♪ ♪ [panting] yeah. yeah, i'm fifteenminutes out. have everything ready. ok. [horns honking] is that the compound? yes.
just came infrom miami. how much timedo we have? oh, not enough. this is incredible. we are finally goingto see some results. well hopefully we won't. won't what? see the results. exactly how muchtime do we have?
seven minutes. i have one shot at this. alright, if we blow at thismixture, you'll have to wait 'til next year. great. you alright? never let themsee you sweat. [sizzling] [gasps] it works.
i know. get me something. what?-anything. what? k. oh my god. it's working. it's invisible. this is like atotal breakthrough.
this is a majorachievement. do we tell the press? are you joking? this is classified. secure it. [beeping] [clearing throat] this is dr. summers. admiral shawkin please.
admiral, dr. summers,we've down it. we all set? i loaded the equipmentinto your house. belcher, thisneighborhood is dangerous. people here areup to no good. and it seems so nice. don't fall for it. crime is lurkingeverywhere. even her?
yep, counterfeiter. she counterfeits money? plush toys. what is the worldcoming to? [burps] have you ever heard ofthe two words "excuse me"? i've gotta liveup to my nickname. belcher. nobody can forget me.
[laughing] good thing yourname isn't farter. please, don'tmention the incident. it was a joke. the incidentwas no joke. belcher... uh, i don't wantto talk about it. but... i don't want totalk about it.
what's wrong withthis picture? i don't know. you're mad. look what'son the counter. those are dishes. yes, your dishesfrom breakfast. you ate, you went to school,you played after school, and now here it is, fourin the afternoon. ohh, so you expect meto pick up the dishes
and i didn't? i expect you tobe responsible. and young man, you are not. i forgot to pick upthe dishes. so what? and you didn't make your bed. you never pick upyour clothes. your dad almost ranover your bike today. i think you're gettingto a point mom.
don't smart mouth me. but i'm twelve. smart mouthing's what i do. i love you. but don't do it. come on. take off your backpack.we're gonna do dishes. well, you'regonna do dishes. i gotta to teachyou how to do this.
smile while you're workin'. alrighty. that's better. you missed a spot. but! alright. alright. hey, hon, how are ya? good. ewww. did he just ew us?
isn't there somelaw against this? you know the garage coulduse some cleaning to0? did i say how much i appreciateyou letting me cut the lawn. anything for you son. you're a great dad. get back to work. what are you doing? cutting the lawn? how'd you endup doing that?
my mouth. what about it? shot it off. so, what are youdoing later? trying to keep my head down. my mom and dad areon the war path. they say i'm irresponsible. you're lawn mower'sstill on? uh huh.
thanks. hey, wanna help out with thesurveillance tonight? belcher's coming over. join the geek squad? no, i don't think so. why do you guys dothat stuff? it's friday night. i'm telling you, there'ssomething that's not right in this neighborhood.
yeah. it's calleda peeping tom. whatever. mr. franzoni isleaving his house at... eighty-thirty a.m. probably heading tohis mafia meeting. belcher, we don't knowif he's in the mafia. just because he has anitalian last name, doesn't mean he'sin the mob. but he probably is.
think he has abody in his trunk? no, i thinkhe's the boss. he doesn't like toget his hands dirty. so, there's bodiesin other trunks. yeah, dufus. he drives a mercedes. would you want a deadbody stinkin' up a fancy car like that? no.-no.
well maybe they'd use... like, your mom's mini van. it already stinks. let's see what elseis going on. check on mrs. hottie. ok. mr. dunn is on hisway to work. terrorist. i tell ya man. welive in a scary place. somebody's gottabe vigilant.
it's a dangerousworld out there. something doesn't smellright about that guy. i think he put hisdolls in stuff. dolls, really? i think he blows themup with firecrackers. and that's justhow it starts. then he gets tothe bigger stuff. blowing up bigger dolls. manikins.
you sick, sick man. ray, breakfast. frank! nothing. are you feedingharry my pancakes? well, i might havegiven him one. or seven. you can't feedthat dog pancakes. it makes him all hyper.
well, i can'thelp it, diane. he just looks at me with thosebig brown eyes, he goes feed me frank,feed me frank. you just hate my pancakes. well... [laughs] but harry loves'em, don't you boy? i'll have you know that justinseltzer asked for my hand in marriage after he tastedmy pumpkin pancakes.
that's because hewanted a green card. you could have fed him pooppancakes, he would've loved 'em. watch it! hey, don't forgetit's saturday. we're going downtown. huh? it's a wide shoe convention. i'm in the running forthe best wide-wing tip. cool clown shoes.
hey. those aren't clown shoes, punk. i'm the top wide shoedesigner in the southwest part of los angeles. of course i remember. i'm so proud of you, dear. hey listen, big feetbuilt this house. i will happilyaccompany you. thank you.
