(chirping) narrator: once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle. although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind. but then, one winter's night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold.
repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away. but she warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within. and when he dismissed her again, the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress. the prince tried to apologize, but it was too late,
for she had seen that there was no love in his heart. and as punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there. ashamed of his monstrous form, the beast concealed himself inside his castle with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world. the rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose,
which would bloom until his 21st year. if he could learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken. if not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time. (thunder) as the years passed, he fell into despair and lost all hope,
for who could ever learn to love a beast? (rooster crowing) (birds chirping) ♪ little town, it's a quiet village ♪ every day like the one before ♪ little town, full of little people ♪ waking up to say... ♪ bonjour ♪ there goes the baker with his tray, like always
♪ the same old bread and rolls to sell ♪ every morning just the same ♪ since the morning that we came ♪ to this poor provincial town good morning, belle. morning, monsieur. where you off to? the bookshop. i just finished the mostwonderful story
about a beanstalkand an ogre and... that's nice. marie, the baguettes!hurry up! ♪ look, there she goes the girl is strange, no question ♪ dazed and distracted, can't you tell? ♪ never part of any crowd ♪ 'cause her head's up on some cloud ♪ no denying she's a funny girl that belle ♪ good day
♪ how is your family? ♪ how is your wife? ♪ i need six eggs ♪ that's too expensive ♪ there must be morethan this provincial life ah, belle. good morning. i've come to returnthe book i borrowed. finished already?
i couldn't put it down.have you got anything new? (laughs) notsince yesterday. that's all right.i'll borrow this one. that one?but you've read it twice. well, it's my favorite. far-off places,daring sword fights, magic spells,a prince in disguise. (laughing) if you like itall that much,it's yours.
but, sir... i insist. well, thank you.thank you very much. ♪ look, there she goes that girl is so peculiar ♪ i wonder if she's feeling well women: ♪ with a dreamy, far-off look ♪ and her nosestuck in a book all: ♪ what a puzzle to the rest of us is belle ♪ oh, isn't this amazing?
♪ it's my favorite part ♪ because you'll see ♪ here's where she meets prince charming ♪ but she won't discover that it's him ♪ till chapter three hey, hey! hey, hey, hey! ♪ now it's no wonder that her name means beauty ♪ her looks have got no parallel ♪ but behindthat fair facade
♪ i'm afraidshe's rather odd ♪ very differentfrom the rest of us all: ♪ she's nothing like the rest of us ♪ yes, different from the rest of us is belle (gunshot) wow! you didn'tmiss a shot, gaston. you're the greatest hunterin the whole world! i know. no beast alive
stands a chanceagainst you. (laughs) and no girl,for that matter. it's true, lefou. and i've got my sightsset on that one. the inventor'sdaughter? she's the one. the lucky girli'm going to marry. but she... the mostbeautiful girl in town.
i know, but... that makes her the best. and don't ideserve the best? well, of course.i mean, you do. ♪ right from the moment when i met her, saw her ♪ i said she's gorgeous, and i fell ♪ here in town there's only she ♪ who is beautiful as me ♪ so i'm making plans to woo and marry belle
♪ look, there he goes ♪ isn't he dreamy? ♪ monsieur gaston ♪ oh, he's so cute ♪ be still, my heart ♪ i'm hardly breathing ♪ he's such a tall,dark, strongand handsome brute ♪ good day ♪ you call this bacon?
♪ what lovely grapes ♪ some cheese ♪ ten yards gaston: ♪ excuse me ♪ i'll get the knife gaston: ♪ please let me through ♪ this bread, it's stale ♪ those fish, they smell ♪ madame's mistaken
♪ there must be more than this provincial life ♪ just watch, i'm going to make belle my wife ♪ look, there she goes a girl who's strange but special ♪ a most peculiar mademoiselle ♪ it's a pity and a sin ♪ she doesn't quite fit in ♪ 'cause she really is a funny girl ♪ a beauty but a funny girl ♪ she really is a funny girl
♪ that belle ♪ bonjour. hello, belle. bonjour, gaston. gaston, may i havemy book, please? how can you read this?there's no pictures. well, some peopleuse their imagination. belle, it's about timeyou got your headout of those books and paid attentionto more important things.
like me. (all sigh) the whole town'stalking about it. it's not rightfor a woman to read. soon she starts gettingideas and thinking. gaston, you arepositively primeval. (chuckling) why,thank you, belle. what do you sayyou and me take a walkover to the tavern and take a lookat my trophies?
