[fire crackling] [country music playing] ok, another...charles eppker. charles...charlesis a large fellow. played football. people called him"chunky." that's right. he still plays-- back-up centerin the canadian league.
all this remember-whenwhere-are-they-now shit. that was college. can we please talkabout something else? you know what?i had a thought. shit. no. yes. last night i wasreading the history of twentieth century america, in your honor. whose, manchester's? no. big thick textby...
schlessinger.halberston. i'm not going toremember. well, authors' namesdon't really matter in your trade, anyway,do they? i work in the englishdepartment. we deal in fiction. i can tell the littleshits any name i like. your thought? oh, yes. right.i was reading 1960's
sexual revolution freelove wife-swapping-- sort of likean after-dinner, free-spirit parlor game. the husbands used tothrow their key chains onto the table,mix them up, then the wives would allpick them up blindly. buddies fuckingeach other's wives, et cetera, et cetera. now think whenour parents were born.
ok, now, thinkwhen we were born. we could be the offspringof a key chain adultery. you get it? we may notbe our father's sons. oh, it gives me hope,anyway. waitress: two more 7 and 7s. jesus, another round? thank you. i haven't finishedthis one yet. to your first monthin tropico.
stay hydrated. everybody sucks but us. [sirens] man: oh, i havea joke for you. there's this elephantin the jungle, and he's got a thorncaught in his foot. this mouse wanders by.elephant stops him and says, "hey,i'll give you anything if you take the thornout of my foot."
[groaning] [telephone ringing] hi. how'd it go? man: nick, i--i--nick,can you do me a favor? bryce? can you come over here?yeah, it's me. i know it's late,but i need you to-- yeah. no.i was expecting-- well, it--it's me.i got a problem over here.
i got--i got a serious-- ok. can it wait?because it's after-- it can't wait.i need a friend to talk to. look, i'm in bigfucking shit! ok. please. please, nick. [tearful]thanks, buddy. bye. bye. [firemen shouting]
how'd this happen? ah, brush fire season. the slightest thing willspark one of these off. you want to take a lefthere and proceed slowly up towards the right,all right? drive safe. thanks. [knock on door] [beeping] oh, shit.
morning. hey. jesus, you looklike i feel. well, i feellike it, too. you want a beer? all i've gotis domestic shit. that'll be fine. these people you're sitting for,they keep a lovely home. so, you want to tell mewhy i'm here?
i got laid tonight. how wonderful for you. no. i didn't bring you hereat 2:00 a.m. for bragging rights, ok?because if i tell you this, you got to make sure you're not goingto tell anybody, that it stays between us.ok, nick? ok? the girl thatwe met at the bar?
katie? no. kathy. oh, boy. what happened? you left. she and i--we talked for a while. you know,she bought me a round. and then she askedif i wanted to leave, and so we came here. so we starting making out.she initiated it. she did this funny thingwith her hand.
and she was kissing meand squeezing my jaw. bryce, broad strokes.broad strokes. sorry. sorry. it's like i blinked,and we were naked. and then i, uh...we did it. yeah? afterwards, she wentto the bathroom. couple minutes,came out, asked if i hadany vitamin c.
what? yeah. so i went upstairs,and i found some, and i came back down. and she had calleda cab and saidshe was going home, and thatwhen she got there, she was going tocall the police and file rape chargesagainst me.
she says i raped her,nick. bryce, is thereany truth to this? no. i'm sorry because i haven't seenyou since college and suddenly i layall this shit on you. is there any truthto what she's saying? i don't--i don't think so. you don't think so,or you know so? listen,i was pretty drunk,
and i can't fuckingremember if she tried to stopanything. but she says she did. are you just hazy on this,or were you-- no. it's a mix. i was in and outduring the act. i don't remember! well, you don't seemvery drunk right now. well, a chickaccusing you of rape
will sober you upjust like that. jesus. i don't know.maybe-- maybe she won'tgo through with it. otherwise, i don't knowwhat to tell you, bryce. sit tight,for christ's sake. whatever you do, don'ttell anyone about this-- not now, not ever. oh, fuck.
oh, nick,i really fucked up! you know, nick,can you talk to her? just tell herit was an accident. fuck! i hate to laythis shit on you. hey. hey. shh.calm down, ok? hey. the girl is gone. there's nothingwe can do. ok? come on, bryce. no! she's not gone!
she's downstairs! god. she's downstairs. this is going to lookworse than it is. see, after she saidwhat she said, after-- what she wasgoing to do, i-- see, nick,i didn't hit her. all i did was grab herand drag her, and then, coming downthe stairs, she fell... where are the lights?
over on the wall. what the fuckare you doing? i, um, well, uh, i needto think through this. not what are youthinking, how long has shebeen down here? i'm not sure because my sense of timeis all fucked up. guess. um, i dragged her down,and i tried to talk to her,
and i called you.maybe half an hour? you didn't touchher after that? no, nick, i sweari didn't touch her. [crying softly] bryce: nick-- no! just--justhold on a minute. um... but, nick-- oh, fuck! [kathy crying]
nick, come on.it's not my place. goddamn it, bryce. look, i'm sorry, nick.when she said that she was going tocall the cops, i tried to stop her tofind out what happened, and she kept goingfor the door, and i just lost it. nick, i swear to god, i didn't touch herafter that.
