(theme song playing) and finally we must givethanks that we have reachedthis fertile valley by raising our children tothe heavens inhomage to the gods. now be about your business. may this day be celebratedwith feasting and hunting. (birds calling) (creature grunting) look. (creature screeching)
(parent roaring) (woman screaming) (yor yells) leave it to me! (old man screams) (exclaims) (exults) drink, drink it. (spits)
it burns like fire! the blood of your enemiesmakes you stronger. -drink!-i rather stay weak. who are you?where you come from? i'm yor, the hunter.i'm came fromthe high mountain. thank you for saving ka-laa. she is the most precious thingin my life. i am pag.her father was my king. help me cut the choice meats.
it's a strange piece of metal. what is it? i don't know, i've had it eversince i can remember. i've never seenanother one like it. elder: i have seena similar medallion. -are they your people?-yes. -where?-elder: beyond the mountains. it is worn by a womanwho lives amongthe desert people. i have seen it glinton her chestwhen the sun's rays strike it.
who is she? she is the daughterof the gods. they say shedescended to the earthin a tongue of fire. and now she is worshippedas a queen. come, yor.welcome to our village. (whoops) (grunting) good! have something,you danced well, ka-laa.
yor, you're so differentfrom the other men i've seen. kill them! (screaming) kill all the men! take him! i want him alive! -yor!-no! ka-laa, come on! after them!
we must find out if any ofyour people are still aliveand bring them with us. -do you know the big treein middle of the river?-yes. there's a cave onthe plateau above it.we'll meet you there, pag. ka-laa, go with yor.he will protect you. no! don't go, pag.it's not safeto go back alone! (rustling) little man'svery loyal to you. yes. since my father died,he's never left me. come on. i know a place wherewe can rest the night.
(elder groaning) -pag where is ka-laa?-ka-laa is safe. she's with yor.but they take allthe women prisoner. they are beasts,they butchered the orphans. and the children too,took the young ones. save yourself, and ka-laa.go with yor. your fate lies with him.he... he... (groans)
we'll be safe here, ka-laa. it's where i used to hidewhen i was a boy. here. lie down and sleep,i'll stand guard. what a strange thing.what is it? i wish i knew. it's like a fireburning inside me,a question without an answer. am i the son of fire?no mother, no father. oh, yor, one dayyou'll find the answer.
there must be a tribe of menlike you. and there must be women, too. (bird chirping) (growls) (growling) (laughing) get out of here, ka-laa. get out of here, i said! his power is now mine!
oh, gods of rock and water,i, the great ucan! no! -take her back to the cave!-no! yor! throw him off the cliff. -hurry!-no! the gods must be appeased withfresh blood. hurry! ka-laa: no! (women screaming)
(men grunting) thank the gods you're alive! come, it's not safeto remain here. no! first we must find ka-laa! -where is she?-you lost her in battle. ka-laa now belongs to him.that is our law. no, pag!i don't recognize your laws. that way! (screams)
you, you and you! now we'll fight and our prizewill be this woman here! we can do nothing now.there are many sentinelsdown there. (creature roaring) the beast of the night.stay low. (creature groaning) you mine. you no fight great ucan. after them! hurry!
a lake. up the steps! (ka-laa exclaims) thank you, yor. you given backto me that which ilove most in the world. thank you, pag.you did your share. now let's get going. pag, why is yor so differentfrom other men? i don't know, ka-laa.i'm curious tooabout yor's life. where does that steamcome from?
from the great crevicesin the earth. at the bottom of these,there must be a great heatwhich causes this vapor. -and the smoke?-i don't know. this is the landof the diseased.of the men of the desert. they worship the god of fire. i've heard they practice magicrituals and havesupernatural powers. i'm afraid death rulesthis land. listen, i'll be back beforeday break. yor, please!don't go to that woman.
i'm afraid onlyevil will come of it. you both stay here. don't worry, ka-laa.and don't try to follow me. last night i had a dream,and i saw you helpless surrounded by fire.please don't go, please. will he return? yes, ka-laa. he'll return. woman: bring him to me!(echoes) where did youget that medallion?
