vash: the employees are not gonna get nervous and call the federales, are they? hatem: what do you expect when you make them bait? mabe: don't worry, i've shut down all the outbound calls. he may have a futureas a cyber-athlete. you know,some people make a livingplaying those computer games. sitting at a computer console playing first-personshooter games 24 hours a day does not make you an athlete,it makes youa college applicant reject.
go on, move!move! move! move! god, i alwayswondered what it'd be like sitting in a trojan horseall day and all night. vash: huh. they justcouldn't stay away from the fabled pot of gold. mafia leader: move! move! oh, god. it lookslike they got sharon. i told her to leave. if she wants to be bait,i say let her be bait.
you got our fullpayment up front, right? what's shedoing here anyway? she likes vash. she's whacked. you know,the other day, her eyes were rolling inthe back of her head. she wascomplaining of a headache. you know, so i asked her,you know,if i could get her something, you know,like a glass of water.
she sends me tothe damn pharmacy. cost meover a hundred bucks. hasn't paid me back yet. that is nothing.i went to the pharmacy to get denise's nebulizer.$160. is tave in position? yeah. you know, i'm telling you your son is one of the bestcomputer game playersi've ever seen.
last summer,he spent 10 hours a day, every day,playing that damn game. if you had kids,you'd changeyour tune, trust me. all right,i can see them all now. vash: mabe baby,let's open this trojan horse. all right,tave, we're moving. rule number one, people? we do not take a bullet... for a client.
amen. combination! you know whati'd like to see? they've got steering wheelsfor the driving games, right? like, joysticks that vibrate and all kinds of stufffor the flight sim games. what they need isa gun or a rifle for thesefirst-person shooter games. i'm sure they have them.
yeah,you'd have to aim, reload. have sensors so youcan duck and stuff. and then maybe a foot pedal to control your movementsand where you face,instead of a mouse. any women playthesefirst-person shooter games? not you too, huh? i'd say less than 5%. so it's just a bunchof pale-skinned guys, sitting around,whose only meaningful
relationshipsare with their dsl? right? is that what it is? vash: yeah, those losers. all right.this hallway is clear. thank god. there's nothing here. she's right.there's nothing here! (man groans) all right,all right.
we'll start beatingher hand. i don't have the combination! you don't have to have it!no. you don't know whatyou're up against. it doesn't matter. they're gonna killus anyway, sharon. sharon. sharon careington,here in the flesh. your daddy is gonnaget real pissed off. one guard, four hostages.
(gun fires) (hostages gasping) (hostages whispering) shh. (screaming) so much for surprise. you know, mabe,his son, robert, is good. he's real good. see, that'sexactly why i can't wait
for you to getmarried and have kids. people runningaround cyberspace, killing each otherwith guns, is not real. at least if hemakes a mistake online,he lives another day. hey, hey, hey,come on now, i--i shushed her. she didn't shut up. what? i should shoot her? mafia leader:move it! sit down! move!move! move! move! sit down! don't look up!
oh, my god,they're gonna kill us all.look at this. look at this.they're lining us up. they're gonna killus all one at a time. somebody say something,do something to these people. oh, my god, my wife. i have a wife anda little girl at home. i just ordereda sports car. haven't even driven it yet. i love my car.
(hostages exclaim) (hostages murmuring) you guys are getting sloppy. all right, tave,you and mabe takecare of these people. we'll clean upthe last little bit. please don't kill me yet. i just bought a new hdtv. my wife hasn'tfinished her boob job. please don't shoot me.
the other day, robert wasthe last memberof his team, right? his instinctswere great, man. he was up againstfour pretty good players,he took each one of them out, the last onewith a wall shot.he won the game. (exclaims) precisely my point.it's a game. it's not just a game, man. you can make a livingin the cpl. all right, freeze! freeze!
move that!move it! move in there! move back!move back! move back! don't listen to him! shoot! what did i say? what did i tell you? you bastard. my fatherwill have you killed. you shut up, bitch! drop your gun right now!drop it right now! robert spent so much time...
drop the gun right now! ...on that game. i'm just starting to geta little bit jealous. just think of allthe hand-eye coordinationhe's getting from the hoursspent on the mouse. right. drop your gun right now! i'm telling you guys!drop your gun right now! you're a dead man!don't listen to him.
you shut up! you got those ss109's? all i haveare these soft 7.62's. oh, no. oh, yeah. no. yes. mafia leader:put your gun down right now! or i'll shoot her right now!
