the running man korean movie i'll be there real soon, baby i love you, too don't spit in the car, please can you drive any faster, dumb ass? what if my baby goesto another customer? i said don't spit in the car what are you gonna doabout it, dumb ass? that's one foul mouth you got there
why don't you just run to your 'baby'?dumb ass! what the fuck? i'm sorry,i meant to say 'bald ass' damn, you look goodwet or dry running man you little shit! what time is it? shit!why didn't you wake me up? playing spy again?aren't you a little too old for that?
if you're ashamed of living here,leave early there are more kids out earlier but you wouldn't know thatyou never finished school if you get kicked out,we split living expenses 50/50 you and that attitude doesn't it ever tire you out? if the milk has gone bad,throw it away attack of steel erection! what! what?
perfectly normal for a healthy manit gets the blood flowing it's not like i watch it all the time why was this on anyway next time i catch you,i won't just delete the files what? damn you!it was my finest collection totally lost your cool that flying kick!that's what i'm talking about i mean... what's gotten into you?
you were top of the class until ninth grade smart enough to join mensa i was in the fightbut i didn't start it it's wrong for a studentto be in a fight and it's okay for a teacherto spy on his students? what... what do you mean? my phone! no! all done. good to go
oh no, i left the keys inside one moment wow! thank you there is nothing he can't unlock he can even unlock handcuffs from burglary to car theftyou name it, he's done it thank youhave a good day, ma'am stinks! i appreciate your getting me this job and all
but i've been clean for years nowtransparent as glass glass is easy to break not if it's reinforced glass i pray for you every day, you know even after you gotlet go as a minister? let go? me? i've been in and out of jailbecause god sent me there now he wants me to take a break why don't you take that break at home?
put out the cigarettefire hazard! for crying out loud! did you find a new place? not easy withwhat i have in the bank i'm only trying to get out of the basement but the prices are going through the roof how is your boy doing these days? he doesn't visit me anymore i have no idea
i'm breaking my back for himi think i got shorter by almost an inch hello? mr. cha, you need to come init's about your son i can't go but this is a serious matter just follow the school policy pardon me? it's his life, as faras i'm concerned but, mr. cha...
the boy is a blessinghe's a different breed from you blessing, my ass! yeah, right he would never hurtsomeone for no reason pastor, it's not the firsttime this happened look at what he's done to my son last time, he smacked his right sidethis time, his left my boy is not a goddamn punching bag pastor
he'll be a senior next yearhis father ought to take more interest of course you knowi don't blame the boy it all comes down tohow he was raised look at all that hatred in his eyes i'm outta here aren't you a tough guy why did you provoke him? his father is no show again?
he had this thing he couldn't get out ofso, i came in his place i've got no business with you, pastor i'm gonna settle this once and for all hello?where the hell are you? smartphones cost a fortune these days almost a grand a pop i'm telling you as a fellow parent as a father to a fatherthat's no way to raise a kid he's got so much hatred is in his eyes
the key is constant communication you're rightcommunication is important just that i can't get through to him all the more reason to make effort take my boy for instancea heart of gold! it all comes from constant conversationand sound upbringing car wash coupon i'll throw in a free wax job have a sizzling night
excuse medid you call for a cab? let's go this is a reservation-only car service ten bucks to anywhere in gangnam i'll give you a hundredlet's go take a left at the next lightthen stop sir where are you going?with your briefcase and all? wait here. i'll be right back
come onyou know better than that where is the other half? all done where is the restroom? one floor up thanks wait take me to my condo, then to the airporti'll pay 500 airport is quite far
and i've got tons of calls waiting but i could think about it thousand... upon arrival deal hey! what the hell? call me and i'll be thereeven in the middle of desert i left the car unlocked take all the time you need
big shot customer i'm much too busy for10 dollar pick-ups service coffee, milk!is that okay sir? you must be really tired take a power napwe'll be there in no time here we are, sir you're passed out sir, we're herecome on
damn... excuse me what are you doing there? why is he hiding? what are you doing? is that a person? hey, you! this way, lieutenant we got a novice here
what makes you say that? my gut tells me so it's a professional job the victim sustaineda single fatal stab wound it's got professional written all over - did you get the prints?- sent for processing surveillance footage? we got it well taughtyou do me proud
the victim is a us citizen that makes it complicated lieutenant, we have another dead body in a car outside hangang parkpossibly heart attack what's with the parking lots today what the hell do you want? what do you think? get out do you have anything to tell me? what... go to bed
i'm telling youif you end up in jail again, you'll never see my face again shut up and go to bed i didn't do nothingall i did was run sir, you've got nothing to worry about consider it taken care of enjoy your game, sir hello, lieutenant ahn about yesterday...