-what does it mean?-they say i came heretogether with those men. there, caught in the ice. why i am liveand they are dead,i don't know. and why the ice is formedin this parched desert, is a mysterywithout an answer. but the little waterthat comes from itis vital to these people. and they worship meas a divine goddess. now you're living proofthat we represent a race. together we will findan answer.
why did you come tothis land of death? i came looking for you.i was told of your existence. i don't know how i got here.but they willnever let me leave. you see, these peopleare threatened bythe aridness of the land, the poisonous vaporsin the groundwhich kill the plants. they are convinced thatsacrificing every strangerthey capture is the only way to placatethe wrath of the gods. -what's your name?-rea. listen, now we both knowthere are others like us.
we've got to escape.there must besome place in this world we can live in peacewith our people. now either you release me,or you kill me now. wait, ka-laa! if yor came this way,i fear for his life. this is no place for manor beast, we must turn back. no, pag! we promise wewouldn't follow him. i want to go to yor!
(inaudible) look out! stop! stop! stop! rea: no! rea! try walking.let's go! here! who are you? we will needa lot more hempbefore we're through.
i have to thank youand ka-laa, but there's noneed for you to accompany me. if you wish to settle here,rea and i will continue alone. ka-laa has been entrustedinto my care. she will not leave your side.neither will i. you're a good man, pag. and neither will i. my life has taken onnew meaningwith you and your friends. ka-laa!come help us! a little differentfrom the desert?
i love this place. i could stayhere forever, yor. do you know that i've neverbelonged to another man? and that i've never feltthe desire and longingi feel now for you? you're beautiful, rea. i'll go look for them.the meat is burning. your jealousy is burning. among our people,a man can have many wives. -so why can't yor have two?-you don't understand, pag.
that woman is ofthe same race as yor, and could takehim away forever. if that has to be,you can'toppose their destiny. get up! -only one of uscan belong to him.-you cannot understand. i understand that one of usmust die. (men laughing) -where is ka-laa, pag?-she went looking for you. women: yor!
yor, look out! ka-laa! (yor yelling) die!die, you bastard! damn ucan! yor, you see? dreams are only dreams. no, don't leave me. things seem to becoming back to me.
i see an islandin the middle of a big sea. and on the island,there is a magnificent castle. that is where we come from, where our race lives. take my medallionand give it to ka-laa. it's the emblem of our world. she loves you. (rea moans) kiss me.kiss me, yor, quickly.my gods are calling me.
a part of me will alwaysremain here. we've all lost loved ones,but life goes on. the country you seeklies far away. -have you ever seenthe sea before, ka-laa?-no, it's so big! ka-laa, the water is salty,don't drink it! smells good. -where is ka-laa?-fishing. here, sink yourteeth into this. i sure will, i'm hungry.
-what's that?-(people screaming) come on,it came from over there! ka-laa, stay there! thanks, pag. we must go back to the sea,quickly. there could be another beastin there, come. woman: come with us.our village is near. why did yor risk his lifelike that? he did the same thingto save us, remember?
a generous man doeswhat his heart commands. it's not safe here, let's go! there are my people.and that is our village. why are the guardswatching the sky? they're watching for the god! -is he your man?-yes. where are your children?and his other wives? we were getting worried. tarita, what happened?
-this man saved our lives.-i'm grateful. it was nothing. my name is kay. tarita and the little onesare my children. according to our customs,tarita's lifenow belongs to you. she will be your mate. take me with you, stranger! yor: you're asweet child, tarita.but i already have a woman. -at least acceptour hospitality.-i'd like that, kay.
what did your son meanwhen he said you werelooking for the gods? two moons passed sincewe killed the man who droppedfrom the heavens. -we now fear the revenge.-yor: but if you killed him,it can't have been a god. i promise you, it was a god. he descended from the heavenson a strange fiery bird. fell over there.we all ran to see. one of my men overcamehis fear and approachedthe visitor in peace. the god struck him with fire. so we threw our clubs at him.there was a great explosion.
and he fellback into the flames. now all that remains of himand his fiery birdis this strange object. there. it's made of a substanceunknown to us. it was thrown herein the explosion. it might explode too. that's why we leave it here. come, the women have prepareda feast in your honor. (static buzzing)
you know, kay,i've been thinking about that bird of firethat fell from the heavens. it could be part of the answeri'm looking for. the bird of destruction? yor: i think the man killedbecause he was as much afraidof you as you were of him, and you didn'tunderstand each other. yor, come with us. yor: ka-laa, you come too. i must go too. i have toretrieve my weapons from thecave of that strange object.
