[machine running loudly] your daughter's here,mr. wynant. [machine continues whirring] mr. wynant. mr. wynant! [whirring stops] haven't you gotany more sense than to shoutat me like that? well, i'm sorry,but--
two weeks' workgone to nothing! get your things!get out! you're through!get out! get out! i'm going. good thingi'm going away. no peace.no quiet. everybodyinterrupting me. can i come in?did you tell him? i didn'tget a chance.
dad! why didn't somebodytell me you were here? i'm sorryto interrupt your work,darling, but this reallyis important. how are you? what,another young man? it's the same one. it's beenthe same one
for three months. forgive me.how are you? now take a good lookat him, dad. try to remember himbecause... he's going to beyour son-in-law. well! if it's all rightwith you, sir. and if it isn't? he's still going to beyour son-in-law.
you see how much we have to say. but, dad,this is really what i wantedto talk to you about. oh. do you mindif i look around? no. help yourself. oh, tom, show this--where are you going? home.i'm fired. who fired you? you did.
forget it.forget it! will you showthis gentleman around? yes, sir.this way, sir. thank you. dad, mother's planningon a big church wedding. yes, she would. i hate all that fuss, but i'll do iton one condition-- that you're there togive me away, darling.
what would your mothersay to that? it's my wedding,isn't it? yes, but wouldn't itbe embarrassing to have all of us there-- your mother, me,your stepfather? he can stay home. please, daddy,won't you? if you thinkit would be all right. now, wait a minute.when's it going to be?
i'm leaving town tonight. where are you going? that's a secret.i can't even tell you. i've got an important ideato work on. what?a new invention? yes. i don't want somebodyto steal it from me. we were planningon being married right after christmas. i'll be homebefore christmas.
is that a promise? that's a promisei won't forget. where's maccaulay?it's time i started. oh, how's your brother? oh, he's all right. i'd like to see him.why don't you bring him down? you know how it is. he's sort of undermother's thumb. yes, i know.i know.
you're not missing much.he's cuckoo. like all the rest of us? say, has this fellow-- has he seenthe whole family? yes, and he stillwants to marry me. he's a brave man. yes. [fiance] thanksa lot, old man. you certainly have aninteresting plant here.
i didn't knowthat you invented that smelting process,mr. wynant. this is the first metalthat came through. three kinds of ore--gold, silver, copper. well, isn't thatinteresting? daddy, does thatstill bother you? onlyin bad weather. it isn'tbad weather now. then you'd betterget home before it is.
good-bye, darling,and don't forget-- the 30th of december. good-bye, boy. good-bye. take good careof dorothy. show her thatthere is such a thing as a happy marriage. i'll do my best. is it all settled?
mm-hmm. grand! say, why didyour mother divorce him? i think he's swell. it seems he hasa secretary. oh! well, i'll domy own typing. ooh! dad'sa good barometer. here's a taxi. hello, mr. maccaulay. oh, how are you?here. get under this.
no, no.we're taking your cab. your fatherstill in there? yes. he'swaiting for you. did he tell youwhere he was going? wouldn't say. well, good-bye,miss wynant. here's your change,boss. you wouldn't drive slowly,so you don't get a tip. that's ok, sweetheart.i got it anyway.
oh, mr. wynant. hello there.did you get my money? i do wish you'd tell mewhere you're going. i'm not telling anyone. suppose some businessshould come up. that's just whyi'm going. there's 100, 200, 300-- oh, here.never mind. i wish you'd count it.there's $1,000 there.
i trust you. isn't there anything elsei can do for you? have you boughtyour ticket? no. let me do thatfor you. yeah,you might do that. you might get mea ticket for... no, you don't. thanks and good-bye.
what will i doif something comes up? settle it yourself. what have i gota lawyer for? is julia goingwith you? what if you needmore money? i've left instructionswith julia. she'll get it from you. you don't tell mea thing. i don't knowwhere you're going,
when you're coming back, or how to reach youif any business comes up! hello, tanner. my daughter's goingto be married, tanner. nice young man.she just brought him in. well, congratulations. i'm going to make hera wedding present. thought i'd better do itnow before i forget it. i can drop themon the way--
that's funny. where are those bonds? bonds, sir? i know i put themin there. maybe miss wolfhas them, sir. yes... maybe she has. [woman] joe, how doyou like yours? straight.
you women sure takea lot of punishment. [door opens] you're in the wrongplace, buddy. am i? what do you want? who is it, joe? that's whati want to know. we're just havinga little drink. yes, so i see.
well... see you later, joe. sorry. didn't know i wastalking to the boyfriend. [joe]so long. so long, joe. who's that man? he isn't anybody, just a fellowi used to know.
i thought you'd given upthat sort of friend. it's the first timei've seen him in years. i didn't want himto think i was high-hatting him. you know how i feelabout that sort of thing. don't worry.you won't see him again. tell me, did you changeyour mind about going? no. i just came backfor a second. i want to get those...bonds.
bonds? what bonds? the government bonds, the ones you tookfrom the office safe. oh, yes.you told me to sell thosea long time ago. i'd never tell youto sell those. i bought thosefor my daughter. but don't youremember--
now, see here, julia, you're counting too muchon my absent-mindedness. you've been taking a littlehere and there for some time without my sayinganything about it, but this is $50,000. do you realize you'reaccusing me of-- no one else had thecombination to that safe. you took them.what did you do with them? what if i did take them?
i'm sick and tiredof seeing you hand out thousands of dollarsto your family, supportinga gang of loafers that don't carea darn about you, a wife that kicked you out the first timeyour foot slipped. not one would raisea hand to help you, and i've givenmy whole life to you. if you kicked off tomorrow,where would i be?
out in the gutter. i took those bonds.who has a better right? i want that money, or i'll hand you overto the police. go ahead. they'll be pretty roughwith you...with your record. that's a fine thingto say after whati've been to you. hello. give me--
well? all right.i'll give it to you. 25,000--that's all i've got. you're going to returnevery cent of it. i can't.i haven't got it. what did you dowith the rest? i never had it. then there was someonein with you. who was it? [telephone rings]
i'll answer that. hello. hello! you don't needto tell me. i havea pretty good idea. what are yougoing to do? stop worryingabout your father. he'll turn upall right. yes, but, tommy,today's christmas eve.
he's just forgotten. you know how heforgets everything. no. he never forgetsa promise to me. i'm worried, tommy. i know something'shappened to him. what could happento him, darling? now, will youstop worrying? you see, the importantthing is the rhythm. you must always haverhythm in your shaking.
now, a manhattan youshake to fox-trot time, a bronx to two-steptime. the dry martini you always shaketo waltz time. oh! mmm! what is it? just a minute. now, mind you,
there's a still moremodern trend in-- here. let me have--thank you. certain people-- hello there. another glass. you know,we do know each other. well, of course we do. we've knowneach other for years. aren't younick charles?
you don't remember me.i'm dorothy wynant. not that scrawnylittle bit of-- how did you everremember me? you used to fascinate me--a real, live detective. you used to tell methe most wonderful stories. were they true? probably not. tommy, this isnick charles. hi, tommy.have another glass.
