ladies and gentlemen what you are aboutto witness is no illusion yeah it's nicholson 1968 this video is areupload from the past youtube keeps taking this down and blocking in othercountries so after he worked it we edit it for you to enjoy thank you all yearsof following me and the subs over the years as well this video is for the new movies and newpeople to my channel especially that don't know about nicholson 1968 how igot started and why not started please enjoy thanks
hello this is nicholson 1968 my realvoice no text-to-speech no robots no fancy music or visuals at this time justwanted to put this video out to accomplish a couple of things number oneto tell you a little bit more of how i got started and wire i got started do what i did to also tell you that inthe future i'll be trying to use a little bit more of live always toexplain some of the things that i been challenged in and videos only going tobe going away from my style that i was shown how to do but also to let you knowthat this video is for everybody that is listening
you don't have to be a christianspiritual person is long things like that this is a video to let you know what i'mabout and just show you how i got started and why i got started doing thisand receive the information and and don't judge me watch to the end of the video i'm goingto share because there's all kinds of people hopefully sitting out you'relistening to this side of my boys that i'll tell you i was the biggest skepticnon conspiratorial person that you didn't didn't didn't believe anythingthat i was being shown years ago and
look where we are now let's go come fullcircle so this is what i want to try to achieve this video is to show you somethings that are supernatural no tricks no trying to lead people astray oranything like that just me and you showing you how i got started and we'llstart off with this is i will tell you i'm just a normal guy no holy righteousor anything like that follow the southern part of the unitedstates as you can clearly hear from my voice that's probably one of the reasonsi didn't start with me being on camera or speaking i want people to see videoswith information and not judge me for the way i talk or the way i look andturn off you know i didn't want that
just received the information you makeof it what you will put it on the shelf you may not understand some of it rightnow and that's okay but you put it on the shelf and in time if you are seekingtruth will be revealed to you and it will be part of a bigger piece of thepole and not all information will be that way but those who are seeking truthyou start getting information and i always this is an example i put it onthe shelf and then you figure out how it fits into the bigger picture becausethat's what's going on that people just look into 911 they'll never say that picture ifthey're looking just over here in
oklahoma city volume they'll never seethe big picture you gotta put a bunch of different pieces of the puzzle togetherto see the bigger picture so i'll start off with what got me started on thisjourney and it was the same and right here i was shown in nineteen ninetyeight years before nine eleven it's actually not living in roman numeralsi've been really think about it i used to have dreams and images shown to meand i put in a pad beside my bed and kind of keep a journal sometimes i would figure out what it wasabout and later and kind of things like that but this one i didn't really thinkabout 1998-2000 rolled around 911
happened and still this was packed away i didn't even realize what it was itwasn't until about $month 2005 that i was moving and i looked at it and iwas like wow that's not living in roman numerals or somebody trying to tell mesomething at that point and like i said this point in my life i was on aspiritual person i was raised baptist that's probably my roots i was made togo to church i didn't agree with some of the church teachings it just didn't makeany sense wasn't that i didn't believe in a higherbeing or god or anything like that had nothing to do that it's just most of thechristians that i ever met were
hypocrites judgmental most judgmentalpeople ever met and and i'm not going christians i'm just saying what i'm justtelling my experience so i kind of stepped away from the church for a whilebut it didn't make any sense some of the things you know what and when it doesn'tmake any sense are you here is where you just gottahave it just believe it no two supreme man council steps in his ways and i'mthe type of person i gotta see it touch it feel it you know most of the time tobelieve it and out so mean like back to the 911 so at that point it sparked mycuriosity about 911 and i watched a documentary called loose change verygood documentary i put it in a link i've
got it on the website you can find it onyoutube but loose change final cut there's different versions but if you'rea beginner that's a good way to start most of you listening to my subs youprobably everything 15 times and you're waiting on that and that's part of mywhere i'm at how to make a video for people that are way ahead of being awakeand what's going on in a different round and then there's people that come to mychannel that are so asleep when they see my videos it just they don't know howthey don't have wrap your head around what you're singing i mean it's just that is kind
