(man)have a seat. (man)quiet on the set, please. oh, straight to camera. (man)do everythingright to that camera. ah. my nameis julissa bermudez. i was bornin dominican republic and raisedin queens, new york. a lot of you may know meas a host
from different networks--bet, mtv. i haven'treally found anybody that can really understandmy lifestyle. since i travel so much, i'll meet great,successful men along the way, but sometimes it feels likeyou're competing with them for the limelight. all of a sudden,he needs to be the star, and i'm just arm candy.
i really want to find somebodythat i can take my lashes off. i can be clean-face makeup, and they still want mefor me. my looks eventuallywill change. i want to be ableto be with somebody that is gonna bedown for that. i mean, when i see my parents--40 years-- they've seen each otherin all aspects of life, and i would love that.
i knowthey really want me to start thinkingabout settling down. i would absolutely loveto have somebody that i can hold hands withfor the rest of my life. yeah, my parentsstill hold hands. [chuckles] (patti)hi, david. we need to start reallyrecruiting hard this week. (patti)we're looking for real peoplewith real jobs.
they work 9:00to 5:00. okay, well, listen,julissa's here, but you needto make it happen, okay? - bye.- hi. - hi.- hi. i want to hug you. hi, julissa bermudez. (julissa)i'm a tv hostand tv personality. that was a great--that was great.
some days, i'm travelingor going on castings or taking meetingswith my manager. this businessis just so unpredictable. i can get a phone call tomorrowand host a gig anywhere. i actually haven't hada lot of relationships. i've always chosen careerover everything. - what's the event tonight?- red carpet tonight. (julissa)now i feel likei'm finally ready to figure outthe right balance
between being career-drivenand being in a relationship. my cultureis super important. i mean, i always sort of bringmy own flavor. i think patti can help mebecause she's worked with so many other people who want something realand serious in such a superficial world. - how are you?- i'm good. - you look beautiful.- thank you.
and you're working here.you're hosting stuff? - yes.- so that's good. well, let's talk turkey. so i did a littledue diligence, like i always do. got to geta little serious here. okay. i don'twatch football, but i saw that you datedlarry johnson. how longwere you dating him for?
(julissa)almost four years. that's a long-ass timefor a dominican girl. mom must've been like,"where the [bleep] is the ring?" oh, yeah,and he got me one, and it was a big old rock,and it was nice. you didn'tclose the deal. no. so what reallywent wrong? what wasthe tip-off to say,
"this isn't my guy"? i was reallyenvisioning us to be what i always thoughtwas a power couple, because that'swhat i would want. okay, but thenwhat happened? but then he didn'thave the same vision, and you can't-- what did hewant you to be? just barefoot and pregnantin kansas city.
okay, i need youto own your career and say, "this is who i am.this is what defines me." so julissa is dominican,from queens, new york. i'm a little worried she likesthe superficial alpha males. this is a young girlon the rise, and she needs a guywho can cherish her but also allow herto be who she is. how old were youwhen you dated him?
- i was 22.- and how old are you now? i'm 31. okay, well, you look likeyou're so much younger. what happensfrom 26 to 31? well, there wasthis one guy, but he wasa complete phony. i mean, he literallyhad a girlfriend the entire timethat we were dating. okay, how longwere you dating him for?
for almost a year. and where didyou meet this guy? at an event,actually. and how do you decipherwho's a good one from a bad one? i like good-looking. there's no reason that julissacan't have a good-looking guy, but to have depthand intelligence, she needs someone whowill put her front and center. do you feelthat you're being lured
by these men'cause they're either, a, good-lookingor, b, they have money? where is the depth?where's the soul? what are your interests? what do you like to doin your spare time? you know, go to the spaevery once in a while. i need to finda really romantic guy for you. but, like,still strong. don't get me some guythat's gonna, like, bore me.
boy, you're, like,a tough little cookie, huh? yeah. like, for instance,when you're looking for a job, okay, you knowyou're the [bleep]. you walk in like,"this is me," right? you don't do thatwith dating, though. you're like,"love me. please love me." what do you thinkis the number one thing
that we should shiftfor you? think it's confidence? i was gonna sayconfidence. (patti)a lot of the menthat julissa attracts-- the badass dude who's hotand sexy and smoldering-- they're fightingfor the spotlight. as my mother used to say, "beware of the manthat seduces and reduces you." have you ever felt lovedby anyone that just wanted you?
that said, "you're the one.i'm ready"? mm, i never reallythought about that. you know, there is no reasonjulissa has to take a backseatin a relationship. i think she might needto take her confidence from her careerand put it in her personal life. in the beginning,i will see a guy for whateverhe's presenting, right, and then a couple of monthswill go by,
and you startliking him more. right, it'sthe pull back. oh, well, yeah. in other words,he woos you for 90 days. at 91, he switches,and then he wants to see if you're gonnafill in the space. yes. the problem is, she's onlydating in the hollywood pool. that's really bad.date a normal businessman.
i just hope she's nottoo addicted to the alpha guys who haven't been treating herthe right way. close your eyes,and tell me the things you want in a man. start from the top.what do you want? i definitely want himto be ambitious. - okay.- funny. or at least getmy sense of humor. and trustworthy.
okay, are we looking for guysin their 30s and 40s for you? - mm-hmm.- who's your celebrity crush? like, channing tatum. okay, channing tatum.there he is. and then somebodywho has a real job. - maybe a lawyer, a doctor.- oh, that'd be great, yeah. okay, who lets youwalk the carpet. he's the shadow behind,but he's not offended by that. how old do you want to bewhen you get married?
