police! run! don't run, don't run it's lucky throw at her mother fucker, want to trick me let me off i'm under hk goverment,you are to beat me! father what are you doing here? sir, comehere
father, what's going on, big operation? it's none of your business why? stay away who is he? chan leung all units get ready be alert, be careful get ready, chan leung is coming in
get it, over father, you need my help? mind your own business you can't even get those vendors you don't have a gun, how can youhelp?you silly girl where's the money it's here, show it to him go and check it it's alright, dai ko
where's the dope go in and save our men dai ko, they're cops cops, i won't give a damn.i'll kill them all dai ko, many of us get killed fuck, i'm fully armed, won't give a damn it's right, chan leung, get loss shit, dead man won't be scared go
freeze! police, don't move,drop your guns you scare me? don't move. put down your gun you…. don't move, or i'll kill him no, don't shoot father put down the gun. no kidding i said put down your gun, or i'll shoot
don't shoot…. take it easy…. shit freeze again? how can i eat this fake, you jerk it's real tight lately,you'd better put up with it but you could have given mesomething better than this i'm a cop, not a drug dealer
it's you who got sheiminfa back what are you looking at? i heard sheiminfa is back will he change yhe dealing time? i don't know you know everythingwhen you need money you fooled me twice last month it's stink they are checking me
i know you can do something and i got you out of jail i did't do it for trouble are feitsat and sheiminfa reallymaking a deal? you don't believe me so what can i tell you? there're a lot to tell where did the clue of feitsat come from? who the hell told you that?
he ran away, not in hong kong his name nam tse, informants have rules i just can't betrade my informant i checked feitsat from gambling house i'll tell you the time and place of his deal with sheiminfa once i know,okay? i know i'd be killed sooner or later for giving you information
too many informants are betradedby cops lataly me? you're a jerk have ever betraded you all these years? did anybody know the cluesyou gave me? that's more like it tell me, who gave you the clue?come on you can never trust a cop i don't think this nam tse is reliable we just came in
be careful, don't be taped is it possible? sihong, your food thanks this cop's not bad sent it already just take your sunglasses off that's smarter nam tse's gift
wah tse is nam tse smart in the station? smart or not i'm not sure but some accident, yes i was just transferred here to help her tell me something what? if one day, i can't be your informantanymore what will you do to me?
take you back to the jail who is it? feitsat why does he come? come on tsat ko come on in dai ko, it's siu yien trouble. wait
where's my soi? what are you doing here this late? i've got something to tell you, tsat ko siu yien, are you tired? no, nothing men are talking. out now what? dai ko, we ran out of goods good, those addicts got rich
it's not sold out siu yien, tell him the cops got them? forget about it any way, i give you the goods and you give me the money that's all sui yien, you explain to dai ko what the hell has to do with my brother? i gave you the goods,and you're responsible
i'm not responsible for this sui yien threw it all into the w. c it's between you and me leave my brother alone i warned you not to sell the dope to my girl or i'd throw it into the toilet you didn't listen. and that's all what? your brother sayit has nothing to do with you
and you tell me to leave him alone what about me? why should i take it? you bloody nut! no, dai ko you shout at me? stop are you coming to complain? i gave you the goods,and you let somebody throw into toilet
you pay it back! did you hear? huh? tell him to wait. out! you motherfucker tsat ko tells you to wait. i go first you motherfucker you're only good at creating trouble i didn't mean it i can do anything but to be a drug pusher so, you've got your own principle?
what about my principle? don't you understand you're brought up bythe moneyfrom the deal now you oppose me it's me to sell it, not you you mind your big thing great, you've got your principle then tell your girl not to eat if you can't do it, i'll do it
you listen, you're luckythatmy brother likes you if i ever know you touch the dope again i'll cut your hands off. do you hear? hello nam tse? yes? now i got it what is it? feitsat will make a dealat taiyun restaurant
don't you fool me come on. don't worry come in uncle, i tell you chan leung case is mine don't be just like your father, okay? lofukao is our boss i can't do anything when he says no he was under you
just please do the talking for me that's the history he's educated, better promotion mytalking doesn't work it's your luck who lets him to be transferred here? he's got his own reason it's your father shouldn'thave been so fussy
the case that the i.c.a. c investigatedthree years ago almost killed him then why it's over? the god was sleeping he was relaesed by court and just at the gate of the court he pointed your father and said he'd never forget him now you understand?