maybe some other time. what's wrong with her? she's crazy. he's gorgeous. please, gaston, i can't.i have to get hometo help my father. goodbye. (snickering) that crazy old loon.he needs all the helphe can get. (guffaws)
don't talk aboutmy father that way. yeah!don't talk abouther father that way. my father is not crazy.he's a genius. (explosion) (maurice coughs) (coughing) papa? how on earthdid that happen? doggone it! are you all right, papa?
i'm... i'm aboutready to give upon this hunk of junk. (clattering) you always say that. i mean it this time! i'll never get thisboneheaded contraptionto work! yes, you will.and you'll win first prizeat the fair tomorrow. (scoffs) and becomea world-famous inventor. you really believe that?
i always have. well, what arewe waiting for? i'll have this thingfixed in no time. hand me that...the dog-leggedclincher there. so, did youhave a good timein town today? i got a new book. papa, do you thinki'm odd? my daughter?odd? (scoffs) where would you getan idea like that?
oh, i don't know.it's just that i'm not surei fit in here. there's no onei can really talk to. what about that gaston?he's a handsome fella. he's handsome, all right,and rude and conceited and... oh, papa,he's not for me. well, don't you worry. 'cause this invention'sgonna be the startof a new life for us. i think that's done it.now, let's give it a try. (whistling)
(clacking and squeaking) it works! it does? (glass breaking) it does! you did it. you really did it! hitch up philippe, girl.i'm off to the fair! goodbye, papa.good luck.
goodbye, belle.take care while i'm gone. maurice: we shouldbe there by now. maybe we missed a turn. i guess i should've taken...wait a minute. no. let's go this way. (snorts) come on,philippe, it's a shortcut.we'll be there in no time. (howling) this can't be right.where have youtaken us, philippe?
we better turn around. whoa. whoa, boy. whoa, now, whoa, philippe. oh! look out! no! whoa! whoa, boy! back up, back up, back up! good boy. good boy.that's good, that's...back up!
steady, steady, now.steady. steady. no, philippe! philippe? oh. (growling) (gasps) (snarling) help! is...is someone there?
help! (door creaks) wha... ooh! hello? hello! lumiere: poor fellowmust have lost his wayin the woods. cogsworth: keep quiet.maybe he'll go away. is someone there?
not a word, lumiere.not one word. i don't mean to intrude,but i've lost my horse and i need a placeto stay for the night. oh, cogsworth,have a heart. shh! ow! of course, monsieur,you are welcome here. who said that? over here.
where? hello. (groaning) incredible! well, now you'vedone it, lumiere. splendid.just peachy. ah! how is this accomplished? put me down at once. stop that! (giggles)stop that, i say!
(laughs) ow! ah! ah! sir, close that at once! do you mind? i beg your pardon. it's... it's justthat i've neverseen a clock that... (suppressing sneeze) (sneezes) oh, you are soakedto the bone, monsieur.
come. warm yourselfby the fire. maurice: thank you. cogsworth: no, no, no! you knowwhat the master will doif he finds him here. i demand thatyou stop right there. oh, no, no.not the master's chair. (barking) i'm not seeing this.i'm not seeing this. well, hello there, boy.
(snorting) what service. cogsworth: all right. this has gone far enough.i'm in charge here... how would you likea nice spot of tea, sir? it'll warm you upin no time. no. no tea. no tea! (giggling) his mustache tickles, mama.
oh! (chuckles) (loud slam) uh-oh! (exclaiming in fear) there's a stranger here. master, allow me to explain.the gentleman was lostin the woods. he was cold and wet, so... (roaring) master, i'd like totake this moment to say
i was against thisfrom the start.it was all his fault. i tried to stop them.would they listen to me?no, no... who are you?what are you doing here? i... i... i was lostin the woods and... you are notwelcome here! i... i'm...i'm sorry. what are you staring at? nothing. so, you've come to stareat the beast, have you?
please, i meant no harm!i just neededa place to stay. i'll give youa place to stay! no, no, please! no! no! (door slams) (chuckles) oh, boy. belle's gonna getthe surprise of her life,huh, gaston? yep, this isher lucky day. (gaston clears throat) gaston:i'd like to thank you allfor coming to my wedding.
first, i better go in thereand propose to the girl. (all laughing) (sobbing) and you, lefou, now,when belle and icome out that door... i know. i know.i strike up the band! (wedding march playing) gaston: not yet. sorry. (knocking on door)
(groans) gaston, whata pleasant surprise. isn't it, though? i'mjust full of surprises. you know, belle, there'snot a girl in town who wouldn't loveto be in your shoes. this is the day... this is the dayyour dreams come true. what do you knowabout my dreams, gaston? plenty! here.picture this.
