hi everyone this is sandra with the disneycartoyschannel with valerie from the alltoycollector channel and today we hid somesurprises in the sand and i didn’t even count them so hopefully we can find them we’llsee. i am going to find them with a shovel and i am going to find them with this sharkso i guess we will just start and see who can get the most. ready lets go fast. okay no usingyour hands well what i mean is you can use your hands once you find them but you use tool.okay sweet, ready one two three go. okay i got
one wow there’s three no oh wait a rock.i feel like there was a golden egg oh maybe. you got spidy oh i got it i got the last one.no, okay wait so how many do you have? i have four. she’s got spidy spidy awesome, spidy gotto go to hawaii. i love spidy. and i got one two three, that’s it. lets open them up though.so i am going to open up this purple egg since i got four things i get to go first. valeriewon. oh wow that is way awesome a rubiz cube.
minnie daisy. oh that’s cool it like mickeymouse style. that is so cool. that’s cool i don’t even remember where i bought that. oh that’scool we’ll have to use this and play with it while we are on the airplane. oh i don’twant to talk about going home, i don’t want ot talk about that. i got this, which this is actuallyreally cool it an happy meal toy it says happy birthday on it maybe its like a special prizeif you have a birthday party there. oh this is
prefect for the beach its like a little dumptruck oh with a present that’s cute like a little birthday present it sticks on right here andthen you have your truck and it can drive on the sand. my kids would love that i’ll let youhave that this is really cool. it’s all yours and i will take the rubiz cube. that’s a good trade,this is awesome my kids will be very happy. what else did you get? okay well look how cutethat is, i know. it’s a disney princess
heart container. where did you get this? i don’teven remember maybe target or something. whose on it? oh aurora, repunzel and ariel.super cute lets see what’s inside oh no way a barbie purse for spidy. i don’t this spidylikes purses. he only likes shopkins maybe like a shopkins shopping bag. yea, not for spidybut we will give this to barbie though. barbie would like it though even though its red andnot pink. and lets see we kind of mixed up our
prizes but i think this one is mine a littlekinder egg and what a shopkin, awesome. sally shakes i believe and there we go spidy wouldprobably like the shopkins more. and you got spidy, which is cool. yea i got spidy,do you want to open up another thing. yea lets see, and my leonardo egg. yea he can help crackit and yea whoa. there we go and we got rex from toy story 3. oh awesome. he’s a littleone i like rex he’s really funny in the movies. well let’s see one more, golden egg. i heara rattle what is it? oh you know what its sand. oh
its sand inside the egg. oh cute minnie mouseit’s just like a kinder surprise. yea it’s a kinder surprise one. wow that’s really cool,awesome i like it. well i think we are done her i guess unless we want to bury spidy in thesand. yay bury spidy yay he likes that, i think. anyways please give us a like on this videooh he’s out already please give us a like and subscribe to the disneycartoys channel andin the comments let us know what your
favorite toy was today. and also watch thisvideo on my channel where we do this again with different toys yay wow. double the fun.thanks for watching and have a good day! click on a picture to watch another fun toyvideo and click on the question mark to watch mystery video!