♪[somali song playing] [helicopter whirring] [birds cawing] [people chattering] there. technicals, nine o'clock. [people clamoring] [machine gun firing] oh, shit!did you see that?
chief,we got unarmed civilians getting shot downhere at nine o'clock. i got it, matt.i don't thinkwe can touch this. [in somali] (durant) command, super 64, we got militia shootingunarmed civilians down at the fooddistribution center. request permission to engage. (man over radio) super 64, are you taking fire? over.
negative, command. u.n.'s jurisdiction, 64. we cannot intervene. return to base. over. roger. 64 returning. [chuckling] [helicopter whirring] [horns honking] [gun firing]
♪[music playing on radio] mmm. [horn honking] leaving. [speaking somali] [hissing] [door opening] (atto)general garrison? no, no, thanks. i got one.
but these are cuban. bolivar belicoso. so is this. miami, my friend, is not cuba. i see not catching aididis becoming a routine. we weren't tryingto catch aidid. we were trying to catch you. me? but am i that important?
i hardly think so. you're just a businessman. trying to make a living. yeah. selling gunsto aidid's militia. you've been here, what? six weeks? six weeks you are tryingto catch the general. you put up reward posters. $25,000. what is this?
gunfight at the ko corral? it's, uh,it's the ok corral. do you thinkbringing me in will make himsuddenly come to you? make him more agreeable? hmm? you know where he sleeps. you pay for his beds,much less his militia. we're not leaving somaliatill we find him.
and we will find him. don't make the mistakeof thinking because i grew upwithout running water, i am simple, general. i do knowsomething about history. see all this?it's simply shaping tomorrow. a tomorrow without a lot ofarkansas white boys' ideasin it. well, i wouldn'tknow about that.i'm from texas. mr. garrison, i thinkyou shouldn't have come here.
this is civil war. this is our war. not yours. 300,000 dead and counting. that's not a war, mr. atto.that's genocide. now, you enjoy that tea,you hear? [man chattering on radio] how'd he strike you? urbane, sophisticated, cruel.
yeah, he's a good catch. it'll take time,but aidid will feel the loss. i'm not suretime is somethingwe got in great supply. this isn't iraq, you know. much more complicatedthan that. boss, most of washingtonmight disagree. i'm just sayingthey've been calling for thesedang situation reportsevery morning this week. well, tell themthe situation is,uh, fragile.
(wolcott) ladies and gentlemen, my name is cliff "elvis" wolcott. i'll be your pilot this afternoon. federal regulationshas designated the non-smokingblack hawk helicopter. for those of youmoved on mogadishufrequent flyer program you'll be earning100 free creditsthis afternoon. and as always,the air sickness bags are located in the seatbackin front of you.
(copilot)number one indicationsare good, cliff. you got it. put her on two. (man) you're still clear. ♪ i can't walk out ♪ ♪ because i love you ♪ ♪ too much, baby ♪ ♪ why can't you see ♪ (durant) 61, this is 64. go to uhf secure.
i've got some bad news. "limo" is a word, durant.i don't want to hear about it. (durant) it is not a word. it's an abbreviation of a word. "limo" is a wordin common usage. that is the key phrasein scrabble, my good friend.common usage. no, if it's notin the dictionaryit doesn't count! it doesn't have to be in the dictionary! it does have to be in the dictionary!
listen,when we get back to the base,it's coming off the board. you touch my "limo"and i'll spank you,nightstalker. you hear me? yeah, promises. that's a nice beachdown there. how's the water? yeah, it's nice and warm.and it's loaded with sharks. name. todd. last name.
blackburn. first name, todd. so, what's it like? what's what like? mogadishu. the fighting. serial number. 72163427. firstly, it's "the mog"or simply "mog." no one calls itmogadishu here.
secondly, i wouldn'tknow about the fighting,so don't ask. why not? didn't i just say,"don't ask"? look, kid, you look likeyou're about 12, so let me explainsomething to you. i have a rareand mysterious skill that precludes mefrom going into missions. typing. can you type?
no. date of birth. 2-27-75. well,i'm here to kick some ass. (man) let's bring it in. nice, man! very smooth! single shotthrough the engine block. shit, that's a shame.that was a nice jeep. [blowing whistle]
cease fire! cease fire! check your weapons! sergeant eversmann. sergeant. yeah? private first classblackburn. reporting for duty. not to me you're not.you're reportingto lieutenant beales. he should be around heresomewhere.
can i leave him with you? yeah, go ahead. you brought your weapon. yes, sir. want me to shoot?i'm rested. when did you get in? just now, sarg'nt. hey, who's hungry? [men chattering]
what is this, sarg'nt? another taxpayer-fundeddelta safari? not if general garrisonis asking. oh, i'm asking. have a nice meal, captain. hey, man, there's a line. i know. well,this isn't the back of it. yeah, i know.
(steele)sergeant. sergeant. what's going on here? oh, just some aerialtarget practice, sir. didn't wantto leave it behind. i'm talkingabout your weapon. now, delta or no delta,that's a hot weapon. you know better than that. safety should be onat all times on base. well,this is my safety, sir.
let it go, sir. the guy hasn't eatenin a couple of days. you delta boysare a bunch ofundisciplined cowboys. let me tell you something,sarg'nt. when we geton the five-yard line, you're going to needmy rangers. so y'all better learnto be team players. we're done here. speak up.you say this is your safety?
well, this is my boot, son. [men laughing] and it will fit upyour asses with the properamount of force. (man)is that a jersey accent? (pilla)guys, i'm trying to do this,give me a break. take those sunglasses off,soldier. delta wants to wear oakleys,that's their business. i don't want to see themon you again. hoo-ah?
(pilla) is that a hot weapon? ♪[music playing] is that your move? is my hand on the piece? i can mate you in threewhatever you do. i'd keep my eyeon that queen before counselingwith the others. well,she's just lying in wait. cribbs. yikes.
it's good.you're really improving. ah. if i may make a suggestion--observation. go ahead. it's a children's book,right? right. they are not supposedto scare the living shitout of the children. this is the part of the storywhere our knight, our warrior is about to slaythe one-eyed dragon.
that's scary. besides,my daughter loves this stuff. thought you finished thatlast week. huh? you done? hey, we are atthe 10-yard line here, men. you understand? can you count? one, two, ten. okay?where are my running backs? where are my running backs? (all)hoo-ah.
