hello? i told you not to call the police. but i never called the police. yes, you did. i didn't. i swear!is my daughter okay? she has grown almost a centimeter. don’t worry about her.just focus on getting the money. we’re working together on keeping her alive. sir, please!don't hurt her!
i beg you, sir! don't call me 'sir'. i'll meet you at the ice rinktomorrow at four. in any case, this is your last chanceto get her back. and if you call the police,i assure you i'll kill her. money or no money. hye-rin! hye-rin! dying on the cross he showed,unchanged, that love all loves above, prayed for those who mocked and slew him,oh, how precious is that love!
peter… peter came to jesus and asked, "lord, how many times shall i forgive my brother when he sins against me?†“up to seven times?†let’s read the words together. i’ll meet you at the ice rink tomorrow at four. jesus said to him, "i do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven.â€amen. through these words,the lord tells us
to forgive to the end.that is to say… not to set boundaries on our ability to forgive. the hatred and angerresiding in our hearts, the inability to forgive others, means you haven’texperienced god’s forgiveness, the inability to love others, means you haven’texperienced the love of god. you shall not look at your enemies as enemies but touch their hearts with love.
we must go to lord as one. that is how you experience his forgiveness. that is the life that our father wants! you must reach out first.you must forgive and love! for it is a sin to live without forgiving. i say to you, you shall love your enemies! amen! you shall pray for your persecutors! the hell with the bullshit!
(8 years later)so, this is german? swiss. swiss or swedish,50 grand is too much! the euro has gone through the roof. i work my ass off, pay the employees,and i’m left with nothing. so, why the hell did youleave the church? a perfect job! you have money come in every sunday.you don’t pay any tax… damn, it’s stuck!
give it to me. you haven’t lost your touch. you used to be a top flyer before you ditched medical school for theology. hey, kim! i’m doing it now.what’s up? give me a smoke. i quit, sir. well done, you! employees’ salary can wait a few days.
it’s the promissory notethat’s urgent. how much is it in total? a little over 300 grand. 300 grand... fuck! excuse me. it’s him. it’s blindingly obvious that he’s the killer. but, we have no evidence. fuck the evidence!i know he did it.
what’s the matter? fucking hell!this woman is killing me. hello, mrs. joo!i meant to call you earlier… but, i'm in busan onurgent business. the sea breeze is reallyclean and refreshing. how come there are no seagulls in sight? maybe they all migrated to seoul for the dirty air. her name is hong kotnim.she was kidnapped 3 years ago. go get the car.
she lives with her grandmother.and, the kidnapper took 50 grand. it’s a closed case.why bother me with it? it’s giving me a real headache,you know. 3 times a day. i thought it might berelated to hye-rin’s case. it’s been 8 years! i know. she’d be attendingmiddle school next year. i’ve done all that i could. finding a child isn’t liketaking candy from a baby.
it’s never gonna be overuntil you find her. please, look into it and call me. and, don’t forget the pills. mi-young disappeared five years ago. it’s jin-seok who’s beenmissing for 3 years. that’s right.please call us again. hello, chief! it’s been a while! i’m a mess, aren’t i?
i’ve been real busy lately. how’s business? same old same old. coffee? no, i’m good. she’s grown big, hasn’t she?i got it done on the computer. they say she looks morelike her father than me. let’s take a walk. you lost your gloves again?
i must’ve left them on the subway. what is it about? let’s sell the apartment. you’ve gone mad! it’s too big for one person.find a smaller apartment… it’s hye-rin’s house.it’s where our daughter was born! things have been real tough for me… you’re still blaming me,aren’t you? if only i didn’t call the police…
that’s enough! you lost your faith. hye-rin is still alive.lord never gives up. really? keep praying… perhaps a dead child will come back! son of a bitch! i must be a german shepherd. i thought we’d get her backif i obeyed like a good dog. i prayed and prayed like a moron.
god? does he really exist?do you see him? min-kyung… let’s move on. live like people, you know?! i’m doing this so i can live. do you know how many times.i tried to kill myself? if that’s what it takes to get her back, i would have done it a thousand times over. i’ll find her on my own. it has a good sheen.
the blade’s okay, too. it’s made of titanium.and, the grip is amazing! you see? and, the sound it makes… it’s a real piece of art. you take this in your hand and you’ll never turn to another. i guess… i, joo young-soo, will strive to live like a man again. please give me a chance. you used to be a pastor?
how could an ex-pastortell a lie? you are right!of course not. but, i’m buddhist. i live everyday under the grace of buddha. i’ve got to make a contributionfor temple renovations. i thought you might!so, i prepared a little surprise. you can always count on me, sir! let’s party, then! okay!