sir, why couldn't i takesheiminfa chan leungs's case? it's simple. first, he's seen you before second, he killed your father i fear you take your personal avenge sir, it took me a year to find that he's back to hong kong just please understand and let me take it it's just because you spentsuch a long time in this that i don't want you to take this case
a sir is not just to call, but also to obey you're repressing me you're right. so what? out don't you spoil it and drag meinto the water i know sui fong's calling sister a duck just got into the restaurant it's just a guest, i think. over what's wrong?
nothing, the waiter broke the dishes.over have a drink, nam tse uncle what did you promise me yesterday? no to drag you into the water but you come now,you're giving me trouble i'm not giving you trouble.i'm giving you help nam tse is really smart you just go! or else
i'll tell aunt that you went to masakei with colleague last week you… please, uncle, just do it for myfather just give me a chance just do it for your father i don't want anything happen to you you are ruining your own future i just don't care to die
ruining myfuture, so what? i must kill him alive sui chu yes, sir fuck you! what do you call me? yes, manager take her out of here. quick no, uncle quick
please don't, please nam tse, please go don't you touch me it's a nice place please take her out of here, gentlemen okay nam tse, let's go this way it's okay now, manager
you poor dogs please help me, father i must kill the bloody asshole sister's calling siu fong,we found sheiminfa he's out of toilet now take it easy. he won't get away arrest feitsat too act as they deal. over ready
don't worry. give me the bag you can make it, yes, you can sheiminfa now begins. everybody ready i'll see you in thailand nam, no act yes sir quick, quick
what are wong prei and and siu yuk doing at the rear door? god knows sister, you've got any hours? yes you look outside idiots what the hell's going on? ah biu is shot
i'm gonna teach you a lesson i'll break your fucking neck put down the gun. give me the money you bitch, you rob me? yes, dope or money i don't want to waste my bullet on you let the cop kill you. get out of here don't move wait
why do you kill me? don't you remember me? now i remember dai ko, get in hello, dai ko, what's up? don't ask i'll see you at wanchai quay in one hour i've got something to put at your place anything goes wrong?
i said don't ask. i'll tell you later when did he go out? i don't know.haven't seen him for whole night bitch, you'd be finished if you're found you think the hong kong royal policeis scout? we are a principle troop i got the clue why can't i take part in? why? you do for your personal avenge
you're as crazy as your father you can say me crazy, but not myfather did i say wrong? would he be killedif he had not gone wild? would he be threatenif it had not been you? he got his brain blown out what, kick your boss's ass? do it. why don't you just do it? all your family lost mind
and all your family are idiots you'll in trouble if you can't get the clue sir! bullshit. get out of here nam tse, you just want toclear up the case don't worry, they'll understand i knew lofukao would do this to me he's been aiming at me for a long time
i'm just worring aboutmy informant ah tsan ah tsan? what's wrong? feitsat must find out it's herwho had betraded them she's in danger i wish i got some moneyfor her to hide away i can borrow you that's all i got now. take it i can get some more from bank tomorrow if it's not enough
fada did 2992 leave any message? no. i'll call for you you leave her a message you tell i 'll break her neck if she doesn't answer nam tse's call fucking bitch.how dare you hang up the phone? don't you blaim me i'm dying. please come to me
you need me only when you need dope where are you now? i'm near chungwah ship factoryin choiwan nam tse, did you hear what i said? don't walk away nam tse, i knew you wouldcome to help i called you. why didn't you reply? now you need drug you come to me where the hell have you been?
i am afraid of feitsat i know he ran away he must know it's me who betrayed him he will kill me you're afraid of him, not me my boss is now aiming at me you don't find feitsat i will kill you too don't talk to me like this, okay?
just help me to get some dope i'm dying miss…miss just help me once, okay? no, you're nam tse's informant i can't decide. you go ask her nam tse, nam tse, please nam tse, get me out of here i beg you please, just once what are you talking about? just once?
who got you out of the jail? who has been taking careof you all these years? you just suck your whole life out you just drop dead without me just use your stupid brain that's true, you helped me out but it's because i am useful to you but if i didn't give you all those clues would you take care of me?
ask yourself, would you? face me, come on i'd never begged you to be friend before and i don't mind to be used but please just don't treat me as a tool i am human too though i'm a addict, i have myfeelings treat me like a human being, will you? shit…l didn't treat youlike a human being
you talk about feelings…feelings i just break you neck. damn it what did you say? i asked you to do it.you're too stupid to make it nam tse, you would kill her you push me in front of her fuck you nam tse, just don't force me you lose your manner in frontof my informant
you bit shot don't you let me see you again don't you follow me, bitch ahmai, are you okay? don't cry nam tse, i'm sorry. i didn't mean it i feared you would kill her shut up send her to the hospital i asked her. she wouldn't go
what am i to do?how can we get her some drug go in pepper rat, don't you run don't run nam tse, stand up, catch him hurry up, nam tse i know you can make it don't make me lose face
get some for me don't push me too hard fuck you, you broke my nose the next time i call you, just stop.you hear? dope, my dope please don't take it away it's not easyto get five bags nam tse, i beg you please didn't you see…nam tse?