(all)hoo-ah! (pilla)hey, i didn't see youat church on sunday, soldier. you had somethingmore important to do? not on sunday, you don't.not anymore. i will make you believe,you understand? pretty funny, hoo-ah? [laughing] it was a good impression.i recognize myself. all right, carry on.
i'd like a word, specialist. sir. tell me, pilla,you understand why we have a chainof command, don't you? roger that, sir. 'cause if i ever see youundermine me again you'll be cleaning latrineswith your tongue till you can't tastethe difference betweenshit and french fries. are we clear?
hoo-ah, sir. all right. [hooting and cheering] listen to this: if one skinny killsanother skinny, his clan owesthe dead guy's clana hundred camels. a hundred camels. camels.i wouldn't pay one camel. must be a lot offucking camel debt.
is that really true,lieutenant? ask sgt eversmann.he likes the skinnies. sgt eversmann,you really like the skinnies? it's not that i like themor i don't like them. i respect them. see, what you guysfail to realize is the sergeant hereis a bit of an idealist. he believes in this missiondown to his very bones.don't you, sergeant? look, these people,they have no jobs,
no food, no education,no future. i just figure that,you know, i mean, we--we have two thingsthat we can do. we can either help or we can sit backand watch the countrydestroy itself on cnn. right? i don't know about you guys,but i was trained to fight. are you trained to fight,sergeant? well, i think i was trainedto make a difference, kurth.
like the man said,he's an idealist. oh, wait.this is my favorite part. [man on t.v.] stay away from the cans! die, gas-pumper! stay away from those cans! [coughing] beales! (man)no, no, no, no, no,stay back, stay back. wilkie, he's--he's having a seizure.put something in his mouth.
it's okay. john, it's okay.john, it's okay. it's okay. [chanting prayer] well, he'll be fine.but not in this army. he's out of the game.he's epileptic, going home. i'm putting you in chargeof his chalk. you got a problem with that? no, sir. now,it's a big responsibility. your men are gonna look to youto make the right decisions.
their lives depend on it. rangers lead the way, sir. all the way. good luck, sergeant. [firing] (garrison) a long anticipated meeting of aidid's senior cabinet may take place today at 1500 hours. i say "may"because we all know by now with the intelwe get on the street,nothing is certain.
this is actual intelconfirmed by three sources. two tier-one personalitiesmay be present: omar salad, aidid'stop political advisor and abdi hassan awale,interior minister. these are the guyswe're after. today we go. same mission templateas before. 1545, assault force deltawill infiltratethe target building and seizeall suspects within.
security force rangers:4 ranger chalks, under the commandof captain steele will rope in at 1546 and holda four-corner perimeteraround the target building. no one gets in or out.extraction force: lieutenant colonel mcknight'shumvee column will drive into the cityat 1547 on hawlwadig road and hold just shortof the olympic hotel here. wait for the green light.
now once delta gives the word, mcknight's column will moveto the target building and load the prisonerson flatbed trucks. immediately afterthe prisoners are loaded the four ranger chalkswill collapse backto the target building, load up on humvees and the entire ground forcewill exfil the 3 milesback to base. mission timefrom incursion to extraction,no longer than 30 minutes. now,i had requested light armorand ac-130 spectre gunships
but washington,in all its wisdom,decided against this. too high-profile. so black hawksand little birdswill provide the air cover with minigunsand 2.75 rockets. colonel harrell. in the c-2 bird,colonel matthews will coordinatethe air mission and i will coordinateground forces. colonel matthews.
mission launchcode word is irene. (matthews)questions? which building is it, sir? exactly which building,we're confirming right now. somewhere aroundthe bakara market. i don't choose the timeor place of their meetings. i didn't say a word, sir. make no mistake,once you're inthe bakara market, you're in an entirelyhostile district.
don't underestimatetheir capabilities. now we'll be going throughfriendly neighborhoods before we hit the market, so rememberthe rules of engagement: no one firesunless fired upon. now,let's go get this thing done. good luck, gentlemen. what's the matter, danny?something you don't like? no spectre gunships,daylight instead of night,
late afternoon whenthey're all fucked upon khat, only part of the cityaidid can mount a serious counter-attackon short notice, what's not to like? life's imperfect. yeah. for you two,circling above itat 500 feet, it's imperfect. down in the street,it's unforgiving. [baby crying]
[dog barking] ♪ try and step to me you'll take your last breath ♪ ♪ 'cause i got the skill come get your fill ♪ ♪ 'cause when i shoot to give i shoot to kill ♪ ♪ i came to get down i came to get down ♪ ♪ so get out your seats and jump around ♪ [banging] what the fuck, smith? well?
well, what? we going? why should i tell you that? because i'm me. yeah. 3:00. downtown. bakara market. listen, smith,i need you to back me upout there today, all right? keep sharp. yes, sir, sergeant eversmann.
ev, it's going to be nothing,man. nothing. it's all in the grind,sizemore. can't be too fine,can't be too coarse. this, my friend,is a science. i mean,you're looking at the guy that believedthe commercials. you know,about "be all you can be." i made coffeethrough desert storm.
i made coffee through panama, while everyone elsegot to fightgot to be a ranger. now it's "grimesy,black, one sugar" or "grimesy,got a powdered anywhere?" what happened to you? ping-pong accident. what? so guess what. your wish has been granted.you're going out today.
you're fucking me. you're taking my placeassisting the 60 gunner. sergeant eversmann saidto get your stuffand get ready. it's what you wanted,isn't it? oh, yeah. hell, yeah. grimesy, i want youto stick with waddell and give him ammowhen he needs it. hoo-ah?