a rustic hunting lodge,my latest killroasting on the fire and my little wifemassaging my feet while the little onesplay on the floorwith the dogs. we'll havesix or seven. dogs? no, belle. strapping boys like me. imagine that. do you know who thatlittle wife will be?
let me think. you, belle. gaston, i'm...i'm speechless. i really don't knowwhat to say. say you'll marry me. i'm very sorry,gaston, but... but i just don'tdeserve you! (pig squeals) so, how'd it go?
i'll have bellefor my wife. make no mistakeabout that. touchy. is he gone? (clucking) can you imagine?he asked me to marry him. me, the wife of thatboorish, brainless... ♪ madame gaston ♪ can't you just see it?
♪ his little wife ♪ no, sir, not me, i guarantee it ♪ i want much more than this provincial life ♪ i want adventure in the great wide somewhere ♪ i want it more than i can tell ♪ and for once it might be grand ♪ to have someone understand ♪ i want so much morethan they've got planned ♪ (whinnying)
philippe! what are youdoing here? where's... where's papa? where is he, philippe?what happened? we have to find him.you have to take me to him. what is this place? philippe, please, steady. papa! couldn't keep quiet,could we? just had toinvite him to stay,didn't we?
serve him tea,sit in the master's chair.pet the pooch. i was tryingto be hospitable. is anyone here? papa? papa? are you here? mama, there's a girlin the castle. now, chip,i'll not have you making upsuch wild stories. really, mama.i saw her. not another word.into the tub.
but... what? a girl.i saw a girlin the castle. see, i told you. irresponsible,devil-may-care,waxy-eared, slack-jawed... belle: papa? did you see that? it's a girl! i know it's a girl. don't you see?she's the one.
the girl we havebeen waiting for. she has come tobreak the spell. wait a minute.wait a minute. papa? (creaking) hello? is someone here? wait! i'm lookingfor my father. i... that's funny.i'm sure there was someone. maurice: belle?
how did you find me? your hands arelike ice. (coughing) we have to getyou out of there. belle, i want youto leave this place. who's done this to you? no time to explain.you must go. now! i won't leave you. what are you doing here?
maurice: run, belle! who's there?who are you? the masterof this castle. i've comefor my father. please let him out.can't you see he's sick? then he shouldn'thave trespassed here! but he could die.please, i'll do anything. there's nothing you can do.he's my prisoner. there must besome way i can...
wait! take me instead. you? you would take his place? belle, no!you don't knowwhat you're doing! if i did,would you let him go? yes. but you must promiseto stay here forever. come into the light. no, belle!i won't let you do this!
you have my word. done. (door unlocking) no, belle, listen to me.i'm old. i've lived my life. wait. belle! no! please sparemy daughter. please! she's no longer your concern.take him to the village. let me out.please let me out!
let me out! please! please! master? what? since the girl isgoing to be with usfor quite some time, i was thinkingthat you might want to offer hera more comfortable room. (growls) then again, maybe not. you didn't evenlet me say goodbye.
i'll never see him again. i didn't getto say goodbye. i'll show you to your room. my room? but i thought... you wanna... you wannastay in the tower? no. then follow me. say something to her. huh? oh.
i hope you like it here. the castle is your home now, so you can goanywhere you like,except the west wing. what's in the west... it's forbidden! now, if you need anything,my servants will attend you. dinner. invite herto dinner. you will join mefor dinner. that's nota request!
gaston: who doesshe think she is? that girl has tangledwith the wrong man. no one says no to gaston. (scoffs)darn right. dismissed. rejected.publicly humiliated. why, it's morethan i can bear. more beer? what for?nothing helps. i'm disgraced.