- like, 35.- okay. i need to get you--your energy, you know, in a joyful placewhere the right guy comes in. just not that stupid[bleep] actor that's gonna cheaton you. - okay, yeah.- okay? i was pretty nervousmeeting patti. now the nervousnesshas turned into excitement, and she's just so goodat what she does.
cheers to that. oh, i love that. (man)quiet on set, please. i'm the ceo and founderof snaphunt, which is a mobilesocial media application. (man)what is that business worth?what is your net worth? let's just sayi'm well into seven figures. i was a professional musicianfor the majority of my life, but unless you're rappingor you're taylor swift,
you're really not making moneyin that industry anymore. i've spent the past two years--started two different companies, got myself together. i'm looking betterthan ever. dropped 30 pounds.my rig is tight, so... (daniel)patti, adam is here to see you. (patti)great. - pleasure to meet you.- nice to see you too. let's get it in.let's it get--whoa.
getting a little malibuin the house. ♪ i've seen who you are ♪ (adam)before i became ceoof a software company, i actually playedin a heavy metal band. we're known as 2cents. i got to tourall over the world and have some crazy times. what we want to doright now is just goover the branding book.
(adam)leaving the touring lifeand doing something else, it's given mea lot more stability. that contributes a lotto why i'm ready for a real relationshipat this point in time. ♪ hard day ♪ (adam)i absolutely wantto get married. i absolutely want kids. i already have my kid'sfirst name picked out. the thing's gonna bea gorgeous, talented genius
who will lead americato a brighter, sexier tomorrow. i'm just lookingfor somebody who can push usforward together. so tell me a little bitabout your history. how'd you get outof the business? coming off the last tour,i was living in my car. i had no idea whati was gonna do with my life. we all wantedto do something different. boys do whatthey want to do.
men do whatthey have to do. - ooh, i like that statement.- yeah. i wanted to start a family,have real relationships. and you transitionedtwo different careers. - you went from music to this.- yes. so that's a big deal. i drastically changedhow i ate. - you a vegan?- no, no. if it has parents,i'll eat it.
- [laughs]- so you're healthy. (patti)adam o'rourkeis kind of kooky and quirky, but i like him. he's smart;he's transitioning from one life to anotherat an early age. if you don't have anyoneto share it with, it means nothing. what are your interestsand hobbies outside of work? i always play music.have to play music.
if i had my guitar, i wouldserenade you beautifully. all right,when's your birthday? may 27th. - he's gemini.- oh, you're gemini like me. the good thing about us,we are never boring. never boring. we can be, i guess,overbearing at times, though. i don't thinki'm overbearing. when was yourlast relationship?
it was aroundtwo years ago. and who was this person? we were mostlykept together by a love of going outand getting crazy together. - you were party animals.- yeah. and that's whatkept the party going. and you don'twant that anymore. (patti)it'd probably be better for you if you had somebodywho wasn't as party--
no, exactly. and was more, like,conducive to health and fitnessand nutrition. a very wise woman said,"you have to agree on the non-negotiables." - that would be me.- yeah. uh, you like that.pow. five non-negotiables. three non-negotiables.
your one non-negotiable. what arethe non-negotiables? - you have to want kids.- okay. you have to bea forgiving person. - okay.- compassionate. a sense of adventure. so in the last year,have you dated anybody that is like that? i haven'tdated anybody.
- all right, so you're clean.- yeah. (patti)adam o'rourke has overcomeso many obstacles. he had the groupie scene, and it didn't do himany justice. adam really needsto, you know, meet a girl who's also lookingto start over. certain womenhave a very good way of sweeping their crazyunder the rug for-- okay, that's bologna.
you're attracted to the crazythat you brought out, and groupiesare [bleep] crazy, 'cause that's all they do,is go on the road and follow the musicians. they haveno [bleep] lives. you want to know what?you're completely right. maybe you needto stay away from those. i need you to be with business,professional girls who have real jobs,in their 20s, early 30s,
who want to get serious,want to get married, want to have babies. you might be attractedto miss personality plus, the picking. i think adam realizes nowhe's got to get serious, or he's not gonna findthe right girl. who's yourcelebrity crush? - i love olivia wilde.- hot brunette. so let's createthe girl that you want.
what doesshe look like? athletic,blonde hair, very, very beautifuland healthy. why love now? i feel like i havemy house in order now. and now you're readyfor love. - yes.- okay. you're basicallyrocker reboot, which meansyou've been refreshed.
you're clean.you deserve love. i appreciate that. so this gonna bereally exciting for me to find the right personfor you, but, you know, i'm not,like, in your penis. i can't make it pick. i can give youthe girls that i think would beappropriate for you, but it's up to youto get the chemistry going.
