hello everyone, in this tutorial, i'll teach you how to quickly and easily recover your character from another 2.4.3 server. the tutorial is in 3 parts, 1. realmlist change 2. usage of the character recovery program 3. recover in game, on phoenix. step 1 : realmlist change go to your wow folder,
and open your realmlist.wtf file, using notepad or any other text editor. first, add # at the beginning of each lines, then add the 3 lines available in the description of the video. the first row corresponds to that required for operating the character recovery program. for world of warcraft, sharp (#) allows to cancel a line, when you launch the game, this line will not be read by wow.
check that the single line without a sharp is: set realmlist localhost then save the file. step 2: using the character recovery program. get the archive available in the description of the video or on our website. and unzip the archive into a folder. run our program, there is nothing to install. then select your base server, in this case : phoenix test
your login and your password. all information is encrypted and is not stored. then you connect to your base server. for practical reasons i suggest you to put your game in windowed mode. once logged into the game, do a /played in the character recovery program, enter your username and password for phoenix. and launch the recovery.
your character is now recovered you can close the program and normally you will be disconnected from the server. then you can log on to phoenix. you must re-edit your realmlist delete the line: set realmlist localhost and remove the sharps in front of the other lines. save and close the file. step 3 : recover in game on phoenix.
once your realmlist is changed, log on to phoenix. you can see that your character has been recovered. you must rename it before logging in. you can disable your addons for a faster connection. once in game, your equipment is sent by mail. get your bags first to get all your stuff. then, make sure to change your hearthstone currently, it takes you back to the starting areas. now you have recovered quickly and easily.
thank you for following this tutorial and enjoy playing on phoenix.