we haven't been paid yet. shoot the bastard!now! i order you! she is ordering us. shoot! (sighs) mabe, come on in,bring your med kit. you tell him what... don't, don't let himtell you what to do. oh, the mvp award?
how can you call hima little girl when you're the onewho screamed? you know what?i didn't just... you're the one who screamed. you won't let it go.and you. you know how much coffeei had to drinkto talk that fast? i will tell youone other thing. the next timei send you inside you are going inas a deaf mute.
robert de niro you ain't. okay, deaf mute. (my innocence playing) receptionist: welcome to billings laboratories. how may i direct your call? i'm sorry. mr. billings isn't taking any calls. would you like to speak with his assistant, monica? billings: emily, i want you in on the test. but no one else. and it'll be lab c.
why not the main lab? magnetic shielding issues. i don't give a damnabout shielding. i just don't wantthe mongrels watching this. that's howrumors get started. power levels are ready. distance to target would be thirty-six inches. everything's set.
billings: what did youtell them? that you wantedto run some tests yourselves. and no, they don'tthink it's ready yet. but you did finish the... yes, dad. it's ready. yeah. well, we'll see. initiating pre-sequence. power to 80. 80.
initiating primary trigger. now. the hole's diameteris two inches. depth is 4.5 inches. 4.5 inches? it's three inches more than... we did it! we? it doesn't seem very warm.
it's not supposed to be. it doesn't split.it separates the quarks,destabilizing the atom. but a destabilized atom... the quarks come together, held by gluonto create stable atomsand thus stable molecules. you see,what my father found was that by neutralizing the gluonhe could createa concentrated particle beam. where the hole is now,it didn't explode? it separated, emily.
it separatedat the most basic level. the atoms ceased to bond. so it worked? three inches deeperthan i expected. brice: and we should beable to increase that. well,the client will be thrilled. no, they won't be. and,as head of my security team,i'll need you at the meeting. brice, i'm sure that he knowsthat he couldn't havedone this without you.
billings: there are some shielding problems with the power supply. you wanted this portable.we're gonna needto redesign some elements. we're 40%over budget in development and nowyou want us to go back,back to the drawing board? you'd be more unhappyif you took possession ofsomething that doesn't work. yes, but weexpect results. we'll eat some ofthe overages ourselves. we'll talk again in a month. dr. billings, i thinkyou need to understand
that these peoplethat i represent are, uh,very serious people. look,i went to work for you guysto give you my absolute best. that's what i'm gonna do. yes, you are.i'll be in touch. brice.take the prototypeand hide it. clean the computeras well. you tryand help some people... emily didn't inform meyou were coming down, sir.
let's see. is emily my boss?or am i emily's boss? of course, sir. (humming) ♪ if that mockingbirddon't sing ♪ papa's gonna buy you a... ♪ you're out of water again. (stuttering) i brought youyour candy bar. it's one of one ofyour favorites. i'll...
i'll justleave it here for you. now i need youto do me a favor. i need youto watch this crate for me. (brice laughing) it's very important. can i count on you, shawn? (eerie laughter) trouble? it's gone.the crazy bastard.
(exhales) hey. it's gone. and the computer'sbeen wiped clean. i don't know.if you don't put togethersomething tonight, we're screwed. what did you find? nothing.just brice's entry. and i talked to the guard. he complained about brice.
i wouldn't worry about that.take a look. i--i don't seeanything. you see that? there's a recordof something there. i do see it.somebody changed something. somebody on the inside. well, i will find him.i'll get my team right on it. in the meantime,you'll bring insome outside help. uh, sir,my security department...
is compromised. put them somewhere else. you had a break-inat the fort worth plant. you get your peopleon that today. sir... i don't want them here. i've beenwatching you, emily. there is only four peoplewho knowthat this thing works. well,i haven't said anything.
i know.keep it that way. now, i'm gonna needsome serious protection, more than your staffcan handle. get me that guy we gavethe malaysian operation toseveral years ago. he was good. what was his name?bash, basher, something. vasher. with a "v." yeah, yeah, that's him. uh, what--whatdo we tell him?
that a stalkertook a dump in my bed,left life-threatening notes. hell, you can tell himi'm being chasedby werewolves, i don't care. okay. i'll tell him to packthe, uh, wooden stakes. silver bullets. sir? yeah, it's, uh,silver bulletswith werewolves. am i the only onethat knows this shit? yeah. he asked for you.