- yeah.- you know what? this is gonna bereally interesting. david, take adam out, 'causei got to get working on this. - give me a hug.- such a pleasure. - i'm really excited--- very excited. (patti)this is gonna be lots of fun. coming up... what, are you gettingan orgasm here? no, i was--
she's not allowedto date the clients. i don't want to date him. (patti)today's recruiting day, but i'm doingsomething different. i don't always get outof the office to do johnny-on-the-spotrecruiting, which is my favorite thingto do. we're at leica galleryin beverly hills. you must be paris.yes.
art galleries attract hip,cool culture people, and that's what julissaand adam are. i want people who aren'tjust into the arts. smart and educated. (patti)adam is an old-school rockerand little over the top. he needs a girlwith a strong personality, an adventurous sidewho is starting over and is readyto settle down. okay, let's get started.let's do it.
(patti)julissa needs to seethat it's okay to be with a guy that treats her well and that they don't needto be domineering to be confidentand strong. got to vibe it,feel it, investigate. and, like, over there,with the short hair. looks like she's gota bonsai tree growing out of her head. she may not be right.
(candace)i want to start over here. feel like he could be goodfor julissa. (patti)hi, guys. i'm patti stanger.i'm a matchmaker. - leilani.- leilani. - my name's mahdi.- mahdi. - okay, i love that name.- thank you. - where you from, britain?- i'm from england, yeah. - what do you do here?- i have a clothing line.
and now i do real estate. - do you like music?- yeah. i love leilani'cause she's creative. she's a designer,she's well-traveled, and she also has a careerin real estate. this is actuallyone of my dresses. oh, my god, that's so cute.let's see the back. candace, you neednew clothes, clearly. (candace)yeah, there's not much there.
[laughter] what do you do? i'm an officerin the navy, actually. oh, you're kidding.can i touch your arm? [both talking at once] - careful.- sure. it's fleet week.shut up. do you have a licensefor those guns? - in new york.- it's fleet--
i'm actually transitioningout right now, and i startedmy voice-over business. that's amazing. mahdi has been in the navy and is a really good-lookingtall drink of water. can you do, like,when they do the trailers for movies:"in a world..." in a world where there isa lot of pictures on the wall... look at you.are you getting an orgasm here?
no, i was--i was listening. okay, like, she's not allowedto date the clients. (candace)i don't want to date him. i have a client for you,and i have a client for you. - she's a libra.- libras are cool, though. the two of you look beautiful,but never make a decision. that's a fact. are you guys single? - i am single.- are you dating each other?
- we're not.- oh, god, you should be dating. you're so cute. you're so cute.he reminds me of prince harry. - yeah.- i'll take that. - do you like spicy women?- sounds tasty. (david)so what kind of manare you looking for? helps if they havea soul and a job. a soul and a job seems reallydifficult to find these days. so we're lookingfor god, okay.
so what kind of peopleare you looking for as far as dating? for me, someonewho's not crazy. look at those two girlsright there. hi, ladies.hi, i'm david. nice to meet you. - how old are you?- 23. - and where do you live?- marina del ray. - oh, i'm a neighbor.- oh, wow.
- what do you do?- i sell fitness equipment. - health and fitness.- okay. (patti)so do you date older,like, 32? i do. (david)how long wasyour last relationship? - five years.- and what happened there? we grew apart.different visions. i mean, i want to get marriedand have kids. yeah, you're ready.you have energy.
she'd be good for him,but she's a little young. - but you like 'em older, right?- i seem to attract that. (patti)haley's beautiful,and she's got a great job. she doesn't seem likethe partying type, so she could be really goodfor adam. let david getyour registrations in. i'm gonna go checkon other people. you're super cute. hi, patti.
- you fill everybody in?- yes. so tell me who you met.who are your friends? - so we've got crystal here.- hi. she's a hairand makeup artist. of course you are.okay. and then we'vegot samuel, who has a start-upin santa monica, and we have jay. jay's ready for loveand marriage.
- and what about her?- gabriella. she was actually hererecently. she's ourdigital strategist. oh, that's kind of cool for him,'cause he has an online company. - mm-hmm.- that's a good thing. (patti)i really like gabriella.she's in the same field as him. she's got looks and brainsand personality. it should be easy for themto start a conversation and get to knoweach other.
anything you wantto tell me about yourselves that i don't know,like, that would make you specialto be fixed up? actually, i used to cookin a jamaican food restaurant. - you can cook jamaican?- jamaican food, yeah. - ox tails?- yeah. ox tail, rice, and peas. what's your start-up do? creative mediaand advertising.
