(whines) (door lock clicks) here we go. let's get a drink. maria! (phone beeps) wallace: (over the phone) toby, wallace here. i'm still worried about the second auditions. the lawyers are saying
we should pull the labor party expose. i need your say-so. call me. (phone beeps) man: (over the phone) you abrupt old bastard, tobes, give me a ring about that diary story, will you? i'm still not happy. and get the bloody car phone... (gunshot) archer: mr. colley, archer here.
you're a hard one to get a hold off. i assure you, this story will be to your advantage. it could get a making of you. (indistinct shouting) cameron: and then we've got, trying to get some kind of an angle on a nuclear waste story, but i don't know. the juices aren't flowing. i have seen it all before. (indistinct shouting)
kenny: oh, he's a bastard. -all right, kenny.-aye, aye, aye. oh. oh, that's better. fucking police won't let me near. have you got any actual fags, you drug-crazed freak? cameron: it's six weeks now since somebody dropped our beloved boss onto the railings. but so far nobody has a clue exactly who. anyway, he was a nasty piece of work.
life can get complicated. so those things,they kept avoiding me. same as usual.alas, she's got her tits out. where? where? oh, piss off,there's no way about it. cameron,i'm very close to finding who offedyour illustrious proprietor. no, i don't think so. still they pursued a suspect,is that?
-how's that?-well, all you said there was a lotof them just that. -(laughs)-that's very good. is it true what they're saying, that you obtained melanomain the face of the body politic? -what?-your mole. the security services. who told you about that? contacts, son. it's all there.
get pleasant. no comment. go home. hey, hey!what about the press conference? anyone who tries to stop from bringing nuclear wastethrough here is gonna get their headkicked in. don't need a press conferenceto write that one out. i'll see you later. (indistinct clamoring)
cameron: i need some inspiration, something to lift my spirits. and anyway, i've got things to think about, stuff that's not adding up at present, so i head for one of my favorite sports. woman: (over the phone) you have two messages. cameron: i've been getting to a little bit of inspiration recently. josephine: cameron, where the hell are you?
turn your mobile on. i want a copy by 3, that's 3:00 today, you skaggy piece of shit. man: mr. colley, i couldn't reach you. i have another meeting for you. go to the following location at 7:45 p.m. donning f, phone box by the church. cameron: this has been going on for a wee while. mr. arch has been giving me names.
that's all i need. maybe he's bullshitting me back. there's something thrillingly traditional about all this and...you never know. i might get to topple a government. archer: was the traffic bad again, mr. colley? as a matter of fact it was,yes. you have a name for me? do you remember the others?
hedgecole and bennett.(sniffles) well, i can't trace them.what i need to know is-- -well, now you tell me. there's someone you need is allan foe. my suggestion, look in the leap district. good-bye, mr. colley. cameron: he seems to know a lot about me, where i go, what i do. but still, worrying given the nature
of some of my activities. -hi.-hi there, sorry i'm late. -jesus christ, look at you.-cam... stop flirting.let's just go and fuck. cameron, isn't it great? william came back early from vienna. hey, cameron,good to see you. -it's a nice surprise.-you haven't-- yeah.
(scoffs) so let me get this straight. you're donating moneyto the labor party? sure, why not? well, i thought you were devoted blue bastard. ah, well, these guysare the new blue bastards. oh. so, what's the partyof the proletariat gonna do for you?
a tax break on club glasses. (chuckles)no, it doesn't work like that. you--you create a context, a congenial atmospherefor business. isn't that justa teensy bit dishonest? it's good to see you,isn't it? -wonderful.-anyway, i'm going for a slash. have an oyster. sorry.
why don't you leave him? well, i love him.(chuckles) i've got youfill the other stuff. so? so...get your shoe off. i haven't gottenany knickers on. what? cameron: i've known yvonne since primary school. recently she mentioned that william
was unreasonably withholding certain needs and wants like bondage, sodomy, and sex in inappropriate settings. (sighs)what's wrong? (chuckles)nothing. cameronis being very entertaining. well, isn't he always? neil: (over the phone) cameron, old man, civilization calling, neil here. follow up those names you gave me,
hedgecone, or was it bennett? i'll e-mail you the details. we can talk when i come to end of this week. most of them are rather mysterious. anyway, adios. yvonne: (over the phone) hi, cam, it's me. hey, kind of guess what i'm doing now? are you a bad, bad boy, cam? (moaning)
yvonne: yeah. i can't talk right now, cameron. (moans) (indistinct chattering) (knocks on door)josephine: morning, cameron. i filed a perfectly good copy. you filed a pileof bisocialistic crap. i just got alto apply some balance. you remember balance,don't you, cameron?
josie, it was okay. one wonders if the managementof bnfl would have their thinkingsimilarly clarified where they to be submitted to the kindof kicking dealt-out protestors by members of the strathclydeconstabulary yesterday. that's where i liketo see cam perspective. -that's the way i saw it.-i don't give a fuckhow you saw it! you're paid to full editorial line.
look... i'm not giving youanother chance to make me look bad. hat last time,i almost lost my job. okay, okay. -so you're off the green desk.-i'm what?! frank is doing an overview pieceon whisky, "water of life,scotland's glory." you can help himwith a background.
