dear patrons of art, severalactors, technicians, producers... ...are encouraged and blessed by you. this humble movieis dedicated to you. the story and characters in this movie are directly seen and felt by me. this movie is a mirror opened in front of the society. with the next bell the movie is about to start. will introduce the behindscreen technicians. lyricist - anil panachooran.music - rateesh krishna. editing -abilash viswanath. scene set by - anil kumbazha.
cinematography - arun krishna.producer - riyas padivattom.. e.a basheer.ajith binoy. direction - madhu thathampalli. in the hectic journey of life. certain lives of people that are on the verge of life and death. here they are... in my hands its the award for the best film director of this year. what to this person? is this not what you said in your mind? not to me! it was received to my buddy, this is my dear buddy.
after receiving this and coming out, felt like as if conquered this world. none of you might have met buddy, neither might have seen the movie. because movie was exhibited for two days that too only in 6 theaters. i've never seen buddy being emotional like that, but on that day. there would be somerelief if it had run for a week. i've told at that time itself, twosongs, two stunts, bit of 'piece'! he is pissed off, as othermatters didn't take place. did you say anything?i've only told will do a good movie. good movie and thenwhat did it happen?
are you satisfied when my money was busted? get out from my sight. buddy is educatedin dramas and all. before commencing the movie what the producer has said. i've also mentioned the same topic. when coming to a movie it has got some ingredients like song, fight. comedy, totally it has to be colorful is it not? sharath, it is not a mere movie,the characters on this paper... ...they still have the life.
did you see this shadow can you make this colorful? this is the truth, theseshadows are my characters. over there in your mind, it won'tbe having fantasy colors of movie. so all this had happened, is it?good night. all though read once, onthat day i've read it again. what was written had that much of truth in it. the characters in it arestill now before my eyes! alina, sudhakaran,prathapa varma, sainaba. however it has reached onlyfew days on coming to assist.
but i've a life time relationship with buddy. my mother! don't stop the child pranked! my goodness, uncle did you get scared? what is this man? it is not getting scared, just my show off! understood.will i be scared like that? chinju, say sorry to uncle. no need of that. uncle didn't get scared and all.
just a sort of acting.yea, understood. when my mummy gets angry, daddy is the one who gets scared like this. i've got toffies with me,uncle do you want that? chinju, remain quiet don't disturb. after collecting the award without going home, where is this journey to? if you have arranged anyother celebrations i'm ready. we are going to meet our characters, alive. when buddy says variousthings, like a flash back... ...in a movie it was reeling through my mind.
'our dear leaderthe winner in the heart' 'can give the blood, sweatthe winner in the heart' our dearest leader whois liked by all of us... ...prathapa varma sir has reached now. to inaugurate the assistance money. respectfully welcomes prathapa varma sir. okay son. mother is very happy.be well. you may go. respected people. on seeing this poor peoplemy mind gets scattered.
a kerala which is freefrom poor people. that is my dream. we will pay off the rent,please don't evict us. move back!where will we go? move back, i say! you cruel! the thunder boltwill stike on your head! to fall on this head, even thethunder bolt is scared, you lady! when you collect money i'm godwhen asking it back i'm devil, is it? while you bring the moneywill return the key.
sainaba! hey girl.what is it umma (mother)? this is some chicken biriyani. it wasramla's third child's circumcision. sainaba.coming mother. you come inside and sit. it has been few days since your daughter in law has left, is it not? is there any issues suhura?i'm really fed up. let her stay there for few days only then will learn. is sainu consulted by doctor? in my family no one has given birth less than five.
even my daughters are possedwith children and grand children... ...filling the entire courtyard. the way she behaves. it will seem like the entire fault is on my son jabbar. here, its brought by suhura.ramla's third child's circumcision. sainu, you don't get upset pray to god. even otherwise there are otherseveral solutions, is it not suhura? look at this, is this girl more beautiful than sainu? has got lot of wealth and property.to whom is it elder sister?
for my jabbar only. don't tell this to anyone outside. my son jabbar is still healthy to wed not one but nine! will jabbar accept this?a good question. he hates this seeingthis worth less one. such a cheating is done byher and her family members to him. still two lakhs of moneyis pending to receive. if one more lady comes,if she leaves, let her leave. after leaving do they have ability to feed and survive decently?
