(giggling) (speaking in foreign language) (laughing) (sirens wailing distantly) (church bells ringing) (woman breathing heavily) (moans) (creaking) (moans louder)
(cries out) (lighter clicking) i have things to do. what do you mean? what i mean?i mean get out! (people speaking indistinctly) (speaking french) 1001, 1002, 1003... (chuckles)
(screaming) (people clamoring) (sirens wailing) my name is du foltiere. intelligence liaison officer. i understand that you are thedeputy chief of station, cia,paris. and that you witnessed,by coincidence, this attack. you've told my subordinates that you recognized theterrorist as carlos.
-carlos recognized me.-yes. the deputy chief of stationdid not recognize him, but he recognized you. we are both very well knownin this business, but he was wearing a disguise. but then how are you so sureit was him? i lit his cigarette. he was holding my hand. he grinned at me.
(thunder rumbling) obviously some of the membersare exploiting the oil pricedifferentials as a loophole. this body has beenvery precise in its policy. -is the conferencestill in progress?-yeah, but, sir... i have an urgent delivery. sweetheart?do you want to live? please... -everyone, freeze!-(all clamoring) my name is carlos,
-and you'll do as i say.-(sirens wailing distantly) we've got company. you, sir, stand up.stand up. how does this work? is it like this? like this? -maybe like this?-(exclaims) like this! (clattering) (explosion)
mickens:$20 million in ransom. the leader claims to becarlos. he wants the credit, and the austrianswant a positive id. -who brought up my name? you?-(chuckles) no, the guy who claims to becarlos brought up your name. -the austrians want you thereto id him.-where? at the airport.tonight, 2 a.m. that's when they're gonnaprovide the plane to fly himand his hostages to libya. they're going to let him walk?
they've got no choice.do they? bullshit they'vegot no choice. -let them handlelike the israelis.-they're not the israelis. let me explain somethingto you, mickey, really simple. i'll identify him at theairport. i'll get really closeto him. i'll make one clean shot andthat'll be the end of thisprick and the end of shit. -this prick has got 70hostages.-fuck the hostages. what did you say? we'll handle it with aminimum loss of life.
we'll handle this withno loss of life. you don't get it, do you? he's not going to investthat $20 millionin a pension plan. he's going to use it tofinance his next hit, maybeagainst us. -let me assemble a team...-god damn it.there is no team to assemble. we are something fuckingdinosaur or something. we are out of theassassination business. i know you got some personalhard-on against this guy 'cause he made you looklike an asshole.
and now he's gonnarub your nose in it.well, so fucking what? i can appreciate yourfeelings, but it's not goingdown on our soil. it's not with our nationals.it's not our fight. i look forward to meeting you,carlos. we're not in the assassinationbusiness anymore. (siren wailing) come on, my fat friend.it's only rain. come, bringthe others. mickens: is that him? it looks like him,but i can't tell for surefrom here in this rain.
i've got to get a littlecloser. come on. -okay.-you don't need a hat. oh, you want it. okay. okay, who do we have to thankfor this plane? minister of the interior.i'm sorry this had to happenhere. we have no quarrelwith your... ...with your government.excuse me. -pardon, monsieur.-do you want another light? we were never properlyintroduced.
my name is carlos. -eat shit and die slow.-mickens: henry, no! don't be seen shaking hishand. such language. shocking, really. you see this man? cia.henry fields. (bell chiming) (man speaking indistinctly) (people praying)
(camera clicks) (inaudible) (yelling) (grunts) (crowd clamoring) how do you feel? i no speak english. you spoke english well enoughto your contact, the streetvendor. -we are both professionals,carlos.