-i'll speak to wallace. -be my guest. look, josie, i've got stuff on. is this your mole in mi5or the cia or maybe smash? i'm sure you'll enjoy working with him. you can get too smart,you know that, josie. i believe i do. keep your sex life out of the work please. it can lead to resentment and emotion. going down to the library.
my underpants are green. i took a shit at 9:15. anything else you needto pass on? cameron,you know what she's like. just... any calls come, i'll bewith janice in the archives. ooh! i thought if i tested the moles,you can do the blended stuff. how does that sound?
janice,what are you still doing here? i found him,this allan foe guy. -yeah?-there's nothing on himin our coverage, but i checkedthe lake district angle on the west,moline gazette. -does he live there?-not anymore. he's dead. (sighs) thanks, janice, you're a pal.
all right. -and go home. -aye, aye. (phone rings)cameron colley? archer: i presume you've phoned maj. allan foe. sadly, also deceased. how do you know what i'm doing? you're searching for structure, connection as any good reporter should, but you need the project name.
which is? that information isn't available at this time. hold on. i bet tobacco company executiveshave wet dreams about people like you. -hi, neil. what are you having?-large brandy. i presume these jockoestablishments have brandy. i'll have pint special, please,and a brandy for the tough. really, cameron,i'm not sure this isn't me.
come on, neil, i know you workin the intelligence agency. i advise on security matters,write there our report. -it's freelance.-yeah. i give up.what's your beef? well, i've got contact who saysthese guys are connected, all suicideswithin six months last year. bennett swallowed the active agents for cavity foam insulation. hedgecole drowned himself in a cesspool,
and maj. allan foe, md,tied a rope round the tree on the west coast railing, stood on the other sideof the tracks and waited for the 6:30virgin express to come through. here's optimism for you. but doesn't strike you as being just the slightest bit totally fucking weird? -there's nothing to link.-except this guy. he calls me using some kindof weird voice effects box.
-effects box?-he's going to a lot of trouble telling me somethinggradually. what do you want me to do? look around a bit, ask some of your freelancefriends what's going on. cameron, i know your mensheviksoul cries out for it to be a totally rationalfactious plot behind all this, but i think they werejust three unhappy guys. there's a project name as well,but he's not telling me now.
i think maybe he's scared,you know. that's why he variesthe locations of the phone calls and thingsso they can't be traced. -what? -it's a wind up. i mean, come on. okay, okay, i'll ask around. you really must cometo scotland more often. you know, it soundstremendously exciting. (dog barking)
(door opens) (gunshots) (dogs whimper) (dogs barking) (dogs whimpering) cameron: i admit it. overtime i've developed some bad habits... and this is the worst. no real hit after the first drag
and only cancer, heart disease and gangrene to look forward to. my stupid, stupid drug. i know i'll never stop. of course when you're young, nothing seems inevitable. it's all in front of you... or potentially changeable. oh, my god, the daylight! you're a bloody liability,claire. you almost got us arrested.
oh, but radically,equal life has liveto fight another day. -so, where are we going?-oh, what the heck, carter. we must bring death to the enemies of the revolution. -but yvonne's snobby boyfriend.-aha! -snobby boy, snobby boyfriend. -all right, comrades. i shall let you knowwhen his time is up. and this will geta 20 year most standard sherry caskmaturing process.
obviously, we try notto disturb them until bottling. of course they'll haveto be moved when we close. close? the boss has sold the place. -who to?-the jacks. the whole operation is going to space out. i thoughtthat's why you were here. no, no,i'm just doing a general piece. so, what's gonna happento you guys?
we've been subjectto an efficiency review. all of you? aye. how long you worked here? 23 years. norrie, who's this? cameron colleyfrom the caledonian, mr. baine. he's doing an article. -oh, yes.-i'm told you're selling up.
i have disposed of a portionof my investment. seems a shame. i have to make decisionson the commercial basis. sure, sure, but, um,it's a lovely distillery. you know, plenty of tradition,all that. i do hope the tenureof this article isn't going to be hostile. after all, nippon distilleriesof which i am now director do place a good dealof advertising
with your newspaper. good-bye, mr. colley,i'm sure norrie will be able to tell youeverything you need to know. (engine turns over)nice guy. one in a million. mr. colley,a man phoned you. he said if you goto public phone box and just grab the 4:00, you have some informationabout a project.
strathspeld. did he say his name? the line was funny,i couldn't make out. okay, thanks. cameron: strathspeld is a wee village in stirlingshire where i lived mostly happily for the first 18 years of my life. after dad died, mom went to new zealand to live with the tractor salesman,
so i haven't been back for a while. but when the world was simpler and my friends haven't scattered so far into it, we always came back to andy and claire's house. it was big with food in it and an obtrusive parents. but more than that, somehow it was a link to each other. andy! hey, andy! andy: jesus, claire, what have you been doing?