it's not a good timeto talk about the kids do we have the results back? you can't just show upat my work place we have the cctv footage great we'll talk about it later, okay let's have a look it's consistent with theeyewitness account how is that a professional job?i told you it was a first timer
- we have the fingerprint analysis- good that's not what it looks like why are you still here? i feel bad about whathappened, too i knew that you gave me too much but you're the onewho put it in the envelope - you don't understand- alright, alright come on nowfine i hear ya
you cha jong-woo? i can explain you've got it all wrong you see, i was driving last night... get him! walking in here voluntarilyhand me the cuffs - yes, sir!- i didn't do it back off!
don't come any closer i'm telling you it wasn't me i'm not going. i get rashes just bylooking at wedding dresses hello? i'm losing you why would i turn myself in? i didn't do it - stand back- i didn't do it where's your car? calm downtake it easy
tell me! your car! outside on the left, 4631 i said back off here seon-yeong? stop filming stop or i'll shoot don't shoot! no, don't shoot!turn off the camera don't shoot! turn that off!
get off that's lieutenant's car step on it! stop the car don't make a sound the cellphone give me your phone i don't have itit's at home the next station is sangdo
pervert! why did you touch me? pervert what the heck? what the hell?what's the deal with the cellphone? 9 o'clock? our station is the no.1 video online don't shoot! turn that off what are you, a goddamn rapper?
it just came to me who the hell is this guy his name is cha jong-woohis records show that he served time for assault, car theft and burglary you were taken hostage by a petty criminal? man, i can't even look at you according to his file, cha evaded arrest attemptson a dozen occasions
the man's nicknamed 'the big slip' i told you he was a pro we have a warrant bring in the bastardor i'll kill you with my own hands get moving! did you see my video on the net?i beat the major dailies to it this is my scoop if you want a full coverage,better call off my reassignment yes!
damn you! did you bring it? hey listen to me carefully if cops come looking for me,you know nothing anyone suspicious lurks around...you know what? just go stay with the pastor don't believe anythingthat anyone tells you you sound the most suspicious to me
can't you listen to me for once? big shot customer? what is this? if you want to clear your name,i suggest you listen to me who is this? someone that can help youbring me the cellphone that's your only chance you sure? i can get out of this mess?
- meet me at...- no i'll decide when and where gwanggyo intersectionin exactly an hour wear white headphonesaround your neck turn off the cellphone,if you don't want to be traced just do as i said what a place to raise a kid! you can't go in there park, it's okay i know him
what do you think you're doing? what does it look like?we're looking for your father did he call? lieutenantwe got it - good job- great send it over to the lab send it to the lab that looks about it let's put surveillance onand wrap up
put surveillance onlet's get outta here put it back before you go put everything back to their places what the heck, you little punk? take it easy, manlet's go - he's glaring at me- alright, alright where is your mother? don't have one lieutenant ahn
what are you doing here? to help you clean upwhat else? i don't need your helpgo away aren't you a strong man? did he kill a man? it looks that way for now hi, i'm seon-yeongfrom weekend gazette what's your name? are you sure that it was him?
from what we know, yes but we won't know for sureuntil we talk to your father is there anything you can tell me? can i trust this guywhat's the deal with the picture? go through every alleywith a fine-toothed comb yes, sir do you have some toilet paper in the car? excuse me? never mindkeep an eye on the boys
excuse mecan i use your restroom? it's on the third floor thank you they have toilet paper in there? - sure- thanks i'll have that 50 cent drink i'm sorry but you can't orderan extra shot on its own extra what? you can't just get an 'extra shot'
what the hell is he doing here? man... damn it! cha jong-woo! i'm sorry for everything it's cha suspect sighted at coffee shop up there hey! cha!