my name is ramirez. -oh, sure, i know what yourname is. illich ramirez.-no "illich." alias carlos sanchez,alias carlos martinez,alias the jackal. i am a tourist, not carlos. what was your target inisrael? the wailing wall?temple mount? tourist. that's all! (groans) (speaking spanish)
tourist. listen to me, you piece ofshit! i'm trying hard to beprofessional about this. but you are in israeli handsnow, so don't play gameswith me. israeli hands? you're telling me,you're israeli?you're not arabs? i'm in some kind of...(laughs) i'm in an israeli prison.is that whatyou're telling me? it's amazing how muchyour english has improvedin just a few seconds. there's been a mistake.i don't know whoyou think i am.
i am a lieutenant commanderin the united states navy. i am annibal ramirez of the u.s.s.yorktown sixth fleetdocked in haifa. i am not illich or carlos orthe jackal or whoeverthe fuck you think. no. please. get on the phone. call the u.s. embassy and askfor the sixth-fleet liaisonofficer. -he'll confirm everythingi just said...-remarkable performance. the chutzpa of itis unbelievable.
i take my hat off to you,carlos. (yells) your hat off? i'll tear yourfucking head offand shit down your throat! you call the embassy and askfor the sixth-fleet liaisonoffice. and then, you fucker, you go out and get yourselfa very good lawyer. because, you know what,i'm going to sue you so bad, your great great grandchildrenwill still be in debt. give me a break.
if you were an americanofficer, you'd have id papersand dog tags. i ditched them in an alleyjust before your goons got me. -oh, you ditched them?-per instructions. i am a u.s.officer on shore leave in the middle east andmust travel as a civilian. that's why i said i was cuban,not american. you broke my rib, you asshole.i'll sue you and yourgovernment. i'm going to sue every fuckingisraeli i can get my hands on. do you understand me? i'm going to suemenachem begin,
i'm going to sue moshe dayan and the b'nai b'rith! or whatever the fuckyou call it! all right. yes. yes, good. oy. (cheering) (boy speaking indistinctly) good eye, joey.
-dad!-(crowd exclaiming) oh! -are you okay?-are you all right? i'm fine. (doorbell buzzing) lt. commander ramirez? holy cow! -can i help you?-yeah, my name is jack shaw. i'm with the government.can i come in for a minute?
i want to talk to youabout what happened in israel. i'll sue the government,the guy who broke my ribsand golda meir. (chuckles)that'll be difficult.mrs. meir is deceased. then they'll have to dig herup because i intend to sue. that's not exactly in myfield of expertise. specifically,i am with the cia. you're cia? does the man inthis photograph lookfamiliar to you? -holy shit!-(babbling)
(chuckling) that's not me. i know itlooks like me,but it's not me. -i know it's not you, too.-is this that carlos guy? -look!-joey, get down out of there.be careful. this is the only recent photowe have of him.taken half a mile away. it was taken by the israelis. you can't blame them for themix-up. i hope you're not tryingto talk me out of my lawsuit. they kept me chained up fortwo days
after i identified myself. -they knew who i was.-i'm not here about yourlawsuit. -i'm trying to tell you...-can i finish? yes, sir. carlos is the single mostvicious terroristin the whole world. he has carried out the worstterrorist acts in modernhistory. men, women, kids.kids like your boy down there. blown to bits.slaughtered in cold blood. -why did you join the navy?-to serve my country.
to protect her from herenemies. carlos is oneof her biggest enemies today. as terrorism is a growthindustry,he's a bigger enemy every day. why are you telling me allthis? most of the free worldhas been after carlosfor the past ten years. and they have come up withnothing. there is only one way to gethim. there is exactly one person, in the whole world, who canget him.