[doorbell rings] i'll get it. i wonder who that is. oh, hello mrs. dunn. diane, could youcome in here? crap, belcher. you don't think? get back here, you coward. woops.
what's that, dad? it's a listening device. really? mrs. dunn just foundit in her house. well, maybe mr. dunndoesn't trust her? ray, you've beeneavesdropping on our neighbors. i'm keeping theneighborhood safe. from what? mr. franzoni.
what about him? i've gathered some evidencethat he may be a mobster. he goes out often. at night. mobsters do that. and so do cops onthe night shift. cops? yeah, he's apolice detective. ohh.
nevermind then. look. i am really tired of allthese conspiracy theories, do you know that? it's embarrassing. and illegal. yes, that too. and luckily she won't bepressing charges against you. now go clean my room.
and color coordinatemy closet. all the shirts. blue to red. left to right. and no more of thispolice detective stuff. harry. thanks boy. you're right therewhen i need you. [fake italian accent]hia momma, it's a mea.
oh, yes i'ma sorryi missed your calla. how'sa papa's bunion? is it doinga great? ah yesa momma,i lovea you too. besa, besa.yes. oh, i can'ta waitato comea homea. how is my goat? oh good. give him a scratchaon the ears for me.
i can'ta waita totaste your marinara. ohh! ahh. let's see. twelve. thirty-four. fifty-six. seventy-eight. hahah.
perfect. so perfect. come to uncle krepner. ahhh! [evil laugh] [giggling] krepner, you're a genius. look at it. it's beautiful.
ohh hahaha. it worked! oh, i'm gonna be rich! i'm gonna be rich. i'm gonna be rich,rich, rich, rich, rich. hahaha. krepner, ya genius. ms. mendez is gonna go onthat date with me for sure. oh, i'm gonna be so filthy,stinkin' rich like a pig.
[grunting] oh, i love it. oh, look at it. don't look at it,but oh it's amazing. ok, i hate reality shows. please put something else on. why? only losers would wantto watch a show about hillbillies raisingalligators.
i'm a loser? come on, guys, ineed some excitement. you mean the mall? yes, the mall. where everything is perfect andi can never be disappointed. lucy, why don't youjust hangout with some of the girlsat the mall? because i can't be bratty. see, 'cuz i'm cuteand you're guys
i can be as brattyas i wanna be. so what do you say? i'm in. the problem is ray. ray? my mom. she won't let mego without her. can't she justwait in the car? no.
it's ridiculous. what's ridiculous? that you won't let your songo to the mall without you. well, of course not. he's irresponsible. i'm not irresponsible. ray, spying on our neighbors,you call that responsible? if i found a terrorist, you'dbe singing a different tune. but you didn't.
and almost gotyourself arrested. mom, i can be responsible. really, ray? i can see noevidence of that. you gotta giveme a chance. a chance? yeah, i can provei'm responsible. alright. how 'bout this.
your father and i have to godowntown to the wide shoe thing. harry needs togo to the vet. you take him there, andif there are no problems, then you can go tothe mall unaccompanied. that's it? that's it. i can handle that. doc is just acouple blocks away. ok, then, we have a deal?
we have a deal. i'm a loser. awkward. oh! oh, crap. dr. summers, we'vehad a break in. [screaming] special agent wolf. and i'm special agent fox.
i'm dr. summers, and hername isn't important. we understand there'sbeen a break in. yes, one of our most classifiedexperiments was stolen. something beingdeveloped for the navy. and, um, what was it? it's classified. well, we know that, silly,but we have to know what was stolen sowe know who stole it. and what's yourclearance level?
a1. level b3. wait, how'd you get ahigher level than i did? well, maybe because i'mfriendly than you are. i don't know. haveyou seen yourself? you're pretty grumpyaround the office, wolf. i have a serious job. what, and i don't? last time i checkedwe got the same job.
i'm filing a complaint. you know what, i bring coffeeto the social director every morning. sugar cubesin there, it's wonderful. does he do that?no. that's why i'm ana1 and he's a b3. ok, yeah, gentlemen, backto the issue at hand. we have a huge breach here. ok, would you mind explainingto us what was stolen? show them.
catch. what is that? a ball. treated with i-shield 2040. i-shield 2040? it's an invisibility formula. the chemicals i-shield changethe refraction of light so what is visibleisn't any more. oh, god.
oh, i am so sorry. why would you do that? hello. it took us a year to createenough of the compound. and now, all of it is gone. gone. oh, sorry. huge. yes, huge.