hoo-ah. i wouldn't worry about that. generally speaking,somalis can't shootfor shit. don't worry about it.just watch out forthe sammys throwing the rocks,and you'll be fine.might even be fun. d-boys do their thing now. all we got to dois cover them. choppers going to cover us,and we'll be all right. look, you guys, i knowthis is my first timeas chalk leader
but, uh, this isn'tour first time out together. this is serious. we're rangers,not some sorry-ass jrotc. we're elite. let's act like it out there.hoo-ah? any questions? we're going to be okay. all right, grab your gear.let's move out. ♪[rock music playing]
you're not goingto need that, dude. we're not out therelong enough. hey, you're notgonna need that,either. we'll be back before dark. you might as well takedope and beer instead. ammo, dude. take ammo. let me tell you something,grimes. you got about 50 poundsof gear as it is. you don't need another 12.i don't know about you,
but i don't plan ongetting shot in the backrunning away. well, i better keep mine in. hey, grimes.the most important thing: just remember,when everybody elseis shooting, shoot in the same direction. look at this.he's taping his blood typeto his boots. that's bad luck. (ruiz)no, it's smart. all delta do that.
that's bad luck, too, man. come on, let's go. it's a good thingyou're right-handed,adonis. if not, i don't knowwhat you'd do. you're a funny guy, man. i'm not takingno death letter. we have a deal. i'll give it to you backin an hour. blackburn, you okay?
excited. in a good way. i've been trainingmy whole life for this. you ever shotat anybody before? me neither. think he's reliable? well, we'll see.it's his first time out. tell him to turnhis damn radio off. (cribbs)yes, sir. tell himto turn his radio off.
abdi, you need to turnyour radio off. [birds chirping] (voice on answering machine) hi. you've reached stephanie and randy, leave us a message. thank you. [beeping] (randy) hey, baby, it's me. are you there? pick up if you're there. i'm just callingto check up on you, make sureeverything's all right.
i'll call youin a couple hours. you'd better not be sleeping. your move, randy. (randy) i'm missing you. i love you, baby. hello? hello? thanks, bud. you know,it's kind of funny. beautiful beach,beautiful sun.
could almost bea good place to visit. almost. you don't thinkwe should be here. you know what i think? it don't really matterwhat i think. once that first bulletgoes past your head,politics and all that shit just goes rightout the window. i just want to do itright today. just watch your corner.
get all your menback here alive. [bell ringing] [hens clucking] now, is this supposedto be the place, or did his carjust take a dump? (harrell) abdi, come in. abdi, can you hear me?is this the place? abdi, come in. [yelling]
can you hear me? abdi. abdi, come in. is this the place? to my right hand side,above the cafe. (harrell) sir, he says this is the building. he's certain? abdi, you need to be sure. are you sure? well,it's--it's down the road,two blocks over on my left. but there's too many militia.
(abdi) if i go closer, they might shoot me. (harrell) now he's saying the building's actually a couple blocks down but if he's seen outside it,he'll be shot. i'll fucking shoot him myselfa couple blocks down. tell himi want his skinny ass parkedin front of the damn building. he's not getting paidtill he does exactly that. it's three milesto the target area. we're never offthe main roads.
at the k-four traffic circle, we turn north,then east on national and we wait untilextraction of prisonersis complete here. then we roll up in forceon hawlwadig we load the prisoners,and thenthe assault-blocking forces and bring them back. home in an hour. okay? now there willbe some shooting. bakara marketis the wild west.
but be carefulwhat you shoot atbecause people do live there. last one of these guysshot himself in the head playing russian roulettein a bar. [donkey braying] (harrell) sir, the vehicle is stopped. so this is the real deal now.he's sure this time? he sounds scared shitless. good.that's always a good sign. (harrell) that's it. that's our signal.
all qrfout of the airspace. all units, irene.i say again, irene. (man) check in when ready. barber 51 up and ready. star 41 up and ready. irene! copy, irene. fucking irene! [men shouting] come on.
good luck, boys.be careful. no one gets left behind. what's wrong? nothing. he's justnever done that before. aw, fuck! let's go. sergeant struecker.let's roll. ♪ well, i stand up next to a mountain ♪ ♪ i chop it down with the edge of my hand ♪
♪ i pick up the pieces and make an island ♪ ♪ might even raise a little sand ♪ ♪ cause i'm a voodoo child hey, yeh ♪ ♪ god knows i'm a voodoo child ♪ (matthews) two minutes. two minutes. [people shouting] why are they burning tires? signals to the militiathat we're coming!
(man) okay, 56, looks like there's some, uh, friendlies on the ground. looks like i've got a tally on the voice intercept. one minute. what's that for? last rope,i almost bit my tongue off. (matthews) touching base. two feet, one foot, clear.
little birds touching down at target. [man shouting] ropes! go! go! go! (matthews) chalk one troops are on the deck. chalk two deployed. (mcknight) this is mcknight. uniform 64 approaching staging area. down! get down!
down! stay down! get down! everybody down! you, down! get down! on the floor. [guns firing] let's go, let's go! grimesy! no fear! oh, yeah, right!
(matthews) rangers securing perimeter. four corners. colonel,they're shooting at us! well, shoot back! (man 1) this is 64. chalks on the ground, going into holding pattern. (matthews) roger that. (man 2) this is 62, delivered chalks. going to cover pattern. (matthews) super 62, take up an overhead pattern to provide sniper cover. over.
(man 3) this is super 65. chalks on the ground, go, blackburn, go! go! go, blackburn! rpg! (wolcott)hold on! no! [thudding] (wolcott) c-2, we got a man fallen. (matthews) super 61, you're a sitting duck there.
blackburn! take up overhead pattern to provide sniper cover. over. (wolcott) roger that. 61 coming out. (man) 13, go ahead. i need you to move to the north of the street. right to the north. right there. right there. over. doc! doc schmid! come on! schmid, we got a man hit. where's he hit?
he's not. he fell. he fell. why aren't you shooting? we're not being shot at yet! how can you tell? a hiss means it's close.a snap means-- now they're shooting at us! galentine! get me captain steele!get me captain steele!
juliet 64, this is juliet 25.come in. over. blackburn, can you hear me? juliet 64, this is 25.come in. over. i can't get him! juliet 64, this is chalk four!we've got a man down! we need to get himout of here! over. this is 64.say again, 25. over. (eversmann) we've got a man down! over. take a breath, 25,and calm down. over.