he worked onceon a case for my father. yeah. some nutwanted to kill him. how is your father? oh, that's whati came to ask you. he's disappeared. don't say that,darling. he's just awaysomewhere working. i can't find him.i've tried everything. i thoughtyou might know.
i don't knowanything. i've been in californiafor the last four years. what abouthis lawyer? used to be some bird bythe name of mac, uh... oh, maccaulay? herbert maccaulay. i tried him once. try him again. here's a nickel.
thank you.i'll be right back. you know, she's gotme worrying, too. oh, you mustn'tworry about him. mind you, he'sa great guy but screwy. [man] madam,i'm very sorry, but no dog... asta! i'm sorry, madam.no dogs allowed. you cannot takethe dog in there.
i'm not taking him.he's taking me. are you hurt, madam? no. women and childrenfirst, boys. what is the scoreanyway? oh, so it's youhe was after. hello, sugar. he's dragged me intoevery gin mill on the block. i had him outthis morning. i thought so.
this is tommy.my wife. how are you,tommy? tommy, i don't usuallylook like this. i've beenchristmas shopping. madam, i'm afraidwe shall take the dog out. it's all right. it's my dog...and my wife. you might have mentionedme first on the billing. the dog'swell-trained.
he'll behavehimself. he mightbite somebody. he's all right.look. lie down. lie down. stand up. see? any luck? yes. he's justaround the corner. your father?
no. maccaulay. i'm just going togo and see him. oh, uh, my wife. this isdorothy wynant. i'm sorrywe have to rush. we're stoppingin the normandie for a couple weeks. drop around. see us. we'd love to.thank you. good-bye.
sit down,sugar. oh, leo,uh... yes, sir. two cocktails. pretty girl. yes. she'sa very nice type. you got types? only you, darling-- lanky brunetteswith wicked jaws.
leo. complimentsof the season. who is she? oh, darling,i was hoping i wouldn'thave to answer that. come on. well, dorothy isreally my daughter. you see, it wasspring in venice, and i was so young,
i didn't knowwhat i was doing. we're all like thaton my father's side. by the way,how is your father's side? it's much better,thanks. and yours? how many drinkshave you had? this will makesix martinis. all right. will you bring mefive more martinis, leo? and line themright up here. yes, ma'am.
hmm... what hit me? the last martini.how about a pick-me-up? no! i can't lie here. i've got to get up and trim that darnchristmas tree. what's the ideaof pushing me? [doorbell rings]
who's that? it's probablysanta claus. hello, maccaulay!come in. dorothy told meyou were here. i was going totelephone, but-- that's all right.sit down, won't you? what are you drinking? oh, nothing. thanks.nothing. oh, that'sa mistake.
i wanted to see you. what's mimi up to,mr. charles? dorothy's mother? does she have tobe up to something? she usually is-- trying one way or anotherto get money out of wynant. i wanted to find outif you were, uh... sleuthing for her. i haven't beena detective in four years.
is that so? my wife's father diedand left her a narrow-gauge railway,lumbermill, and, uh... oh, severalother things. i'm taking careof them. what's the fuss about?is he in hiding? you know as muchabout it as i do. i haven't seen himin three months. no word at all?
he sends word throughhis secretary julia wolf when he wants money. i give it to her,and she gives it to him. that's still on, huh? excuse me. [mrs. charles]hello? oh, just a minute. for you. is there a mr. maccaulayin the house?
oh. oh, pardon me. [maccaulay] yes?oh, just a moment. my wife. how do you do? yes? what wereyou saying? he is? well, whereis he now? oh, very well. oh, excuse us.
he's back in town--wynant. wynant? yes. he's waitingfor me now. forgive me,mrs. charles, but i'vebeen so upset. you know,it's no joke working for a manlike that. well, i guessi'd better be off. merry christmas.
[nick]same to you. next person that says"merry christmas" to me, i'll kill them. i'm going to telephonethat poor child. at least she'll be gladto know he's alive. hello? oh! how are you? oh, i'mmrs. jorgenson now. dorothy?no, she isn't here.
is it somethingabout her father? perhaps i can takethe message. oh, uh...here she is now. i just wantedto relieve your mind. he's alive,and he's all right. oh, thank goodness. what is it?has he found him? do you knowwhere he's living? oh. well, at leasti'm glad he's all right.
thank you for calling.good-bye. what is it?what is it? nothing. it's somethingabout your father. where is he? he's all right.isn't that enough? you just want money, and you haven'tany right to any more. he madea big settlement on you.
that's gone long ago.where is he? mother, i won't haveyou hounding him for more money. i can tell you,mother. you've been listeningon that extension. of course.what's an extension for? that's right, gilbert.what did he say? he said thatfather's in town. he's been seeing juliaright along.
that woman! she can tell youwhere father is. mother,you wouldn't go to her. i didn'tsay i would, but we've gotto have money. did it ever occur to youthat chris might work? shh! now you've hurthis feelings! chris?
you have an oedipus complex,and you won't admit it. please, gilbert. the trouble with you isyou won't face facts. now, i know i havea mother fixation, but it's slight. it hasn't yet reachedthe point of where-- stop it, gilbert.stop it. don't mindwhat she says, chris. how can i helpbut mind?
i'm constantlyhumiliated just becausei haven't money. i'll get some. yes. you've saidthat for weeks. why don't you see julia?she handles his money. chris! all right,all right. i couldn't go nearthat woman! i said all right.
what i said i'd do. you wouldn't! wouldn't i?just watch me. oh, chris! get me miss wolf at the clarkstonapartments. hello...miss wolf? uh, this ismrs. jorgenson. i wonderif i may see you.
yes, of course. [mimi] miss wolf'sapartment, please. 9a. who'scalling, please? never mind. miss wolfis expecting me. [buzz] miss wolf? miss wolf! aah! quick! quick!
send somebodyup here right away. something terriblehas happened! julia wolf.145 west 55th street. that's me. woman murdered. where you been? out making money. let's see it. i haven'tgot it yet,
but i'll get it. [man] come on. give out,girls. give out. shake the bodiesa little. get the rhythm. keep it up.i can't hear any rhythm. come on.shake your feet. hello, morelli. hiya, stutsy. hey, uh...
didn't you knowjulia wolf? yeah. why? somebody justbumped her off. i thought maybeyou'd like to know. [intercom buzzes] yes? [woman]telephone, mr. maccaulay. who is it?
the police. murdered? yes. yes, i'llbe right over. what you gonnatell them? i'm gonna tell themeverything. you don't thinkmr. wynant-- i don't think anything, but i heard an awful fightin there a while ago! all right, girls.
oh, yes. come on. when was the last time yougave her money for wynant? yesterday.i gave her $1,000. any signsof that, bill? perhaps it wasa robbery. her with that sparkler on herfinger and $30 in her purse? it looks like our friendwynant came to collect and ran intoa little trouble. downstairs they haven'tseen him in three months.
