(people chattering) augusta, don't takemore than $2.00! where are you off to? i'm going camping. did you tell your mother? man on radio: my kind of weather, sunshine and a high of 96 for the next couple of days as we approach the end of the summer of '69, here in ocean city, it's great to be in love...
(ship's horn blowing) (screams) (grunts) henry: what did youtell your mom this time? that i was going campingon assateague. with me? not with you. with sara mae. oh. did she believe you? why not? sara mae and mego camping all the time.
sara mae and i. smile! (giggling) oh! are you scared? of what? of leaving. no. just scaredi'll never get out of here. everybody keep comingaround to say good bye.
my mother criesevery timeshe looks at me. thousands throng ocean city beaches on holiday weekend, by henry r. squires.you got a by-line! big deal. the exact same piecemy father has writtenfor the last 20 years. his going away present for me. all he let me dowas change the numberin the crowd count. he wouldn't printthe piece i did aboutthe blacks in fenwick. that was too controversial.
oh, god, henry, you're notgonna be working for himthe rest of your life. you'll only be herefour more days. you'll have plenty of time towrite about important stuff. uh-huh. yeah. like, waitress discoveredin secret love nest on assateague islandwith sex-crazed journalist. yeah, like that. why won't you come with me. what would i do in boston?
you could go to school too,you know. i just got out of school. i don't want to spendanother four yearssitting in chairs. (horse neighing) you gonna spend itin an airplane galley. yeah, i get to see the world. gussie: do you realizethe discountsairline employees get? we could go to venice and eat spaghettiand peaches.
(coughing) and make lovein the backof abandoned churches. that sounds good. i thought you'd like that. (crunching) henry: not the apples. (gussie giggling) oh, god. oh, god, henry.
oh, we'll go to venice,henry. we'll eatin little restaurantsand ride in gondolas and see the pretty sights. when you finish school,we can live anywherein the world we want to. we'll be togetherall the time. we will. won't we? i love you, gussie. i love you, too.
(gunfire) man: don't takeyour eyes off him! what did you find? a diamond. they're pretty.what's your doll's name? kathleen. kathleen.that's a pretty name. woman: i told younot to talk to strangers. don't need anyonetaking your picture.
no one knows your faceless likely harmwill come to you. (siren wailing) (girl crying) come on. sorry, baby. i'm sorry. hey, ma. (exclaiming) ralph! ralph! i don't...i just don't believe it.i just...
look! look!look who's here! oh, honey.it's good to see you. let me get my bags. oh. ralph, you get them.you get her bags. oh. oh, i just don't...let's go in. you know they...everybody's here. sally's here? yes, everybody's in here. come on.
yoo-hoo! oh, i can't believe it! gussie sawyer,what are you doing here? came to see my niece. oh, god,you boys have grown! clean all your hands, boys.don't get grease on her. hi, gussie. hi. you've been gone so long,i don't recognize you.
oh. look at here. oh, hi, mary augusta. hi. i'm your aunt. oh, there are presentsin the bag. i--i still justcan't believe that you just, just cameand walked in that door and you didn't evenlet us know. ethel: and here i amin my house dress.
you know,i almost didn't know you. you've gotten so skinny. mom, i'm not skinny. i was same as i didwhen i left. well, you look skinny. maybe it's youthat's changed, ethel. oh, ralf. well, i know,i've gained a little weight. oh, thank you, honey.well... oh.
let's see now. let's see what we got here. oh, there's twomatching things here. (baby crying) oh, this girljust wants her grandma. that's it. come on now. we'll just gofor a little walk.that's it. there we go. well, let me give youa real hug.
hey, guys! come on.come on. sit down. everything's getting cold. come on, come on. boys, come on.let's havesomething to eat. oh, crabs! i don't believe it. oh! oh, god. well, there'sa sailboat racethis saturday. summer finals.
maybe you couldget into it. you think i could? well, maybe you can getyour dad to race. sara: what will theydo for a boat. oh, phillip gotan extra boat. the big red onewith a crab on it?not me. oh, come on! george: oh, he's justbeing ornery. as usual.
he's dyingto get into that race. then get us that boat. all right,let's get this thing wet.come on. listen,put on some sunscreen! you're all going toget burned out there. bye! oh, come on, sawyer. don't have to tell me. yeah, we're going tokick your ass.
