(skates grating on ice) (crowd cheering) ♪ do it again tell me what you're waiting for ♪ oh, you're such a hottie ♪ turning your body on the dance floor ♪ girl, you know you got it ♪ gonna make you feel feel all right ♪ god, it's such a feeling when you get with me, baby ♪ see a girl across the room
♪ and you know that you ♪ got my attention ♪ i gotta mention ♪ i'm feeling you, baby ♪ thinking that maybe we could spend some time ♪ girl, you ♪ girl, you know you want it ♪ come and get it tell me what you're waiting for we're here at the pan pacifics in tokyo,
where bright and halyard are flawless, rob. i could not agree with you more, lori. ...you more, lori. looks like another nail-biter. looks like another nail-biter. but what else is new? but what else is new? ♪ night is young and we've just begun to see rob on tv: oh, look at this.
big marks for bright and halyard. ♪ feeling you baby ♪ thinking that maybe only zack conroy and celeste mercier can catch them. (mutes tv) and speaking of which, it's america'sgold-medal hopefuls,zack and celeste. and it's showtime. ♪ one more time
♪ thinking that maybe it's time for us to go, girl celeste: come on, zack.let's go. let me guess. you had company last night? and some fun it was. all she wanted to dowas talk about skating. really?now, that's a big surprise. rob on tv: and so, the gold medal goes to bright and halyard. they are the pan pacific's...
zack: second. i hate second. well, i hate second, too. but come nationals,we're gonna beright there, you know? oh, my god! my ass is sagging. look! zack: looks good to me. let's go. ♪ tell me what you're waiting for
♪ dance, you know you want it come and get it ♪ i'll make you feel all right ♪ gonna set you free, baby ♪ baby, gonna dance all night ♪ girl: zack, i love you. guard: get back. i believe this just aboutsums things up, kids. yes? no? anyone? jason and cindycannot beat you againin miami.
they won't. well, they did in tokyo. forget tokyo. they were flawless,we weren't. if we execute, we win. zack: not withthe routine we're skating. celeste: here we go again. "they're tired,they're old,they're boring." (cell phone ringing)
zack: we've justskated it too long. yeah? we gotta do something... less boring? funny. bryandoesn't think i'm boring. zack: that's becausehe's busy trying toget in your pants. i'm serious.bryan's routines arenot just dull for me. you deserve more. you meanyou deserve more.
i mean we deserve more. what "we"? we're over and that's fine.but this? this is business. pretending to beamerica's sweethearts? it's a joke. maybe, but itpays the bills. when did it becomeall about the money? we used to be a team.
a great team.always a team. i'm so sick of this.i want to get backto how it used to be. me, too. good. try something with me. zack: do you trust me? celeste: absolutely. yeah, i'll call you back. zack, i'm not ready! zack!
no! (celeste crying) girl 1: celeste? girl 2: she's hurt! no, i want hickman waitingfor us at the hospitalwhen we get there. can we get a bit ofprivacy here? please. what'd they say? they think it'sa fractured ankle. so that's two monthsin a cast, and...
a few more in rehab. so there goes nationals. i... no, it was me. i was stupid,and out of position. i should've stopped,but i just froze. i was going too fast.i was... i was pushing you too hard. what you said to me,
about us always being a team? that was aboutthe sweetest thinganyone has ever said to me. ever. bryan: yeah. it's not good. ♪ finally your day begins ♪ empty thoughts willing to pretend i understand. of course.see you at the nationals.yeah. well, he's nota singles skater. i know.
he needs a partner. he's a dangerous skater,celeste.he's always pushing it. it's a miraclesomething like thisdidn't happen sooner. thank godit wasn't any worse. no, he's not dangerous.he's brilliant. but you gota fractured ankle,and i can't find anyone else willing topartner up with him. i don't believe that. trust me, celeste.
i made the calls. ♪ and i just want to know... come on. let's get youto that doctor'sappointment. ♪ and i just want to say that you're all right ♪ and i just want to hear you laughing ♪ and i just want to see your smile again ♪ hey! you son of a bitch!are you blind? if you're lookingfor a dancing partner,there, mamacita,
i don't swing that way. this is my ice till 5:00. was your ice. i don't care ifyour grandfather ownsthe joint. we got it booked. (whispering) stupid. i swear... what? that's all yougot to say, man? tell you what, there, cara de queso.
since you're not toostrong on apologies,i say we put it on the ice. then we'll seewho's really sorry, huh? let's do it. ♪ bounce if you wanna just bounce and bounce ♪ and move if you wanna just move, and move ♪ so all the b-boy's b-girls hit the floor ♪ come on, b-boy's b-girls hit the floor ♪ here we go now let's go, let's go ♪ if i can do it, you can do it
♪ if you can do it, they can do it ♪ if we can do it, what we doing let's start moving ♪ here we go now let's go, let's go ♪ is that all you got? ♪ who are you, boy? ♪ and what is your point? ♪ who are you, you... ♪ don't look back down ♪ who are you?