man down! (steele) missed that, 25. say again. fuck it. matt, it's a long wayto the humvees! (eversmann)we'll geta stretcher in here. get him tothe target building. okay. what did he say? (man over radio) super 61, we got a man wounded on the ground.
stretcher! get me a stretcher! come on. stretcher. come on, come on! grab this end! let's go! go. get him to the humvees.we'll hold down the corner. up to the humvees! now!
go! go! keep moving, grimes! run! secure! let's move out! everybody up! let's go! come on!let's go! let's move! grimes, run! (wolcott) c-2, this is super 61, beginning my orbit of the target area.
chalk four, clear for a clear. coming in. (wolcott) kilo 11, this is 61, providing sniper cover for prisoner extract. over. kilo 64, green light. ready for extraction. over. (cribbs) roger that, kilo 11. will relay. that's it. we got them. uniform 64, ready for extraction. over. roger that.there's the call.let's move out!
hold on. how much longer? five minutes, sir. five minutes. nothing takes five minutes! what happened to him? he fell! missed the rope! how'd he do that? put him in that humvee!grimes, give him a hand!
let's go! let's move it! move, move! come on! move! get him in there! get ready to move! go! everybody move! move! hey! hey! (man)get the fuck up! grimes! come on! grimes! grimes!
[groaning] fuck this! fuck! let's go.hey! come on! go! move it! move! move! romeo 64, i needto send out three humveeswith a critical casualty. he looks real bad.i need to evac now. roger that, uniform 64.
we'll chop a team of gun ships to you. over. roger that. hey, sanderson,i need extra securityon these humvees! i'll go. i'll take my team,make sure they get back okay. do it. struecker,you're lead humvee. hoo-ah! [shouting] (man over radio) first three vehicles mount up, we're moving back to base.
(struecker)move out! how are things going?things okay there, struecker? i don't want to talkabout it now, colonel! i'm busy. sergeant pilla's hit! christ, he's fucked up! (mcknight) is anyone hit? struecker, talk to me! it's sergeant pilla!
(mcknight) what's his status? what's his status? he's dead. pilla's dead, sir. (mcknight) c-2, this is mcknight. we have a kia. dominick pilla. over. (harrell) roger that. (struecker) get on that 50! someone get on that 50!
it's mine. [shouting in somali] three guys with rpgs,coming up on your side now! [rpg hissing] [grunting] stay with it! (wolcott) this is 61. i'm hit. i'm hit. (harrell) super 61 is hit. he is hit. wolcott's bird is hit. you want to pull thosepcls off-line or what?
right, babe. 61 going down.61 going down. (matthews) 61 is going down. she is going down. (man over radio) super 61 is going down. (harrell) 61 is going down. super 61 is going down. (man over radio) 61 is going down. i repeat, super 61 going down. 61 is going down. hold on!
(harrell) we got a black hawk down. we got a black hawk down. super 61 is down.we got a birddown in the city. (harrell) super 61 is on the deck now. get an mh-six on site.check for survivors.send in the sar bird. i want ground forcesto move and secure a new perimeteraround that crash site. can you guide the convoyin there? well, move quick. the whole damn citywill be coming downon top of them.
star 41, come inboundand see if you canland at the crash site. (man) roger that. star 41 inbound. we just lost the initiative. 25, this is 64. over. this is 25. over. 25, chalk four is closestto the crash site. over. 64, i can't seethe crash site. over. 25, it's due east of you.you will find it. leave a security elementin place.
take the rest of your chalkon foot to the crash. check for survivors.secure the area. all other chalkswill follow. over. 25, do you read me? over. (eversmann) roger that. galentine! schmid! go get yurek. get twombly. hey,there's a black hawk down. twombly, nelson,you're gonna stay here.
you're gonna holdthis corner and thenexfil with the humvees. galentine, schmid,you're coming with me.all right? let's go. how come i gotto stay back here? because you're dependable. all right, let's go! i hate being dependable, man. [wind blowing] [chattering]
(harrell) juliet 25, hostiles advancing, parallel west to your position. be advised, women and children among them. over. hit the wall. incoming! grenade! we still got guys inside! all right, all right,i'm gonna go to the crash. you takethe rest of the team.
i'll finishloading the prisoners. negative! we're gonna proceedto the crash site together. secure the perimeter,wait for the humvees.right, sir? follow my lead. sarg'nt,are you receiving me? yeah, i heard you.we should be leaving soon. all right,we need to move out now! i'll finishloading the prisoners and pick you upat the crash site!
moving out! go! get in! get in! go! move! in there! move it! (eversmann)grimes! eight o'clock! hey, grimes,stay away from the walls. hey, grimes. you okay? yeah!
let's go, maddox. c-2, convoy's moving out. maddox, look at these jerks!these idiots! go, go!right, maddox, right! twombly,the convoy is leaving! hey, twombly! i think they've forgotten us. it doesn't matter. (man over radio) 63, confirm.
we've got skinnies moving in from all directions. we need to get them help now. (harrell) indigenous personnel advancing to wolcott crash site. say again. over. a lot of people closing in. how far is chalk fourfrom the crash site? six blocks, sir. they need to haul ass.
[whooshing] get down! get down! scotty.scotty, are you okay? no, don't go back! [screaming] technicals! got them! six o'clock! move, move! go, go, go, go!
go, go! come on! yurek, leaving! yurek! [shushing] [crying] (harrell) uniform 64, left turn. left turn. romeo 64,i need to know before i getto the goddamn street!
you have to slow down.there's a delay. from the timedirections are relayed from surveillance to joc, then to me. we can't slow down!we're taking heavyenemy fire! we can't slow down! (harrell) danny, i'm getting information from orion surveillance above. (mcknight) so get me my fucking directions to the crash site!
danny, hold on. i no longer have the best view of your route. just get your ass in the right place, god damn it! what in the hell is the statusof struecker's humvees? colonel harrell,eta to base,struecker's column. (harrell) eta to base momentarily. open the gate! (man 1)get him out!let's go! let's go! (man 2)come on.
watch his head.easy. (man 1)blackburn.blackburn, you hear me? (man 2)get him to a medic. (man over radio) star 41 is at the crash site to evacuate the injured. over. i got you. easy. galentine, you all right? galentine, kurth, with me!cover fire, now. full cover!