no, not by me. i wouldn't say that. vash: well, let me think about it. emily: well, don't take too long. you start tonight. can you wire the first half today? i'm sure accounting can do that. fine, i'll tell them. we move fast,we drop everybodywho gets in the way. except billings, of course.
bob: what about... kilmer: that's notgonna be a problem. questions? he's bringing insome private contractorsas well. yeah, that's whywe've got to move quick. the good news isthey're having troublepaying some bills. looks like i'm gonna needmy fed suit again. (promises playing) ♪ promises, promises
♪ watch out that you do what you say ♪ so many promises, promises ♪ how many got in the way? ♪ promises, promises ♪ vash: the careington jobis done. over. it's time to move on. i'll file it under mosul,houston and santa clarita. hey, hey, santa claritawas not my fault. honey,could you go see if your mom
needs your helpin the kitchen? hey, shortcake. vash, it's bad. real bad. i was hoping careingtonwould pay the balance. they still might. you don't have a family. you know,you're the best tactical guyi've ever seen. i mean, in that realm,you are the man, but nobody,nobody's great at everything.
nobody doeseverything a plus. let me handle the business. no, that's my job. so, let me help. emily called. emily johanson?i thought... yeah, she called anyway.she has a job for us. wants us to dobodyguard work. that's not our style.
that's what i told her,"no thanks." she works over at billings. billings lab, right? yep. that billionaire guy? does it pay a lot? what's the point?we don't do bodyguard work. it pays a lot. (doorbell rings)
hey, robert! robert! wait, wait.hold, hold, hold. you guys aren'tgoing out now are you? we talked about this already. you said it was okay. no we didn't. you, me and denisewere supposedto all go out together. look, i'll be back homelater tonight. you saidit was okay already.
thanks. let's go, guys. (door closes) bodyguarding isn'tone of your three rules. don't take a bullet... always... plan. both: and don't go againstthe u.s. government. hmm. you're right.
bodyguardingisn't one of the three. vash: well. the time for planningisn't great, but the other two seem to fit. i've already sent tave ahead. building maintenance. so we start tonight.they pay up front? vash, dinero, dollars and cents. come on, brother,i need it.
two weeks.that's not gonna cut it. are you in or not? (taps table) dig it. all right,i've got to collecta few things. i'll swing back by herein one hour. have mabe meet us here then. (swept away playing) ♪ but if you tell me that it's all right now
♪ i'll believe in you and get so high ♪ that i get swept away ♪ into the blackest oceans ♪ and i'm swept away ♪ and now i drown... thanks, dad! you're welcome. amanda: bye, mr. hatem! bye, amanda.
what's up with mom? go enjoy your friends,sweetie. kilmer: agent kilmer, fbi. i've got an offer you're gonna want to hear. ♪ i'm swept away ♪ and now i drown in you again ♪ i'm swept away up in... ♪ eugene.here's yours, john. and you must be mabe.
mabe: yeah. hi. hi. well,let me get you guys situated. billings worksuntil 9:00 most eveningsand then heads home. most of the employeesleave at 5:00 to 5:30.monday's a holiday. should bea real quiet night. we have a central roomfor security operations. some parts of the facilityare under pretty tightlock and key. now,i will always cover billingswhen he's moving. when he's not,i lead the first shift
and you guyscover the other two. you were oncesecret service, right? does he stay in his officewhile he's here? yes, usually. and when he's not,i will let you know. one will be in advanceand the other behind. now, this isthe security operations. i always have somebody here. they've been instructedon what they canprovide you with.
i'll needthe building schematics as well as a floor planof the billings' house and--and the routesgetting to and from. emily: absolutely.judd can help you. eugene? so, what kind of threatare we looking at? uh, nothing much. billings is just spooked outby some threatening letters. you don't feel the needfor extra protection?
(grunts) (coughing) well,that answers the questionabout the last time. (groans) okay. i guess i deserve that. i'm not goodat that confrontation stuff. bullshit, vash!you confront just finewhen it suits you. i deserve to know why. i don't supposeit would help to saythat i made a huge mistake,
that i was selfish? no, no. it doesn't help. not a bit. can we start over? what, wipe the slate clean?a fresh start? make believeit didn't happen? any of those happy cliches?hell, no. you can pretendthat the injury isn't there,but i still have the scars. all right. that's fair.
i--i don't know how,but apparently we're gonna have towork together now. you do look great, em. billings: mr. vasher?ted billings. don't knowif you remember me. of course i do, sir. this is my son,brice. he's got an i.q.higher than me and still stupid.got that from his mother.