(all clamoring) announcer: ok, let's get this thing started. one, two, two and a half... (gun fires) (all shouting) loosen the jib sheet,gussie. pull it back!go on, pull it back!
i got that. ralph: let's run itpast those guys. yo! come on! let's go! we got the wind on our side.all right! get going. good line.cut off the lines. gussie: come on, pa! let it go! who's the skipperof this boat? hey, sawyer, why don't youjust jack it upand live with it, huh?
tony: fly away. screw yourself. where'd the wind go? a little more. i got it. how's that? yeah, that's good. man: ready to approach buoy. man 2: coming about! ready to come about.
ralph: okay, mate,get ready to tack. coming about. this is some kind of sailing,i'll tell you, babe. (whoops) we're in the clear, dad. yeah, we got it now. come on, gussie.let's fly! we need to keepthat jib inside if we're gonnacatch those guys.
ralph: hey, henry.get out of our way. we're coming through! henry:whoa. watch your head. dad! we got them now, babe! you okay, son? what happened? ralph: we beat them! announcer: let's hear it for the sawyers...
(crowd cheering) we'll kick your assnext time, sawyer, you lucky bastard! next time there'sno more mr. nice guy! (people cheering) ruth: addy. syrup's in the cupboard. when are yougonna quit sulking? an accident. you know,your dad, as big as he is,
slipped off that boatjust as easily as you did. come on, mom. i mean it. your mother's right. get over it. cheer up. brooding over itisn't going to helpanything either. it happened.it's over and done with. you know, you can't alwaysbe the winner, sweetheart. better get used to itright now.
ruth: so, what'son the agenda today? i'm gotta go to the office. on a sunday?this is getting to bea regular thing, huh? henry: i've only donehalf my lead articlefor tuesday. what about you, sweetie,what are you doing? uh, i'm taking ticketsfor mr. carter. oh, yeah? yeah. you know, he's really madabout what you saidin your article
about assateagueand the condos. see, now,he told you that, huh? oh, yeah. yeah, i'm not too popularwith any of the merchantsassociation now. why, though? well, i guess because they think developingassateague islands' gonna bring more peopleto the area. but i think it's gonnaruin the coastline.
and i'm right. absolutely are. no people are gonnacome here if they don'thave any beaches. how the hell are thosepeople supposed to getout there anyway? they want to builda causeway. didn't you readmy editorial last week? it's all right,no one else did either. ruth: i'm gonna read it.i've been meaning to.it's upstairs. that would destroythe ecologyof the entire marine basin.
nah. they wouldn't be allowedto do that, would they? i'll tell you. the guywho left the island to the state in his will,50 years ago, stipulated thatit was for the poniesto run wild in. they couldn't build. now, with the poniesbeing as sickas they've been, they're contesting the will. that was excellentfrench toast. you're not having any?
right, all i needis a bunch of syrupand flour. i'm getting so fat. you look fine to me. hey. dishwasher. well, good morning. good morning. oh. mr. grason calledfrom the dispatch. and he wants to takea picture of you and dadon the boat for next week's paper.
i don't wantmy picture taken. huh? i'm on vacation. well, most people are dyingto get their picturesin the newspaper. exactly. what? nothing. well, you'd have somethingto show your grandchildren. i don't haveany grandchildren.
you will, honey. now, do you wantsome eggs? you want some eggs? no, thanks. well, then,some toast? here's some right hot.it's right here. i'll eat after a while. yes, but it's all hot.it won't... well, she's been that waysince she was born.
you don't expectto change here now. addy: me and mr. carteris just gonnahave to have a talk. mr. carter and i. you're gonna talkto him, huh? well, you be carefulhow you handle him. all right. people don't liketo be backed into cornersthey can't get out of. gotta leave thema little roomto save face. okay? okay, but just a little.
okay. bye. don't slam the... you're a nice man. a lot of good it does me. oh, well, you know,people might justsurprise you, vote that thing down. yeah, that'd bea nice surprise.talk to you later. all right. don't...