yes, anyone coulddo anything with it. break into banks,the white house. they could infiltrateour bases. sneak into women'slocker rooms. i mean, that could happen if youhad something like that. it wouldn't be the firstthing i'd think of. world domination, you know. that's what bad guys do. is that a duck?
look, this is of theupmost national security. that vile has to be found. it cannot get intothe wrong hands. oh, actually, ittechnically has gotten into the wrong hands- shut up. you know, we betterget on this. bye, guys. sorry about that.
it's ok. i think it'sbroken though. did you put my shoesamples in the car? what? you're gonnasell them on the sidewalk? ray! well, a salesmen'salways prepared, diane. people don't buyshoes on the sidewalk. they do if theirfeet hurt. you're special, frank.
that wasn't a compliment. that's nice. ray, we'll be backaround seven. no, no, no. we got an invitation to acocktail party at seven. we'll be back aroundseven, ray. it's a cocktail party. tequila makes you gassy. it does not.
is this about cinco de mayo? that was the beans. and the tequila. i thought our house wasin a nuclear meltdown. oh.is this final? you said it inour wedding vows. you know love, honor, and obeyme under penalty of death. i don't remember those vows. the way i remember itis you have to obey me.
give me the car keys, frank. why do you get to drive?why can't i drive? get in the car, frank. don't forget our deal. i mean it. bye.-bye. oh, you scared me. then my job is done. what's up?
i figured i go tothe vet with ya. i'm being a good friend. it's about kit kat. kit kat? the doctor's daughter. is she in the officeon the weekend? yeah, you justwanna go drool. i do not drool. i pant.
fine. that krepner guy is weird. what's he doing? going on a trip? looks more likehe's moving out. he just moved inthree weeks ago. that can't be right. he's movin' out. no way.
he's up to something. i hid one of mybig ears from mom. come on, let's get it. ok, i gotta packup the house. oh. what the heck? ugh! [thud] ow.
get off my foot. i thought i wasstepping on your shoe. yes, and my foot isin the shoe. maybe you need to step back. i'm a little better at this. what are you talking about? i hid the device. did you hide the device? that was hilarious.
[shutter click] don't you post that. i have to. kit kat's on your page. i thought you didn't like her. you drop that phone! too late. over here. rarr.
so i heard yourwife is having a baby. now, maybe i'm tooforward, but do you think i'm invited to thebaby shower? why not? because i don't like you. right, that makes sense. so why are westopping here anyways? well, um, security footagetracked this vehicle to this neighborhood.
and it didn't goanywhere else. i-shield 2040 issomewhere in here. so we canvas? you know, we'll getmr. crispy. -krepner. that's what i said.krepner. and whoever he'sworking with. they're gonna go away for along, long, long, long long, long...i mean very long-
yeah, i get it. long time. right. so what do you get for stealingan invisibility formula? probably about ajillion years maybe. a jillion? a jillion isn'ta real thing. yes, i mean, youknow what i mean. no, no, no, i don'tknow what you mean.
i asked you a simple question. the appropriate answer wouldbe five to ten years in prison. and you gave me a jillion. please remind me howyou became an fbi agent. funny story. well actually, it's not funny,and it's not really a story... pretty much i wasthe best shot. that is a funny story. because it's not true.
[laughs]yes, it is. i can outshoot you. you're a wannabe. you know what, i can beat youon a shooting range, alright? arrows? yeah, i canbeat you with arrows. throwing darts. tomahawks. you everthrow one of those? nope, bad guyshave bullets. we don't throw tomahawks-
you know, that'snot the point. the point is, icould ruin you, wolf. you can barelywalk and chew gum. can you tell me again how'dyou become my partner? see that's a funny story. you dumped yourbosses daughter- right- and i was the punishment. and that's what i'mdoing. punishing you.
by being annoying. and i'm good at it. so... um... how 'bout we getto work now, k? yeah, i think weshould do that. yeah, how 'bout we starteast and go west. sure. you know whatdirection that is? it's that- yeah, yeah,i didn't think so.
[knocking] oh, no, harry! harry, come back here! does cheese give youmore boogers? yeah, there's one,then there's two. lucy! oh, am i interruptingyour tea party? what do you want? you know your planabout being responsible
so you can goto the mall? yeah, what about it? it kind of justwent up in flames. how? harry's running loose. harry! ahh! oh, god, i'm stuck. hey!
what are you kids doing? oh my god! did you just see that? harry! harry!-harry! noooo! pick up, pick up. it's krepner. you're not supposedto call me here. they could be listening.
it's gone. what's gone? i was leaving the house,and the dog ran in, and knocked stuff overand it's all gone. where is the dog? let's just say youcan't see it anymore. ay! it spilled on it? not exactly.