-how the hell would i get him?-you'll need to think it over. the answer's no. i was trained as a navalofficer.you came to the wrong address. the man you're looking for isbond. james bond.he lives in england,drives an aston martin. you can't miss him. (instrumental music playing) admiral crawford,this is commanderand mrs. ward scowcroft. i know your family well.i was with your fatherat the academy.
i expect great thingsfrom you, ward. great things. i won't let you down, sir. lt. commanderand mrs. annibal ramirez. -annabelle?-annibal, sir. i'm glad to see we're gettingsomemexican-american officers. i'm an l.a. boy myself.i have a soft spot formexican food. my stomach doesn't alwaysagree. maura: we'd love to have youover to dinner, admiral. we eat cuban food.
i think your stomachwould find that moreagreeable. not to mentionyour taste buds. -you're cuban-americans?-yes, sir. -if he can't appreciate that,it's his problem. (chuckles)it's okay, don't worry. his wife asked meto mow her lawn,so we'll always have food. this is a coincidence. i was over at your lovelyhouse the other day, but i had to leave suddenlyand never got to make youracquaintance.
the pleasure is mine. -shaw. jack shaw. -senor shaw. mucho gusto. my wife speaks english.so do i. i should have realized you'dfeel embarrassed speakingspanish here. -who is he?-(chuckles) (upbeat music playing) -a white wine and a club soda.-yes, sir. let me guess,the wine is for your wife? you're afraid to loosen upin front of the brass.
how can you stand this shit?they're all so fuckingconstipated. my wife is waiting for hersoda. there's a fiery retort! how about "fuck you, pal"? i'd believe it if it waslouder. -(music stops)-(laughs) -(crowd applauding)-look at these guys. you don't belong with theseguys. you belong to me. remember what darth vadersaid, "come over to the darkside. come over, annibal."
you have no idea of the powerwe have. i want nothing to do with you.get it through your thickskull. your country came to yourequesting help and youturned it down. not exactly promotionmaterial. know what i mean? are you threatening me? theanswer is no, and that is theend of it. now get a life. that pest won't leave mealone. jesus christ! -what do you want?-what time is it?
-what time is it?-what time is it? -it's 1: 15.-precisely. -yes...-(phone ringing) -it's for you.-(beep) hello? who the... shaw: your wifeand kid go to the store.carlos has been there first. he's planted a bomb. the boy you're going to seelived.you tell me if he was lucky. (monitors beeping)
dr. shaw, is this thespecialist? yes, dr. ramirez. mr. and mrs. newcombare the parents of thewounded boy. -will you do the surgery?-it's all in his hands. -they tell us you're the bestthere is.-he's the only one. here's the boy's chart,doctor. one kidney has been destroyed.the left lung has beenperforated. the spleen, the largeintestine and stomach liningare all torn. (distorted) there are overindividual pieces of shrapnel.
it's a trademark device ofcarlos'. designed not to killbut to maim. you're a sadistic son of abitch. you used those poor people.you'd use anything to getwhat you want. to get what i want?let me show you what i want. there's some photographsin there of some of carlos'victims. until you came along, all wecould do was take pictures ofhis victims. i told them you were the onlyone. it's true. we got a gooddoctor.
but you are the only onewho can get the jackal. i'm not the bad guy, annibal.carlos is. go talk to him. -take care of your mother.-why do you have to go? because i finallygot my chanceto go into subs. why can't somebody else'sdaddy go into subs, and youcan stay here? because i'm the one theychose. and because your dadcan do the job. listen to me, no whining,okay? bye, sweetie.
are you going to miss me? -bye, sweetie.-take care. this is an ad hoc operationset upspecifically for your mission. -from here on,your name is miguel.-miguel? that's security. -so your name isn't reallyjack shaw?-of course it is. nice place. yes, there's a toilet inevery room. -your mother isirish-american?-yes, she is.
that's how comethe blue eyes.something wrong, miguel? your father wasin a cuban prison.is that correct? -that's correct, sir.-your mother took you tovisit him. i see you've done yourhomework, sir. miguel, no one is supposed toknow you are anything but astudent. don't call me sir. it's likea sign on your foreheadthat says military. -from here on out,forget the navy.-yes, sir. sire. okay, i've got you.
this is a satellite trackingcentre. if carlos everuncovers our plot, he will try to find a wayto kill us first. carlos has two main safehouses. one in libya, one in eastgermany. our satellites pass over threetimes a day. the russians know when. so we have to assumecarlos knows as well. there's another fella herei want you to meet.
