>> previously on project runway. >> for this challenge you will be working in two teams of five. >> i cringe every time i hear there's a team challenge. >> this is the hp and intel challenge. >> i love the idea of making my own prints.
>> bert, i'm asking you if this is how it's going to be for the next two days, because i will not have it, bert. >> joshua woke up on the wrong side of the bed. >> i'm not about to deal with him. >> i'm just so happy i'm not on
that team. >> frankly, i'm troubled by your jumpsuit. >> i think that skirt looks cheap. let your ego go. >> [whispering, crying] [techno music] ♪ ♪
>> all of the three prints are horrible. >> it is so busy. it's just like, whoa, i don't know what's going on here. >> not a lot of women want to have "cancelled" on their crotch. >> anya, you are the winner of
this challenge. >> thank you so much. >> joshua, your print completely missed the mark. but you're in. becky, you're out. >> this... >> this... >> this is the search for the
next big fashion designer. >> it's about style. >> fashion. >> attitude. three finalists. >> and one winner. >> this is for real. >> be good. >> be great.
>> this is project runway. the winner of project runway will receive $100,000 from l'oreal paris to start their own line... a fashion spread in marie claire magazine... a $50,000 technology suite from hp and intel to enable their
creativity and run their business. and the opportunity to design and sell an exclusive collection on piperlime.com. the model paired with the winner of project runway will receive a fashion spread in marie claire magazine and $25,000 from
l'oreal studio secrets professional. [hip music] >> congratulations, top nine. >> [laughs] >> it's hard to look around and know that i'm the only one that hasn't won a challenge. it makes me feel like the
weakest link. i really just want prove so many people wrong about me. >> it's a new day, a new day. the past is the past now. i mean, at this point i'm exhausted emotionally, mentally. but i'm really in a much better
place today, so i'm excited to see what the new challenge is. >> i'm gonna pour out a little for becky who didn't make it. >> both: in memory of... >> 'cause i know we're all mourning. >> there's definitely a thickening of the air as there
are fewer and fewer of us. but at the same time it's kind of fun because there is a sense of camaraderie even though it's a competition. >> yeah, i mean i think that we're the last three girls that should be here. >> let me know when you guys are
ready. >> i'm ready. >> i am too. >> okay, let's go. >> okay, bye room. >> bye! [upbeat music] >> hello. >> all: hi.
>> for this challenge, you won't be working with your usual models. we wanted to bring in some new clients for you to work with. >> [murmuring] >> hi, boys. what's going on? >> i don't really know how to do
menswear. you know, i've made stuff for myself, but holy crap! >> welcome to the runway. [laughter] >> you know, i do some menswear. so i'm not whatsoever intimidated. i'm more intimidated by the
waistline. you know, budgets are small and a bigger waistline means more fabric. >> give me all your names. >> hi, i'm george. >> hi designers, i'm anthony. >> i'm jevon. >> mike.
>> looking at some of these men, it may be exciting to do looking at others, it may be a >> anya, you were the winner of the last challenge, which means you have immunity for this >> praise the lord. >> but there will be no more immunity going forward.
>> thank god i have immunity, like seriously, i've never done i don't know where to start. >> now you get to choose your clients...using the trusty button bag. but anya, you won the last challenge, so you get to choose first.
[snaps] which boy do you want? >> i would like to choose mike. >> oh, thanks. >> so i chose mike because he has the most standard frame, and it's perfect. >> bryce. >> don't forget you got a boyfriend at home watching this.
>> um... i pick jovan. >> bert. >> anthony. >> thank you, i look forward to it--whoo hoo! >> whoa! >> yeah, that's the one. >> viktor.
>> george. >> i'll see you later. >> joshua. >> since i have such a beautiful name, i would like to work with joshua. >> rock on, josh, you got the real talent. >> the more people start to go,
the less choice i have, and in the end we're left with all these fat people. and that is fine, but not when i'm making clothes. >> anthony ryan. >> actually, i want to work with brian. >> thanks, man.
i thought for sure i'd be last. >> olivier. >> i'd like to choose jeff. >> look forward to it. >> it's a good look. >> laura. >> i would like to go with daryl. look forward to it.
>> kimberly. >> i get dimples. >> the best for last. remember that. >> well, tim is waiting for you in the workroom to fill you in on all of the details. >> oh! >> good luck, and i'll see you
back here on the runway. bye, everybody. >> all: bye. >> good morning, everybody. what do you think of your new clients? >> interesting. >> intrigued. >> and while it's true that the
men are your clients... >> uh-oh. >> you are not creating a menswear look for them. you will be creating a look for their better half. [applause and cheers] their wife or their girlfriends. >> yes!
>> sort of a relief. >> the men are going to provide you with direction for the look that they want for their significant other. so you're going to find out how well these men actually know their wife or girlfriend. >> oh, lord!
>> for one thing. >> please, dear lord, have him be loaded and his wife's really hot and she's a gold-digger. >> although i trust these men know a good deal about their wife or girlfriends, i don't trust that they actually know their sizes.
so we have all that information for you. so, in fact, these women will walk the runway. >> okay. >> all right? >> that's sort of exciting to get back into the women's category again, which i'm good
at. but if the guys are supposed to help us, direct us, and my experience with some men is they haven't got a clue, so it could take you down the wrong alley. >> so you're going to have 30 minutes to consult with them and to sketch.
you have two days for this so i'm going to send in your clients, and i'll come back to take us all to mood, okay? thank you, everyone. have fun. >> whoo! a collective sigh of relief, right, everybody?
>> hi, guys. all: hello. >> if she went to a store, what store would she shop from? >> i don't know, like... >> is there any other color she doesn't like? >> that's a good question, um... i don't know, i'm just thinking
of her wardrobe--it's definitely more like...that's a good question. i mean, you know like, um... >> most men don't quite know how to describe things like color and shape and style and... so we'll see. it's really hard to tell.
he seems very quiet, so it's kind of hard to know like where does he stand and how much will he know. >> how about one shoulder? will she wear that, because it does sort of cover the bust up. >> well, what happens if you came down lower?
i mean, basically she's a hot piece of tooshie, so anything you put her in, she's going to be good to go. here's my boobs tight, thing like that, nothing up here--she does that. >> anthony his basically focused on her breasts.
he said, "that's why i was attracted to her." he's a hoot. >> if it was up to me, she'd wear a leaf just to be able to get by in public. [laughing] >> what do you think her thoughts are on lace?
