when i started to use the dog it felt like that was somehow dangerous possibly not right i had a manifesto and when ibroke it was liberating but also a little scary when i started to do images withthe long exposure i never know what would be at the end of the long exposure because you can't predict the future to me, what makes a photograph or any creativeundertaking interesting is the content behind it - forget the f-stops, forget the shutterspeeds you really need to be well informed and you have to have somethingto say
the whole idea for me of art was that it'd have to come from the feeling that that i haveas an artist from a particular moment everybody's exsistance is complicated and so whatinterests me is to reach some of the complications and to respond to some ofthe complications in a person well i started out as a painter and followingwhat was current in the art magazines in the sixties kind of became a conceptualartist and abandoned painting and the first work that i made that seemed to getattention where the videos so it should have been like the ocean b-e-a-c-h see, that's the difference
well ok i forgive you when you start to do something real, it always comes little by little - it's a long and complicatedprocess one step forward, two steps back or two steps forward, one step back so you keep trying to perfect it and try to improve it and try to go beyond whatyou did a year ago it makes you get to know these creatures better too becauseit'll freeze an angle or a look and then
in real life you'll see it again brings youcloser but i think it's really wonderful experience photographing something youlove whether it's your favorite tree your wife, your girlfriend or your dogs - it brings you close