hey, sweetie. hey, dad. i hit the internet cafe. you know how many e-mails i had in my box? eighty-three. oh, you're a popular guy. very. of course, 60 of 'em were ads trying to get me to buy something. sarah, did you leave these tools on the ground?
i might have. let's get them in the bag and bring them in the house, please. we don't want it to rain on them. oh, i checked your facebook page. what's-his-name wrote on your wall again. god, i should never have added you. yeah, he, um, wants to get back together. of course he does.
i told you. princess, he doesn't deserve you. there you are. and there you are. here i am. mmm-hmm. hey, we have a problem. i've barely been gone an hour. what now? you'll see. great. do i have to?
yeah. hey, i was looking for you. did you go into town? mmm-mmm. i didn't think so. where were you? outside. john: working very hard on the garden. hmm. we have a garden? (clearing throat) i had a headache.
haven't you heard that one before? (peter laughs) i did! i know, honey. are you all better now? yes. thank you, uncle peter. john: so, what is the big problem? all right, all right. this way. why can't you justtell me about it?
no, this is something you have to see. (rock music playing on stereo) i'll give you a hint. it's in here. john: funny. what do you think? how are you supposed to tell anything from that? what, do you need binoculars, old man? just get your face up there. look in there. okay.
oh. that's really... is this necessary? i made a hole! what are you... (sarah laughs) are you impressed with your dad? i'm impressed with your dad. john: now that,little brother,is a hole. peter: nicely done. that is not good. no, not good.
sarah: what is it? oh, it's mold. honey, you know what, i want you to stand back. this is really bad. i don't want you breathing it in. it can make you really sick. just looking at it is making me sick. this whole house could be infected, for all we know. affected, not infected. affected, infected, whatever. well, if you cover it up, who'll ever know, right?
that's true. just a minute ago we had a tiny hole to deal with. now we have a big hole. well, the insurancewill cover it. it's obviously part of the leak. (sighs) did you remember to bring the... ah, great mindsthink alike. (polaroid whirring) so what do you want to do? why are you asking me? we're out of here in a few days.
oh, okay. see here, this is where it gets tricky. you're gonna dump this whole thing on me. but it comes with the perk of you not being here. so, dare i complain? it's what you do best. all right, i'll deal with it. just don't give meshit later when youfind out how. well, if you do it right the first time, i won't have to. have you checked the wall all the way down to the basement?
i just figured out that it got down here. okay, come on. bring the work light, please. (laughs) have fun. (laughing spookily) sarah: (laughing) uncle peter, don't do that! come on. you used to love that when you were a little girl. john: any day now! coming!
(growls playfully) how are you, sarah? i'm okay. yeah? yeah. how are you? (laughs) look at you. i can't get over how grown up you are. john: you gonnacome down here or what? bite me! see you later.
(knocking on door) (knocking continues) (faint rattling) sarah? yeah. wow, i can't believe you're here! you don't remember me, do you? i'm so embarrassed. i'm sophia. we used to play together.
oh, of course. yeah. how are you? i'm quite good actually, especially now that i'm finding you here. why is it so dark in here? the power's out. my dad thinks rats chewed through the wires. i'd invite you in, but there's really no place to hang or anything. that's okay. i can't stay long anyways. it's beautiful,isn't it?
how long's it been since you were out here? a long time, years. yeah. i come by once in a while, and i've seen other people here but never you. yeah, other family come out now and then, but no one's really been here this last summer. well, except for the peoplewho keep breaking inand messing the place up. that's terrible.
well, they brokealmost all our windows. my uncle had to call the police to run them off. so what are youdoing here now? fixing it up. we're gonna sell it. that's too bad. and aside from selling this house, what are you up to? nothing much. are you in school or something? no, me and school don't really go together.
i'm working for my dad and thinking about doing something else. yeah, it's tough getting any kind of job these days. there's so many things i want to do, but i never seem to beable to do any of them. can you believehow long it's been? remember when we used to play dress up and do makeovers? did we? (laughs) oh, my god. it's been so long, i swear, sometimes,
i think i have holes up here. i have a pile of photosaround somewhere.i'll have to find them. you always had the best hair. so how long are youaround for? we've already been here a couple days, and my dad thinks we're gonna head out soon. really? well, you maybewant to hang out later? yeah, that could be good.