who, you? never. gaston, you've gotto pull yourself together. ♪ gosh, it disturbs meto see you, gaston ♪ looking so downin the dumps ♪ every guy here'dlove to be you, gaston (cheering) ♪ even when takingyour lumps ♪ there's no man in townas admired as you ♪ you're everyone'sfavorite guy
♪ everyone's awed and inspired by you ♪ and it's not very hard ♪ to see why (women sighing) ♪ no one's slick as gaston ♪ no one's quick as gaston ♪ no one's neck'sas incredibly thickas gaston ♪ for there's no man in townhalf as manly (grunting)
♪ perfect, a pure paragon ♪ you can ask any tom, dick or stanley ♪ and they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on ♪ no one's been like gaston ♪ a kingpin like gaston ♪ no one's got a swell cleft in his chin like gaston ♪ as a specimen, yes, i'm intimidating ♪ my, what a guy, that gaston ♪ give five hurrahs give 12 hip-hips
♪ gaston is the bestand the rest is all drips all: ♪ no one fights like gaston ♪ douses lights like gaston ♪ in a wrestling match nobody bites like gaston ♪ for there's no one as burly and brawny ♪ as you see, i've got biceps to spare ♪ not a bit of himscraggly or scrawny ♪ that's right ♪ and every last inch of me's covered with hair
♪ no one hits like gaston ♪ matches wits like gaston ♪ in a spitting matchnobody spits like gaston ♪ i'm especially good at expectorating ptooey! ♪ ten points for gaston ♪ when i was a lad i ate four dozen eggs ♪ every morning to help me get large ♪ and now that i'm grown i eat five dozen eggs
♪ so i'm roughly the size of a barge ♪ no one shoots like gaston ♪ makes those beauts like gaston ♪ then goes tromping aroundwearing boots like gaston ♪ i use antlers in all of my decorating ♪ my, what a guy ♪ gaston (exclaiming) help! someone help me!
maurice? please! please,i need your help. he's got her...he's got her lockedin the dungeon. who? belle. we must go. not... not a minute to lose. whoa! slow down, maurice. who's got bellelocked in a dungeon? a beast!
a horrible,monstrous beast! is it a big beast? huge. with a long,ugly snout? hideously ugly. and sharp,cruel fangs? yes, yes!will you help me? all right, old man.we'll help you out. you will?oh, thank you,thank you, thank you.
crazy old maurice. (chuckling) he's always goodfor a laugh. crazy old maurice, hmm? hmm. ♪ lefou, i'm afraid i've been thinking ♪ a dangerous pastime ♪ i know ♪ but that wacky old coot is belle's father
♪ and his sanity's only so-so ♪ now, the wheels in my head have been turning ♪ since i looked at that loony old man ♪ see, i promised myself i'd be married to belle ♪ and right now, i'm evolving a plan if i... (whispering) yes? then we...(whispering) no, would she?
guess. now i get it! let's go! ♪ no one plots like gaston ♪ takes cheap shots like gaston ♪ plans to persecuteharmless crackpotslike gaston all: ♪ so, his marriage we soon will be celebrating ♪ gaston ♪ will no one help me?
who is it? mrs. potts, dear. i thought you mightlike a spot of tea. but you're... you're a... careful. this is impossible. i know it is,but here we are. i told youshe was pretty,mama, didn't i? all right,chip, now, that'll do.slowly now. don't spill.
thank you. wanna see medo a trick? (inhales) mrs. potts: chip! (giggles) oops! sorry. that was a very brave thingyou did, my dear. we all think so. but i've lost my father,my dreams, everything. cheer up, child.it'll turn out all rightin the end.
you'll see. oh, listen to mejabbering on while there's a supperto get on the table. chip? bye. well, now, what shall wedress you in for dinner? oh, let's see whati got in my drawers. oh, how embarrassing!(laughs) (clears throat)ah, here we are.
you'll lookravishing in this one. that's very kind of you,but i'm not going to dinner. (gasps) but you must. ahem, ahem, ahem. dinner is served. what's taking so long? i told her to come down. why isn't she here yet? try to be patient, sir.
the girl has losther father and her freedomall in one day. master,have you thought that perhaps this girlcould be the oneto break the spell? of course i have!i'm not a fool. good! so, you fallin love with her, she falls in lovewith you, and poof!the spell is broken. we'll be human againby midnight. it's not that easy, lumiere.these things take time. but the rose hasalready begun to wilt.
oh, it's no use. she's so beautifuland i'm... well, look at me! you must help herto see past all that. i don't know how. well, you can startby making yourselfmore presentable. straighten up.try to actlike a gentleman. yes. when she comes in,give her a dashing,debonair smile. come, come,show me the smile.
but don't frightenthe poor girl. impress her withyour rapier wit. but be gentle. shower herwith compliments. but be sincere. and above all, you must control your temper! you must controlyour temper! lumiere: here she is!
good evening. well, where is she? oh! (laughs)the girl, yes. the girl. well, actually,she's in the process of... circumstances beingwhat they are... she's not coming. beast: what? oh, dear. your grace!your eminence!
let's not be hasty! i thought i told youto come down to dinner! belle: i'm not hungry. you'll come outor i'll... i'll...i'll break down the door! master,i could be wrong, but that may not bethe best way to winthe girl's affections. please attemptto be a gentleman. but she isbeing so difficult. gently, gently.
will you come downto dinner? belle: no! hmm? eh-eh. suave, genteel. it would give megreat pleasure if you wouldjoin me for dinner. and we say "please." please.