♪ who are you? ♪ player:what's wrong with you? zack: hey, get... get off me! (speaking spanish) she's got good form. yeah. you guys arewasting your time. we're just looking, okay? you don't see me asking youto skate with anyof them, do you?
not yet. okay, what the hell'sthat supposed to mean? please forgive me,zack, for trying tofurther your career. (sighs) you really want me to skatewith someone else? it's the only thingthat makes sense. okay, and if we go tonationals and qualify, what do i do withthis new partner?
well. it may not besuch a problem. at least,not with her. oh, no. not the bad-assedrussian bimbo. bryan: misha isthe only one not afraidto skate with you, zack. she called whenshe heard about whathappened with celeste. it appears as thoughshe wants to leave rudy. i contacted her people,and it can be worked out.
she's the only trulyqualified candidate, and she doesn'tcreate a problemwith my transition back. i get healthy,she moves on.she's a godsend. no. she'sa misanthropic man-eaterwho neutered poor rudy, and i am in no wayvolunteering totake his place. there. look.you see what she's saying? "you slip up again, you sob,and so help me..." celeste:her lips aren't even moving.
well, that's becauseshe's learned to talk through clenched teeth,so she... enough. bryan issetting up a meeting.and you will skate with her, and we will makethe decision as a team. this is business, remember? (inaudible) damn. woman: oh, here.let me get that for you.
(salsa music playing) here you go. you can't carryone at a time, hey? well, not if we'regonna keep them happy.this place gets any busier, you and pop are gonna have toget back to work, you know, and manufacturesome new help. don't even thinkof such things. go back to study now.you've got a class tonight. don't tell me.you came all the way herefor the horchata?
well, i was thinkingof trying the menudo. figured i'd ask your opinion. well, chiquititas like youshould never eat menudo. in fact, they shouldstay away from any ofthe duskier flavors, if you know what i mean. how'd you find us,anyway? i looked up your leaguein the park's registry. this isn't exactlythe first taco standi've been to today. then lunch isofficially over.
look, i just want to knowif that girl on your teamwill skate with me, professionally,as a tryout.it's what i do. i know what you do,and i know what you are. i watched yourgrandfather developthe conroy center. amazing how a nicelittle neighborhoodhad to disappear so you could havethat fancy ice rinkall to yourself, right? right. do you know what? i still want totalk to the girl.
all right. okay, listen. you want to askalex something,ask her yourself. you mind? all right? enjoy. thank you. look, just give mefive minutes. you're wasting your time. i don't go forguys in leotards.
okay, good.then there won't beany romantic distractions. let me ask you a question.will you skate with me? go on. alex: what makesyou think i can do it? zack: when i saw youon the ice, remember?or was that someone else? all you saw wasmy dust, baby. not a greatselling point for you. i was wearingfigure skates. (scoffs) figure,hockey, roller.
strap them on, and i'llsmoke you every time. see? that's whati'm talking about. you know you're good,and so do i. yeah, but that doesn't meani can do triple-toesand salchows. i mean, i haven't wornfigure skates since i was 10. well, that's whatcoaches are for. come on.you got nothing to lose. oh, really?'cause i havenothing better to do than to make a fool of myselfin front of youand your friends.
it won't be like that. i promise. i have to get back to work. hey. think about it. you could call me, or show up atthe rink at 3:00. ah, celeste.so when are you back? four months.give or take.
not until after paris?well, that has to suck. bryan:yeah, i'll call you back. i have exactlyone hour, bryan. not a problem. he's here. you're late. would you be on timefor your own execution? darling boy. misha.
great to see you,and glamorous as ever. i try. and how's rudy? not dead. yet. bryan says you'reafraid to skate with me. well, after celeste's leg... that was an accident. i try to protect my partner. don't we all?
well, that's notwhat rudy said. he said in tokyo thatyou threatened to... how did he put it? (scoffs) that son of a bitch! (screams) (scoffs) i amgoing back to moscow. i'm so sorry.are you all right? like you really care.
ice looks good today. well, that went well. bryan: very clever.very neatly done. i just hope you havea reasonable explanation,or at least an alternative. can you just wait? for what? for you to grow up? (greeting in spanish) meet the alternative.
dropped your phone. thanks for lettingme use your skates. don't worry about it. it's not like i'm using them. (exclaiming) it's been so long,i forgot how uncomfortablethese things are. watch your edges,they're sharper. and relax. and don't forgetabout the toe...