(chuckles) i'm fighting! -oh! what---(laughs) -hi, andy.-hi. -they let you out there.-got two weeks leave. -hi, yvonne.-yvonne: hey! your sister has been leading usinto battle. for christ sake, well, get cleaned upbefore my mom gets back. all right. all right.
come, get a... come on, yvonne! -want to go?-sure. (laughter) you say fool. fool? (clanks) man: cameron! cameron! (phone rings)
hello? shit! yvonne! yvonne? oh, fuck! shit! oh, oh, fuck! shit. hi. cameron. obviously, i'm very pleasedto see you.
where are you going? wait. you bitch,get back in here! it's starting to hurt. -coffee?-very funny. no, don't! don't! (groans) jesus!(groans) oh, come on.
fuck shit, come on! (grunts) (both moan) (panting) how was that? splendid. what's up? i see stratshpeld over,you know. -did you see anyone?-no.
i stayed at andy's house. it's got me thinking. what about claire? we had some good times,didn't we? if william ever found outabout us, he'd kill me, wouldn't he? something much worse than that. cameron: if there's a downside to yvonne, it's that you tend to pick up the hard knock,
you know, minor abrasions, torn ligaments, burns to the genitals. nothing i can't handle. and after a morning constitutional and whistle-stop tour of my upper hemispheres, i'm ready for the world. -frank: hey, cam. -hey! come in. goodness. hey,what have you done to yourself?
i--i'm fine. i think i just pulled a muscle. i'm not so sureabout this whisky material. well, i mean, you're--you're bringing the fact that you know me into this. i mean, coming to a cold. i'm just trying to get across that. traditional industries can bejust as ruthless as others -when it comes to, uh, the-- -yes, yes!
we--we know, we know. we know. my good lad,you're like a terrible one for getting thesein your body. cameron, i'm open,i've always respected talent when i've seen itand i spoke out for you when i was deputyand toby mccormack was spiking everythingthat you wrote. -yes, till someone spiked him!-(chuckles) you see, it's just that kind ofgratuitously tasteless remark
that causes all the trouble, and i haven't got tamedto run around protecting you from, well,from your enemies. uh, you mean josephine. that's why your namehas come up. i think she finds it very hardto forget last year. yes, i admit that was an errorof judgment. you fill in for the television review, you practically turn itinto a manifest of a class board
and thenuse your perth masculine wiles to persuade her to run it. yeah, it was more complicatedthan that. but ladies don't likethat sort of a thing, cameron. they get emotional when sex is involved. well, withdraw available. so this, uh, this molethat i'm getting a window, -is there anything in it?-yes, it's developing. i believe it could bea cover-up involved and...
yeah. well, i'll tell you what? you come back with a properlyresearched balance piece that doesn't resultan outraged politicians demanding that i ripyour entrails out and then display them on a spearin the castle wall and then we'll talk. -so i'm on it? -yes. yeah, i'll talk to josephine and wheel the stilettorather than the chainsaw, eh,
because we need youto give up your best, cameron, right about now. thank you.i'm--yes, i will. (groans) well,he didn't like my contribution -to the whisky feature.-all right. i was trying to givea wider social perspective. take my advice, cam,don't! you know, you look terrible,son. here, have a spot of this.
it's my top scorer for aroma,taste, and value. look at this.the leaping frog crouch. -man: excellent! -(laughs) cameron: hold up. wife suddenly get on a wee bit over convenient. ares, it turns out, is the greek god of massacre. but of course, we all remember it was a sordid little cover-up concerning the supply of ammunitions to iraq by our heroic export-led arms industry.
and i've got names, a disgraced minister, a machine tool manufacturer, a dci official, and an army doctor all linked somehow, and all dead. oh, my giddy aren't, mr. archer? where are we getting in to? (door closes) (toilet flushes) come on, you bastard!jesus christ!
fuck shit, man! you give mea fucking heart attack. fuck. 17 hours on that plane... i know you keep the key. i just crashed out. you're going back to work? i sold the icon shops. you sold them, who to?
william bought me out. he gave me 3 millionfor my share. 3 million?jesus! or sick of it. after claire, you know... my heart wasn't hurt. well...whatever, hm? you've seen anythingwith yvonne? a bit.