okay, that's cool.really awesome. (patti)i like sam.he can cook. he's got a great job,out of the industry. he seems really stable.plus, he's a handsome guy. he's cute and confident,but not overwhelming. you think you're gonnacome look at art, and now we'rehooking y'all up. - hot, sexy singles, right?- yeah. today we were very successful
when it cameto finding women for adam. we found designer leilani,beautiful girl-next-door haley, and sexy software girlgabriella. i think you guysdid a great job today. when it comes to julissa, we've got entrepreneur sam,who cooks, and my handsomenavy vet mahdi. they're both really good guyswho seem like gentlemen, but i still need a couplemore people from the database
to fill out the mixer. i need to go backto the office. - okay.- you guys keep sending it over. (patti)and i will talk to you soon. do you feel likeafter we met, like, that you had a senseof what you needed to change? 'cause, like,one of the things you need to changeis confidence. so todayi'm bringing a friend
whose been livingin la for 35 years. she's beautiful.she's dating right now. she's got allthe bells and whistles to teach youhow to do this. (patti)sometimes our clientsneed a little bit of a nudge. when a third party comesand they're a celebrity, a famous person,an expert in their field, they start to believe me. so i have a really good friend,tiffany haddish.
[shouts] tiffany, hey. pull a chair over. - this is tiffany.- hi. she is a--she was-- do you remember arsenio hall?he had a sidekick on the show. - yeah.- that was tiffany. (patti)the one thingabout tiffany's act is that when she's onstage,it's all about relationships.
she knows how to put a guyin his place. she knows the scenebetter than anyone. you want the dudesto love you for your soul, for what you have,you know? and just your physical beauty,but your inner beauty. you got to let that shine.that's important. i think you guysneed to partner up, start hanging out together. (patti)i've got to goset up your recruitment.
okay, give me a kiss.thank you for showing up. i really appreciate it.you--you need to listen to her. - she is the teacher.- okay. - all right?- bye, patti. man, she does notplay games, but i--that's whati love about her, though. i always say i'd ratherhear the truth than a sugarcoated lie. so, okay, this lastrelationship you had.
okay, the last relationship was,like, three years ago. like, obviously,i'll meet men at these events, but i'll entertain themfor a conversation or two, but then i just-- i don't evensee them anymore. and whoever i'm with,they have to help me grow. - this is what i'm saying.- yeah. somebody has to--that i'm with, has to seethe potential in me.
well, if you let a guyknow what you want from him, like, from the jump,he's gonna-- he can make the decisionright there. "okay, i can do that for her,"or, "i can't do that for her." so are you out the gatestraight up with that? oh, i'm straight upwith dudes right away. but, like, first date,this is what you're-- - first date, first date.- word. yes, you cannot be afraidto ask the hard questions,
and--'cause you needto know as much about that personas you can to decide if i wantto even waste my time with you. see how you smilingand laughing at everything right now,girl, having a good time? this is the type of energy youwant to put out all the time. you want to be happy,cheerful, 'cause guys-- and not justwhen i'm holding a mic. - yeah.- i love tiffany.
(julissa)she's totally keeping it real. i think the biggest advice todayis definitely thinking about myselfand not thinking about what the menare thinking of me, and i think it's about that timefor me to start doing what i want to do. i'm so excited thatpatti introduced me to you. - i'm excited too.- we're gonna have so much fun. (tiffany)yes, we are.
(patti)coming up... ever treated a womanlike arm candy? - always.- always? always. so i've been recruitingall week long. i took my staff out. we actually wentto this gallery. found a bunch of girlsfor you there. we also have girlsfrom the database.
i'm optimistic,and i believe in your abilities. okay, cool. no further ado,do you know who julissa is? - pleasure to meet you.- nice to meet you. you guys have a lotin common. why don't you havea seat, julissa? you're going to be doingthe dinner party together. you'll have your girls,and you'll have your guys. there'll beseparate tables.
so i really love the ideaof a dinner mixer for julissa and adam. it brings people togetherin a more intimate fashion, and when you break breadwith someone, you get to know them deeperthan you do if you were just standing thereand having a drink. get to know each other. i'm gonna goget the party ready. - okay, cool.- so are you nervous?
- are you kidding me?- i'm crazy nervous. so, like ricky bobby,i don't know what to do with my hands,for sure, so i feel you. - they're just floating up.- yeah, exactly. it's weird becausei never get nervous. i kind of havea unique sense of humor, and i just don't know--like, you know what i mean? like, i lovedthe ricky bobby reference. [laughs]
shake and bake,that can be us. - yeah.- we can be shake and bake. for sure. (patti)for julissa, i found four guysthat will let her shine and let her be the centerof attention. she's in desperate needof confidence when choosingthe right guy. - hi, guys.- hi. (patti)i really like samfor julissa.
he's successful,a real estate entrepreneur. - gentlemen.- sam--nice to meet you. (patti)and my handsomenavy vet mahdi. mahdi again.good to see you. i always brought two guysfrom my database, lee and ian. - nice to meet you--lee.- hi. when i first moved to la, everything i was makingwas rice and beans and, you know,what i traditionally eat.
do any of youknow how to cook? - yes.- you do? oh.you know how to cook? absolutely. (patti)lee's world-traveled. he's also laid-back, which goes really greatwith julissa. - nice salmon and brown rice.- that's good. (patti)ian didn't work outfor melyssa ford,
but he's got a great job. he's out of the industry,and he's handsome too. oh, yeah.you know mangu. si.wow, muy bien. (patti)right out of the gate,sam's impressing julissa. he can cook, and he's wooing herwith his spanish. muy caliente. so this is ridiculouslyawkward, obviously. i've never done anythinglike this before.
