the first thing i want to do withjennifer's parents are here i just want to say to you guys good job in a reallygood day he made jennifer lawrence yes and i am terrible at this we're just so embarrassing but i justwanted to tell you guys i don't know if i'm the right person to do thisinterview because around the time when joy was inventing her mom up i threw outmy ironing board in a fit of misplaced feminism or maybe i just didn't want toiron anymore when my mom found out she started crying and told me it was theonly thing we had inherited from her mother
but i would also like to say that it isthe truth universally acknowledged that you two are two of the most talented andoriginal people in an industry that does not seem embarrassed about the endlessreplication of the mediocre and i also want to tell david that the shot of thethree sisters on the couch looking fierce and the fighters pretty much adoubt family portraits i am just such a huge fan of both of you so david you'vealways had strong interesting women characters joey is your first majorfeature centered on a woman you said well great show wow the ironing board came back firedbecause joy mangano to become a bit of a
gangster to succeed so we're gonna lookat our first clip and see that what you doing joy and watch the numbers and 50,000mops are we not knowing every dollar including your home it could have been alittle better i lit up another shot i dont one tied or anyone else to try itit should be me as well as do the selling showed you them sold it to youwho taught you how to use it who convinced you that it was greatafter you thought it was worth it give us single mother who invented the selfringing miracle mop in the nineties and
rose to be a mogul on qvc david you saidyou're interested endearing women who make their way in the world against allodds you mentioned some of your mom's friends or even your mom and and youmentioned lillian vernon who started the first big catalog for household productslike why would the guy where did you find of interest i don't have muchchoice about my mom she lived in the same house and many ventures her kitchentable in the kitchen choose either trying to get her friend elected mayorof our town which he did it she was involved in the league of women votersgetting out the vote and she also tried to make a book for turkey try to dothings when she couldn't get back in the
workplace i want your struggle with thatand she was very formidable and lillian vernon unlike his mount vernon is nextto my hometown mamaroneck and she was married to a latino which gave me thenotion of having jennifer married edgar ramirez to see this lady speak spanish3227 and have the best divorce ever in cinema where there any particularproducts and there that you did you ever order anything from there or you know ican tell you what i love from joy you know back in the day my mom lillianvernon was like in our house kind of a cool deal and corey cooper bradley'smother was our consultant at kbc she ordered all those things and last nightwere the audrey hepburn boats
to the premier rather himself had themup in his house because he mopped his house as i my job was to clean my floorsand vacuum my old house we had a sponge mop and corey had the actual other mobwhich reaches in the corners better and bradley took it to georgetown with yaand to me is the toiletry kit the joy as she made which is like this thing thatpulls up and take out the compartments kids toys in the tour crayons but thepoint is this to me it was not about a lady just made a thing was aboutsomebody who was hidden from herself and went from the age of 10 to the age of 45and what the magic was when she was 10 and what it meant when she got marriedand what it meant when she got divorced
what is the meaning of joy and emotionat each of the stations of life and what's it mean to become a boss and whatdo you what is success really cuz i watch this one in five years ago from akid walked on our set rather innocently to have to handle an enormous amount ofattention and and responsibility and how to handle it gracefully with dignity andhow to handle the one she loves and that's a big deal has a big heart intoit she and so but it does mean you have to become fierce 49 questions director for lawrence talk during its aferry to complete with fairy godmother a punishing stepmother type and horriblehalf-sister that makes the point about
how the prince is not necessary david you said it's half fiction becauseyou had to come up with assault for journey that was worthy of jennifer andi think that that's grading your kids because he withdrew permission to youthrough life to create a fable but i was curious with the issue in general howmuch can read or change your character's life when you're using the real nameaaron sorkin ran into some trouble with that on steve jobs and the raiders ofspotlight were very vocal about the importance of sticking to their so imean your situation is a different one but i wondered if you had any thoughtson that issue
well i wanted the license to join herdreams i don't know what joy we use the last name i'm gonna look as we know idon't know what your actual nightmares where i want to create a character washaunted by the loss of her childhood dreams that's something a filmmaker hasto create many of the things in the movie are completely true the most important things are completelytrue the fact that there was a gun range next to the metal garage her father andthe fact that her mother was obsessed with soap operas is made up the psycheof a 10 year old girl the fact that you had to she lost thatthe business stripped out of our hands