although i thinkyou're already acquainted. what the fuck is this? hello. my name's amos. i didn't recognize you withoutmy foot chained to the floor. i hope there are no hardfeelings. there are a lot of hardfeelings. you're going to be hearingfrom my lawyer. outside of myself,he's the most importantperson here. we're working with theisraelis.amos has studied carlos.
he took the photo in libya. why didn't you just kill him? don't let this equipment foolyou. carlos has the homecourt advantage. he has three layers ofprotectionat all times. next, and most importantly,anyone who hits carlos will unleash against himselfa fanatical wave of terrorism. -fanatical.-okay. that, by the way, is the lastquestion you're going to ask. from here on,you get informationwhen we want you to get it.
you don't ask questions.you just do as you're told. amos: this won't belike the navy. we'll push you to the limit. fatigue, frustration, fear.you're going to be terrified. -when do we start?-shaw: we already have. what were the names on thelast three tombstones onyour right? -(scoffs) i don't know.i wasn't looking.-guillaume, gautier, smith. carlos is always looking.always paying attention. carlos is the masterof the survivaltechniques we will teach you.
for him there are no rules, but you are a rules follower,aren't you? -if you say so.-if you say so. carlos is the opposite.that's what makes it soseductive. he can kill whomever hechooses. he can takewhatever he chooses. it is to be, in many ways,a superman. shaw: if you can learnwhat we can teach you, youcould be one of them, too. if you don't, you're going tobe one of them. another dead soldier.
-good morning.-good morning. how's the porridge.you like it? -it's okay. not bad.-good. finish everything in the pot. -there's eight or ninehelpings.-no questions. just do. remember not only the names,but the positions of thestones. when i call out a name,you whirl and shoot. -it's fucking freezing.-brisson! can i get some gloves?
no luxuries. dupres! you get comfortable,you'll get killed. pacquet! reload. shaw: go. time. top shelf: milk, juice, maybe some cottage cheese.a couple of beers. tomatoes. -i don't know what else.-what kind of milk? was itopened or closed?
what kind of juice?how full was the bottle? what kind of cheese? how many beers and tomatoes? this is life and death. the cupboard over the stove. you've got four seconds.how many cups,plates, saucers. look this time. go. (annibal groaning)
-name and place of birth?-illich ramirez sanchez. -caracas, venezuela.-father? dr. jose altagracia ramirezsanchez. (breathing heavily) -must you smoke that cigar?-yes. carlos' father abandoned hisfamily because he wanted tobe a playboy. your father abandoned youwhen he was sent to jail. either way, it's lonely boymissing his father. use your own experiencesto create an imageof carlos' father.
so, when you talk about himyou have the same emotion. the same love.the same resentment. the same sadness. the same anger. so who told you to stop? (beeping) annibal: what's that?shaw: a transmitter. -for what?-target practice.you're the target. jose! bouvier!
(gunshots) (panting) jose! you're dead. (soft music playing) you've finished all yourporridge. i've finished all my porridge. good. you can have some more.
i ain't eating any more shit. whatever is the matter? i'll tell you what thematter is. i've been here eight fuckingweeks! all i've had to eatthe whole time is this shit. i'm losing weight.i'm shitting 3-4 times a day. you nearly killed mewith those snowmobiles. it's christmas eve, and ihaven't seen my family intwo months. and i still don't know whati'm supposed to belearning here. you're acting like a spoiledbrat.
which is going to save yourlife. acting like a tight-ass navybrass is exactly what willget you killed. as a child, carlos was fedporridge.he hated it. everyone he's ever beenclose to he toldabout that porridge. how the very smell of itmade him feel sick.now it makes you sick. shaw: in schoolhe was a scrawny kid. he felt clumsy. -we made you feel clumsy.-carlos' father smoked cigars. the same ones whose smellyou complained about.