hard to make a video for both type ofpeople that are just waking up and there's some people that have been awayfor four years and we're all still waiting i'm still being shown things nowso anyway loose change file cutting the versions is a good place to start andwhen i saw that the first thing that came to mind is man i've been deceivedabout 911 and if i've been deceived about 911 what else have i been deceived aboutthat was started on my journey to looking into 911 studied the quran islong new-age the holy scriptures you know christianity mormonism hindu is onbuddha i mean you name it i study
everything you know magical solomon all kinds of things outthere and what people may disagree with that we know you don't need to open thatdoor whatever and that's fine if that's the way you believe then i'm sorry buti'm just saying you need to study all of the facts and all things sometimes andfigure out you know what's going on you need to hear you know you know sometimesit's the old adage salesmen showed up to my door and was going to sell me a gunand i didn't talk to him a little but the next week i had to be involved in afight and i took a knife to the gunfight everybody had guns and i had in lifethat out because i didn't listen
that's kind of my maybe it's a badanalogy but sometimes you need to study me different things to get a broaderperspective on the world just you know and i could have done that you know grewup in america and i could just which christianity that's the main thingchristianity but you just can't do that just cause you grew up in a country thatthe main dominance is christianity so when i went looking for truth i want to hear everything that i wasn'tnormally it's supposed to and then make a judgment for layer so anyway this wasshown to me started studying in christianity a little more because itstarted matching up with a lot of the
things that were happening in the worldversus a lot of the other stuff that didn't really make any sense it was all good you know to a certaindegree and made you feel good whatever but some of the prophecies and thingsthat i found in the scriptures the holy bible matched up with a lot of differentthings going on and what was very interesting was in the holy scripturesthat the 66 books i'm saying the king james the it was interesting that thelast kingdom before christ returns to break it up as a ripped a resurrectedroman empire and i find it very interesting that this image that wasshowing me is the roman numerals of now
let and then run so that started comingtogether a little bit more for me still didn't you know get the full picture i'mjust unlocking layers and layers of the onion of 911 so i prayed a lot startpraying going with christianity thing because it was matching up and i startednoticing that the elites of the world there's a lot of attacks on christianityversus i wasn't that many attacks on the other religions i said what jesus christwas doing what he did end up and like i said i went looking for truth where itwas going to leave me and usually where the enemy is focused that's where thetruth is and they're focused on what jesus christ was a bad one ed you maydisagree with that but i'm just telling
you for my studies of things of what wasgoing on in the world that was very very clear so what istarted reading the scriptures i and i and i started praying and getting realserious you know i prayed about the mark of the beast operate about the key ofdavid i didn't want to take the mark of the base what was the market the basesome of these prophecies that is kind of convoluted and you can't understandthere are they symbolism or literal you know that kind of thing so um when i waspraying about it one day and you know it's just saying you know tell me alittle more about though the the plans here i don't want to mess up i don'twant to you know go to hear all the
stuff that you know preachers preach soone day was just right down the road and her voice and not crazy or anything likethat but plain as day said put my son's crossover it x it and add it so when i heard that i was like okay ihave no idea what that's about i didn't even think about this image ijust heard put my son's cross on it x it add it and that you'll get answers soi'm like okay so it's still didn't hit me about a month later i'm drivingaround and it hit singh i'm like oh man he must need to put it over this imageover now let so i went home and i put the cross basically like this over theimage of 911 so i'm like okay i'm
looking at it i'm not that smart of a guy you knowhelp me out with this you know whatever but then when i was study remember allthe other stuff that people want to get involved and read you know don't want toread this i want to read that but i read in the animal tablet that all magic evendavid copperfield any magician all magic comes from one formula that they all useand that is as above so below everything is based offof that how they do things as formulated from that all magic formula as above sobelow and you can integrate that so knowing that then i took that veryinteresting concept of magic that and i
applied it to this and i'm like wait aminute this makes two sets of numbers were four numbers now one above and andmirrored below is how the elite do certain things and again if you thinki'm smart then you got to thinking in you gotta understand what was beingshown was beyond me it was it is it was supernatural so itook that applied it and then now it makes two sets of motors for work for660 bc that said roman numerals got that right there yet the four and the 6 upabove and mirror down same time 16 so it makes two sets of numbers okay so bigdeal ok now i got two sets of numbers ok buthere's the thing remember those sets of