numerous times as happens businesses asgangsters and people will fight for it until you learn how to fight back andshe did have to go along the california and dallas have showdown that i considerworthy of the best westerns are the best gangster films that i've seen but haven't seen it done with a womanand ideas that i hadn't seen it done with the mother so that's what i lovedabout it that's all true all that snow wow jennifer you're in a movie aboutcleaning up but you've talked about being sloppy were unafraid of dirt asyou put it no i'm not afraid to like get my body dirty
i just wondered if you guys had it forstraightening that a couple relationship i need one was for david and i don'tlive more stuff than me he always has his food bag random vitamin and i'm abad person but every time i get sick i never particularly is that i loveclipper magenta but every time i'm sick i always get 13 don't use a little bit of it i do do youever shop from the television shopping channels now i tried to and i was tryingto enjoy she was selling some product i was like oh my god i need that and theni realized that i recorded all of the episodes and wasn't live
it was this thing that i don't need soso hard i don't need it at all it's a tent where you can put your clothes anddriving without a dryer i'm an owner of a washer and dryer but she just such agood seller that like you want it so badly so that i'll be able to get thatto somebody i know someone's dorm red stain glass that i ordered one nightafter a glass of wine and i cant figure out anyone to give it to i have ahangover most of a segment on bravo today tellingher hangers ones i won't say it now and you'll get those hangers and don't youever invite me more stuff for you guys know if you think of things you needwhen you have her give a lot of ideas
yeah we gotta keep an invention that youcame up with you put it in the hands of an inventor for free publicly so we can get the right back them up to you to be honest i haven't myhouse since the first hunger games came out thursday jennifer's transistors thatshe she said her blessing was that she had a and so i never she would give usall sorts of chores and you need to do this and you gotta do you listen to melike oh my god but she couldn't live with it not being done and nothing evergets done well enough or fast enough so i knew if i just kept watching tv forfive more minutes she was gonna do it i
got a lot of workers in the morning butby the afternoon you were doing it you don't you think everyone else is nothingif you want to come up sometime think she does when ya and david i don't knowif you really the new one because the hollywood reporter described what was inyour canvas tote bag a dvd of orson welles the magnificent amberson sincestanley kramer's guess who's coming to dinner a paperback called the art of living theclassical manual on virtue happiness and effectiveness from the writings ofepisode of the great great great for us effect is a half-finished bottle of rawunpasteurized gluten free kosher
creation juice kosher creation jews and many bags oforganic food and vitamins that jennifer sometimes so epictetus so david and iwere scrambling backstage to get you guys epictetus quote and here is the 1keep it which is applicable to their work together no great thing is createdsuddenly difficulties are things that show a person what they are so soepictetus i love a pic with us and let's try to plan to maybe somebody who cantell us your new york times audience of the shade ok so i think that this is the correctpronunciation you know if you take any
other films i've made they were not itwasn't like i was sitting around saying gee i have to make a movie about a boxeryou have to make a movie about you know someone who is secretly as a restrainingas a restraining order from his wife and needs to end his and his estranged danceto deal with this deal to death with this girl i have to make a movie aboutabscam i wanted to make a movie about the people see so first of all we have acinema this been based in very specific characters in humans were very specificlike the ones that is partly through and it's been able to reach a wide audiencewithout any a lot of violence and without a lot of special effects andthat's a very add now landing strip and
its due to the heart and soul of theperformers in the stories and i need to find love inspirational stories but it'sfound from the fertile soil of the terrible flaws and heartbreaks and idon't i don't think beauty exist without ugliness i don't think the sublime existwithout the ordinary and that's at the heart of our stories so for me is theresomething very ordinary about this woman that's right found extremely beautifulabout it because if you dig into it and go onto the surface to create a businessis a brutal relentless challenge and to love your family through thick and thin those who have helped you get there andthose who have betrayed you is to me
worthy of the godfather so that's youknow that there are very specific characters and so to me the effect isquoted as red as what this picture and actually the last four really about shuteverybody up no i mean this is why this is why you'reso rare and valuable because most successful male directors in hollywoodwould rather do movies about lightsabers and dinosaurs mops and there's longclaws to get cancer from my show jennifer such as my gangster dinosaur adinosaur yeah so you're trying to salt of the earth stories about how thissublime is the chief from the ugly and you're interested is new york magazineput it in a horrible cancerous family
