who is revolta? if i had to define revolta, i'd describe him as an incredible guy. ever since he appeared on the scene, he's surprised everyone. he has his own distinct style. he's quieter, but he has a lot of personality. in my opinion, he's the best jungler in brazil at the moment. maybe even the best overall player. baron's still alive.
he's going in for the steal! he stole it! i think if you have something you love doing, if you have something you really want for yourself, you have to fight with all your strength, regardless of what you have to face to achieve it. even if it's your greatest enemy, which, in my case, was myself. i actually played so bad.
man, everyone will give their best. we don't play individually. we play as one unit. i said in the last split that we are like a hand. each one of you is like a finger, but when we close it, it turns into a fist that smashes anyone in front of us. everybody here knows how important this game is. let's plan everything.
i want everybody talking. from the moment we leave the base, until the moment the nexus falls. without fear. what will be, will be. but let's just be ourselves. what time is it? now. got it?
one, two, three... go intz! ...micao flashes. taeyeon is still alive. will he fall? there it is! first blood for intz! the first elimination goes to micao. you can go, you can go, you can go. the turret is focusing him.
it's doing a lot of damage to him. he could be eliminated. he ults them back. eliminated! intz keeps going in... ...they could be going down. hecarim is eliminated. now all that's left is to finish it, my friend! double kill for micao.
kami is the only one left. could this be the ace? could this be the ace? ace for intz! and there they are! they've guaranteed their spot in the cblol grand final! one more final and one more for intz. now it's intz vs cnb in the 2016 cblol grand final. oh, boy! so good to see you at home! very good! if you took any longer, the meal would be cold.
are you okay? yes, i am great! now even better! hello, mom. i missed you so much! now you can relax while we get ready. so, shall we eat, guys? cod fish ã la revolta. i didn't expect to have another child. i had already mariana.
and then i did some tests. and then i discovered i was pregnant with gabriel. right? already three months pregnant. so i think that even during pregnancy gabriel surprised me. he arrived because he wanted to and had to. i was born in the city of rio, in the neighborhood recreio dos bandeirantes. he didn't have a childhood like ours. playing in the streets,
playing football on the field, or in the park. what he really liked doing was playing on the computer. my adolescence was a bit shaky between school and games. i started doing really badly in school. i spent too much time playing games. gabriel's school would call us often to pick him up because he was sleeping in class. he used to sleep so heavily and wouldn't wake up! we had to drag him, literally, by the arms.
there was no use! when i was little, i had no idea i was going to do this as my life. he teleported away from someone. as i played league of legends, i fell more in love with the game. this changed my routine a lot. i started having lunch at the computer and dinner at the computer.
i did everything at the computer. i didn't want to stop playing for one second. as i climbed the rankings, i just wanted to keep going. i had no idea that gaming could be a profession. it really just happened randomly. i was at home playing ranked. suddenly, i was contacted to play a tournament in sã£o paulo. so i started doing research, and i saw that pro gaming was already being taken seriously,
and that in brazil it was growing. at the start of his career, i would say he was a little toxic. in interviews he would always say that the game was going to be easy, like, "no, no, we're gonna play calmly, our team's a little better." i'll confess that back in the day i was a bit rude. there's a time that really sticks out. it was during cblol 2013.
i said that the game was going to be easy for us, and we got there and lost 0-3. he takes down the first and second towers. and now it's the nexus! rma is victorious over keyd! 17 to 7. an exceptional victory! i was at the peak of my arrogance. i thought i was better than everybody. at that moment i was completely destroyed.
it was the first big loss i ever had, and i cried like a baby. it was at that moment that i saw i was a kid and i needed to become an adult. we played together on keyd stars. it was only for a little while. he was always focused on the game and on what was best for the team. those times were really good,
for the team, me, and him too. that is when i got sick and decided to go back to rio. it was hard. it was very hard, for some time he had to stay at home under treatment. my vitamin d count was five. the minimum acceptable is 20. so i was really lacking vitamin d, and i was like that for a long time. it started to weigh on other parts of my body.
- he would take time to be in the sun and relax. - no, he went into treatment. - he went into a clinical treatment. - he took medicines and all. because of that he was able to recover. that was when they decide to bench me. it was a reality check for me because at that moment i thought of keyd like my family. it was at that moment that i lost all my faith in them. i was completely lost and didn't know what to do. that's when i decided to stop playing for a while.
my parents noticed that and asked me if i was happy with the decision i had made. that's when i was like, "no, guys, i'm not happy, and honestly... i want to go back and play." - lol spoke louder. - yes, lol spoke louder in his life. once again. but it was a moment when i said, it was revolta versus revolta. he could overcome and bounce back.
it was then that a new path opened to him, which was intz. at that time, intz was a tier 2, tier 3 team, and we needed to evolve and we needed to listen to each other and learn from each other. that was the lesson i think that i left on that team, that it doesn't matter how good or bad you think you are. you always have to find a way to listen to other people's opinions and evolve.
winning cblol as an underdog, as a team that people thought was going to be disqualified. we had all the lights pointed to us because we were a tier 2 team. that's when we started to understand how to work as a team, and how we were a unified team. i felt like everyone was a family, and that everyone was unified, and everyone was supporting each other.
my parents were very happy. they said, "see, we told you to believe in yourself." a little before the cblol final, i had received an offer from keyd. and at that moment, i wasn't going to accept it. but my dad had a meeting with keyd's directors, and they made a really good offer that intz wouldn't match. so i decided to accept.