numbers are built in to 911 and a sealhope everybody knows what a seal is that a seal is something that many on are youthe definition of seals opening something to a container unlockingsomething their seals in the bible notice that the seals in the bible oncethey're open something happens their stuff in the seal this right here onyour dollar bill that right there is a seal this circle with the information init whether you totally understand what it is there's been interpreted there's amessage within that seal on you know just like this one that's a steal there'sinformation in their new world order
you know you know there's manydefinitions that sucks but mainly i'm just trying to that there's seal theirseals and the definition of seals so going back to this notice that in theseal right above it under the stars is in the shape of this right heresupposedly that's a jewish star so what is a jewish star supposedly which is notdoing right here on the steel that's why i said earlier do your study at thatstar isn't jewish and it isn't start believing in you know it's just that'snot what it's about so going back to this remember 911 starare you doing is rearranging the seal whatever putting i found what they wantto accomplish you know like that what
they want to accomplish they put in aseal and they believe that they can bring it to pass now notice when i was studying everhears the star there's a dollar deal and many people were saying this but for thebeginner mason is building their freemasons but mason is built into thisjewish stars that everybody seems to think that your star the ones that arewait no that is not also it is it in the middle of this is a hexagram now noticeby their hexagram what is ahead when you put a hex on something so what do you dohere it's magic decks you put a curse on whatever it is so there's things likethis that are built into symbolism that
is all around you you may not understandit but the elites of this world definitely different understand it soanyway we're going back to let me go back to 911 well shown i was told put my son's cross over itand it times it things will be revealed to you things that i was praying mark ofthe beast key of david a lot of things i was praying about at the time this iswhat i was told to dick so right now when you stop what you're doing pull up 911 attacks on wikipedia 911attacks and wikipedia alright so if you
go to sep tember 11 wikipedia she looklike this number 11 attacks and you should be able to show you something scroll over here to the age and justkeep it handy right here just want to look at right here information it'sabout 9-11 attacks okay now don't you see these numbers4466 he said times it remember the boys telling x 44 and do this on your owncalculator not just what i'm telling 44 x 66 you get 2900 429 004 write it downhe said added 46 and 46 and it's 92 alright so you got 2904 and 92 built into 911 and it's a seal ok 2904 + 92 yet 2996 that's what youget and bear with me i'm kind of new at
this so now here we go now i'm gonna tax deaths right here yousee that 2996 you think i made that up you think i'm that good 296 they put inseals magically what they want to come to now whether you've got some peoplehere that say nobody died in $month 9-11 you know also remember you know the 19hijackers they don't count because you know what i was shown is whoever pulledoff 911 it was not ben laden was not had nothingto do with that the 19 hijackers didn't die they were no planes you believewhatever you want to believe but it goes back to the 296 the actual real well imean the desk they want now that's
debatable some people said it didn't i i'm justshowing you what's built in to 911 again the 19 hijackers would bring it up to 29not 2977 but their understanding there's no hijackers on there there's no i jackthe planes anything like that goes back to the 296 showing you detroit ok let's go back there's even moreinformation now these numbers the twin towers 44 plus 6644 + 66 is a hundredand ten the twin towers or a hundred and ten store or work a hundred and tenstories top right there plain as day ok the other part of this 911 was pulledoff to get muslims islam the the
teaching of the quran to battle theteachings of christianity christians against the muslims that's what you'relooking at right now isis where you'll say muslim brotherhood whatever it is since that time that that's what they want ok now in theelite with how they do language symbols and math totally different than the waywe talked because they don't want install that way because that's theirsee knowledge is power ok and the quran is made up of a hundredand fourteen chapters they don't have books hundred fourteen chapters okay inthe way they do man is it come up to
what they want 11 x 414 11 x 4 is 44right there the quran 11 x 4 44 there's a quranright here how many books in your holy bible that'sright 66 the two are battling each other after911 that's what they wanted and itscontinuing today meanwhile the true enemy sits back and laugh you get peopleget christians over here argument i society and beheadings beheadings man isthen you get the muslims over here in it i mean and meanwhile satan poke thestick the evil one evil me in the elite secret societies the rulers of thisworld are the ones that are sitting back