hey, jone!how many are in there? two pilots are dead,the two crew chiefsare wounded! this guy's hurt bad.we gotta get out of here now. all right. go ahead. 26, 26, this is 25. is that you shooting upthe technicals? over. this is 26. roger that. ditomasso, take the southeast corner. we're setting up a perimeter.over.
this is 26. roger that.moving there now. move out! captain steele.captain steele, come in. go ahead, 25. this is 64. we got two wounded and we got both the pilotsdead in the chopper! we need a medevacover here now! 25 is telling meit's too hot to land a bird. you gotta securethe perimeter first. over.
where are the humvees? be advised, 25,the convoy will be there. they're encounteringa lot of resistance. 64 out. get the 50 up! (harrell) you should see the crash directly ahead. all i see is a roadblock! all right, i'll haveto figure out another way. give me a defensive perimeterso we can load the wounded.
fire your weapon, othic! tell my girls i'll be okay. othic! medic! medic! medic! joyce! joyce! come on, help me pick him up! (mcknight) get us off this fucking street! where's the crash site? say again.
keep going straight200 meters. roger that. let's go! let's go,god damn it, let's go! hey, twombles.come here. the humveesain't coming back, dude. were we supposedto go to them? i thought they were supposedto come to us. shit. shit. i think we're supposedto go to them.
okay, let's goto the crash site. just don't fire that thingso close to my head. i can barely hear as it is. okay, move out. shit! get down! what did i just tell you? i swear to godif you do that again-- shut up! [moaning]
you okay? nelson. you all right? (man) search and rescue bird on station inserting medics. go! son of a bitch. c-2,this is 68. we've been hit. super 68,there is smoke comingfrom the top of your rotor. advise you to come out now. roger. dropping last man.
art, i've got skinnieswith rpgs at 12 o'clock. can you see them? got them.give me 90 degrees left. 68 coming out. (harrell) super 68 is out. over. hey, wilkie,what's the situationin there? both pilots are dead. 25, we can't movethese guys, matty. we'll kill themjust carrying them.
stabilize in here? stabilize in the bird. repeat: stabilize in here. over. understood, wilkie.we got you covered. over. super 64, come inboundand take wolcott's position. roger. 64 is inbound. (matthews) super 64, you all right? (durant) this is super 64. we're good. you sure? you look likeyou got clipped pretty good.
instrument panels are okay. no, we're good.got a slight vibrationin the pedals, but we're good. all right, put her downon the airfield, super 64. have it checked outjust to be safe. (durant) roger. [rattling] i'm gettinga lot of movementin these pedals. check the systems again.
we lost the tail rotor!it's gone! 64 is going down! 64 is going in hard. 64 going down. we're going down. wait! get struecker's columnback out there. they need to getto durant's crash site fast. (harrell) we got another bird down.
i want them out of there.all of them. captain steele,we got to move or we're gonnaget pinned down! we're movingjust as fast as we can. you let me do my joband you do yours. over. fuck! fuck! ruiz, stay down. i fucking knew-- medic.
fuck this! captain steele,i'll take out the threatin the window. we'll rally pointthe gray building.coming through, captain. sarg'nt! all right, let's move! let's move! now!move! move! cover me! let's go, let's move! moving out. (sanderson)friendly! friendliescoming through!
let's go, let's go! move up!come on, come on! come on. move up! go, go, go! move up! what the fuckare you doing out there? i'm doing my job!now we got to getto that crash site! we got to getout on that street,and we got to move! and you have got to keep up,sir! don't you evergive me orders, sergeant. we are combat ineffective,you understand me? we got too many dang woundedto move!
then give mesome of your shooters and i'll circle usto the bird. grimes!you're with chalk four? yes, sir! all right,hook up with delta! rejoinwith sergeant eversmann. the rest of you men,secure this position! treat the wounded,we'll wait for the convoy! then we'll rallyat the crash site. roger!
come on, guys, let's go! [woman yelling] (goffena) c-2, i have two delta snipers, shughart and gordon volunteering to securecrash site two. over. (matthews) no, super 62, negative that request. can't risk another bird. we don't see anythingmoving down there now, we don't even knowif anyone's alive. a ground teamis being organizedto go in now.
eta on ground team?over. (matthews) uh, unknown, not long. do what you can from the air. all right, gather around!durant's 64 is down. we're going back into get him! that's crazy.is there anyonealive on that? doesn't matter,no one gets left behind. you know that. we're wasting time here.
all right.refit and max out ammoand grenades, you got five! sizemore, where the helldo you think you're going? with you guys. not with that cast onyou're not. all right,all right, all right.go get your k-pot. hey, talk to me. i can't go back out there. thomas, everyone feelsthe same way you do.all right? it's what you do right nowthat makes a difference.
it's your call. it'll probably help to washthe blood out of the humvees. sergeant struecker! can i go, sarge? you got some ammo? roger that, sarge! hop in! wait! let's go, thomas.get in!
[wind howling] which way? that way, i think! [whispering]not so fucking loud. nice donkey. [snorting] (yurek)rangers? who? it's yurek!you fucking assholes!
dude, we almostfucking killed you! well, come to us! fuck you, come to me. sorry, sarge! dude, where the fuckhave you been? hey, never mind,you brought nod, right? no. no, i didn't bring it,and you want to know why? because you said:"you're notgonna need that, dude, we'll be backin a half-hour."
no,i wasn't saying it to you. nelson, cover this way. man, we're gonna neednight vision. what's the matter with you? hmm? huh? oh, he's deaf.it's--it's my fault.i-- we need to get out of here! [whispering]that way. we can't be farfrom the crash. which way?
i thought you might know. let's move out. (galentine) nelson, twombly? come in. over. nelson, twombly, come in,this is galentine. we need a positionof the convoy. over. i can't raise them,sergeant.i can't raise them. sir, let's get the fuckout of here and evac! [all groan] all right.back to the stronghold!
ground forces have occupiedseveral buildingsalong marehan road but they're all spread out. eversmann's chalk fourhas set up a perimeter around wolcott'scrash site here. ditomasso is inthe adjacent structure. captain steeleand about 40 men,rangers, are here, a couple blocks away.they're banged up pretty bad. he set up a casualtycollection point, i don't thinkthey're gonna beable to move.