no, thank you. you can't stayin there forever! yes, i can. fine! then go aheadand starve! if she doesn't eat with me,then she doesn't eat at all! oh, dear. that didn't govery well at all, did it? lumiere, stand watchat the door and inform me at onceif there isthe slightest change. you can count on me, mon capitaine.
well, we might as wellgo downstairs and startcleaning up. i ask nicely,but she refuses. what does shewant me to do, beg? show me the girl. but the master'sreally not so bad,once you get to know him. why don't you give him a chance? i don't want to get to know him. i don't want to have anything to do with him. i'm just fooling myself.
she'll never see meas anything but a monster. it's hopeless. featherduster: oh, no. lumiere: oh, yes. oh, no. oh, yes, yes, yes. (featherduster giggling) i've been burnedby you before.
(chuckles mischievously) zut alors!she has emerged! come on, chip.into the cupboard with your brothersand sisters. (yawns) but i'm not sleepy. yes, you are. no, i'm not. i work and i slaveall day long,and for what?
a culinary masterpiecegone to waste! stop your grousing.it's been a long nightfor all of us. well, if you ask me,she was just being stubborn. after all,he did say "please." but if the masterdoesn't learn tocontrol that temper, he'll never break the... splendid to see youout and about, mademoiselle. i am cogsworth,head of the household. this is lumiere.
enchante, cherie. if there's, stop that,anything we, please, can do to make your staymore comfortable... i am a little hungry. you are? hear that?she's hungry. stoke the fire.break out the silver.wake the china. remember whatthe master said. oh, pish tosh.i'm not about to letthe poor child go hungry.
all right, fine.glass of water,crust of bread and then... cogsworth,i am surprised at you. she's not a prisoner.she's our guest. we must make herfeel welcome here. right this way, mademoiselle. well, keep it down. if the masterfinds out about this,it will be our necks. of course, of course. but what is dinnerwithout a little music?
music? ma chere mademoiselle! it is with deepest prideand greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight. and now,we invite you to relax. let us pull up a chair,as the dining roomproudly presents your dinner. ♪ be our guest, be our guest ♪ put our service to the test
♪ tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie ♪ and we provide the rest ♪ soup du jour, hot hors d'oeuvres ♪ why, we only live to serve ♪ try the gray stuff,it's delicious ♪ don't believe me? ask the dishes ♪ they can sing, they can dance ♪ after all, miss, this is france ♪ and a dinner here is never second best
♪ go on, unfold your menu ♪ take a glance and then you'll be our guest ♪ oui, our guest be our guest ♪ beef ragout, cheese souffle ♪ pie and pudding,en flambe ♪ we'll prepare and serve with flair ♪ a culinary cabaret ♪ you're alone and you're scared ♪ but the banquet's all prepared
♪ no one's gloomy or complaining ♪ while the flatware's entertaining ♪ we tell jokes, i do tricks ♪ with my fellow candlesticks ♪ und it's all in perfect taste ♪ that you can bet ♪ come on and lift your glass ♪ you've won your own free pass ♪ to be our guest
♪ if you're stressed it's fine dining we suggest all: ♪ be our guest, be our guest ♪ be our guest lumiere: ♪ life is so unnerving ♪ for a servant who's not serving ♪ he's not whole without a soul to wait upon get off! ♪ ah, those good old days ♪ when we were useful
huh? ♪ suddenly, thosegood old days are gone ♪ ten yearswe've been rusting ♪ needing so much more than dusting ♪ needing exercise ♪ a chance to use our skills (yowling) ♪ most days we just lay around the castle ♪ flabby, fat and lazy
♪ you walked in and oops-a-daisy ♪ it's a guest, it's a guest ♪ sakes alive, well, i'll be blessed ♪ wine's been pouredand thank the lord ♪ i've had the napkinsfreshly pressed ♪ with dessert, she'll want tea ♪ and, my dear, that's fine with me ♪ while the cups do their soft-shoeing ♪ i'll be bubbling, i'll be brewing
♪ i'll get warm, piping hot ♪ heaven sakes, is that a spot? ♪ clean it up we want the company impressed ♪ we've got a lot to do ♪ is it one lump or two? ♪ for you, our guest all: ♪ she's our guest ♪ she's our guest all: ♪ be our guest
♪ be our guest, be our guest our command is your request let's go, people.fun's over. over here.line up. (screaming) ♪ it's 10 years since we've had anybody here ♪ and we're obsessed ♪ with your meal, with your ease ♪ yes, indeed, we aim to please ♪ while the candlelight's still glowing ♪ let us help you, we'll keep going
♪ course by course ♪ one by one ♪ till you shout, "enough, i'm done!" ♪ then we'll sing you off to sleep as you digest ♪ tonight, you'll prop your feet up ♪ but for now, let's eat up ♪ please be our ♪ guest ♪ bravo! that was wonderful.