picks. didn't see that coming. i'm good. all right, let's trysome moves in the field. do you hear me? maybe not.what do youwant me to do? bryan: moves in the field. three turns,mohawks, chocktaws,spirals, you know... moves.
why didn't youjust say so? okay. (upbeat music playing) okay, so she's beenwatching some skating, and yes, zack,she's an athlete.but she hasn't shown me anythingi couldn't get out ofa fourth-grade prospect. oh, really? let me skate with her. be my guest.
you...are you comfortable? sure, your coachmade me feel so at home,it's like we're family. yeah. here. all right.arms straight. okay, we'll...we'll work from strokesinto crossovers, and... when you're okay with it,we'll throw in some jumps. okay, then. (slow music playing) zack: okay, there you go.
are we good? that all you got? three turnon your left foot. (alex yelps) whoa! hold on. well? sixth grade, maybe.barely ready for junior high. that girl hasn'tworn figure skatessince she was 10 years old.
you saw what she didin less than half an hour. look, we gave her a shot. she's just not cutting it. can we pleasetry somebody else? i'll see you tomorrow. i saw it. and? you'll never have herready in time... but there's definitelysomething there.
come on,help me in my car. you feeling okay, hijita? you don't have to play, ama. i know bobbytold you everything. so, how did it go? the coach was right.i have no place there. the coach, sure,but the other one.what did he think? he's still talkingabout skating with me and going tothe nationalsand to paris.
but he's a famous skater, and if he wantsto skate with you, then that meanssomething, no? maybe. this is whatyou always wanted. let me show you something. these werethe most important thingsin your life once. you slept with them. you even wanted towear them to school.
(laughing) but when we couldno longer affordthe lessons, you threw themto the garbage. it's okay to be afraid, mi amor. but don't let the fearkeep you from doingwhat you were meant to do. it hurts too much, mami... to want somethinglike that and lose it. you don't know how many timesi cried myself to sleep. i know you cried.
because i stoodoutside your doorand listened. and i cried, too. this passion you have is so mucha part of your spirit. had i known,i would have given my life not to havetaken it from you. there are few second chancesin life, alexandra. and this opportunity... forget the risk and fear.
you have to try. okay, mami. let's, um... let's try a platter lift. zack: do you knowwhat a platter lift is? okay, i'm goingto put my hands down to your stomach.down here. ♪ all the homies they know what i mean ♪ baby, let me show you how i lean
♪ like a cholo ♪ lay back bounce in the club ♪ when we do a dance, yeah we do it like what? ♪ like a... like a cholo ♪ side to side ♪ elbows up side to side (alex shrieking) ♪ side to side like a cholo ♪ all up in the club ten deep
♪ lookin' for some hyenas we on the creep ♪ i need a bad one a real freak ♪ find them at the dance floor so don't sleep ♪ damn, i like you, i like you but a really want her ♪ she's that type i can tell ♪ let me get in too deep take her back to the hotel ♪ i lean like a cholo ♪ fingers on the track ♪ so when are youreally going to startworking with them?
i'm not. when zack comes to his sensesand finds a real partner,we'll talk. you should workyour quads more. skating really stresses them. trust me,i'm in a kinesiology programat the junior college. thought i might liketo work with some big,bad pro athletes one day. yeah? like me? i wouldn't call dressing uplike ken and barbie "bad." is that your press?
probably mostly for you. i hope they don't thinki'm your girlfriend. what do i say? doesn't matter,as long as you smile. reporter:hi, wixb news, can we havea little chat for your fans? thank you so much.right over here. of course. so, how'sthe training going? you know,it's coming along.
we've been at ita couple weeks now. starting to figureout the timing... we'll be ready. are you nervousabout the competition? i'm not his girlfriend. press. pain in the butt. yeah, but you know,she looks pretty good. my prized ice sharkhas found himselfa new piece of meat. not a particularlychoice cut, if you ask me.
hey, that's my sisteryou're talking about. spare me thenot-with-my-sister routine. whoa, whoa! whoa!come again? bryan: is thiswhere we do the macho? oh, you meanlike the dance? yeah, sure,how about if i lead, huh? alex: bobby, bobby.bobby, don't! (all shouting) come on!come on! bring it on!
this is wix... hey, you really don't want toget into it with him. oh, i see.is this where you protectyour future brother-in-law? this isn't cool. let go of me! chill. you know what? we're through. i told you this wasgoing to be a disaster,but you never listen to me.
so, you want to throwyour career away, you do it. but do it without me. life's been too easyfor you, young man. you never hadto work for itlike the rest of us. that's whyyou'll never put itall on the line, zack. i shouldn't havewasted my time with you. come on, celeste.i'll take you home. get the cameraout of my face. did you get it?
