♪ [woman speakingin spanish] [siren blaring] [screaming] [gunshot] [greeting] [talks in russian] now, senator friedman,you have been aharsh critic... of the presidentin recent months overhis treatment of russia.
russia is back.their president hasstated unequivocally ... their desireto knock usback to 1985. they've reignitedtheir nuclear program. just last week they droppedthree akula class subs inthe bering sea. our myopia overthe middle east ... has caused us to miss the bigbear that's just sittingin the middle of the room. now, senator darden,you have numerous businessinterests inside russia. do you sharesenator friedman'sfears here? my interests, as youcall them, in russia ...
are strictly as a trade partner for the good people of my state. all this saberrattling is basicallysenator friedman's attempt... to get his budget up for next year. oh, please. russia now has ten times the number of covert agents... within united states borders as it did during the cold war. what are we talking about? besides, wouldn't it be wise for you... to divest your interest of what you have in russia at a time like this? i am very transparent about all of my financial transactions... which is why, you know, that i did those things. excuse me.
the president would suggestthat fear is not helpfulright now, senator... that fear is obviouslya very big component ofany politician's toolbox... but that it isnot going to helptoward progress. leaving. thank god. [telephone rings] (darden)hello? (man) you haven't accessed the money. yeah, well, it's beena little warm around here.
we had a deal, senator. we have expectations. i don't give a good goddamnabout your expectations. don't callhere again. [phone off the hook] bastard's making a deal. yeah, or blowing one off. where doesthat leave us? darden just made contact.it looks like he'smoving now. [elevator bell]
oh shit!he's down! he's down!behind the building! [sirens blaring] (barton) this is a domestic case! you have nojurisdiction, authority,or right to be here. we've been trailingthis guy for thepast month. this is a crimescene, not a goddamnterrorist attack! you're goingto have to wait. yeah? what am isupposed to wait for? [horn honking]
for him. [mixed voices] there you go, sir. director highland.sir, why is the cia-- this is agent weaver.yes, sir. yes, sir. we're out! who the hell was that? director bell.he wants us out.no questions and not a word.
you guys wereon the stakeout? yes, sir. he's hadcontact with moscow offand on for a month now. but he never wentany further-- we know that.what happenedhere tonight? someone grabbedhim from behind.right in our blind spot. it all happenedso goddamned fast. (man) keep your eye on it! [cheering] excuse me?do you knowthe time?
no, no.i don't havea watch. sorry. it's okay.just, my husband saidhe'd be here by nine. oh. which boy is yours? decker, the secondbaseman. oh, yeah.he's good. got a strong arm. [chuckles] i'm molly. paul. hey.
which one's yours? (coach) one more, guys! oh, no, i don't,i don't have-- no, i livenearby here. i come by just to seea game once in a while. that's really nice. [dog barks] not a care in the world, huh? jeez!
i never thought i'd seethe day when someone gotthe drop on paul shepherdson . yeah, yeah.how did youget in here? it's what we do. the phone rings,too, you know. it's cassius. he's back. tom. cassius islong gone. he hasn't evenbeen heard fromin over 20 years.
tell thatto senator darden. he's lying in an alleywith his throat slit. then it's a copycat. that's what everyone is saying. well, almost everyone. tom, there was a pointwhere i knew this manbetter than myself. cassius is dead. for once, paul,i think you're wrong. [mixed voices] (agent) welcome back, sir.
gentlemen. paul, this isdirector roger bell. mr. shepherdson. the fbi? bureaucracy haschanged, my friend. we have to sharethe burden now. as you know,paul was responsible ... for tracking downthe cassius seven... the soviet assassinswe code-named...
for the roman senatorswho killed julius caesar. and you caught them allbut one, from whati understand. missed cassiushimself? that's right. but this isnot his work.i'm sure of it. oh, i think it is. who the hellis this? this is oneof my men.agent ben geary. probably knows moreabout your assassinthan anyone we've got.
or the cia,for that matter. paul, we'd likethe two of youto work together. is that so?so tell me, geary ... what were you doingwhen the wall came down? i was watching iton television. just like everyoneelse in this room. [laughter] could you pull upthe case file, please? okay, here is good.notice how the cut starts ...
right in the center of the throat, moving upwards. typically, a cut starts high, moves lateral... as the right-handedkiller pulls the knifefrom ear to ear. not cassius.his cuts were alwaysexactly the same. right-handed, but up,and starting in themiddle of the neck. i've never been able to figure out why. still, it'sa copycat. this guy'sthe best you've got? mr. shepherdson,i wrote my master'sthesis on cassius.