(laughs) the phone lines aren't set up though and our cells don't work up here. it's okay, i'll just come by later. okay. i didn't know if i'd ever see you again. it's so good to see you. yeah, it's good to see you, too. i'll see you later.
you know, i do remember you. how could you forget? sophia: see you later. peter: john, if you care so much about the way it's done, you can do it yourself, okay? just do it yourself. john: just trying to be helpful. you're an asshole. what? what did i do now? sorry. i gotta get out of here, sarah.
whoops. can i have the keysto my car, please? uh... you know where they are. give me the keys. when you're done with your temper tantrums, see if you can get the electrician on the phone, please. that would be awesome. if he could come out here, we could use his needle nose pliers to get that stick out of your ass.
(snickers) what was that? i love you, brother. (door shuts) i don't know why my brother always has to make everything so difficult. yeah, when he doesn't dowhat you want him to. exactly. you see, if everyone would just do what i say, we wouldn't have any problems, would we? uh-huh.
do you need any help down there? no, it's okay. okay. (thudding) (creaking) hey. what are you doing? i just thoughti heard something upstairs. it's probably the damn rats. god, don't remind me.
no, it sounded likesomeone was up there. maybe it's your uncle. no, his car's not here. (laughs) i know how you think, sweetie. would you like me to go upstairs and have a look? yeah. wait! i'm gonna come with you. jesus! i get you?
yeah, you didand that hurt. i'm sorry. (scoffs) what, you're trying to be funny? a little bit. what's that? uh, it's just... it's just nothing. it's photographs for the insurance. i don't know why your uncle just leaves things laying around like this.
ridiculous. sorry. honey, you're gonna really have to start making some progress in this room. you haven't even started on this closet. most of itisn't mine. so what? it's just gonna stay here? what are you doing in here? i don't know if you got the fact that we're packing it up to get out... yes, i do understand that.
that box is completely empty. (sighs) if your cousins don't wanna help out, just keep what you want. throw everything else out. at least that's empty. right, but what about the noise? honey, it's an old house. they make noises. i'm sure it's nothing. but i'll keep looking around, okay?
thank you. i want you to sit down, go through that stuff, and start throwing things away. i want to come back here and see full garbage bags. all right. you hear me? yes. all right. i'll be right back. (rattles)
(ice cubes tinkling) daddy? (footsteps approaching) what's going on? nothing's going on. what's going on in there? are you packing? yeah, i'm throwing stuff out. good. that's what i want to hear. (footsteps receding)
(door creaking shut) (loud thud) (gasps) dad? daddy? (exhales) (sighs) daddy? come on, dad.
(screams) (panting) (exhales in frustration) (objects rattling) (grunts) (door creaks) (bottle rolling) (faint footsteps) (footsteps growing louder)
(places bottle on table) (footsteps receding) (panting) (sarah screams) (breathing heavily) (floorboards creaking) (wood creaking) (rattling) (screaming)
(shrieking) (sobbing) oh, my god. daddy, what have they done to you? (weeping) daddy. daddy, wake up. oh, my god. (sobbing) wake up. wake up! (john groans softly)
oh, my god. you're alive. you're gonna be okay. oh, my god. (coins falling on the floor) (john groans) okay, the key. where's the key? i'm gonna come back. daddy, hang on. okay, i'm gonna go get help. (clicks)
(creaks open) (exhales) (door opens) (rattling) (footsteps) (gasps) (footsteps continue) (footsteps and rattling) (footsteps grow closer)
(footsteps pause) (exhales softly) (door closes) (door creaks open) (door slams shut) (footsteps descending staircase) (panting hysterically) (loud thud) (thudding continues)
(thudding and crashing) (weeping) (car honking) sarah, what are you doing out here? why aren't you back at the house? uncle peter! (sobbing) hey. sarah. it's okay. hey, what's going on? sarah, tell me what's going on.
they got daddy. who's got... you have blood all over you. what is going on, sarah? they fucking killed him! sarah, who hurt your dad? somebody was back at the house? who? there was just a girl. a girl? i don't see any girl. sarah, you gotta tell me what's going on so i can help you.
what is going on? where is your dad? he's at... he's in the room on the floor. is he back at the house? hey, where are you going? to get your dad. are you fuckingkidding me? uncle peter,we need to go get help! if your dad is hurt we need to help him right now. we don't have any time to go back into town, sarah.