the cover that will save yourlife is one you believe inyourself. ready for the next test? amos: your wife has told you she was away from the house for a week. now you come home together. walk through the house. don't arouse her suspicion. you have 30 seconds. find out if she's lying. then we'll answer some of your questions. -time's up.-is she telling the truth? -she had a man over.-how do you know?
she hasn't been here for aweek?the sponge is still wet. that means she washedthe dishes. there's waterunder the dish rack. the milk is fresh. from the date on it,it was probably boughtyesterday. same with the margarineand bread. -how do you know it was a man?-she might have met himat a bar. a book of matches was thrownout. -there was ashfrom a cigarette.-what else?
i think they made loveon the sofa. the cushions werehastily turned, and there's a heavyshoe indentationright next to it. i know it was a manfrom the smell of cheapaftershave. jack, you've been fuckingmy wife. (sniffs) rousseau! bouvier! flint! brisson! not bad, huh?
shaw: the plan is toget the kgb to eliminatecarlos for us. carlos knows allthe links between the kgband terrorist organizations. he's not justa smoking gun. he knows everything. if we can get the kgb to thinkthat carlos is going over tothe cia, they'll take him out for us. why would they think that? money. $50 million. not for revolution, for hispocket.
a new identity andcia protection. if we lay it out right,they'll believe it. -when do we move?-not so fast.you're not ready. i'd say at least two months. -two months?-at least. are you crazy? bullshit! i'm ready now. you give me any test you want,i'll pass it.
i've already passed all yourtests. no wonder you haven't caughthim. you've had me trainingin siberia to catch someonein the middle east! -how long does it take towork?-it should be hitting him now. (distant yelling) annibal: jack! amos! i told you i didn't wantanything to do with this. fuck you.
are you looking for me, amigo? -hey, joey.-pitch it to me. -watch!-joey, get out of there! -ready?-joey: yes. annibal: no! i hope we didn't go too far. i'm not gonna let himwind up in a mentalinstitution fucked up on lsd. it's better than being shotin some back alley in libya. if he can't handle this,he sure as shit can't handlegoing operational.
what's next? amos: your new instructorwill be carlos' girlfriendfrom eight years ago. she's french.her name is carla. -she'll teach you whatwe can't.-why is she helping us? carlos used her. how did he use her? he put her on an airplanewith a bomb in her suitcase. if it hadn't been found, she'dhave gone up with everythingelse. the song says there must be50 ways to leave your lover,make it 51.
she's about 32.she's very attractive. -yeah, it won't be a hardship.-what won't be a hardship? doing it. fucking her. our way in is throughanother girl,agnieska. she's the key to the trap. the kgb will be watching her. if she's convinced,so will they be. you'll then ask agnieskato do a bank transaction. so she has to believeyou're him,or she won't risk it.
you're not cheating on yourwife.you're fucking for your flag. close your eyesand think of england. (speaking russian) hello? the thing about carlos is,he doesn't lose himselfwith a woman. lovers are different to him.he might have a use for them. so, he has to seduce themproperly. make sure they're so crazyfor himthey'll do anything for him. it is not pleasure for him.
it is a sick kind of conquest. he'll do anything. he's the perfect lover. he doesn't do it to pleaseyou,but to excite you. to make it dangerous for you. the danger is very sexyto a woman. he could kill you in a second,but instead he makes you come. and it's like he's killed youand there isn't anything leftof you. it's like he makes you bornagainthe way he wants you to be.
there isn't a thought in yourbrainthat he hasn't put there. not a feeling in your bodythat he hasn't put there. you understand? take off your clothes. just like that? look... i don't want to knowyour name or anything aboutyou. i'm not here to be romantic. i'm here to help you kill him. i hope that's what you'll do.
it is. you're smaller than him. (scoffs) really... that's what he would have doneif i'd said somethinglike that. what's wrong with you? -i'm sorry.-shut up. come to me. come, kiss where you hit. kiss where the blood is.