and i havetracked downand interviewed ... every one of the fewwitnesses of his crimeswho are still alive. i've even re-created and personally walked the approaches and exits... of all his known kills step for step. i know this man. and there isno doubt in my mind.this is the work of cassius. you know him? harvard, right? yes, that's right. and you were the son of a foreign attach\ in turkey.
my father workedat embassies allover the world. how do you know this? i read your thesis. you did? and i know you weretrying for monthsto talk to me. i'll tell you why i refused.because you have never beenon the ground. because you don'tknow him. and becauseyou're a librarian. let's just say, geary,that i'm wrong andyou expose him. what do youthink comes next?
you think maybe he'sgonna come after you? that is exactlywhy i'm here. [exhales] i'm going home. and i'd liketo be left alone.all right? we've got brutus. what? igor ivanovich kozak,aka brutus ... is aliveand locked up inbrinkerman penitentiary.
that's impossible.he killed him insalzburg in 1989. i shot him in the chest.he fell three stories. and survived. why didn't you tell me? you wantedto retire, paul. i'm afraid retireeslose certain privileges. you know what? i'm done here, tom. get me highland.
come on,i know you're there.get me highland. (operator) your call cannot be completed as dialed. director highland wants you to know he has a meeting... with the president tomorrow morning . he said you'd know what that means. good morning.two regulars, please. good morning, sir. coming right up. spooks aren't supposedto be creatures of habit. it's a luxury onecan only afford whenone is in charge.
thank you. (clerk)thank youvery much. thanks. i gave you20 years, tom. you promised mei could have a life. i never cared muchfor the coffee atthe white house. i think it's gotsomething to do withthe 150-year-old china. i've been director throughthree presidents, paul. and let's face it.i wouldn't have gottenthe job in the first place ...
if you hadn't helped uswith the cassius seven. in 15 minutes, the presidentis gonna tell me i don'thave this job anymore ... if we can't nail the guythat killed senator darden. it's not cassius, tom. you never caught him. because he's dead. then prove it. [talking in french] [woman speaking in french]
mr. shepherdson? so, paul shepherdson. been an analystfor the company herein paris for three years. what do youwanna see me about? the cassius seven. i've had a breakthrough. i can take themdown for you. (agent) i'll take care of it.just give me about 15 minutes. oh, hey.
and? and,and, and, and? i don't know. director bellwas there? everyone was there. jesus! i've been atthis place a yearlonger than you ... and i've never even seenthe director in person. they're gonna put youin the field, man.i'm sure of it. they haven't saidanything, yet. you were rightabout this thingthe whole time, huh?
agent geary.yes, sir. yes, sir. yes, sir.i'll be there. and? i'm in. this is crazy. 'cause i have spent so much time studying your work with cassius. i feel likei know you. you don't.
yeah. no, i just meani-i, you know, i putmyself in your shoes. i just tried to thinkhow you would think. i've all of these crime scene photos. a lot of them you're in. actually, i should probablyget you to sign oneof them. right? that would definitelybe a first. when you were in budapestin 91, did you noticea specific pattern? no, agent geary. tell me why-whywould a guy ... who writes a thesison an international spy ...
join the bureau andnot central intelligence? well, i believedthat cassius washiding in the u.s. think about it.what better place fora soviet spook to retire? you believe that enoughto base a career on it? uh, yeah.you could say that. can i ask yousomething? if that means you'llstop talking, yeah. why didn't theytell you about brutus? if it was your job to catchthe cassius seven, what werethey scared you'd do?
kill him. what's in the bag? motivation. you thinkhe's gonna talk? not to me. [guard's indistinct talk] (guard) he's been cleared! [clears throat] [talks in russian]
you speak russian, huh? i studiedin school. yes. here's somerussian for you. i've read that youworked with cassius. it's a differentlife ago. do you knowwhere he's hiding? why would you-- is cassius alive? he killeda senator.
who are you? i understand thatyou've been looking for oneof these for about 10 years. [violin music playing] [volume goes up] give it to me. tell me something thati don't know about cassiusand it is yours. a chance to hearthe outside world? give it to me,you son of a whore! tell me somethingabout cassius. didhe train you?