(patti)adam needs a girlthat's centered, that has a real job,and is ready to be serious. any of you ever doneanything like this before? (woman)couple times a week. (adam)yeah, right? my favorite is haley,who's really fun, grounded, beautiful,with a regular job. i like leilani'cause she's well-traveled, and not to mentionshe's drop-dead gorgeous.
i have a good feelingabout gabriella. she's pretty, and she'sin the same business as adam. i also added one girl,beautiful samantha. she's outdoorsy.she's got a great personality. an adventurous side. but we'll seewhat adam has to say. what is the craziest thingyou've ever done? - oh, gosh.- no, well, okay. that's a hard question.let's back up.
what's something you'vealways wanted to do and have yet to try? i'm so afraid of heights, but i really want to gosky-diving. so i know it's kind of generic,but i really would love to do that one day. - okay, and you live out here?- mm-hmm, born and raised. how about you? my family'sall in england still.
i've got a sister.she lives in birmingham. are they bigfootball fans out there? - soccer.- soccer, yeah. yes.yes, yes, yes. i had no ideahow big that was. i'm trying to learnhow to code now, which is not easy. that's the businessi'm in. i hire the people that cando that really well,
but i admire that. whereabouts in drare you from? santo domingo,which is the capital city. i've been puerto plata. oh, yeah, puerto plata. that's wheremy grandmother is from. - very friendly people.- mm-hmm. (patti)british lee is very politeand very cultured, but he's too serious,
and i don't knowif he's gonna woo her. - hi.- hello. do you guys want to passaround your food? i was offering thembaby eggs. here. (ian)you very busy?what's your passion? my passion is actuallyentertaining people, which is what i thinki'm good at. - you're very good at that.- thank you.
outdoorsy or indoors? i've become more outdoorsyliving here. record scratched. like, wrong answer.ehh. what does that mean? what is your definitionof arm candy? arm candy is, like, wherethey're just, like, pretty, like a trophy wife. they don't talk.they don't--you know.
nah, not the not talk part,but you got to, you know,spoil the woman. i was gonna ask you. do you fall into--favorite massage parlors? - you mean spas?- yes. massage parlorsounds a little--you know. - just saying.- go with spa. spa. we're not talkinghappy endings here, right?
(patti)this might be ian's last mixeruntil he can get some game. he doesn't relax,and he says stupid [bleep]. basically. - do you like dancing?- i do, yeah. (patti)why, do you like to dance? - i love it.- what kind of dance do you do? machata. he knows a lotabout dominicans. have you ever beento the dominican republic?
about 25 times. no way.wow, that's pretty cool. they're positive people,you know, poda vida. - that's what they live by.- yeah. (patti)you guys need anything else?you pretty good? - okay.- thank you. (julissa)what's your business? i'm in rolls-royce salesin beverly hills. - oh, cool.- yeah.
lot of them driving aroundin the double r. yeah, there's a lotof characters, but some good,you know, some not so good. lee seems nice,but i don't think he can handlethe handful of julissa. we're goingdown the line here. yeah, i guess. i went to collegein pittsburgh. had a rotc scholarship there,and after that,
i was an officerin the navy. so mahdi was a typical,like, guy that just caught me from the minutei looked at him and how good-looking he is. i was like, "i knowwe're gonna have fun." what'd the navy teach you? i think the most valuable thingwas just leadership. so would you consideryourself a leader in any relationshipthat you're in?
i definitelywear the pants. i'm a wear-the-pantskind of guy, but, you know, i defer. like, i'm nota gestapo leader. you know what i mean?i like inputs. family's super important.how about you? i'm super closeto my family as well. i'm in businesswith my brother. - oh, nice.- yeah.
we host a tv show togetheron mountain biking. - oh, cool.- so my dad's the manager. and we travel all the time. we're very adventurousand, like, not afraid to get dirty. - hi.- hello, patti. - how are you doing?- good. so are you happywith our selection? i'm incredibly happy.
he's a gemini, so he needsa lot of intelligence. (patti)he gets boredquite easily. (haley)i'm gemini-cancer,so i know. there you go. we need constantmind stimulation all the time, or we're gonna be-- - or they check out on you.- exactly. why don't you ask themindividually about themselves?
and i'll come backand check on you, all right? - thank you, patti.- okay. - thank you.- thank you. what do you look forin men, gabriella? ambition, active,and curious. - ooh, nice.- yeah. (patti)i really like gabriella. she's in the same industryas him. it could be easy for themto start a conversation
and geek out together. leilani. loyal and active and someone i'm, like,physically attracted to. nice, well,that is important. um... unquestionable loyalty,major ambition, and very,very big sense of humor. nice, good times.