-phone.-yeah. (ringing continues) no, i'll just have-- important. i thought i was you. something wrong with your phone. his voice was funny. archer. my clandestine contactin the security services.
no. i'm telling you. what did he say? you have to go in a call boxat dock c in roadside at 1 a.m. what's going on? (music playingover the video game) do you ever think aboutwhat happened to my sister? claire was unlucky.
you've been to visit,you know where she is? in a way. i bought in verlatti coastup at stromeferry. stromeferry, no ferry. the very same. it's kind of daedalic. what, are you going do that? -i don't know. -(scoffs) you should come up, huh?
stop all those crapabout guys on phones and all other guys being dead that nobody gives a fuckabout anyway. all right, maybe. right.i'm gonna take this call. oh, wait,property levels are critical. i would advice,subsidize art industry, decimate elderly,arrest poets of cheap drugs. cheap drugs?
jesus, man. are you collecting addictions? i seem to remember it was yougave me my first ever cigarette. you're responsible. -ah! shit!-watch it, claire! you can't do that,they'd get sick. hey, who wants one? cameron: andy changed my life that day. that was a revelation...
-(gags) -an epiphany. only this was better than religion because it worked. (pukes) -oh!-it taste horrible? cameron: i knew then that i'd always smoke, that i'd always want to make reality that little bit more exciting. (alarm blaring)
(switch clanking) what the hell is going on? bloody fuse. wait here in just a bit.i'll check electronic. right. jimmy? is that you?you all right? (staple gun fires) -(clears throat) hello?-neil: kevin, neil. oh, hi, neil.
yes, listen, i asked around about the dead guy. -and? -there's nothing in it. you're wasting your time. no, neil,it has to do with ares. remember, the ares project. and--and the other guyhas been off as well, hasn't he? -neil? -look, cameron, try reorganizing these words: chase, goose, wild. yeah, very funny.
just let it drop, okay? okay.thanks, neil. cameron,they want you upstairs. the police are here. (knocks on window) oh, cameron, uh, this isdet. chief inspector mcdunn and, uh, sgt. flavell. -mr. colley. -apparently, they are investigatingsome murders.
okay. perhaps, ms. boyle,you'd care to recount for mr. colley's benefit. well, as i said, i, um,i was a bit startled when i heard that hector baineof grandside distilleries -was dead and---hang on a minute. if you could just hear this out,it would be helpful. this is crazy, i know,but someone e-mailed me a copy of that pieceyou wrote last year
that caused all the trouble. i just had to talk to somebodyabout that. read him the article. "perhaps those peoplewho believed in deterrents were right all along. perhaps what our society needsis a radical equalizer, someone who'll takeon alternative criminals like newspaper proprietorsdictating editorial in return for a placein the honor's list,
like drug dealers, gun runners,and fat cat asset-strippers who close factories on a whim. -all of these--" -it was a joke. "all of these needto be thought a lesson, to be detailed,who would object to it. we need to get the criminalsoff the streets." it's a tv review. i was, uh, filling infor the week. uh-huh, there have been otheroccurrences, cameron,
-throughout the country.-what? in all the cases, the assailant left evidence that suggested a campaignof retribution. you're not sayingthat someone's... are carrying outthese instructions? then there's a matterof your former employer, a guy you didn't seeeye to eye. so you'll understand,we need you to account for your movementson a number of days.
it takes 36 hours to sort outthis little confusion. cameron: a phone call to william seems to have clarified thinking to a certain extent. i'm getting what we call in the trade a bad feeling. bloody ridiculous nonsense! if they pull you again,refuse to say anything. it's all circumstantial,they've got nothing. look, sorry, cameron,i'm gonna miss my flight, i'll have to run.i'll be back tuesday.
keep in touch with archie. the slightest problem they'll dofor a wrongful arrest... -please arrest me.-the law. -archie?-archie: no problem. look, uh, thanks very much,william, but i'm not sure -i can afford this, you know.-hey, hey, hey, come on. it's taken care of, cameron. -do you want a lift?-no, thanks. i think i'll walk. i haven't seen the skyfor a couple of days, you know.
all right.get some sleep. (engine turns over) (music playing) -leave it a little bit, eh?-i know. oh, well,every reporter wants to make -the front page, cam, eh?-shut up! i mean, look at themfor christ's sake. look! i can't believe this. they actually think i did it. they actually thinki did all those guy's head.