what does he look like? [music continues] [music stops] i guess you can spendthe rest of your lifein silence. guard? [shouts]wait! okay. he made his nameas a soldier. but rather than takethe easy route throughthe academia ...
he honedother skills. and he trained you? he trained usallhis way. he only wanted the best. for that hewanted proof. only sixof us survived. and together we becameyour cassius seven. and you neversaw him again? no.
we got our targetsfrom him throughthe usual channels. but he plannedthe kills. his intel wasalways the best. his instinct forwhen to strike,always sharpest. what happenedto him? he made mistake. he livedoutside parameters. what kindof parameters? parameters ofan assassin.
what did youdo to him? give himthe radio. no, no. i wannahear specifically-- i said give himthe radio! just do it!give it to him. all right.let's go. come on! [music playing] guard.
[sighs] [gate opens and closes] what the hellwas that? why didn't you let mefinish my line ofquestioning? because he was lying. i tried to kill himonce for a reason. yeah, but the wiremakes perfect sense. it explains whythe cuts alwaysstart from the middle ... and then work their way up.this opens up everything.
i gotta getin there earlytomorrow morning ... and comparethe cuts with otherwire killings in europe. [indistinct talk over p.a.] [music from radio] [buzzer] [gate closes] [footsteps] [grunts] [panting]
what do we got? cramping andvomiting blood. okay, get himinto three. [groaning] somebody get theserestraints off! excuse me. can i get a bowl?bowl, please! got it. batteries.
stay back! (doctor) all right, get me security! [people shouting] (paul) you swallowed the batteries, didn't you? easier to escape from a hospital than a prison. [shooting] geneva. you were there,weren't you? i knownothing about--
you were there.it was you. i never killedanyone in geneva. you are a liar. i'm the onewho shot youin salzburg. i'm also the onewho trained youin moscow. cassius? i neveri neverknew about genevauntil after the fact. they brought in someone with-with no ties to you. yeah, the otherssaid that, too.
did they tell youit was someone fromthe black caucasus? a soldier, i think. we could findhim together. we are fromthe same place. i've looked upto you my whole life. [no audible dialog] [no audible dialog] [bells tolling] [woman screaming]
[telephone ringing] [talking in russian] (geary)agent geary. (paul) agent geary. we need to meet. [voices whispering] you need to dropthis investigation. how exactlyam i supposedto drop it? cassius doesn't carewho he has to eliminate. if he comes after me,i'm prepared.not you.
you've got a wife.you have two kids. yeah. i thinkthey understand whati'm doing is important. have you thought aboutwhat you're gonna doif you find him? that is alli think about. and nowthat it's real,i want it more. i want to know him.i want to understand him. and then? and then i wannaput him away,for good. (oliver)whoa. what isall this shit?
it's research. research. volks-volkskrant-volks. de volkskrant.it's a daily newspaperin holland. the third pagethere's a storyabout a wire killing. ten days beforethe soviets held theirfirst open election. yeah. i think so. you've gotta putin a word to getme on this case. please. i'm up to myass in banking bullshit.i'm serious.
agent geary. where? [muffled voices] once you're donegetting shots ofthe body ... really get the cutpatterns. i wantclose-ups of the neck. [distant siren blaring] and then hecame in here? hey, paul. agent geary.what do you got?see you later.
apparently brutus swallowedthe batteries from the radiothat we gave him. i'm guessing heput out some calls.found a place to lay low. word got backto cassius. he's never oneto allow loose ends. loose ends, meaninghe spoke to us. probably. yeah. well, we should getall the phone records ... of every cell phonehospital extension here. all right.okay.
you know, i alwayshad this theory ... that cassius wouldreturn to the sceneof his crimes. watch his investigators. you thinkhe's that vain? well, i think thatsome of it's vanity. some of it ishe wants to seewhat he's up against. you see that guy in the back? brown jacket. coat's russian made. excuse me, sir? sir?