is there anythingyou want to ask me? - do you cook?- i am obsessed with cooking. oh, really? i'm not tryingto be conceited, but amazing. i've never hada man cook for me. gentlemen, would youcome with me? (patti)guys, gowith candace. say good-byeto julissa.
if you don'tget picked, we'll just fix you upwith somebody else. don't worry about it.it's not the bachelor. everyone gets a rose. [speaking indistinctly] really nicemeeting you all. thanks forcoming today. so, julissa, did you have funwith the guys today? honestlyyou did an amazing job.
like, for real. you got to makeone decision, and the decision is,who's going to take you on a master datethat you don't plan that teaches yousomething? i really wantto say sam, samuel. (patti)okay. because he seems to knowso much about dominicans, and, like, you know,he's got the miami flavor.
i put four great guysin front of julissa. i was a little afraidat first and thought she might only gofor the alpha males, but i'm seeing that she's reallyopen to these guys. i'm so proud of julissaright now. you like mahdi. there's something about himthat i really like. he seems--just, like,his smile-- but you canonly pick one.
(julissa)the decision was tough--i'm not gonna lie-- because there was twothat really stood out. samuel was soft-spoken,but mahdi was my other choice. he had a great smile.i can tell he's a good guy. - you need a little reassurance?- i need a little reassurance. okay, so there's a little trick,a matchmaker trick. - close your eyes.- okay. take a deep breath,and when i snap my fingers, you are goingto see the guy
that you want to goon the master date, okay? one, two... [fingers snap] three. (patti)you got to endthe conversation. david, will you takethe girls out? (david)absolutely. all right, ladies,come with me. (patti)i like all these girls.
they're beautiful, fit,and intelligent, and guess what,they don't party. do you knowwho you want? i have it narrowed downbetween two. - who are the two?- gabriella and haley. okay, why haley? (adam)she is very adventurous. you know,kind of up for anything. and then gabriellaseems like somebody--
she codes appsand stuff. i mean, that's, like,exactly what i do. she works her ass off. do you want to be with someonewho does what you do? it's more about the passionand determination it takes to do that. okay, who are youmore sexually attracted to? - it's 50/50.- close your eyes. close your eyes.take a deep breath.
which girlis standing there? when i snap my fingers,you're gonna see her. where are we? - i'm ready.- you definitely are ready. (adam)it was tough at the mixer. having four beautiful,intelligent women to pick from was definitely a situationthat's new to me. but i got along with haleygreat the other day. i'm really excitedto get to know her
a little bit more. gonna surprise herin a limo and cruise her up the coastfor a couple more surprises, and hopefully we bothhave a good time. hello, how are you? - good, how are you?- very good. - good to see you.- good to see you. - are you excited?- yes, and i'm nervous. - you are nervous.- yeah.
i'm a teddy bear. got to see the teddy bearthrough the tattoos. (adam)we're gonna have fun.it's gonna be a good time. well, i'm excited. i was shockedwhen he picked me. he's, like, kind of rockand roll and has an edge, and i feel likei kind of just look like a malibu barbiecompared to the other girls. and away we go.
- i think we need a bigger car.- yeah, right? (patti)the only thing i'm worried aboutis adam on his date. i want himto be engaging, romantic, and beingthe chivalrous gentleman that he's supposed to be. when is actually the last timeyou've been on a "date date." probably six months ago. how did thatgo for you? well, that was technicallymy first real date.
your first real datesince when? ever, i mean,i had been in a relationship since i was 17 to 22. - damn.- so... what happened? we started, towards the end,just having-- just fighting a lot. - yeah.- we were very different. i'm very expressive,
so if we're fightingor something, you know, he would want space,and i don't like that. like, i have to solve everythingright then and there. - i am the exact same way.- really? - that's very rare.- 'cause here's the deal. it's like, whatever it is,let's just discuss it. - yeah.- yeah. and then if it doesn'tget discussed, it winds up bubbling out,like, six months later.
exactly. (adam)in the limo,it clicked for me that we havea lot in common, and we've actually been througha lot of the same things. i have a song of yours.i actually looked it up. it's amazing. i didn't know that you sing,so that's really cool. wow, thank youvery much. well, it's beena long journey,
a lifetime of storiesand memories. (julissa)it was really tough for me,and i was torn. so i chose samuel, and i'm excited to goon this date. i have no ideawhat we're doing. i hope i'm dressedaccordingly, because he saidit was gonna be fun. - hey, what's going on?- [whistles] - hi.- oh, look at you.
good to see you again. you look as beautifulas the other day. thank you. did not expectto be painting at all on a first date. i literally wouldprobably only come here if it was with my nephew. so i know you're alwaysin the hollywood scene. you know, you'reon the red carpet,
and i was like,"you know what? "i might take a risk,be a little cute, take you outof your element." - okay.- do something fun, carefree. - and see where it goes.- all right. - let's do it.- so let's take a look around. i'm gonna pick a frog. okay, why's that? 'cause i hope you'll turninto my prince charming.