there's a lot of thingsthey don't see here. you say you haven't heardfrom him in that time? i said he hadn'twritten me. then you haveheard from him. he telephoned metoday. i wasn't in. my secretary tookthe message. he left word for me to meet himat the plaza.
what time? about 3:00. did you go? yes.he didn't show. his house and shopis closed, and he ain'tat any hotel. so you seen your duty,and you done it, huh? you gonna stop at that? no, sir.
he'll turn up when hesees this in the papers. you can't think he hadanything to do with it. you know what they fought aboutthat night he went away? i didn't knowthey had a fight. well, thanks. we'll get in touch with youwhen we need you again. i may go? yeah, go ahead. mr. guild,come here.
here's somethingvery interesting. and there she was,lying on the floor dead. the police said thatshe'd been killed about 10 minutesbefore i got there. i thought you saidyou weren't going there. did theyfind any clues? a gun, fingerprints? not a thing. was theremuch blood?
gilbert, don't beso horrible! nonsense. she gotwhat she deserved. did you kill her? you had a perfectlygood motive. don't talk like that whenthe police get here. you said they'dfinished with you. they'd finishedfor the present. i've got my alibi.i was at the library.
where were you? children, i want tospeak to chris alone. [doorbell buzzes] well, i'll go. i'll be in my room. is mrs. jorgenson in? yes. come right in. oh, mrs. jorgenson, a few pointsi'd like to clear up.
why, yes. yes.won't you sit down? you were in the roomwith the body from the time it wasdiscovered until we came? why, yes. did you, uh... did you see anythingin miss wolf's hand? oh, no. are you surethat at no time you left the roomfor a moment,
that a maid or bellboymight have slipped in there and been alonewith the body? i don't think so. i was so upset, i hardly knewwhat i was doing. the medical examinerseems to think that, uh... that the bodyhad been touched, that someone had forcedopen the girl's hand after she'd been killed.
moreover, we found thatshe had in her possession $1,000 the night before. i'm sorryi can't help you. well, that'squite all right. we'll be going along. could i come downand see the body? i've never seena dead body. why do you want to? i've been studyingpsychopathic criminology,
and i have a theory. perhaps this was the work of a sadistor a paranoiac. if i saw it, i mightbe able to tell. that's a good idea, but don't botherto come down. we'll bring the bodyright up to you. what have yougot there? none of your business.
you took that moneyfrom her hand. i didn't. what are you hiding? evidence that's wortha great deal more than that. hand that overto the police. i'll do nothingof the sort. very well. i will. i don't think you will.it's your father's. i don't believe you.you're lying!
there. oh! oh... now will youbelieve me? [singing in spanish] [many people talkingand music playing] ammunition? come on, stock up. no. letthis one ride. you'd better.hard times may catch you.
nick, who arethese amazing people? just a lotof old friends. romans, countrymen,what do you say? this is likeold times, nick. remember the fun we hadwhen we were broke? don't i? those werethe good old days. don't kid yourself. these are the good old days. hey, nick, i thinkyour wife is great.
thanks. i wantedyou to see her... and i wanted herto see you. want to buy a pieceof this pug, nick? i'll sell you 25%of him for 5 grand. is he good? he's been knocking them cold.ain't afraid of nobody. put that down,or i'll slug you. having a good time? swell.[sobbing]
here's that man again.ammunition? you're very welcome. highballs and cocktails--the long and short of it. that's a pun. the punstershould be punished. ♪ for tomorrowmay bring sorrow ♪ ♪ so tonight,let us be gay ♪♪ another cocktail? thank youvery much.
oh, do. i certainly thinkyour husband's great. well, i'm gladsomebody does. cocktails? have a cocktail? thanks.nick charles here? you're his wife? yes. hey, nick! nice guy. sent me upthe river one time.
hello, face. long time no see. long time. i needed the rest. was hea good detective? i wouldn't know. that time he caught mewas an accident. come on, kid.shed the chapeau. divest yourselfof raiment
and jointhe yuletide revelers. hey, revelers, i want youto know face pepler. all you got to dois find out who they are. don't botherto announce anyone. just sendthem all up. i know. it's quite all right.they're all his friends. [radio] ...the julia wolf murder. police have found out that the beautiful, blond secretary
was once a gangster's girl. they're now looking for the gangster. clyde wynant, the girl's employer, is still missing. can't you fellas thinkof anything but business? good case for you. haven't you heard the news?i'm a gentleman now. nick, reporters. salutations,boys. you're just the mani want to see.
i'm from the american,mr. charles. we were wondering ifyou'll give us a statement. we hear you're onthe julia wolf case. i don't knowanything about it. give us a break. i never tryto kid reporters. i'm telling youthe truth. why are youin town? my wife's on a bender.
i'm trying tosober her up. oh, waiter,drinks, please. into the kitchen,son, and thaw outsome ice. grandma, what largeglasses you have. is he workingon a case? yes, yes. what case? a case of scotch.pitch in and help him.
say, i've got toorder some food. isn't ita waste of energy? that sounds likean interesting case. why don't you take it? i haven't time. i'm too busy seeingthat you don't lose any of the moneyi married you for. room service, please. it sounds likea good case.
a girl mysteriously murdered.nobody knows who did it. they haven't found any clues--no gun, no fingerprints. i'll bet you dollarsto dog biscuits that they neverthought of-- i don't want to hearanything about it. is that my drinkover there? rye. yes, that's yours. send me up a whole flockof sandwiches.
i'd like totelephone my mother and wish hera merry christmas. well, why don't you? well, i haven't gotany nickels. oh, forgetthe nickels. there you are, rightthere. go ahead. have a hunka? i'll have two hunkas. attaboy.
hello. give melong distance. i want to talkto san francisco. nick, i'vegot to see you... alone. hello there,beautiful. come on.i'll take you over here. look what's cometo our party. let's get awayfrom the wolves. who's the littlebrunette?
i used to bounce heron my knee. which knee?can i touch it? well, baby,what's on your mind? you heardabout julia wolf? oh, nick! nick,you're hurting me. of course. that'swhat i intend to do. what are youtrying to tell me, that you did it? yes, i killed her.
sit down. i hated her for comingbetween my mother and father. she kept mefrom seeing my father. i went down thereto ask her where he was, and she wouldn't tell me,so i shot her. how many times? once or twice. where did youhit her? i hit her in the--in the heart.
what did she do? she fell over. did she scream? which waydid she fall? she fell overbackwards. whom are youtrying to protect? oh, nick, i-- now wait a minute. she was shot four times.she fell on her face.
she couldn't havescreamed because shewas killed instantly. who do you think did it? i don't know. where did youget this gun? i bought itin a pawnshop. is that another lie? no, nick.that's the truth. oh, i'm sorry.
don't be silly.take this drink. no, thank you. want to powderyour nose? everything'sover there. where did youget that? she brought it in, trying to make mebelieve that she did it. what are you goingto do with it? nothing, till i find outif it's the gun
that julia wolfwas killed with. don't let the reportersget to her. they may believe her. say, isn't thatdorothy wynant? yes. wait a minute. she doesn't knowanything about it. and you said youweren't on the case. i'm not. hello! hello, ma!