'they will love their child more, than this child, no?' 'will blast this bomb, only then it will be gone' 'ayamma, don't feel bad on saying' 'i've told gopalan that will tell the matter in the first place' 'since he said that was notrequired that is why i didn't tell that' 'as it is delayed this much if the truth is not revealed, that's also wrong' 'what are you coming to?' hallo ananthu. hallo. i'm at down stairs you open the door of that room.
no, brother's wife has not slept.when the 10 o'clock's serial ends. only after that she will sleep. i'll call after that. okay, i'll wait. 'papa will you take me?''no son, that's not going to happen.' get down carefully daughter.get down daughter. slowly. daughter, nothing is there. what is it? what happened? keep the eyes open, daughter.
this eyes. you sit in the vehicle. sudhakara, at the earliest musttransplant daughter's kidney. or else it may result in a problem.how much i try, this much money..no. doctor, will i lose my daughter?you speak to charity institutions. they will do some help, i'll give the medical certificate. then give one ad in newspaper. sudhakara, don't worry god is watching everything. alina!
hallo brother.alina, you turn on the net. okay husband. today it got delayed to finish the work. are you going to sleep?no. i was about to sleep. this time i'll be coming by canceling.on coming to native place. with your gold and my saving... we can start some business. okay husband.alina! severe head ache. can talk tomorrow. good night.
annanthu, what a bigmistake i'm doing. i can't cheat like this you shouldtake me at the earliest. that innocent man who strived overthere and made those ornaments. which i gave you. we will bring it back and then we can go. otherwise even thegod won't pardon me. next week we'll go, is it enough? before that i'll take out that gold,then its a world of our own. sudhakara have you fixedthe date of daughter's operation? no. after the coming16th it'll be decided.
where are you going now? for the operation expenselot of money is needed, no? running to arrange that. what a fate of that child? be bold sudhakara. god will never neglect creative people. she was last year's 'kalathilakam' (most talented genius) this year also ourexpectation is on her. any how a person has come to donate the kidney willingly, is it? that itself is your luck.that person is like god to me.
and that newspaper report whichis shown to me, towards the tutor... ...that gratitude i'll never forget in life. shit !! this car isgiving me trouble.. i buy this second handcar because of you usually cars bought fromantony have good life this may be a startingtrouble. let me have a look. i shed a lot ofsweat to buy this car don't get tensed brother. this things has to bedone in a certain way
-let me show it.- ohh then show it now. get away. shit! you are the one who told him to go that guy have a fraud look does he give you commission?you too have a fraud look for riding a car or a girl , we need acertain skill else other people will ride it. - then you drive it.- come get in - get in fast.- ok. keep your eyes on the road man.
i'm driving straight. hit the brake where is the brake? it's not stoping man looks like heis goingto destroy this car hit the brake man - where are you taking us- i can't control it 130... 135... 160.. 180... 10... stop counting even if it is lessyou can increase it later right?
this antony don't compromise inmatters related to money sister. sister? after use everyoneis sisters for me, sister. you can take thisincluding this bag. oh why don't you give note insteadof coins? now i have to carry this there is a guy there who stolecoins. once he stole rs7 for a tea . that's a big lose for you count it in peace sister.it will be correct. - how is it? - what?
- the thing i give you-you naughty hello. what happened? what are you talkingman? ok i will be there. i got anothervehicle to fix. ok. where is he ? he gavethis vehicle to kill us. what happened? what should happenmore than this? did you think you can dumb thisshit vehicle on me? it won't start anddoesn't have brake.
that's sad .what should we do now? there is nothing to be done.i need my money back. i don't need this shit vehicle. you fix the dealafter testing right? this deal is over! antony and this car don'thave any relation. are you tring to fool me? we have another solution. stop talking
you should give my money back what if i don't? give me my moneyyou son of a dog. kids, antony is like a cracker if i burst it will be like firework at thrissur festival. so do we have to do this? leave it brother hedoesn't know you. you can price your car.if it's good i will buy - i need 2.5 lakh- for this shitty car?