sergeant sandersonand a small delta team are movingfrom steele's position to the crash siteas we speak. draw off fire! when this assholestops to reload,cover me! again! [clanking] loading! keep going! keep going!
i'm jammed! i got it! no, shit! you all right? you okay? yeah.i can hear bells ringing. come on! come on! (goffena) there's a crowd advancing six, seven blocks from the crash. shughart and gordon again request permission to secureuntil convoy arrives. over.
general, crowdsare in the hundreds now. from where they are, they can see things clearer than any of us. they know what they're asking. let me talk to them. this is garrison. i want to make sure that y'all understand what you're asking for so say it out loud and clear. we're asking to go inand set up a perimeter until ground support arrives.
and you realizethat i cannot tell you when that might be,it could take quite a while. you still want to go in there? colonel harrell? (harrell) yes, general? (harrell) goffena, put them in. motherfucker. motherfucker. (mcknight)set up your perimeter! there's a fucking rocketin him, sir!
othic, calm down,god damn it! there's live ordnance,now get out! get out! son of a bitch. all right, lift him up!lift him up! easy, easy! all right, get him in there!good, good! easy, easy! okay. get in that truckand drive. but i'm shot, colonel. everybody's shot. we need the prisoners!let's go!
(man over radio) surveillance says to take hawlwadig, then go straight. mcknight,we need you to turn aroundand head back to hawlwadig. you're shitting me!we just came through there! there's gotta bea better route! that's the infoi'm getting from joc, you need to turn aroundand head back. roger that. roger that. i cannot believe this shit!turn us around, maddox.
they're trying to get usall fucking killed,aren't they, sir? just get it over with!drive! god damn! get us out of here,god damn it, drive! [glass shattering] keep your foot on the gas!keep your foot on the gas!ah! [clanging] (goffena) c-2, shughart and gordon are on the deck. over. (harrell) roger.
friendlies! god, it's good to see you! ah, it's good to see you.how bad? my leg's brokenand my back feelskind of weird. we've got to get youout of here, buddy. i'm pulling him out! cover! wait, i-- i'm putting you down. c-2,we're at the 64 crash site,securing perimeter.
yeah, i'm good. you're locked and loaded. any skinnies comearound these corners,you watch our backs. hey,where's the rescue squad? we're it. (mcknight)all right, stop, stop, stop,stop, maddox. stop. romeo 64, we're right backwhere we started. i'm running low on ammo,i got many woundedincluding me, vehiclesthat are barely running.
(harrell) okay, danny, i need a no-b.s. assessment here. can you getto the crash site? colonel, i can't see shit. negative. (mcknight) with the amount of wounded we have, we'd do more harm than good. we need to come back to base, rearm and regroup and then we can go back out. c-2, bring them back.get them out of there.
roger. return to base. we're going home!let's go. left. (matthews) roger that. understand. convoy returning to base. what's up? they're sending them back. the convoy's headedback to base camp. oh, now that makes sense,don't it? we need to exfilthe wounded now and get the hell out of herebefore it's too late!
if colonel mcknightwent back to base, then he had a good reason.it changes nothing. all right, listen up.we're going to holdthe perimeter and we're going to holdthe strongpoint. hoo-ah? conserve your ammo.only shoot atwhat you can hit. the convoy is going to come. we're going to get home. randy, i need a pistol mag! randy, last mag!
gordy! gordy is gone, man.i'll be outside. good luck. we need the 10th mountainin there. everything they got. pakistanis, malays,i want their tanksand apcs. they still don't knowwe've gone in. look, we have stirred upthe hornet's nest here. we're fightingthe entire city. i want every vehiclepossible that's got4 wheels and armor.
get it. get everything. now, once they've assembled, we're gonna move our menout of the hostile area and backto the pakistani stadium,the safe zone. now, let's go. roger that, boss. on your knees!get down! get down! (man)stay with me. you justgot a bullet in the leg. (harrell) see where those tires are burning?
all that black smoke? roger. i can see it,but i can't get there. over. go 100 meters past it.that's the crash. negative.you don't understand. it's roadblockafter roadblock. you have to find usanother route. over. (harrell) there ain't one. the only other route is all the way around the city. kilo 64, this is kilo 11.
request permissionto move to crash sitenumber two on foot. over. (matthews) green light, kilo 11. stop the vehicle. let me out. [dogs barking] [man chanting prayer] [crickets chirping] [sighing] after i'm finished with this,i'll whip you boys upsome margaritas. the usual.blended, no salt.
(man over radio) this is kilo 12. we've got to change our position. over. eversmann, come in. (sanderson) eversmann. roger, who is this? sanderson. do not-- i say again,do not fire to the east.we are coming to you. understood. ditomasso and his menare on the southeast corner.
we need youon the northeast building. roger. we'll take it. hey, watch out for skinnies.they're all over the rooftops. they're in prayer but not for much longer. hold your fire to the east. eversmann? it's yurek. i got-- i got nelson and twombly with me. we got the chopper in sight.where are you? (eversmann) we're on the southwest corner.
where the hell have you been?are you okay? yeah. hold your fire.we're coming in. we got to go. shawn! shawn, listen! sergeant yurek'sgoing to run first. now, when he getsacross the street, he's gonna turn aroundand he's gonna cover youas you run. listen closely.when you get there
you're gonna turn aroundand you're gonna cover me,okay? you're not gonna just runto eversmann's position. you're gonna stop,you're gonna turn aroundand you are gonna cover me. it's importantyou understand that. okay, you ready? yeah, i guess. hey, don't forget. don't forget. i got them in my sight,sarg'nt.
they're coming upon the west gate. i see them. can you cover us, sergeant? we got you. nelson! twombly! smith! no! get it off of me! get it off!
come on, man. come on. doc! need some helpwith smith here! my leg! my leg! come on, jamie, i got you! up, one, two, three. you're all right. all right.i need pressureon this wound. (smith)my right thigh! pressure, yeah.
oh, are my balls okay? you still have your balls.i need more men in here. twombly! nelson! put him down. [smith screaming] oh, man, that really... i need that chair.that chair! it really hurts! (schmid)pressure.direct pressure on that.