laughing watching this girl destroyyourself because neither one of us want to take the time here to know what godshit me see the more you study about the rulers of this world and you know i wasdoing the other studies of other religions and things like that this comes back with back tochristianity is jesus was taken up on a mountain when the spirit i was temptedby satan and asked you know to battle down and he said he would give jesus thekingdoms of this world if you worship and now think about that nothing tochange and why christians that struggle with this is look this sorry
you may not like the answer but thekingdoms of the this world are been given to satan thesecret societies the shadow government for an age a time their time is runningout you know i don't like that i don't havethe answer i don't have the master plan of the timeframe i'm just saying therulers of this world right now the secret societies are still under satan'syou know rule right now because if they want and then they would be jesus christand there would be no reason for temptation was satan gonna tempt himwith something that wouldn't he is in the first place you know and a lot ofpeople have problem with that so that's
the whole purpose of christ returning toyou know i'm not going to get into that but i'm just going to say i'll leavesome scripture up at the top that will lead you to the temptation of christ andthere's things but you have to realize that a lot of people have a problem withwaking up when i get to this part is if you if you're still sitting out therethinking george bush is a christian are such and such putin it doesn't matterthe to get to where you're at and and the rulers in the political arena youare a luciferian basically you're not a christian because everything you do that's when things don't make sense topeople sitting in their dn right now
watching fox news and cnn like any smartpeople like these such bad decisions well it's not believe me it's notbecause they're stupid it is cuz it's down purpose whatever it is so you haveto remember that these are the builders who rejected the true cornerstone thisright here when we go back to mason what they're building their acts 4 11 i putit up in the top volume there that the builders that's what that's what thecrew scripture is talking about builders who rejected the tree cornerstoneilluminati freemasons secret societies they do not want to doit the christ way comes a man dies oh man that's the way we've been shown hecame to correct what adamant he messed
up . that's it will come another timewhere man will reach out his hand again and i'll get into it later in this videoand that's what is all over my website and channel is transhumanism those kindof things that the masses the people out here don't have a clue what i'm talkingthat i was talking about this since 1998 one doing videos on but i was talkingabout it posting you know before i started doingvideos people thought i was crazy talking about transhumanism downloadingyour mind you know cloning those kinda things stand and still to this day istill get comments of think i'm kook like okay just look what's happening
look at look at all the youtubers nowtalking about transhuman his own look at go look at my videos look at the datesthe dad did stuff the date your way before most people were talking about it not that i was the only one i'm justsaying what god shared with me was you know something i was not adept to ordidn't have any study on it at all i didn't even know it was either i wasjust being shown stuffs up now there's much more that's built into it has to dowith the first second and the third temple that everybody's waiting for athird temple be built over seas are waiting for some physical building for aman to walk in and i i am god and i
declare i'm god and about being but aboom and let me just destroy everybody and it's an abomination that causesdesolation in the temple of god now for all purposes they may pull that off theymay do that just for show but not the truth what's going on god does not dwell in the physicalbuilding doesn't need a physical building and neither does satan for thatmatter it doesn't need land he doesn't gold it doesn't need colors it doesn'tneed any of that is very clear the bible when i was studying this one saying ihad to go with christian unity in jesus christ because nothing else makes sensein it of what's going on in the world
today and the actual scripture does justcause it's not talking your traditional charts that's why i'm telling you stuffright now that you probably will never see in a church that is knowledgedirectly from god if you can't find this in a textbook and i'm gonna find it on adocumentary and sorry so you either take the information oryou don't i mean i'm just sharing but going back to the temple guide i havebeen shown around telling out friend about the more the base key of davidthose kind of things don't move to fall don't want to leaveanybody is free so when adam and i don't know if you don't know scriptures
i'm just gonna take this information youhave to do studying for yourself this right here when adam was created he had 44 chromosomes hit 44 he did nothave sex organs there was no need for sex organs because he was not createdyet he had 44 chromosomes and you're going to say i hear people now wheredoes it say that in the bible i'm just telling ok he created adam with44 chromosomes there was no need for the sex organs then he put add-on to sleepand he reached in and grabbed some dna or a real ask a scientist order reallyis a river sport is called dna even it's in the middle of the spelling of it so