i will give you 50k.think about about it. if you don't have moneyi can fix you a deal. what deal? if you give me your kidneyi will give you rs 5 lakh. antony is a business man. when you havetime visit my shop. this car trade is just a cover.ok... yea sainu, today i'm takingyou and going for a movie. one chicken biriyani from the hotel.i've also purchased a new sari also.
okay then. “on the days of dreamthe mind became a singing bird†“as you are near as a lover andsupport rain of ishal(life) showers†“words became as cool as tender coconuts†“as you are near as a lover and support†“like the honey waves move......those sweet voiceâ€" “when the snow drops fell on the chest.fully chilled thought of warmth†“the waves of moon lightthis night is created for you†“as you are near asa lover and supportâ€
“on these paths..who has showered the flowers?†“on these paths...who has showered the flowers?†“came near meremoved my shyness†“the beautiful handstossed me on the swinger†“the swans flutteredwings in the heart†“as you are near as a lover and support" what sainaba, all this is not routine.you also said which isn't routine. after the marriage it isfor the first time, is it? that is, anyone will get angry, no?
rupees two lakhs includingthe money and gold. as debt your father told during the marriage. to prove that not bearing child is not my problem. when thinking of marrying one more, you won't allow that also. then won't i get angry, my sainu? again i will not say anything like that. you are my sainu baby, no? here.what? did you like it? then go. make it fastor else will be late for movie.
i'm seeing your beauty now only. after the marriage on seeing you it was two lakhs of rupees in my mind. what? now i don't want that money.i must say that on seeing your father. my god, what i'm seeing is dream. if you delay further, can't see the movie, come fast. wait, wait!where to old lady? do you take only your wife for movie? that's not possible. i'm also there to watch movie, come. you come.
no need to catch my hand all.old lady wait. like that don't take only yourwife alone that's not possible. leave me fellow. right age for mother to watch movie. get down old lady come here. come.what witchcraft have done on my son? he is a son who doesn'tcall mother complete. ekka! no need ekka, let mother alsocome. tell like that to this devil. come here, i say. come.no need ekka.
leave my hand, sisters,beating and killing me. today i'll push herto abyss and kill her. she is making husband to do this. my god. come here, let me say, come. come here. listen to what i'm saying. my daughter, suddenly i became angry. my daughter, go happily and come, okay.
hey fellow, you must take care and take my daughter, okay. you don't stare like this, get in daughter. look, daughter watch themovie and tell its story to mother. get in.get in my dear. what are you looking? get into the house fellow. no mother.he wants to drive the vehicle, no? mother will go and come.bye. we must not live like this. the house must beconverted to terrace.
should buy two more autos. for the both i'll put the name beautiful sainaba. for all that should require money, no? where to get this much money? for all that i've found a way, sainu. not only that i had booked a new auto also. you look straightand drive the vehicle. i had given lot of time to you. without paying interest and capital your vehicle won't run again basura. tell your children that its prathap varma who is taking the key.
prathapan sir when the trip is canceled there will be big loss. by today night i'll send your money. if not do whatever you want. if you don't bring within night. i'll be coming in a manner. sainu, you get down. whom is it to meet, over here?not to see, to consult. whom to consult?you only. me? for what? i've no problem.
all that is there sainaba. don't we have to live decently? don't we have to buy vehicle which is booked? for that money is required i won't buy money... ...which is due from your father. then this is the brain to make money. look, for one kidney will get rupees five lakhs. kidney? whose kidney?yours only. only one is required then why not sell the other one?
after some time will sell mine also. you don't get scared on this. now to know the group a small test.that's all. you walk my sainu. come sainu. after this i'm going tobuy a good chicken biriyani. then also one movie. hello, is it antony sir? sir i'm jabbar. on 16th when we come to hotel at trichur. sir, can we get any advance? jabbar, for the advance there is no provision.
do one thing friend. you come here on 16 th and we will directly discuss the matters. then okay. hey pig! clean properly. sir, can't stop saying. in between this performance ofsir is there, no? just rocking! like the movie 'devasuram' it is really as 'mangalasseri neelakandan' sir truly. sir it is our luck to be with you.