smear it on my lipso i taste it. now go down on me. don't let me come. control me. it's got to be whenhe wants it. amos: the kgb has set up a surveillance on agnieska. agnieska has received wordfrom carlos, telling her to come andmeet you. you will convince heryou're carlos.
ask her to handle somebanking, so the kgb will knowcarlos is ortega. when they see you witha cia agent, they'll know carloshas turned. unless this agnieska seesthrough me. she was his lover. she wasn't his wife. carlos excites her. she wants to believe youas a child wants to believein santa claus.
where do i meet this agnieska? libya. that's where carlos is. libya? libya. amos: jack doesn't knowwe're having this talk, and i don't want him to know. you're going to feelmore alone than you'veever felt in your life. you'll think your heart'sgoing to jump outof your chest. you'll think everyonearound you can hearyour heart beating.
you'll think everyonearound youis an enemy terrorist. i want you to beprepared for that.so that you can deal with it. understand?nothing prepares you. you mustn't panic.you feel the fear and youget rid of it. take some deep breaths,splash some water on your faceand look in the mirror. but when you do, make sure it's carlosyou find there. then everyone else will seecarlos. if anything goes wrong,
only carlos can get you out. (horn honking) (speaking arabic) passport. ricardo moran vargas? si. your business? oil. the petroleum business. petroleum?
(exclaims) one sound and you're dead. carlos, when is he cominghere? i don't know what you'retalking about. don't play games with me. we know you're goingto meet him. i don't know any carlos.i'm telling you the truth. this gun has a silencer.there will not be any noise. -now, talk.-i don't know any carlos.
i just came to visitmy girlfriend.this is her apartment. (gasps) you're lying. (whispering)i swear i'm telling the truth. nice ass. turn around. what are you going to doto me? have some fun. then...
i'll get something to eat, because i'm famished. you bastard. (laughs) i haven't seen you fortwo years. don't lose your senseof humor. i had to be surei could still trust you. and that cafe in paris? that grenade didn't proveyou could trust me?
that cafe in paris was a long time ago. yes, but when i heardfrom you, i came all the way out here. i've been herefor hours. are you listening to me? listening. you're different. tell me, who gave youpermission to go out?
you'll never change. you'll never trust anybody. i just wanted to go outand get something to eatfor us. i have everything i wantto eat right in front of me. what do you think he'sdoing now? practicing safe sex, i hope. (moaning)
oh, my god! (sighs) now, let's eat. what are you doing? getting air. don't be nervous. what do we have to eat? i found caviar and pate. you didn't like the foodi left? i couldn't eat a bite of it.
i don't blame you. -who smokes non-filters?-what? -you don't smoke non-filters.-what are you talking about? that's what i'm talking about. -non-filtered cigarettes!-listen... i ran out of cigarettes,and i bummed a cigaretteat the cafe. -you bummed a cigarette?-with coffee i needa cigarette. okay. i'm sorry i didn'tbelieve you. the nearest cafe istwo blocks away.
a cigarette wouldn't lastthat long. you bummed a cigarette in thisapartment. this door was a signal. wasn't it, you bitch? who did you meet with? (cocks gun) i'll kill you! who was it? the french secret service. dst.
(door rattling) (gunshot) (gunfire) (men speaking indistinctly) (tires screeching) (horns honking) (people shouting) (gun cocks) (people screaming)
-get out!-(speaking in foreignlanguage) (horn blaring) (shouts indistinctly) (screams) (man speakingin foreign language) (dog barking) (knocking on door) (door opens) -carlos?-what?
we have to talk.there's been a shootingtonight. a shooting? annibal: what kind ofintelligence is this? how the fuck could younot know she was working forthe french? they didn't tell us about it. we didn't tell them about you. you were beautiful. the russians must be convincedthat was carlos.
work up a scenario forthe girl. carlos would have killed her. the russians saw the dst. they know they were there toget carlos. the french made it perfectfor us. the kgb now thinkyou're carlos. you fucking maniac! jack, i killed four men.