after that he was created from thatriver that dna thus the other two chromosomes arecreated which made a little total of forty-six we had x and the y whichdetermines the six of a human being are of the new temple adam was the firsttemple then eve was created and then the sex organs were created giving human 46chromosomes thus the second type of temple or thesecond temple was built on the first 44 then when he decided to give adam ahelpmate yet to create the sex organs than the next for the second stage ofman whatever you want to call it the second pillar second stage second templewas 46 the third temple and where the
enemy wants to go is 66 chromosomesright here 22 of those chromosomes is a mix of programmable matter nanotechthird strand helix dna plain and simple 6 x 6 36 three sixes that's the mark of the beast that's howthey do math 66 that's when you see there i the circle three fingers upthree sixes 6 x 6 36 three sixes that is it also that is the number of skull andbones and i'll show you that this is a picture of the skull and bones secretsociety 322 lot of people don't know what it is well everybody's asking what's 322skullenbones bush with bush kari and mia
let the skullenbones from yaleuniversity i'll tell you what is 32 and has to do remember shallow dna so for base pairs 22 base-pair auto designsare called dna model but bass players are called autosomes but in each humancreated from a man and a woman the natural way you have 44 base pairs ofcourse the two that don't count we're talking about the base pairs sowhat they want to do is the illegal to add 22 more with a nanotechnology withthe programmable matter that would make it three strands of total to right thereplain as day while showing + 3 x 22 like i mean it's even if the new world orderpeople say they wrote the bible they
change this or whatever i want to dothis god is so good and it is so encoded that doesn't matter if they change it the truth is still in it i'm justtelling your right now so 322 three times 12 is 166 we're going to go alittle deeper into the 322 and a secret number of things that are shown to mealso i'm also doing study with the occult and the satanic they do thingsbackwards so whatever the truth is a reverse it so think about this ifsomething is wrong reverse it you should get the correctanswer so let's take 320 to reverse it the wrong way is three times 2266 thetemple that was talking of so if you
reverse it two times 23 is is what 46s146 is the correct way of a human being that's the way that's done so let's takeit even deeper for those who don't believe in the bible or over thescripture anything like that i'm showing you some things 322 what does it say in the bible andthe lord god said the man has now become like one of us knowing good and evil andhe must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of lifeand eat and live forever okay that that verse 3 22 also waschosen for a reason to buy the elite and such and and satan the enemy mocking godbecause that's exactly what they're
trying to do they want to live foreverhere on this earth and physical body is they will reach out their hand and theywant they're building something on good and evil part of it is good part is apart of it is dark part of his life whatever you say that's one of the elitesecret societies freemasons the illuminati are dancing on a checkerboardslower katie . superbowl dancing on a checkerboard floor every masonic lodgeyou see checkerboard floor the floor is a foundation anything above thatfoundation your building on that foundation out dark and light knowledgeof dark line you're building a temple with the wrong evil information includedin it
this right here is a good decided notalk about checkerboard floor michael jackson the album cover is blood on thedancefloor about the bloodlines whether he's telling you information for thecreators of this cover time information they're showing you hidden informationblack-and-red satanic control he is pulling to the 11.2 the 9 not 11 he is also standing in the place of thetwin towers and i'll go back to the original album cover the twin towers arenot there the skyline is of new york the dust look in the background of 911 youknow that this is foreshadowing telling in his story not his story not michaeljackson story not cry story satan's
story telling you his story that's notice the hris is capitalizedthey're telling me things this was released in $month 1995 well it was offthe album of history past future and presently 1995 actually blood on thedancefloor the single was released in $month 1997 still 19 now women was 2001so the elite know what's coming in it again if you still believe that on thatlevel was pulled off by an old man in the cave bin laden somewhere overseaswith walkie-talkies i'm sorry have i feel for you and god isnot going to allow something built off of bad and good are dark and light goodand evil to live forever
not gonna happen not gonna happen that's what that virtually dropped it okso you know the secret of the checkerboard floor now everybody willshake more floors will be doing my daughter can show you a typical floor yeah we do i'm telling you what it meansis based on and the symbolism of it they're telling you whether you tuneinto that or not that's up to you but that's what it means so what else can we share 46 is theright way so the reverse of that this reverse it 64 should be drama onceunisys 64 say who the next one on the