it kinda ate it. get the dog. i can't see the dog. and besides what goodis that gonna do? ay. you moron. the formula is inits bloodstream. if we just drain theblood, we can replicate it. well doesn't a dog needall of its blood to live? don't you needall your blood?
look, get the dog before i drainall of the blood out of you. ok, take it easy, chica. i'm on it. relax. i said relax.i'm on it. by the way, uh... you think after wesqueeze the dog dry, maybe we can goon a date again? go on a date? yeah, i know thisgreat little cafe.
sounds, uh, wonderful. or maybe we couldgo up the coast? maybe we couldgo bowling? sure. and when we get there, i'mgoing to take pins and beat you senselessfor losing the dog. so i think you wantto put a pin in that? got it. then why are youstill talking to me?
i'm not.i'm hanging up. ugh. harry!harry! we have to gocheck the school. maybe he's at theswimming pool. guys, we're kiddingourselves. got any bright ideas? i do. are we supposed to eatthese? 'cuz...
this is gonna goright to my thighs. no, harry's all about beef. so it's a lure? fan out. i'm surprised harry'snot here. he loves the park. maybe he's at theschool instead. second lunch. i'm coming with you.
harry? harry? harry? harry, where are you? hey, hey, hey, harry. where's that dog? where are you, harry? oh, it's just you. where's that dog, kid? what dog?
i don't see a dog. i know you don'tsee a dog. because it's invisible. there's no such thingas an invisible dog. look kid, you're going totell me where the dog is, or i'm going to tell yourparents you broke into my house. hey, my dad's in jail. he'd just say,atta boy, belcher.
come here. you're breaking allkinds of laws doing this. you stole moneyfrom me, kid. and i want it back. i didn't stealmoney from you. your friggin' dogknocked over my vile, and it was wortha fortune. so, it's gone.what are you gonna do? i am gonna get the dogback, and then i'm gonna
squeeze it dry. of what? of its blood. i get the dog'sblood, i get paid. i'm sure we could sparean eensy bit of blood. no way, kid. i need all of it. have you ever heard thesaying "pigs get fat. hogs get slaughtered"?
dude, i think you'rebeing a bit of a hog. have you ever heardthe phrase "i don't care"? now look kid, you're going totell me where the dog is, or this is gonna get ugly. you stole it, didn't you? yeah, so what about it? so, that's why youwere packing up. look, kid, i mayhave stolen it, but you guys have the dog.
which means the feds aregonna be looking for you too. we didn't do anything. yeah? well they don't know that. you and your friendsare toast. easy, easy. these ropes are tight. scout world? i was in scout world.
i recognize the knot. what rank were you? -what rank were you? i asked you first. you're the one tied up. skywolf. the top? oh, you didn'tmake it to the top? well, i would of...
but they accused me of stealingfrom the jamboree fund. ah, got kicked out. that sucks. they accused you? yeah, can youbelieve that? did you do it? did you at leastmake it to the ? but it all wentwrong after that. [crying]
[huming] we are scout worlders. we see the world. we make dreams come true. scout worlders.scout worlders. charge! ah, memories. yeah... it sucks i gotta poundyou out of existence now.
i thought we had a moment. we didn't. i felt it. i wasn't. i'm sorry, kid, but, uh,things are gonna get rough. [electric buzzing] [whipping] [cranking] [buzzing]
what are you gonna do? clear my sinuses? no, kid. this is a truthserum spray. but will it clearmy sinuses? no, it's not gonnaclean your sinuses. come on, let'stalk about this. i'm done talking. come on, we couldlike partner up.
that time has passed. no! it really did clearmy sinuses. that's disgusting. it doesn't matter. 'cuz in ten minutes, you're gonna beb-b-blabbing like a fool. [door bell ringing] who the hell is that?
you be quiet. fbi. eee! fbi? yes, can we come in? i mean-eeaa! hey, why do you keepsquealing like that? i saw a bee, and i amallergic to bees. hmm.really?
yeah, if i get stung byone, my face just swells up. i look like a zeppelin. i know exactly what you mean-what's a zeppelin? it's a blimp.whos' this? this is... my son. say hello, son. hi. hi, dad.
um, i'm gonnago out, ok? go out? yeah, hangingwith my buds? you think this isa good idea. i thought of it. who are you guys? we're fbi agents. wow! i can't speak for mydad here, but you,
i am personallygreatful for my services. bye, dad.i love you. love you too, son. so much. dad, dad, dad! i know you love me,but you're crushing me. i just don'twant you to go. we need to spend some morefather-son bonding time. dad, i know it's hard.
but i need a break. you little shaved monkey. adios, muchachos. mind if we ask youa few questions? not at all. k, there's been some serioussecurity breaches in the lab. have you seen any suspiciouscharacters walking around there? no, i usually domy own thing. my janitor things.