well, let's sit down. i know this is probablyjust a milk runfor somebody like yourself. the truth isi think someone'scoming after me. what do you base that on,sir, the threats? no.somebody's got it out for me. i'm sure it's justsome kind of harmless nut, but they can bethe worst kind. probably one ofthe union leechesthat lost his job. "each accordingto his abilities,each according to his needs."
you know who said that? abraham lincoln? no. lenin. oh. i thought he wrote,"imagine all the people..." not that one, dumb shit. the first leaderof the soviet communists. yes, sir.do you have any specificunion leech in mind? you have a name?
what does it matter?they're all part ofthe same damn mafia. just keep me safefor the next few weeks. can you do that? that's affirmative, sir. mr. billings,about this wire... mr. vasher,i don't do the accounting. that's why i havean accounting department. if you havea question for them, pick up the phoneand call them.
anything else? no, sir. real good. i'll be here till 10:00.then i'm going home. why are youplaying with him? why do you say that? you have a politicalscience degree, vash. abraham lincoln. if somebody'sreally after him,he's done for.
yeah? and i thoughtyou were the best. i am, as long asi have all the information. i'll call downto accounting for you. by the way, it's karl marx,not vladimir lenin. where'd you put it? haskell. what the hell'shaskell? the old warehouse?there's no security there. dad, sometimesthe best hiding place
is justright out in the open. hell, no! what were you thinking?you go get it. no, never mind. i'll get it tonightafter the conference callwith malaysia. take it to the house.you pick me up inthe garage at 9:00 p.m. hey!you taking your medication? i will put you back. ought to be the poster childfor birth control.
vash: brice. milk run, huh? so, has... hi. has anyone talked to youabout the, uh... about what? it's really moreof an office legend. legend? oh, a couple ofmysterious deaths,unexplained. but... gotta run.
you know, for sucha high level of access, there sure area lot of closed doors. judd: well,that's the thingabout this place. left hand doesn't knowwhat the right arm is doing. hand. huh? right hand,left hand. never mind. mabe,after you get this set up,you can head on home.
you've gotfirst shift tomorrow. meet at billings at 6:00 a.m.and relieve hatem and myself. i don't knowwhat the helli'm doing with tave yet. copy that.all right, here's your pda. it's got all the files on itfrom the billings house. at leastthe latest that's on file with the planningand zoning commission. all right, great.i'll leave this here. i'll call taveand have him come pick it up.
all right. listen, uh, judd.it is-- it is judd, right? what's this aboutan "office legend"? billings' son bricementioned something about it. he thinkssomething's wandering aroundkilling people. good. shawn,did you takethe motorcycle out again? how are you? fine.
it clears outpretty early around here,doesn't it? yes ma'am.after 5:30,there's not many people left. i'll be back bright and early,that's for sure. thank you, ma'am. thanks. yeah, sorry, uh,no i.d., no appointment. i'm just here to kidnapand torture billingsto get some information. clynt: i took careof the stairwell cameras. the doorsare locked from the inside.
got it. remember,when i give you the signal,kill the power. (rattling) (thudding) (screaming in pain) he's in the power room.let's go. some of these floorshave very little security. we don't need iton every floor. i'll be walkingthe halls.
enjoy your trip. he's ona conference call right now that should befinishing up at any time. he also said something aboutrunning an errandon the way home. where? uh, he hasn'tmentioned it to me yet. you know, in the meantime,i can cover billings. so if you guyswant to take a break,feel free. a break?
there's an employee loungeone floor down and on the other sideof the building.it's really nice. a break. yeah, yeah.a break, vash. she saidwe could take a break. i'm not hungry. vash, go take a break. you really digthis corporate stuff, huh? well, they sayif you can win the rat race,
you get tocall your own shots. well, i've heardthat winning the rat racemakes you number one rat. break time. yeah, i thinki'm gonna take a break. break time.break time. that was harsh, vash. she was justtrying to be nice. you know... (chuckles)
okay, kill the lights. clynt: killing the computers, exterior and elevators. killing the main now. (clanging) (whispering)bob? great. what the hell was that? tave, check power. (grunting)
(glass shattering) what's going on? i don't know. shots fired. billings: what the hell was that? what's going on out there? i lost the call! get that call back right now and turn on the lights! turn on the damn lights! is anyone out there?
get the phone and the lights back on. sounds like he's okay. vash,we've got to get himout of here. billings: emily,you'd better make damn sureit's safe up here. let me check this out. john. kilmer: okay,regroup in the garage. looks likethe power's been turned off. computers and elevatorsare still on-line though.stand by.