>> she normally keeps it a little bit more tame and simple. i'm concerned with this simple aspect. it's hard for me to do simple. so to throw this card on the table i think is gonna be a really good thing for me. simple box, here i am.
>> so, if you think like cutesy but like elegant in a way, but like girly--if you can kind of mesh all those together somehow, it'll work. >> yeah. and then if she was to pick the color, do you think she'd go for a pink, would she go for black,
would she go for blue? >> she would pick pink. >> so she's a pink girl. jevon immediately tells me that his girlfriend is into pink... which is not really my thing, but i can make it work. i think i'm gonna go with a dress.
i think a dress might be nice. >> what kind of red? like candy apple red or more of a deeper red? >> i think both work, but more of a deeper red. >> after talking with brian, he really wants to replace this dress that he lost.
>> she's probably going to squeal with excitement about this. >> i'm helping him give back something to her. >> picture you darker. >> uh, taller. >> and maybe bustier. >> her breasts are, like,
ginormous, is that correct? >> big, yeah, big. that's the way i like 'em. >> okay, uh... you know, i don't like women having boobs, i just want them to be flat. like when it comes to design, i think that distracts the whole
line. so that's the challenge for me to work with big boobs, i think. >> she's got a great curve to her, so i want to use the, you know what i mean, like i like the idea of being able to see the curve. >> designer and clients, let's
head off to mood. all right, your 30 minutes starts now. [overlapping chatter] >> i'd like the back to be in the lace, which i think will be pretty. too much? >> that looks like death at a
funeral, maybe. >> um, that's kind of nice. >> it's a bit aggressive maybe, but... >> if she were going to go pick something for herself, she would pick this over this before she'd pick this. >> mm. taking the husbands'
advice is risky. it's a little scary. it's like if i screw up on this, there's no going back, no choice. let's decide, then, between one of these and get this as a backup. >> i love it.
>> yeah, don't be afraid to be colorful, i mean... >> yeah, i just want it to look good, i don't want it to look old on her. >> you don't want to make her look old, then she'll divorce me right away. >> let's look at this one.
is this blanched? >> i like this, this is fun. >> that's right up her alley. >> i want brian to pick out a print that he thinks his wife is gonna love. you know, he's told me that she likes vintage. she likes red and black.
did you like that red? >> i did, yeah. >> i think that would be a cool mix with that. >> you've hit it on the head. >> designers, you have one minute. >> people are kind of freaking out because real women are not
people are like, "ah, oh, my god, big boobs, big hips, you know, just big all over!" so it's a little nerve-racking. >> time is up. you need to be at the register now. >> tim, am i allowed to ask you what double-d means?
like breast size. >> what do i know about it? i just know it's a bra size. i don't have any personal experience with it, olivier. >> ask one of the girls. the girls would know. >> like what does double-d mean? >> he doesn't know double ds.
>> it's a bigger cup size. >> okay... i'm really worried about whether i can pull this challenge off. those boobs to me are trouble. >> this is a challenge of working with the husband and her boyfriend to design a look for their partner.
>> designers, you will have until 10:00 tonight. and, your client's wife or girlfriend will be in later today for a fitting. have fun, everybody. make it work. >> all right, so now i'm just going to working on the style
lines. the style lines on the dress form is to give you pretty much an overview of the way you want your garment to look. should've used different color tape. >> also, though, would the colors matter, really?
>> just to show a difference, yeah. >> so this would be...so i could use red here. you can almost just see where your neck is going to be and your arm holes and the back, how it's going to dip and the waist, so that's what the style
line is for, just to give you the visual of what it's going to look like. >> just talking to you, i can tell how much you care about her. so i was going to try and make it kind of about love, which is not normally anything i ever do,
but i just, i don't know, you guys kind of put me in that mood. >> put you in the mood. all right! >> this is pretty close to her. >> i mean, honestly, the mannequin's boobs don't look anything like my wife's.
they're fun--they're fun to play with. you can't really play with anything there. >> anthony and i are talking about ariana's style. and he wants to sort of show off her great cleavage and her body. but i'm feeling confident that
we can make something ariana's gonna like. >> honestly, i mean that's how i fell in love with her. i saw her with this v-cut, and her boobs were hanging out. it was like, oh. wow, she's hot. >> he is so funny. >> sometimes i motorboat them.
you know, it's like... blblblblblblb! >> you might get divorced after >> you did what? >> come on, she knew what she was getting into when she married me. >> i was thinking of making this the sleeve and instead and make
it long. >> she doesn't wear a lot of two-tone kind of stuff. >> yeah, this doesn't work. chuck that. >> my brain is like running back and forth because i'm not so used to working with a client. so i'm worried about
not being able to deliver a look that will both please her and the judges. >> could that be the sleeve? >> so i'm sure you're like what are these things? >> that i'm gonna tie her up with later. >> so you let me know if i need
to cut anything with this pizza cutter. >> [laughs] maybe pizza. >> when you leave here, go get her a couple cocktails so she'll just be kind of loopy. >> i think that should be fun. >> does that neckline look okay for her?
>> uh, yeah. i'm wondering if you should have more boob. >> i can always come down. >> you know the cookie monster? i'm the booby monster. i love boobs. >> yeah, i hear that. >> hi, i'm laura. nice to meet you.
>> i'm waiting for rebecca to enter and finally, there she is, and my first thought is thank god and how did he snag her? >> she has my taste. >> i said that. >> do you love the color? >> yeah, i like the color a lot. >> it's going to be strapless on
the side and just one strap here. >> i am not that high fashion. i always wanted to be barbie, and now i'm an adult, and i can be barbie. >> well, i just think this will be more modern. rebecca comes from 16
brothers and sisters. so she said she didn't get to play with barbies when she was younger, and she said so maybe that's why now i'm older and i can be her. >> i'm loving it. look at this color. this material is stunning.
