my name is tim i had the greatest parents ever rise and shine it's take your kid to work day really?!? it was just the three of us: the tempaltons life was perfect until that one fateful day tim!!! look who's here!
meet your new baby brooooooootheeeeeer *crying* *music* *plates and cutlery crashing and smashing* he's taking over the whole house! look at him! he wears, a suit! he's like a little man
he carries a briefcase does no one else think that oh, i don't know a little freaky??? well you carried "lamb lamb" around until you were like... this is not about "lamb lamb" *gross baby throw up noise* trust me one day you are gonna love him with all of your heart
never *muffled conversation* *louder muffled conversation* but i think the kid might be onto me hands up baby! aaaaahhh poop duty *assorted screams* *mans voice* i've got a deal with the k.i.d
you can talk!?!? ummmmm goo goo ga ga no! you can really talk! fine i can talk now lets see if you can listen! get me a double espresso and see if there's some place around here with decent sushi
who are you?! lets just say i'm the boss. just wait until mum and dad find out about this. power nap.. err. you were saying. he's taking over the whole house, look at him. he wears a suit. he's like a little man. he carries a briefcase.