it's ok. it's ok. where'd you get these? upstairs. i found themin the parents' bedroom. you have the key? the key? why? i'm going totake them off. uh-huh.and then what? then i'm going todrive her home. bryce: could we talkabout this first?
bryce, give me the key! i know this looks bad,and i screwed up. but i don't thinki did before what she said i did, and i want totalk about it first. what is thereto talk about? what the hellis going to happen to me if we just let her go? what the hell is going tohappen to you if we don't?
this chick is goingto ruin my life. she's going to fuckit all up. bryce, give me the key. [crying] shh. it's ok. i'm sorry if that hurt.it's kathy, right? are you ok? all right, look.this is pretty crazy here. this situation isnot very good. i know.
i'm going to take you outof here in a minute. i'm going to drive you home. but first i need to knowif you're all right. i mean, are you injuredat all? ok, ok. look.take a deep breath, ok? just breathe in, ok? [inhales] good. yep.now exhale. let it out. it's ok.it's all right. ok.
you're doing great.you're a real pro. ok, now, listen.are you hurt? are you hurt anywhere? my lip. yeah, i can see that,but it's nothing serious. it's just a little cut. but what i want to know is,what about the rest of you? are you hurtinside anywhere? no? ok. good.
your frienddidn't hurt me. no? i don't carewhat he did before. i won't tell anybody. i just want to getout of here. i just want to go home. lis--listen-- i just want to go home, and then everythingwill be fine.
you will. i promise you. i promise.i promise you will. just hold on. hey, professor...come on. we'll be backin a minute. everything's goingto be fine, ok? bryce: you don'tbelieve her, do you? because the secondshe gets home, she's going tocall the cops.
yeah, she might. the thing is,you got to let hergo now. but there's more to this. what? what? what? look at that. ok? now this one. she's 16. i mean, what 21-year-oldcarries around a fake i.d. saying she's 16?
the girl downstairsis 16! 16! i mean, it doesn'tmatter if she said no. it doesn't matterif she screamed yes and had a notary publiccertify it, she's under age!it's statutory! if she presses charges,i will go to jail! so i guess a second date'sout of the question then, huh? do you see?do you see now?
do you seehow fucked i am? bryce, statutory cases are very, very hardto prosecute. no. the girl is 16.i had sex with her. boom. conviction.you know what? and it's not just jail.it's my job, my career, my entire educationshot to blistering fuck! can you imagine explaininga statutory rape conviction or even an accusationto a tenure committee?
can you? bryce, sit down. you're going to wear tracksin these people's carpet. i only wantedto get laid. instead,i'm getting fucked! nick, i want to letthe girl go. i'm raring to get herthe hell out of here, but the only wayi can do that is if she can guaranteethat she won't tell anyone,
and i don't seehow she can do that. you won't takeher promise? she's shown herself to bea pillar of truthfulness. and i can't bribe her.i've got nothing to offer. and-- past that, and my thinkingjust fails me. i--i don't thinki could threaten her. i could. i already playedthe good cop down there,
so maybe if i go downand pull a reversal? scare the shit out of her. we're fucked. you're telling me. p.a.: welcome to tropicorecycling company. glass goes... [glass clinking] nick! sorry, man. i forgotabout your dad's funeral.
of all days, barry. i'm really sorry. [cat screeches] [cat moaning] oh, shit! man: is it yours? nick: no.my neighbor's. he home? we ok if i sayshe was dead on arrival?
i'm going toput her down. um, excuse me. the shot cost $30.00. i'm sorry. it's the leasti can do. there you go. here's 10 back. cheap absolution. i'm sorry.i'm really running late.
oh, ok. go ahead. i'll just get the infofrom her collar. shit! ah, shit. ever feel like the world'sconspiring against you? my name's nick,by the way. mine's myrtle. myrtle. really?
[chuckling] thank god. it's lissa. i was just trying tolower your expectations. two ss? yeah. it's shortfor melissa. when i was learningto talk, i used to pronounceit "me lissa," as in "me tarzan,"so the story goes.
thanks for the lift. [praying] let the lord lift up hiscountenance about him and give him peace.amen. nick: i never wouldhave come back here after college,but my father got sick, so i came hometo take care of him. oh, yeah? mm-hmm. so anyway,what's your excuse?
i took the equivalency examafter sophomore year-- off to be an actress. actress? what, actress? can never be sureif you're being straight, with you. you can never be sure,anyway. so the first camerai got in front of-- this incrediblyimposing machinery,
like, right in my face-- and i just...froze. [chuckles] claustrophobic,i think. so it's back to homeand school and the local vetto make a buck. how long have youlived here? all my life. me, too.lafayette high.
me, too. so back to school where,s.u.t.? mm-hmm. the extension program,studying art. my dad taught there.chaired the history department. this was before theyput him in the urn. waitress:here you go, sweetie. are you all done here? mm-hmm. thanks.
so in an effort to avoida similar fate, next week i will plundermy father's belongings for their few itemsof value, go collect my inheritance, and when all thatis accomplished, i will quietly, promptlyleave tropico. just that easy? well... it's been nicemeeting you.