>> and so i'm excited to do that. i dressed a lot of barbie-type women. they're the women lots of times with the money to pay for the clothes. >> my boob can't be exposed like that.
>> no. a little bit, but not too much. we're gonna show a little. because you gotta show them off a little, a least, right? >> so, you're going to love everything we show you, or else that is his fault.
the unknown card is ariana. what is she going to like, what she is she not going to like. but this was the silhouette he was sort of describing. it was sort of like a bando top, and more of a baby doll look... which i'm not sure if that--
>> i like this better. >> thank you. >> i got this down, we're good to go, and then she crushed my hopes and dreams. thank you, baby, i love you. >> love you, too. >> it's gonna come down just sort of straight, and we'll go
wherever you're comfortable. so if i'm not comfortable, you can tweak it? >> i'll have a fitting for you. >> so essentially it's a modernized kimono wrap dress. short in the front and longer in the back. i've given myself once again a
big task of sewing with silk, which is really challenging to do right, so i feel a little nervous. >> this is victoria. >> hi, how are you? this skirt is exactly how you have it. >> that's so funny.
i mean it's-- >> i can't believe that you're wearing what i'm making almost. it was like something was telling me she's going to like something like this. i guess we were meant to be together. >> i'm actually really excited.
this dress concept reminds me of a dress that got left in an airport, so... >> we've already talked about it. [both laughing] he's lost her favorite dress, so i'm helping him give back something that has a similar
concept and cut to what it was before. it's something that you can't help but smile about. i'm just going to pin this to your shirt. >> that's fine. so i feel like it's really unique, but it also speaks to my
style. i love his idea of the purse, too--it's great. >> thank god his look is a good one and not some crazy like out there, one boob out with a slide stash and a piece of paint. >> i love this part right here. this is like my favorite part of
i'm shocked that you'd know. >> what? >> i'm really shocked. >> my taste not bad. >> no, i'm happy. >> they might be a little too big for you, or you might not, you know-- every time i had been going to
mood, i saw these metal-plated shapes, and i thought this would be the perfect challenge to use them. >> oh, then that's definitely too showy. >> but after trying to pitch this design idea to her, um, you could tell it kind of frightened
>> i don't know. >> and she just was not going to go for it. and it was really hard for me to like set them aside. >> i like simple, simple. >> when josh said simple, i didn't realize it was like, simple.
i'm like how am i supposed to design something for her? and you're okay with this back? >> you need to wear wear a bra with something like this? >> i feel more comfortable with one. >> what do you think of this material?
>> do you like it? >> not really. >> no? >> i told you she'd be a breeze, no problem at all. >> he always wants me to wear yellow. how about this for the top and this for the bottom?
>> they're both so nice. but the two of them together sometimes confuses me a little bit, just because there's so much energy and i don't know which one to listen sometimes, so i just want some quietness sometimes. >> if you could make this wide
sleeved. do you know what i'm saying? >> yeah, i think that's-- >> like this and a big bell sleeve. >> i think that's slightly old fashioned. i wouldn't suggest that. and i think that if you keep it
sleeveless. i have never really worked with a client before, so it's a i think as a designer, i have a really big ego in my design. i want people to wear what i design. in this case, it's about compromising your aesthetic
point of view. >> why don't you just make a big band, you know like gucci this season did? >> like purple with red and like a yellow sash. you know that kind of a look? >> i don't see that. >> you don't want to do this as
a sash? >> he doesn't see it! >> okay, do whatever you see. we are a little concerned because we want olivier to win and we have faith in olivier. but i wanted to-- >> she wasn't happy. let's say it--
it just wasn't her. >> oh, you're done with that one now. >> which one? >> that you chose. that you initially chose. >> oh, i'll go get it now. >> uh, okay... [laughs]
>> did he understand what i just said? >> yeah, he's got it, he's got >> let me show you fabric, because he told me you like pink. >> i do, it's my favorite color. i like having something a little bit more flair and interesting.
i'm a big pink person, 'cause i love pop, i love bright colors. >> the pink i got, though, is ugly. and i've decided it's ugly. >> i know. the ugly pink color i got at mood is not really my thing, but janine loves pink.
it's her favorite color. so i'm going to go ahead and dye one of the fabrics and see if i can get a brighter pink. >> ready... >> all: waa! >> bye, guys. >> peace and quiet. [tearing sound]
>> she wanted to make a barrel like those big sleeves on just one arm. >> do you think i should do the fuchsia or the red to get the pink? >> fuchsia. >> you think fuchsia, for sure? okay.
you know guys, i have to tell you, it's like really hard being around two people that are so in love. they're like so cute. >> it makes you miss your boyfriend. >> yeah, i won't go into explaining very far because i
felt myself getting choked up. >> and i go i really want this dress to be about love. and then i just left it at that, and i just like...stopped. every time jovan's telling me things about janine, i like wanted to share about my boyfriend, but i couldn't
because i knew that i'd cry. seems silly, but i've just been upset. >> i'm worried about this one. >> what's wrong? >> bryce has felt very doubtful of himself. he's disappointed in where he's at, and it's just been this
downward spiral of disappointment. we're in, what, the eighth time? out of 13, like... >> everyone's kind of feeling bad for bryce. you know, he doesn't have a win. he's very down right now on himself.
we are all really trying to help him and point him in the right direction, but there's nine of us left, so you can't make any more mistakes. >> i don't think i've been this scared about going back to parsons. >> i don't want to go.
i don't want to see timmy there, not today. >> oh, i just want to go back to bed. >> i'm just hoping we have sufficient time today. >> i don't want to hang out with them all day. they slow me down.
>> all right, let me jump in the shower really quick so you can get in there. i expect my eggs to be well done and on the counter when i get out. thank you, bryce. >> how were the couple? >> great.
they're really sweet. >> and she liked it? >> yeah, she loved it. it's my favorite too. i'm sure they're going to say, "bert, it's so simple." >> do you guys think it would be bad if i made the entire dress out of this color?