i just take it, not sell it nam tse, why do you want me? clean the blood. it's alright,just a little broken bone just a little i just can't stand it any more two hundred take two bags thanks, thanks nam tse give it to me, come on….
i must return to others if you want to find feitsat,find his brother first he's working at sinkoong bar once i got feitst's news, i'll tell you thank you nam tse why do you look at me that way? please don't blaim me, nam tse i couldn't imagine that you're a copwith such look you look just like them
but i know your reason you want ah tsan to help you but, is it right to do it this way? i don't know myself you'll know that you just can dowhatever you think is right out here my dope find ah tsan don't go wild, sent her to the hospital
i'm off duty. what shall i do? ah tsan what's going on? who did this to you don't move, put down your gun or i'll kill you all you bitch, come out… don't you give me anytrouble or i'll kill you bitch, come here
nam tse hands up, go to the wall. quick do you hear? quick motherfucker, you work for this bitch no, i didn't i beg you, please, give me some dope why do you beg me? you informant can get help from the cop you go beg her
tsat ko, forgive me. just give me a little i can't stand it any more you want this, right? right? right… good. kill her then no. no go! go! bitch! you're useless go!
nam tse! run go! quick cut the rope it's down there, quick get her up and go motherfucker it hurts, don't touch keep quiet. i'll get a car there's no need
you'll be alright how can't i know if i'm alright? i got two holes in my stomach you go get another new informant,nam tse we still can work togetherwhen you're okay i won't find anybody else nam tse, tell me if one day, i really could not beyour informant will you reallytake me back to the jail?
i, fong ngoina, received acall from the victim mo suitsan at one fifteen am on the morning of twelveth may, 1989 and agreed to meet at 38 ahkongyiem then i called victim tin laisum and went to the site together finding mo suitsan was needing drug and we went to kowloon citytoget some drug for her drug?
you just wait i, fong ngainam received a call fromthe victim mo suitsan at four thirty am then i called the victim tsin laisum when we got to the sit we found that the suspect feitsatwas there what are you doing? change the clothes
turn left, right, front please tell me who took the addict to you is the here? the one with the no. 3 it was her sao ko, what the hell is wrong? there's dope in the station you found one bag, i found one bag
your informant was a addict,did you know that? yes, i did then did you supply anyto her? bsides this drug store do you have any second wayto get drug? no what's the relation between youand the informant? i don't think much of it nothing's special. just normal friends
you're lying. this deposition is fake you said at 4:00 am. in the morning you saw feitsat after meetingwith laisum. it's a lie also you said the drug store was your only wayto get drug.it's also a lie because, some one sawyou two together before 2:00am you robbed the drug together.how do you explain? yes, we were together but i didn't mean to giveyou a false deposition
i just didn't want to write that a cop helps her informant to get drug i didn't rob any drug. i bought it i know i was wrong sir, we're all cops,and you know sometimes you must do things you know is wrong i got drug for her just toget information from her how should i know?i've never done so before you tell the truth
and i tell the lies but i do things right a cop must be fair i do justice when my mendo things wrong just like two years ago the i.c.a.c. inspected me two years ago your father as a witness providedevidence against me i like your father's style. i really do i sworn that i'd just be like him
thank god, now i can be just like him i will charge you with notonly drug robbery but first grade murder what are you talking about? what i'm talking about? i suspect you and tsin laisumwere drug dealers you killed her for unfair share who'd believe you? this bag was not found by me,but my subordinate
also, some one saw tsin laisumgave you money and you robbed drug with her no body would believe it? don't stare at me these information was provided by your subordinate cheung wah he's now on my side and we'll charge you son of bitch, you frame me up
you frame me up, son of bitch wait? fuck you, bitch what do you want? why do you grab me? you fucking lofukao, fucking pig shit, don't you stop me sir, don't, please let go….
don't you ever stop me again or i'll break your neck take her here you listen, yes, i am framing you up you don't take it, huh? out, bitch don't you grab me tell loyaotiu to confine her uncle, you know me well
i won't betray myfriends lofukao is repressing me andi don't say anything i should have listened to you i was too confident i know no one could help me now really, no one could i must find feitsat myself i'm not doing it to proof my innocence but for a colleague who was killed
and a informant who had beenwith me for two years uncle, just let me go, please please, please what shall i tell themif you just go like this? i'm sorry, uncle she ran away yours, suiyien your girl wants you ah wing, do me a favor
hello, who's speaking? no wonder things are often missing it's you who did it just lend me some. i will pay back i was just joking you think everybody is justas happy as you? there's dai ko taking care of you who will take care of we orphanswhen we get old if don't make some money now?