thank you. (chuckles) thank you, mademoiselle.good show, wasn't it?everyone! (yawning) my goodness,look at the time. now it's off to bed,off to bed. i couldn't possiblygo to bed now. it's my first timein an enchanted castle. enchanted! (laughs) who said anythingabout the castlebeing enchanted? it was you,wasn't it?
i figured it outfor myself. i'd like to look around,if that's all right. would you likea tour? wait a second.wait a second. i'm not sure that'ssuch a good idea. we can't let hergo poking aroundin certain places, if you knowwhat i mean. perhaps you'dlike to take me. i'm sure you knoweverything there is to knowabout the castle.
oh, well. actually, i... yes, i do. as you can see,the pseudo-facadewas stripped away to reveal the minimalistrococo design. note the unusualinverted vaulted ceilings. this is yet another exampleof the late-neoclassicbaroque period. and, as i always say,if it's not baroque,don't fix it. where was i? as you were!
now, then,if i may drawyour attention to the flying buttressesabove the... uh, mademoiselle? what's up there? where? there?oh, nothing. absolutely nothingof interest at allin the west wing. dusty, dull,very boring. ah, so, that'sthe west wing! nice going.
i wonder whathe's hiding up there. (chuckles nervously)hiding? the master ishiding nothing. then itwouldn't be forbidden. (stammering) perhaps mademoiselle would liketo see something else? we have exquisite tapestriesdating all the way back to... maybe later. the gardens. or... or the...the library, perhaps?
you have a library? (chuckles)oh, yes. indeed. with books. scads of books. mountains of books. forests of books. cascades. cloudbursts. swamps of books.
cogsworth: more booksthan you'll ever be ableto read in a lifetime. books on everysubject ever studied by every author who everset pen to paper. oh, oh. why did you come here? i'm... i'm sorry. i warned younever to come here! i didn't mean any harm. do you realizewhat you could have done?
please! stop! get out! no! where are you going? promise or no promise,i can't stay hereanother minute. no, wait, please!please, wait! (exclaims) (screams) (yelping)
(soft groan) here, now.don't do that. (snarls) just hold still. (roars) that hurts! if you'd hold still,it wouldn't hurt as much! well, if you hadn't haverun away, this wouldn'thave happened. if you hadn't frightened me,i wouldn't have run away.
well, youshouldn't have beenin the west wing! well, you should learnto control your temper. now, hold still.this might sting a little. hmm? (grunts) by the way, thank youfor saving my life. you're welcome. d'arque: i don't usuallyleave the asylum in the middleof the night, but he said you'dmake it worth my while.
ah! i'm listening. it's like this. i've got my heart seton marrying belle, but she needsa little persuasion. (snickers)turned him down flat. everyone knowsher father's a lunatic. he was in here tonightraving about a beastin a castle. maurice is harmless.
the point is,belle would do anything to keep him frombeing locked up. (chuckles) yeah,even marry him. so, you want meto throw her fatherinto the asylum, unless she agreesto marry you. that is despicable. (laughs) i love it. if no one will help me,then i'll go back alone. yes, is that everything?
i don't care what it takes. i'll find that castleand somehow, i... i'll get her out of there. (pounding) belle! maurice! oh, well. (laughs) guess it's notgonna work, after all. they have tocome back sometime. and when they do,we'll be ready for them.
lefou, don't movefrom that spot until belle andher father come home. but... but i... ah, nuts. i've never felt this wayabout anyone. i want to dosomething for her. but what? well, there'sthe usual things. flowers, chocolates,promises you don'tintend to keep.
no, no. it has to besomething very special. something thatsparks her interest. wait a minute. belle? there's somethingi want to show you. but first, you haveto close your eyes. it's a surprise. can i open them? no, no. not yet.
wait here. now can i open them? all right. now. belle: i can't believe it. i've never seenso many booksin all my life. you... you like it? it's wonderful. then it's yours. thank you so much.