>> it'd be really loud. >> bryce has this fabric that's hot pink, almost like an anti-diarrheal medicine. and it just makes me want to go to the bathroom, really bad. i mean, i wouldn't mind seeing that bright pink together with that looks really cool to me.
you know what i mean? >> this is like the print exactly what i had in my head. >> i'm not going to lie. i'm scared of it, just a little bit... >> 'cause it's bright? >> 'cause it is so bright. so if the pink's not in there,
though, are you going to be heartbroken? if it's like i can't make it work... i'm feeling kind of uncertain about the color. i don't know whether or not i should go full force with one color, more than the other.
um, there's a lot of things that are up in the air at this point. >> as long as it's like, pretty and bright and fun, like... >> okay, it's not that i don't like pink. i like pink as well. it's just not the right pink.
>> are you gonna win? i think you're going to win. >> i always think and that, and then always like--i'm always on the top, but i never win, so-- >> you're gonna win this one. >> see, this is what i don't like--i don't like this. >> but there has to be some sort
of--because you know how our ass is round, if it's flat, it will pull and you will see strings >> i think yours is lower where it hits me. >> i will fix that--i promise. >> you promise? >> i promise. >> i'm going to trust you.
>> i always want people to just like come to me and shut up, and i just tell them what to do. but then it's about not coming off too strong and too aggressive and listen to what they have to say...and then still go with your guts. >> [squeals]
>> there's tim. >> hey, tim. >> keep working. but we'll do this one little group at a time, all right? okay, i look forward to this. hi, viktor. is this the look? >> both: yes.
>> i could believe you came in off the street wearing this. it's adorable. >> i felt viktor did a great job interpreting his client's style. the colors he selected were really great, and the proportions of the skirt and the banding i thought was very
smart. >> you have an amazing threshold for the runway. >> all right. >> thank you, tim. >> ah, that went so well. >> i know, right? >> anya, hi. >> hi, tim.
>> so what're you doing with the arm? >> the whole thing is a modified kimono-esque dress. >> you're using a kimono sleeve? >> it's a bit of a kimono >> except for slimmer. >> yeah, very slim and-- >> we still want to show off her
arms. >> anya's dress looks like a student is just working on a pattern and it came out wrong, and when sewed it, it was horrible, it's just-- i don't know--i don't like it. >> what happens to the proportions of this look once
you add that arm? >> it's definitely something we'll have to see when it's done. >> what about this whole area? >> yes, sorry, this was cut wrong. i think that's what might be throwing you off.
>> you just need to clean it up. >> yeah, and the edges are still not finished. >> all right, you carry on. i will see you on the runway tomorrow. >> see you. >> okay, thank you. so talk to me about this whole
process. >> so i wanted to go simple and modern and unadorned. >> can i ask this question? are you completely and totally sold on the depth of the cleavage? >> um, yes. >> i won't ask you, you know.
>> it is a little low, but yes, i think it's-- >> i did explain to her it's going to be a little bit more closer in but still deep and not quite as spread at the top. >> i have no idea what the hell bert is doing. it looks disgusting.
i know he's trying to like channel dior, but the stuff is sick. think it's polyester, i don't know. >> pleasure. >> team baaaah! >> olivier, suzanne, and jeff. how are things going?
>> i love the top. the pants i feel that it should be a flared pant. >> i mean, here's one concern that i have. we have this yellow-yellow, we have this blue-blue, and they're looking crayony. >> oh, poor, poor olivier.
i think just aesthetically right from the get-go, it was doomed. >> i'm wondering about that top in a different textile. you still have a lot of time. at the same time, you have time management issues. >> you were going slow yesterday--i said that.
i was worried about you. >> you got to go, go, go. rebecca. how do we feel about the shoe? >> we're good, we like the shoe. >> i think you're going full-tilt barbie with that shoe. >> ah... >> [sighs]
[nails tapping] what is your concern, tim? i don't like when you just stand there silent, looking. >> i'm making you nervous. i'm sorry. like, get out of here, tim. >> she likes fun, flirtygirly. >> anthony ryan didn't really
update her style. there's no real modernity to his garment. >> she loves polka dot dresses. >> avoid any reference to minnie mouse. >> right, right. >> joshua, what i am marveling about is the fact that you've
really edited yourself this >> so much! >> you will see.... that joshua is capable of and is just shy of a float in a parade. >> it's everything i would want. >> the va-va-voom of the back. >> yeah, and the thing is when
she came to me, her first thing was, "i have to wear a bra." and i was like, you don't always have to wearing a bra. >> it would be different if... you weren't firm. >> i was actually nervous when tim came over, because i love
the dress, but he really had nothing negative to say. >> and he also said she had nice breasts. >> no, he-- >> he did. >> no, he didn't. >> firm, firm, sorry. >> hi.
>> so talk to me about what's going on. >> um, i'm not crazy about this. >> i have to tell you, though, with your coloring, you look really fabulous in this pink color. >> that's why i wear a lot of >> i live with bryce, and i'm
extremely worried, because it just seems like his mind is not i just don't think he's solid in what he wants to deliver for this client, and that, definitely can, you know, pose a problem. >> no more second guessing. do it.
>> okay. thank you, tim. i can still go all pink. >> designers, you have until 11:00 tonight, and you know the drill in the morning. there's not a lot of time. and clients, we will see you all right, have a good night, everybody.
thank you. >> all: thanks, tim. >> i got a little bit of work ahead of me. >> you got a lot more work to do. >> yeah, yeah, no, no, no, no. >> you okay? >> ohh...