(geary) shit! move! all right.why don'twe split up? yeah. you go that way. [clanking] i've got nothing. yeah, me neither.let the bureau know. he's wearinga brown suede jacket. sandy blond hair,close cropped.
no. that wasn't him. he was too tall. too military. wrong build.too young. a million reasons.it wasn't him. what the hellwere we doingchasing this guy? he ran.i figured he'd bearrested for something. you hungry? hey, paul.this is mywife, natalie. hello, mr. shepherdson. hey. paul.
paul. it's been a long time sincei went to someone'shouse for dinner. i, uh, i never learnedhow to do it right. well, it's easy.you just smile and nodand tell me how good it is. yes, ma'am. ma'am?did youhear that? well, rightthis way, sir. let me welcome youto our humble commode. [kid humming]
wanna help meget dinner ready? dinner ready? i'm not gonna be muchhelp. i'm sorry. it's easy.just move the dad fromthe backyard to the kitchen. that's your dad?let's see. hey, paul.come meetthis little guy. [chuckles] it's nicholas. wow.
yeah. looks like you. no. yeah. got your nose. everyone sayshe looks like my dad. which is nice'cause we lost himlike ten years ago. yeah, i'm sorry. no, no, it's fine. he's definitelyyour kid. do you haveany children, paul?
no. no, i don't. do you wanta drink? yeah, sweetie.come on. you got his head? come on, lucy.let's go setup, sweetie. paul, what areyou looking for? vodka martini? sure. dry. with, uh, an onionif you've got it.
you know what? i think you've beenchasing cassius alittle too long. that's his drink. yeah. well, tryingto get into his head ... i guess i picked upsome of his habits. you know what?in that case, i'mgonna join you. the kids are down. finally. now, i know you'regonna say this is weird ... but i feel aconnection with him.i do. with cassius.
he's not the kind of guy that you can connect to. well, sure. if nota connection, then atremendous amount of respect. all right.let's just set therecord straight now. he's not worthy of your respect or admiration. he's acold-blooded killer. he doesn't have a family like you. he doesn't havea wife like yours. his lifemeant nothing. the only good thing he ever did was disappear. all right?
you don't think there'ssomething to be respectedin the fact that ... he is the bestat something? respect is the last thingi have for an animallike him. okay? yeah. but-- hold that thought.i'm gonna take a piss. ben? i'm just statingthe facts. paul, he's obsessed. yeah, i know.
and he has been eversince i've known him. cassius. and you! you know, i'm-i'mjust ready for itto be over. your husbandis messingwith a creature ... he thinkshe understands,but he doesn't. he's allowedyour husband ... to live this longbecause he wasn'tmuch of a threat. what do you mean,allowed him to live?
do you thinkhe knows whomy husband is? i'm sure he does. you reallyread my thesis? yes. yes, i readyour thesis. yeah? and? all right.i think ... that you missed an essential question. okay. what's that?
you pinpointed the wheres and the hows of cassius... but you never askthe question why. why were his targetsincreasingly morerandom? why did he disappear? when you cananswer those whys ... then you'll know him. thank natalieagain, will you? oh, we checkedthe calls fromthe hospital. nothing.
tch. too bad. see, you knowthe thing that-- okay, here's whati don't understand. how did cassius knowthat they moved brutusto a hospital ... instead of justworking on himat the prison? the russians probablypaid somebody offin the prison. they'd want him deadjust to shut him up. right. right. good night, geary.
[dog barking] [helicopter flying by] gentlemen? i think you guysknow martin miller. he's our chief analyston domestic russian ops. go ahead, marty. almost six months ago, two b.p agents were murdered and their truck stolen. the truck was located a weeklater in a parking lot neartus wiped clean. now, these guys were smart. they parked far enough away from the cameras...
that we couldn't getany facial recognition. local cops and border patrol assumed they were mexican. then we found this. a camerain a squad car. that's right.luckily, tucsonpolice were testing ... high-resolutioncameras in a few cars. all russian.all known operatives. all now inthe united states. (geary) there's the guy with the russian jacket.
that's right.and it gets better. wait a minute. wait a minute. wait. son-of-a-bitch. bozlovski. that's right.johann bozlovski. former spetsnazand kgb. in 1990, bozlovski andhis 10th mountain brigadein the black caucasus ... went into warsaw andexecuted known alliesof the solidarity movement. i looked for himfor a year ...
after the wallcame down. he just,just vanished. like cassius. what are youthinking, paul? we have a knownsoviet hit man. disappears intolibya or afghanistan. same time our inteltells us cassius doesthe same. twenty years later,he shows up. united states senatorgets his throat slit.