no. no, if they thought aboutit, they wouldn't let you go. you'd be looking at bars,not trying to drink one dry.(laughs) some bastard is tryingto set me up. diabolic. mind you,by the sight of it, everyone of those low-lifedeserved to die. all right, cameron,keep it down. i suppose they're just doingtheir jobs. i mean, everybody knows how muchyou hated toby mccormack's guts.
definitely. i'm just saying is-- there's no saying anything.no, you can't. maybe you think i e-mailed myself with a list of victimsand put myself in it. uh, uh, now, you see, see, that could have beena double bluff. you think i'm getting old,don't you? -come on!-what's wrong with you? i'm okay. i'm okay.
i'm just getting away,away from the cops. no, well, i am calm! go on, shout. come on,don't take this too seriously. come on back and we'll havea nice time, all right? move and you're dead,understand? understand?! turn over. on your knees. on your knees.
down! down! still. -(moaning)-(moaning) (laughs) (pants) (laughing continues) how's that? (laughs) where's your shoes? i don't want to get the carpet muddy. (chuckles)
cameron: i don't want to do that again. it's just a fantasy. it makes all the difference,you know. promise, long as we get off,tell me it's all right, huh? well, as long as i get off,for disobeying my orders. sorry, cam,we won't do it again. just like to try things. you never asked meabout the police. oh, i knowyou didn't have anything to do
with those murders. how? i just know. so, where you're going to go? i think i'll go see andyfor a while, let things die down,you know. well, you didn't tell mehe sold his shares to william. i thought you knew. anyway, the icon shopsare a small fry
for william these days. oh, really? goodness! he really is very successful,you know. he could sell anything. well, i guess you married the right man then, didn't you? well, i think so. give andy my love, will you? uh, sure he'll appreciate that.
by the way, i really would liketo wake up here one day, you know, next to you. go and get the croissant,you know, sat in the sun on the balcony. cam, it's just not my style. this, however,is mr. paranoid's new toy. once i press this...(device beeping) you have got about 30 seconds
to get across the curtainand over the wall before that thinggoes into ballistic. yeah, but i-- -good night, sweetheart.-hey, wait a minute. cameron: mr. paranoid, that doesn't sound like william. he was always fearless, egging us on. like when he gave andy the money to start his shops. (indistinct shouting)(laughs)
(crowd cheering) -ladies and gentlemen!-(shushing) ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the official openingof icon shop. (snorts) -oh, jesus!-(laughs) it's good, isn't it? viva columbia! (coughs) you all right? (coughs)
yeah, fine. i just--i justcan't get my breath sometimes. it's asthma, probably. what's my brother doingwith that fat of shit? he's helping him. andy's stupid.he's gonna get screwed. what do you mean? maybe do a bit less, you know, so you don't get,like, fucked up.
(laughs) cameron,i've always been fucked up. yeah, i know,but the only thing, they're all coke, you know,like stuffs you do and stuff. i do all kinds of stuff,cameron. you just don't know about it. nobody does. well, this partyis a total bore. time to lighten things up a biti think. (glasses shatter)
oh, sorry. what are you doing,you silly bitch?! oh, piss off, william. i'm watching you. cameron: thinking about her, our destinies were already in place at that party, but we couldn't see them. we never can. meanwhile, i'm heading for the hills,
north to sanctuary, scotland's most famous road sign. implementing a tried and trusted tactic, which is to say, running away. perhaps all this craziness will just disappear if i put some distance on it. andy: hey! -i thought i'd surprise you.-well, i was surprised. hi.come, have a beer.
this is cameron. this is davey, harvey, jude, nina, nina's cat. -some place.-mm-hmm. yeah. i suppose. you need some sleep? -yeah.-come on. it's good to see you, man.i read the books. i didn't do it. i bloody hope not.
(birds chirping) woman: cameron. cameron! cameron! cameron: it's a total cliche, really. you make a stack of cash at some slightly dubious calling, then you freak, drop out, acquire your crumbling highland ruin, and make your friends amongst scotland's ample stock pile
-of hippie basket cases. -(chuckles) cameron: well, it seems to have worked for andy. (chuckles)ooh. afternoon. what time is it? 3 p.m. ask nobody.i can't go in till what, 7. this is tuesday. you can sleep like a babefor a day and a half.
no! so, did i take your room? that's all right. i always givethe watertight room to guests. i rented it outthe week before you. cheers. so, anything happened? your friends, the policeare anxious to speak to you. you're in a shit, man.
what happened to your face? oh, harry gotinto a slight disagreement with nina last night aboutthe woman's role in society. fucking slut. took my tooth. right.she can swing a golf club. -i bet.-i was only asking. fucking nina,god, next time i see her... see you later. fuck off!