>> i mean, this pink... it's [bleep] pink. it's....pink. >> i would watch that. >> i know, i don't know what to [bleep] do right now! tim liked the pink. she loves the pink. i just feel like i should just
do a pink dress, and if i make it very structured, maybe it won't be super-feminine. i'm scrapping my original design that i just fitted janine in, and now i have just a few hours to get this done. >> what's really crazy, though, is like...someone's already
going home tomorrow again, you know? >> i think that...olivier might be in trouble. >> what was happening with that critique? i did not overhear any of it. >> i don't--you know, i'm not gonna...
make up stuff, because i don't know anything. but i know that it didn't go well. >> it's just taking me so long, like--'cause they're different, that i--i'm feeling really stressful, and i just want to get this done and have it, you
know, finished with. this might end up being a big mess. this [bleep]... [playful singing] >> grab your girl, let's run in there. >> as always, figuring it out at the last minute.
>> both: [laugh] >> good morning, designers. >> all: hey, tim. good morning. >> so you will have two hours to send your models, clients, to the l'oreal paris makeup room and the garnier hair studio. use the piperlime wall very thoughtfully.
just looking around. some people have a lot of work to do. okay, everyone, thank you. >> your machine's makin' a funny noise, anya. >> it's like, [squeaking sounds] >> [laughs] it's nervous, just like me, okay?
>> it's creepin' me out. >> once again, i'm still sewing. i still have so much work to do. i just can't waste any time. oh, this is gonna be fun. >> this is incredible. [laughs] this is is so nuts! >> just doin' one of the armholes to make sure it's--it's
done right, and then i'll do the other one. >> i'm gonna practice my walk. let's practice-- >> all right, go ahead, practice your--let's go--i have to help you practice your walk? >> i'm gonna walk, and tell me if it looks like it's going up
my butt. you don't see it. >> there's a little--there's a little crack-- >> then it's going up my ass. >> it's too up your ass, is that what you're saying? >> i'll lower it more, okay? >> she doesn't like the crack
up her ass. >> well, i feel stressed out, because--having to deal with all these stupid little things, and i just really feel like working with a model again and having a non-speaking person just do their jobs and have it you know, not so much talking
back. >> i just want to say, i'm fighting for my life here. i would love to make something like you would absolutely love, but it's for the competition. >> olivier...just...works... very...slowly, you know, so i'm just waiting for the day when he
sends his model down the runway, and everything completely falls off of her. >> want me to hold it? >> um-- >> you got it. >> gosh, rasheem, you're so helpful. >> it's crushed out.
>> i'm worried about kimberly. i don't know how much kim has made clothes for real women, but i definitely think kim's in jeopardy of being in the bottom. >> oh, we're in good shape. people are still, like, puttin' full dresses together. >> i'm very impressed, bryce.
>> well, i can tell you, starting over scared the crap out of me... >> oh, i'm sure, i'm sure. >> but i just didn't like that i still have to bang out a lot in a short amount of time. >> we're doing like a peacocky-- >> mustard-yellow.
>> mustard and peacock. it's more like a summer look. >> you have such gorgeous brows. they're a very pretty shape. >> i always feel like they're a >> so just bring out her cheekbones, and just go with a nude lip with a little bit of gloss.
>> color of lips i've been debating on, either going with just like a peach kind of color or going all the way with red. >> i would keep it a neutral... >> and then let the color of the dress be the--be the color. >> maybe exaggerate the eyeliner, 'cause it is japanese,
so-- >> thank you, l'oreal. >> yes. >> olivier, are you aware of the fact that suzanne should be downstairs? >> oh, sorry. >> it's your hair and makeup time.
>> thank you, thank you, tim. >> i think we want just something very easily up, but not looking too done, 'cause the dress is asymmetrical, so we can dramatize the asymmetry with the bangs. >> i was thinking like a little ponytail or a bun, something
along those lines. just so it really can all be seen, 'cause it's really beautiful detailing that took me a long time. >> so just keep it a little bit more modern, like more texture. >> perfect. >> so it doesn't look so cutesy
all around. >> more volume on top. >> uh-huh. >> and more curl to the side. >> okay, cool, beautiful. >> you're welcome. >> i've never used a steamer >> this dress is fully finished. she could definitely walk out
the building and not have to do anything else with the garment. >> very pretty. >> josh's client looks like she's going to a funeral. i mean, it's well made, but it's a circle skirt with a bodice, like, wha.... >> when i walk, my arms should
be-- >> no, you could do that. at this moment i feel very good, because, you know, victoria looks really good, everything fit her so well, and it had everything. >> designers and clients, in ten minutes we are going down to the
runway. all right? and wives and girlfriends, i have a nice surprise for you. piperlime is giving you, as a gift, jewelry from their website, at piperlime.com. >> awesome! >> yay!
>> yeah, nice surprise. so thank you, piperlime. >> all: thank you, piperlime. >> [laughs] i will be back in ten minutes, all right? everyone needs to be ready. >> so let's go clean you up. and i will see how cute i can make this.
i'm hoping that my design will speak for itself. i do know that i'm going to be in some trouble, because of the fit. >> where's suzanne? i can't find suzanne, because she was relaxing in the designer lounge.
we have five minutes. and i was like, you know, [bleep], i'm really fed up with having to deal with all these [bleep], and i thought, probably i'm in trouble. sorry, i'm just kind of-- >> breathe. no, i know, i feel bad.
we're gonna get it together, olivier, we are. >> i cannot believe this is together right now. >> yay! [laughs] >> girls in? >> girls in. >> designers and clients, we're going down to the runway, right
now! and today i'm playing the role of a large and stinging mallet. so we're going. >> okay, the pants are ready. >> gorgeous. olivier, we are going! hello, how are you, brian? kimberly!
>> i'm puttin' it on her so that she can wear it--if i--she doesn't-- >> but we've gotta go, go, go! >> okay, go. >> is that it? all right, thank you! kimberly? >> yes, tim.
>> and olivier, no more sewing. stop, stop, stop, stop. no more sewing, anyone. all: hi. as you know, in fashion, one day you're in, and the next day, you're out. there are nine of you here, and after tonight, there will be
eight. for this challenge you had new clients, these lovely men sitting here with you. you worked together to create a look for their women in their lives. so how did it go? >> all: it was great.