come on, everybody! the pioneer who rode a horse by the river in bygone days, what became of his dreams now? ouch! hi, mrs. joo! i checked the case with the local police. hang on… yeah, the kotnim girl… didn’t seem to have anyconnection to hye-rin’s case. are you sure you did a proper check? did you interview her grandmother?
you know, i can’t take this any more. i have trouble taking a pissin the morning. my eyesight is getting dim. maybe i’ll go back homeand plow the land. so, farewell and good bye! hello?ma'am? hye-rin... hye-rin... i heard she has a slim chance. you must be happy.
pardon me? she won’t be on your caseanymore. good for you. you can’t do this. it’s not like this hospital isresponsible for what happened. hallelujah! excuse me? i’ve got no money. you’re a business man.let’s talk like sensible adults.
i don’t have any money nowbut, i own a big business. let’s not hassle over a small sum.we’ll talk again next month. why don’t you cancel her insurance policy? insurance? your wife has life insurance for quite big sum. how can i help you? what the fuck are youtaking me for? 50 grand we poured into itand you're sorry?!
i want to see the manager, now! check the terms of agreement. it says only the policyholdercan cancel the contract. tell her she mustcome in person. what the f…? that’s just great! fucking fantastic!! what are you doing? what are you doing, man?
what the fuck does it look like? forget it…just move the car. pastor? how have you been?don’t you remember me? you told me i had a nice voice. i’m not a pastor. why don’t you get your car washed with this? you must be sitting on loads of cash. come on! let’s get moving.
an act of providence... what shall i do with these? shall i throw them out? hello. thanks. i sold the apartment. it was said to the peoplelong ago, “do not murder, and anyone who murderswill be subject to judgment and will be in danger of the fire of hellâ€
a little more to the right. more… more…yeah, that’s perfect! continue, pastor! whoever sheds the blood of man,by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of godhas god made man. but i tell you that anyone who is angry with his brotherwill be subject to judgment. again, anyone who says to his brother ‘raca,’… stop right there!
can you move the plant to the corner? will i be heard clearlyin the back? clear as crystal. why did you have the plant moved? because of diffraction. diffraction? sound waves travelspherically in air. sometimes they reach a cornerand get trapped. you need to prevent thatfrom happening for clear sound.
i see… in any case, don’t move the plantand call me if there is problem. do i look like a man or a dog, to you? are you there yet, hon? almost. gimme a break! what is it, hon? a delivery? a balloon!
it’s been a while. who is this? you forgot my voice? is that you, jun-ho? no, it’s not. in any case… time flies. who the fuck is this? what are you on about? she’s thirteen now. i’m talking about hye-rin.
did you get the package? i advise you run a dna test. but, if you call the police again, i can’t guarantee thatthe next time i call will be in ten years or twenty. how old will she be by then?in any case, pastor… no, it’s just a mister now, right?sweet dreams, mister. no need to feel tense.relax! she’s grown big, hasn’t she?
people say she looks morelike you than me. you have lost your faith. she’s still alive! did you get the result?what percentage match was it? why contact me nowafter all these years? it’s not important why i called you after 8 years but the fact that she is alive. what do you want? 200 grand.
are you kidding me? i raised her for 8 years. who asked you to?! i should have just killed her? fine… but, i have to see with my eyesthat she is really alive. you have your dna result. i can’t believe youuntil i see for myself. what are you playing at?
bring her to me then, i’ll give you the money. if you keep acting like this.i’ll hang up… man, you have changed! now that you’re inbusiness and all… shut up! tell me where to go. come to dongducheon station tomorrow 2 pm. don’t mess with me like you did before. it all ends here - period.do i make myself clear? that’s what i want, too.
in any case, make sureyou get the amount right. 50 dollar bills in a briefcase.i’ll count every penny. at the station, take the 2 o’clock train to shintan-ri. i advise you take the first carriage. that way, you’ll get to see her even a second early. did you have lunch? let’s do this. look outside the window. if you see her,throw the briefcase.
do you see? how beautiful she’sgrown up to be... hye-rin! hye-rin!it’s daddy! it’s daddy, sweetheart!!it’s daddy! i’ll kill her. i’ll give you the money! i saw her face.i’ll give you the money. do i look like i’m kidding? - okay, then. tomorrow…- i’ll see you in a week.
no. tomorrow. give me one week.and, i’ll get you the money one week is all i ask. all right, then.instead, you’ll get me 400 grand. are you fucking kidding me?you think 400 grand is a joke?! you remember 8 years ago?the ice rink? i’ll see you there at four,one week from now. in any case, you try something again and i’ll kill her… money or no money.