'cuz that's what i am. i'm a janitor. you know what, cometo think of it, i saw some menin lab coats. does that help? yeah, no, you know,since it's a lab, no. no, not really. you know, this is a prettynice house for a janitor. oh, thank you very much.
i have been savingfor a long time. lotta penny meals. rubbing thempennies together. where could he be? i have no clue. we've looked everywhere. i know.this is hopeless. there you are? where have you been?
mr. krepner's house. he grabbed me. that invisible stuff is real. you're kidding. nah. he had me tied up. he tied you up? yeah! and he used thisdrug on me. and then the fbishowed up.
the fbi? yeah. that'show i slipped out. it was a close one. hey, maybe we needthe fbi's help. he stole the stuff. and now that it's on harry,he says we're accomplices. you mean we could go to jail? i can't go to jail. why, you'd fit right in?
well, that's mean. are you kidding? if you look in the dictionaryunder mean it shows your face. hey, take that back. yeah, man, you seriouslygotta dial it back. why are youdefending her, ray. you call her fatbutt behind her back. is that true? no, that's crazy.
[fake laughing] it was after you broke upwith louie and you ate nothing butcake for a month. you really blew up. belcher, what'swrong with you? i feel kind of weird. dude! you telling me whenyou looked in the mirror this morning, yousaid lookin' good?
belcher, what are you doing? what's wrong with you? you're gonna getus in big trouble. there's somethingseriously wrong with you. are you ok, man? my head feels likeit's backwards. that weasel krepnergave me a truth serum? a what? a truth serum.
did you steal my cupcakesat lunch yesterday? and could you getvanilla next time? why'd you do that? 'cuz i was still hungryafter i stole ray's cupcakes. talk about a weasel! oh man, this is bad. this is really bad. you're serious? i'm telling you, this guyis like the real deal.
he's some sort ofhigh tech crook. did you tell amystewart not to date me? of course i did. that way i'd havea shot with her. you butthead. please, please, don't ask meanymore questions. everything in my headwill just spill out. that will take allfive minutes. come on. we haveto stay on track.
please, don't ask meanymore embarrassing, personal questions. ok, i have to. let's start with last halloweenwhen i dressed up as a princess, and i asked you if ilooked good in my costume, did i reallylook good? oh my gosh. thank you so muchfor coming by. yeah, give us a call ifyou think of anything.
i will. look, that is a reallynice house for a janitor. i mean, it is.it's real classy. you know what... just a hunch, but ithink he knows something. oh no, i know heknows something. but what does he know? i don't know, buthe's pretty nervous. yeah, he is.
so, i guess we knowwhat our next step is? yeah, we do. um, lunch. shouldn't we stakehim out first? no, let's go to lunch. [burping] you think he'sgonna be ok? i think so. let's get him a drinkof water or something.
water's the curefor a truth serum? why not give him asoda or a milkshake? lucy, you're just beinga pain in the butt. i think i'm gonna be sick. oh my god! pointit away from me. [vomiting] any of you guys hungry? you know, one goodlong vomit can really brightenyour day.
you think you got itout of your system? you really think? did you ever tell methat ray's breath smelled like a dead monkey? why, no. no i haven't. ha, he's cured. my breath does not smelllike a dead monkey. there have been times.
lucy. let me give yousome advice. floss is your friend. so use it. i have an idea. maybe harry went home. he's right. let'scheck back there. shall i walk ten pacesbehind you so i don't stink everybody up?
he's so sensitive. he really is. ohh, where isthat stupid dog? good listening. stuff it. flossing is so hot. funny. guys check theback yard yet? no sign of harry.
[phone ringing] hello? mom, hi. are you at the vet yet? oh yeah, sure. of course. i don't hear anything. it's kinda quiet. it's quiet?
no it's not. i'm at the vet. [mewing] nice kitty. mom, i'm looking at thefattest cat i've ever seen. yeah, someone is nottelling that cat no. what was that? dog just came in and theydon't like each other. oh, one got loose.
well, keep harryaway from them. i am. [hissing & barking] the fat cat is- [barking & growling] what happened now? the fat cat ate allthe treats. look mom, i've gottaget going. ok, bye honey.
bye, mom. everything all right? my god, look at that guy. look at his feet. he looks like a clown. hey, don't make funof that guy, diane. that guy's the biggest buyerof wide shoes in alabama. sorry. alabama have a lot ofbig fat, wide feet, dear?
oh yeah, big fat,wide, bloated ones. looks like theirwalking on hands. well, you better go meetyour fat feet people, dear. wide feet. let's give them some dignity. here, puppy, puppy,puppy, puppy. ohh, now i got ya,you fluffy little rat. i hate you, you stupid dog. get off of me.