i planned to use the money that i earned from keyd to buy my own home in rio. to really invest in something fixed, that's mine, that i can use in the future. it was during that time that i was called a "mercenary" by a lot of people. this entire article can be summed up in one word, "mercenary." revolta is a mercenary, and keyd is unethical. revolta = mercenary!!
in the eyes of the fans, it was not seen very well, especially people who wanted to see him stay with intz. when he came back to intz, commentators used to say "a volta do revolta" ("revolta's return"). some fans called him a mercenary. but they didn't realize that without money. money is like a propeller that moves the world. an athlete doesn't live without money. when i went back to keyd,
it was a completely different environment. the organization changed a lot, for the better. however, the team had a lot of problems. we lost in the semi final against pain, because i missed the smite again. ...it's stolen! calibrate your smite, revolta! dammit! and the memes came back, "revolta misses smite."
these things seem to happen to me when i'm not confident and when i don't have the self-confidence in myself to make that type of play. and at keyd i didn't feel comfortable inside and outside the game. that started to consume me in a way that wasn't healthy. when i left keyd and transitioned to intz, i decided to have more confidence and faith in myself. we have a psychologist.
his name is claudio, but we call him craudio. and he is very close to us. if i'm not satisfied with myself, i go and talk to him. and one of the things i like most about him is that he believes in meditation. so i started doing it. something i always tell them is there's no victory without sacrifice.
to do this, you have to be accustomed to facing difficult situations without giving up. meditation fits into that like a glove. in a way, he changed and hasn't gone back. we could see life in a different way. we even say that no matter what happens, we say how good that this happened. we could've lost cblol, and said how good that this happened.
it's always worth seeing the positive side of things. and then he found himself again. and then... he came back as a new player. a new revolta. and then we had, as i said before, an incredible return. incredible! and, coincidentally, that was when i stopped missing smites and even started to steal objectives.
he's trying to eliminate revolta! revolta repositions. he flashes over the wall. and meanwhile baron is still alive. let's see if he can steal it. he stole baron! it's incredible! it's revolta! the fight continues...
from what i can see, this player is very skilled with his mechanics and has a lot of ideas. he's... a very creative player. i feel like he does what normal players can't. when i made that play, i didn't think it was a big deal, actually. in my head it seemed very slow, but when i saw the video on reddit, it was in the top 5.
and i was, like, wow. i had no idea that play was so fantastic. clearlove saying those things about me... i can't even believe it. i don't know what to say, honestly. so when that lineup was reunited, it was very gratifying for everyone and the organization. the house environment changed immediately. it was very nostalgic for everyone.
but we were all more mature, everyone respecting each other with the same dynamic, everyone trying to help each other. so i feel really good about this. i have the desire to reach worlds and to play against teams at that level. but i want to reach worlds the right way. i don't want us to get to worlds because the wildcard level is low or
because the cblol level is low. i want to reach worlds because our level is high enough. be calm. if we’re going to screw up, let's not risk it. let's talk and do things calmly, even if the game will be delayed another three minutes, whatever. guys, it's just a game. it’s just a game like any other that you play every day. you don’t have to do anything new.
you don’t have to do anything extraordinary. it’s what you do every day, right? now's the time, the moment of truth, the moment all will be decided. the cblol 2016 grand final! look at this. there's the flash body slam on top of him. sensational! first blood for cnb!
jockster ults the players. pbo could be eliminated. the protection from stand united doesn't come in. tockers continues the chase. he's going to hold them. there could be more eliminations. cnb is losing players. there's the second eliminated. double kill for micao!
there it is, chief. victory for intz! you guys were awesome. we just have to remain calm. breathe. reset. the pressure is on them. maintain the right mentality. follow the plan and don't relax. relax when we win because we're going to fucking celebrate.
intz! intz is coming back, causing a lot of damage. micao is, too. it's a slaughter. cnb's losing players. double kill for micao! could they end it? intz tries to finalize it.
pbo is still alive. he gets a double kill, too. four eliminations for intz! and they're finishing it off. closing it out, guaranteeing the cblol championship! you asked for it, here it is. oh, this is my present. congratulations! hold it.
you guys did so well. congratulations! this is the present that i got from revolta. a birthday present. we both were... like that. it will be one year already, man. time flies. time flies. one year already. yeah, you didn't notice? i've always had pecs... muscle man!
it's too hot! too hot, man! it'll cool off in your mouth. i can teach you, i can teach you, i can teach you. for example, when- karaoke, it was intz vs keyd, when we won against pain, we sang "extremamente fã¡cil" at karaoke. that's true. you didn't sing, man, at karaoke. he did sing... he did... he sang.
i know this part. from here on. wait, wait. this "ooh, ooh" at the end was spectacular! hilarious! spectacular! what makes me most proud about gabriel is... his light. the one he developed on his own. i see him as... an enlightened person.
as revolta and as gabriel. and i see this as the reason he is so incredible. all that. i'm speechless. i think the moment i'm most proud of in my career was when i went to intz. i was at a very low point and nobody had faith in me. and we were able to win...
everything in front of us, every challenge. and i think winning cblol proved to everyone and to me what i'm capable of and what the team is capable of. i used to be someone who put myself down, a hopeless guy. i had to learn how to stop thinking i was a nobody. and focus on who i wanted to be. it doesn't matter how low you are, you have to keep both feet down to rise up.