units that somehow stay together yousaid you like to tell the stories of people souls and how those souls arecomprised of all the people we love not true yeah i think you are rooted inwhere you came from and who you love and that's that's me the basis of all thefilm making is that you have to that's who you begin with that's where you'regrounded this with humanity and life is and this woman and i have to relate toit personally and this woman begins in a home that i can relate to her fatherloves her as best he can and it's robert deniro the great robert deniro playing avery complicated character who without him and his girlfriend that he met on anine hundred-number dating service which
is true i hope we wouldn't be sittinghere that ok so he met that girl friend and she finance the whole thing she wasthe banker that lady had to go through she wanted to quit her job by thecustomer service desk at eastern airlines and this all pertains to me tothe ordinary and a movie like it's a wonderful life which has an or movie inthe middle of it people think it's just a candy moviethere's a new war movie in the middle of that movie where jimmy stewart loses hisshit in front of his family and and it's and it's all based on the truth of howhis own family is let him down and out his own life has conspired against himthat's what everybody goes through so
many people go through that and i findit inspiring when i find somebody who fight their way out of that and is theonly one who would have done it so i believe her characters made up ofthat father her quiet little mother with the soap operas which allowed us to castsusan lucci should be watching general hospital see you must come over watchthis episode of general hospital we cast those two people and that's part of thatlittle girls soul some people lose the magic in the music of their childhoodnever hear it again to get caught up in adult concerns work families and theynever hear that music again to me that beauty is when someone can recall it andbring it back and even if they have to
become a grown-up see grown up demandsthat you become very fierce and i feel the jennifer has always had in her a tenyear old and a 50 year old and as part of the mystery of her and that's why ilove like giant george stevens film you saw james dean elizabeth taylor androckets and i think if the performances of their lives they're all 24 years oldthey played from 20 to 60 so i believe jennifer is made of the same materialthose guys are so for us it was it was a privilege to do the story yeah you had agreat quote where you said the magic of jennifer is that her soul merges withthe soul of the character and becomes the third thing that creates an effectthat is deeply charming and enchanting
i'm alive and unexpected thats you don'tknow what's going to happen when she acts but it's good to be alive when i goto a movie i wanted to enchant me and transport me and make me wanna watch itagain and any twenty minute segment that's right buyer to do and you canonly get that when there's a chemical reaction between the film and then theactors that is unable i love the fact that use the word inchamp team and you talk about the magic of movies because sometimes i think thehollywood might have lost that's forever or do you think we're just gonna followperiod and they're gonna recapture it i do believe there's always in chapmanfloating around in many movies out there
i dunno there's also an awful lot ofdark worries which you know i have their place as well i believe in chairman likein fairy tales like in the brothers grimm comes out comes out of the darkness and this filmi would never describe her family's cancers i would describe them as humanflawed and i would say without them she would never become she was it was notlike they were unnecessary just like i don't think jennifer be sitting heretoday you know if your parents haven't beenthe people they were robert deniro's parents had not been artists who brokeup and he was raised as a single like a
little boy in the village who would seehis father i buy a bicycle rarely and say hello to him he would never grow upto be to be raging bull to be tapped this innumerable unattainable qualityand the brokenness that makes us the beauty of life it's it's it's it'sapparent paradox of humanity i think so i think and hope i answered yourquestion i find snow in shipping we have snow through the movie because i lovesnow and i and i and i and i and i think i would want to do a movie in the snowit's narrated by the great diane ladd who has an amazing voice in this womanalso had in her life a great patriarch who is a grandmothermore than her mother it was her
grandmother that's the truth of joy andthat that's rude and led was to us on the set and that's who died a little ladwas to this character you have one person who believes in you even ifthey're quiet can have a great impact this is the first time jennifer is donei think a performance that is quietly powerful in our last two pictures we'vedone things that were very broken loud and fantastic spectacular sure what dothose again this to me is spectacular a different way she's carrying her herpower quietly inside she had to be the one at the center of the film with allthe people around her taking pieces out her and living in their world in theirspaces speaking to the men across their