i got ya. ohhh. ahhhh! ahh, it's in my mouth,it's in my mouth. [barking] oh, i hope we neuter you. i hate that freakin' dog. i think he has issues. you mean like he's insane?
what do you thinkhe's chasing anyways? the devil. you went to that quicklike you knew the answer. well, i read a study and crazypeople always think they're being chased by the devil.come on. ok, so why would yoube chasing the devil? i, i, i don't knowwhat your asking. wouldn't you runaway from the devil? why do people runtowards godzilla?
that was a movie. based on fact. godzilla? yeah, true story. that big monster stompingon tokyo. true story? yeah, it was a cover up. i'm surprised you don'tknow that. come on now. did you just hear a bark? i think i did, yeah.
ok, maybe he had a stroke.[barking] wait, wait, i thinki heard a bark again. or maybe he'schasing a dog. you don't think that um? he's chasing aninvisible dog. haha, yeah, soshould we call it in? hell no. i mean, how the hell didthe dog get the invisibility formula in thefirst place?
i must have gotteninto it somehow. so, what do we do now? ok, we record the dogsbark on our phone. we send it to the office.they'll identify the breed. we'll look atthe dog's licenses... find out whoowns the dog. you're prettygood at this. so what aboutwhat's his face? the one guy.you know-
we alreadyknow where he lives. still look like he'schasing the devil. ms. mendez, whendid you get here? i snuck in throughthe back door. wow, you arelooking really hot. tell me something idon't already know. uh, you've got great teeth. i already know that too. that's what flossing andgood dental hygiene will do.
something you don'tknow anything about. how could youscrew this up? it wasn't my fault. it was the dog's. and where is the dog? he's out there somewhere. then what areyou doing here? talking to you. oh, how nice.
oh, we can talk. you know, catch up. maybe have some tea. i have tea. have some cookies. maybe we canhave some cookies. i found the mostdelightful low fat ones. [shouting in spanish] all i caughtthere was cookies.
what has been going on? uh, well, it's been a reallyfull day, you know, with the robbery and then the dogknocking over the vile. and boy did thatreally suck. ooh, do you want to knowwhat else would really suck? you're head detachedfrom your body. yeah, that wouldreally suck. yes, that really would. 'cuz you know, i kindaneed those together.
you know, head,neck, shoulders. they're kind ofa package deal. who owns the dog? some kids inthe neighborhood. i captured one. then he escaped. you let him escape? well, the policewere at the door. you didn't mentionanything about the police.
well.... actuallyit was the fbi. you didn't sayanything about the fbi? [muttering angrily in spanish] i didn't? it must haveslipped my mind. what were theydoing here? well, they werelooking for the vile. and they just happenedto come by this way? huh. no.
they know.they know something. they know thatyou are involved. no, no way. they don't eve nknow my real name. [speaking spanish] get this through your littlereptilian head, krepner, go out there andfind that dog. now! oh, ok.
would you like to come along? did i lose the formula? no, that would be me. now get out there and find theformula before the fbi gets it. ay. ee! dios. i'm gonna needyour help. i'll text youthe address.
[sighs] i'm special agent fox. we're the fbi. oh, w- what cani do for you? well we're running aninvestigation right now. we want to ask youabout your dog, fluffy. fluffy's dead. oh why? why, fluffy? why did you have torun in front of that...
steamroller. i am so sorry. i did not realize. she was my only friend. i don't have thatmany friends. i can't imagine that. i nice lady like yourself. i'm sorry for your lose. it really is a shame.
oh, well she's stillwith me though. i thought you saidshe was dead. oh, she is. but i made herinto a neck pillow. she used to like to sleeparound my neck at night. that's normal. it's all i haveleft, really. it's all she has left. oh, fluffy.
i can stillsmell her paws. i was wonderingwhat that was. i can- i can feel her littletongue licking my ear. so weird. this is pointless.i'm toast. who am i kidding? i'll never find harry. it's over. ray, well, i guessyour mom is right.
you're irresponsible. you're taking her side? you're giving up. and ray underwooddoes not give up. ok, what do we do? maybe we could put upmissing dog posters? what are we going to put onit, a blank piece of paper? oh right, he's invisible. even if we find harry,what's it gonna matter?
my mom will come home andfind her dog can't be seen. i'm gonna getin big trouble. well, i don't know if thereis a place in the punishment book for "i made myfamily pet invisible." there will be after this. where the heck could he be? wait a minute, look. he's there! harry. here boy,here boy.