>> all right, let's meet the judges. first, we have cfda lifetime achievement award-winner, michael kors. >> hi, everyone. >> all: hi, michael. >> fashion director for marie claire magazine, nina garcia.
>> welcome. >> and guest judge, actress malin ackerman. >> hi, guys. [laughs] we will score your designs as they come down the runway. one of you will be named the winner, and one of you will be okay, let's start the show.
[runway music] >> that looks like an elegant gown. >> i think it is beautiful. the color is so vibrant, the fabric is flowing. everything is lifted, and there's no bra under there, so job well done.
>> overall, i liked the way it moved down the runway, and the way it fit her looked good. i love the way the red popped. my only regret is, i wish there was more of me in it. >> i feel very confident, seeing ariana on the runway. i think it's elegant and chic.
i think she looks awesome, and anthony loves it. >> it's fantastic. i mean, the movement of the bottom, it's beautiful, but this dress is a risk for me, because it might be too simple. yes! >> yeah, charlene!
>> but sometimes simplicity is beautiful and high fashion. >> i like the pink, i like that she's working it. i like the pockets, and i really like the silhouette. >> all: oh! >> ah, sookie, sookie now. >> i am overjoyed, because kenya
looks great, she looks like she feels great in it, and the fit is immaculate. >> [chuckles] ♪ chika-bow-wow ♪ >> there were points where i was thinking, oh, this might end up being a big mess, but then when i put the things on her, she actually looked really good.
it fit her really well, i love the colors, i love the fit, i love the detail, i love everything, so i was really happy. >> mike and i are really pleased with how beautiful she looks. the flow of the dress is really nice, and i'm pleased that i
produced something for her that she liked. >> victoria is walking down the runway, and i feel very confident, it looks really, really good. the fitting is perfect. the skirt looks amazing. at this point, the garment is
speaking for itself. yes, sold. i'll ship it. >> if i call your name, please step forward. kimberly, olivier, laura. congratulations, your scores
have qualified you to move on to the next challenge. you can leave the runway. >> all: thank you. >> rats! >> i wanted to be in the top. i don't want to be safe! >> the remaining designers have the highest and the lowest
scores. >> anya, joshua, viktor, you have the highest scores. bert, bryce, anthony ryan, you have the lower scores.
we're gonna talk to the designers with the higher scores first, and then i'm gonna bring you back out. >> hi. >> we all knew viktor was gonna be up there. >> i felt like, that was such a cute look.
>> so her. >> and from head to toe. >> and her little bag. >> i think that anya gives something different that you don't always see. >> i liked where she was going. i just didn't like that one long sleeve.
she looks like a hostess at like the tiki tiki lounge or something. i'm serious. >> bert, you're comin' out all over the place! >> anya, tell us about your look. >> well, she's an architect, and
she does her own work, and her artwork, so we brought together a japanese and african influenced kimono that she could wear perhaps to an opening of her own. >> raylene is very bold, and it's a challenge to make something for her to wear that
she'll love, and anya did it. really great work. >> i can't believe that this suits me just to a tee. i want to make some artwork inspired by it. >> can we have a look at the back again? >> we wanted it to be sexy
without being--you know, she's not looking for a man, so-- >> i have my man. [laughs] >> i think the dress is fabulous. i think you'd walk in a room and it's memorable, and i like the culture clash. i think the culture clash is
very cool. >> i like it because i don't feel like i've seen this ten times already. it's unusual. i like that it's short and long at the same time, i like the different fabrics that you put it suits her.
>> the print is phenomenal, but i do think that sleeve overwhelms her. this woman has the most incredible cut arms. >> why would you want to even hide it? >> i wanted to hide it. [laughs] >> why?
>> she only likes her one arm. >> this is my good arm. >> i mean, i would wear that on a red carpet, in an instant. >> really? >> yeah, it's beautiful. >> so when you wear this dress on the red carpet, do you want to have a sleeve?
>> definitely want to have a >> oh. >> who knows, maybe it'll be one of those where you're on the best or worst dressed list, but i always like to take a chance with things, and i like to go bold, and i think this was a really bold statement, but i
think you did it in a very classy way. >> joshua, tell us about your >> josh came to me and told me that charlene was very simple, so immediately i'm already freaking out, because it's hard for me to do simple. but the minute we did the
fitting and she tried it on, i could see this amazing sparkle in her eye, and i feel that i was really starting to hit the nail on the head. >> i'm shocked that you did not bedazzle her. >> i wanted to so bad. >> i'm happy you didn't.
so josh, what do you think, how your wife looks? >> oh, i-- >> my girlfriend looks lovely... >> [laughing] everyone's married. >> pressure, pressure. >> i think now is a great moment.
did you prepare anything? >> charlene looks absolutely stunning. it's exactly what i portrayed to josh, and he nailed it. >> so joshua, maybe you should remember this, going forward. >> of course, and i think it was a really good challenge for me
to show you guys that there is more to me than just... bedazzling things. >> i love the back. i think the lace that you chose is really unique. i think it's just a great little black dress to have in your closet.
>> i love this dress. she looks really elegant, very chic, but still, there is some sassiness to it. charlene, what do you think about the dress? >> i love it. [laughs] i want to take it home. [laughs] >> you look like a modern grace
kelly. >> aw! >> i think it's great that you pushed her, though, into that shoe, 'cause i think the shoe gives it some personality. it's made beautifully. >> you managed to keep her comfortable and classic.
you accentuate her beautiful waist. it is flirty, and guess what? i think that this dress could work in any other color, too. >> oh, more of them. >> more of them. >> boy. >> it just--wow.
>> thank you, nina. >> beautiful model. >> viktor, tell us about your >> well, george actually described her very, very, very she's an attorney, so i didn't want to put something that was loud, but i wanted to just push the envelope enough.