(rap song playing) hi, this is bryan. leave a message. so, did you getthe twin turboswith the 18" wheels? yup. (car alarm beeps) beep, beep! by the way, my brother saidto tell you thanks for breaking things upthe other day.
he's really sorryfor how things turned out. no, that's all right.bryan was asking for it.it was long overdue. wait, what arewe doing here? looking for a gold medal. jackie: sabrina,no, no, no. honey. no, no, no, no.don't pull abigail downwhen you're gonna fall down. that makes bothof you fall down. jackie. well, well.
what has it been,five years since torino? and zack conroy finally seeshe can't live without me. hi. or not. alex,meet jackie dorsey. your new coach. i'm sorry, what?yeah, well...i'm not a coach. oh, no worries.she's not a figure skater. hey!
you know,i'm going to go playwith the big kids. okay? yeah? okay, go. she's getting there.we just need some help. jack, you don't want to beteaching kids to do t-stops for the rest ofyour life, do you? as a matter of facti do. after my marriageand the injuries,these kids saved my life. hi!
that was someshowstopper with bryan. espn's beenplaying it so much that you should probablybe getting royalties. so you're not entirelysurprised to see us? no, and i was preparedto turn you down flat, but seeing you here,and her... i'm more thana little curious. so, you're a hockey player. so's my dad.
dorsey.doug dorsey! he's your dad? mmm-hmm. (exclaims)great hockey player. yeah, he wasa pretty goodfigure skater, too. because he had a great coach. you really thinkyou can do this? well,with your help, who knows? come on, jack,do it for the old man.
he was an outsider,and he became great. it's not about beinggreat anymore, zack. you have to be perfect. and what?i mean, what are you guysgoing to do for a routine? nationals are in,like, ten minutes. five, actually. i actually knowall the routines fromthe last three olympics. i memorized them all. you guys have towork seven days a week,and long hours,
if you have anychance of gettingon the ice in miami. i want you breathing,eating, everythingbut sleeping together, from now until nationals. that's what my momand my dad had to do. and let me emphasizethe "not sleepingtogether" part. (alex chuckling) well, zack's more than welcometo move into the restaurantand don't worry. my brother will make surehe doesn't do any sleeping. sorry.
so? it's a hockey thing. ♪ talk to me, can you turn me on? ♪ if i give it to you will you play me on? you did goodin there today. thanks. oh, these routines... have i seen these? (engine stalls)
♪ if you talk to me will you turn me on? ♪ if i give it to you will you play me on? alex: that sure isa pretty car you have. zack: yeah, and i think it looked especially sportybehind that shiny newtow truck. ♪ if i give it to you will you turn me on? ♪ hit it hard, come on ♪ 12:30 is still kind of early ♪ for to slide in
♪ hit the bar and order strong islands ♪ rum and coke for my other folks ♪ there's a freak on the other side so that you know ♪ (music stops) so, thanks for the ride. you live here? yeah,do you want to come in? yeah! grab your gym bag,we'll go for a run.
wow. how do you like it? cozy. you can changein the bathroomif you want. where? there's five of them.take your pick. i share a closetwith my brother, and this kid'sgot five bathrooms. all this belongsto your family?
my grandfather. he and i are all that's leftsince i lost my parents. alex:i read about that online. you were three? too young to remember. most of my childhoodrevolves around places,not people, anyway. you know,big houses, city apartments,hotels and uniformed help. are you and yourgrandfather close? about 15 miles.
he flies in and outin his chopper. i wave as he passes. you're looking tired. (scoffs) uh-uh. i hope you don'tmind me being nosy,but your girlfriend. is she okay withwhat we're doing? you know that's hypeabout us being a couple.that was a long time ago. zack, i know whatmy eyes tell me. and she cares for youas more than just a friend.
well, your partner ismore than a friend. you sweat and hurt, and win and lose together. and, most of all,you have to trusteach other with your lives. but that's just comingfrom a spoiled rich kid, so what do i know? where you going, huh? what, do you thinkyou can outrun me?
zack! i'm warning you... (screaming) no! no! it's cold! freezing! no heater. (zack laughing) here. yeah. do you wantsome tea or something? yeah, sure. yeah.
should have warned meabout the water. (door opening) what are you doing here? i thought you wereseeing the doctor. i figured since igot all this time, i might get thisout of the way. (clears throat) nice car, by the way. you're such a snob.
can you give mea hand with this? so, have youspoken to bryan yet? zack: nothing to say. you could have shown hima little more respect, zack. he doesn't want respect.he wants control. be careful. don't let this girlfall in love with you. not likely. she knows what i am.
which is what? you're handsome,talented and rich. and you're a nice guy,which only makes it worse. trust me. she won't be ableto stop herself, and she won't knowhow to handle it. i just want toskate with her. then skate. but don't let herget attached.
