i wish there was no suffering it just comes with the job some of the greatest work comes from pain or some great work comes from from love from loss it's like wanting to be the best at whatever you do never stop it to you the best like i don't believe in doing anything halfway i believe in going all the way so never stop
when you see hard times and you get knocked down get back and if you keep putting everything you've got into it and you keep getting back up when you get knocked down it's almost impossible to fail push until it hurts you sort of you want to be always pushing beyond what you're comfortable with and you're
sweating just a little bit all the time and when that happens when you're when you're constantly pushing beyond what you think what you know as possible you're always sweating a little bit and you're always a little bit nervous but that is the drug and so when you're pushing like that and you're never really relaxed then it always feel small
anything you want good you can have so claim it worked hard to get it when you get it reach back pull someone else up aspire to make a difference i found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks nothing nelson mandela said there is no passion
to be found playing small and settling for a life that's less than the one you're capable of living to get something you never had you have to do something you never did les brown a motivational speaking he made an analogy about this he says imagine you're on your deathbed and standing around your deathbed are the ghosts
representing your unfulfilled potential the ghost of the ideas you've never acted the ghost of the talents you didn't use and they're standing around your bed angry disappointed and upset they say we came to you because you could have brought us to life and now we have to go to the grave together so i ask you today how many ghosts are going to be around
your bed when your time comes i can't live my life based upon what other people think about me so i can't concern myself too much what other people think you know it's just not healthy i don't think i could continue to do what i do if i was constantly worrying about what somebody thought about it if you're gonna be good at
something it does take awhile just enjoy the getting there you gonna get fed up gonna get disheartened the people are gonna tell you you're useless and all that but what i can say after about 15 or 20 years i learned how to do something well and i enjoyed that getting there as much as being there now i'm sure in your experiences in
school and applying to college in picking your major and deciding what you want to do with life i'm sure people had told you to make sure you have something to fall back on make sure you got something to fall back on honey but i never understood that concept having something to fall back on if i'm going to fall
i don't want to fall back on anything except my faith i want to fall forward i figured at least this way i'll see what i'm going to hit fall forward this is what i mean reggie jackson struck out 26 hundred times in his career the most in the history of baseball but you don't hear about the strikeouts people remember the
home runs as pitching skills get better and better that hitter needs to be able to adapt and adjust the best thing that ever happened to me is i hit rock bottom by far the best thing that ever happened to me hitting rock bottom i think i think for men i have two boys and i'm gonna be in pain
when i witness these guys go through this but i think the best thing that can happen to a man is a heartbreak a very strong heartbreak and a very big failure early on in business and it happened to me early on a life both heartbreak and business that happened early on because i thought i knew it all and it was a slap in the face to say socrates says
the only thing i know is that i know nothing if the greatest minds on their deathbed are saying things like that what makes you and i think you know everything i don't want to fall back on except my faith i want to fall forward he said but imagine if you will being on
your death there and standing around your bed the ghost of the ideas the dreams the abilities the talents given to you by life and you for whatever reason you never acted on those ideas you never pursued that dream you never used those talents we never saw your leadership you never use your voice you
never wrote that book and there they are standing around your bed looking at you with large angry eyes saying we came to you and only you could have given us life now we must die with you so it's not how much have it's what you do with what you have and we all have different gifts some money some love some patient some the ability to touch people but we all have it
use it share it that's what counts and the question is if you die today what ideas what dreams what abilities what talents what gifts will die with you ask the question when you're thinking big why not you? and answer it i'm not just doing this motivational
video why not you why should you win no no forget motivation let's get logical why don't you actually answer that why can't you be somebody that can do something in your business that's never been done before why not you? answer it so give the
argument logically here's why not me because i don't work hard enough you can fix that stop being lazy well whatever but because i'm not that good at sales you can learn sales so okay because i don't know much about the product you can learn to product but why not you because no one in my family's been rich so what no one was