desks and to me it's very moving that bythe end they're talking are across her desk in her space in the second half themovie has a completely different energy because of that takes all that space these are all the reasons that i thoughtthe movie was worth making you said today on the nexus presence in the room yes we sat with joy i think you shouldtell the story please come talking way too much into the pretty actress and sheand her family were wonderful father almost as soon as he sat down when iinvented the mom i said when i started inventing and david and i kind of didthis and they looked at each other and
we both looked over at joy and she wasnot it flattened out her hands on her knees and just looked and thought it wasmost powerful thing i've ever seen because it was so patient so deeplypatient and just let him talk and didn't argue and didn't and we were reallyaffected by that that really affected a huge part of how we went about joy wasseeing her personality as i've said his characters almost contradictory whenhe's pitching it to me when the new ideas are coming through in your writingyou know she is a mother joy was a mother of three i play my other twoworks at eastern airlines she's given up everything for families do you think butthat character would be would be very
meet the person be very quiet person getmaybe bigger get pushed over easily maybe they aren't and then you see aperson who started a multi-million dollar company this matriarch you thinkthat's a bad ass and meeting joy and seeing her personality and she carriesherself initiate this quiet power filled in the blanks for me as an actor that'sone reason why men are just wanted to me i wasn't planning on imitating anyoneand i don't feel like i did but but i just wanted to meet her becauseobviously when i started hearing their conversations that they would have beenreading were transcribed conversations youth she's such an amazing woman hassuch an incredible life is one of the
meter and i had no idea that i wouldleave going out of exactly how i want to be carry myself in the movie well you know i went to see it with mysister who came up from washington tonight cuz she too was a huge fan ofyours and i leaned over to at least five times during the movie and i said iwould not be speaking to that so she is able and i i think it's inspirationalhow to do with my own family because you've just gotta stick with it and getthrough it and take the good out of it i think i think that's the highest powerthat you can really have is a forgiving power and that that's the truthknowledge and power because you don't
need to fight or argue or even sayanything and that was a kind of power we haven't done in our previous pictures soit was it was it was cool to me and that was exciting to me david at lunch today to you said that inaddition to strong women characters it's important to try for more diversities inthe movies and more latinos and blacks because you have a child of color yes ihave to make movies that are going to look like my son my younger son and iyou know i found when i had a son who had some issues and learning disorders iwould go to schools and say how dare they are not be more kids they're eitheraccommodate more kids here with these
issues i would never have thought thatbefore if you have as a son of colors they will do they not have work kids areteachers of color here when you make a picture about a woman at the center ofit you feel the same thing how dare they not have more movies where the woman isthe gangster and and the manner powerful and confident enough to stand behind herwithout a hitch to their egos but with with dignity so that's exciting to mealso and i think that's going to explode in cinema now i think that's what thewhole culture is poised for that really that's what i think because i think ifyou look at it a read to you know you look at so many filmmakers
i mean look at straight outta compton imean i just think that this country is going to be more and more of color andthat's it that's the future and i think that when i went back to my college iwas given an honorary degree by my college i when i went back it was sotruly more diverse and coeducational the women work truly equals of the guys there that i wasblown away by that so i do see this happening but how he would always seemso surprised they think that surprised that street out of comm 101 the weekendor whatever why can't you just accept that people have a wider appetite thenthey give them credit for
i think hollywood would be happy to makemoney any which way you told them yeah i think so he said just do it like thisago absolutely i don't think they're fighting it i think they're trying tofigure it out jennifer you worked with a lot ofamazing actors philip seymour does of sorry i waited something to re immabring condoms so slowing up i'm sorry but he's right what he's saying aboutstudios doesn't have to do with a there's these movies come out and startmaking more money all that happens to the studios as they learn how we canmake money that way there is a huge idea for the longest time and this is thereason why there are so many male heroes
in movies is because studios mentalityand is this what they were told to executives coming in is that girls canrelate to a male hero but boys can't relate to a female iran a movie so therewas never a female you it was always a male lead and that i mean that has beenup until the very very very recent until the movie started coming out withfemales and deserve making money and then they werelike girls can do this to right now we get periods when someone just in moviesare coming but you didn't so because i went into i thought i thought emma frostis that her name she's like a marvel hero and a frosted irate right very veryvery cautious stars like the cash came