i know what i'mtalking about, zack.keep it business. jackie: so here we are. if you have any questions, you might want to ask yourselfif that's more importantthan getting to nationals. and if you have togo to the bathroom,save it for after miami. (rap music playing) okay, now i want youto keep your head up, and i want you tokeep your leg straight. good job.try and get yourarabesque a little higher.
all right. i want you guysto do backwards crossovers. please remember tokeep your head upand, alex, track zack. okay? now go. one, two.one, two, one, two. okay, okay. good.try again. sharper. alex,when you hold your hands,hold them up. right there... i thinkcrossovers are the same... hey, zack, you want some?my mom made it. love the circle...
knees, knees, knees. breaking up yourtiming in the lifts. that was better,that's better. nice edges. more, guys, more. again. faster, faster. one more time, come on. talk abouta hard-nosed vibora.
but we showed her, huh? (zack sighs) hey, i do somethingto piss you off? look, i knowwe're working hard, but you barelylooked at me all day. no, we're cool. we don't want yousleeping on the couch, so... mama set up a bedfor you in the kitchen. there'sa bathroom around back,and if you need a...
five, six, seven, eight. ♪ didn't think i'd turn around and say ♪ that it's too late to apologize ♪ it's too late ♪ i'd take another chance take a fall ♪ take a shot for you ♪ i need you like a heart needs a beat ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ i loved you with a fire red now it's turning blue
♪ and you say sorry like the angel ♪ heaven let me think was you ♪ but i'm afraid ♪ it's too late to apologize ♪ i said it's too late to apologize ♪ yeah ♪ i'm holding on your rope ♪ got me ten feet off the ground ♪ lock your arms.
alex, chest up. alex: zack, you okay? zack? zack! oh, man. can we break? sure. okay, that was good. i'm serious,i just need a minute. how about just takethe rest of your life?
listen, i promisedto skate for you,which i will keep doing until there isnothing left. and then... no.and then, i will get upand skate some more. i will never quit, and neither will you. you're too kind. what'd you say to her? nothing, i... no, no, don't give me that.
alex isthe toughest kid i know. and now she's upstairs,crying her eyes out. all right,i'll go talk to her. okay? not okay. and mind your own business. look... if you thinkyou've made a mistake,just say so. about what?
you know what. that i don't fit.that i'm not good enough. that you'rewasting your time. you don't look at me. you don't talk to me. what? i'm a disease? man. no, no. are you kidding?
does it looklike i'm kidding? alex, you're unbelievable. phenomenal. and you're pretty,and smart, and more determinedthan anyone i've ever known. i just...i didn't want to give youthe wrong idea, that i was... you know,trying to come onor take advantage. i'm just tryingto be careful, becausei don't want to hurt you. don't worry.
i don't break so easily. rob on tv: and we're live from miami, with the pairs figure skating finals, the premier event of the season. an evening that promises to be both dramatic and decisive... decisive, as the topthree pairs move on to the internationalfigure skating conference in paris.
how'd you do that? hold on.here's the part about us. in fact, anyone's first look at zack conroy and his new partner, alexandra maria elena delgado. that's quite a mouthful. and quite an eyeful, or so we're told. with a new coach and rumors of a romance, there is no doubt the world will be watching. but they'll have their work cut out for them against their rivals.
okay, we don't needto hear about them. no, 'cause you're gonnabe seeing more of usthan you can stomach. (mockingly) oh,and you must be alexandra. is that delgadoas in the tijuana delgados? cameras. well,i see everyone's alreadyexchanged pleasantries. yeah. one big, happy,dysfunctional family. no hard feelings, zack. now that we've both moved on,i'll just haveto console myself
with these twofuture world champs. they're gonnahave to beat uson the ice first. beat you?i don't thinkthat's gonna be too much ofa problem there, zacko, seeing how you'reso good at cripplingyour own partners. hey, hey, hey. we'll see youon the ice, zack. hey. i just wanted towish you both the best. skate well.
announcer: first pair up, bright and halyard take the ice. (fast-paced music playing) these two reallyskate as one, don't they? they certainly do.and they've gotso much strength and so much power on the ice,they are justa pleasure to watch. rob: well, we've said it before, we say it again, bright and halyard look unbeatable. zack: how are the collars? is there any level threesin the footwork?
no, not yet.but hold your spins. you might be able topick up a bullet for revs. yes! yeah! and what a performance.very, very strong. how's it feel? i think i'm numb. well, just keep breathing.you'll be great. lori: what i loveabout this pairis their consistency every time theystep out on the ice.
rob: every single time,including from the beginning, the split triple-twistwas awesome. they did a remarkablejob today. good for them. congratulations.you were fantastic. lori: just a greatperformance todayfrom bright and halyard. and, of course, this isall under their new coach,bryan hemmings. but i think this routineis firmly going to putthem in first place. did we covergrade of execution? it's covered.i'm ready.