i'm sorry we didn'ttill now. thanks for lunch. thanks for dinner. thanks for the wake. ♪ i try so hard to remember... ♪ ♪ what it is that i forgot ♪ ♪ but i can't,but i can't believe ♪ ♪ will you now? ♪ ♪ i've tried,i've tried, i've tried ♪
♪ cried and kissed them bye ♪ [giggling] ♪ something that we both know ♪ ♪ boy, you're on my mind ♪ ♪ i don't knowhow i'm going to ♪ ♪ show you what i feel for you ♪ ♪ but all i know,all i know is i... ♪ ♪ i want to be with you ♪ ♪ all i know,all i know is i... ♪
♪ i got to be with you... ♪ rumor has it he wasa pretty good teacher. i think you would haveliked him. this is what he looked like. hmm...hmm... that's very sexy. hmm. [elevator bell rings] oh, hi, nick.
how are you?good to see you. nick. hi. come in. sit down. i'm really sorryabout your father. yeah. i'm going tomiss him. i broughthis favorite pen. i've got news. st. vincent's memorial
conducted the autopsyon your father and discovered thathis liver was near failure-- a condition which your fatherapparently knew of and failed to list on his life insuranceapplication, which constitutesa deliberate misrepresentation and invalidateshis policy. which means what, that i--that i would--
you don't getthe insurance money. as a result, i've had toinform the i.r.s. of a new compensationschedule until the saleof the house is complete. wait, wait, wait.the i.r.s.? your father didn'tmention his back tax... obligation. your father owed$200,000 in back taxes. uh, consequently,these assets
are subject to a lien, so the governmenthas seized them all. well, his estateshould constitute more than that,right? after house payments,your college tuition, uh, my fees... what's left over? it depends on the saleof the house, which the bankhas seized title of.
what do i get? if it goesfor the asking price, after taxes... ah. nothing. barry: so... did everything go okwith your lawyer? huh? are you goingto get the money? yeah. it was fine.
oh, sorryabout that. so, you going togive your notice? no. i thought i'dstick around a little longer. anyway, if i go,who's going to get my job? i don't know. [car horn honks] mmm. uh, see you later. woman: you know, you reallyhave to use a little imagination
when you're lookingat an old house like this. it's a really niceopportunity-- a fixer-upper for first-timebuyers like yourselves. it's a very good buy. come on in. the american empiredismantled. your father's? "history master'sthesis..." "by nickthornberry."
you inheritedhis passion. but that's all. tropico, the time has comefor you to pitch in-- your cans, your bottles,your other recyclables. hi. i'm mitch bennett, president and owner-operatorof tropico recycling company, inviting you allto come on down and pitch in. both: tropico and recycling--together, we're on the move. bennett: once more,please,
with conviction. and action! nick and lissa:tropico and recycling-- together,we're on the move. good. cut. all right, all right.now, uh... [speaking spanish] bennett: i want youto go get oscar, get that craneover there...
the things we dofor minimum wage. nick: so can youhelp me out? i'm sorry, guy. once the ad runs,then we'll talk. right now,i can't help you. i'm not askingfor a loan. it's money owedfor services rendered. hey, listen to me. it's not possibleright now.
look, i know you'reshort at the moment, but, hey,everybody's short. all right. forget it. reuben, i thoughti told you not to laugh. what are you doing, huh?what's wrong with you? barry: look, he's my friend.let me talk to him. i'm telling you,i don't care how longyou've known him. do you know--
dude, if yousay my name, i'm telling you,you're out of this. out of what? shh. come on. shit. um,just tell him. nick, are youdoing anything tonight? come on. come on! [la bamba playingover p.a. system]
bennett's voice: welcometo tropico recycling company. glass goes to bay 4,plastics to bay 12. thanks for your business. barry: ok. the thing is, my friend here,he works for a pretty bigguy in town. why don't youwant me to knowyour name? because if youget busted,
how are you going toidentify me? what, he was a black guywith curly hair? this guy, nick, is under seriouspolice investigation right now. he thinks he's goingto get busted anytime. so every night,he moves his stash from one houseto another so that the cops can'tget a search warrant
in time to snatch him. tonight the stashis at jimmy's house. you know, you got to havepond water for brains, man. oh! i'm sorry. i got a sofa at homesmarter than you. i like sayingpeople's names. look, just shut-- look, man.it's a real easy job. barry breaks into my spot
when i'm pullingwatchdog duty alone, right? he grabs the stuffand knocks me out just to make it look good. you're willingto take that lump? for half of $40,000?yeah. it's a two-manjob, nick, except we needa driver, ok? jimmy's first choice got the runs realbad this morning,
so i recommendedyou. now, the wayi'm seeing it is like we give you 1/4of what we take. i mean, your job'stoo easy-- it's really too safefor anything more than that. come on, nick--as a favor to me. jimmy: look, it'sone night's work, man. i mean, the only wayyou can possibly fuck up is if you forget to putgas in the car.
shit. barry's got two ticketsto the ball game tonight, and he invited me along. you going to go? yeah, i guess so. come by, though.i'll be back around 11:00. nick: you got toeat those now? it's a nervoushabit. game time.
christ,that was easy. that's it?you got it? right here. want todrive a little? ha ha ha! [coughing] jimmy's going to havean advil binge tomorrow. oh. you're not too bright,are you, barry? nope.