hye-rin is alive. i’ll see you at four, one week from now. whose beautiful girl are you? yours! that’s right! hey, buddy! it’s me, joo young-soohow is it going, man? today is good for me.let’s meet up today! okay, okay!
listen, man… do you happen to have some money? we’re friends, aren’t we? friend, you’ve got to save me this one time! i just need it for one month!i’ll pay you back with interest! what? you’ve immigrated? what kind of a friend are you?! have a wonderful fucking life, asshole! hello…? fucking fantastic! man, you look terrible...how’s my sister doing?
it’s not much. put it toward the hospital bills. hye-rin, if you blow into the cross,god will appear. and protect you. you look so pretty! ‘d..a..d...’ hello? anybody home? - no?! fuck…- no one home? this address is such a pain.
why order anything if you’renever going to be home? hello! you tried calling? why else would i be doing,banging on the door? honey, do you hear that? what is it? what the…?! hey! why didn’t youanswer the door? open the door.you’ve got a delivery!
- something’s not right.- what isn’t? the huge lock on the door. didn’t you see on the news?how kids get snatched up. you watch too much tv. let's get out of here. have you lost your mind?! a child is locked inside, wacko! don’t call me a wacko! come on, honey.let’s just get out of here.
come on! what’s going on? her father’s here. i came for a delivery. i heard some noise andthere was a kid inside. i called her several timesbut she didn’t answer. i knew it was out of line butjust wanted to make sure she’s okay. i’m not her father. i'm a delivery man, too.you're saying there is a girl inside?
god, you’re right! i think she is being locked up inside. you see the huge lock on the door? right here. - i see.- right? i heard something, too. about what? an old man who lives here. an old man?
apparently, he’s a little weird. i told you! a psychopath? let’s get her out! i don’t think that’ll do. no. let me! damn axe… is stuck!! now what?! dr. kim! how have you been? sir, please! just one minute.
- please, sir! just one minute! stop the car! that leech... i said stop the fucking car! i contributed towardthe renovation costs. you promised me! you’ve got to save me, sir!i beg you! please, sir! save me, please!
go to hell, motherfucker!i wish you die in a car crash! scumbag! let's eat! i'm starving! you broke the thread. you remember your friends? you know why they all died? good!now, eat. eat up! you should chew your food.
chew! captain koo, missing persons. this is joo young-soo. how have you been, pastor?how’s your wife? she said she would diehundred times over if that will bring her back. our daughter… she is a spitting image of her mother. where are you, pastor? good bye, captain.take care.
and, i’m not a pastor. she looks a lot more like you than me. honey… you would understand,wouldn’t you? i’m sorry. i… i’ll bring her back.i promise. i’m so sorry, honey. i’m sorry for your loss.
where is the pastor? i’ll kill him myself if i find him. he took off with her insurance payment, that bastard! today is your last chanceto get your daughter back. when you arrive at the ice rink,come in through gate 11. did you bring the money? where is she? over here. across the hall!
let’s do this fair and square. you leave the bag thereand, i’ll leave her here. when i start walking,you start walking, too. i, toward the bag,you, toward hye-rin. i don’t see her face. you must have gotten old.your eyesight is failing. bring her over to me. forget it.i’m taking her back. wait! fine!at least let me hear her voice.
sure, why not. dad… okay, let’s do this. okay. you must be nervous. wouldn’t it be awkward to cross each other? turn around. there isn’t much around here.let’s get back. do you think she could still be alive?
so much time has passed…what are her chances? where did he go? that was purely awesomei’m so impressed. i have never experiencedanything like that before. thank you for appreciating it. what a nice place you have! a house is a house. how long have you been a listener? 8 years now.
what are you going toconnect her to? mk3, sir. it’s not a good match. not with k660. she'll only perform properlyunder the right master. but, i brought you the money. name your price and i’ll match it! you haven’t been listening. i’m not selling her for the money.
i’ll raise it by another 100. i’m afraid i can’t sell her to you. you’re not right for her. if i may give you some advice… sure, whatever.can i use the bathroom? why are you holding that? oh, this? the toilet won’t flush. yeah.
it flushes fine. exactly! why couldn’t you just sell itwhen i offered the money? fucking hell! fucking old codger!this coat was new! all the trouble i went throughputting together that money! what’s ripping? dude, are you having a baby in there? who’s there?
so this stores the dataof where it’s been? here, here and here. it stored location info with the time code. what a clever gadget! he was here for 20 minutes and, stayed here for 7 minutes…stopped for a dump, perhaps? he stayed at this addressfor over an hour. what could he have done there? mr. kim bong-seok?