announcer: ladies and gentlemen... go for gold. next on the ice, conroy and delgado. now the time has cometo see if zack conroy has found redemptionwith his new partner, or to see ifthe unfortunate lossof celeste mercier will continue to haunt him. regardless,an outstanding performancefrom bright and halyard. hi, mom.hi, dad, at home.
we got it, guys.we got it! lori: take a lookat these scores. the judges definitely agree. whatever. their scores are great,and they definitelyhave the crowd behind them. you knowi trust youcompletely. you don't haveto convince me. but for the hell of it,let's show them. (dance music playing)
lori: and we are holdingour breath here in miami as alexandra delgadoskates for the first time as a figure skaterwith zack conroy. this has beena difficult year for him. let's see what thiscouple can offer ushere on the ice. center of your blades. rob:what a unique partnership. experienced champion skater,really, with a raw rookie. we good?
never better. for the first time incompetition together,this pair is confident. and don't forget whowe're talking about here. i mean, this is alexandra,an amateur hockey player, who has to bethe absolutelongest of long shots. i mean,this is pretty amazing. rob:they look so comfortable. fall. fall. ♪ so far and after all this time
♪ so far you're my kind of guy ♪ so far everything is fine ♪ so far i know that your mine watch each other. ♪ so far everything is fine ♪ oh, my god. completely unexpected. alexandra delgado, first time out on the iceas a figure skater,and she's been hit.
don't move. coming off the broken legfrom celeste mercier, and now this. it's nothing. we have to finish. what's zack conroyfeeling right now?he looks stunned. it's nothing, honest.come on. let's take itfrom the spin. are you sure?
yes. and just when you thoughtyou'd seen it all. talk about courage. you okay? you're sure? i'm okay. yeah, i'm fine. if you'refeeling bad, tell me. yeah, i'm okay.zack, i'm fine. rob: what anextraordinary comebackafter a devastating fall. lori: you have to hand itto this young new pair.
rob: unbelievable.there goescoach jackie dorsey, she can'tbelieve it either. okay. are you sureyou're all right? yeah, yeah, yeah. i'm good.i'm okay. i'm fine. that was amazing. well, go on, then. wave. woman: we love you! (crowd booing)
rob: well, the crowddoesn't like the marks. what? we didn't make it? well, we took fourth. (zack clearing throat) i'm sorry. i let us down.i got too close, and... god, stupid,'cause i was... no. no, no, no. you were perfect.i lost it.
top of the world, guys!top of the world! female reporter:hey, is it trueyou two are engaged? male reporter: celeste,is it really over with zack, or are you going toskate with him againonce the cast is off? one questionat a time, please.and, yes, we are engaged, which i'm relieved to sayonly took two yearsof begging. male reporter:are you going to skatewith zack again? bryan: we'll figure that outwhen the time comes. but enough about me.
you should be focusingon the gold medalchamps over here. congratulations. so, jason. jason... just one second. hey, zacko! i was wondering... my hair's gettinga little long. can i get a trim? no? so, paris! tell me,how are youfeeling about that? excuse me. excuse me.
you're notgonna believe this, but third placejust popped positive. sid rotunda'sbeen juicing. so that means that theyhave been disqualified,which means that you... you're going to paris? zack? zack? zack! zack, we're going to paris. we're going to paris! we're going to paris.some verducci kidwas juicing or something.
but we're going to paris! that's... we're going! that's amazing. need a cold one? listen, i knowi've been giving youa hard time about alex, but that's over, man. you're solid. and no one blames herfor what happened.
i mean, she's still learning. listen, bobby,that cut was my fault. i lost my concentration. that's anunforgivable mistake. i could'vereally hurt her. yeah, but you didn't. and you were there for her. i saw how youtook care of her. that's good stuff, man.
hello? hello? thanks for meeting me. a little stiff. this is heaven. you really missed it. sometimes i wishi never had to skate again. you think that untilsomething happens, and then... all you can think aboutis getting back on this ice. i'm sorry you had to find outabout bryan and methe way you did.
i wanted to tell youbefore your program, it's just there was so muchgoing on, and i didn't know if i should do it. no, you know... you never have toexplain yourself to me. just tell meyou're sure about this. it bothers you? well, it's not likei don't know the guy. zack, you had to knowit was gonna happen withsomeone sooner or later.
well, maybe. but, you know,it's not something iwanted to think about. but you didn't love me.not really love me. how do you know that? zack,i have been your partner, your lover andyour friend, but... i've never been the one. celeste, come on,that's not... no, let's not kid ourselves. either you never loved meor you couldn't show it.