(bell ringing) we're open. well... yes, if... if it's relevant,i'll reprint it. yeah, well, send it over.yeah, let me look at it. yeah. look, i got to go. i'll call you backas soon as i look at it.right. yes, all right. bye. that was our mayor,wilfred powell.
willie's the mayor? yeah, and i'm pretendingto run the newspaper. well, how the hell are you? i'm fine. you look fine. so do you. i hear you have a kid. no, actually,i saw him at the race. yeah, i heardyou were there.
he's gorgeous. is he all right? oh. yeah, he's fine. the good thingabout kids is there'salways a next time. so how are you? i've been running.so i probably look awful. no, you don't look awful. it must be100 degrees out there. well, how are you?
why do you keepasking me that? i don't know. what are youdoing here? look, i didn't mean tobarge in on you like this. oh, no, no, that's okay.it's no problem. don't be silly. come on. oh, my god. come here. gussie,this is ben mahanes jr.
this is augusta sawyer. hi. how are you? nice to meet you.i know your workand i respect it. the last time i saw you,you were about this big. oh, well, it's goodto meet you. tell your dad hello for me. i will. well, i'd better goso you can getsome work done. we can talk another time.
wait, uh...why don't you come to dinner? i'd love to. great. when? tonight. no, tomorrow night. okay. what time? 8 o'clock. great! where?
oh, it's my parents'old house. you know, up alden road. well, i'll see you then. i want you to meetruth and addy. i'd like that. ralph:what are you doing, babe? what does it look likei'm doing? driving around in circles? don't you have anythingbetter to do?
no! get out of that thing!i got to open up. get out of here! (ship horn blowing) ruth: didn't you sleep? thinking about the article. oh, did you finish it? no. gussie sawyercame by the office.
your old girlfriend? what did she want? to say hello. she's in townvisiting her folks. i invited herto dinner tonight. you didn't. i did. here? where else?
oh, what time? 8:00. henry, you mighthave asked me. do you want meto ask her not to come? no. i just want her to beshort, fat, and ugly. (chuckling) you must be... augusta sawyer. ruth.
well, come on in. henry just had to run outto the store. (blender whirring) i love your kitchen. oh, thank you. i didn't plan it, you know. it just sort ofcame togetherfrom odds and ends. it's my nesting instinctcoming on i think i actually do itthe way birds do it,
from bits and piecesof things, you know,other people throw away. i go to rummage salesa lot. i'm startingto like the smellof paint stripper. it's really just, uh...it's a big jumble. it's wonderful. what are we talkingabout me for? you're the celebrity. i'm hardly a celebrity.
oh, in this townyou are a celebrity. you know, henry checksjust about every photo to see if you took it. sometimes i, i catch him. he's got the magazineupside-down to see if it's one of yours. where is henry? why don't i get addy. he's upstairs.he's just messingwith his fish tanks.
why don't you goon the porch.it's a little cooler there. the oven'sbeen on all day. no, just... well, make yourself at home.i'll be right back. thank you. (carnival music) (dog barking) ruth: oh, dear,is it too chillyout here now? this is addy.
hi. miss sawyer. gussie. i'd forgotten how beautifulit is from over here. i think i just sawsome heat lightning. oh, yes? i wonder whatcauses that? then we're sure to geta thunderstorm. it's a good thingi didn't plan a barbeque.
you know,it's electrical dischargesin the atmosphere. it's like two cloudsbanging together. i never knew that. our house scientist, huh. he's responsible forall the fish aquariums and jars of half-dead crabsthat are all over my house. oh, mom. give him half a minutehe'll talk your ear off about spawning patternsand weak fish and...
wanna see my tanks? sure. after dinner, honey. good evening. sorry.if i would ever to getthe right wine. he didn't have french wine. i thoughtthat's what you drank. so you've all met? mmm-hmm.
yes. well, let's get drunk. don't be foolish, henry.nobody wants to get drunk. i do. henry:here's to gussie and ruth and to addy,who finally washed his hands for the first timein three weeks. what is this stuff? it's gazpacho.
it's cold. it's supposed to be. cold soup? henry: addy, just eat it. i heard you've beenin a lot of places. yeah, i guess i have. you been in wars? a few. addy: my mom said that warsare no place for women.
addy, i didn't say that. well, i didn't.i said, um... what i said, was i didn't... i didn't feel like i wouldever do what you do. how much moneydo you make? addy! it's not a questionyou ask someone. well, never enough. why not?