sir, is our god. what is it sir? what happened? no, a small pain. take the vehicle fast to the hospital. will go through this way. what is it?what is it doctor? this type of pain hasit occurred before? yes doctor. when the pain intensifies,will take two pain killers.
fainting?fainting... some times. both of your two kidneysare completely a failure. worry not. the kidney transplantation can bedone. must take immediate actions. can start other treatments also. while transplanting kidney will everything become all right? surely. try to find a person whois ready to donate the kidney.
one person! how much people you want sir? hey man! tell the matter to our guys. and test the blood group. fast. okay sir. doctor says, prathapan sir'skidney should be transplanted. one among youmust donate kidney. do one thing each oneof you test your group. have called the lab and said.
where are they all?they all have gone to test blood group. i'll...you call fast and see. everyone has switched off sir.switched off? yes. then you go and test it. go fast man. sir. what is it? came regarding mydaughter's tc's matter. yea, you sit there.
for the poor people's marriage,needs the photo of people eating food. what is there on this? the menwith suit and ladies wearing gold. the food given by us to orphans, this photo should... ...be send as a proof for it. the fund should come from outside, no? okay, you may go.okay sir. yea, come man. sit. come on tell.
for my daughter's kidney operation came in need of some help. what are you doing? i'm a creative person, a drama artist.a desperate creative person, is it? my daughter's life is in the hands of few kind hearted people like you. medical certificate, child's photo and then application. yea, everything is there. here. everything is there. you don't worry, i'll get you one lakh rupees from the trust.
but i'll take 75,000 if it is okay can sit. or.. hey fellow, two tea. "the search goes on" “at a distance†“is life a flame of ember†“whatever that is seen beforethe eyes will fade out like a lightening†“is all the zodiac signs with bad omen?†“the dusk’s were adorned with ashesâ€
“the verses that brought tear drops murmured silence†“the flow of desire is the sorrow of soul†“has it been adorned as arrows?†"who is there to feedand care for you?" “before ending the singing ofthematic line, here comes†“has the tune got completely scattered?†"before finishing theplay of lute, here comes" “has the strings of lute got completely scattered?†"who is there to feedand take care of you"
"the search goes onat a distance" “are all the zodiac signs with bad omen?†“at a distanceis life a flame of ember†daughter!what is it? who is it at this time? let me check. its me, antony. asked for a b +vekidney, no? it is ready okay. very much thankful. morning itself i'll come there. don't come here tomorrow, i'll call you and tell when to come.
then the rate is 15 lakh rupees.rs. 15 lakhs? god. rs. 15 lakhs? sir, we are poor people even if i work for this entire life... ...can't make this much money. what i told is thelowest rate in the market. while talking the sentiments it won't get worked out over here. on the coming 16th come to the hotel malabar kitchen at mg road. we can fix the deal over there.
sentiments that too with me. owner shall i go?why can't you sleep here? why do you want togo home at mid night? owner that is not needed while waking from sleep, kidney won't be there. so don't you trust me?to tell the truth that is not there. why fellow a conning laugh?if christ was alive. owner would have taken the christ's kidney and sold it! that is the fun, it is the same christ who told if you have two, give one. my christ, make this devil to understand.
look you must beat the shop only okay. don't go to lure girls, okay.no. then should wash the entire cars. okay then you go.okay then. achayo, it has beenquite a time since seen. why is the business dull? as long as there is poverty in our native place... ...there won't be anyproblem with business. then to get rid of hurdles, it will take some time.
while putting money as a bait on the fishing pole... ...men are ready to sell not only kidney, but anything. however there is a difficulty in doing the business. but there is a limit in our money making bearing the smoke and fire. for this is there any limit? what man are you fine?going on like that. on coming 16th some of our customers are coming. all right.okay then you go. so as usual all those who are coming antony special biriyani.
just serve that one. i'll call and tell how many people will be there. then the next meeting is on 16th. today is the dayof expunging a spirit. when are you coming? i'm going to start. to start? we can continue like this. in your husband's absence a set up instead of him. while living together will it have the pleasure of stealing and eating, dear? then gold, that you take it as a tip for making you happy daily. again, i'll come.