>> so george, what do you think about victoria? >> well, i love victoria, and i think the outfit is fantastic. i mean, as soon as we left mood, i just put my feet up. i kinda knew we were gonna be up >> victoria looks great. i really love it.
it's very fashion. >> i really like the sheer on the top here, it makes it a little sexy and flirty and feminine. but yeah, just beautiful, beautiful lines, and again, it accentuates your waist, and gives you a beautiful figure as
>> i think she's over-accessorized. does she need the bag and the glasses? probably not--i'd be fine with just the necklace, because she's powerful looking... >> mm-hmm. >> and it's so well-made, you
don't want to distract, but i think it's really spot-on. >> i think this is so charming, and i agree, maybe she's a bit too accessorized. i would lose those glasses. i think the bag in itself is adorable. it's a very nice balance,
because it's also not too girly. it's just right. >> he listened really well, too. when i came in, there was a sketch for the blouse, and it was a long sleeve blouse, and we talked about it, and i was like, oh, i don't know, i think it'd look cuter with short sleeves,
and he executed it exactly as i had pictured it. >> this same outfit with a long sleeve wouldn't have worked. so lesson to be learned, listen to your customer. >> okay, so we've heard what you had to say. now i'm gonna bring out the
designers with the lower scores, and then i'll see you in a little bit. >> hello! >> hey. >> do tell. >> i was so happy to hear that your names were called, coming off of that challenge.
the fact that you guys were safe, and you, too. it came together. i know you were freakin'. [laughing] i know you were freakin'. >> he doesn't get upset. >> but i wasn't. >> okay, bert, tell us about
your look. >> i was showing her the first sketch, and i--she didn't seem to be focusing on it too much, and then she just pointed on the table and says, "i like that one." and this is the one she liked, so i like it, um, i think it
looks awesome on her, and i think anthony liked it off the bat, too. >> anthony, ariana, what do you think about the look? >> i--i love this dress. it's--it's perfect. i don't know why i'm here, 'cause i love it, i really do.
>> bert, did, um, anthony know her style well, you think? >> he told me when he met her, he just fell in love with her that was it, it was love at first sight. >> sorry, what can i say? >> hey, bada-bing! and i have to tell you, i--i
understand. >> thank you! >> as usual for you as a designer, it is made beautifully, it is cut well. i think you've got a fabulous decolletage, and you want to show it off, but unfortunately it looks like a dress that you
could buy in a million stores. >> mmm. >> it's very safe. it fits you beautifully, but still, this is project runway. >> i--i get your point, 100%. >> i'm just thinking if my husband was here, i'd be in, you know, the tightest leather pants
and a tank top. >> there you go. >> i think it's a really nice dress, but again, it looks like a dress that i've seen before in a store. >> i think it's a little tight, it's a little short, it's a little shiny.
i think it's just too much, and i've seen it from you before. just a couple of inches longer. >> i have that problem, too. >> i do. >> you know, and everyone has a different point of view about what they want to show off, and as you can see, heidi wears no
skirt. [laughs] um, but i love her. >> bryce, tell us about your >> um, when talking to jovan, he mostly stressed color, and he said that janine's very much so a pink girl, so i wanted to give her something that would be a little bit more structured and
tailored, and we decided in the end that this was the best one to go with. >> janine, what do you think >> i think it's fun. this would be for a wedding, so i wanted something that was more tailored, more sophisticated. >> what we wanted to do was
highlight a lot of her attributes, and she has great legs and a nice back. >> but, can i see it around-- right. what i dislike about this dress is that it's got too many details. it's got the pockets going on,
then it's got that little edge in the bottom, then you turn it around, and it's got all those lines, and then you added the belt. she's swallowed up by all these details, and it's almost like the dress is wearing her, as opposed of her wearing the
there's too much going on. >> i can see how i went a little crazy. >> i think the pockets are great, it's fun. >> yeah, that's my favorite part about it. i can put my cell phone or, you know, my wallet--
>> and i like the color as well. the problem that i had with it is it doesn't look like it was made exactly for you, it's a little bit--here, and the gaping in the back. >> i have to say, the only thing that i did like was the color. the pockets are ginormous.
you say you love to bring your cell phone and your keys and your whatnot. i mean, you can put your whole lunchbox in there, but do you really want that? to wear all that stuff on your thighs? no, you don't.
>> to me, it looks like you're goin' to the buffet table, and you walk by the bar, you put like a lamb chop in one pocket, a beer bottle in the other pocket. oh, look, there's a piece of cake, i'll put it in there. the tailoring is just so off.
every seam is puckered. it looks like she slept in the car on her way to the wedding. >> [singsong] anthony ryan. >> [singsong] yes. >> tell us about your look. >> so after meeting brian, um, he said his wife, caitlin, you know, really likes retro and,
um, vintage, and, you know, things that are fun, and essentially this is what we came out with. >> brian, caitlin, what do you >> i loved it. uh, anthony kind of saved my butt. in the past month i lost a bag
with both of caitlin's favorite dresses, and so when he asked me, like, kind of what you wanted, i was like, well, these are kind of the style of them, she--that she loved them, and kinda gave him the rundown. >> the first thing that i thought was, oh, it's my old
cheerleader outfit, or like a cigarette girl. >> with the tray. >> she looks either like a really little, little girl, or like a really old lady that is going to lunch with her other 80-year-old friends, and they play bingo, or something like
it does not look hip to me, unless you love old grandma's dresses. i--i do love vintage, and i do love kind of retro, and-- >> i like vintage and retro, too, but it should have a little sex appeal, no? >> the white belt makes her look
boxy and like she has no waist. >> there's a print under here that i didn't feel was as runway-appropriate, so i made a white belt. >> i'm really shocked that you think that white belt looked better. >> it almost looks like
superhero ice skater. ooh, she's got a cape, and she's gonna fly around the house. you wanted it to be quirky, but it's not. >> right. >> 'cause i kind of love the idea that she's quirky. i would've thrown feathers in
her hair and said, hey, let's go for it. and it's not like you have quiet, conservative taste. sometimes i think, when you see all these feathers on the runway, you feel like you're trying too hard. >> so you went the opposite
route, and you went super-safe. >> i mean, i wouldn't say super-safe, uh, i didn't think this was super-safe. >> i think it's super-safe and super-boring. >> okay, we've heard what you had to say. we're gonna have a little chat,
and then i'll call you back out. >> what did you guys think about bert's? bert's was maybe not the best one, but i thought she looked great in it. >> you know, i just want to see him show us some design. >> something different.