ruth: you just don't. henry: that's right. how much money do you make? not enough. so, um, it's been a whilesince you've been back home? i've been back on and offover the years but this is the firstreal vacation i've hadin about 13 years. i'm 13. ruth: and you live in paris?
um-hmm. before that,i was based out of new york. oh, new york! i don't knowhow people live in new york. weren't you frightened?i mean, i could neverlive in new york. i mean, all those peoplepacked together. addy: but dad saidyou used to be a stewardess. i was, until i hada few pictures publishedat invite magazine and i realizedi could make a livingas a photographer. so that was the endof my stewardessing days. gussie, more wine?
yes, please. thank you. the soup's wonderful. oh, thank you.it's very easy, really. it's basically just saladthrown in a blender. we used the fresh tomatoesfrom our garden. i miss that, tomatoes, sweet corn, clams. i have some fresh clamsin the kitcheni can get you some. no, this is plenty. thank you.
are you sure? i guess we're readyfor dinner. addy? got it? i'll get the other bottle. she's pretty. so are you. i think addy'sin love with her. ruthie,
you jealous? no, of course not. where are you going? to wally'sto spend the night. does your mother know? sure. yeah, we--we discussed it. come here. give me a kiss.have a good time. nice meeting you,and i hopei see you again. hope so.
see you. good night. addy: good night. god, i just can'tbelieve how bighe's gotten sometimes. he's a great kid. thanks. only yesterdayhe was that big. he hasn't evenlet me see him nakedin almost two years. that was a pretty strangething to say, wasn't it?
well, you know what i mean,if you spend so many years bathing and changing, just feelinga little child's body, and suddenly you can'tsee it anymore, it's... i'm kind of sad about it. you'll understandwhen you have yours. well, i should go. oh, no, it's early yet. oh, i--i havea long walk.
i really enjoyed dinner. you walked? you can't walk home. no, gussie let me drive you. oh, really, i'm fine. i'll drive you. i really enjoyed it. well, it wasreally a pleasure. i hope to see you againbefore you leave.
i hope so. you sure you won'tlet me drive you? thanks anyway. oh, take her home.go with her. (thunder rumbling) henry: gussie! let me give youa ride home. i'm all right. you're gonna get soakeddown here.
i don't care.i like the rain. i can get home by myself.please, go back. what's the matter? it's not much further. henry, i'll be fine from here.please, just go back. what's wrong? nothing! something's the matter. nothing's the matter.
i just want to be alone. why did you do that to me? do what? invite me there.to see you havea perfect life? what are you talking about? why didn't youjust leave me alone? i wanted to see you again. well, you've seen me. let me explain!
you should have explaineda long time ago! i tried! i asked you to come backwhen my father died. i was gonna come back. were you? well, we'll never know,will we? gussie, do you thinki would have got married if i thoughtyou were coming back? ruth got pregnant.
by herself? gussie! look, i didn't planfor this to happenthe way it did. didn't plan it. you've got a homeand a family,and you goddamn love them. and you have nothing?look at your life. i don't even have a cat. i don't feelsorry for you. this is enough.
let go of me! (door closes) hi, kate. hi, henry. tony! yo-ho-ho! isn't he cute? where are the kids? they're home.we're celebrating.
are you pregnant again? pregnant, no,bite your tongue! hey, you see, gussie, you and the old mankicked ass in that race. hey. he's got a new jobworking on the condosat assateague. they were approved? all but the formalities. hello. that's silly.
george: are they hiring? you looking? you're reading my mail. who do i talk to? tony: come on,i'll introduce youto vernon. do you rememberbarbara turner? she's afraidto come talk to you because she thinksyou don't remember her. i don't remember her.
she was inyour gourmet class. she used to dategordon trimper. who's gordon trimper? oh, this reminds meof high school. everybody's dancing,and we're sitting aroundand gabbing. (women chattering) how you doing, henry? oh, hi. how are you, squires.
man: hey, henry,what happenedto you saturday? i lost a fin on you. hey, squires! well, we finallykicked your ass. yes you did.don't count ondoing it again. well, you better talkto my sister-in-lawabout that. henry, can i get youyour usual? no, no.i'll come talkto you later. make way for the champion.
sit down. henry. george: how about if iget you a cool one? oh, thanks. gussie, give him a fewsailing lessons, huh? hey, squires. george: hey, bill,give me a cool drink. i been meaningto talk to you. why don't you just ease upon them condos, huh?