here. give me that,will you? wait. it's san francisco.hiya, ma! ma, get off the wire.i want to talk business. operator, give medry dock 4-8000. hey! hey! don't do that. don't tell your paperi'm working on anything, because i'm not. he's working onthat little girl. welcome to--
oh, nick! nick! mimi! well,for the love-- i want to talk to you aboutsomething very important. i know.it's a convention. you got your roller skates on?let's get rolling. i'll take you right, uh...no. here, let's, uh... if you don't mind, we'll...let's just step in here. i'm sorry, mimi, but it's the only placewe can be alone.
won't you, uh...sit down? why, hello,mr. wynant. come inand have a drink. i don't drink. i tell you clyde wynantis absolutely crazy to stay awayat a time like this. no wonder the police think hehas something to do with it. what do you think? i know that he hasn't,but i want to see him.
there's something importanti want to tell him. maccaulay won't help a bit.he thinks i just want money. don't you? oh, you'realways teasing. i beg your pardon. we're just chatting. nick, you will help mefind clyde, won't you? mimi, there are a thousanddetectives in new york. why don't you hireone of them?
yes, but he knows you.just get in touch with him and tell him mimi sayseverything is all right but that i'vejust got to see him. i don't wantany part of it. you takedorothy home-- dorothy?is she here? yes. she's in therewith my wife. what did you tell them?what did you tell them? [asta barks]
wait a minute. it's too bad youdidn't bring your whip. she didn'ttell us a thing. i was so excited, i didn't realizewhat i was doing. come on, dorothy.we'll go home. she doesn't have to goif she doesn't want to. you can stay here.we'd love to have you. that's sweet of you.no, thanks. i'll go.
where's gilbert? gilbert?is he here? we might as well beliving in the lobby. there's a physiologicalas well as psychological angle in my father's relationshipwith julia wolf that the policehave overlooked, and i think it settlesthe whole question. you see, my fatherwas a sexagenarian. he was?
yes. he admitted it. a sexagenarian, eh? but we can't putthat in the paper. well, why not? you know howthey are. sex? then just saythat he was 60 years old. is that whatthat means? of course.hey, that's my hat. come and get itwhile it's hot.
i swear i don't knowanything about it. telephone, nicky.telephone. oh, i thoughtit was the door. mr. charles, i'd like to laya proposition before you. well, i can't discuss itover the telephone, but if you'll give mea half-hour of your time... yeah. it's about julia wolf. aw...some guy tryingto sell me insurance. where'smiss wynant?
why, she's gone. which waydid she go? she went outthe back door. you meanthe little brunette? oh, i'm sorry,old fellow. thanks. i'm engagedfor this one. [singing o christmas treeoff-key] wait. no.don't do that. [popping]
i want to talk to ma. [sobbing] so you think you'rea fighter, eh? ha! so what? so listen, worm! [singing off-key] oh, nicky... i love you, because you knowsuch lovely people.
nick. nicky. what? you asleep? good. i wantto talk to you. well, that's jolly. wouldn't you like to doa little detecting once in a whilejust for fun? can't youget to sleep?
maybe if you took a drink,it'd help you. no, thanks. maybe it'd helpif i took it. everybody says you'rea grand detective. well, they werekidding you. i'd like tosee you work. tomorrow morning, i'll get you a whole lotof detective stories. i know, but that girl'sin a tough spot.
there's nothingi can do to help her. she thinks you can. wouldn't hurt you to tryand see if you could. well, darling,my guess is... wynant killed julia and that dorothyknows about it. police will catch himwithout any help from me. i think i wouldlike that drink. ha ha...
my darling. i'll give you yourchristmas present now if you'll give me mine. at breakfast. well, it'schristmas now. uh... breakfast. what are yougoing to give me? i hopei don't like it.
you'll have tokeep them anyway because the manat the aquarium said he wouldn'ttake them back. [knock on door] did you heara knock? well, it might besomething important. well, sure, it is. mr. charles here? i got to talk to him.
that's all,but i got to do that. all right.come in. you wait here. i'll tell himyou're here. aarr... what inthe name of-- someone to see you,dear. good. i was afraid i wasabout to go to sleep. get out of that bed.let me straighten this up.
you're worsethan an infant. funny. i thinkthose blankets must bea little cockeyed. right, asta? you've got the funniestlook on your face i ever saw in my life. hurry up. that man'swaiting for you. i want you totell me something. give it to me straight.get me?
would you mindputting that gun away? my wife doesn't care,but i'm a timid fellow. you idiot. asta! asta,come here. all right, shoot--i mean, uh... what's on your mind? you don't have totell me you're tough. i heard about you.i'm joe morelli. i never heard about you.
i didn't knockjulia off. all right, you didn't. i ain't seen herin about three months. we was all washed up. i wouldn't haveany reason to hurt her. she was alwayson the up and up with me, but that dirty little nunheimgot sore with her because i clickedand he didn't, and he putthe finger on me.
this is all swell, brother, but you're peddling yourfish in the wrong market. stutsy burke saysyou used to be ok. that's why i'm here. how is stutsy? i didn't knowhe was out of stir. he's all right.he'd like to see you. what's the lawdoing to me? do they think i did it?
or is it something elseto pin on me? if i knew,i'd tell you. i don't know anything.ask the police. that would be the smartestthing i ever did-- the police captain'sbeen in the hospital 3 weeks on account ofwe had an argument. the boys would like thatdown to their blackjacks. stutsy saysyou're on the level. why don't you beon the level?
i am on the level.if i knew anything-- what's that? i don't know. thatmakes this your party. [man]open up! police! why, youtwo-timing-- [pounding on door] take him, bob. nora. nora. say, give methat bottle, will you?
what knocked her out? i did. she wasin the line of fire. somebody calla doctor, will you? here, baby. [cough] help me upon the bed with her. are you all right? you darn fool! you didn't have toknock me out.
i knew you'd take him.i wanted to see you do it. there's a girlwith hair on her chest. nicky, are you hurt? no. he justgrazed me. you are!somebody get a doctor. there's onecalled already. get into bed.are you all right? sure. i can'teven feel it. i'll getsome towels.
hmm.pretty close. have a shot,will you? here you are,but you'll be ok. tough luck. aw, shut up! here, darling.use this. baby, it'sonly a scratch. want a drink? how did you peoplehappen to pop in here?
we hear this is a meeting placefor the wynant family. we figurewe'll stick around in case the old boyhimself should show up. then we seethis bird sneak in, and we decideto come up. lucky for youwe did. yes. i might nothave been shot. you know this monkey? that dirtylittle rat nunheim--
shut up! is he a friendof yours? i never saw himbefore. what did he wantwith you? he wanted to tell me hedidn't kill julia wolf. what's that to you? what did he thinkit was to you? ask him. i'm asking you.
keep on asking. frisk the dump. not withouta warrant. so you say.go on, bob. tough, huh? charles,we're both of us going about this thingin the wrong way. i don't wantto get tough with you, and i'm sure you don'twant to get tough with me.