but whatever the case,it doesn't matter anymore. (camera clicking) jackie: hey, come in. anton pamchenkowas my mom's coach. he discovered my father,turned him intoa figure skater, and he pairedhim up with my mom. these are drawings of a movethat he invented that won my parentsthe gold medal. it was onlydone this one time.
zack: which is a good thing, because the pamchenkois insanely dangerous. if one partner's so muchas half a beat off,we'll both eat it. and we're not justtalking career-ending, we're talkingpossibly life-threatening. i understandthat you have to be desperate or insaneto try this, zack. okay, so then,why are youshowing us this? you guys nearly pulled offa miracle in miami,but you crashed.
alex, to win in paris,you have to be flawless. and given your time together,i'm sorry, but it'svirtually impossible. or you two could do a movethat no one else can do. and you could steal the gold. it's too risky. here, give me a minute. zack. come on, zack.talk to me. you know this is insane.
but i also know thatthat's why you came to mein the first place. i dare you totell me otherwise. come on, zack. you managed to makean amazing skaterout of alex. and you're going to paris. why are you so worriedabout it being too dangerous? oh, so you fell for her. at least have the gutsto finish what you started. you... put this on.
i don't wannaexplain to your momhow i brought you home with your headfacing backwards. (fast-paced rap song playing) more speed, guys.more speed. come on. faster, faster, faster. again! higher.higher on the bounce. you have got to gether up there, zack! (groans)
okay, get upand do it again. zack? (bell rings) alex: okay if i join you? you know,it's none of my business, but there's just so muchi don't know about you. it's like we'refrom different planets. i'm from the onewith coaches and agents. you're fromthe one with people.
you know, there'sreally a whole lot lessto me than you think. uh-huh. you know, you're nevergonna convince me that your wholeskater-playboy lifeis all bad. and, yeah,you lost a lot as a kid,and that sucks, but... we all get a little lonely,no matter how muchcompany we have. it's all partof the life deal. look, you don'thave to answer, okay? but what about celeste?
when she's skating again? right now,you and i are partners. that's all that matters. come here. you know,when we first started out, i was afraidyou were gonnamess with me. and nowi'm afraid you won't. (bell ringing) uh-oh!
oops! okay. awkward moment. you want a taco? yeah? okay. (french song playing) we are live in parisfor the international figure skatingconference championship. rob: bright and halyard. what a performance. very, very strong. lori: misha back together with her partner, rudy.
they're reunited, and this looks like a russian revival. rob: it looks like alexandra delgado and zack conroy have picked up where they left off. no indication thatthe accident in miami has slowedeither of them down. lori: i couldn't agree with you more. they are skatinga beautiful short program. you have to admit,this is one impressive pair. how does that feel?
it didn't suck. woman: america's sweethearts,everybody. america's sweethearts. (speaking french) zacko! zack, alex,i just wanted tosay congratulations. your skate out there todaywas really inspiring. thanks, jason. you're welcome. we just feel so horribleabout what happened.
what are you talking about? you haven'tseen the pictures? that's priceless.he doesn't know. he hasn't seen them. you see, zack... this is you, and that...that's not alex. zack, what's going on? hold on there, casanova.there's more. here's one whereyou're hugging her.
another here whereher engagement ringis nicely featured. i'm sure bryan wouldbe really interestedto see these photos, zack. oh, and this one'smy personal favorite. this is precious. you're kissingher here, zack. you son of a bitch! alex: zack! zack! come on, zack. let's go. reporter: now thatyou're back with celeste,how will that impact your...
zack: alex, hold on!alex! alex, wait! and what aboutthe romance between... shut the camera off.shut the camera off! just answer the question. zack: alex! alex! what about the romancebetween you... get out of my face! alex. i really shouldn'tbe telling you this,
but you look so patheticsitting here all night. i know somethingmaybe you should know. (door slamming) (knocking at door) hey, jackie. so,do you want the good news,the bad news or the worst? between all the shovingand confusion yesterday, no one seemssure who started it,so that's the good. how is she?
i'm getting to that. now, if jason brightswears a formal complaint, they'll have todisqualify you. that's the bad. no one's gettingdisqualified, jackie. jason willnever make it stick. will she at leasttalk to me? that's the worst.alex is leaving. okay. go to the arena,make sure that we arestill on the program.
if anyone asks you,we'll be there. bobby: don't even try, man. i warned you. you know what?you're right. i'm a jerk. i'm not trustworthy.you never should'velet me near her. all those are true ifyou take those photosat face value. you're anintelligent man, bobby. you know that picturesand people are notalways what they seem. oh, yeah? what aboutthe bimbo in this room, huh? she saw that?
that's just great. i'm going to meet someone. give alex this note,make sure shereads it, please! i'll be waitingat the rink. it wasn't easyafter yesterday. it was so hardgetting awayfrom the press. there's somethingyou should hear. it's not gonna be pleasant. there you go.