he's an interesting guy. yeah, he's misunderstood.(chuckles) i think i'll dive inand fix myself an appointment while harry's in it, too. -better sort out the fuzz. -yeah, okay. -excuse me.-yes, son? my name is cameron colley. i'm supposed to reportto the police so that det. chiefinspector mcdunn in edinburgh
knows where i am. is that a fact, sir? yeah, that's colley. c-o-l-l-e-y. tell him i'm stayingin velanic house, okay? there you are.cheers. -some crowd.-hmm? a bit of a celebration 'causeharry is going back on the rigs. take that as you will.
so, is this how you spendyour time now then? throwing partiesfor new-age travelers, huh? no, you snobby little bastard,cameron. (cell phone rings) -you gonna get that?-i suppose so. well, go on. i'm coming in. and listen,if the police come around, let them know i'm near, huh,
so they can makethe necessary arrangements. yes? archer: (over the cell phone) mr. colley, i've missed you. i thoughtyou didn't like mobiles. i made an exception. i have more information for you. mr. archer,someone's got it in for me. now, i'm presuming it's you. so, is it you?
there are two from the news, azul and jemmel. azul will be aiding for the sailors. oh, is he dead, too? on the contrary, very much alive and well, living in jersey. and jemmel? there's a phone box in caledon, main street. please be there by 4 tomorrow afternoon. (sighs)why are you doing this to me?
doing what, mr. colley? (cell phone thuds) where did you go to? i felt like walking. all night? i had to think. mr. archer wants me to goto a phone box in caledon. oh, come. phone the policefor christ's sake.
let them take the call. no, that won't do it. i need to do something. that isn't you. is it truekilling all this people? no, no,because for a moment there, when i read the papers,i thought, "yeah." when you go, as a member times, in the gulf war,
packing away through minesthat may have been made in rather--i mean, shit! that bersamin guy deservedto have something happen to him. why, and you think havingyour legs blown off and being half eatenby shell-shot dogs is that an appropriate response? okay. okay. just pisses me offthat nobody takes the blame! is that why you left the army?
i just wanted a new start. william had some spare capital. right,and the idea buying. he couldn't stop making money. well, two sides of--actually,i made the stuff, you see. i paid them in buttons, screw the union, didn't give a shit, 'cause i was getting so rich. and then my sister...
she goes over the edge because some stupidfucking doctor doesn't give a shit either. makes you think, yeah? you weren't responsiblefor claire. we are all responsible! we all take part. cameron: i can't believe i'm hearing this. do you think fatis just doing a good job?
oh, it's time to cut awaysome dead wood. (scoffs) -unemployed peopleare dead wood. -yeah! take a note,he's winding you up. no, he's not a fucking touristsitting in my kitchen! well, go on, cam. defeat him with the powerof your argument. tourists are bad. all right,they'll do anything for money and bugger anyonewho gets in the way.
yeah, that's me. i vote a conservative. you what?! -(laughs)-(chuckles) look,they come to me to shaping up. that's it, shock therapy.(laughs) are you preparedto shock this man. yes, please. oh, how sweet. irresistible.
(giggling) claire. jesus! you shouldn't just walk in! are you all right? fine. do want this puff? how about someof what you're on? believe me,you don't want that stuff.
it's just, uh, um, william and yvonneare on the sofa and, uh...i thought if i gave andy my bed, then, uh, maybe i couldcome in here with you. (scoffs)nice try, cam. you always get randywhen yvonne comes to stay, don't you? and anyway,you know i don't do sex. what do you do?
(dialing) (dial tone rings) -frank: hello? -hello, frank, it's me. all right, hold up. yeah, i found him. that's peter azul. uh, english mother,turkish father, educated harrow, yale,uh, born 1943. houses in new york, london
and hill street,gorey in jersey. he sold arms to everyone. there's no sign of jemmel, none listed. brilliant, frank,welcome to the world of investigative journalism. (scoffs)oh, i don't like this. we need to take it to the cops. no, no, frank,listen, just trust me. you do nothing, okay?
listen, this guy azul, he's heavy, and i mean, really heavy. the u.n. investigatedamongst suspicion of supplying chemical weaponsto iraq. are you listening? cameron, this is way off of our league. cameron? oh!(dial tone hums) cameron: it's a bit of an epic trip from stromeferry to jersey and back in a day.
but the journey is technically possible... if you're really trying. (indistinct chatter over p.a.) (gunshot)(gasps) (groans) (door clanks) howard? (thumping) (explosion)
(phone rings)hello? cameron: hello, frank, is that you? oh, frank, cameron,uh, where are you? i'm in a b&b inverness. look, uh, i need you goto my flat and get some things for me, okay? yes. yes, yes, uh,and, uh, where have you been? uh, i went to jersey and--it's all fucked up. uh, i need you to go to my flat
and, uh, and get some clothesand--and some cash. and, uh, you--you better get my passport as well. your passport? uh, yeah. oh, oh, yeah, uh,did you, uh, did you find azul? yeah, he--he was dead, frank. right, right. -interesting.-what? uh, nothing, um...