why do you think i take goodsfor your brother? are you lonely here? get a girl don't be afraid. they won't hurt you theyjust want to knowwhere is your brother you just tell them.i assure you'd be okay you betrayed him don't use that word. i'm just being fair it's his fault
he took their goods it's fair that they want it back, right? where is he? speak, where is he? how much did they payyou to betray us? more than your brother paid me you'd better tell them before they lose their mimd or i can't help you
speak why, lung ko? how could he believe i really mean it if i don't give him an example? no, lung ko, he will, lung ko i don't want the money alright i'm not a very patient person if you waste mytime i'll kill you
now, where is feitsat? i could have been finished if it wentjust right a little thank god you were just in time you're my brother's girl, right? i'm siu yien. and you? thank you there's no need. i saved you becauseyou're still useful take off your pants? what? you use me right away?
will you take them off? of course not then you want to keep a bulletin your body? are you trying to take it out? don't bother i think you should send meto the hospital you're kidding take it away.you're no more than an informant not a man
it's okay with you, not me.you are a woman okay, okay, let go, dai tse you can't touch there oh god, it hurts. be careful take it way i've got a little brother what's wrong with you? it's natural reaction. i can't help it control yourself
or i'll cut it off are you sure you know how to do it? what do you want now? sterilize okay, tsat ko what ship is that? it's a cargo ship, to keelong the dayafter tomorrow i will call to ask them to get ready what do you think you're doing?
you'll burn my pubes if you don't know how to do it,then don't do it when will it recover? where's your brother? now again. who the hell are you? why should i tell you? i just don't know you don't know? then why does sheiminfa came to you? i won't talk to you. i'm calling the police
there's no need. i'm a police you are a cop? so what? you big shot? you've gone too far even further than your brother? murdering cops and selling drug? bullshit, he wouldn't have done this besides selling drug
out let go you just take a look the blood on the wall was my colleague's and that blood was my informants your brother killed them both why should i believe you you are lying enough, why do you beat me
because i love to.your life was saved by me oh, god. come on then please just take the bulletback into my body and tell those thai to take me i'd rather be kill bythem than be treated byyou like this bullshit, you saved my life? fuck you. shut up don't you beat me. or i'll fight with you
fight? fuck you. beat a cripple are you nut? what the hell right doyou have to beat me? motherfucker, you bitch your informant wasn't killedby my brother she was killed byyou, bitch you bloody cripple. insult me? i'm sorry miss, sorry dai tse,i was just joking
please just forgive me. i'm jerk you are lovely, you are beautiful you treat your informant tenderly if you don't tell me where feitsat is don't you think you can get out of here just give it a shit thought just back to this sinful world! great! your dai ko left you a message ask you to take the bag to the hall
at three tomorrow body search it's nothing to do with me i'll break your neck. you again take it for your dai ko? bitch. i had enough don't you saythat i bullyyou son of bitch shit. how can you kick my little brother
if you don't tell me where your brohter is i'll waste your another leg too bitch, don't you use your gun, let's fight you lost. now where is your brother? you think i'm afraid of you? i break your neck you break my nose i break your head stop, don't you run
you beat me? i'll kill you come on…l'll kill you you fight with me, i'll kill you you bitch, i'll kill you you must pay back with this i'm not wounded. so i didn't lose you want to get wounded?what about some blood? no…. now what…
fuck, i kiss you what's going on? sweet heart, don't heave sweet hert, that's disgusting don't get fresh i'm not getting fresh to a cop give me the bag, you jerk don't treat your honeythis way what about a kiss?
that's more like it, cop. a kiss you're really cheap just enough to be your informant what good is to betray my own brother? if i get him it would be a specifiedsentence at the most but that would be a capital punishment if sheiminfa gets him may be you're right
then will you plead with judge for him? i'll try what is the groom doing? sweeter in your wedding picture sweeter… how? kiss her… don't be shy kiss her
right…good, good throw the flowers great readyto catch, ready bye-bye let's take a shot over there don't worry, send more people long time no see have we met before?