[door opens] nick: hi. i brought you something. so peoplewill stop laughing at your music collection. the space between us? what is this? that's what the kidsare listening to nowadays. well, thanks.
how was the game? it was fine. you want to knowwhat the score was? i listened toa sports radio show so i could liefactually. you don't have totell me where you've been. i will if you ask. i'm thinkingof moving again. where?
um, peru, malta,portland, oregon. i hear it's nicein portland. want to come? please? well, when were youplanning on going? um, a coupleof weeks. as soon asyou've finished your masterpiece. is that a no?
it's a yes,you cocksucker. so? hey, barry. nick here at 30 minutes afteryou were supposed to be here reminding you thatthe future state of our finances does not excuse usfrom our efforts here at work. hope you're on your way. can i help you? get in the car.
right. bennett's voice:tropico recycling company. man: that's right.nice and easy. we're just goingfor a little drive. how you doing? we ain't met. know who i am? i got a coupleof guesses. i'm the guy you stole$40,000 from last night.
your suspicion'scorrect. i thought you'd bean older guy. my profession don'tpromote career longevity. it's a young man'sbusiness. it don't matterhow i found out. i found out. no matter how sorryyou feel, you're goingto feel sorrier. and it don't matterhow you plan to fix it,
because that planis obsolete. freddie, take that shitoff of your head. what for? take that shitoff of your head and give it to him. blindfold yourself. why? because i don'tknow you, and i don't knowwho you know.
have you ever readadam smith's an inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations? uh-uh. in it, the man addresses the two simple lawsof the market. the first law: self-interest. it is not from the benevolenceof the butcher, the brewer, the fucking bakerthat we expect our dinner,
but from their self-interest. i don't sell junkbecause i feel a civic duty. i do it out of... self-interest. second law: competition. only under the checkof competition is a man's self-interestregulated from ruthlessness. i don't chargea c-note a pop because i thinksome other dude
is going tounderprice me. no. i don't overchargebecause what suppresses me? competition. consequently,a man's motivations of... self-interest... are transmuted by... competition... to yield social harmony. you, motherfucker,have fucked
with the lawsof the market. you have fuckedwith competition. you have deregulatedthe self-interest of some otherdope-peddling fuck. you done fucked upharmony. you must un-fuck it! this is allsimple economics. jimmy: fuck. come on.come on. jimmy has learneda lot about economics
the last few hours. keynesian theory,market trends, all that shit. taught him the differencebetween laissez faire, which is whati'm doing right now, and intervention,which is what i'm about to do. we tried to seeyour other associate--barry? he was not at home. neither was mostof his clothes.
we surmised he wouldnot be returning soon, so we came to see you. [jimmy groaning] what do you want?financial reparation? what do you want? motherfuckerlikes big words. you hold thatthought, though. got to seethe show first. you remember jimmy.hey, hey, hey, hey.
quit it. all right,freddie. cola. [muffled screaming] a little carbonationup the sinuses will fuck you up good. freddie: the drinkthat refreshes. now let's deal. i don't have your stash. then i wantreparation-- $40,000.
i don't have that,either. oh, i think you do. you're justbeing coy. what was your cut? 1/4. 10,000.you give me 15, we're all square. you don't have itby sunday, then you takethe taste test.
if you run... this is what your worldwill look like. [tires screeching] [nick dialing telephone] bryce: hey, nick,it's bryce. guess who's movingto tropico-- [fast-forwarding tape] [beep] barry: nick,it's barry. listen,
jimmy isn't answeringhis phone. i think things gotfucked up. i'm taking offfor a while till i get aholdof him. nick: call the office,you son of a bitch. lissa: things gotfucked up with jimmy? yeah. he's some friendof barry's-- assistant manager prospect. he was supposed toshow up tomorrow,
and the guy'sa complete flake. i'm in the doghouse. lissa: i have 1,000. no, no. don'tburden yourself with my fuck-ups. it's only money. besides, i've built upa certain tolerance for your fuck-ups. i think i canburden myself a little.
all right. 1,400. we could sellyour car. another 3,000,maybe 4,000. that's still10 grand short. my only question is,why pay them at all? it's just buying us the right to keepliving here, and we're leavinganyway. i think if i try and runand they find me,
they're going to hurt me. then don't run. we'll pay them. so, 5 daysto raise $10,000. you know what a champi am at asking for money. no. no, nick.i told you. in a month or so,we'll discuss this. no. it can't wait. i need an advance today,or i'm through.
look, i appreciate youtaking barry's shift, and i'm going to pay youdouble-time for it, but that doesn't changemy cash flow. the next words out ofyour mouth are "yes, nick," or you'relocking up tonight. don't try toblackmail me, nick. fuck! aah! bryce: nick,this is bryce again.
i just landed in town. got a phone numberfor you: 555-0173. you know, also,i was wondering, is there a goodmechanic in town? because my gearshiftjust took a crap on me. give me a call, babe. bryce! woman on radio: ♪ there'sa new boy in the neighborhood ♪ ♪ i'd like to meet himif i could ♪
♪ he's got the lookthat i dream about ♪ ♪ makes the other girlsscream and shout ♪ welcometo tropico. duck and cover. nick. come here, man.come here. god, it's greatto see you. you still gotthe charger. that's terrific.that's terrific. you don't see a lotof white people
driving these nowadays,but, hey, man, good for you. come on.let's get out of here. let's go. jim,we'll talk to you. nick: wow. bryce: wait tillyou see inside. so we have surveycourses to start-- american lit., brit. lit., everything that should betaught in high school. hawthorne, james,fitzgerald.