(stuttering) every timei pick up a paper, you're telling usto turn them down. you should. why? well, it's gonnadestroy the ecologyof the whole area. it's to them high words? "ecology." well, there ain'tno ecology, man. nor jobs.
george: i mean,what about them peoplewho've lost their work when del monte closed down? they need this work. yeah. you thinkthey care about someflea-ridden ponies when their kids gotnothing to eat? huh? tony... tony: huh. ...you gotta think ahead.it's not just ponies. the whole fishing industrywill be destroyed.
our government'slimiting the fishing now. exactly. limiting itis the only waythe fish are gonna come back. tony: oh.and in the meantime,in the meantime, how we supposedto make a living? huh? george, tell them.when them mink coat liberalsup in washington, d.c. let you go out fishingone day a week, mind you, one a day week, how much fish you catch? not very...
how many damn fish you catch? not very much. yes, thank you.not very much! tony: i can't evenmake a living. my damn wife's got to work.my damn wife's got to work! damn it! tony: who the helldoes he think he is, huh? henry, that layout'sgot to be tothe printer by 10:00. right.
thanks for the beer.good to have you back. (carnival music playing) mr. sawyer? henry. how are you? good. how are you? fine. my boy left his, uh, jacketat the bumper cars. did you see it? don't know nothin' about it.
gussie: pop? george needsto talk to you. i'm lookingfor addy's jacket. maybe he left itin the bumper cars. you know where? well, if somebody found it, they'd probably, uh,put it in the office. i'll go with you. let me get my sweater.
there's no jacket. i know. just wantedto see you again. i'm glad. so, where do you want to go? i don't know.where do you want to go? where can we go? (people whooping) (laughing)
oh, i'd forgottenhow tidy this beach is. it's so closed off. i guess that's why we allfelt so certain here. you never felt certain. i did, too. let's not fight. at least you got out of here. henry, you havea wonderful life, you've got a wifeand a beautiful son.
you run the paper. but you did it...what we always dreamed of. you went out there,and you did it. yeah. but when i get home,all my plants will be dead. how comeyou never married, gus? i had a few close calls. (sighing) when your father diedand you asked meto come back, i... i couldn't. i wasn't ready.
it was just too soon. it all happened so fast. i didn't understandmuch about anything then. i see it alla little better now. good. maybe,you can explain it to me. gussie, are we going topretend the other nightdidn't happen. i missed you. don't. please, henry.
what happened, happened. and, maybe it's, you know, it's even forgivable,or understandable, or whatever you sayabout stuff like that. but there's no placefor us to go from here. i've only gota few more days here. stay. just a little longer. it's too late. isn't it?
how's it goin'? alright. want some iced tea? my dad saidyou came by to see me. yeah, see, i'm applyingas a special student at woods holemarine institute. and, they needa recommendation. and, i was wonderingif you would writeone up for me. i'll be glad to.what, uh,what should it say?
oh, just stuff abouthow highly motivated i am. (chuckles) okay. you got it. were you in schoolwith my dad? how come you look so young? you really thinki look young? my mom looksmuch older than you. are things okay at home? yeah, it's okay.
tired? hmm. you want a backrub? come to bed. i got some work to do.i'll be up in a while. man on tv: ...into second base with a double... hey, pop. who's winning? they are.
i'll get a beer. i forgot to tell you,you got a phone callfrom a guy in paris. he wants to know whenyou're coming back to work. the number's on the padin the kitchen. i know. i alreadytalked to him. i'm not ready to goback to work yet. i like it here, pop. well, you shouldn't havemoved out in the first place. i tried to tell youthat once,
but nobody could evertell you anything. sometimes i wishi'd stayed herelike sally did. you were bornwith ants in your pants. every time i tookyou girls sailing, from the time you could talk, you'd be the one wantingto head for the horizon. sally'd be crying to go home. i asked for more time off. what for?
i'm not readyto go back to work yet. that kid was aroundto see you. squires' boy. what did he say? that he'd come back. he's married, gussie.remember that. well, season's overnext saturday. i'll have more timeto spend with you. what if we tookthe boat out together, huh?