it's okay.you can tell her. zack wants me to tell youabout those photographs. how i know thatthey come from bryan. he was having you followed. and...and how do you know this? he told me. in bed. i want you to knowit didn't mean anything. you know, bryan and me,we're old friends.
you know howthat is sometimes. no, i don't. i tried. yeah. thank you. i'm sorry, but i thoughtyou should know. you gonna be okay? you forget whoyou're talking to. i've been practicinglanding on my feetall my life.
so what are you gonna do? honestly,i just want alex to skate. not for me, for her.she deserves it. well, i should go.bryan is expecting me. you know, zack,you should tell alex. just like you told me. (rock music playing) taxi! yeah? good. okay. rob: well,we've said it before,we say it again,
bright and halyardlook unbeatable. bobby: thank you. ♪ you said you'd rather be alone (both speaking french) ♪ my whole world turned to stone ♪ but in another world ♪ if you come crashing back to me ♪ then we will know such love ♪ that was never meant to be
bobby, what is this? just talk to him. no! take meto the airport! alexandra, you'rea very determined person, and that willhelp you accomplisha lot of things. but to throw awaythe greatest opportunityof your life because you're stubborn?that... that accomplishes nothing. ♪ you said you'd rather be alone ♪
i read your stupid note,and i listened toall your messages about the picturesand the girl in the hallway. are you satisfied? not really,but it's a start. when you asked meabout celeste,i wasn't sure. not about my future with her,but about you. don't start that with me. when i saw you walkout of my life yesterday, that hurt worse thananything i've ever felt.
i don't understand, zack.what do you want? i want you, alex,in my life. hey, you guys areboth athletes, right? which means you can walkand talk at the same time.come on, let's go. let's go. come on. zack conroy. alexandra delgado. come on. hurry. i got it, i got it.
alex: hurry, hurry. let's go. come on! and the competitionis really heating up here at the internationalfigure skating conferencechampionships in paris. and, of course,everyone waiting to see zack conroyand alexandra delgado. they're currentlysitting in second placeafter the short program. (bryan laughing) we did it.we did it. yes!
you have two minutesfor your skatersto take the ice. yeah! we did it! oh, look at this.big marks forbright and halyard. yes! come on. sweetheart,you're late, baby. we nailed it. i think celeste mercierjust announcedher disengagement. alexandra delgado and zack conroy... ...are really going to have to skate a perfect program,
a flawless program,if there is going to be... they're coming,they're coming! they're justputting on their skates.they'll be right here. they have lessthan two minutes. alex, wait. we're late! i don't care about that. first, i wanna be surethat you heardwhat i said outside. you know that's not fair.it's too much.
let me try tomake this simple. i love you, alex. i love you. and i'm still waiting on youto answer the first questioni ever asked you. will you skate with me? (man speaking in french) he said, "take the ice." we're gonna do it. (announcerspeaking french on pa)
do what? you know. the move. the pamchenko? (chuckles) well, it looks likethey made it. alexandra delgadoand zack conroy are taking tothe ice right now. how hard will this be?they did not warm up. no one has seen this team.
they begin the night in second place after the short program, and they have their work cut out for them. no. you could get hurt. i didn't comeall this wayto punk out. remember how i saidi didn't break so easily? i wasn't kidding. (speaking in spanish) what does that mean? i'll translate later.
♪ she's like the wind through my tree ♪ she's rides the night next to me ♪ she leads me through moonlight ♪ only to burn me with the sun ♪ she's taken my heart ♪ but she doesn't know what she's done ♪ feel her breath on my face ♪ her body close to me ♪ can't look in her eyes
♪ she's out of my league ♪ just a fool to believe i have anything she needs ♪ they have beenflawless so far. this is where theyneed the extra marks. and there are rumorsof another new move. ♪ i look in the mirror and all i see you ready? like i've been rehearsingthis moment my entire life. ♪ with only a dream ♪
rob: and they've done it! and it's the pamchenko, of all moves. and we've only everseen it once before, that bounce spinto a throw twist. rob: and that will do it. that will win them the gold medal. they did it! they did it! lori: what an incredible finish to tonight's competition. the answer is yes,i'll skate with you, always. (crowd applauding)
♪ if you want it ♪ if you want my lovin', baby ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ call me, please, babe ♪ my head is spinnin' around ♪ just like i'm fallin' in ♪ when i think of you ♪ it took me by surprise ♪ when you looked in my eyes
♪ that's all you had to do ♪ i'm waiting so patiently ♪ for you to notice me ♪ step out beyond my dreams ♪ and become a reality ♪ come to me, baby ♪ you will finally see ♪ how it's gonna be ♪ if you want my lovin' easy
♪ boy, you better please me ♪ and you will finally see ♪ how it's gonna be with me ♪