tell the brothers to take a look at here at the party? i've never been to a partyfor over ten years what about the other exits? follow me it's impossible you said you liked me, don't remember? you must got a wrong person i am not cheating
i got no dope here with me.it's at my brother's okay, we'll wait for him right here if he doesn't show up, you'll be dead come on, take a picture come on…. just look at your tie lo tsiu, he's married,and you still take care of that? don't believe him take him back. we can get his brother
i swear i didn't cheat you wanna flee? sorry catch him let me kill you fong ngoinam nam nam are you okay? nam nam, are you okay now?
chan shuk is a good man and a doctor you okay? you are luckythatthe bullet didn't go deep help her up come on, take her. don't let her move why do you cry? you didn't get shot she's hurting me shut up. quick it's bitter. i'm lucky it were not me
why didn't you go away last night? i have to answer a call is it sheiminfa wanting you? yes. he made my brother to call me i must meet them atthe red house restaurant i go, you stay that's my brother i don't want you to give meanytrouble there that's bullshit
how can you treat me back like this i hope you faint again you were so hot to me when was i hot to you? you know it i just can't believe it what have we done? i just don't know how to say it you grabbed me and cried
dai tse, just give me a break now you see, this is what you've done congratulations,you're the most erotic one i've ever met we…. just don't even think about it.i wouldn't do it with you you think i'm that kind of guy? you keep this you see, don't underestimate a cripple
it show the body is strong with better kungfu, girls will listen are you sure you don't want me with you? i'm sure i can make it i do what i promised.i'll take your brother back just don't want to owe you if anything happens, just call wait, just don't call
are you okay? you're flashed nothing about my brohter no, you can't go he's my brohter, don't you understand? i know, i know.you care about your brother but this is our police's business we sent many people toget sheiminfa this time it must be pretty dangerous too
i just can't take care of you will there really be a lot of cops? please, just fool me i just can't imagine that you are a cop when we met police in the lane we pretended to be lovers when you got a shot,you didn't even go to hospital you are also hiding and escaping, right? in fact, we are pretty like each other
come on, it's out time to co-operate one bitch and one cripple such a pair is quite interesting we might win let me go with you siu yien, we miss you.where have you been? nam tse, this is my girl where did you go? you didn't paythe electricity bill
and it was almost cut off you're luckyto have me topay it for you okay, shut up i have to go nam nam, you really don'tlet me go with yu? where are you going? then i'll payyour dinner later there's a ahka restaurant, not bad don't refuse me in front of my girl
i want to have that dinner to it's shit, you still want it? dai ko what is the cop doing with the cripple? well, i don't think feitsat has anything to do with her it's not strange that the cop wants me i killed her father a year ago that's why she tried to kill meat taiyun restaurant
but i just don't understand whythe police shot her at the hall last time does she really get involved in this? maybe she wants to deal with metogether with feitsat and take my goods if it's true, i'm not afraid that the cripple won't bring the goodsto get his brother back dai ko, i think you'd betterget out of here for a while
let us to deal with that cripple why, are you afraid of that cripple? we have got nine guns pointing at him and you doubt we can't kill him. idiot lung ko, what is dai ko worring about? how do i know? i've been with him for so long and this is the first timei saw him like this put down your gun. or i'll kill him
drop it, into the water you've got no gun now hide in water for hours to bug me you're got no gun now it's a piece of cake better than a knife in your chest don't go wild release feitsat release him
quick, or i'll kill him stand up! here! don't you go wild i really mean it! here…. don't kill me. you take feitsat and i don't want the dope i always keep my promise you motherfucker's promise god believes you
myfather got killed justbecause he believed you i learnt it from you, son of bitch keep away…. kneel down…. feitsat, can you walk? can you walk? bitch you want feitsat, get him in the hell beat woman, beat woman where do you run? i kill you
i hate anybodyto beat woman catch him, don't let him go what's wrong? are you okay? my leg does it hurt? you go they come. you go i don't just go. i can take care of myself
i know you wanted to save my brother just survive don't shout, go, quick go, i didn't come to save your brother i didn't come to save your brother i'm coming to deal with sheiminfa who do you think your brother is? i just won't die for him you stupid idiot
i'm coming to help, and you say i'm idiot you think i would thank you? you ask for it. go back to your girl why are you here? just go, cripple! you're just as disgusting as dai ko you big shot! fuck, you listen my brother may means
nothing to you but he's the brother that brought me up i may be a fool to help you today because i just don't need to care about you i asked for it lung ko, can't find them burn these cloth it would alarm the police there's no other way anyway
i don't believe you were comingto deal with sheiminfa i don't go while you don't siu lung, over there you knew my brohter's dead there's no need to force me to go you're not the only onethat wants to get avenge if die, let's die together are you okay? where's sheiminfa?
kill him