>> he picked a great fabric, but then he--he made it too short. >> he liked it, though. >> anthony liked it, and ariana liked it, too. >> they were both happy. >> [laughing] they were very >> do you think that bert is boring?
>> oh, yeah, "b" for boring. >> i mean, the dress was fine. it fit her well, showed off the best parts of her body, but ultimately, i mean, you could go to the mall and buy that dress. >> i felt like it was a dress that you see on girls at discos. it was a little bit normal, you
it's nice, it's fine. >> fine. >> bryce turned her into such an old lady. >> the color pink is what sort of saved it a little bit. >> that was it. >> but, i mean, we can't just judge him for the color.
>> i felt like it looked like a--a girl who's a size six who was wearing a size eight. it came off the hanger, you haven't gotten it tapered and taken it yet. >> but i know that all three of you women have been asking for clothes that would make your
thighs look bigger. so could you please add that beer bottle pocket? >> and she says, "i want to put my keys in there, my cell phone"-- >> keys? >> i mean, imagine she would. >> you could put a dog in there!
it was like he was trying to make a cocktail dress out of a handi wipe. i think anthony ryan, it's the same thing. she's dressed up as a--i don't know, a cheerleader... >> sailorette? >> sailor...a child.
>> yeah, i feel like there was some fear there, of, you know, trying to accommodate the client. >> she's a young girl with a hip dude, and they look like they go to an old people's home to visit their grandmother. >> i mean, it just--it made her
look--i don't know, like she was wearing a child's uniform. >> all right, let's talk about the designers that we did like. >> i do think joshua did a very good job in editing. >> it's hard for him. >> yes, very hard, and it was really absolutely beautiful.
>> and i like that he added that splash of color, too. >> i think it's always kind of cool when you have a client, you listen to what they have to say, but you do try to push them a >> he really highlighted everything that was beautiful in this woman's body.
the tiny waist, beautiful back, i mean, really very well done. >> now anya-- >> on the other side-- i know for you it was too much. >> i really loved it. >> i understand what nina is saying with the sleeve, it didn't need it.
>> out of everything we saw today, it was the most runway, the most fashion with a capital "f." >> i think we've seen sort of the cut off arm a lot. i think the sleeve on the one side, i just--i just felt like it added that extra little bit
to it. >> just in general it was an unusual silhouette... >> and the way she put the border all the way around, it kind of worked. >> you know whenever we have designers who say, "she's going to a gallery opening."
>> the gallerina. >> for years we've heard about these gallerinas! well, guess what? >> this is actually-- >> this really is a gallerina. >> i could see mike and raylene going to an opening with that >> anya always has a point of
view, and she always kind of thinks of something new and different to excite us. >> that's true, that's true. >> i do give it her, that she always really tries to come up with new and unusual silhouettes. viktor did a great job.
>> it's separates, it's not a dress, and i love the color combination. i love the model. she felt very comfortable in it. i loved this look, too. >> i loved it, i thought it was fantastic. >> i also think, though, that he
had probably the most fashion-obsessed couple. >> yeah, i think george had a lot of input. >> these are fashion people. >> and i love the necklace. i would have skipped the bag, and i would have skipped the glasses, even though he made the
bag... >> the necklace is great with >> the bag looked cute-- she didn't need it. so we've made our decision? okay, let's bring them back out. >> the six of you represent the best and the worst. we had a hard time picking a
winner for this one. anya... you're in, you can leave the joshua... >> congratulations, you're the winner of this challenge. thank you, thank you. i'm on cloud nine, because i'm now the first to have two wins
under my belt. >> this is right where i want to be, heading into this, you know, next stretch of the competition. [screaming and laughter] oh! >> oh, congratulations! >> you have to feel my chest, because--this is how it feels.
>> seriously, come on, it was jumping out your chest the last >> give me your hand. >> viktor, good job. >> thank you guys. >> bert, do you remember what we told you when we first met you? too simple. >> you need to step it up,
because you will not stay here much longer if you cannot do thank you, judges. [whispering] good luck, anthony. >> anthony ryan, bryce, one of you will be out. bryce, we liked the pink color of your dress, but that's all. the dress did not look like it
was made for your client. you did not capture her spirit. anthony ryan, we did not like your dress. it was frumpy and old-fashioned, with a bit of a cheerleading uniform touch. we were disappointed. bryce...
anthony ryan, that means you're in. >> [whispering] thank you. >> auf wiedersehen, bryce. bye. >> i'm proud that i took a risk, even though it wasn't right. i just wanted to show everybody what a great designer i am, and
i don't feel like i ever got >> oh, gosh. >> and i was just starting to open up-- >> who's gonna make my coffee? >> what are we gonna do without you, bryce? >> you've been here for a good, long haul.
>> it's true. >> it's been a journey, for sure. >> so i have to send you to the workroom to clean up your space. >> all: bye, bryce. >> i want a hug. >> don't quit. >> see you soon!
>> i love you guys. >> bye, bryce. >> i thought i was ready to be the next big designer. i still think that i can do it. i just underestimated what this experience was going to be like. i'm going to lock myself in my room, and i'm going to listen to
as much lady gaga as i can, and i'm going to just sketch, and sketch, and sketch, until i have a genius collection. >> next time, on project runway. >> for this challenge, you will be working in teams. >> oh, my god, again? >> i'm thrilled to introduce
the sheepdogs. >> i do not do menswear. zero, zilch, nada. >> ah, no! >> it draws your eye to the >> you don't like that? >> it's feeling very feminine. >> there's so many little things to do with these pants!
>> the front needs a little bit more closure. >> yes, it does! >> this tunic is like, eighth grade production of hair. >> i think he looks like pocahontas. >> i think he's like reggae jesus.
>> visit mylifetime.com to learn more about the fashion you've seen on tonight's show.