-amos: annibal...-just a second! i don't like killingour allies! policemen get killed.it happens. i'd rather have youfeeling guilty than them feeling guiltyabout you. you did what you had to do. carlos couldn't have doneany better. agnieska betray me? (scoffs)
i don't believe it. this woman was so in lovewith me... that if i asked her to suckmy uncle's dick she woulddo it. she was seen, carlos. where is she now? they've taken her to paris. i want that bitch dead. you handle it.hit her in paris, right under their fuckingnoses.
-when?-leave now! right now! don't forget to leave europethrough london. something else troubles me. you're the only ones who knewabout this safe house. so which one of youwas her contact? i know it wasn't you,my friend, we go way back. (men speakingin foreign language) annibal: is this seat taken?
no, go right ahead. i'm going home to my family. this is not the time for this. i'm not asking you,i'm telling you. i'm going home. you said we can't move againtill he leaves libya. he might stay therefor a year. no, he won't.
he's going to make a movein europe. i'll confirm our connections. a pack of marlboro, please. -thank you.-(beeping) what are you doing here? buying cigarettes.(chuckles)what are you doing here? excuse me. i only wantedto know where i can geta newspaper. idiot. right in front of you. never address me in public.
wait for me bythe phone booth. excuse me. i asked if you knew wherei can get a newspaper. you make the slightest moveand i shoot. now walk to the restroomvery carefully. (speaking indistinctly) tell me what i want to know,or you're dead. (panting) i don't know... who are you?
down. get out of here, now. (shushing) i won't let you die here. i still have a lawsuitagainst you. my dear boy... i am dead. please god,don't let it all befor nothing. get out now!
i'll get you some help. (cell phone ringing) shaw. i was wondering whatthe status was of the account. is it still open? (mouthing) yeah... it's off. the director wantsan operational review board.
he asked me abouta newspaper... shut up. you should have shot him, but you didn't have a gun. there wasn't anything youcould do. it was a password. anything you saidwould have backfired. i had the same thing once. "awfully warm for this timeof year."
the reply was, "yes, but notas sticky as two summers ago." "not as sticky as two summersago." anything else, he evenhesitates, i shoot him. i shot him. just like the jap was goingto do to you. bad luck for amos. bad luck for us. -you and me,we're out of here.-(starts car)
i'm not the madam, kid. i'm just one of the whores. so are you. (sighs heavily) papi, you're home! hi, joey. look who's back. (babbling) joey: come on,i've got stuff to show you.
(maura moaning) annibal, stop it. what? what is it? you've been with anotherwoman. what the hell made you saythat? i was on a submarine.there aren't any womenon submarines. okay. this is nice to come home to!
we didn't have shore leave. you can check withthe fucking navy. i don't need to check. and don't talk to melike that. where are you going? i'm gonna get somethingto eat. is thatall right with you? have you started smokingagain? yeah, i'll be doing heroinsoon. (crowd cheering)
you remember what to do? keep my eye on the ball. and who's the guy that wins? -whoever has fun.-whoever hasthe most fun wins. man: tyler, i'm not talkingjust for fun. you go out there andyou focus. hey, pal, lighten up. lighten up. it's just a game. he's just a kid.
he's my kid, so why don't yougo fuck yourself. what the fuck are you lookingat? -i might be looking ata dead man.-annibal, let's go sit down. annibelle, that'sa lovely name. take a walk, tinkerbell. get with the team.play some ball. (crowd exclaiming) daddy! maura: annibal.