uh, just tell mewhat you want to get. you on your own, frank? uh, uh... mr. colley,we need to talk now. please don't move.mr. colley. (phone thuds) (police sirens wailing) cameron: i think i've been here three days? it's hard to tell.
we're under lutheran police headquarters in edinburgh. this isn't your ordinary dept. no, this is the extra-special department reserved for traitors, international terrorists, psycho serial killers. take a look, cameron. -man: they're coming. -man: it's done. speaking immaterial... cameron, look at these.
oh, you don't care? what's the matter,are you too cool, eh? i think we're finishedwith the smokes puff. up! sit! now... how about this one, eh? mr. azul, arms dealer. that sure, didn't you? eh?
come on! come on! i just can't understandthis one. you fucked your pal up so much we couldn't let his mothersee him. had to i.d. him from dental records. the others...well... you're just a crazy guy. what did he do? is he helping you...
that you have to shut him up? get back!(indistinct shouting) -don't you move!-stay down! -don't move!-okay, okay. just fucking leave me alone! for fuck's sake! fucking stop it! this is not very helpful,cameron. you have to stay calm.
(sobbing) (door lock clanks) (sniffles) so, you want me to confess? inspector mcdunn: that would make everyone happy. sgt. flavell herethinks you're guilty. don't you, flavell? oh, yeah. where's your evidence?
we'll add a bit another vitriol for your dezrez. a treasure trophy. and then there's this one. and given to you by your old friend randolph persimmon, no doubt, before he was lickedto death by his dogs. for our brother in strife. the general feeling is that you've fallen out with your accomplice.
with just one accomplice? the journey times are tight. you have to move very fastto fit in with the schedule. that's right,that's because i didn't do it. well,let's assume for the moment -that i agree with you.-yeah, let's assume that. that's problematic.i'm in the minority here. so, you have to tell me, who did do it. i don't know.
i think you do, cameron. you just can't tell me yet. you're a very hard,cameron, you need to think about it. mcdunn,get us out of here? think, son. think. what else is there to do? don't you just want to puta bomb under them sometimes?
cameron: if william ever found out about us, -let's gothrough these friends again.-i'm tired. come on, cameron,there isn't time. william: now, the yellows over here, please, the reds over by the tree, thank you. oh, nonsense.it's good training. any of these fuckers get killedin the first five minutes, i'm firing them. so, you're not on my team, cameron?
cameron! you're dead. yvonne: cameron! (panting) cam, william, something's happenedto claire. what do we think of all these, sergeant? sgt. flavell: i think we think it's bullshit, sir. (clicks tongue) we've checkedyour erstwhile friends, cameron.
they're all clean, alibied,innocent or dead. -so---i'm trying my best. no, you're not trying your best. those people out there want to move on you. charge, convict, forget. they don't wantto think about it and they're gonna get their way if you don't cough upwhat you're hiding. -i'm not-- -you're not trying!
i'm trying to help you, cameron,and you're wasting my time! then fuck offand leave me alone! you little bastard!that's it. come on, come on,you're holding out on me! now, look at them.look at them! this is about you! i am trying to be your friend and you are pissing on me! it's okay, it's okay.
you did something,didn't you, cameron? come on. come on, tell me, son. you would feel baduntil you do. i didn't know... maybe i killed them. maybe i did itand i can't remember. (gunshot)fucking doctor. (gunshot)think they know all. didn't know a fucking thing!
he was only a locum. i don't have bullockswhen he thought he washaving a paid holiday. picturesque dry spell. she was having a heart attackand to keep her pulse-- i told her to take it easy. she should take it easy now,is she? we didn't know she wastaking drugs for her heart, i mean, nobody did.it's not his fault. -but she's dead!-i know, but it's just--
oh, don't fucking lecture me,cam! you have your moments, too,haven't you? fucking incompetent! andy! (gunshots) -andy!-shut it! shut it! you're one of them, too,aren't you, you bastard?! (sobs) cameron: wait a minute.
wait a fucking minute. andy: i think i'll dive in and fix myself an appointment while harry's in it, too. oh, god! that's good. so goodi can't hardly believe it. i have to go to strathspeld. why? 'cause he's there and he's bidding meto show you something.
a body. cameron: you have not. but you have. here on there and everything. was it cool? andy: maybe. did she let you touch it? don't be disgusting,she's my sister. you don't know anything,do you? my cock's gotten hard now'cause we've been talkingabout girls.