that would be nice, pa. good. man on radio: maryland transit district bus drivers have reached a tentative agreement, bringing to an end fears of a possible strike. (phone ringing) hello? henry. no, i haven't had lunch. 15 minutes. bye.
god, i love this boat. hold this, would you? can you cook and crewat the same time? you're the only good personover ten who likespeanut butter and jelly. how do you want yours? rare. whoa! i got it. does this feellike old times or what?
do you believe whatthey want to do here? yeah.i can believe anything. you're talkingto a very jaded lady. about as jadedas tinker bell. i've seen peopleblow each other up over a piece of land,henry. you know whati thought about the whole time,while i was in venice? don't you remember?
how it was alwaysgoing to be you and me, sailing the mocking-birddown the great canyon. you and i. oh, henry. it's funny being here,isn't it? as if nothing has changed. yeah. we're still hiding. do you realizein all the years i've known you, we've neverhad breakfast at a table,
or made love in a bed. or made love on a table,had breakfast in bed. yeah, i know. sometimes, i think aboutwhat it would be like, to livein a house with you. have coffee with youin the morning. supper with you at night. take showers with you. yell at you, for forgettingto take out the garbage.
i would never forgetto take out the garbage. i would never yell. i'm going back to work,henry. i don't know.next week probably. they've gotthat deal for me to do a series on kids. we just have toset a writer. you're really going? i don't belong here,henry.
i came running back,thinking i was coming home, but it's not hometo me anymore. i forgot aboutthe time i lived here i was just trying tothink of ways to get out. it's weird. i look at sally,and she looks so happy. she's married. and so are you. (horses neighing) (gun firing)
shit. what the fuck is that? (people yelling) came from over there. over that bluff. wait, gussie.don't let them see you. what are they doing? henry: that jeep isfrom martin & company. the guys who want tobuild the condos. i gotta get closer.
what are theyinjecting into 'em? i don't know,but it's not medicine. god, i can't seeshit from here. gussie, hey. take a shotof martin & companywith the needles. man: hold still! hold still! hey! what are you doing here? henry: gussie, let's go.
henry, the film. all right, let's go. i don't like havingmy picture taken. i don't wanna haveto persuade you to give me that cameraand move on. get it. lady, you're just makingyourself a lot of trouble. give it to him, gussie. gussie: do you thinkthat's the right picture?
absolutely. is the headline big enough? picture tellsthe whole story. we did it!i gotta call the printer. jim, we're done. i can have itto you in 25 minutes.is that okay? great. and can you print up10,000 more copies? no, it's just for this week. well, ask him. yeah.
re-write that whole piecefrom the kids point of view. what kids? the piece you're doin'in the middle east. the kids you'regonna go photograph. yes, jim. that's great. alright. yes,i'll be right there. bye. henry, would youwork with me? would you write the story? would they hire me?
i don't know why not. you've been syndicated. you've written for the washington post. you're as goodas any other writers thati've ever worked with. oh, god! henry, it would bea week in the middle east, and a weekin central america. oh, god!if we could make it work. it would be so wonderful. so wonderful.
call 'em. (door closing) where's he going? i sent him to the officeon an errand. i wish you wouldn'thave done that. breakfast is ready. what's the matter, ruth? you must think i'm a fool. ruth, don't.
who took those pictures? gussie sawyer. what were you doingwith gussie sawyeron assateague. we were working. i asked herto do a job for me. don't lie to me. you've never lied to me. (sniffling) woman: good morning.can i help you?
you look tired. yeah. i didn't geta lot of sleep. peggy, this is the one. the sun picked up our story. the governor's office calledand asked for an injunction to stop the buildingand they're setting upa special commission to look furtherinto the matter. we did it! yeah, i guess we did.
i talked to new york. and? congratulations.you've got the job. you're kidding!just like that? just like that. wednesday, we go to paristo talk to the bureau chief. he's goingto set our itinerary. he's talking aboutlebanon and israel, end of the week we'llfind out what we'll do,
they'll send us downto central america. i can't get outta hereby wednesday. i mean,i've gotta get someoneto run the paper. i've gotta talkto ruth and addy. well, how much timedo you need? you just told me about this. a week? no. i... i thought you wantedto do this, henry
i do. i just... look, they want us in beiruton friday, there's war. it's not gonna wait on us. this is the real world,henry. look, i'm not askin' youto give up your whole life. we're talking about two weeks. i think two weeksis the widest referenceyou ever had to consider. have you everstayed anywhere longerthan two weeks? gussie, i'm sorry.please, please listen to me.