six pack and handsome can't you try that? let any wealthy beautifulgirl come and enter. alina, next month i'll come what do you want? alina, alina!hallo! how much is that?last week it was rs.50. rs 50?today only price went up. calling on seeing the ad in the paper which says ready to deliver kidney. hey man, i'm agent antony. yes, these numbers which is seen on the paper.
it is just a gimmick of we agents. which is the group? it is o +ve. need it urgently.hey man what are you saying? to give that fast its not apple or orange. friend there are lot of rules for that. first business. then will tell about the rules. what is the job? finance is there andalong with it bit of politics. sir, you don't worry will arrange it fast. then the rate is 20 lakhs of rupees.
sir, money is not aproblem at all. please. then kidney is also no problem, okay. do one thing, come here on 16th will deal the rest. at mg road cometo hotel malabar kitchen. brother what is the rate of apple? rs. 200.what a price, man? the saying is eatapple and avoid doctor. better than this doctor will do. come, come, sit.
again when is the next settlement? on this month 16th i've organized a meeting. our dixon had called from u.k. had asked about you, dixon says still now... ...antony has not understood thepotentional of international market. doctor, what are you saying? for how many people has to paythe commission? i've the entire risk. and what is obtained? i'm alina.look you are in need of money.
as there is no other way that iswhy everyone is selling the kidney. but still you are a girl, no? i can't take the risk. if husband is alive, one sign of husband. then either father or motherand there are many formalities. okay. my sister please call when everything is ready. i'm little busy okay. business is flourishing.had put an ad in all the newspapers. just like a spider spreads the web will sit like that. then will fall in it, poor people.
then customer's happiness is our happiness. father and mother to sign is ready okay. then the operation will be very much secret. from the money which is received, one lakh of rupees will be gone like that. if this condition is ready, come to the malabar kitchen at mg road, on 16th. more details can bediscussed directly when we meet. you cruel! the thunder bolt will strike on your head. then what about ananthu? i didn't know when he become detached from the family.
by the time i came to know that. he had become a mistake which is hard to correct! sharath, i'm not a film maker, i don't know whether i'll do one more film. film is not only an entertainer, it can make the society realized. it is also a strong media. ananthu!which is this bike? mother! that is younger brother's bike it is a new one. from where did you get the money to buy the bike?
that is, friends helped.some money is taken as loan. why are you always angry with him?that is because elder brother is jealous. which is this mobile? that is purchased by younger brother. give that here. that is purchased by ananthu, now a days all kids have mobile, no? when the child is matured to use this, elder brother will buy it for you. mother look at this? ananthu!
riyadh, had called me told me that for past few days... ...you are not going to the company. to get rs. 6,500 will have to struggle in and out, for a month. the money which is obtained from there for a period of 10 months. within 10 days i can make it.how? brother, do you want any money? younger brother, i want it. is it enough?thanks younger brother. younger brother, can you drop me at college? why not?
okay brother, i'm leaving. mother didn't you ask him whereis getting this much money? why is he a little kid? he issmart to make money. my sweet one, give one kiss. i'll give now okay. which is the dressthat you are wearing now? tight jeans and t shirt. i wish to see you.go man. dear one, just tell where you are, i'll come there, please dear.
what man? have you started now itself? okay dear, daddy has come, i'll call later. has she send the video?yes, do you want to see it? kindly send it to me. son, don't play with thatonce it comes on you tube. it very difficult to bail out from that. this is her. that old case, alina. from where didshe get this number? i'm alina, must return my ornaments.
i'll pay the money for that. alina, pardon me. all these days i was cursing myself,thinking on the mistake i did to you. stop it, you dog! i haven't called to reaffirmthe love towards you! for cheating an innocent person,even now that pain is there in my heart. for god's sake, kindlyreturn that ornaments. alina, i know you won't believe me. since i don't have money with me.
if you give the money,then what is the problem? then immediatelymust pay its interest. kindly again you shouldn't cheat me. friends, did you see theway the money comes? the gold and all, long back i've soldit and has collected the money. when the husband issweating in the desert. what sentiments to these ladies,who goes in search of pleasure? once using maximum... here, throw it like this!
