronan: nebula, retrieve the orb. nebula: the stoneis in the furthest pod. bring it down! rocket, keep themoff gamora untilshe gets to the milano. how? we've gotno weaponry on these things. these pods areindustrial grade. they're nearly indestructible.
not against necroblasts,they're not. that's not what i'm saying. (yelling) peter:let me borrow your ride. i don't recallkilling your family. i doubt i'll rememberkilling you, either. quill, i'm trapped.i can't make itto the milano. i have to head out. wait! these thingsaren't meant to go out there.
you are a disappointment,sister. of all our siblings, i hated you least. gamora: nebula, please. if ronan gets this stone he'll kill us all. nebula: not all. you will already be dead. nebula: ronan, it is done.
rocket: quill, come on. her body mods should keep her alive a couple more minutes, but there's nothing we can do for her. these pods aren't meant to be out here. in a second, we're gonna be in the same boat. aw, damn it. rocket: quill? yondu! yondu. this is quill!
my coordinates are 227k324. rocket: quill. quill,what are you doing? just outside knowhere. if you're there, come get me. i'm all yours. rocket: quill, don't be ridiculous. get back into your pod! you can't fit two people in there. you're gonna die.
you'll die in seconds! (gamora gasps) (gasping) (coughing) quill? i saw you out there. i don't knowwhat came over me. but i couldn't let you die. i found somethinginside of myself.
something incredibly heroic. i mean, not to brag, but, objectively... (sighs deeply) where's the orb? it's...well, they got the orb. welcome home, peter. (inhaling deeply)
blasted idiot.they're all idiots! quill just gothimself captured. none of this everwould have happened if you didn't tryto single-handedly take on a frickin' army! you're right. i was a fool. all the anger, all the rage,
was just to cover my loss. oh, boo-hoo-hoo."my wife and child are dead." oh, i don't careif it's mean! everybody's got dead people. it's no excuse toget everybody else dead along the way! come on, groot.ronan has the stone. the only chance we got isto get to the otherside of the universe as fast as we canand maybe,
just maybe, we'll beable to live full lives before that whack-jobever gets there. save them? how? i know they'rethe only friendsthat we ever had, but there's an armyof ravagers around them. and there'sonly two of us! three. aw! you're making me
beat...up grass! ronan: the orbis in my possession, as i promised. bring it to me. yes, that was our agreement. bring you the orb, and you willdestroy xandar for me. however, now thati know it containsan infinity stone,
i wonder whatuse i have for you. boy, i would reconsider your current course. master! you cannot! thanos isthe most powerful beingin the universe. not anymore. you call me "boy!" i will unfurl 1,000 yearsof kree justice on xandar, and burn itto its core!
then, thanos, i am coming for you. after xandar,you are going tokill my father? you dare to oppose me? you see what hehas turned me into. if you kill him,i will help you destroya thousand planets. yondu: you betray me? (peter groans) steal my money?
stop it!leave him alone! when i picked you upas a kid, these boys wanted to eat you. they ain't nevertasted terran before. i saved your life! oh, will you shut upabout that? god! twenty years, you beenthrowing that in my face, like it's some great thing,not eating me. normal people don'teven think abouteating someone else!
much less that personhaving to begrateful for it! you abducted me, man. you stole me from my homeand from my family. you don't give a damnabout your terra! you're scared because you're softin here. here, right here! gamora: yondu! listen to me.
ronan has somethingcalled an infinity stone. i know what he's got, girl. then you knowwe must get it back! he's gonna use itto wipe out xandar. we have to warn them.billions ofpeople will perish. is that what she's beenfilling your head with, boy? sentiment? (all laughing) eating away yourbrain like maggots!
that's it. (whistles) sorry, boy. but a captain'sgotta teach his men what happens tothose what cross him. captain's gottateach stuff! (all agreeing) if you kill me now, you are saying goodbyeto the biggest scoreyou have ever seen. the stone?
i hope you got somethingbetter than that. because ain't nobodystealing from ronan. we got a ringer. is that right? she knows everythingthere is to know about ronan. his ships, his army. he's vulnerable. hey, what do you say,yondu, huh?
me and you, taking downa mark side-by-side,like the old days. (peter chuckles) (laughs) let him go! you always didhave a scrote, boy! that's why i keptyou on as a young'un. (explosion) captain, the shotwas non-damaging. rocket: attention, idiots.
the lunatic on top of this craft is holding a hadron enforcer. it's a weaponof my own design. if you don't hand over our companions now, he's gonna tear your ship a new one. a very big new one! i ain't buyin' it. i'm giving you tothe count of five. 5, 4, 3... no! wait, hold on!
rocket, it's me,for god sakes! we figured it out!we're fine! rocket: oh, hey, quill. what's going on? you call that"figured it out"? we're gonna rob the guyswho just beat us senseless. oh, you want totalk about senseless? how about trying to save usby blowing us up? we were only gonnablow you up if theydidn't turn you over! and how on earthwere they gonnaturn us over
when you only gave thema count of five? we didn't have timeto work out the minutiae of the plan. this is what we getfor acting altruistically. they are ungrateful. what's important nowis we get the ravagers' army to help us save xandar. so we can givethe stone to yondu who's just gonna sellto somebody even worse?