oh, okay. oh, how cute. i'm gonna gowith the party lion, 'cause you gota little fierceness in you, but it's smiling,'cause i know you got a little fun sideto you, so... - okay.- yeah. - i like this.- yeah. such a weird daythe other day.
you know when you feelsomebody looking at you? - yeah.- i got that-- all right, good,then i did my job, right? for sure, yeah. i don't know, i guesswhen you're, like, mesmerizedby something, you just wantto pay attention to it. and then at some moments,i was like, "wait a minute. "is he trying to spitthis spanish at me
just so thati can be impressed?" (julissa)oh, man, yours looksso much better. i got to get a littlemore creative with this. sam definitely scoredsome points on this one. i do like the intimacyof the date. i like the factthat it was very unique. i am wanting to see what elsehe's got in store, though, 'cause, you know, every girllikes to get dressed up. oh, you did so good.not fair.
(adam)so here we are. my game plan was pretty muchto just let her relax and let me kind of pamper hera little bit. - so this is the spot.- this is so pretty. yeah, i thought thiswould be a nice place to unwind for the dayand hang out. oh, my god,the view's crazy. - yeah, check it out.- that's amazing. - feel like i'm at a resort.- yeah, right?
and obviouslyyou can suntan here. - i would love to lay out.- yeah. well, i'm glad.make yourself at home. and then i'm gonna get insideand start cooking. - okay.- awesome. - where can i change?- yeah, right through there. (haley)i'm someone that alwayshas a swimsuit in my car, and i grew up at the beach,so i thought it would be fun kind of to just keep himon his toes.
boom. wow. - look at you.- i'm ready. oh, my goodness,you definitely are ready. obviously the highlightof the day was when she came outin the bikini. it was hard not to havea cow mouth when that happened, but i think i kept it togetherpretty well. i've never had a mancook for me,
so i'm a little,like, shocked right now. i hope you enjoy it. (haley)you aren'tmessing around here. no, can you telli watch the food network? no, i can't. at first, i'm like, "i think he's just saying thatto score points." - but it smells really good.- yeah, i'm glad. i'm roundingthe finish line here,
so, you know... - i'm gonna go lie out there.- awesome. i'm gonna come backreally dark. - okay.- just for you. i do think it's sexywhen a man can cook. you know,i'm not used to it. it was a really nice changeto actually feel like someone's catering to me. (adam)this isn't a typicalfirst date scenario,
but under the circumstances,i had to pull out all the stops. oh, my gosh,it's, like, professional. - right?- i'm really impressed. mmm. i've never had anyone doanything like this. - i really appreciate it.- got to put in the effort. - right?- i'm not used to it. - you deserve it.- thank you. it's been a while sincei've felt like
i'm on the same pagewith anybody. - yeah.- in this instance. i got dudes i'm on the same pagewith, but, i mean... - i got one more surprise.- i love surprises. bam. would it be all rightif i played you a song? i would love that. - my steed.- i love it. (adam)you get close enough to me
that i can pull outmy little guitar and sing to you, just--that's when i go infor the kill. that is kill moderight there. [graceful music playing] adam serenaded me,and that was very different. i've never hadsomeone do that, and i was actuallyblown away. i can tell he's actuallyvery sensitive,
and he hasa very warm side to him, and he's not afraidto, like, show his sensitivity. that's amazing.did you write that? - yeah.- really? - yeah.- that's amazing. i'm glad i gotto play for you. i'm really impressed. well, i hope i getto see you again. - i would love that.- awesome.
it has to bejust like this. - thank you.- let's go. - this is good.- mm-hmm. that's one thingi like about cali, the weather. - for sure.- oh, the weather is always-- (samuel)you don't have to puta coat on. (julissa)at the beginning,i was a little skeptical. like, "what are we doing?pottery, what?" but then i wastotally digging it.
i was like, "okay." and then he also showed mewe can dress up, and he can be a gentlemen and take meto a really nice place. what was itabout the experience that made you choose me? you definitely gavethe sense of being confident, but not, like,overbearing, you know? - right.- i just--
- i was digging your vibe.- okay. (both)cheers to that. (both) salut. (julissa)i mean, it was beautiful, the setting,the restaurant that he picked. everything waspretty impressive, i will say. tell me moreabout your family. my mom and my dadare retired. they livein dominican republic.
and they would loveto see me walk down the aisle. like, they--but they knowi'm also very career-focused and driven, so... so when theybrought me aside, they were like,"you know, what-- "what abouther attracted--you know, what was attractiveabout her?" - and i said--- oh, yeah, i want to know this. right away, when theyopened up the door,
right away,confident woman. okay, that meansi made progress. oh, what--what--is thatsomething you were working on? well, i was,because i'm pretty confident in all aspectsof my career, but when it comesto, like, meeting men and, like, havingto be on the spotlight in that sense, i don't know if i havethe most confidence in it,
so the fact that you gotthat vibe off of me... - definitely.- means that i've applied... you have. some of the thingsthat patti told me. - good job, good job.- yay. all right, we candrink some more now. - yeah.- i like that. so tell me--for me, when you came out, the chemistry,at least from my,
was, like--was there. just, like, confidence,mysterious type thing going on. [both chuckle] i was tryingto keep it cool too. now i don't knowwhat to say. - i'll cheers to this.- anyway, we'll cheers again. - cheers.- cheers. the chemistry,i mean, was unbelievable. i mean, i probablydidn't see anything around me.