you have time enough.now enjoy your food. mmm, right. (beeping) (beeping quickens) (people screaming) -the village!-oh, my god! father! no! no, let me go!no! father! -eagle to m1. -the box speaks!
eagle to m1. mission completed. -eagle to m1.-yor: this is whythey returned. damn talking box! they're not gods.gods couldn't be this cruel. i'll find them. and i'll revengekay and his people. (child crying) yor: i must leave, tarita. stay, yor.we need a new leader.
no. my destinycares me elsewhere. just as yours is to remainhere and make a newlife with your people. your fatherwould want that, tarita. tarita:our fishermen used to talkof a mysterious island always surrounded byviolent storms. if you feel it can bethe one you seek, you can have my father's boatto take you there. thank you. it's truly beautiful!
this island yourfishermen saw, tarita, in which directiondid they say that was? in the directionof the setting sun. i'll never forget you.thank you! thank you for everything,tarita. yor, the wind is freshening! -look!-check the sail, pag! (thunder crashes) it won't hold!
pag, pull up the sail! i keep trying,but the wind's come in! yor! yor! he'll drown there! -pag!-hold tight! ka-laa! ka-laa! he has reachedthe outer limitsof my territory. a decision must be made. you! you'll bring him hence.
his record must be analyzed. search unit six to patrol. six to patrol leader. in quadrant 6-r-9. android: overlord, two more intruders in the sector 1-6. we await your orders. i want them both capturedand brought here! alive. (gasps) (whispers)there's no need to be afraid,i'm a friend. come on.
they arethe androids of overlord. come on. (beeps) (chimes) (woman typing) don't be afraid.i'm your friend. and this is the land you leftwhen you were a child. -my name is ena.-if you're my friendas you say, release me! (laser beeps)
i must obey orders,but i'll free you hands. only overlord can free you. we've learned a lot about you,from your medallion. your record is fullyregistered on it. your name is gallahan,and you're the son ofthe rebel, asgard. your ship was destroyedwhen you left many years ago. your father was banishedand he took you with him. how you survived the explosionand grew up in the outsideworld is a mystery. what do you mean,you know all about me?
how do you knowwho my parents were? i will allow the poor fool tolearn the secretof his existence. that is as far asmy generosity will go. no, i don't want him killed.not yet. he's perfect forwhat i have in mind. a breakthrough ingenetic engineering! at last, a chance toprove my greatness. young yor: daddy! daddy! those are your parents.
and the child is you. my father, my mother. how beautiful she is. i remember that. that waswhen i was learning to hunt. sometimes i hadto throw them back. you really do knowall about me, don't you? the machine speaks the truth? ena: oh, yes. it even hasa record of your new friends,pag and ka-laa. free me, ena,so i can go look for them.
-but i already told you...-free him, ena! i am the overlord. ruler of my people.and yours too. you are completelyin my power. yor: what have youdone to my friends? overlord: ah, your friends. yes, we were separatedduring the storm. overlord: as you can see,they're still alive. unfortunately, theydisappeared just afterthey came ashore,
-but we will find them.-(door beeping) and give them the welcomethat they deserve. the girl's recordswill be analyzed,and the savage killed. don't be afraid,you will come to no harm.you're with friends. you are pag andyou are ka-laa. the man you loveand who loves you is alive. -i just left him.-is it true? -yes, you can trust me.-take me to him! that wouldn't be wise.the overlord released him onlya few minutes ago,
hoping he will act as a baitto capture you and pag. he knows you'velanded on the island,but can't find you. the... what did you call him?the overlord? who is that? we are all that is left ofa civilizationthat was wiped out by a great atomic blast. whenever mandiscovers somethinggreater than himself, he abuses itand is destroyed. overlord is leading usalong that same path. he commands all of us.
and his main intentis unquestionably to do evil. go check the access units.the androids aresearching everywhere. ena: your worldis forbidden to us. according to the overlord,it is still contaminatedwith nuclear fallout, and is a barren wastelandwhere life no longer exists. but, tell us,what is it really like? pag: we are proof thatlife does exist. there are many dangers,wild animals,barbarous tribes.
but there are also peoplewho live in peace. -elder: ena.-yes? -has the girl gone?-yes. (elder exclaims) where is she?what have you done to her? do not worry. we have planneda revolt for years. and now that yor,the son of asgard,has returned, he will be our new leader. i don't understandwhat you're talking about.