out of school for girls i read about herabout ten years ago i thought she's really cool shades academy for girlsbecome these superheroes i thought was really cool and i was speaking toquentin tarantino last night he told me after i made grindhouse after grindhousehe was happy for my story that i had lived a journey right sort of lost myway which can happen to anybody in any avenue of life and i wanna statementabout that then you have to be lucky if you can find your way again we canhappen to a columnist you can have you have your beacon that's only gotta finda new beacon and had a few years was like where's my began as a filmmaker andi found in these stories of these people
would find inspiring and bad ass at thesame time so i did but you also have that quentin three found yourself hesaid i do you mean i said after grindhouse right i said he said what doyou mean i said well i saw after grindhouse which was this weird sort ofbeautiful art venture owed to those pop movies i saw you pick up a used the gunas a metaphor and somatoform movie its powerful as a metaphor now actually toshoot people but i kind of felt like you picked up the gun put the clip in andsaid okay i'm gonna do history of new the nazis i'm gonna do revenge historyporn and a module with a movie star named brad pitt and i said you werefucking around anymore and he said
exactly and then i said then you'regonna do the slaves and he did that those are films to be reckoned with you know and there was a point where iwas going with all this and i have lost my way or what was the point before thiswas the thing about studios he said to me when he when he was in his period ofafter griner's that they came to him and said we'll do a franchise and thathappens to me if you have a moment to see the car now you do this so i wentinto a studio and pitched emma frost is that her name that i can i say i don'tyour friends name dropper so named for her
yeah who's your friend who did that playcabaret who is that your name dropper so so so anyone to the point is i went inthey talk though i wanted so let's make money with this they talked me out of itthis is true ten years ago they said halle berry had made that womansuperhero movie which had not done well they said they said it ain't gonnasucceed they said you can knock yourself out to make a woman superhero movie itwon't succeed but go ahead will hire you to do it can't compare that the cat willgo down but not because you storia alright so it's all leading toyou which is just projecting the bracelet camp where you can keep goingok its side comments
ok i would say they talked me out of iti think the out of it to one another like 10 minutes about could do it but itseems like it'd be a thankless task i said i didn't do it ten years later twelve years later shebecomes a major franchise action star in the hunger games so that they were wrongyou know it just had to be the right story with the right person at the righttime so they were wrong in that way but they do still seem to think it's anaberration but you're right that changed with frozen and lifted and hunger gamesya little boys went to go see you know my ten-year-old the other night matterantimatter quite know he was there for a
moment he was in his basketball clothesand then he goes i said i said justice is the star of her as he goes yourjennifer lawrence and she goes a little kids he went itwas so awesome this like 10 year old boy was just like you just saw himcompletely melting into some inner volcanic happiness kids these days theygo straight and then he was immediately can i get a pic which is my god i meanfind your great like it's fine it was just the difference you know to me thatthere was a picture lol yeah just like that the pictures and fun like youshould see the light that dies i'm people's eyes when i'm like reported outof makeup on like i'm not in the picture
i don't want a picture of me right nowand so i might know i'll find something and then the light just like now i justwant a picture and i would have been like britney spears or something and shewas like i'll sign something for you i would have been like he you at all i would've been like no does it onlyexists on instagram i don't know anyway i'm so i'm going off to know that's alot of amazing actors philip seymour hoffman donald sutherland robertdeniro's so yeah yeah i was talking about what what what you like to steal amovie from robert deniro is that like a french or something that wasn't now thati didn't know i think you said i won't
be quoted to mister dinero as havingsaid that they are charlie rose i said to i said to robert today i said whatare your feelings about gennifer barbara and he said well when she came into thesilver linings playbook and she came into that scene and she comin ran thatscene he said it was magical he's asked if that is so i think he understandswe're talking about what can you learn anything from them you said acting withdeniro was like driving an aston martin or is your acting style so naturalisticthat it's more life lessons you could learn you said deniro urged you to standup for yourself let the producers in the way the days or something
yeah i mean what i learned i mean i tryto learn everything i mean i'm working with a living legend but i also feelaxing specifically as a unique thing that you can watch somebody do somethingthat might not be you know like the end of the lewis's method and he's anunbelievable actor and gives performance as i couldn't dream of giving but itwon't help me to stay in character all day you know i wouldn't do anything so idon't know everything so unique as above so quiet even if he was doing that wewouldn't know speaking person i've ever met and makes me look like an old person but