it was likewhite noise. i saw himlooking at me, and i was just like,"oh, let me not look." i want her to knowthat i'm digging her. - you made it clear.- all right. so let me ask youa question. i was wonderingif i can give you a kiss. - i'll give you the yes...- okay. - but it'll be on the cheek.- okay, i'll take that.
oh, you just had to throw inthe arm caress with it too, though. never, ever, ever! calling is for men.texting is for teenagers. that, [bleep],is how it's done. (haley)adam picked me up in a limo, which wasa really big surprise. like, what are we gonna talkabout for this whole ride? do you want to hear oneof my most
embarrassing storiesof all time? we opened for alice cooperand rob zombie. i jumped off the speakers,and on my way down, my pants ripped off. i wasn't wearingany underwear. - no.- completely naked. people were dyinglaughing. i mean, it's--at the end of the day, it is a rock show.
i wasn't playing gospel,so there wasn't women fainting. he's very different. (haley)that's amazing. (patti)i'm dying to knowhow the date went with julissa. she texted me,and she's here. - want to go get her?- yeah. (patti)for a girl like julissa,i wanted to find a guy that was confident, handsome,but also allow her to be who she is.
- hi.- so... tell me howyour date was, missy. i actually hada lot of fun. i met himat this place that i wasa little confused about. it's calledcolored me mine. it's a pottery place. i was like, "should i havebrought my nephew with us?" oh, i thinkthat's kind of cute.
i know.i'm just joking. i learned that doinglow-key stuff is actuallya lot more fun, and you can reallyget to know somebody a lot better that way. did he contact youafter the date? yes, but honestly, this weekendwas so crazy for me. like, our event--i was hosting in tennessee. okay, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,whoa, whoa, whoa.
you sound like love isthe last thing on your list. oh. this is the kind of manthat won't cheat. he's a catch. he's gonna be greatto his wife. - well, so what do i do?- call him back. - promise?- yeah, i will. i will. julissa's so usedto be treating as arm candy,
she doesn't really knowwhat it's like to date a really nice guy. i hope she gives sama chance. now, give methe hug, okay? - you're so tough.- she's right. - okay, group hug.- thank you. [phone line trilling] (haley)hello? hey, haley,it's patti.
how was your datewith adam? he actually picked me upin a limo that he rented-- ooh, ch-ching. aw, to his hometown. he actually cooked me dinnerall on his own. i was really impressed. wait, wherewas this at? his house in malibu. on the first date,he cooked you dinner at a house.
this doesn't soundtoo promising. moving onward, did he call youagain after the date? we texted a little bitafter the date, but we haven'ttalked again since. okay, haley,i will get back to you. bye, sweetie. - go get him.- all right. adam never got back to haley.what the [bleep] is his problem? so i heard from haley.
why did you take herto your house? like, why didn'tyou take her out? she mentioned that she had neverhad a man cook for her before. i'll give you that you wantedto impress her with the cooking. normally, rule number one,you never, ever, ever take a girl to a houseon the first date, because the beginningis the best part. yeah, and you wantto feel like a princess. and they take youeverywhere.
now, let's get backto the end of the story. she likes you.you like her. and then you didn'task her out again or call her. she hasn't heard from you.what happened there? we spoke recently.we spoke the other day. - i mean, i haven't--- she said it was texting. - yeah.- wait, wait, wait, slow down. women fall in lovebetween their ears, which makes themjuicy goosey downstairs.
men fall in lovebetween their eyes, which makes themschwing. true, okay. call her back.ask her out. that's what separatesthe boys from the men. okay, i will pick upthe phone. (patti)i think adam gets it now. i think adam forgets that he has to workat a relationship
just like he has to workat his music with his band. i can't forgethe's new to love, and he cannot let the girlcome to him. that's justlazy lion [bleep]. he just needed some helpalong the way. and that, [bleep],is how it's done. - makes sense.- all right? come on, give me a hug. thank you so muchfor everything, patti.
i'm so proud of you. (patti)next on the millionaire matchmaker... - patti.- hi. your name is romeo.come on. i hate kissingon the first date. maybe that's whyyou're [bleep] single. what's going on? okay, this isa friend intervention. huh?
you've been herebefore, right? you work on your personalitya little bit? - what's your favorite color?- red. - what's your favorite number?- three. this is howyou're picking a girl. i thought it would bea fun way. no, you just wantedto see her naked. you're so fullof [bleep]. for more informationon the millionaire matchmaker,
go to bravotv.com.