stop where you are i said i didn't do itstop coming after me you'll get yourself killed hang on tight son of a bitch!go after him move your car what the...?national intelligence service? wow!you're one hell of a getaway artist thanks, man
freeze target secured can we pull over?my hand's hurting the phone come on, man you said you would help me your boss must bea big fan of the tower should've just told meand that gun really isn't necessary the picture is worth 6 billion dollars
consider it your bad luckit was sent to you by mistake i see now that you got what you wanted,you won't be needing me anymore shall i drop you here? take a right at the end of the bridge the murder victim was a spywho tried to leak information concerning national security? due to the sensitive nature of the matter,only my team is involved at present we're taking over the operationas of this moment
are you going to hang me out to dry?i have promotion coming up security, control...i'll give you full support once we catch the bastardhe is all yours if you'll only let us tag along there you arei've been looking all over for you lieutenant you've aged 10 years overnight get out of my face off limits for reporters, starting today
how am i supposed togive you information then? i got cha getting away on tape really show me yoursand i'll show you mine reporters are here any leaks,you can kiss your promotion goodbye understood this kid's father killed the spy this is huge
- now, give me that- anything else? don't push your luck come on, i know you've got morejust one more talk to me - what the hell?- alright, alright! - ahn sang-gi!- yes, captain you've got time to fool around? i was securing vital evidence the kid is on your watcharound the clock, starting now
but, i'm a lieutenantin charge of... as you command, sir i should get going there's nothing on it you wanna jerk around with me? okay, bring it on disinfect the woundand put on some bandage i did. i washed my hands you can't turn it on?
as soon as i dothese men spring up from nowhere so, the eiffel tower isworth 6 billion dollars? not the tower, the picture! there is something in this picture do you know anyonewho might be able to crack it? maybe he can help his name is jang do-sik he used to hack intothe government system to steal money now he works in media
what? jang who? 37... gi-hyeok, what brings you here at this hour? he's here, isn't he? come out, cha jong-woo! gi-hyeok calm down, songo home and wait for who?
he'll give you all kinds of crapthen try to hide behind you again the man can't takeresponsibility for his actions call the police or you'llget in trouble, too you ungrateful bastard! you see the kind of crapi have to put up with? i wouldn't be living like thisif it wasn't for you i wouldn't have been expelledor ended up in jail most of all, i wouldn't be here you should've never had me
- you little piece of...!- nobody wanted me that's who i am mother had to go abroadright after giving birth father got kicked out of schooland ended up in prison and, grandmother who raised himdies of cancer cut it out i don't know what messyou got yourself into but you gotta talk things outwith your boy sooner rather than late
jang do-sik 376-4848 who's there? are you a cop? i asked if you're a cop let me see your badge jong-woo!what are you doing? go! hang in there i'm taking you to the hospitalstay with me son
it's all on you now you gotta do right by him light me a cigarette oh my god! did i freak you out?a pretty girl like me? did you have a scary dream? not the dream, it's youwhat are you doing here? i thought you mightget hungry sleeping this won't half make up forthe monkey business you pulled on me
i know, i know let's leave nis to handle cha we gotta go after the real thing talking out of your ass again? come on, hear me out the dead guy wasa spy the nis was after a spy that stole government secretwas taken out by a petty thief? you do the math what are you trying to say
there's something bigger behind this and you know what that is? i'm saying we gotta work it out,you and i what's there to think about? you know that no-one in your teamhas any respect for you the pervert you caughtthat got you promoted you stumbled upon him by pure chance what are you talking about? i was waiting for himwhen he came my way
get your facts straight where are you going? gotta take a dump i'll come with ya gi-hyeok? when d'you sneak out?where have you been? i went for some air come onlet's get you plenty air what is this place?
this is where your fatherpicked up the victim come on - what?- leave it to me you know what they call me good evening, gentlemen who's in charge here? excuse me butthis is a restricted area my husband screwedsome whore at this hotel he won't admit to itso, i came for proof
i need to see your cctv from last night you can't be in hereplease step outside are you gonna pay my alimony, mister? please, let's take this outside the cctv! i'm from jungbu precinct... why is fate so cruel? i run a chinese restaurant still fooling around...my poor boy
oh daddy, how can i live now? please, ma'am ma'am! don't touch me how do i get to the roof?i'm gonna jump tell the world that we jumped off the roofbecause they won't let us see the cctv come on, son my poor baby!
your old man broke mommy's heart she just needs to see the cctv ma'am it was yesterday - that's richard ma- stop! bring it up on the big screen? sure come on, fast-forward it - okay- what the...?