i've got a bad feelingabout this. yeah, but why didn'tthey snatch billings? maybe they didn'twant to tangle with us? how do you like me now,bitch? power's gonna be outfor a while. tave,call mabe and get her moving.truck, full kit. i don't like this stairwell. well, the elevatorsmight still be on. what about the stairwellon the other sideof the building?
sir! billings: i'm not coming out until i know it's safe. i'm telling you, emily,this is nopissed-off union worker. we've got one bodyin the stairwell,clean as a whistle. sir, we needto get you out of here. all right, let's move. i'm in the parking garage.move in. elevators are still on. that's nice,but i still want to usethe other stairwell.
i don't wanna get stuckin a box. sir, come on. (elevator bell dings) that other stairwellwill be around this wayto the left. you remember that timeyou worethat little black dress when we went to thatrestaurant on top of... vash, please. it was the last timewe were ona dark floor together. we really had something, em.
yeah. yeah, we did. you know, you getto the point in your lifewhen you can look back and see the biggest mistakeyou ever made. hey, make war,not love. you almost got shot, son. get him out of here! mr. billings. (gun firing) (buzzing)
our garageis closed right now. i got three,maybe four targetswith automatics. damn it. copy that. look, we've gotto get him out of here. negative.parking garage is o.b. what does that mean? the parkinggarage is hot, sir. we cannot go down thereright now.
no, no, no.this is crazy. we'll takethe other stairwell. look, we don't knowwhat we're up against. we might walk into somethingwe're not equipped to handle. well, too late for that.uh, stairwell c. tave. sitrep,stairwell c. negative. leadsto the same parking garage. sir. sir! you know,maybe we should alljust stick together?
sure, why not? (vash coughing) (guns firing) (door opens) vash: miss, stay in thereand keep the door shut,please. (beeps) (exploding) (coughs) oh, good.you're gonna make me do this.
(grenade clattering) you okay? sun tzu saysto pitch the battleon the field of your choice. all right, get the men,regroup down the road. (bell dings) (whispers)mr. billings? emily? vash on radio: well, whoever that was is gone now. situation?
tave did a firefight,then a lower stairwell. billings boltedat the fourth floor offices, emily pursuedand i'm trying to locate them. parking garage is clear. (radio static buzzing) easy.what's going on? who are you? that's exactlywhat i want to know. brice billings. my father told meto pull the limo aroundat 9:00.
i'm already late, so... call them all in.billings will probably goto where he's keeping it. we'll take careof business there. yeah,we'll hear from the inside. look, if you catch up to him,you hold himtill i get there, you got it? hey, how's it going?you good? yeah, yeah, i'm good.how about you? i've been better. yeah, you got it.
rally point.hold this position. lose something? he ran away. that's whatwe should be doing. not me, vash. this is my job.i've got to find him. em, what's so importantthat people are willingto die here tonight? oh, you're bleeding. here,go take off your jacketand your shirt. next-generation weapons.
forthe department of defense? let's just saybillings fulfillsa niche market. he got in earlyand he knows what he wants. what market? when black opsneeds technology, they can't just pop downto electronics-r-usfor what they need. w-wait a second. these aregovernment black ops people? no, no.
there might be other groups that want to get their handson some of this technology. other groups? your shirt. (cloth ripping) so, uh,you have a boyfriend now? ow! sorry. i never figuredyou'd stick outthis corporate thing.
yeah? why's that? you were the mostidealistic person i knew. young and stupid,you mean? i learned from you, if you don't haveyour own agenda, you get suckedinto somebody else's. some people's agendascan be good. yeah? well, nowwho's the idealist? that's a very funny thoughtcoming frommr. "i'll do whatever i want."
well, maybe i've changed. or, at the very least,in the process of changing. when you left me you left something behind. that didn't survive. i'm sorry. (giggling) yeah, hey, uh, john, we are down one"over the hill"40th birthday party balloon.
hatem: copy that. down one balloon. we need to find billings. that shouldn't betoo hard. where would i hideif i werea narcissistic son of a bitch? vash. i would lookfor the darkest cornerof the room and try to findthe darkest place there. (clears throat) mr. billings,the place is secure.we can leave now.
how can yoube so sure? hey. mabe's moving. coordinate with our routeto his house.which route we taking? just follow us.you'll be toldwhen you need to know. (cell phone ringing) "need to know"was about an hour ago. em? leave the cell phone at homenext time, man. (car engine starts)
you need to level with me. what's really going on? nothing. billings is gettinga bit antsy. i don't want himto just go off again. (horn blaring) look, i don't thinkwe're dealingwith just one thing here. and one is professional. is there any chancethat this group is partof the u.s. government? fair warning,if it is, we're out of here.