there's one more questioni want to ask you. are you willing to swearto a complaint for this guy'splugging you? that's another onei can't answer now. maybe it wasan accident. what's that man doingin my drawers? here you are,lieutenant. you gota pistol permit? ever heardof the sullivan act?
oh, that's all right.we're married. this gun yours? whose is it? i'll have to tryto remember. ok. we gotplenty of time. i guess i'llhave to ask you a lot more questionsthan i figured. we'll come around tomorrowwhen you're feeling better. all right.come on, boys.
say, where's asta? asta? as-- asta, come here. [clucks tongue] ha! you'rea fine watchdog. he's got more sensethan you have. i'm glad you're not on this case. on it? i'm in it.they think i did it. well, didn't you?
ah... [glass shatters] i hope you're satisfied. huh? where am i? you're notin a shooting gallery. ah, but, sugar, this is the nicest christmaspresent i've ever had. you actas though it were
the only christmas presentyou ever had. say, where did you getthat wrist watch? it's a christmas present. yeah?who gave it to you? well, you must admit i've got prettygood taste, haven't i? you finished with this? yes. i know as much aboutthe murder as they do. oh, i'm a hero.
i was shot twicein the tribune. i read where you were shotfive times in the tabloids. it's not true. he didn't come anywherenear my tabloids. [shoots gun] ah! bull's-eye. hello? who is it? oh, send him right up. who was that?
mr. maccaulay. the mallorys. oh, dear. i forgotall about them. aren't you hotin that? yes, i'm stifling,but it's so pretty. the kirbys. is that anotherchristmas present? did i give itto you? i'm spoiling you.
why, nicky,this is from clyde wynant. he says,"will you take charge "of investigationon julia wolf murder? communicatewith herbert maccaulay." let me see.where's it from? philadelphia.then he didn't do it. he wouldn't ask youto handle it if he were guilty,would he? your guess isas good as mine, baby.
aw, nicky,take the case. you take it.i'm too busy. how do you do?come in. good morning.well, i'm afraid this isn't a verymerry christmas for you. oh,he's all right. how are you,maccaulay? oh, i'm fine. you're comingalong better than i am. i hope you'renot seriously hurt.
no. just a scratch.i've forgotten it. whata delightful toy. that's asta'schristmas present. i got word from wynantthis morning. so did we--i mean, sherlock here. darling,will you, uh... pass you your drink?yes. hmm. what are the chancesof getting you
to do what he wants? slim. would it help any if i could persuadehim to meet you? it might. he gave me a code messageto insert in the times in case i wantedto get in touch with him. i don't suppose it woulddo any harm to put it in. i've done that already.he should appear.
it doesn't look well,his staying away now. police. for me? where? allentown? well, when isthe next train? right.i'll get that. wynant's triedto commit suicide. they want me to go downand identify him.
well, i guess thischanges the whole story, doesn't it? that looks likean admission of guilt. and i had such hopes. i thought if yougot on the case, you'd be ableto clear him. i thought that mimi--the way she acted, i was sure that...oh, well. well, there's no usethinking about that now.
i'm sorry to have wastedso much of your time. good-bye.have a merry christmas. thank you. sameto you. good-bye. asta,is your balloon busted? so is mine. what's the matterwith you? the mystery'sall gone. i was hoping you'dfind out who did it. maybe i will.
well, wynant-- i don't believehe did it. why don't you? no reason.just a hunch. but i'm goingto find out. i'm tired of beingpushed around. come on, dr. watson.let's go places. good morning,nick. well, it's nota very nice trick
you're tryingto pull on me, running out like this when i was giving youtime to rest up before i asked youthose questions. about the gun? that never was a gun. don't waste timetalking about that. man to man, are youworking on this case? man to man,i'm not.
but he'sinterested. i'd rather have you workingwith us than against us. that suits me. it's a bargain.anything you want to know? what about the suicide? a phony. the boys didn'teven have to go down. i thought it might be. they're going to think every thin manwith white hair is wynant.
you thinkwynant did it? i don't know. he certainlyplanned something. he closed uphis apartment and shop. were you there? yes, but i couldn'tfind a thing. i figure wynant wentto julia's apartment and found morelli there, sees she's two-timing him.there's a fight. he doesn't pull anything thenon account of morelli.
lets his lawyer give her moneyto give to him so that she'll thinkit's all blown over. when she isn't expecting it,he lets her have it. no proof? no, nothing as yetto cinch it. 50 will get you 100,he didn't do it. what do you mean? he was too absent-mindedto hold a grudge. who's your candidate?
i haven't gottenthat far yet, but i don't think thateverything points to wynant. what about your alibis? they're all ok--mrs. jorgenson, the boy, dorothy, maccaulay,even morelli. we had to let him go. what about jorgenson? i'll check on that. mrs. charles, thismust be dull for you.
dull? i'm on theedge of my chair. what about nunheim? he's all right.we know all about him. he does a little stoolingfor us once in a while. did you know that he'd beenhanging around julia? holding out on you. let's look into that.taxi! this may get a bitrough, baby. i think you betterlet us go alone.
catch me lettingyou go alone. grant's tomb. taxi! [knocking] john. hello, lieutenant. sit down, nick. i wasn't expecting you,lieutenant. you said you'd phone.
have a shot? what's the ideatelling me you knew the wolf girljust by sight? that's all i did,lieutenant. that'sthe god's truth. maybe i said hello toher or "how are you?" or something like thatwhen i saw her, but that's all i did.that's the truth. ha ha ha! hmph!
you open your mouth, and i'll popa tooth out of it. oh, is that so? yeah! cut it out.cut it out! we didn't come here towatch you two roughhouse. she's driving me nuts. she's beenragging me all day. maybe if you quit runningaround after other women,
you wouldn't have so muchtrouble with this one. now, that's a lie,lieutenant. anybody that says thatis a liar. want to takea poke at him? i didn't mean you,mister. come on. she can'thear you now. you know how it is,a guy knocking around. you'd have done betterto have told me that in the beginning.
where were you the afternoon shewas knocked off? you don't think i hadanything to do with it! marion! wait a minute.wait a minute. i don't like crooks,and if i did like them, i wouldn't like crooksthat are stool pigeons, and if i did likecrooks that are stool pigeons, i still wouldn'tlike you!
marion, don't go! marion! marion,wait a minute! i'll do anything you say.i'll behave! don't go. let me get after her.let me bring her back. i'll do anything. i'll answer anythingyou want. sit down.we didn't come here to watch you two dancearound the maypole. where were you the afternoonthat girl was killed?
i don't know.i can't remember. i can't tell youjust offhand. maybe i was down atcharlie's shooting pool. maybe i was up here.i don't know. she'd remember. how would you liketo be thrown in the can on accountof not remembering? give me a minute.i'll remember. you know i ain't stalling.always come clean with you.
gee. gee, sure. sure.i--i remember. i wouldn't blame youif you threw me in the can. look, i rememberwhere i was. that--that's the afternoon--wait a minute. i'll show you. well, what do youthink of it? well, i think we'reon the right track. who are you phoning?
i'm phoningyour office so they can send outa man to trail him. i want to seewhere he goes. trail him?trail who? nunheim. give me that phone.give me that phone. bill, pick up nunheim.tell the boys. he just left here--went down the fire escape. cover the grand centraland pennsylvania stations.
check all airportsand all steamship terminals. what's that? no.have lefty radio all the cars. he was dressedin a black pair of pants. how should i know ifhis underwear's embroidered? listen, they've beenquestioning me again today, see, asking me what more i know,where i was that day. wait a minute.i ducked out on them. look, if you want meto play dumb anymore, i want 5,000 more.