nick: "so we beat on,boats against the current, borne back ceaselesslywith the past." f. scott. great gatsby. that's a book he wrote. we don'tactually read anything we teach. the department chairgives us cliff notes at the beginningof the semester, and we just saywhatever's in those.
that's convenient. can you shutthe door? a tad excessive. the guy i'mhouse-sitting for-- a tad retentive. bryce: can you believethis place? mr. beaumont's a localguy who made good. he built this houseoverlooking tropico to remind everyone.
visual. liquid. jesus christ. here we havethe corridor of wonder. the man likes carpet. even onthe toilet seat for those prolongedstays of leisure. oh, and observethe cabinet of whimsy. huh.
isn't that great? oh, that reminds me-- how's your dad? you still livewith him, right? no. he's dead. jesus.i'm--i'm sorry. it's ok. it wasa few months ago. weird. hey, i've got
somethingto show you. it's a stay of executionfor a union deserter during the battleof vicksburg-- mr. beaumont's great-great-somebody-or-other-- but check out the sig. honest abe. didn'the ever get tired of emancipatingpeople? supposedly the staywas last-minute, and it was the onlypaper around.
anyway, i remember you used to dabblein history, so... i thoughti'd give you a show. you paying them anythingto live here? rent is nilon 3 conditions: feed the plants,keep the place clean, and don't inviteanyone over. i'm makingan exception for you. bryce mccarthy,you risk-taker.
the startingprofessorial salary is shit. i'm really luckyto have this place. your parentshave money, right? their own mint. the last few years,they've developed this financialtough-love philosophy on their kids--sort ofa benign neglect withoutthe benign part. what, they cut you off?
yup. this life of austerityis killing me. [dogs barking] man: lincoln,lincoln, lincoln. signature goesfor about $75,000. do any of theselook familiar? here. nick: um... yeah. this right here, only these two thingsare switched.
that one? that's a rare item there. trial printing. only a few in existence,and worth about, uh... $200,000. whoo! so the two togetherwould be worth... that's a $300,000stay of execution. unfortunately, it doesyou no good to steal it. ha! that's speakingpresumptuously.
yeah. well, if you'reasking about it, then it's not yours. why would it do meno good to steal it? most items like those,they're registered. hence,they're immovable. now, uh...even if this onehappens to be unregistered, you steal it,owner reports the theft, well, it'simmovable again. what if it wasn'treported stolen?
why wouldn't it be? i don't know.what if? you'd have to waittwo months. after 60 days,no theft report, you can sellthe thing. of course,you'd want to muddy the trail of ownershipleading back to you, but that's not hard todo with the right fence. and...
what wouldthe right fence take? 10%? 20. you want me to check and see if there'sa listing on it? look around. nick: it's unregistered,which means it's fair game. charlie, the guy wholooked it up for me, he said he'dadvance me 15 grand
upon receiptof the stay. then once he sold it,he'd send us the rest. you trust him? ok. so the trick isto steal it from a house with an elaborate alarm system and a house-sitter who's notallowed to invite anyone over without having it reportedstolen for at least two months? and withoutgetting caught. so how welldo you know bryce?
if you're asking can webring him in on it, no, i don't think so. you don't trust him. our sophomore yearin college, he cheatedon a midterm exam. he got caught,he confessed, and he gave up the othertwo guys, as well. so we got to stealthe thing outright and somehow make surebryce doesn't report it.
he's got to believe that he'sgoing to get in more trouble reporting it than not. how? make him thinkhe committed a crime. murder's the obvious choice. how do you convince somebodyhe's a murderer? other crimes--arson,burglary, rape. how do you convince himthat he did that? you can make itstatutory.
you want meto lay your friend? no! no, of coursei don't. you fuck him, nick. liss... and after that,you know who else you can. liss, come on! [door closes] [telephone rings] answering machine: this is nick.leave a message.
man: tick-tock,tick-tock, the mouse ran out the clock,motherfucker. [truck drives off] ohh! god. nick? oh, my god. ok. i'll do it. oh, liss.
you fucking bastard. you know what you did. you bastard.you fucking bastard! you bastard! nick: bryce, it's nick. yeah. how are you? good. good. listen, what are youdoing tomorrow night? no, i got a place. it's calledthe tropico nocturne.
nocturne. wait. hold onone second. [telephone beeps] hello. yeah, this is he. uh-huh. i'll have the moneysunday morning. ok. i'll be here. say no, and we'll just call the wholething off right now.
hmm? once you've given him reasonable causefor concern... get the hellout of there. wait for the caboutside on the street, not evenon the property. is that all? yeah, i think so. i won't see youuntil tomorrow night,
and i probably won'tcome back here afterwards... but i'll call youas soon as it's over. if that'swhat you want, ok. are you going to beok with this? i guess i have to be.i want to be. liss. hi, this is me,and i'm here, just entertaining somelast-minute reservations. i thought maybeyou'd want to stop by.