-i want to go join ka-laa!-be patient,you'll see her soon. i will attend tothe robot memory banks.go now, ena. come on, pag. (ka-laa screaming) where are you? ka-laa! where are you? (ka-laa screams) ka-laa, where are you?
which one are you? (both gasp) (loud beeping) don't be afraid. come look at this, ka-laa. come on,i'll show you my past. (machine beeping) i hope i can figure it out. welcome, ka-laa.
the rose of fertility. she is my woman, overlord. nonsense, i amthe only one on this islandallowed to have possessions. who are you, anyway? i am one of the survivors whocame here at the timeof the great destruction. but as many of us carriedthe germs ofthe radioactive fallout that destroyed our cities, by the time we hadneutralized the malady,there were few others left. for generations, i havedefended my subjects againstthe great plague
that continues to ravagethe outside world. i want my people to procreate,multiply and grow strong, that eventually,i may conquer the world, and exterminateall barbarians. you believe you're god,but you think like a murderer. (overlord chuckles) you talk justlike your father,and those who plot against me. but now, they will replace all humans.
they are part ofmy military power. i will create technicians,scientists, magnificent minds, who will all thinkaccording to my will. yor: you'll commanda world of puppets,is that your goal in life? yes. i'm the giver of death. but also of life. you are to be the forefatherof a new race together with ka-laa,this genetically perfectwoman that is your mate.
as i said, i am experimentingwith a new type of android which requires the seed ofa specimen like yourself toproduce a new race, superior to theserather slow witted models. you will be geneticallyperfect too, and will think the wayi want you to. you see,i will operate on your mind until every thought that's notright has been eliminated, and you will havea new mind and memory, which will transmit itselfto your genes.
and when you have inseminatedthis woman, you will die. we have to act quickly.get your weapons, come on! soon you will be two newindividuals, calm and docile. who knows if i won'tlet you live then, gallahan? (laser fires) -are you ready to fight?-yes! -let's go, yor!-right! the rebels are unmasked.
we shall destroyevery one of them, as we always have done toall rebels in the past. they have dared to threatenthe authority of the overlord! red alert! red alert! go to your positions. we'll place this bomb ina drainage canalof the atomic pile. -the others canbegin to embark.-embark? where? you will be taking our culturewith you to help you builda new world. you talk like you're notplanning to come along.
i don't know how many of uswill make it. come on! kill them! kill them! block all accessto the atomic pile! these fools thinkthey can beat me,the overlord! -he's outsmarted us.-we can't just give up. -there must be someother way of getting across.-yes, over there. set it! no, yor!
ka-laa: it's too dangerous! -no!-we have no choice, ka-laa.we have to let him go. ena: i've set itfor eight minutes. somebody, get him! kill him! kill him! oh! i have fools around me! out of reach. save yourselves!go! get moving! come on, pag!
pag, you did it! now we got tohurry, come on, let's go! that'll lead tothe atomic pile! the bomb must be defused! elder: overlord, there's no escape! your reign of evil has ended. you are quite powerlesswithout your army of robots. they are not programmed to shut down the atomic pile. so you are obliged to reach the control console and do it yourself, while i will deactivate your electronic puppets, sector by sector,
level by level. -pag! shoot him! shoot him!-no, pag! it's useless! you can't kill somebody whois an illusion, a shadow. no, damn it!he must pushthe button physically! overlord! no, ka-laa! (overlord groaning) come on,the bomb will do the rest! i've done it, ka-laa!let's go!
elder: i'm beating your ambition to create a master race. you have keptthe world in darknessand hindered progress. it is man,with all his faults,who represents the future, not your dream raceof hybrid clones that can be deactivatedat the touch of a button. follow me! the old manhasn't blocked them off. i'll take care of them,get on toward the ship. go on! come back down!
it stopped. overlord, now you'll neverrule the mainland. in spite of your punitive strikes, it has nurtured one of our own race and sent him back to destroy you. pag, get a move on! come on! what you waiting for? elder: the survivors of this island will return to the mainland, and let us pray that this timeour youth will notrepeat our mistakes, that rightwill win over wrong.
may they establisha brave new world, made of love and tolerance. and may god forgive us. narrator: yor returns to the primitive tribes on the mainland. he is determined to use his superior knowledge to prevent them making the same mistakes as their forefathers. will he succeed?