-do you want to see? -no. what the helldo you think you're doing? this is private property. and i heard you,you little pervert! please, mister,don't tell on us. please let us goand we won't do that again. i know you won't do it again,now it's all right? you're gonna get punished. stop!
you, come here. come here! take your trousers off.now! help me. cameron!cameron! (grunting) andy: cameron! cameron! (indistinct shout) (thumps) andy?
shut up!just fucking shut up! why did you run away? andy, i'm sorry. i'm sorry. you'll never tell. never. yes, flavell? ah, please hold. sir. (clears throat)
monitor. archer: mr. colley, how nice to speak to you again. turn the voice box off, andy. i knew you'd get here in the end. yeah, well,i wanted to talk to you. this is the only thingi could think off. well, here i am. (chuckles) so, there neverwas a conspiracy, was there, hedgecole, bennett and foe?
got you going knowing , didn't i? (chuckles) you switched over the dental records, didn't you? i may have done. i knew this shit. you wanted to punish mefor this? well...yeah. i came back for you.i was only a kid. that's why you're still alive, cam. okay, well, i--i thinkyou've made your point, andy. you stop killing people now.
jemmel is real, he's got to go, -and one other. -what? cal burke's down from the water zen pub of the cannon gate tonight, 3 a.m. fun, isn't it? (chuckles) -give me one of those.-cameron: you don't smoke. i don't care. give me one. -sir?-mm-hmm. man: incoming car, sir. incoming car.
okay, keep the troops back. mm. in there. go, go, go, go. out of the car!out of the car! -man: lay down! -man: go down! lay down. fuck!it's not him. sorry, son. sorry.
mcdunn! dear christ. who is that? cameron: i think you'll find it's a g.p.... called dr. lingary. sir,we found on the station. does the address ashvillecornette village faith mean anything to you? yvonne.
woman: there's nobody here, sir, the door was openand the place is deserted. garage. lights! find the light switch? clear! inspector mcdunn: how much do you reckon is here? 3 million pounds. minus expenses.
(thuds) where-- where--where's william? oh, god, almighty.andy, what have you done? and there's your chap. my god. (bagpipes playing) cameron: yvonne hasn't been answering my calls. william was a friend.
and we knew he was a shit, but we couldn't help liking him. we chose to overlook the rest. so, uh, it's likehe knows we're here. well, he's knowneverything else i've done in the last six months. everything? did you know how williamgot his money? i've got to go away, cam.
i got a job in frankfurt. well,you let us know your address -when you're settled.-yeah, yeah, yeah. good-bye, cam. (engine sputtering) shit!(coughs) oh! oh, come on! (breaks squeals)yes!
-thank you.-you're having trouble, son? -aye, it just died.-okay, let's take a look. -you give it--give it a little go.-(coughs) (engine struggling) okay, hold it! all right,you need some wd-40. did you do this? very perceptive, chum. uh, geez.
so you punish me enough yet? you know, you shouldgive those up, you know? aye, or what? or you'll die. how was yvonne? she's feeling great. you killed her husband, but i'm sureshe sends you her best. oh, you're not so sureabout that one?
she was part of it. she knew what he was doing, laundering his dirty moneythrough my company. she--she didn't want you,andy. she married williamand she screwed me. will you punish all of us? that had nothing to dowith that. you should know that now. everything i didwas proportionate.
well, well, as longas everything is okay now. i--i need you to listen,cam. i'll listen without handcuffs. all those people deservedto die. they allowed too many bastardsgetting away with it. and we let them because we cannever prove anything. or because we're too decadentand lazy. so we lie and schmooze. we entered the gutter. we kill, steal and reap,
and come up smellingour roses. i killed them. i want justice now! i don't want to waittill judgment day. you're not god, andy. nobody is. so, what? all right, it's a sick system. but, uh...
that's a pretty sick response. -we're on... -yeah. i just don't seehow you're helping it. it's not all rotten. i know that goodnessand compassion exist, but we are floatingon an ocean of barbarity. and we are all guilty. you're makingtoo many connections. you're talking like it's allone big conspiracy theory.
no! no, it's worst than that! it's not a conspiracy. it's complicity. but it's okay. you're part of the fight now. i had a horrible feeling youmight say something like that. just tell them why i did it. imply that i'll come back. call it deterrents.it'll make a bother, too.
can you do that for me? i'm going now. you can use this. you mustn't leave from one hour. well, give me one reasonwhy i should do that? because i'm your friend? and what if that's not enough? (helicopter rotors whirring) man: go, go!
we'll have the choppers herein three minutes. where is he? if this suspicion ever crossmy mind that you let him go, i personally see to it thatyou'll never saw the sun again. do you understand me, cameron? cameron: i'm not proud. but life can get complicated. we try to take a balanced view... given the circumstances.