earth in those days and also afterwardswhen the sons of god went to the daughters of humans and had children bythem they were the heroes of all men over now so there you go so if you'renot a human opposite of that would be an f1 right that's what's going on there'stwo seeds on this earth people don't believe it sorry i'm just changing the truth ofwhat this is all about the bigger picture the blood lines the two seeds people may disagreewith that there's no seed of the serpent you keep believing that that's why thelink to do what they do their part of
this right here the netherlands therewere on earth in those days and here we get and also afterwards the completereverse of 46 which is of human 46 chromosomes also 46 ok and it's funny here we go hosea 46 my people aredestroyed for lack of knowledge because now has rejected knowledge i will alsorejected the that there shall be no priest to me seeing thou has forgottenthe law of god will also forget that children notice that knowledge you're destroying its giving more hand46 just one piece of information for you also want to share a little informationof this right here is a masonic tracing
board of people have interpretations ofit and they've been good but i just want to show you my have been shown seethere's a checkerboard floor in real time out there's the third pillar of thethird temple there's three colors in the back is one little jacob's ladder theladder going up to the sun the wrong sign there's there's the light oflucifer which is the light beer but there's also jesus christ which is thecorrect the correct line the correct sign him to say but what it was allexplained to you so what is sitting in all the launches and the symbolismbehind it of course on if someone comes up to youa gentleman comes up and ask you are you
a traveling man he's asking you aquestion and depending on how you answer that let himknow that your fellow mason if you just say hey you mean i'm not have reallywent anywhere this year he's gonna know you're not amazing but if he asked youor your traveling man and you answered to him yes i i'm been traveling in the eastlooking for answers there's the east right there that's whenwe're going to sonic lodge will see things facing the east notice when manwas thrown out of the name is east of eden he was thrown out east right there
tip for you anyway this is the thirdpillar this is what they're trying to free mason mason is a builder on theoutside you build a physical temple on the inner secrets of freemason isbuilding another temple when we've been talking about 66 temple man where goddoyle's were saying most of the well satan tues you in scripture what hewants to do and it's playing a simple i can't understand why christians don'tget this same tell you what he wants he wants to set himself up in the temple ofgod are in the holy place declaring himself to be god they're differentthey're playing simple he doesn't he wants in temple of god so when youanswer the question was temple of god it
clearly says in corinthians that we arethe temple of god there it is it i mean there's no mystery here i just don'tunderstand why people still don't see it that anyway the key is hanging off the ladder that'sthe key of solomon the ladder going up the stairway to heaven led zeppelinsongs about it as the deeper meaning right they're going for it is it's thetower of babel symbolism again building a tower to heaven the wrong lane this has been going on for eons ofbuilding another temple to be like god that this what's going on
in revelation it speaks of the key ofdavid which is the more only wanted his hope is the church age that remnant thatis holy and true the key of david that's the only way it's a doorway speaks aheated open it can shut it shut it can open it that's the key of david howley in true here's the key and song completeopposite that's why the freemasons follow solidbecause solomon was to build it too busy building temples physical temples toother gods david david was a man after god's ownheart he knew the secret he knew where
god well that's what david gets thekingdom now this david gets the kingdom solomon was eliza's manly was a richestman supposedly why did he get the kingdom he doesn't david gets thekingdom because he knows the truth the key of david that's why all of themovies like ai with hailey joe osmond he's an artificial intelligent personboy his name is david prometheus he's a trained jilin being his name is davidthey're telling you it is this is the wrong way built on knowledge of dark andlight ironing clay the mix of technology with the flesh possible it is the wronglike that's what they fall key of solomon they're trying to figure out howto do this thing i want to do but you
know that and that's why there's acompass there they're trying to find the way the compass and the square all thatgood stuff what they're trying to build this is my logo right here instead youknow what it is for newcomers on the telly do you think i like transhumanismno i do not trying to send you a message here trying to tell you the more of a baseright you're half tech half play iron clay iron clay textplus we was a smallmy logo is the way it is i like to use logo are really like scrawny to brawnyand it's a good logo because it is the right way to his logo let me see if ican find it real quick here screaming
brownies logo this is how you accomplishwhat god has in store for you you come as you're into this world you're goingto get eat up sorry trials tribulations is a test she just wore the crown of thorns bloodybeaten any any dying guess what next step he gets the real gold gold this isrefined this way the next step satan's gold fool's go see this this iswhat this is what satan shit you don't want you to take the next step he won't you say here's what it is allabout is your supposed to come and