calling yourgirlfriend already? hey, have her set me upwith a friend. i could use getting laid.hey, bring a friend! [sirens passing] bryce: i gota joke for you. this mouse wanders by. the elephantstops him and says, "i'll give you anything the mouse goes, "ok,under one condition.
afterward, i getto fuck you up the ass." and the elephantnods ok. the mouse takes thisthorn out of his foot. the mouse says, "hey,we had an agreement." and the elephantgoes, "ok." so the mouse jumpson top of his back, he startsgiving the elephant his business, right? and meanwhile,there's a monkey
up above in the trees. the monkey looks down, and he sees this mousesodomizing this elephant, and the monkey'sjust disgusted. and he's so upset that he grabs a coconutfrom the tree, he hurls itdown at them, the coconut hits theelephant in the head, the elephanthollers in pain,
and the mouse says,"that's right, baby. take it all!" ha ha ha! no. no. yes. yes. i got to goto the bathroom. ye of little bladder. can i seta running tab, please? woman: no problem. get out of here.
listen... i love you. why do you thinki'm doing this? woman: thanks, hon. i know, i know. i havea terrible drinking problem. whiskey doesn'tstain, does it? i don't think so. well, it's a hand-me-downanyway. brooks brothershanded it down to me.
you want to sit down? it's only a college buddyand me. sure. i'm hereby myself, anyway. i'm bryce. i'm kathy. hi, kathy. you're back.kathy, this is nick. is this your seat?
nope. not anymore. could i get thatjacket from you? thanks. bryce,i'll see you later. i'm going to go. is everything ok? yeah. i'm justa little preoccupied. no kidding. it's been discoveredthat our friend here is on a very short leash. nick: i took careof that tab.
will you at least tip? ok. i'll call you tomorrow.nice to meet you, kathy. nick: i'm sorry. bryce: nick! there's nothingto apologize about. it's ok. see you, nick.see you, buddy. [moaning] i'm sorry. i'm so sorry. i never meant this to happen.i promise you. i promise.
you didn'tget the key? where is it? bryce has it. the note? no, the key.i have the note. no. it's notin your purse. i didn't put itin my purse. i have it. what happened?
he just laid therefor a while afterwards. this is after you... what then? then i startedinto my speech, but he just wentfucking ballistic, and i tried to gofor the door... he didn't do anythingto you, did he? he dragged me downthe stairs, nick. i know. i'm sorry.i'm sorry.
he's justa bad drunk is all. i must look terrificabout now. no, you... you wear captivity well. so where is it? the note.where is it? you could at least kissme when you do that. baby. that wasreally sweet. [thumping from upstairs]
...lord today? have you? have you thoughtabout the lord lately? i'm gladyou're here. i'm glad, too. it doesn't mean we haveto stick around, though. so, what are wegoing to do? well, i have two ideas. first one, i break that pole,you slide your arms out, and we go home.
i like that idea. do we get the money? he's been upstairsstudying your i.d.sfor the past two hours. does he knowthey're both fake? not yet. what's idea two? bryce: what'd she say?! "my uncle isa fucking lawyer. "he's going tohave your ass.
"he's going totear the scrotums off youcocksuckers, you--" jesus! that's it, nick. she's notgoing to drop it? what was thatone line? uh... "both of you are going to rotin jail the rest of your lives. going to be mayorsof ass-rape city." [gagging] nick: you might wantto lift the lid there.
[vomiting] jesus, nick. jesus, this shittylittle girl. you work your whole life,and one goddamn night, you-- write a doctoral thesison middle english, middle-- middle fucking english! to get fucked by someprom queen in training. i came once!i can't even remember. so you don't get tenure.so what?
well, fuck tenure.i'm unhirable. i can't evenget a janitor's job. i might as welldo what you do. it's all i ever wantedto do, nick, was teach. it's all i knowhow to do, and now i can't becausemiss bitch-city downstairs won't let me. i'm so fucked. we are.
aiding and abetting,bryce. kidnapping. she's bringing thatagainst me, too? us, bryce! us. wicked fuckingbitch. bitch! here. come here. wait! you done? [flushes toilet]
hey... i screwed it.i'm sorry. she's whacked. i know. there's no way you could reasonwith someone like that. god, i'd liketo kill the girl. she showed up at the baralone, right? yeah, i think. didn't seem likeshe knew anybody there,
and nobody would remember youtwo leaving together, right? no, the bartendersaw her kiss me. i mean, why? whatare you suggesting? television: tropico, the timehas come for you to pitch in. bryce. hey, are you in this? it has the productionvalue of bad porn. bryce, you prick. why'd you call me?
why did i call you? yeah. huh? i called youbecause i needed help. you'rea sly one, man. you're a fuckingsly one! i'm not tryingto be sly. talk to me. i needed your advice! then stop fuckingpatronizing me!
i know what you're doing! tropico recycling.together... you have been playing mefor the fool all night, ever since i walked inthat door. "what are yousuggesting, nick?" oh, you are sweet. if you want to kill her,then say so, but don'tplay games with me. kill her?
it's why i got the call-- to give you the nerve.it's out in the open now. don't pussyfoot around. i--i...kill her? yes, bryce. i couldn't do that. you couldn't? well, we couldn't. i can't believe thatyou're even saying this.