(baby wailing) annibelle ramirez. annibal. hey! wait. he's all yours. little league. it's a tough game. it's show time, sweetheart. he's planning another attack.
he's on his way backto east berlin. i need some time to think. i nearly killed somebodytoday. i don't know about thisanymore. baseball dads deserveno better. i heard he was way outof line. you think carlos hasturned sweet? don't tell me about carlos. i know exactly who carlos is.
i'm saying that maybe there'ssomething more importantto me. like getting back to being meand not some fucking maniac. you want to get backto being you? then finish it. kill him. when he's dead,it's over with. you're walking around withhis face. sooner or later,one of the bad guyswill see it. next time there won't beany amosto take a bullet for you. help me get him,
because you'll never knowif he'll come after you. listen to me. i don't have any familyor any friends. the only people that evermattered to me were the ones that i killed. and you. yeah, you. i created you. i won't just let you walk awaylike that.
you didn't create me. you infected mewith your poison. i know that the kid inthe hospital was a set-up. you're going to get himfor me. goddamn, you're going toget him! or i swear to god i'll make sure he knows aboutyou. i'll use you
and your family for bait! you ever threatenmy family again i'll kill you. you want to try killing me? you want to know who carlosis? look in the mirror. you've got a carlos problem. that's the guy you've gotto get. that's what it's all about.
-you and your family-(engine starts) or the jackal. oh, no.i won't let you do it. you're not going back tothose subs. it's changed you. you need help. maybe a stress disability. i want the man i married, not the animal who's standinghere.
where is he? because i don't want to bemarried to who you are now. i don't want our kidsto be raised bywhoever you are now. the kids deserve their fatherback. i deserve my husband back. whatever it is aboutyour job... my job?what do you think my job is? what do you think isout there? a nice world
with shopping malls, little league and ballet? people are killing out there. i'm one of them. i've murdered people. not with a missile from a sub, but so their brains splatteredon me. and they weren't eventhe enemy, maura. they were allies.
but i couldn't blow my cover. i've killed men.i let a friend die. i betrayed everythingi've ever believed in. and you were right. i fucked other women. you know what's worse? i've made youand the children a target. there is someone that will kill you,
if i don't kill him first. that's my job, maura, and if you don't mind,i'm late for work. (door closes) (sobs) (motorcycle approaching) (engine starting) (all speaking indistinctly) (typing)
not till he's dead, jack. (whispers) shit. don't blow it, comrades. -(man whistles)-(screams) -(knocking)-(gasps) (operatic music playing) (woman laughing) (record scratches) (music stops)
(silence) carlos, you will come with us. who are you, kgb? what's the problem? we have an agreement. you thought we were fromyour friend at the cia? henry fields. henry fields? get dressed. you, don't move.
go ahead, but you'd betterhave a good explanation. give me my pants! that's what was going onin libya. the cia and the dst. they're trying to set you up, and you're falling for it. i'd like to know your sources. we have proof.
i'm going to tell yousomething, my friend. you'll be pleading formy forgiveness before thisis over. okay, you want to go? let's go. i want to be interrogated. i demand to be interrogated... i've got you, you pieceof shit. -who are you?-(chuckles) i'm you, motherfucker.
-(gunshot)-(exclaims) now you eat shitand die slow, amigo. hi, you want a light? annibal? "awfully warm "for this time of year,isn't it?" "not as stickyas two summers ago." shit. annibal...
jesus, i'm sorry. he's getting away.go after him. fuck him.he's not going anywhere. it's over, we won. i had him. come on. lift up. you did it.the russians bought it. they think carlos isa traitor. his terrorist days are over.
no place is safe for him. his friends will give him up,and when they do, we'll be there. come on, joey, let's go.get in the car. dad, where's mom? -no. no, i've gotta run.-maura, we're goingto be late. they're waiting in the car. i'll call you back. i promise. okay, goodbye.
-annibal: maura.-okay, i'm coming. (engine starts) how does one beginto comprehenda tragedy like this? an officer returns home aftersix months of hazardous duty. he and his family are offto church, and in an instant they areno more. our minds cannot graspthe horror of this tragedy. there is only faith. an undying faith inthe almighty.
even though we cannot see it,there is a plan. now you're free. (buzzing) bonjour, monsieur mendoza. merci. papi, come on. (lighter clicks) (train horn honking)