[barking and panting] thank god, i found you. ok, we have him. now how do we cure him? maybe we canhose him down? good idea. this isn't working. what do we do now? come downtown.
uh, who are you guys? the fbi. hey guys, remember me? raymond underwood? yes? may i ask why you'retrying to wash an invisible dog, young man? that dog. that's an interesting story.
we'd like to hear about itdown at fbi headquarters. sorry, but i'm kindabooked up this afternoon. hey, that wasn't arequest young man. you're in possessionof government property. what government property? i'm not at liberty tosay anything about that. hey, don't we haveto know what we stole before you canarrest us? hey mop top, that's classifiedinformation, alright?
back up, back up. well, that's good for me. see ya, ray. yeah. so long. woah woah. where do you guysthink you're going? uh, home. maybe stop bydairy freeze. yeah, dairy freeze.
no, you're actuallyunder arrest. wait a minute. i can't goto jail. i'm thirteen. i have the season finaleof gossip girl on my dvr. arrest them. what do we do? uh, you're boys. oh, so since we're boys weshould just get arrested? yeah, from thesmells alone. ohh, gosh.
man. she's got a point. you can't arrest us.we're kids. hey buddy, we're the fbi. we can dowhatever we want. i can arrest thatplant if i wanted to. i could arrestyour shoelaces. haha, shoelaces. what did i tellyou about talking?
i think they'reright, ray. they're the fbi. they cando whatever they want. look, we didn'tdo anything. we'll see about that.kids, come on. fox, get the dog. i can't believe this. i can't go to jail. idon't want to get tattoos. you don't haveto get tattoos. trust me, i knowwhat goes on in jail.
yeah. move it. let's go. [growling] i'm trying- he's- he's a little squirmy. uh, i think he'sdrooling on me, wolf. he probably likes you. i was getting'the same idea. it's a little slippery.
god. i dropped my phone. pick it up. see, my hands arefull, wolf. that's the- hello everyone. good day. yes, it is. good night.
it's not bedtime. [spraying] [screaming and coughing] grab the kids. [all yelling] nice view. hold 'em. who are you? me?
i'm the bad guy. well that's prettystraightforward. why thank you. and now i'm goingto drain all of the blood out of your dog. don't blame me, kid. you should have kepta leash on that dog. ok, you have the dog. you're good, we're good.
we'll just be leaving now. i'm afraid not. you've seen too much. i haven't seen anything. belcher's an idiot. and he has shortterm memory. who am i- where- whatcity are we in again? oh, that is pretty sad. so, after i drain all ofthe blood out of your dog,
then i will eliminate you. you can't do that? oh, yes i can. because like i said,oh, who am i again? who am i? the bad guy. there are other options. yes, but i like the onewhere i get rid of you. can't we talk about it?
we can talk about it. i love to talk. maybe over some coffee andstrawberries, biscotti. do you like biscotti? alright, we'll get somebiscotti and we'll talk. great, so let's do it. do you see a starbucks? i thought wewere gonna talk? what do you wantto talk about, kid?
not getting rid of us. mmm. there. we talked. are you sure youwant to do this? are you questioning me? let the kids go. i mean, we gotwhat we want. oh, i'm sorry. i wasn't aware.
are you now incharge here? because if you are, youcan forget about our date. date?! [kissing sounds] that was amazing. man, there's actually dudemore pathetic than you two. another? shut up! tie that dog down and get theblood sucking machine working.
ahora! rapido! si, si. [coughing] what just happened? i don't know. i thinkwe got gassed, wolf. those kids gassed us? no, remember, there wasthis really hot lady who was all upon me.
how could she beall up on you? she gassed you. maybe i was mistaken. they snatched thedog and the kids. the janitor? he's gone. he got the dog. wait a minute. my phone.
you dropped it.they took it. exactly.we got our break. my phone has the searchfeature, wolf. come on. right. right. let me see your phone,come on, come on. here. well? we got our break. but seriously-
[dog whimpering] ms. mendez. the dog is crying. so...? well he knowsthat something's wrong. he knows also thatif you don't do what you're supposedto do right now, something's gonnabe wrong with you, nitwit.
you words are sharp. and they cut me. oh, well, i think ididn't go deep enough. oh, you did. you pierced myheart like daggers. and if you don't shutup and do what you're supposedto be doing, i'm going to connect yoto that blood sucking machine. that'd be terrible.
i mean- ow-look at that thing. i need some blood to watermy carnivorous flowers. you havecarnivorous flowers? yes, of course. they're perfect. just like my teeth. they are beautiful. can- can i kissyour teeth? no, and get to work.
i'm trying to.i'm trying to. i'm still justfascinated. where do you getcarnivorous flowers? my ukranian husband. you have a husband? you mean... i was gonna bethis elicit affair that you were gonna have? oh, are you feeling used?
sad?-very. are you depressed? a little bit. that's how i like it.get to it! i don't- i'm a little conflictedabout this right now. you are still talking. belcher.-yeah? you have to useyour nuclear option. i told you nevermention the incident.