i mean, actually kill her?take her life? no, the other senseof the word "kill." what are you doing? i'm lookingfor a pillow. there. have yourself a time. this is notwhy i called you. why else? you werelooking for an alternative to letting her go.
what other alternativedid you think i'd suggest? consciously or not,this is what you want. this is whyyou called me. can we really do this? come here. sit. can we do this?yes, i think we can. no one can associateyou with the girl. there are no witnessesto your meeting except me,
and i'm your alibifor the entire evening. no, no. i mean,can we really... i mean,she's--she's-- she's a person, i know,with an actual life, and we're talkingabout ending it. you're right. that's...that's pretty horrible. but remember, we're talkingabout 3 lives here-- hers and both of ours. i just want to dowhat's right.
i do, too. and this is a moral issue,but it's also a practical one. the greatest good forthe greatest number of people. it's a tough one, granted. we save her, we screw us,and vice versa, but think--who's worth saving here? who's created this problem? someone is going toget hurt, bryce. it's justa question of who.
anyway. it's your decision to make.i'll stand by whatever you say. i guess i'll do it. no, no, no. i'll do it. you sure? that's whyyou called. what's that? it's whatit looks like. she gave you that?
it's weirdbecause i remember her being really into it,screaming like a champ. i must have beendoing something right. i need the keynow, bryce. handcuffs. [exhales] i'll be backin a couple minutes. what now? you die.
oh, god. huh! all right. [alarm ringing] oh! sorry. [alarm stops] you need a hand? no. i got her. shit. i forgother purse.
just hang in therea little longer. i'll have you outin two seconds. i don't know if i wantto go through with this. it's just a little longer.just hang in there, ok? nick, please. bryce:what are you doing? what do you mean? no, you're notcoming with me. yeah, i am.
no. i don't want you.i can't use you. what are yougoing to do? there's an incineratorat the recycling plant. i'm going toput her in it. is that safe? nobody arrivesat work till 9:00, now get out.come on. wait! whatabout her car? all right,what about it?!
if they report her missing,the police will track the car. when they find it, they'llask around the nocturne. ok, fine.i'll move it. you'll need the keys. you have them? look, i can'tstay here alone! i just can't stay here. i--i need to eatsomething. i'll drop you offto eat.
then i'll dealwith the girl... and then i'll dealwith her car. ok? [starts engine] isn't there a minimumspeed limit or something? man on radio: ♪ glow worm,glimmer, glimmer ♪ ♪ lead us, lest too farwe wander ♪ ♪ love's sweet voiceis callin' yonder ♪ ♪ shine, little glow worm,glimmer, glimmer, hey ♪
♪ and don't getdimmer, dimmer ♪ ♪ light the pathbelow, above ♪ ♪ and lead us onto love ♪ this song. what about it? it's all about sperm. no, it's not. oh, come on. "light the path thatleads us on to love"?
this little glow worm is likerudolph, the red-nosed sperm, leadingall the other sperm up. of course it is. [turns off radio] you know, noteverything in the world revolves around fucking. no, just most things. no, they don't. they revolve aroundmoney and power
and sometimes spite. you know what?that's history's view. literature's view isit's all about fucking. [siren] nick, turn around. goddamn it, bryce,calm the fuck down! shit, nick.nick, turn around! calm down.calm down. slow down!slow down!
all right, we got a carcoming through! clear a lane there!clear a lane! [men shouting] keep moving there.keep moving. let's get some handsover here! pull aroundto the left there. you guys, over here. get that hosestraightened. bryce: nick? nick, there'sa car following us.
nick: keep it up,bryce. drunk and paranoidlooks good on you. shit! i thinkit's a cop, nick. they're going to stop us.what if they stop us? what if they checkthe trunk? shut the fuck up! see?it's not a cop. man: time's up,motherfucker! aah! aah!
get outof the fucking car! bryce: please!please! please! no! no! no!no! no! no! don't hit--don't hit--don't hit me! don't hit me!don't hit me! [engine revving] you fuck! i'll fucking kill you,you son of a bitch! ugh!
what are wegoing to do now? they just took the car!they're going to find her! lissa, lissa, lissa,lissa, lissa, lissa... nick, what are wegoing to do? quiet! nick, they're going to-- they're going tocall the police. bryce,they're car thieves. they're not going tocall the police.
nick, get up! nick, get up. nick, what-- i'll take care of it. just go home, ok?just go home. but-- just--just... [ring] nick, answering machine:this is nick. leave a message.
i'm here.i'm here. i'm here. hello? man: we gotsomething of yours. got two thingsof yours, actually. what do youwant me to do? stop checking your assout in the mirror. you coming? man: boy, you gota funny idea about chivalry. when me and my ladygo driving,
she always ridesup front with me. i thought our datewas sunday. it was.i bumped it up. thought you might be gettinga little flighty. apparently you've beengetting something. what the fuckyou been up to? where is she? man: don't worry. we ain't offered herany soda.