5,000, and i'llblow town today. ok. where? all right. right away. see that you're there and see thatyou bring it with you. [woman screaming] "arthur nunheim,honorary member." nope, not a thing. find out aboutthat bullet yet?
yes. it's the same gunthat killed julia wolf. and how are your folks? oh, how are you? no, we didn'tfind a thing. your wife. and, lieutenant,i've got something. i've been doing a littledetecting on my own. that flatfoot i marriedthinks he's smart, but i'm just one jumpahead of him.
[imitating the lieutenant]that's swell, mrs. charles. [as himself] how did youlike grant's tomb? it's lovely. i'm havinga copy made for you. what haveyou got, baby? i can't quitehear you. oh. we'll beright up. she's up at mimi's. jorgensonhas disappeared. chris may be at the club.that's not important.
you should have told themthat he disappeared. but he has nothingto do with it. that's not for youto decide. everybody'sunder suspicion, especiallyrunning off like this. the police are going towant a description of him. is this his picture? he didn't do it! they'll want morethan your word.
i'll tell themwho did do it, and i'llgive them proof. [crying] dorie. oh, tommy. please don't cry. i can't help it.you don't know. darling, you can't gothrough any more of this. you get together someclothes and your skates,
and we'll go to my familyin the country. no, i can't. you've got to getyour mind off all this. darling, you'vebeen so sweet, but there's only one thingyou could do for me, and that is to goand never see me again. what are youtalking about? please, you can't getmixed up in this. do you thinki care about that?
tommy,you don't understand. you don't knowwhat's going to happen. all i know isi want you to marry me. i can't marry you.i can't ever marry you. dorothy! would you like to havemurderers for children? that would be fun,wouldn't it? perhaps they'd allmurder each other and keep itin the family.
that's what fathershould have done. he should have killedgilbert and me. then we wouldn't havehad this to go through. you're talkinglike a crazy person. why not? i am crazy.all our family's crazy. dorothy, i love you.do you understand that? tommy! tommy! please go. go. sleuthing isn't much funafter all, is it?
i feel awfully sorryfor that girl. find anything? she's ready to talk. wouldn't do any harm,though, to find outwhere he is. you're wrong about all yourchildren being murderers. now, i've studied themendelian law of inheritance and their experimentswith sweet peas, and accordingto their findings--
and they've beenpretty conclusive-- only one out of four of your childrenwill be a murderer. the thing for you to do would be justto have three children. no, that might not work. the first onemight be the bad one. i'll have tolook that up. you needn't botherabout looking that up.
i'm not getting married,i'm not having any children. from now on, i'm justout for the ride. i took it from her hand. it was mr. wynant'swatch chain. i wanted to protect him. well, i guess thatcinches it, eh, charles? he killedthem both-- the wolf girland nunheim. 50 will stillget you 100.
that's enoughfor me. extra! wynant's ex-wifeproduces murder evidence! extra! extra! double murder chargeagainst wynant! wynant wantedin second murder! extra! i wish they'dstop that. i wonder ifthey'll find him. he must bein new york.
where do you thinkyou're going? i'm a-gonna takeasta for a walk. he's just been. well, we're goingsightseeing. that's known in burglingcircles as a flashlight. nick, what are youup to? what is this? ooh! looks likea holdup. i'm going to find outwhy wynant's shop is closed. he went away,didn't he?
he went away a lotwhen i knew him, but he neverclosed the shop. i got a hunch. do you thinkhe's hiding there? i don't know,but i'm going to find out. i won't have yougoing down there. hey, you got meinto this. i know, but he'sa crazy man. he might kill you.
he won't kill me. i've got astato protect me. all right. go ahead.see if i care. i thinkit's a dirty trick to bring meto new york to makea widow of me. you wouldn't bea widow long... you bet i wouldn't. not withall your money.
well, any portin a storm. good-bye, sugar. nicky! take careof yourself. oh, sure i will. say it as ifyou meant it. well, i do believethe little woman cares. i don't care. it's just that i'm usedto you, that's all.
if you let anythinghappen to him, you'll never wagthat tail again. you surethis is the place? you don't want meto wait, do you? certainly.not afraid, are you? no, i guess not. all right, asta. [arf arf] asta?
[whistles] come on, asta. asta, you're not a terrier.you're a police dog. whew! no, asta. no, no. asta, get awayfrom there. hello. lieutenant guild,please. oh, john? this is nick charles.
i'm up in wynant's shop. well, i found something. it's a body. [door closes] stick 'em up! turn around. don't make a move, or that dog willtear you to shreds. you can come out.he won't hurt you.
up to yourold tricks, tanner? you're mr. charles,aren't you, sir? yes. how did youget in? i have a key. i worked here,till they closed it. you worked here? yes. julia wolf got mea bookkeeper job. well,that's a hot one. where did you everlearn bookkeeping? that last timeyou sent me up,
i learned bookkeepingin sing sing. i figured it would bean in for me somewheres. somewheres where they mightleave the safe open. honest, mr. charles,i never touched that safe. them bonds that was missing--julia wolf took them. trying to put it offon her, huh? she did. that's why he gotsore at her and killed her. listen, can i takemy hands down? ok.
i did doa bit of chiseling. i come to bringthe money back and fix up the books. easy! it's all right,mr. charles. it's just a pocketbook. i didn't want himto find out and come after me. save that. tell itto the police.
police? [sirens] move over,will you? haven't yougot that yet? [guild]you wouldn't know anything about this,would you? [tanner]no, sir. take himdown to central. i'll talkto him later.
hmm. wonder what wynanthad against this one. quicklime. mind if ilook these over, doc? no. go ahead. [nick] just rolled themup and threw them in. lucky thing for us theseweren't entirely eaten up. extraordinarilylucky. no identification. must have weighed250 pounds if an ounce.
here's something. hmm. rubber tip. must have been lame. who wouldn't be, carrying all thatweight around? i should say he stoodabout 5'11", wouldn't you, doc? yeah, about. "d.w.r."