hello.i had called on that day. i'll give another number.can call on that one. then..one minute okay. the owner is coming will give. you cattle! several times i'vetold not to pick up my phone. if you once again pick up my mobile,you will really have to face it tough. hello who is it? missed it. that was a set up case. on that exact time that idiot came in.
my dear sister, there is noadvance cash payment dealing. when everything is okay willpay the entire promised amount. my saint that fellow isheading for death! doesn't matter daughter! son!mother, did you see him? told, can't see him now. what had happened?it was an accident. its head injury. let me go and see thedoctor, don't worry mother. nothing will happen.son.
brother. mother. doctor, i'm the brother of the patientwho is brought after an accident... ...little while ago. what is his name?ananthu! he was using drugs, no? drugs?doctor, why did you ask like that? while driving the vehiclehe had used drugs. now he is in the ventilator.
we are trying our best. pray to god. anyway inform everyonewho is to be informed. the chance is very less. i've just told. above all science thereis a science called god. go. my friend here god is notthe one who decides matters. so, because of that prathapan sir, you arrange the cash.
o +ve kidney is ready. then should consult the hospitaland the doctor whom i suggest. while coming on 16th that suitcase. this guy is always busy. might be a big business. hey you sainaba!coming. we'll go on 16th if you say this andthat on reaching there, i'll kill you. you must say take my kidney. you are fully okay in it. i'm scared. why can't you giveekka's? if you are greedy on money. i'll just..
if i spit three times andsay divorce, you are at your home. remember that! i can collect dowry and marry again. you wait and see i'll die. then in that case i cansell both your kidneys, sainu. what you say? hell with it!again busy. hallo..hallo..hallo!really busy. friend, there is no use of callinglike this, is the asked cash ready?
we don't have thismuch money with us. at least on thinkingabout a child's life. my dear friend, youcontact with others. then sometimes may get it for free. you can take my kidney. and in exchange can you give one kidney in my daughter's group? that is logic. your kidney and rupees five lakhs, what you say? is it okay? agreed, i'll come.on 16th.
brother! this is anandhu's mobile. brother, we'll go and come. was he using drugs?daughter! don't know.what about you? brother why did you ask like that? has asked not to end life in some hospital's corridor. you people may go. a big mistake which should never happen to any lady.
in the scorching heat,who works for me. an innocent person who doesn't know anything. whom i cheated. the gold which i gave to ananthu is the hard work of my husband. as a penance should return the gold to me. for me..i don't wish to live. i'm going to sell my kidney.what? for what?i'll come with that money. some how must help meto take back the ornaments. what are you talking?
that person told to come to malabar hotel at trichur on 16th. who? agent antony. in this perishable life, what we can do is, one of the greatest... ...blessed task, is organ donation. to the patients who comes in front of me with the fear of death. to return back to life, only our kindness is required. on donating own kidney. there are examples of lovers of people. before us.
on this function i extend my gratitude in my mind, towards them. however to destroythis love towards people. there is a big group ofbusiness men among us. what they are aiming is our poverty. by exploiting poverty they are enticing us. then for a whooping amount they will re-sell it. to abolish this business our rules are insufficient. a strong formation of laws are inevitable for this. for a person who doesn'tdo any physical misdeeds.
to finish living one life time.one kidney is enough. in our society to support a human being's life, let us be able to do that. what is it?i want to talk to sir personally. then come to office today evening. will talk over there. what is his name? antony, agent antony. i know him. enticing the poor people. he is a criminal who exploits. once he has been caught by police.
as he has got contactswith big wigs. and as there is nocomplaints. he escaped. sir, aren't there anylaws to curb this? the truth is there are no strong laws! the middle men like antony,everyone is depending on him. to sustain life, all will be ready to pay the money which is told by them. poor people, those who don't have money without any one's notice... should react sir! many a times revolutionary people are born from the helplessness of men.
but that has got the life span of few minutes. when everyone thinks of the own life's protection. will become selfish.no sir. it is fate which has takenme so far. without my knowledge. antony had come to meet me also. gave lot of promises also. the poor people whoare enticed and brought. to exploit, the prizes to support that. from the poor people to conduct the dialysis.