doesn't mean you're not supposed tobecome a better man and be upgraded that's just not the plan sorry is is is just not anything to dowith miracles take time magic people's mail time with their strong magic andmiracles aren't they the same no magic is instant magic is hocus pocus boo manypeople rather have that you know fast notice with miracles in the way go i mean why didn't god just say poofcaterpillar becomes a butterfly just skip just skip the step of being acaterpillar just create a butterfly why don't you just go ahead and do thatgod
why did it take you seven day i mean sixdays to create everything and then you have to rest on the seventh day whileyou just say poof say anything included in the miracle takes time it'sdone right its progression and that's what we are right now we're in anotherwere just honest a stage of development and we don't understand everything andthat's ok you know and this one jesus said there's things and i can tell youbut you can't bear you won't even understand if i told you and it's notquick it's not instant you know microwave is instant micro what you knowjust think about it anything pretty much instant fast food everything quick ispretty much bad for you and the only
thing that is really good for you comes over time and development andthings of that nature and that's why you know a baby has to take nine months todevelop and in the miracle happens you know it just doesn't come instantlysound you might want to share that with you share some things with you todaythat i shared over the years that my videos but in a personal way i hope youenjoyed the video hopefully hasn't changed your opinion of me and whatabout i do want to tell you that jesus is my lord and savior i've never gotaway from that some people may doubt that the way i've seen things just wantto tell you that the reason i started
the way i started with music and visualsis when you going to reach people the younger generation you have to catchtheir interest 20 seconds 15-20 seconds if you don't have it they will tell youout they will click off and go to something so i use the tools what satan uses i usethem against him and that's why i was told to usual and it makes me happy wheni have people that emailed me and they say you know what i didn't believe inanything just like me i didn't believe in anything but with your videos youshell me that the evil is real and that god is really so if the evil is realthat that's when it starts on the
journal that i owe me that he was reallygives real there's a really battle going on here that is actually in the spiritroom and it affects the physical round two but you know my get twelve-year-oldsfifteen-year-olds and kids that just say me and i would never even go to churchand i think christians our cookie and whatever but your videos of showing imean it's it's worth it's you know even if just one person gets it you know thatthat's worth it and i do want to say thank you again to my subs followersthey become a website fellow youtubers out there i can't even begin to even try to thankeveryone comes out i'll miss somebody
there are so many so i don't do that youknow most of all like to thank god for showing me what he's showing me answermy prayers how the things i was praying about you know it took time but thereason it took time was he had to show me things and certain steps and that'sthe whole basis of people who have followed me for a while to understandget from a to d you've got to understand b and c is if you just go straight to dyou're not going to get you're not going to understand and he had to show methings and some steps once they start with let's change 911 and you have towake up and keep moving forward a lot of people they stopped like i ok igot this all figured out
that's what was the problem withchristianity and most religions is they think they have it all figured out andthat's not the way it works is truth is being revealed every day over time theveil is being lifted more and more knowledge is being revealed you know during time but you know whathe showed me why he said he showed me i don't know i'm not a holy righteous manunless i am just someone that was seeking truth and you know it goes backto why jesus said also i need you to come to me like a little child and inever really understood that when i was studying what i need to come to you likea little child like on my knees and
begging now let me what that means itmeans he needs you to come to him with all of the man-made stuff out of the wayall of the stuff you've been taught by man you need to just throw it away for alittle while and the goblet good that's what i call it the gallagher junk fromuniversities and and because the more educated you are bob this world it'sharder to see what i see that makes sense because the ways of this world remember the way you're tall is satan'sway not the correct way and it's for a purpose so come to him like a child waslike two kids in a sandbox they don't know racism they don't know muslim theydon't know christianity catholic they
don't know any they're just playing inthe sandbox with other kids they don't know color races is only until you growup in your talt to be a racist or tall or religion that kind of thing so that'swhat that means but anyway thank you for tuning in give me some feedback what you thinkwhat you like what you don't like even and until next time this is nicholson1968 nicholson nineteen sixty eight dot com nineteen sixty eight dot com