(sobbing) no! please! tell me how many people you saw back at the house. (sobbing) i don't know! just give me an idea. one, two, three? tell me what i'm dealing with here. there was one man... back at the house? and then there was just a girl by the road! jesus, goddamn squatters!
please, stop! it's okay, sarah. i'm not gonna let anyone hurt you. (shouting) i don't wanna be here! sarah, come on, calm down. here. your wrist is bleeding. we'll tie this up first. i got something here. (groans) i'm sorry.
i'm sorry. i know that hurts. all right, just put pressure on that. hold on to it. sarah, honey, it's gonna be okay. all right? where are you going? i'm gonna get your dad. just stay in the car. what are you doing? i'm getting my gun. you can't leave me alone here! i'm gonna be right back!
just stay inthe car, sarah! no! (sobbing) no! (muffled) stay in the car and lock the doors. lock it! (sobbing) (clearing throat) (gasps) (screaming and sobbing) (panting)
uncle peter! uncle peter! (screaming) jesus, sarah! what are you doing? i told you to stay in the car! you left the trunk open! no, i didn't! i closed the trunk. someone got in the car! what?
you can't open it. i locked him out. do you have my key? yeah, i'm not giving it... give me the key, sarah! i'm not gonna give it to you! (sobbing) please don't! i don't want to! i don't wantto go out there. (sobbing) i'm sorry.i'm sorry about before.i didn't know.
you all right? you sure? (shakily) yeah. can you show me exactlywhere you last sawyour father? i looked around but i didn't see anybody. i looked quick.take this. how's your wrist? it's okay. all right, we're sticking together now. what if he gets in the basement?
forget about it. we're gonna get your dad and we're gonna get out of here. get right behind me. come on. come on. john? john? sarah: he wasn't in that room. where was he? he was in there.
let's look again. he was right here. oh, jesus. sarah, how was your father when you last left him? could he have gotten up? could he have moved somewhere? i can't see how. okay, well, maybe he... maybe he came to. (sniffling)
uncle peter? over here. i don't think there's anybody on this floor. (exhaling) (softly) oh, man. what? what is that? uh, it's... it's garbage. here. gotta get this out of here.
did you check upstairs? quickly. let's... let's look again. (sarah sniffles) (sobs) wait! stay close to me. give me your hand. it's okay. (gasping) (softly) what?
(generator humming) peter: that wasn't on before. (generator humming) (sarah shrieks) (humming) they took him. i'm sorry, sarah, we looked everywhere. (generator switches off) (peter exhales fearfully)
sarah: uncle peter. uncle peter... (screams) (thud) uncle peter! (sarah gasping) (camera clicking) (sarah crying) (pool balls clinking) (sarah sobbing)
(creaking) (footsteps running) (sarah whimpering) (drops camera) (generator switches on) man: that's good. that's right. just like that. good. it's okay. (camera clicks)
yeah. it's just a little game we're playing. nice. don't be shy. hmm. that wasn't so bad. hmm? was it? how about a little snack now? (dragging) (dragging continues) (groans softly)
(whimpering softly) (water running) (footsteps approaching) (shushes) (girl screams) (whimpering) (bottles clinking) (gasping) (slow pounding)
(low rumbling) (bottles clinking) (little girl crying out) (ice cubes tinkling) (panting) there you are. sophia. what are you... thought we had a date, didn't we? are you lookingfor this?
that's not the key to this door. that's not the way out. (fire crackling) what did you do to him? not nearly enough. daddy want his favorite drink? no? i think he's going to need it. who are you? why are you doing this to us? you have trouble remembering, sarah.
you have holes up here. you have the key. (dragging) did i... no. finish what you started. leave us alone! stop punishing yourself, sarah. sarah, ple...
(shushing) you have to be quiet or you're gonna wake up mommy and then i'll have to punish you. so you want to play with me now? (shushing) (groans) why are you makingsuch a big deal? it's just a game,don't be such a baby. don't... don't...
please don't! please don't! ow, daddy, it hurts. (sobbing) it hurts. john: daddy would never hurt you. liar! look. look at what you did.look at what you did to me! how could you! john: look at what you did. sarah, honey, you're seeing things,
people that aren't there. you're making things up that didn't happen. but we can get through this, baby. you're gonna have to do what i say. okay? i can help you but you're gonna have to untie me first. sweetie... honey? it's okay. it's okay. come on. that's right.
just take it easy. just take it easy. (gasps) oh, god. thank you. now just give these to me. all right. all right. (drops clippers) (softly) honey, it's all right. it's okay. it's okay. all right. you okay? (sarah weeping)
no, daddy! ow! you're making me do this, sarah. no! (weeping) peter: john... just leave her alone. leave her alone? shut up, peter. shut up and enjoy the show, huh? just like you always did.
right, sarah? let her go. what is this, a joke? you're such a loser. (peter groans) pretending to be dead. and then you attack me? this will be our special little secret. peter: oh, god. oh, god, sarah. please.
i'm sorry. i'm so sorry. it was so long ago. i should have stopped it, i should have stopped him. (sniffles)