stop! - what?- nothing jeez... hit play hey! sorry. play the tape is it a man that your husbandis involved with? shush what are you looking for?who are you people? i think i got the wrong hotellet's go, son. daddy
hey! what a crazy bitch... tell me what you know, lieutenant well you've been a cop for 20 years i know that man it's him, isn't it? is it? it is him - is he dead, too?- last night
at the hangang park parking lot it was heart attack what are you looking at? wait a minute flying dragon project? it's the government project selectingnext-generation fighter jet there are all kinds of rumors about it flying dragon finalists: france & usa dr. sh hong to lead the project
...selecting thenext-generation fighter jet ...worth 9 billion dollars what the...? i smell a scoop right, lieutenant? what's that? never mind remember how nervoushong looked before he went in? you're right
he was looking over his shoulders and, he rushed out in a hasteand disappeared there is more hong had a small bagwhen he went in and later, it was in ma's hands how do these facts connect? is that a rhetorical question? it was hong thatstole the information he was nervous becausehe wasn't a professional
the deal took place in that suite everything we know leads back toflying dragon project isn't he something? i don't understand a thinghe is saying come on, i know where jong-woo is bring it on, you bastards turn it off... don't shoot... oh, mommy! i'm going out
look how vicious the attack wasthe car is shaking he should be sentstraight to death row do you believe he was killedwhen the car shook? isn't that obvious? but the victim sustaineda single stab wound besides, does it make sense to pull up right under the cctvto ditch the body and run? you're doing it again richard ma wasn't killed herehe was already dead
you have reached andre's event world i'm out of office until 6pmplease leave a message condo - hotel / police record 60 min bridge - sob / pastor's killer - bastard condo - hotel / actual time taken 40 min missing 20 min? i transferred your old numberto this phone murdered - hong / richard ma i sympathize with you
your father is accused of murder but you can't catch a killer like thatyou need evidence that's why the police exist leave this to mego back to school where you belong eat upi'll drop you off you got cha's location? where is he? his signal was last picked upnear the world cup stadium step on it
we're here everyone get ready you gotta back up we're all stuck here unless you move back up and you,turn the wheel all the way gi-hyeok! he's close by how do you like that,sons of bitches? freeze!
good to see you again, suits i knew you'd show up bastard what's he doing here? hey! i'm up here over here come and get me i'm at the east gatewhere are you? your boyfriend is at the east gate
what are you doing here?you gotta get the hell outta here! i have to ask you something will you just listen to me? where are you? just get out of here, okaygod damn it get out of the way i'm sorry what did you do on the nighti caught you with the bloody shirt? what do you want to know that for?
because i'm gonna catch the killer i should be going after chainstead of babysitting like father like son,he's also a hell of a runner god damn itturn off your phone wanna play this game? that's the reason i'm being chased these gentlemen wereat the stadium for the game you have no groundsfor keeping them here i'm not even gonnaget to unlawful arrest
this was the only placeyou stopped the car? for 20 minutesare you sure? i drove the damn car you stopped here for 20 minutes that's when it happened richard ma was gonnahand over the intel to us which means he waschased by the french so, you saw the 'bastard' at pastor's, and at the coffee shop... the 'sob'
- classy- so, the picture is it connected toflying dragon business? that's the stolen information probably disadvantageousfor france anything else? it's a free country stop looking are you doing all this... to help me?
- you wish- don't you try get me something to eati'm starved i'm brokei spent the last dime on coffee gosh i'm starving i could kill for some pastry are you dying todraw attention, fugitive? some fashion sense you've got look at the color the fit's not bad though
a fugitive, eh?nice andre's event world everhing from tnt planningto filming and editing... hanging up without a word? all is well with pastor mun? hallelujah he has such a way of talking every word is a blessing i used to cry riverslistening to his sermon
although i was never an emotional man it shakes you right in the core jang do-sik, right? i have long abandonedthat sinful name please call me andre and, i've given up that life, too in less than 24 hours afterescaping the police custody, the double-murdersuspect killed another man in an attempt to secure getaway money
he should be stoned to death wanted: cha jong-woothe police secured the murder weapon and is stepping up security checks to stop the highlydangerous murderer have you ever hita true dead-end in life? no, sir i'm a huge fan of your work you've got some fresh anglethe actors aren't bad either the "attack of steel erection" series, right?
