greetings to all viewers and welcome toentertainment 15! today we a have guest here whodoes not need any introductions he became most wanted movie star in finland ontitles like "the jaildude" and "unknown soldier 2" this was not enough for him as he was destined to bethe biggest action star in the world in the movies such as "lethal impact 1 and 2"and "ninja in new york" he is here today... welcomenick nemesis! is it true that this is your first time in finlandsince you left to hollywood 6 years ago? yeah it is boring in here, just like in afucking library! your latest picture love and plastic explosivesgets its premiere next summer
what are your toughts on it? i play a guy named jason stormwho is on a rescue mission i also get all the chicks andkill some fucking ragheads as well all our weed is gone!we need some speed! lets talk about your finnish movies..."the jaildude" was your first hit, right? you played a side character, ritchie, butstole the whole movie with the role! that movie was a piece of shitand i don't like it well the next one was a majorsuccess in your career "unknown soldier 2" broke all the finnish recordsand it was your first leading role
that movie would have never been a hit unless me andmy agent would have taken that production over their original plan was to make some sort of wartimedrama or some other pacifist shit like that but i told the director that we need to go to russia and killall the ruskies and putin also and damn it was good!that was the shit! have you considered coming back to finland to do anotherdrama. like your first movie "the carrot cellar kid" good morning mr. carrot!it is a fine morning, is it not? why? the finnish can't make movies!not even good comedies! like my movies "alone bar" and"alone bar 2 -lost in estonia" they are just fucking brilliant! but the otherfinns just can't do it like i can!
why do i even keep talking about this?i am getting bored on this interview! i know how good i am and i know what i am worth.it is 50 million $. but it is not enough... i want always more! much much more! it's fucking vacationtime motherfuckers! fuck me! what the fuck? the radio is on! alright... let's speak finnish because i'm in finland say yes to conan and letterman.say no to lucas... i don't want to be yoda! yes i know... 50 million dollars, yeah!but i am on my vacation now so i have to go now
i talk to you in two weeks...bye! goddammit that son of a fuck... motherfucking fuuuck! fuck!!! hey! get the fuck off my jetty! do you have wax in your ears?get the fuck off my jetty! well fuck me sideways... what the fuck? where the fuck he went?
oh come on... what the fuck is going on? who the fuck goes there?get the fuck off my property! what is the fuck? what the hell is this bullshit? what the fuck are you using my power grid? was it you!? what the fuck are you?what is this fucking shit? i dont know what the fuck you arebut you will soon be fucking dead!
do you like the view eh? you had enough huh? are we thru you fuck?! this creep attacked me!it was self defense! and by the way, what the fuck are youdoing on my property? what the fuck! whaaat! where am i going!what is happening? what the hell... you got to be shitting me...this cant be real... you are shitting me...where am i!
i wanna go home! get the fuck off me! ok! a: who the hell are you!?b: where the fuck am i!? and c: stay the hell of me! so you wish me to spill some oilfor you? no swet, i'll bust your ass! you fucking metallic fucker!i will crush you like a beer can so thats the way the screwdickplays the game huh?! so are you next? and can you pleasetell me what the fuck i am doing here? tell me why all these ghouls try to kick my ass!what have i ever done to you people?!
four must you beat. two beaten have youtwo you beat still must. i aint beating shit! i wanna go home andi wanna go now! home will you go if you beat two more...if you still want to go... i aint killing dick! i go home now! again this fucking place!you can take it! holy shit! where the fuck am i! riight... this must be a space craftso i must gain control of it! you ugly motherfucker! lets seewhat color you bleed! gimme your best shot fuckface!
your bullshit is fucked here! ok you fuckers! let me go immediately orthis kermit gets truly ripped! what the hell are you doing here? this body belongs no more toa human being called jossu mellil㤠we took it under our control so we couldlearn everything about you so what do you want me for? the question is: what do you want?take a look outside... right now, billions of entities around thegalaxy have been watching your fights they cheer only for you.isn't that what you really want?
let's go! coming soon to this screen! the furious fighter from furiacyclops man! (ville lã¤hde) metallic motherfucker from cyberia.cyborg man (antti murtonen) tornado of destruction from hydriafrogger man (mikko mellberg) and now the ultimate challenge insidethe burning star of alpha beta... the fist of firesolar man (matti kuusniemi) and here comes the audience favourite... the incredible challenger from tellusnemesis man (andres pass)
see the fight of the century! who will be the last man standing?who will be... coming soon to theatres around the galaxy!2014 trashvideo.fi hey! get the fuck off my jetty!