[exhales]i-i don't know. i mean,bozlovski's spetsnaz. and...he'sso visible. well, yeah.maybe that'swhat they wanted. and wouldn't a morevisible alter ego ... just muddy upthe waters foreveryone chasing him? how did we know bozwas in warsaw in 1990? how did we know that? because the russianstold us so!
soviet disinformation was the biggest weapon they had... before the wall came down. that's true. bozlovskimakes sense. it's him.he's the one. what do you guysneed from us? nothing. nothing.he'll disappear again ... if he knowswe're onto him. [alarm sounding]
what is this place? [knocks] [clattering] [woman arguing] amber. amber? yeah, that guy dealsin russian goods. anything fromthe homeland. turn downby the river.
[man shouting] amber's a prostitute? if the russians usedtheir women insteadof missiles ... we'd all be wearingfurry hats right now. [man and woman arguing] [baby crying] this is the dirtiestriver in the u.s.did you know that? right here in ournation's capitol. nice placeto park your house.
[loud rock music] [loud music] no, no. [shouting] shut up! i'm not gonna--i'm not gonna hurt you! bozlovski.bozlovski.where is he? [shouting in russian] where is bozlovski?
i don't know whoyou're talking about! [shouts in russian] [lowers music] [amber shouting] i will kill you here ... and let you float away.i swear to god. please.please don't. where is he? i am begging you.i don't know.
bullshit.that is bullshit. paul, we brokeinto her place!okay? go back to the carand shut up! please. paul, let metalk to her! please. [groans] please, i don't know anything. you're a verylucky girl.
come. [talking in russian] you didn't reallyshow her picturesof your kids, did you? you know,they teach you a coupletricks at quantico. oh, quantico.good cop, bad cop. making a connection. oh! very nice. [talking in russian] i, uh, i know--i know this manyou're looking for.
okay? you-you canfollow me there. her brother. look, i take youto where bozlovski is. what's your name? leo. leo. leo, give meyour phone. give me your phone. there you go. now, leo, you didn't callanyone and tell themwe were coming, did you?
no. no, no.no, i swear. now, if anything goeswrong, leo, i'm puttingtwo bullets in her head... and i'm dumping herin the river. theni'm coming for you. okay. you're gonnashoot her inthe head? just makinga connection. okay. this isthe place. okay, bozlovski,he's in there. no, no , no. no, no, come on.
leo! hey. how manygirls you got? come on, tell me.five? ten? fifteen?talk to me. huh? two. all right. you get meto bozlovski... you keepyour business... and we never met.all right?
you. call for backup,or whatever they told youto do at quantico. you staythere by the door.you don't leave. go. he comes, too? no, no, he staysat the door.go on. perfect. because i was first in my class in door watching. i hear you've beenasking questionsabout me. you know my name. johann.
[door closes] coming inthrough mexico,smart. very smart. how do you know this?what agency are you with? they say youkilled a senator. they thinkyou're cassius. [whistles] uh-oh. what do you think? you think i'm stupidenough to call aheadfrom my own phone?
you think i givea damn what happensto some whore? yes. i've played cassius before. if they want meto be cassius,i become cassius. but you're not him. really? how can yoube so sure? because i'm cassius. [clap of thunder] [siren blaring]
[muffled voices] you were here? yes, sir. and i ranimmediately upstairs. [indistinct radio] [dialing] hey. ollie. come on.you did the work on themoussali capture, right? applied some liketheoretical geographyto his whereabouts? yeah, that's right.tracking a fugitive...
is essentially the samething as tracking anendangered species. you rule out the placesthey can't or won't go... until you havea reasonably fewplaces to look. you want inon this thing?come on. so, what is iti'm looking for? late in cassius' career, his murders were no longer just pro-soviet. he was killingrussians, too. and also english,polish, czech,you name it. when was this?
around 1988. it never madeany sense. i think i missedsomething here. why do you thinkyou missed something? you have somenew information? paul shepherdson. he's been at the companyfor like 25 years! yeah, i know, man.that's why i needyou on this. okay? i've been overthis shit likea thousand times...
to the pointat which i always seethe exact same thing. find something different. okay. yeah, sure. i-- but if you're right,i mean, that meansthe entire time... he's beenhunting himself? so, he killedthe senator? if we're rightabout this, yeah. i've got a questionabout a file here. it's blueand it's got a noteattached that says...