rich in zuckerberg family before he became who he is today and nobody was in jobs jobs mom even gave him up for adoption so many things go wrong when you're starting a company and often i think people ask you know what mistakes should you avoid making and you know my answer the question is don't even bother trying
to avoid mistakes because they're gonna make tons of mistakes right and the important thing is actually learning quickly from whatever mistakes you make and not giving up sometimes life's gonna hit you in the head with a brick don't lose faith i'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that i loved what i did
you've got to find what you love i mean there are things every single year of facebook's existence that could have killed us or made it so that it just seemed like moving forward and make a lot of progress just seem intractable but you just kind of bounced back and you learned and nothing is impossible you just have to kind of keep
running through the walls so why don't you make the argument why don't you truly get into then give the other argument why not you actually doing this why shouldn't you be the person and say i'm very smart person i love people i actually like to make money to make a difference in the world and you know what i care
for people and i have some things i want to do if i get money in my pocket i'll be good i'll do good with it and i've got a big heart and i am talented and i know the right people boom that's why not you four years after starting spacex rolled out its first rocket an unmanned
booster called the falcon one falcon has cleared the tower but the first three test flights failed to reach orbit when you had that third failure in a row did you think i need to pack this in never why not i don't ever give up i mean i'd have to be dead or completely incapacitated who convinced you cant do it who convinced you cant be part of a group of
people i watch so many guys on youtube that you know are even some of these guys are considered experts by big magazines and have written new york times bestsellers and they say some shit like all young entrepreneurs are born give me a damn break entrepreneurship can be taught entrepreneurship is an inspiration that
comes from here for some people that want to solve a bigger problem what do you mean entrepreneurship is something you're born with i completely disagree with that statement fully disagree with that statement if you want to do anything worthwhile in life you've got to be hungry and so i started working to develop myself he said i want you to practice
every day being a desk jockey i said but i don't have any job now he said it doesn't matter he said that it's better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one then have an opportunity and not be prepared so every day i was working to develop myself and that's what you must do entrepreneurship it is a formula if you
hang around other people that think like this and you watch this video and you watch all the right entertainment or some of the people that are feeding the right type of content you and the right books you read your imagination won't stop working because an entrepreneur is numbers solving problems how can i do it better faster why can't you learn those
skillsets why can't you can so why don't you and don't let anybody convince you that people who solve some big problem you know or big thinkers have to be born being big thinkers i'm here to tell you you can figure out the formula to thinking big greatness is not this wonderful esoteric illusive godlike feature that only the
special among us are will ever taste you know it's something that truly exists in all of us it's very simple this is what i believe and i'm willing to die for i feel so strong that the reason i'm here is i dream big dreams i dreamed the kind of dreams that other people said would not be possible
i'm also living proof this isn't a hollywood movie i come literally from the other side of the track if you saw where i grew up and took a picture of it the neighborhood the setting you say it's not it's impossible that someone can come from there and get it you can do any but there will be people along the way
will say to you know you're dreaming too big it's not possible those things just can't happen don't allow anyone friend family acquaintance teachers whoever it is don't allow anyone to tell you that what you are dreaming for yourself and your family is not possible it is possible don't be one of those people 20 years
from now i'm going to be walking around nine to five job miserable and angry and bitter because you let your dreams get away from you that you did not believe strongly enough in yourself and what was possible don't allow that to happen this is an unbelievable time and i can't encourage you enough to
continue to think that things are possible and your dreams can come true at least i feel like i failed when i didn't put everything i had into into a problem so really it goes back to the analogy i made of the beginning is if you don't put it all out there if you don't put everything you've got into solving the problem then that's failure
so you have to learn from the mistakes that you made and you got to create an environment where people are not afraid to take a risk and not afraid to do things that are beyond what the expectations are fear is the disease hustle is the antidote you can't count on sales you can't count anything but just crazy hustle and
just grit your teeth claw your way to success there is just no easy way to do it in order to be this disruptive to what's going on you have to have you have to be willing to fight and you have to not be you can't be shy never stop untill you are the best like i don't believe in doing anything halfway
i believe in going all the way never stop subtitles by the amara.org community