150 years ago,we had a very curious economicsystem in this country. there wasa civil war. yeah. i readabout it. but before that, my great-great-great-grandmother was put up for auction. set a female recordin georgia--$800. now, given inflationwith today's dollars,
she was soldfor approximately... 10 gsand some change. is thatyour asking price? mm-hmm. that will be a totalof $25,000 you owe me. i can get you 20in 3 or 4 hours, if you can waitthat long. freddie willdrive you back. your girlfriendwill stay here... while you go getyour daddy's money.
wait a minute. how did you knowabout my dad? [crack] hey! hey! hey! man: hey! man: oh... ha ha! it's just... you know...
what did we steal? baking flour. we thought you gotall that money from your dad,you know, and the house. ha ha! what's 20 grand? i mean, come on. we didn't expect youto pull all this shit. what's your story? i'm a finance major.
we all gottuitions to pay. uh... i'm justhis cousin, man. man:by marriage. aah! you fuck! [glass shattering] [all shouting at once] come on, man!calm down, man! get up off of me!
what the hell is wrongwith you, man? calm down! man: come on, man.let's get him out of here. come on, let's go. what, you never fuckeda friend before? no--no hardfeelings, man. hey, sorry aboutyour car, dude. uh, you can call the policeif you want, but you know,you do that,
we'll start mentioningthe chick in the trunk. man: ♪ take me back... ♪ don't try and getyour wheels back. ♪ to where you hide ♪ ♪ lay me down ♪ ♪ lay me down inside ♪ excuse me. do you knowwhat time it is? 7:30. we got to be at charlie'sin two hours.
but, nick, why? it's the most fucked-upnight of my pathetic life. [car horns honking] lissa! liss! wait! look, i'm sorry! i'm sorry i put youthrough all this! don't apologizeto me, nick. don't. that only makes thiswhole situation worse.
you were in a hole, and i did whati needed to do. but we can stillsalvage some of this. we can stillget the money. the money, nick? bryce has no idea you'restill alive. we could-- what, justfuck him over? just fuck him overfor the hell of it? this was neverabout money, nick.
this was about youbeing stuck in the same placefor your whole life. you two together? i'm not sure. [toilet flushing] jesus, you're here. what's going on?did you find the car? what are youdoing here? i was starved. this wasthe only place open.
i told youto go home. yeah, i know,but, um... nick, i don't thinki can handle this. i've got thissick feeling inside. it's like a tightnessin my chest, and i feel like it'skind of going to burst. you killed her, nick. excuse me? you killed her.you smothered her.
i mean,she was a person. now she's just dead. lissa: yeah,can i get a cab? ok? and i can'thandle it. i mean, i just can'tgo through with it. i got to talkto somebody. yeah? ha ha! of course you do. i'm sorry, nick.i got to--
i'm goingto the police. for me. i have to. you knowsomething, bryce? you're an asshole. in fact, you've alwaysbeen an asshole, even in college. i think that's whyi never really liked you. nick, i'm having a crisisof conscience here. there's no needto be rude.
oh. what the fuckis this? what the fuckis that? lissa, wait. lissa? christ, she's not-- what-- what the fuckis going on? bryce, this is lissa. she's my girlfriend.
was my girlfriend. what happened? i mean,i thought she was in-- she slept with you... to steal that... to save my life. and if she leaves me now, i'm never going to be ableto make it up to her, and i badly needto make it up to her. bryce: i neverliked you, either!
wow. cabdriver: what's itgoing to be--in or out? i thoughtyou were leaving. i thought i was, too. then i realizedi didn't have any money. let's walk? anywhere... away from here. neneh cherry:♪ the first kiss ♪
♪ you plantedto my face ♪ ♪ the second twist ♪ ♪ the taste of fear ♪ ♪ took upall the space ♪ ♪ in here ♪ ♪ more or less,pick a way out ♪ ♪ in the twisted mess ♪ ♪ more or less,disintegrated ♪ ♪ strategicallyimpressed ♪
♪ more or less,no longer residents ♪ ♪ at a new address ♪ ♪ more or less,scratch me like a perfume ad ♪ ♪ recycleall the plans we had ♪ ♪ more or less ♪ ♪ whenever i think,more or less ♪ ♪ whoever i take,more or less ♪ ♪ however it breaks,more or less ♪ ♪ someone'sgoing to fall ♪
♪ i sense a grainof stress ♪ ♪ hurting youmore or less ♪ ♪ i pick upthis twisted mess ♪ ♪ like sinking ships ♪ ♪ dragged into abyss ♪ ♪ just slammin' ♪ ♪ in sinfulness ♪ ♪ wherever i takethe night ♪ ♪ keepin' iteye to eye ♪
♪ with tastiness ♪ ♪ pick a way outin the twisted mess ♪ ♪ strategicallydigress ♪ ♪ at your old address ♪ ♪ more or less, watch melike a prison guard ♪ ♪ swipe me like a credit card,more or less ♪ ♪ i sensea grain of stress ♪ ♪ take me, shake me,knock me away ♪ ♪ a million waysthat we relayed ♪
♪ we've all cometo suffocate ♪ ♪ to make it throughthe night today ♪ ♪ more or less,count the days strategically ♪ ♪ more or less,the cravin' to believe in me ♪ ♪ more or less,who to blame and who to be ♪ ♪ more or less, make itthrough the night with me ♪ ♪ now it's tastin'--whenever i think ♪ ♪ the fear that slowly--whatever i take ♪ ♪ now i stop to--however it breaks ♪
♪ you belong to--someone's going to fall ♪ ♪ now i stop to reminisce,and now ♪ ♪ movin' up,picture this ♪ ♪ twisted mess ♪