(gasps) would youlook at that! (chuckles) i knewit would work. what? what works? (chuckles) it's very encouraging. isn't this exciting? i didn't see anything. come along, chip. there's chores to be donein the kitchen.
but what arethey talking about? what's going on?come on, mom. (giggles) belle: ♪ there's something sweet and almost kind ♪ but he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined ♪ and now he's dearand so unsure ♪ i wonder whyi didn't see it there before beast: ♪ she glanced this way ♪ i thought i saw
♪ and when we touchedshe didn't shudderat my paw ♪ no, it can't be ♪ i'll just ignore ♪ but then she'snever looked at methat way before belle: ♪ new and a bit alarming ♪ who'd have ever thought ♪ that this could be ♪ true ♪ that he's no prince charming
♪ but there's something in him ♪ that i simply didn't see ♪ well, who'dhave thought ♪ well, bless my soul ♪ well, who'd have known ♪ well, who, indeed ♪ and who'd have guessedthey'd come togetheron their own ♪ it's so peculiar. wait and see ♪ we'll wait and see
all: ♪ a few days more ♪ there may be something therethat wasn't there before ♪ you know,perhaps there issomething there ♪ that wasn't there before ♪ there may be something there that wasn't there before ♪ what's there, mama? shh. i'll tell youwhen you're older. (grumbling)
tonight isthe night. i'm not surei can do this. you don't havetime to be timid. you must be bold, daring. bold. daring. there will be music,romantic candlelight provided by myself. and when the moment is right,you confess your love. yes, i...
i... i...no, i can't. you care for the girl,don't you? more than anything. well, then,you must tell her. voila! oh,you look so, so... stupid. not quite the wordi was looking for. perhaps a little moreoff the top. (clearing throat)
your lady awaits. (clears throat) mrs. potts:♪ tale as old as time ♪ true as it can be ♪ barely even friends ♪ then somebody bends ♪ unexpectedly ♪ just a little change ♪ small to say the least
♪ both a little scared ♪ neither one prepared ♪ beauty and the beast (gulps) ♪ ever just the same ♪ ever a surprise eh, eh, eh? ♪ ever as before ♪ ever just as sure
♪ as the sun will rise ♪ tale as old as time ♪ tune as old as song ♪ bittersweet and strange ♪ finding you can change ♪ learning you were wrong ♪ certain as the sun ♪ rising in the east ♪ song as old as rhyme
♪ beauty and the beast ♪ off to the cupboardwith you now, chip. it's past your bedtime. (yawning) good night, love. are you happyhere with me? yes. what is it? if only i couldsee my father again,just for a moment.
i miss him so much. there is a way. this mirrorwill show you anything. anythingyou wish to see. i'd like to seemy father, please. papa. oh, no. he's sick.he may be dying,and he's all alone. then you must go to him. what did you say?
i release you.you're no longer my prisoner. you mean i'm free? oh, thank you. hold on, papa.i'm on my way. take it with you so you'll alwayshave a way to look back and remember me. thank you for understandinghow much he needs me. well, your highness,
i must say everythingis going just swimmingly. i knew you had it in you.(chuckling) i let her go. yes, yes, splen... you what? how could you do that? i had to. (stammering) yes, but...but why? because i love her.
all: he did what? yes, i'm afraidit's true. she's going away? but he was so close. after all this time,he's finally learned to love. that's it then.that should breakthe spell. mrs. potts:but it's not enough. she has to love himin return. cogsworth:now it's too late.
ooh, ooh! (chuckles) they're back. maurice: belle. it's all right, papa.i'm home. i thought i'd neversee you again. i missed you so much! but the beast... did you...how did you escape? i didn't escape, papa.he... he let me go.
that horrible beast? but he's different now, papa.he's changed somehow. (rattling) hi! oh! a stowaway. (chuckling) why,hello there, little fella. didn't thinki'd see you again. belle, why'dyou go away? don't you like usanymore?
chip, of course i do. it's just that... may i help you? i've come to collectyour father. my father? don't worry, mademoiselle. we'll takegood care of him. my father's not crazy! he was ravinglike a lunatic!
we all heard him,didn't we? all: yes! (indistinct yelling) no, i won't let you! maurice, tell usagain, old man. just how big wasthe beast? (laughing) he was... i mean, he was...he was enormous! i'd...i'd say at least eight,no, more like 10 feet! well, you don't getmuch crazier than that.
it's true, i tell you. lefou: get himout of here! let go of me! no! you can't do this! poor belle. it's a shameabout your father. you knowhe's not crazy, gaston. i might be ableto clear up thislittle misunderstanding if... if what?
if you marry me. one little word, belle.that's all it takes. never! have it your way. belle? let go of me! my father's not crazyand i can prove it. show me the beast. (all gasp) woman: is it dangerous?
no, no,he'd never hurt anyone. please, i knowhe looks vicious, but he's reallykind and gentle. he's my friend. if i didn'tknow better, i'd thinkyou had feelingsfor this monster. he's no monster, gaston.you are! she's as crazyas the old man. the beast will make offwith your children.