take a seat, man so, this is where you work is this the picture? seon-yeong, is gi-hyeok with you? why are you asking me about him?aren't you supposed to be with him? that's right. he's with me so, he's not there? listen, lieutenant i put out some feelersat dr hong's funeral
he started acting suspiciousafter coming back from america he would spend dayslocked up in the lab do you smell it, too? i got a call coming in i bet she was born rude the captain will eat me alive where do i find him? it's gi-hyeok this is what i'm talking about
i can easily write a book out of this richard ma...? - hello? park from weekend gazette- it's gi-hyeok i'm with cha jong-woo right now i think i figured it out meet me herei'll text you the address it's the 'bastard' is there a secret exit? uh...no
if he catches us, he'll kill you, too this way which one is the key come onthis way shit, which one is it? they always pick thecreepiest place to hide cha? cha jong-woo?man, i can't see a thing cha jong-woo
jeez jong-woo? what are you doing?you're freaking me out can you turn the lights on? how are we supposedto talk in pitch black? i came alone as promisedfather to a father, you know run, lieutenant! get out of here choi, send back up!
get down, gi-hyeok!hurry lieutenant! drop your weapon you alright? who the hell are you? what the hell?get out of the car murderer onboard - drive properly- hey! don't you 'hey' me
who are you people?who was that lunatic with the gun? what gun? he was shooting at everyonejong-woo got hit who is he talking about? gi-hyeok? my keys! ask the lieutenant for protectioni don't want to see you again what's your problem? this is it for youi'll take it from here do you reallywant to end it like this?
yes - pastor mun is killed- what? by that same bastard we gotta crack the code to catch him help me what?why what are you trying to do? this isn't your house? i swore i would neverdo this again
what if someone sees us? hey! wow, 2 seconds okay! got it this is a program usedto decode steganography what's steganography it's a way of concealingcompressed data within an image file this should do the trick this is going to takesome time to convert never mindi think he's bipolar
can you tell from a glanceif a house is vacant? is it like... a trade secret? we were gonna move in hereit's gone to someone else now i'm sure his mom prepareda much better place for him his mom?gi-hyeok told me he didn't have one because he doesn't know about her i've always wanted to live with himin a house with plenty of sun image analysis complete2 doc, 1 video found yes! i cracked it
august 2, ft-18ksecret test flying, nevada desert ft-18k?it's an american fighter jet what are you doing there, dr. hong? we found some error during hang onis that dr. hong? analysis of the engine plan who is dr. hong? this is only a formalitywe're going with the us i think they're starting
defect analysis report what's going on? don't leave me hanging americans are screwed are you saying it wasn't america that richard ma was selling to? richard ma was representing france look you see? ma was a lobbyisthired by the french government
your name is gi-hyeok? - are you going to help us?- of course this is a very importantpiece of information is there any way youcan contact your father? this is more than enough to clear you wow! hurry up and copy the file hallelujah! who's the bastardthat killed all these people
and is coming after me? neither us nor france someone that knows the secretsand needs to get rid of this footage national intelligence service? mr cha?this is chief kim from nis your son came to mewith a vital lead that can clear you it's a lie! i tried to play nice but it's not gonnago down like that, is it?
put him on the phone don't come shut up and do exactlyas they tell you don't come here! listen to me for once! it looks like we havea mutual understanding i'll bring over what you wantlet the kid go if you make a copy the boy dies. got that?