mr. kim, are you here? i’m kim bong-seok. how can i help you? i’m sorry but the door was open. i’m a little late, aren’t i? i’m pink bunny.you asked me to come at two. excuse me? pink what? bunny. pink bunny. from the online community. you posted that you werelooking to sell k660.
are you really kim bong-seok? of course, i am. where is the listening room? what! the amplifier isn’t here.the k660! you know it’s a school day.smile! there’s a beautiful girl! smile, okay? do you know where ju-an elementary is?
i go there. well, she’s new there. i want my mommy… sir, please! is my baby okay? please don’t hurt her, please! i checked the deposit. i think two hundred k will do. but, the professor hasn’t returnedmy calls for days now. i don’t think it’s sold yet.that’s what drives me crazy!
wait! hey! you, there! you have any idea how much this is? how much? it’s not for sale, so keep away. how much would a k660 cost? you’re really clueless,aren’t you? try going to the national museumand ask how much the royal porcelain is. what’s most expensive, then?
the most expensive thing. the blatthaller speakers arethe best match for k660. but you won’t have any luckfinding them in korea. hey, choi! you know that place from… hey! yeah? that church in your neighborhood. amen church? that’s the one.how much did you charge them? a grand.
you’ll go to heaven! why didn’t you make a fucking donation, too? the pastor there does a lot of good work. and, they’re in financialdifficulties, so… we are in financialfucking difficulties, dufus! i’ll drop by the factory and go straight home. when kim calls, make the delivery and go home. sure. and, then dust the damn shop. i’ll see you tomorrowswine!
in any case… you try anything again and i’ll kill her. an ex-pastor murders his wife… are you sure about that? they found his fingerprintson the bathroom door. and, there is a witness. a witness? that old man put up a sale ad on an online community site. a man who visited his house to look, saw joo young-soo there posing as the professor.
it’s men like him that gives us christians a bad name. where is the amplifier then? joo must have taken it.it’s worth 200 grand! how much is it altogether? 500 from killing his wifeand another 200 grand? get the old man’s phone record. please have a look around!take a sample! are you new in the business or what?! all right! where are you?
mr. choi? can we have a word? who are you? i’m a police detective.please come and have a seat. you spoke with kim bong-seok on the phone, right? yes. what’s that amplifier called… k660? that’s the one!it’s incredibly pricy, right?
that’s right. you must have a lot of money. i don’t. why did you call him, then?when you can’t afford it? i thought i would just look. when did you start installing speakers for churches? about 10 years. for a while now, huh? i guess… it doesn’t pay much, though.
very sweet, this coffee! you have a great voice.good enough to be a voice actor. thank you for your time. i’ll get in touch if i have more questions. can you give a stamp for parking? lee! listen to me carefully! get your ass over her nowand bring oh and park along. i’m at… hello? hello?
you got old, detective! an amplifier like k660 uses up so much electricity. it’s equivalent to running20 air conditioners simultaneously. hello, pastor!don’t you remember me? what brings you here? come on in! it’s cold out. take a seat. would you like some tea? a glass of water, please.
go on. you asked for water. by the way… how did you find outthat i live here? i just did. you just did, huh? you must be going somewhere. it was getting cold. i thought i would go somewhere warm. by yourself?
no, with a kid. you have a child? you have a daughter, too.right? she must have grown big. it looked like that. raising a child is hard work. it costs a lot money, too. in any case, the love of children is an eternal encumbrance. i’ve got something to show you.
she's grown up so well,hasn’t she? do you know how much carei put into raising her? bought her panties and stuff, too. that’s enough. for 8 years, i raised her. i’m taking her home. after all this time? hye-rin, do you want to go to your daddy? i don’t think she wants to.
maybe you should come to her. run, hye-rin! run! go on, sweetie! run! now!! let go, motherfucker! let go of me! hye-rin! hye… rin… where are you, sweetheart?it’s time to go home. think you can forget everything if you run away?
we’ve been doing well together.what’s the matter now? we’ve got to go back to school. no! it’s daddy… i’m so sorry, baby. i’m sorry for taking so long.i’m sorry. sorry, baby… 6 months later she is a smart little girl.she learned to read and write. and, she can go to schoolstarting next month.
how are you, captain? i don’t go anywherewithout this vest. excuse me.hey, lee! what the fuck? i’m sorry but i have a case so… seal off the scenei’m on my way now. did you make this? it’s very… sweet. i put a lot of sugar in it.
do you like it? have some more. yes, honey. did you ever… forget? you always thought of meand, kept on looking for me?