fine. look,we'll take him to his house. it's a fort. well, it seemsa pretty well-armed group is a little pissedat your dad. oh, and there'sthat ninja wanna-bethat attacked us upstairs. s-someone attacked you? cut the crap.what do you know? it's my brother. your brother?
yes, my brother. he has a disease. porphyria. makes him insane,madness of king george,all that stuff. my father keeps him locked up. your brother. well, you betterlock him up tighterbefore he gets himself killed. or kills someone. what's up?
hey. so, she's telling youthat this has nothing to dowith uncle sam, right? that's what she's sayin'. i figurewe should walk awayon this one. come on, man,don't play. you got any proof? it's just a feeling. i hear you. ♪ you're in love with the best man
♪ and when you went to find him ♪ who was that? kilmer and his thugs. no, i mean that maniacthat attacked us up there. how the hell would i know? yeah, mabe, when weget to billings' house, i need youto run me a blood sample. also, i need a reporton a diseasecalled porphyria. all right, thanks.
♪ i can't be seen ♪ you wanna sleep ♪ in his bed of roses ♪ you wanna be ♪ the one he chooses ♪ what's up with you, man?i've never seenyou this nervous. we should walk, vash. those same headlightshave been with usfor a few miles. they're gaining.
yeah, they probablywere waiting for usright outside of billings. ♪ can't cure your pain ♪ while you float away in a river ♪ to the desert rains ♪ when you were six feet under ♪ we've got company. emily: can you handle it? yeah,but it'd be nice to knowwhere we're going. not over the phone.
just tell himto keep following. can you justkeep following? vash: probably not. you're not heading to his house are you? just do your best. no, bullshit! billings startsleveling with me,or all bets are off. we're gonna walk. we don't...
you listen up. this is a terrorist groupthat wants a very seriouspiece of technology i have. i will not risknational securityover an unsecured line. just follow usand keep the bastards off me. john, don't scratch my car. tave: want meto take care of them? yeah.what are you waiting for? no, no, no! don't! don't!they might be government! stand down.
♪ i can't believe ♪ i heard myself ♪ i can't believe ♪ tave: left! left! go, man. (tires screeching) vash: are you throwingthis fight, john?are you throwing this fight? up here. up here. i think they went this way.
no, they did not, vash. hey, who's driving here,me or you? you better hopethey went this way. tave!tave, give me the phone! give me the phone back! she's not answering. john, you'd better tell mewhy you sandbagged us. what're you doing? lose them! vash: you took money, john.you sold us out.
vash, he came to my house.what was i supposed to do? why? it wasn't gonna hurt us. no! no! not good enough! you're gonna tell me why! maggie saidshe's leaving me. she's taking my kidsaway from me, vash. what? my wife!
she's walking out on meand she's takingmy children away from me! i had to do something, vash!nobody else is. how? how could you do this?how could you do this, john? look, it's not justthe careington job. the rodgers case.the monterey job. you son of a... vash, enough! come on! let it go! you're a piece of shit, john!
do you hear me?you're a piece of shit! come on! get off me, tave! vash, you know, for you,this--this--this whole thingwe do is a noble, noble,grand cause, vash. but the rest of us,we have to pay bills! (whispers)i have bills to pay. you don't cover my ass. you don't.
you'd leave mehanging out there. come on. i'm telling you, tave.i'm telling you, man. you knowwhen we met each otherin desert storm, we hated each other. veteran sergeantand a green lieutenant,right? so we solved itthe old-fashioned way. we took our discussionout behind this housethat was there before abraham. and it tookeverything that i had,
but i finallymade that assholesee it my way! you know, in the olden days,you strike an officer,it meant death. but instead,that bastard saved my lifethree different times. and now this, man... i don't-- i don't knowwhat to... come on. come on. ♪ so lonely there ♪ walk on empty streets ♪ somehow miss the narrow road
♪ playing in a crowd of people ♪ just hiding on my own ♪ oh, so lonely there ♪ oh, just loneliness ♪ some place over the rise lies a silent sea ♪ but my eyes will hide where no one can hurt me ♪ as i unfold ♪ just feasting on my inner soul ♪ oh, so lonely now
♪ oh, oh ♪ burning away the fuel and fires ♪ the words, the thoughts, the hopes, the plans ♪ the dreams of what may yet ♪ so breathe ♪ mabe baby,get me an analysis on these. sure. locator's a little weak. we need to move fast before we lose the signal. well,the blood will prove it.