we'll figurethat part out later. we have to stop ronan. how? i have a plan. you've got a plan? first of all,you're copying me from when i said i had a plan. no, i'm not. people say that allthe time. it's not thatunique of a thing to say.
secondly, i don't evenbelieve you have a plan. i have part of a plan! what percentageof a plan do you have? you don't getto ask questions after the nonsenseyou pulled on knowhere. i just saved quill. we've already established that you destroying the shipthat i'm on is not saving me. when did we establish it?
like three seconds ago! i wasn't listening.i was thinkingof something else. she's right.you don't get an opinion. what percentage? i don't know.twelve percent. twelve percent? that's a fake laugh. it's real! totally fake.
that is the most real,authentic, hysterical laughof my entire life because thatis not a plan. it's barely a concept. you're taking their side? so what,it's better than 11%? what the hell does thathave to do with anything? thank you, groot.thank you. see? groot'sthe only one of youwho has a clue.
(chomping) guys. yondu is gonna behere in two seconds. he expects to hearthis big plan of ours. i need your help. i look around at us. you know what i see? losers. i mean, like,
folks who have lost stuff. and we have.man, we have. all of us. our homes, our families, normal lives. and, usually, life takesmore than it gives.but not today. today,it's given us something. it has given us a chance. to do what?
to give a shit. for once. not run away. i, for one, am not gonnastand by and watch as ronan wipes outbillions of innocent lives. but, quill,stopping ronan, it's impossible. you're asking us to die. yeah, i guess i am.
(stammers) gamora: quill. i have lived most my lifesurrounded by my enemies. i will be gratefulto die among my friends. you arean honorable man, quill. i will fight beside you. and in the end, i will see my wifeand daughter again. oh, what the hell.i don't got thatlong a lifespan, anyway.
now i'm standing.y'all happy? we're all standing up now. bunch of jackasses,standing in a circle. gamora: the stone reactsto anything organic. the bigger the target,the bigger the power surge. all ronan's got todo is touch the stone to the planet'ssurface and zap. all plants, animals, nova corps.
gamora: everything will die. so ronan does notmake the surface. peter: rocket will lead a team to blow a hole in the dark aster'sstarboard hull. then, our craft andyondu's will enter. won't there behundreds of sakaaransoldiers inside? i think of sakaaranas paper people. once they knowwe're on board, ronan willisolate himself behind
impenetrablesecurity doors on deck. which i can disable by dismantling the power source. peter: we'll make it to the flight deck, and i'll use the hadron enforcer to kill ronan. once ronan is dead,we will retrieve the stone. use these devicesto contain it. if you touch it, it will kill you. peter: i'll contact one of the nova officers
who arrested us. (ringing) hopefully, they'll believe we're there to help. there's one more thingwe need to complete the plan. that guy's eye. no! no, we don't.no, we don't need that guy's eye. no, seriously, i need it!it's important to me.(giggles) automated voice: ronan's fleet has been spotted,
and will arrive in t-minus fifteen minutes. remember, boy. at the end of all this, i get the stone. you cross me,we kill you all. let's go get 'em, boys! this is a terrible plan. hey, you're the onewho said you wanted todie among friends.
nova prime. i received a transmission from one of the ravagers. he says ronan'sin possession of something calledan infinity stone and he's headedtoward xandar. good god. it's a trick.he's a criminal. nova prime: did he saywhy we should believe him?
he said his crewjust escaped from prison so he'd have no otherreason to risk comingto xandar to help. he says that he's an "a-hole." but he's not, and i'm quoting him, here, "100% a dick." do you believe him? i don't know thati believe anyoneis 100% a dick, ma'am.
i mean, do you believethat he is here to help? a fleet approaches. they appear to be ravagers. yondu: cover it down. submerge! rocket, hurry! all pilots, dive! they're beneath us! nova prime: evacuate the city.
our priority isto get our peopleaway from the battle. forward thrust, now! come on! quill! yondu! now! yondu: aw, hell! i'm going down, quill! no more games with me, boy! i'll see you at the end of this!
there are toomany of them, rocket! we'll never make it up there! saal: peter quill. this is denarian saalof the nova corps. for the record,i advised againsttrusting you here. they got my "dick" message! prove me wrong. (engine revs) yes! (laughs)
yes! (drax laughing) (exhales) we're just like kevin bacon. (lasers firing) the starboard kernhas been breached! we have been boarded. continue our approach. but the nova corpshave engaged.
none of that will matteronce we reach the surface. seal security doors! now! (speaks native language) nebula: get out of my way! oh, man. all nova pilots,interlock andform a blockade. the dark aster must not reach the ground. (zaps)
nova corps pilot 1: locked in! nova corps pilot 2: locked in. we're locked in. i can barely see. when did you learnto do that? pretty sure the answer is "i am groot." the flight deck is300 meters this way. i want you all toknow that i am grateful
for your acceptanceafter my blunders. it is pleasingto once again have friends. you, quill,are my friend. thanks. this dumb tree,he is my friend. groot: mmm. and this green whore,she, too... oh, you must stop!