yeah i mean i try to learn as much asthey can but it's mostly life stuff is acting so individual also he's notpulling me aside going you know when i'm louisiana do this so what was thequestion is extremely is a great brought robert is no nonsense and unpretentiousand he you know he just won't go right to the heart of the matter if it's aboutand what the actors going to have these various meticulous it's all in thedetails of who the people are and he will ask you specifically if he thinksif you think his person would do this or this and that's what makes him an artistdavid i i wondered if you could tell the audience about when you guys first metyou you were awards luncheon i think and
you saw her and you said you didn't iguess you matter but i don't think you you could foretell the amazing chemistrythat what you were saying something like you know she had on a white dress andheels look like a malibu not however like him out the nazi orange county i have hunchesyeah he said he made me feel like a mom and then you said no taboo and then idon't care how you put it and that's how we met so so more importantly i want toknow what it was like when i may have been told that i actually wasn't twentyyears old billy she couldn't really walk in heels and and and i didnt and someonesaid thats jennifer lawrence i said
that's been a florida girl to rate thesquirrel in the words in winter's bone and that's the girl away the squirrel inthe woods and under the squirrel and then i remember seeing leaving her in myrearview mirror as i pulled away she was waiting at the valet with darrenaronofsky and and then i didn't see you again until she came on at the 11th hourto audition on skype and it put on the eye makeup in gary's office and gary andyour house in louisville and found it in the middle of the audition there was agiant spider in the bathroom and she i watch her go through this whole ordealof killing the spider and the fact that she came back and did the senior made mecry and it was also unpretentious and
natural and instinctive that i thoughtit was special and i harvey said she's too young to play this role and ibrought the computer to harvey's office is a just send it to me as i want toshow it to you in person they opened it up and that's thirty seconds of lookingat this audition from gary's office of louisville harvey weinstein said all mygod i like skyping you really knew you iremember going into your office and i just got enough of hunger games anexcellent and all these movies are there like lose weight and then you're likereally these actresses and i started talking onthe phone i got it going to lose weight
you know going to look real man i wouldeat a woman and i was like i can do that i was seen her diabetes and was one ofmy favorite movie and the entire world it still makes me laugh randomly like itwhen i'm thinking about it i think it's so funny and i went through the entiremovie against your will you didn't hear about it you don't want to talk about itand i started at the beginning of the movie was going to tell you aboutfreezing your genes to keep them clean and that's just freeze measures everytime you clean your jeans your room you know i know but i do and then every timeyou watch them get destroyed so i heard that if you put them in the freezer youknow i'm to washington and you are
disgusting i don't think ginger discusstheir thing for them is disgusting we said that to me and i said you're eatingsalt and vinegar chips i read somewhere that you only have hotlike identical 5g crew black suits but you weren't great so i got sometimes thethe my better half puts mean something different and myfirst reaction to it is no i can't do that when i went on set and somebodylike jennifer says hey that's good i okay and then as part of the thing jennifer i didn't know you were sayinganother movie before you saying our movie you don't speak spanish another wedid you know ok so what did you think
before i was just thinking that perhapsremember a black folding out nursery nursery rhyme things it was a law hey i like to read in what was it liketo sing with it during our picture you remember when i was like you know here'swhat happened she didn't want to sing because she she didn't like it too wasafraid about it but when we started the snow coming down on the stage is it wasas a player and then you felt it immediately so you gave yourself but ididn't have to think i could lip sync then you later and later had to sing itsounds made you pick the best jennifer you're on the cover of absolutelystunning picture and things the part of
the interview that made the biggest newswas when you said that you'd been spending a lot of time alone since youbroke up with chris martin and you said quote dating is true point no one everasks me out i am lonely every saturday night and also the problem of presidentwhen you're talking like hanging out with somebody and talking you don't hearit's very different when it's written i'm not a lonely person i never feellonely no no but i'm not i'm not only person i was talking i'm like everybodythinks you know like home alone every saturday you say it like that amazonprincess i'm alone every saturday i'm good i know but i was with you lastsaturday yeah what's your point i praise
you for saying that cuz it's real andit's and it's authentic and you're being true to yourself it's not a sad thingsgo to be alone sometimes it is i don't feel and that's all i wanted to get acrosswhich didn't come across as i was saying i don't feel a lack of something notbeing in a relationship i don't feel like there is a whole group will emotional and also strange but that'swhat i was also one of the chances we took in this bill as it was one of thechances that we took in the film was that there is not a romance at thecenter of it there's a romance that as