i know doctors who demands rs.150 as commission. must conduct the test and dialysis in the places which they recommend. at certain times iwished i could explode. we'll try to stop this. must do it. this is a big responsibility which canbe done for the goodness of society. i'm there with you. “in search of nest a singing bird that wanders at night†“by crossing the tides the ferry boatmoves to distance by itself†“in the hands of waveswhich searches the shores"
“it staggered in it†“who is the one waiting to be a protector for oneself?†“being alone what is it searching?†“by crossing the tides the ferry boat moves to distance by itself†“the warmth in the heartbecomes the lullaby†“you, the dear onefrom the times you bloomed†“my beloved..you are the dearest in my life†“for the thousand birthsyou are my own†“you are related to soulmy beloved, dear oneâ€
“my dear you are bliss for eyes you are golden shower tree “ "you are the nectaryou are the blessing" “by crossing the tides the ferryboat moves to distance by itself†“who is singing one love song?†“who is coming near from a distance?†“mistakes, you may come after negotiations†“is it on the paper,the world continues†“like a cursed storybeing registered in memories†“a sorrow becomes a memoryagain the journey continuesâ€
“as a tune it becomes the music†“in search of nest a singingbird that wanders at night†“in the hands of waveswhich searches the shores†what do you want?one tea. yea, you came. don't forget me okay. is that to be mentioned? first of all let me go there? are they all happy on eating biriyani?they are all happy. that will do.
buddy all are happy, no? sir all are seated and served with biriyani, as usual. thank you sir.that's it. you?sudhakaran. are you antony sir?yes. what is this, haveyou not eaten this? not hungry even after saying no need, he kept it here and went. this is free for my happiness. have you brought the cash?yes, has brought it.
the operation is fixed next week the doctor says it is already late. then take out that 10 lakhs which is brought. what? 10 lakhs? you said five, no? and then my kidney. what five? i've not told like that. from 10 lakhs won't reduce a penny. don't say like that. i'll catch your leg. don't cheat by trusting you only i sat. don't play with the life of my daughter.
my friend. in this hotel sitting on this chair several people had cried like this. on hearing all this, antony felt like just laughing. when the rs. 10 lakhs gets ready.call me at that time. okay, eat biriyani and think. i'll be on the other side. sainaba, why are you just looking?no need to pay money for this. eat! eat like that, how is the biriyani? swallow and after that tell. no hurry.
why not eating? delay no further.take the paper which is brought. this is from the village. this is her acceptance letter. jabbar again there are some paper works. the rest i'll manage. then sir should increase the money. because there is an urgency on money that is why. jabbar from the money which issaid, won't give a penny more.
why? antony sir it is okay to me.is it not sainaba? okay everything as discussed. jabbar, eat well okay. i'll come now. sainaba, why you are not happy?you eat the biriyani. you eat it.okay i'll eat. what is this? not eaten biriyani? you are beautiful, okay.i've got other set up.
if you cooperate can make good money. so the things are asper what we discussed. in the hospital which i suggest should consult the doctor told by me. do you know what this is? this is your approval letter showing this is with your consent. then for you only i'm sacrificing this much. but what is the benefit for me?for you? i know there is a big profit for you. that is profit which i'll get on selling anyone's kidney.
but this is benefit. do only after thinking okay. for one time i want you. i'm not a lady of that nature. what are you saying? without the knowledge of own husband and family members. you came to sell kidney, then are you a neat lady? you think really well. at any cost do not allow him to leave?
no doctor. he has called lot of people here. okay, i'll reach there immediately. i'm antony. sit. okay tell. everything is okay. i've consulted the doctor. be bold. everything will go well.i've prayed candles for the saint. don't feel bad, let me count.
the operation is fixed by first week of next month. one minute, don't interfere, let me count this one. sir, all its share must be given to top people. should treat me in a special way, okay. one minute let meanswer the phone. one informer is there,so escape from there fast. okay sir, everything as discussed. i'll call you. please don't leave me.
i've only one word, youcome ready with 10 lakhs. on believing what you said. i've come after fixing theoperation of my daughter. the doctor hastold it is really delayed. don't leave me, i'll catch your leg. my daughter.you go man. stop man! i won't leave you.leave me! if anything happens to mydaughter, i'll kill you. you won't go out from hereunless the police reaches here.