it's okay, it's okay. let me see it! all right,let me get a look at that. oh, shit! oh, fuck! what the fuck was that? it's all right.it's all right. hold that down.i need a medevac now. fuck. galentine!
it's all right. (eversmann)galentine!get me captain steele! sarg'nt ruiz, sarg'nt ruiz,how you doing? (eversmann) juliet 64, come in. over. they're not goingto come and get us. they're not goingto come for us. i need you to suck it up,sarg'nt. i need you to focus for me. all right? can you do that?
now,can you hold your weapon? anybody comesthrough that door you give him two in the chestand one in the head. i'm still in the fight, sir. (eversmann) captain steele, captain steele, i need a medevac in here now! corporal smith has been hit! hold on, 25. still in the fight.
captain steele,he's hurt pretty bad. (steele) 25, we got wounded, too. you're just gonna have to maintain your situation, over. if he doesn't get toa hospital in a half-hour,he's in trouble! (steele) c-2, this is 64. i'm requestingan immediate medevac for a critically woundedat chalk four's location.over. (matthews) command, chalk four is requesting medevac. can't risk it.it's still too hot.
(matthews) captain, we cannot send in medevac at this time. sit tight. over. 25, this is 64.it's a negativeon the medevac. it's not possible. joc cannot risk another bird. you're just gonna have to hold on. more pressure. all right. i got him. i want direct pressureon the wound.
it's going to be all right.it's going to be okay. [creaking] this is kilo 11.i'm at the durantcrash site. (harrell) crash site two secured. (man)lieutenant colonel cribbsfor you, sir. cribbs? (cribbs)sir, they're stilldebating the route. (garrison) how long? at least a couple of hours.
we haven't got that long,joe. pakistani general says,since we didn't deignto inform him of the raid it's gonna take some timeto mobilize the 10th mountain and 100 vehicles. now, you tellthe general this: i understand,but it is my dutyto remind him that my men are surroundedby thousands of armed somalimilitia. it is imperative that we move themout of the hostile areaand into the safe zone.
i need his help now. durant. michael durant. yes. you are the rangerwho kills my people? i'm not a ranger.i'm a pilot. that's right. none of you americanssmoke anymore. you all live long, dull,uninteresting lives.
what do you want with me? you have taken hostages. we have you. my government will nevernegotiate for me. then perhaps you and ican negotiate, huh? soldier to soldier. huh? (durant)i'm not in charge. of course not.
you have the power to kill,but not negotiate. in somalia,killing is negotiation. do you really thinkif you get general aidid we will simply put downour weapons and adopt american democracy? that the killing will stop? we know this:without victory,there can be no peace. there will alwaysbe killing, you see? this is how things arein our world.
(man on p.a. system) mike durant, we won't leave you behind. mike durant, we won't leave you behind. (schmid)you got to take over from me.both hands. it's the femoral artery,but i can't see it. which means thatit's retracted upinto the pelvis. which means thati have to find itand clamp it. the only wayto stop the bleeding.i--i--i got no more ivs. so, i'm going to need youto assist. okay? yeah, yeah.
now listen, jamie.i got to do something,it's going to hurt. okay? i got to cause youmore pain, but i have to do itto help you. all right,you understand? morphine. i can't. it'll--it'll loweryour heart rate too far.i'm sorry. twombly, why don't youtake his hands there?
i need you to holdthe wound open, keep pressureon the top of the leg. yurek, you're gonna takethe feet and a flashlight. on my count. all right, jamie.all right. one. two. three. (schmid)wait, wait. okay. i feel it. i feel the pulse. yeah.
i got it. i got it.i got it, yeah. i got it. i got it. you got it? clamp? yeah. i got it clamped. you got it clamped? hold it. got it. here, grab it.
it's tearing. hold, i got it. doc, it's--it's going--it's going back in! hold it! it's tearing! okay. get out. get out.hold the wound. okay. okay, i'm holding. move your hand. [panting]
fix it? yeah, yeah. we got it. what the hell are you doing? it's all in the grind,sarg'nt. grimesy,you are squared away. sarg'nt, how would youlike a nice hot cup of joe? gold coast blend. sit down.i want to takea look at that foot. no, it's not a problem.
come on, come on. where the helldid they find you? behind a desk. no, really.what, you think i'm kidding? (sanderson)is anybody hit? we're good! (man 1)yeah! is everybody all right? (man 2)yeah!
[explosions] ditomasso's hit!pull him out! ranger here.this is kilo 11. this is chalk four.we're at the southeast corner of the crash site.who's this? over. (gibson) this is hoot. i'm coming in with three friendlies. i need some coverand fire. over. roger that, kilo 11. hold your fire!deltas coming in.
hold your fire!hold your fire! ground personnel will haveto mark target positions with infrared strobes. get little birdson strafing runs and keep them goingall night long. if we don't hold backthis city we'll have a 100 casketsto fill by morning. colonel harrell,ground personnelat crash site one will have to mark the target with infrared strobes
in preparation for air strike. mcknight. betweenthe 10th mountain and u.n., we got enough personnel,okay? danny, you guys do nothave to go back out again. (smith)i can't die here, man. (eversmann)you're not going to die,all right? you're not going to die. i'm sorry.
you don't have anythingto be sorry for. you saved twombly.you did perfect. you okay, twombs? yeah,i'm--i'm--i'm okay, jamie. you did whatyou were trained to do. [explosion] (eversmann)you should be proudof that. be proud of that. ev?
do me a favor. you tell my parentsthat i fought well today. that i... and that i fought hard. (eversmann)you're going to tellthem yourself, okay? do you hear me? all right? are the humvees here? they're coming, jamie.
they're coming. you just got to hang inthere a little bit. you hold on forjust a little bit. (smith)i can. i can. it's nothing. (smith)nothing. oh, shit. hold the wound.
[schmid gasping] (eversmann)doc. doc. [clattering] it's okay. (eversmann)what are you doing? we need the ammo. you did all you could here. they should'vesent a medevac.