tave: prove what? she's not talking to you.just drive. porphyria. the blooddoesn't produce enough heme. it causesall sorts of problems,including mental instability. mental instability? what do you mean,like, insanity? mabe: yeah. yup,it looks like your friend
from the billings buildinghas it. sir, wouldn't we be saferat your house? that's where we'll goafter we pick up the device. it's got a lotof normal elements. but there's some... there's some tracesof chlordane in it as well. chlordane?what's that? uh, it's a pesticide. hold on.
looks likeit's a pesticide. was discontinuedby the u.s. governmentin 1976. could a porphyria patientpossibly use thatas a treatment? no, i--i wouldn't think so.i should thinkit'd make it worse. so, uh, a factory,an old warehouse that manufactured it,that's the site. that's wherehe could be staying. it's possible, yeah. tave,where's the locator taking us?
towards the southeast part of town. bingo.the industrial section. i think this porphyria guyhasn't given up on billings. i don't like this. we'll get the deviceand get out of here. give me a hand. brice, grabthe other side. (indistinct mumbling) no, shawn,i can do this myself.
who are you talking to? my brother. you don't have a brother. yes, i do! (whoops) brice, get this off of me. shut up! don't do it! okay. it's justa cell phone.
it's just a cell phone. okay. put it down! put it down! put it down! brice! come here.come here. you see, shawn? i told youi could have her. yeah, i'm on highway 26moving towardthe industrial section. (cell phone beeping)
move in. i gotta take this. yeah? the battery's already dyingon this locator. the best i can dois this area here. it's maybewithin a block or two. okay,cross-reference that section for any of billings' holdings. you know,i'm not getting this.
billings has another sonwho wants to get evenfor something? what does that have to dowith kilmer and his thugs? maybe nothing. mabe,you got that file on billings? yeah.it's right here. it says herebillings only has one son. all right, i've got it.it's, uh,1400 south haskell. it's an old warehouseand factory. they used to make pesticideswith chlordane.
♪ i've been noticingthe looksyou've been giving me ♪ we'd makesuch a great team. you know what, brice? you're right.i have been looking at you.you don't need the gun. oh, that's good. all right,here's the latest copies of the floor planon file with the city. that's probably20 years old. they're gonna be pissedyou're not workingfor them anymore.
they're gonna take backmore than their money. maggie'spacking the kids up right now. she won't even tell mewhere she's going. you know, man,i'm no marriage counselor, but it seems to methis relationship needs more than justa quick infusion of cash. you're right.you're no marriage counselor. is it too late, bro? i'm not giving you any reasonto take other moneyever again.
tave: we're almost there. yeah, copy. ♪ you'll join the new religion ♪ when you know you're in the high life ♪ we're going out tonight ♪ at half past ten ♪ i'll see you there ♪ and i'll bring you to the new light ♪ and if you feel that you might
♪ you'll know that you'll be all right ♪ inside my sanctuary there's only one child. i don't knowwhat brice's been feeding you,but he has no brother. ♪ you know that you'll be all right ♪ oh, yeah, yeah! ♪ you want to stay herewith mabe and the truck? hell, no. all right, then.
let's do this. you like that? i'm sorry, dad.let me give you a hand. (billings screams) get off! oh! my leg! (mimicking billings)"oh, my leg." comfy? good. you don't knowhow to do this!
what is my i.q.? 182! (imitating bell ringing) one hundred and eighty-two! do you really think you could have succeededwithout me? i'm gonna wait herefor kilmer. you guys securethe perimeter. nothing leavesthat building.
you know whati learned, dad? i learned that porphyria is treatable. yeah. you can't cure it.no, no, no, no. but you canat least treat it! oh, but you knew that,didn't you? please, brice, no. you knew that and you still locked him awayin the basement.
son, you have no brother. look at him! god, dad. all those years, locked awayin a basement. you think that some foodand some freakingboard games is enough? i gave youeverything you needed. you werea difficult child to raise! your son, dad!your son!
you treated him like an animal. (billings screaming) is there anyone else in therewith him? does he haveany other weapons? it all happenedtoo quick, vash. tave, threats unknown.find out what you can. tave on radio: copy that. mabe, you've got company.lock it down.