(nebula grunts) gamora,look at what you have done. you have always been weak. you stupid, traitorous... nobody talks tomy friends like that. head to the flight deck. i'll shut down the powerto the security doors. (distant explosions) guard: yondu udonta.
order your mento turn on the nova corps. enough nonsense, ravager! time to die... (bone cracks) nebula, please. (electricity crackles) (screams) enough of this.necrocraft pilots,enact immolation initiative. starblaster pilot:they're dive-bombing the city!
denarian saal,should we break formation? no! hold your positions. (explosions) (all clamoring) keep ronan up there, saal. we'll take care of the people down here. i can't believei'm taking ordersfrom a hamster. finally. you thief!
(drax yells) you will nevermake it to ronan. everybody shoot thembefore they hit the ground. (both grunting) (roars) finger tothe throat means death. metaphor. yeah, sorta. (groot yelling)
ronan: xandar! you stand accused. your wretched peace treaty will not save you now. it is the tinderon which you burn. rocket! hold on, saal, just... quill, you gotta hurry. the city's been evacuated,
but we're getting our asses kicked down here. gamora hasn'topened the door! (gamora screams) (yells) gamora: nebula! sister, help us fight ronan. you know he's crazy. i know you're both crazy. what the...?
nebula: get out! (man screaming) (gun powering up) you did it! (choking) i was mistaken. i do remember your family. their screams were pitiful. i...
(starship approaching) (ship rumbling) (rumbles) no, groot! you can't. you'll die. why are you doing this? we are
groot. (pop music playing faintly) (moans) i called him an idiot. (whimpers) you killed groot! behold! your guardians of the galaxy. what fruit have they wrought?
only that my fatherand his father shall finally know vengeance. people of xandar, the time has come to rejoice and renounce your paltry gods! your salvation is at hand. (speaking native language) (peter singing alongto pop song)
listen to these words. (continues singing) now bring it down hard! what are you doing? dance-off, bro. me and you. gamora. subtle. take it back. i'm distracting you,you big turd blossom. peter! take my hand!
take my hand, peter. mom. gamora: take my hand! you're mortal! you said it yourself, bitch. we'rethe guardians of the galaxy. (growls) (all panting) yondu: well, well, well.
quite the light show. ain't this sweet. but you got somebusiness to attend to before allthe nookie-nookie starts. peter, you can't. peter. you gottareconsider this, yondu. i don't know whoyou're selling this to, but the only waythe universe can survive is if you give itto the nova corps.
i may be aspretty as an angel, but i sure as hell ain't one. hand it over, son. yondu. do not open that orb.you know that, right? you've seen whatit does to people. (yondu laughs) yeah, quillturned out okay. it's probably goodwe didn't deliver himto his dad
like we was hired to do. yeah, that guywas a jackass. he is gonna beso pissed when he realizes i switchedout the orb on him. he was gonnakill you, peter. oh, i know. but he was aboutthe only family i had. he wasn't. (sniffling)
(sobs) (sniffs) (rocket sighs) peter: why would you even know this? dey: when we arrestedyou, we noticed an anomaly inyour nervous system, so we had it checked out. i'm not terran? nova prime:you are half terran.
your mother was of earth.your father, well, he's something very ancientwe've never seen here before. that could bewhy you were able to hold the stonefor as long as you did. (door opening) nova prime:your friends have arrived. on behalfof the nova corps, we'd like to expressour profound gratitude for your helpin saving xandar.
if you willfollow denarian dey, he has somethingto show you. thank you, nova prime. your wife and childshall rest well knowing that youhave avenged them. of course,ronan was only a puppet. it's really thanosi need to kill. we tried to keep it as closeto the original as possible. we salvaged asmuch as we could.
wow. i... thank you. i have a family. they're alive because of you. your criminal recordshave also been expunged. however,i have to warn you against breaking any lawsin the future. rocket: question.
what if i see somethingthat i want to take, and it belongsto someone else? dey: you will be arrested. but what if i want it morethan the person who has it? it's still illegal. that doesn't follow. no, i want it more, sir.do you understand? what are you laughing at? why? i can't havea discussion withthis gentleman?
what if someonedoes something irksome and i decide toremove his spine? that's... that's actually murder. it's one ofthe worst crimes of all. so...also illegal. hmm. they'll be fine, dey. i'm gonna keep an eye on 'em.
you? yeah. me. (paper rustles) meredith: peter, i know these last few months have been hard for you. but i'm going to a better place. and i will be okay. and i will always be with you. you are the light of my life.
my precious son. my little star-lord. love, mom. (r&b music playing) (knob clicks) (laughter) (yawns) peter: so,what should we do next? something good?
something bad? a bit of both? we'll follow your lead,star-lord. bit of both. (starship revving) (soul music playing) howard: what do you let itlick you like that for? gross. (sips)
yeah! but it burns going down. (lips smacking and gulping)