[clears throat] (gibson)right now we'd be out there defending anothercrashed chopper. more men would get torn up. maybe. (gibson)see, you're thinking. don't. because, sergeant,you can't controlwho gets hit or who doesn't. who falls outof a chopper or why. it ain't up to you.
it's just war. yeah, well,smith's still dead. if blackburnwouldn't have fallen, none of thiswould have happened. should have or could have,it don't matter. you'll get plenty of timeto think about all that later. believe me. [sniffling] sergeant,you got your men this far.
you did it right today. you need to start thinkingabout getting these menout of here. well, shall we? i need four guysin this corner now! (man) this is barber 52 in position for gun run. jesus christ.look at that. this is 25! i can see you.you're right above me. eversmann, i can't tellwho's who down there.too much activity. i'll mark the targetwith a strobe! over.
(eversmann) you see it? nah, i can't see shit. i'm putting it on the roof. you're going toneed some help! cover me. okay, guys,we're going to lay down somecover fire for him on three! ready? one. two.
three. go! i got your position.i got the target.we're inbound and hot. [chattering in somali] (man) c-2, miniguns dry. request permission to return to base. rearm. over. (matthews) roger that. second team inbound. your station. on your location, four minutes. (steele)all right, they're here.
get the woundedready to move. (man)move! move! (steele)lay down some cover fire! i thought i hearda noise out here! get your men loaded up.we're getting the hellout of here. 25, this is 64.the rescue column has arrived. will be at your locationin about five minutes. prepare your menfor exfil, sarg'nt. yeah, roger that, sir!roger that!
five minutes!the convoy is goingto be here in five minutes! i need a mag!eversmann, i'm out! here! it's my last one! the convoy is here! i heard you guysneeded a lift! bring your woundedright over thereand start loading them up! [metallic humming] hey, i got you. i got you. it's okay. i want to walk.
yeah, i would, too.let's go! we getthe pilots' bodies out, and then we goto the stadium. we're running outof room around here. just gonna have to craminto every possible space. okay, 10th mountainprovides security for armor, walks us out of the hot zone. 10th mountain? no. sir, with respect,my rangers canprovide rear security.
we'll walk you outof the hot zone, then we'll jump onthe last few vehicles. (cribbs)okay, let's get out of here. (man 1)all right, you got him? (man 2)yeah, come on. these things arefucking bullet magnets. come on, let's go! we go when i'm ordered to,soldier. (man)careful.
easy. go easy. colonel,what is going on down there? they're dismantling the entire cockpit around the body. (garrison) well, how long is it going to take? i need an honest, no-shit assessment. they can't say! danny, no one gets left behind. you understand me, son?
(mcknight) yes, general. you do what you have to do. (mcknight)all right, come on.bring him through. i got him. get all of his gear.get the wounded out. got you, sir! (mcknight)go! move! (man)got you! move out! move out! let's go!
fire in the hole! let's go! move! let's go! let's go! open up the hatch!we got men back here! no room here! go on the roof! what's going on? the roof? i'm not gettingon no fucking roof! no, no, it's full.
we're running out.keep moving.use the vehicles as cover. move it! let's go! all right, hold it up.hold it up. move! [woman shouting in somali] [woman screaming] get down, lady! i'm out of ammo! sanderson, i'm out of ammo!
(kurth)don't you do it. what are you doing? don't you damn do it. (sanderson)kurth, let's go! [children laughing] [people cheering] (man)easy. easy. ah, shit. bullet missed your jugularby about three millimeters.
don't move. all right, all right. hurry up, hurry up. (sanderson)grimes. little short on coffee,but i got you some tea. how you doing, soldier? can't feel a thing. (man) take his pulse. ruiz.
hey, sarg'nt. hey. captain. lorenzo. how you doing? it went in and out,so the medic said i should be okayin a couple of days. that's great news. are we going after them? you bet your ass we will.we got to regroup.
don't go out there without me. don't go back out therewithout me. i can still do my job. you get somerest now, okay? you're going back in? there are stillmen out there. goddamn. (gibson)when i go home and people ask me:
"hey, hoot, "why do you do it, man? "why? you some kindof war junkie?" i won't say a goddamn word. why? they won't understand. they won't understandwhy we do it. they won't understand
it's aboutthe men next to you. and that's it. that's all it is. hey, don't even thinkabout it, all right? i'm better on my own. hey, we starteda whole new week. it's monday. (eversmann) i was talking to blackburn the other day
and he asked me, "what changed? why are we going home?" and i said, "nothing." but that's not true, you know. i think everything's changed. i know i've changed. you know, a friend of mineasked me before i got here... it was whenwe were all shipping out. he asked me:
"why are you going to fightsomebody else's war? what, do y'all thinkyou're heroes?" i didn't knowwhat to say at the time but if he asked me again,i'd say no. i'd saythere's no way in hell. nobody asks to be a hero. it just sometimesturns out that way. i'm gonna talkto your ma and pawhen i get home, okay? (ruiz) my love,
you are strong and you will do well in life. i love you and my children deeply. today and tomorrow, let each day grow and grow. keep smiling and never give up, even when things get you down. so, in closing, my love, tonight, tuck my children in bed warmly. tell them i love them. then hug them for me and give them both a kiss good night for daddy.
♪ the minstrel boy ♪ ♪ to the war has gone ♪ ♪ in the ranks of death ♪ ♪ you'll find him ♪ ♪ his father's sword ♪ ♪ he's girded on ♪ ♪ and his wild harp slung ♪ ♪ his wild harp slung behind him ♪ ♪ land of song ♪
♪ said the warrior bard ♪ ♪ though all the world ♪ ♪ betrays thee ♪ ♪ one sword, at least ♪ ♪ thy right shall guard ♪ ♪ one faithful harp ♪ ♪ shall praise thee ♪ ♪ the minstrel fell ♪ ♪ but the foeman's chains ♪
♪ could not bring ♪ ♪ this proud soul under ♪ ♪ the harp he loved ♪ ♪ never spoke again ♪ ♪ for he tore its chords ♪ ♪ asunder ♪ ♪ and said no chains ♪ ♪ shall sully thee ♪ ♪ thou soul of love ♪
♪ and bravery ♪ ♪ thy songs were made ♪ ♪ for the pure and free ♪ ♪ they shall never sound ♪ ♪ in slavery ♪