mabe on radio: truck is going out. tave: vash,i see five on the street.our friends are back. mabe, we've gottwo down at the truck. the other twoare trying to flank. john, mabe might havemore than she can handle. vash: tave, anything inside? stand by. just billings. (gasps)
tave: i don't have a shot.i don't have a shot! bye, bitch. i count four down,plus a second suv. might have two more. you're lucky itdidn't go through. easy. easy. it feels like it did. yeah, mabe took one. she got hit in the vest.
vash: get her back to the truck. just give me a minute.i'll be fine. oh, christ,it stings like a bitch. when was yourfirst job with us?remember? you remember your first job?where was it? oh, god. cardiff, wales. you were there. you know. you--you didn't like mebeing there. you didn't like the ideaof having an irish girlon your team.
yeah. can you blame me?all right, easy, easy. i mean, you irish and all. you never lose your temper. just a little toughto get you riled up. i know. go back to the truck. lock yourself in. i want to stay here. don't come out.
billings: brice! stop, please! i had no help. no choice. where is he? where is who? you got a sonnobody one knows about? no, just brice. he had a disease.i didn't know what to do. he'd have been laughed atif i'd have let him out.
that basement kept him safe. i did it for him,not to him. i even gave himpersonal tutors. he's smart! i did good. "hickory dickory dockthe mouse ran up the clock "the clock struck one "the mouse ran down" that doesn't rhyme.
come on.we're getting out of here. no! we need to take this. screw this device.we're leaving. billings: no! drop your weapon. vash: emily,what are you waiting for?shoot him! (screams in pain) you know, i don't carewhat you're wearing,that has got to hurt. you know, vash,
i never did getto answer your questionabout a boyfriend. let's go seeif this thing works. sounds good. yeah, you're in pain.come on. emily: it worksthree to four feet. that's about right. no, i got this. i got it. yeah, that's fairafter you shot me three times. she shot you twice,he shot you once.
i haven't shot you yet. i wasa political science major,asshole. not a math major. sit down. i've got an fn 5.7 there.that's armor-piercing. you'd be deadif i would'vecapped your ass. you're gonna wish i was. you should havelet your partnertake my money. then we would have been donewith all of this.
is it too lateto change my mind? yeah, i think it is. well, all right, then. never saw your agenda. that's fascinating,because you were the onethat taught me in the personalagenda department, vash. emily, i was wrong. (shushing) vash. did you ever thinkthat the only wayto be truly free
is to die? (brice screams) billings: brice, my son.i'm so sorry. emily. you got him. armor-piercing. tave! we've got a man down!damn it, vash. you broke rule number one. i didn't takebullet for a client.
john! i don't knowwho's the bigger monster. that freak or the one that created him. w-why'd you do that? i'm okay. i'll be okay. john. your family. (gasping)you got to take care ofyour family. robert's got to turn pro.
yeah, let him play,i know. i know. he's just a kid. you're right, i'm wrong. and mr. billings,about that wire transfer. tave! mabe! get in here!we've got a man down! hey, don't you go anywhere.don't you go. don't you go. don't you go. don't you go anywhere. psst!
get down. we got five. don't get so cocky, you hack. hatem on radio: just trying to earn a paycheck. hey,you got paid on the last job,didn't you? copy that. ♪ through the sidewalks ♪ 'cause the cracks are just deep ♪ forgetting all you had to offer
♪ there's nothing i can keep ♪ you can't turn to me for solace ♪ because i live to be a creep ♪ so stop chasing me for answers ♪ you're just running in your sleep! ♪ there's no time to put this all together ♪ there's no time to search for all the answers ♪ you've got me running ♪ from the things that make me feel
♪ i'll keep on hanging ♪ from the thread that makes me real ♪ no matter what follows ♪ i have nothing left to lose ♪ so i'll keep on waiting, ♪ and i'll just leave it up to you ♪ i'll just leave it up to you ♪ (deeper playing) ♪ there's a veil
♪ a shadow covers my view ♪ pull it down ♪ but it moves in you ♪ so i dance ♪ in the foyer of my mind ♪ and i find ♪ a package of my own life ♪ will it go deeper? ♪ i'm standing in the way
♪ please take me deeper ♪ no empty cliches ♪ i want to go deeper ♪ past the shallows tone ♪ teach my feet to walk ♪ comfort and convenience ♪ stand sentry on my soul ♪ i ask for something more ♪ i just want something to hold
♪ i'll take it to the edge ♪ my walk becomes a run ♪ and will there be a bridge? ♪ or will i die? ♪ past the shallow tone ♪ teach my feet to walk ♪