he'll come afterthem in the night. we're not safetill his head ismounted on my wall! i say we kill the beast! (all exclaim) ♪ we're not safe until he's dead ♪ he'll comestalking us at night ♪ set to sacrificeour children ♪ to his monstrousappetite ♪ he'll wreak havoc on our village
♪ if we let him wander free ♪ so, it's time to take some action, boys ♪ it's time to follow me ♪ through the mist, through the woods ♪ through the darkness and the shadows ♪ it's a nightmarebut it's one exciting ride ♪ say a prayer,then we're there ♪ at the drawbridgeof a castle ♪ and there's somethingtruly terrible inside
♪ it's a beasthe's got fangs,razor-sharp ones ♪ massive paws,killer claws for the feast ♪ hear him roar, see him foam ♪ but we're not coming home ♪ till he's dead, good and dead kill the beast! no, i won'tlet you do this. if you're not with us,you're against us.bring the old man! get your hands off me! we can't have themrunning off to warnthe creature.
let us out! we'll rid the villageof this beast! who's with me? all: i am! i am! ♪ light your torch, mount your horse ♪ screw your courage to the sticking place ♪ we're counting on gaston to lead the way ♪ through a mist, to a wood where within a haunted castle
♪ something's lurking that you don't see every day ♪ it's a beast one as tall as a mountain ♪ we won't rest till he's good and deceased ♪ sally forth, tally-ho ♪ grab your sword and your bow ♪ praise the lord and here we go we'll lay siege to the castleand bring back his head! i have to warn the beast.this is all my fault. papa, what arewe going to do?
now, now. we'llthink of something. all: ♪ we don't like what we don't understand ♪ in fact, it scares us ♪ and this monster is mysterious at least ♪ bring your guns, bring your knives ♪ save your children and your wives ♪ we'll save our village and our lives ♪ we'll kill the beast i knew it.i knew it was foolishto get our hopes up.
maybe it wouldhave been betterif she'd never come at all. could it be... is it she? sacrebleu! invaders! cogsworth: encroachers. mrs. potts:and they have the mirror. warn the master. if it's a fight they want,we'll be ready for them.who's with me? take whatever bootyyou can find.
but remember,the beast is mine! all: ♪ hearts ablaze, banners high ♪ we go marching into battle ♪ unafraid, although the danger just increased ♪ raise the flag, sing the song ♪ here we come, we're 50 strong ♪ and 50 frenchmen can't be wrong ♪ let's kill the beast (thudding)
pardon me, master. leave me in peace. but, sir, the castleis under attack. all: ♪ kill the beast! kill the beast! this isn't working. lumiere, we mustdo something! wait! i know! ♪ kill the beast! kill the beast! what shall we do,master?
it doesn't matter now. just let them come. ♪ kill the beast! ♪ now! (slurps) (belches) yes! here we go! what the devil?
belle, look out! you guys gottatry this thing. (yelling) up here, you scurvy scum. (whooping) oh! hmm? (whimpering) (chortles evilly) ow! ow!
(laughing manically) (chuckles wickedly) and stay out. (exclaims in disgust) get up. what's the matter, beast? too kind and gentleto fight back? (neighing) belle.
no, gaston, don't. let's go, philippe. come on out and fight! were you in lovewith her, beast? did you honestly thinkshe'd want you when she hadsomeone like me? it's over, beast!belle is mine! let me go. let me go.please, don't hurt me. i'll do anything. anything!
(gaston whimpering) get out. beast! you came back. (thud) (gasping) you... of course i came back.i couldn't let them... oh, this is allmy fault.
if only i'dgotten here sooner. maybe it's better...it's better this way. don't talk like that. you'll be all right. we're together now.everything's goingto be fine, you'll see. at least i got to see you one last time. (exhales) no. no.
please. please.please don't leave me. i love you. belle, it's me. it is you. lumiere. cogsworth. mrs. potts! look at us. mama. mama.
(chuckling) oh, my goodness. it isa miracle. (belle laughing) ah, l'amour. well, lumiere,old friend. shall we letbygones be bygones? of course, mon ami.i told you she wouldbreak the spell. i beg your pardon,old friend,but i believe i told you. no, you didn't.i told you.
you most certainlydid not, you pompous,paraffin-headedpea-brain! en garde,you overgrownpocket watch! take that. stop shoving. are they gonna livehappily ever after, mama? of course, my dear. of course. do i still have to sleepin the cupboard?
♪ and ever just as sure