so you are the informer, no? you don't know me, man. i'll kill without anyone knowing. sir, you run and escape. leave man. he is the one.sir he is antony. leave i say. come here man. sir, don't leave him. he playedwith my daughter's life.
walk man. at the time of arrest antony had rs. 10 lakhs in his hand. under the cover ofbig hotel at trichur. antony was conductingkidney business. what shocks the people, on the organ trading business. the antony who is arrestedis the main culprit behind this. lot of people has reached at the hotel who are the of victims of cheating. in this gang its believed thatmany well known are involved. for some time this gang wasunder the surveillance of police.
to trap this gang those who helped were dr.iqbal and mohanan. police doubts that antony has got international contacts. antony is a part of this vast kidney scam racket. while negotiating price withcustomers only police caught him. including doctors a big racket is playing for this gang. ananthu is serious told to come fast. going to shift from the ventilator. brain death has happened. son!
we are ready to donate ananthan's organs. ananthu is not i.v drug addict. he has started only taking oral drugs. because of that ananthu'sorgans can be donated. doctor, this is not donation alone. my brother has traveled through lot of mistakes. through him if somepeople can return to life. my belief is that hissoul will rest in peace. good.
for all the mistakes done in a life time. the biggest repentance is... ...to protect another life. i'll do the necessary steps for that, worry not. we are not the ones who should surrender to death. we should out live the death. that is what organdonation is. when we die. a new human being is born. once again i went to that hospital.to see that poor man's daughter.
to gift her with a toy. my beloved daughter! my daughter! without creating much trouble, my daughter has left! i couldn't save my daughter. daughter! for breaking the doll, uncle told will buy a new doll instead. uncle was fooling me today also is it not? i won't talk.
what did you think man? thati'll be jailed for the entire life, is it? hey man, look here. we are doing business of crores,if people like him emerge again. we will incur huge loss, my friend. so friend as a miss call to others, going to delete you. did you understand? going to finish you! then shall we start? hey man leave. hey you!
we are the people who are deciding the things over here. did you hear son of a dog? police, escape! did you hear, son of a dog? we once again went to that hotel. no problem if it is any group. minimum without 20 lakhs. the thing will not take place. negotiating the prices and organ sale racket still goes on today. against the organ sale racket. tocommence the groups of human love.
if my movie becomesan awakening song. my humble effort is fulfilled. do you want to know the present condition of my characters? alina. when she openly told everything and repented. the husband who loves thefamily very much. pardoned her. now they have a child also. a happy family life. as sainaba, recognized thefreedom women has got in islam. divorced jabbar no in other words did 'rasak'. the tailoring unit which she started later it grew into a readymade shop.
jabbar often goes throughthis way. look will also horn like this! but sainaba never attended to it. (song in praise of lord ganapathy) the so called prathapa varma, a merciless political leader. now he is on spiritual path... ...by accepting the kidney from prathapa varma's close relative. surrendering everything to god.spiritual journeys. this scene reallytormented the mind. with a scattered life, a father with the memories of daughter.
trying to forget everythingon alcohol. getting failures. like that each daysudhakaran lives on and on. “...mix with the red curryand have it before death†“on the crying babiespluck the kidney†“can fry it in the mustard oilof love towards children†“boils in the womb, a fetusa side dish made of that†“will be served for the first time, for the last guest†“the maiden child's brain shall beserved in plantain leaf as last supper†for the sins done to do the penance antony also got a chance.
as the destiny of fate. the kidney of antony extended the life of this child, chinju. daughter shall i go? along with charity workalso as a source of income. at present antony depends on this job. beyond all the castes and creeds, a society which tells.. ..i'm there for you friend. for the fellow being sharing the life, a strong love to human beings. for that we will join hands together.
we must be surrendered to death. we must conquer death. that is what is organ donation. when we die, a human being is born. “in the oozed blood, with thered curry and have it before death†'before death" "on the crying.." "..pluck the kidney†“...can fry it in the mustard oil..." “will be served for the first time for the last guest†"...for the last guest...â€