with many people you go with you didwith your last relationship you enter the romance and see for it it's joyfulit has a life of its own and then it ends and it ended and my question iswhat happens to the joy after they're gone on saturday night's 207 you don'twanna bring your friends down but now i'm okay yeah because in the movie great backup from her ex and never doingan interview during a break up ever again yeah menu you noted that in life it'soften the reverse dynamic where minner focused on how to get the upper handwith women and invoke you know you said
sometimes guys are so mean to me i knowwhere it's coming from i know they're trying to establish dominance but ithurts my feelings i'm just a girl who wants you to be nice to me and you knowit's probably a little bit lunch polarity switch that happens with menand women that you know there's the global confusion where two women long itwas our place how to weave and i was explaining to david you know i'm 25successful but i'm a girl so i still want i'm still always going to beattracted to somebody who impresses me or does something you know because i'm agirl becomes i know i'm going with us i just have a contradiction you want thatyou yourself or powerful you wanna be
with somebody was also powerful you canlook up to yeah that's a bit to find someone whocan do that but also respect your power and not be threatened by yes it's thattakes a very special and so that is why i am one of the things i love marinabeing the pictures i thought it was powerful have a little girl hercharacter played by isabella pretty much for the rogers holder little papercreations holed up in the air that this is a special power when your child youknow if you have a special power cuz you can make something that will be aspecial power in your grown-up if you hold onto it to remember and her sistersays you're beginning to prince you too
handsome prince is no i don't need aprince this is a special power and to me that'sreally the truth the joy the real person has lived and that you know i thinkthats it thats ok truth to living that's a good truth to it jennifer you said you have signed up todirect a picture which is fantastic because women directors or it one personof the top 10 grossing films and dropping and it's about called statically removes project a truestory that was in the new yorker about the military experiment you knowsoldiers during the cold war and and you
said you've known from young age thatyou would like to but wanted to be slightly funny little bit yeah youwanted to believe it or not but how did you know what you know i interviewedovercrowding and she said that she directed once and never one to do itagain because she thinks you need to roll out for personality to do it andwhat make problem there lots of other plant problems you thinkyou would i'm not ready i would love to direct and indirect monday not readyright now i have learned enough i always go to the editing room and learning inour attention span illuminate me to learn right now i'm not ready but i dowant a direct cause you said she's such
a creature of now and in the moment itwould be interesting to see her as the in charge of the whole campus will beyeah i know we're gonna get two questions in a minute but i i did whenit as you jennifer cuz you're kind of canary in the coal mine or privacyyou've been there casualty of two horrible internet incidents and you knowthe first your photos were hacked and the second you know you learned in sonyabout your pay inequity in american hostile and you rode a really excellentessay in lindy which has landed on jimmy connors online newsletter about howwomen sabotage themselves on money issues and you know continue to shapetheir personalities around the desire to
please men while in salary negotiationsmen get commended for being fierce and tactical when they negotiate powerfuldeals and i know there's been a tiny bit of backlash but it just seems ridiculousbecause it's kind of like everyone's going well actresses make a lot of moneyso they should just stop talking about this and let the inequity ride which isall relative yeah and you know i i just start youressay made a lot of great points you said i'm over trying to find theadorable way to stay in my opinion and still be like and i just wondered thereaction you got and and well it's something i'm still working on it wasthat it was i wish that i could have
written it and then fixed the problems iwas writing about a very real issue that i have which is trying to take personalout of business and i i and i'm still working on it i really can't you knowit's it's almost embarrassing to write something like that and still findyourself struggling with it as i know you know but it's it's kind of apersonal thing you know with movies especially you know when you getinvolved with directors and you get involved with an emotional process andthen business gets involved and you have to start taking from this person andyou've been collaborating with them it's it's intimidating and and struggled withthat for a while
of you know maybe you'll get mad at memaybe they won't like me maybe they would you know it seems to leave it isvery real and so but i think that's true of women in all print that's right imean i just because there was universally there's generally a 21percent because he is the urls and female yeah and saddest part of sherylsandberg spoke was when she she was talking about how women that men ask forraises eight times more than women young women to smile when they ask for a raisebecause maybe that will make the bus like them better but you know it justmade me so yeah it was good yeah i started learning as i can't be the onlyone struggling with this problem if it's