i haven't used itsince sixth grade. you have to. i swore i wouldnever do it again. it's just too dangerous. we've run out of options. can you do it? if i start, i don'tknow if i can stop. you have to try. but there's a girl here.
if you've got something up yoursleeve that can save our bacon, you better do it. it doesn't matterif i'm a girl. you have no shotat dating me. ever? yeah. it doesn't matterif i gain 150 pounds and i'm livingin a trailer. thank you, lucyfor your candor. you're welcome.so get to it.
ok. this mightget ugly. i had indian foodlast night. [farting] ah! my face is burning. my eyes are melting. somebody stop him! what is thatawful smell? thanks, belcher.
you fart like a god. i was gonna say bear. but i'll take god. let's take harry.come on. you! come here. you thought youcould escape me? huh? yeah, i think i can. if you don't turn me in, i can give youten thousand dollars.
i can be bribed,but not that cheap. call for backup. you think after allthis we can still maybe go out on that date? when?in 25 years. i'll wait for you. [yelling in spanish] i love it when youspeak like that. somebody!
i think you've gotsomething in your teeth. let me get it out. you heard about that daggeri was gonna stick in you? yes, it hurts. just wait. we're not arrestingyou guys. you're not? no, we talked to krepner. he said you hadnothing to do with it.
he did? so, who is that guy? he's a three time loser. you had a hardenedcriminal living across the streetfrom you, ok? you see, lucy.i told you. i'm never gonna hearthe end of this. we do have onequestion though. we just sent an ambulancefor ms. mendez' goon.
and he's inpretty bad shape. now you said you guys usedsome sort of secret weapon. what did you use toinflict that kind of pain? would you likea demonstration? [sobbing] hi, hon, we're onour way back. mom, i thought youwere staying longer. i made fun of somelady with fat feet. -wide feet.
and your dad thought itwas better that we leave. the woman lookedlike a duck. well, how faraway are you? oh, just 20 minutes. see you soon. i'm dead. what's wrong? my mom's on her wayhome and i'm not there, and the dog'sinvisible.
let's get you home. i am so screwed. you are. thanks for the support. didn't those fbi guysgive you any advice? they were just happy thatthe formula was gone. [car pulling up] [car doors closing] hey, look!
i'm so glad you'reback, harry. ray. do you havesomething to tell me? tell you? what do you have totell me, young man? you never went to the vet. i just called them. and you didn't do anything. look mom, i havean explanation.
i'd love to hear it. ok. it's complicated. i bet it is. you guys want to tell me? you can't make me.you're not my parents. true, but i'vegot their number. lucy? you can't break me. didn't think that i could.
mom... it's complicated. you said that already. [doorbell ringing] fellas. sir. can i help you? i'm special agent wolf. [together] fbi!
oh no. what did ray do? look, i'm not- i'm notpaying for a lawyer. those are expensive. you're paying for a lawyer. no, no, they'vegot free ones. i don't wanna pay for one. yes, you are. they aren't in trouble.
they're not? no, in fact we wanted tocome and thank your son. for what? well, um... mr. krepner, the neighboracross the street is a hardened criminal who stolegovernment secrets. in our neighborhood? yes, your neighborhood. and, uh, your son andhis little friends here
helped us to arrest him. my son? and, um, and on behalf ofthe federal bureau of in- investigation. of investigation, we'dlike to thank him for helpingprotect our country. how did he do that? um... i- i- i can't say that.
it's national security. and ray can't revealwhat happened either. but he's my son. ma'am, we'rethe government. yeah, that's right. don't argue with him.he's got handcuffs. and he's not gonnapay for a lawyer. haha, that's funny.he's right. so, you're telling methat he's responsible?
but he didn't takethe dog to the vet. he was serving hiscountry instead. i guess i haveto say thank you. could i see thosebadges again? oh my god, they'rereal, frank! hey, how is that job? benefits good? ehh, you know. shut up, frank.
thanks again, ray. hey, can you guys cometo my house and say the exactsame thing? i want a tv in my room andyou'll make it a slam dunk. not a problem.you? it's not a good thing whencops come to my house. my mom will see you andjust stand there ready to be cuffed,so i'm good. gotchya.
so mom, am iresponsible enough now? thatta boy. group hug!-ahh, group hug. it's not for us. yeah. alright. woo! take one.mark. [hissing] [snarling]
is that why theycall you belcher? it's good thing it's belcherand not something else. tell me where the- tellme where the dog is kid. if you don't stoprunning you're mouth. then there's something[gibberish] that important chemical? i've just been workingthere for a couple of months. just you know-sweeping up the test monkeys. cool bro.
get to the point!