i'll get somebody else. ruth knows.i stayed here last night. if i go, i can't come back. you don't have to go. i wanna go. i want this job,and i want to be with you. what time is the flight? 10 o'clock. i'll be there, okay?
together? henry: yes.she got me the job. she would do the pictures,and i would write the piece. we work well together. no doubt. ruth,it's a national magazine. it could lead to other jobs.we could use the money, and i can writeabout something a little more importantthan sewer assessments!
you can screw your girlfriendin exotic cities all over the world! ruth, listen to me. we're talking about a job. oh! is that what we're doing? don't condescend to me,henry. i am not an idiot. if you're going, go,but don't lie to me, or yourself. i can't compete with her.
you were meant for biggerthings than i was, henry. you've always known that. if it hadn't beenfor your father dying and me getting pregnant, you wouldn't be stuck herein this shitty little town. and, i don't wanna be the oneto keep you here. and, i sure as hellwon't apologize for liking it here. if it's too small for you,get the hell out.
but for god's sake,be a man. tell the truth. pop? i brought your lunch. thanks.set it down there. need any help? no, i... i've been puttingthese things upand getting them down for 30 years.i guess i can manage. you know i'm leavingtomorrow, don't you? well, uh, if you don'tneed any help...
augusta, what the helldo you think you're doing? doing about what? you knowwhat i'm talking about. going offwith henry squires. pop, i'm notgoing off with henry. we have an assignmentto work on a story together. we're partners.writer, photographer. photographer, writer.it's no big deal. but this timeit's different, gussie.
this time you thinkyour partner's gonna solve whatever you thinkis wrong with your life. and what do you think'swrong with my life? i don't know.you tell me. well, as a matter of facti think i've gota pretty terrific life. and, i've worked longand hard to get itjust the way it is. i think you havea fine life, gussie, i just don't wantto see you get hurt. do you knowhow long it took me
to get assignedwith the paris bureau,pop, hmm? eight years.eight years of workingseven days a week, for months at a time. you know, i missed everychristmas except one, for the past 13 years.you know why? do you know why, pop? no, gussie. why? because,i want to be the best. to be the best,you got to be there.
so, i'm there.that's why. the priceyou have to pay for it,it's worth it to you? most times it is. then why do you need henry? i don't need henry! i'm giving hima chance, pop. this is a big break for him. it's somethinghe's always wanted. it's what you want, gussie.not what henry wants.
you chose it. henry chose something elsea long time ago. he didn't choose it.it just happened. that's the way we choose,gussie. we let it happen. it's two weeks. it's just,it's just two weeks. i think you deservesomething better. i love him, pop. i love him, pop. good oatmeal.
it's the same oatmeali've been makingfor 14 years. come on,let me give you a ride. no. no. i'll be back in two weeks. hold the fort till then. i found your gray sweater.it was in addy's room... i put it on the bed. you're okay, babe. hello, henry, how are you?
i read your article aboutassateague. you have a nice trip now. did you check your thingsall the way through? are you okay? you're so quiet. i'm always quiet before i goto paris, for the first time. my mother washedand ironed all my clothes, and packedmy suitcase for me. she made mea couple of peanut-butterand jelly sandwiches.
woman on pa: proceed to the aircraft for immediate boarding. flight 1512. i can't. i belong here, you know? last boarding call for flight 1512. always be you and me. (one day playing) ♪ one day down the years ♪ a bad heart disappears
♪ one day you see ♪ it had to be ♪ and cry your tears ♪ far away ♪ when i've gone my way ♪ you will remember ♪ how good we were ♪ one day ♪ you'll hear your heart say
♪ sometimes it's love ♪ to turn and walk away ♪ that's the way the world goes ♪ all those tomorrows ♪ ♪ we'll learn ♪ what love knows ♪ sometimes memory ♪ is all a heart can see ♪ i will be there
♪ for you somewhere ♪ hold on to me ♪ all those tomorrows ♪ we'll learn what love knows ♪ one day ♪