you're going to forgeteverything you saw today find a safe place to hide for a while no. i gotta inform the lieutenant you have 10 minutes i'm on 301 the bus number is 8465 if the boy doesn'tget on at the coex stop, the file will automatically besent to the press and police there is cctv on this busand passengers, too
we'd better do this quietly we want to make sureeverything is clear what's he up to? next stop, coex aren't you tired?we had a long day, didn't we? strange enough,i'm not tired at all i've never had a better daysince we lived together we rode bike together,had coffee... you gave me this hoodynot a bad day at all
do you know wheni started running away since eleventh grade to have you it's kim ga-yeon your mother's name we were both serious about having you you were never an unwanted child i really wanted to be your father just like i do today
it's encoded in steganography it'll take some time to crack butno record of copy the cellphone is clean, too good take care of them at the next stop now listen carefully when you get off the bus,run as fast as you can to the right all the way to the car with blinkers on you know that getting awayis my specialty
next stop, sports complex run! the little rat got away gi-hyeok, run! what are you doing?follow that bus he gave upeverything to save you if you go after himhis effort will be wasted he asked me to give this to you you took me for a foolwhen you went after cha by yourself
this video file was decodedto create steganography where is the original? without the original, there is no deal i'm holding the cards i could go public with this and blow your chanceat getting your money i'm gonna have to talkabout what you did i'm sorryi didn't take that into account made me a fool
that's all i've goti don't know anything go back to richard masearch everything thanks for the tip, asshole! turn off the light, mom sweetheart - dong-il! dong-il!- what! your friend is here your father wants him to stay here it's for you
how is he doing? is that you, cha? are you alright? he's finedon't worry about him there is an original file richard ma sent the original via international courierit's at the airport logistics center i'll turn myself in once i retrit it there is one more thing
everyone, get moving cha is turning himself incall the captain chief the package is at the logistics center send in a request for customs hold this is chief kimwe have the goods we'll make the deal at the airport cha is turning himself in he's on his way to the logistics center
hi, gi-hyeok i don't know where to start i'm your mom i'm so sorry for doing this on camera your father's been sending me your pictures and kept me posted he was preparing to moveto a better house for you he's a wonderful father but i really miss you, too
your father agreed thatyou can do with a better environment of course, it's entirely up to you this is how i remember you alright, alright take the bedi was gonna sleep on the floor your father's linkedup to gps locator app? i need to borrow your bike choi! it's park fromweekend gazette can you get a broadcast van?
right when i'm about toget off the shift f-5. france. germany - hello? do you work here?- yes germany... germany... france! there is a man here who stolenational security information search the place richard... richard ma
get your men out of hereif you want to keep your job get everyone out warehouse 3aisle no. d22 this way, please the package is gone but cha could still be here damn it we have no sight of cha think he may have sneaked out
lieutenant ahn!how did get in? captain! cha is being hunted downwe gotta go back take the gun away from my face turn the car around this is lieutenant ahni've kidnapped the captain turn the car around immediately why don't you go back to sleep?i'm hanging up this is lieutenant ahn of major crimes
i'm controlling the situation from now gps locator thanks for taking the troubleto come here fine i'll give you the original let's end it here what you want ismoney, isn't it? leave me and my son alone there is no reason for meto keep you alive
you shouldn't have playedgames with me we're raising the stake 20 million dollars that's not what we agreed after this deal, we have toleave this country forever 20 million for a project worth 9 billion dollars not a bad business at all it'll take time for us tomake the transfer i'll give you 5 minutes
man, you bastards..always talk to much don't you? people lose their mindwhen they're about to die you had more thanenough chances to run it clouds your judgment when your son is involved i, cha gi-hyeok, will not die a murderer for my son you messed withthe wrong man
okay... cut! get your ass over here now your back-up's not here yet? take this and get out of here ready for transmission we're going on air okay, get ready transmission rangewithin these walls - find them- yes, sir
this is lieutenant ahn fromjungbu police station drop your weaponsyou alright, man? come here i said drop them especially you in black jacket back off!don't come closer did you just smirk? run, man! catch me if you can, suckers!
we're backing out you can't back out now we're on the same boat you must know thatpeople like us cannot be traced get readywe're going to the airport what were you doing there? i was getting my laptop you sneaky rat! gi-hyeok!run him over
drop the gun choi, you're dead meat i leave all in your hands, lord please don't kill me huh? hallelujah!we give thanks to you wake up! open your eyes ouch! heyi saved your life
i saved your ass, dad i'm standing where a conspiracysurrounding flying dragon project ended in a brutal shootoutonly minutes ago a father's effort to save his son turned an ordinary citizen into a hero i'm choi sang-do reporting for kbc - cut!- why you were gonna give me the exclusiveget away let's go again
i'm standing on the ground where conspiracy surroundingflying dragon project ended in a brutal shootout... hey! here they are excuse me! wait you, son of a bitch! - mr cha?- cha jong-woo! - captain- oh, okay get an ambulancewe're escorting them to the hospital
- lieutenant ahn- sir take care of yourselfi'll take it from here what are you doing?make way are you alright, jong-woo? you okay, gi-hyeok? - what about me?- what? i got shot, tooright here it barely grazed you i'm hurt here
so what? oh, i'm sorry it hurts! i said it hurts! over here, mr. cha on three, everyone this is nice! nice and cozy get off. it's my bed alright, son
plenty of clean air isn't the bed too big for one person? you've got four pillows - how do you like your room?- it's great you gotta talk to her in english good! thanks take good care of my sonover the summer encoded by pristine.support us by visiting p2pdl.com.