"r." say, that caseyou worked on, that man who threatenedto kill wynant-- what was his name? rosebreen. say, could thisbe the man? i never saw him. i don't think anybodyever saw him. he threatenedto kill wynant
on account of some inventionhe'd stolen, right? yes. we figured thatwas just blackmail. he still wouldn't mindgetting rid of him, would he? doc, how long would you saythis body had been here? [doctor]can't say offhand. at least a coupleof months. a couple of months? that's just when wynantclosed the shop! it's an open book.
wynant killed this guyand planted him here. julia knew about it,so he killed her, and nunheimcaught him at that, so he bumped him off. well, boys, i guesswe'll be going. nick, you dida swell job. you wouldn't mind paying methat $100 now, would you? wait till youcatch wynant. ha ha! i'll get him,all right!
bring that stuffout to the car. you going to run him through thepolariscope? you mind ifi come see it? i'm very interestedin that body. step right over here,mr. charles. there's the bullethe was killed with. see? ooh... oh, just an oldpiece of shrapnel.
shrapnel, huh? mmm. well, maybehe was in the war. that would account forhis cane and his limp. yes. yes. read all about the finding of the body! read all about it! [telephones ringing] [siren]
hey, doggy.come on. look down at thefloor, at the body. mr. charles,this way. get thatout of here! just a moment. mrs. charles,one family group. for the woman's page. do the police knowwhere wynant is? do you thinkthey'll find him? i know they will.
got anythingelse to say? what aboutthis rosebreen? can't you tell usanything about the case? yes. it's putting mebehind in my drinking. let's get this in. what's yournext step, nick? back to californiato rest up from this vacation. we'll see youbefore you go. good-bye, boys.
back to california,huh? my soul, woman. i give youthree murders, and you're stillnot satisfied. well, if you insist. well, i don't insist. no, i wanted you to stay hereand find wynant. i did find him.
he was downin his shop. nick! that was his bodythat was down there. darling, you'd betterlay off that liquor. well, that's a fact. wynant's body? yep. say, don't you wantsomething to eat? everybody thoughtit was rosebreen.
that's whatthey think-- guild and the restof them. they take itfor granted it was another oneof wynant's victims. guild's outlooking for wynant. that's allthat troubles him. what makes you so sureit was wynant's body? well...several things. oh, hello. fred?we're hungry again.
ha ha! and lots of onions.oh, and, uh, coffee. you're driving me crazy.what things? hmm? what thingsmake you so sure? oh! well, take theclothes, for instance. they were verycarefully preserved, and the body was just as carefullydestroyed.
whoever killed him wascounting on one thing-- that skeletonsall look alike. well, they do,don't they? sure. you're not getting anotherswallow until you open up. i remember that wynanthad shrapnel in his shin. it used to bother him. i looked for itand found it. how longhas he been dead?
a couple of months. oh, then he couldn't havecommitted those murders. smart gal. wynant dead.does dorothy know? no. nobody knowsbut you. i'm going totell her. you can't do that. she's going crazy. she'd rather knowhe was dead than--
i can't tell anyone.i haven't told guild. i'm lying lowuntil i get the dope. i won't go offhalf-cocked. what will you do? i'm going to getthe murderer, and i've got an idea. you want to see metake him? have you gota nice evening gown? what's thatgot to do with it?
yes, i've gota lulu. why? i'm going to give a partyand invite all the suspects. suspects?they won't come. oh, yes, they will. i'll get guild to issuethe invitations. who do you thinkdid it? mimi. mimi? mimi, jorgenson,
morelli, tanner. what were you doing on the nightof october 5, 1902? i was just a gleamin my father's eye. let's see.you at the head. and you on my right. i'll put maccaulay here.he can help me. ought to be a ladynext to him. i've got mimi.
i don't thinkmimi likes him. then it's mimi. who goes next to me? leave that open.see what you draw. put dorothy there. and then tommy? i'll keep tommy on thisside. put gilbert next. nice boy.who's next to gilbert? that birdthat shot me.
morelli? this isgoing to be good. i'll put mimi'sgigolo husband here. have they found him? they've found him. who goes next to him? i'm leavingthat open. i have a feelinghe won't come alone. where will youput guild? down at the end,
where he can keepan eye on things when the troublestarts. that little friendof nunheim's, the frying-panjuggler, there. are you sure one of thesepeople is the killer? positive. i can't standthe suspense. which one did it? i wish you'd tell me.
i wishyou'd tell me. mr. charles. these men will interferewith your beautiful dinner. how's it going, boys? oh, swell.now, how's this? yes, "misseur." mmm.terrible. that's all right. your men will servethe dinner.
these boys arejust here in case. i think they're goingto be all right. [guild]hello, mrs. charles. oh, hello, mr. guild. i seeyou're all set. do you thinkthey'll come? most of themare here already. my men arepicking up the rest. bring them in, boys.
you're a great helpto a hostess. i wish i had youat all my dinner parties. let go of my arm,you big lug! i ain'tdone nothin'. oh, it's you, huh? we only wanted youto dine with us. if you think i'll talk,you're crazy. just 'cause i was mixedup with a stool pigeon don't mean i'm one, too.
absolutely not.show the lady a chair. on your way, sister. did you finddorothy? no, butshe'll be here. what you needis a drink. i should think you guysare tired of picking me up. step this way, kid. what's up? it's outrageous!
how do you do,mrs. jorgenson? how dare you senda detective after us?! we wanted to be sureyou'd get here. i told himwe couldn't come. we're goingto the theater. nicky's putting ona little show of his own. you must stay.please come have a cocktail. what's the gag? you knowas much as i do.
have a cocktail. i saidhave a cocktail! he wants usto have a cocktail. hi, maccaulay. take offyour hat and coat and joinour festivities. oh, tanner.what's this? they had me in jaillast night. don't thinka thing of it.
tanner,take off your things. what is it,mr. charles? [whispering] i've gotsomething, i think. come in, tanner. where's dorothy? i thoughtshe was with you. she left the housethis afternoon. here she is now. we picked them up atthe pennsylvania station.
come on in. hello, nick. a party, huh? celebrating father'sthird murder? they were trying tomake a getaway. we were doingnothing of the sort. you can'tget away with this. how right you are. take this...gentleman'shat and coat.
music. much music. nick interrupted me at a very importanttime of my life. i was about to takemy first false step. i'm gettingout of here. no. you stay here. if i stay, i know i'm goingto take a poke at him. then i insistthat you stay. here's jorgenson.
why, chris! how do you do?i'm nick charles. chris, wherehave you been? noneof your business. i swearit isn't my fault. i tried to keep youout of this. take your handsoff him. do you hear me? chris, what doesthis mean?
sorry we're late. we had to break downthe door. chris,how could you? oh! do come in and makeyourselves comfortable. take the gentleman'shat and coat. come, friends,and get it. tommy, would you liketo be end man? mr. jorgenson,next to tommy. [nora] dorothy, youand mr. quinn are here.
maccaulay,here, if you will. tanner, down there. oh, mrs. jorgenson,next to mr. jorgenson. i'm mrs. jorgenson! put it over there,sister. i was mrs. jorgensonbefore you were. oh, mimi,uh...you're here. oh, waiter, will you removethe illumination, please?
ladies and gentlemen,be seated. now, my friends, if i maypropose a little toast. let us eat, drink,and be merry, for tomorrow we die. you give such charming parties,mr. charles. thank you,mrs. charles. perhaps you'lltell us now why we're here. we're here because i havesome very important news.