not exactly when i can be in the sameexact situation but if mentally you're struggling with the same thing but i'mstruggling with which is it's awkward asking for more money at soccer goingthat's not enough for me you know especially when you're alreadygetting a lot but it's not it's a lot but i'm worth moreand didn't you say you were tired and it's a fused with the spirit of katnissno i didn't say that again when you're like talking to ask you a question doyou think the bling tightness you know inspired you to write in in the news i'msure she wrote the op-ed because she played katniss now why wouldn't iwouldn't say that i mean everybody's
presents president is affected by theirpast so can i say how these characters have affected are not affected mypersonality as of now i cant so i cant there was an inspired alright i amgetting to the questions i just quickly wanna ask jennifer jennifer unless itwas another media screw up but you said that donald was not yet selected it willbe the end of the world so where do you like the hunger games i don't know i just can't believe it actuallyhappening ya up to 41% i know and and david has a background inpolitics and political activism and newspapers and community organizing so ididn't want to let him go without just
asking him when he makes of this crazy2016 raise i i'm always looking for some of the heroes of my of my that i look upto commit to me there's three roosevelt's who are my heroes theodorefranklin another i just they were fearless and they were not afraid tostand up to two companies are rich people even though they were rich peopleand i and i want that and i want that's what i'm looking for so i hope thatshows up on the good a good day for americans you know i'm reminded of theday of the story when george stevens with the head of the directors guild andcecil b demille had tried to kick out the directors who had foreign names likebilly wilder and william wyler
immigrants under the time of the redscare and it was when he did not prevail george stevens and john huston felt itwas such a good day for americans they were exhilarated because the fearmongers had not one that day and they've came very close to winning and it wasexhilarating and that's the kind of thing that i get excited about as a asan american and david also did the brilliant movie about the persian gulfwar three kings and to me that's the original thing that we are not dealingwith where any move we make in the middle east it's wrong to you i mean doyou look at that movie now and see what's happening in this race and youknow where ted cruz wants to bomb so
much and i'll make this an glow and youknow trumps ready to send ground forces you know once you flip the shia andsunni without much thought about it was when i was very quickly i will say thatwhen i made the film three kings it was intriguing to me that we had a war andknowing it really looked at it real close and i was there i i supported thefact that i'm iraqi friends who i met on that war wanted us to create a democracyin iraq so when when the second george bush came to want to do that i supportedthat i then saw that the first george bush was right the first george bushsaid don't do it it's a quagmire you'll never get out it's never ending its athousand year cycle the first george
bush was right however i'd go back evenfarther and say that i think if the first george had never gone into saudiarabian occupied that country with half a million troops we might not haveincurred the ire of such specific people and by by being so presumptive to takeover the territory i don't i think without that happening perhaps otherthings don't happen that so this whole thing has happened as a result of goingthere to protect kuwait which to me just i don't think you can you ask the quotewas it really worth it you know and all these things have unfolded there is sotragic night i just it all started from that you know and i remember when youfirst said it i was at sundance is a
ticket taker is very excited to be myhero gus van sant and i said are they really gonna do it i hope they don't doit and i saw the bombs going off in january of ninety one i said oh wowwe're really going to war i don't i don't think it just really ends upworking out too good i just think it just begets more weaponry more war and iagree and finally under your youtube enabled movies and i wondered doesjennifer remind you of any old movie star caroline yes ok i was gonna saybecause orson welles love care alone bored and he's the reason he loved herwas because she could not only be beautiful and glamorous and fun but youcould also talk like a waitress in a
house show that she wanted to and you know jennifer i sometimes ithink i think one late night tv and you can talk about things like the flu and ijust depressed i just left cuz i think if an image impress person in thethirties so that he would have his house i i love the partnership between greatdirectors such as george cukor and katherine hepburn of william wyler andbetty davis and it's been my privilege to agree to florence and preston sturges mighty mighty barbara stanwyck so thoseare formidable women who were very very womanly and i can also knock you out andin numerous ways and that's that's who
this person is yeah i agree come for different way