"too many questions.not cassius." uh, no.that one'sa hoax. it's like a crudecopycat murder. okay, cool.i'll exclude it. [squeaking] i'm gonnarun for coffee.want something? oh, no.i'm fine,thank you. [door opens] [soft music]
ooh. jesus! paul! hi!thank you! you needto be careful. yeah.oh, let me-- stay up there.[clears throat] i want you to tellyour husband to askoff this case. have him say thatit's just too muchfor him, for his family. what-whateverhe has to say,just get him out.
paul, what do youexpect me to do? you know, i told you.i can't watch overhim anymore. he's getting very closeto a dangerous man. he won'tlisten to me. he won't listento anything i haveto say, so-- he's gonnadie, natalie! do you hear me now? cassius hastaken out men... much moreexperienced than ben.
he doesn't givea damn about you,about your family. he will killyour husband. like snappinghis fingers. and he willfeel nothing. i pieced together the photos of every murder and i laid them out chronologically. oh, that red lineright there indicates... where his killingbecame erratic andinexplicable. so, all you've gotta dois set up a null hypothesisand try and prove it. and when you can't prove it,that means your originalhypothesis must be true.
wait, wait. take some fact. you said you believecassius returns to thescene of the crimes. and you've got photosof every murder. so set up a hypothesisof, say, stephen hawkingis cassius... which gives you a nullhypothesis of stephen hawkingis not cassius. so, go through the photosand try and prove the null... that rolling thunderis not cassius. if you can, that means yourhypothesis is incorrect.if you can't ...
then depending onyour "p" value of course... you've statisticallyproven your hypothesismust be true. or thatstephen hawkingis cassius. some of us didn't sleepour way through logic andstats at harvard. damn, this coffeereally works. i'll be right back. jesus christ. [whispers]hey. hey.
hey. come here,big guy. he misses his daddy. sweetie, what is it? no, just, you knowhow much i care aboutyou guys, right? oh, god.yeah. i do. i just-- i-i just came hometo tell you i've gotto pull an all-nighter. it's all gonnabe over soon. ben.
you know,paul told me-- paul?when were youtalking to paul? well, he came by the storetoday and he told me howdangerous this all is. honey. don't listento a word that thatguy says, okay? he's just an old manwho thinks that the waris still cold. trust me.this is allgonna be over soon. you promise? yeah. but i-igotta go. natalie?
it's-- never mind. i dug deeper intobozlovski's lifelike you asked. the guy's nothingbut a killing machine.anywhere. anytime. he's used every singleweapon you can think of... from an m-24from 800 metersto a rusty nail. where was hejune 1988? we had him flying intogeneva as an irishmannamed ted o'leary. he was therefor four days. where are you?
holy shit. bozlovski? hm. oh, my god. bozlovski killedyour family. so, all this time ... you were lookingfor revenge. where are you? you got my message on your windshield.
i know the truth. you've been lookingfor cassius a longtime, haven't you? yeah. and nowi've found him. it would seem so. where ispaul shepherdson? hey! you wanna keep yourbusiness your business? or do you want every fedin the district down hereup your ass? so, goddammit,where is he? good to go.
all right,open it up! what happened? open the gate! open the goddamn gate! now! [gunshots] how did imiss it, paul? how did i miss it? the entire time,cassius was rightnext to me! put the gundown, geary! what? i'm supposedto trust you now?
yeah. let's talkabout trust. five down!cassius. seventy across.yepatb! eliminated. thirty-two down.bolxoh. exit. this is 30-year-oldsoviet code. so, how old were you when-when your family came over here? what were you,about ten? ten?
you never hada choice, did you? so then youwrote a thesis thatcouldn't be ignored. the fbi came after you.they signed you up. you even started a family.you started a real family! to make it stick. you've been a doubleyour whole life. you cut the senator'sneck because you knewyou were the expert... who could convincethe americans it wascassius who did it. an investigationwould flush cassius out.
my orders areto kill you... and returnto moscow. my planeleaves tonight. alone? then that's allyou'll ever be. cassius isgetting away. hey, listen to me. he's wounded.he's cornered. he's not gonna talk.he's not gonna play fair.
he's not gonnabe taken alive. right. geary! come on. paul? fuck. go home. [whispers]you go-- check cassius' watch.
pull the knob. that's how he did it. explains the cut pattern. bozlovski's the onewith the slit throat. i heard a shot. and when i turned around,i saw paul going down. but not before he'dgotten cassius' ownwire around his neck. cassius shot paul? the ballisticswill prove it.
but not before paulfinally got his man. well done,agent geary. you might wannacheck on that ship. cassius was herefor a reason. (bell) what's this? these came offthe boat, sir. ben! tell me something. would youever considerworking for us?
(man) excuse me, sir? think about it. [alex lifeson singsdon't look back]