just this. clyde wynant did not killjulia, nunheim, or anyone. what are you talking about?it's in the papers. he didn'tkill them? what did itell you? i'd like tobelieve that. i knew they'dpull something. if you got money, you can get bywith anything.
quiet!let him have his say. what makes yousay that, nick? [nick]i saw him last night. that's nothing.i saw him myself. i told you. it's a frame-up. when did you see him? last night,in my apartment. is that so?what did he say?
he wanted to knowhow i was and howthe children were. what was he wearing? uh, brown suit,brown shoes, a white shirt, a grayish tiewith reddish-brown or brownish-red dotsin it. tell the men. i saw him, too,wearing a green suit.
what are you saying?you weren't even there. i know, but i saw him. [guild]where? i was gazingin my crystal. ohh! waiter, will youserve the nuts? i mean, will you servethe guests the nuts? mimi, i'm afraidyou're lying. i really did seewynant last night.
are you kidding? what's the ideaof holding out on me? you saw himyourself. that washis body buriedin the shop. dorothy, it's terribleto tell you this way, but your fatheris dead. he's been deadthree months. i'm terribly--
you have somethingon your coat. oh, darling,please don't cry. it's terrible,i know, but isn't itbetter that way? i'll take careof her. uh, tommy... tommy,you sit here. waiter, will youkindly remove that? what? no one eating?
ah! mimi, i see it hasn'taffected your appetite. because i don'tbelieve a word of it. what's your proof? a piece of shrapnelin his shin. if he didn't do it,who did? the murderer isright in this room, sitting at this table. you may serve the fish. eat something,you fool.
won't you tell us who? i thought if we hada little get-together, we might find out. nice food, isn't it? yes. it's the best dinneri ever listened to. morelli. you can'tpin this on me! what am i,the fall guy? sit down!
[nick] i only wantto ask a question. morelli,you knew julia. was she gypping wynant? she don't say.i figure she is. [nick]why's that? i wanted 5 grand.she gave me cash. thanks.three months ago-- the night thatwynant caught you in julia's apartment,morelli--
he discovered juliawas cheating on him and splitting itwith some man. that man was...tanner. [drops utensil] oh, i'm so sorry,tanner. don't you wantsome wine? no. really,mr. charles, i had nothingto do with this. [man]tanner, sit down.
that's all right,tanner. you're drivingme crazy. oh, now, let me see.where was i? oh, yes. wynant wentto find the man he accusedof having cheated him. that man, knowing he wascaught dead to rights and with prisonstaring him in the face, took the only way out.
he killed wynant. now, mr. jorgenson-- you're not eating.don't you care for oysters? i was listening to what you weresaying. good. this murdereris very clever. he studied this whole thing outvery carefully. you'd understand that,wouldn't you, gilbert?
he planned the whole thingbeautifully. after he killed wynant, he wired maccaulayusing wynant's name and told himto close the shop. which i did. naturally. then he destroyedall of wynant's clothes with the exceptionof his watch chain. he figured that somedaythat might come in handy.
then he took wynant's body and buried itwith another man's clothes-- a fat man's clothesto throw us off the track. he put in a belt bucklewith an "r" on it, hoping we would thinkit was rosebreen-- an old enemy of wynant'swho disappeared years ago. oh, morelli, would you mind holdingyour knife some other way? you're worrying gilbert.
if that knife's missing, i'll look for itin your back. after our herohad killed wynant, he had a brilliant idea. he realized he and juliacould still collect money. wynant was supposed to beout of town. no one knew where. our hero wrote lettersto maccaulay, signing wynant's name,
so maccaulay would continueto send money to julia. he even telephonedmaccaulay. that first dayyou came to see me, he telephonedhe was in town. he calledwhile i was out. wasn't he slick about that? that same afternoon,julia telephoned him. she said that you were coming, mimi. i wanted to askabout mr. wynant.
exactly. well, our herogot terrified. he was afraid that juliawould break down and tell you he had murdered wynant. so he went to julia,and he killed her. he left wynant's watch chainin her hand. [nora]is this true? i don't know. why are yousaying it? it's the only wayit makes sense.
i hopeyou're well. his plan was workingbeautifully. everybody believedthat wynant was in town and that he had done it. there was just one hitch-- a bird named nunheim... your friend. nunheim had goneto call on her. he heard the shots. he sawthe murderer leave.
he knew who did it. if he knew,he didn't tell me! you can't drag meinto this! our hero had paid nunheim onceto keep his mouth shut. when nunheimthreatened him again, he bumped him off. oh, he was very clever. everybody, evenour astute friend guild, thought wynant was aliveand was the murderer.
you can skip that. but our hero had just oneweak link in his chain. the telegrams and phone callswere all very well, but no one had actuallyseen wynant, so our hero picked on poor mimito strengthen his case. mimi is the only oneat this table who can tell us whothe real murderer is. mimi, who told you to sayyou saw wynant? nobody told me.i did see him.
[gilbert]let my mother alone! what were you paid? it's true. i did see him.he isn't dead! you're lying.you'd do anything for money. you were getting a good pricefor saying you saw wynant. you figured you won'tget anything if he's dead. i'm not staying hereto be insulted! maccaulay, you drew upwynant's will.
wasn't mimi cut offif she remarried? i have no rightto answer that. tanner, isn't that true? [tanner]yes. that shouldn't keep you fromtelling the truth, mimi. mrs. jorgenson, were youever divorced from chris? you see, mimi, under the law,you've never remarried. you're stillone of the heirs.
are you holding outfor a few dollars when you can getthe whole estate? remember the other two mixed inwith him--julia and nunheim. when he thought they might talk,he bumped them off. he won't takeany chances on you. do you want to be next? you dirtylittle-- [gunshot] well, there's your murderer--maccaulay.
[guild]maccaulay? sure. want me to wrap himin cellophane? come on.get in there! maccaulay!i can't believe it. well, i'll bea monkey's uncle! nicky, he might havekilled you! you sorry he didn't? i'm glad you'renot a detective. not a hipin a carload.
well,here's to you two! and to you two,too! [train whistle blows] why, the rat!he can't top us. [everyone]toot, toot! shall i keep thesefresh for you? yes,thank you. ha ha ha! my gracious!
it's 1:00. it's what? no, baby,it's 11:00. it's 1:00.i set my watch ahead. you set your watchto 12:00, didn't you? you're in new york,for instance-- [dorothy]nick. san francisco is 3,000miles west of new york. the sun does not getto san francisco--
nick. nick! [nick]yes, baby. does that meanit's bedtime? ha ha! well,that's a thought. oh, well. come on, sugar.leave us do it. asta. well, good night,children. good night.
and flightsof angels sing theeto thy rest. same to you,nick. nora, i can neverthank you enough. oh, don't besilly. [locks door] gosh, darling, i thought they'dnever leave. oh, i thoughtyou'd never leave.
baby, the sun risesin the east. it sets in the west. if it's 12:00 in new york,automatically it's-- nicky, put asta in herewith me tonight. ha ha ha!oh, yeah? captioning made possible bywarner bros. captioned by the nationalcaptioning institute--www.ncicap.org--